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Sodium chloride and sodium sulfate are commonly present in extraction tailings waters produced as a result of surface mining and affect plants on reclaimed areas. Red-osier dogwood (Cornus stolonifera Michx) seedlings were demonstrated to be relatively resistant to these high salinity oil sands tailings waters. The objectives of this study were to compare the effects of Na2SO4 and NaCl, on growth, tissue ion content, water relations and gas exchange in red-osier dogwood (Cornus stolonifera Michx) seedlings. In the present study, red-osier dogwood seedlings were grown in aerated half-strength modified Hoagland's mineral solution containing 0, 25, 50 or 100 mM of NaCl or Na2SO4. After four weeks of treatment, plant dry weights decreased and the amount of Na+ in plant tissues increased with increasing salt concentration. Na+ tissue content was higher in plants treated with NaCl than Na2SO4 and it was greater in roots than shoots. However, Cl concentration in the NaCl treated plants was higher in shoots than in roots. The decrease in stomatal conductance and photosynthetic rates observed in presence of salts is likely to contribute to the growth reduction. Our results suggest that red-osier dogwood is able to control the transport of Na+ from roots to shoots when external concentrations are 50 mM or less.  相似文献   

Pervez  H.  Ashraf  M.  Makhdum  M.I. 《Photosynthetica》2004,42(2):251-255
The effects of potassium nutrition [0, 6.25, 12.50, 25.00 g(K) m–2 of K2SO4 or KCl] on gas exchange characteristics and water relations in four cultivars (CIM-448, CIM-1100, Karishma, S-12) of cotton were assessed under an arid environment. Net photosynthetic rate (P N) and transpiration rate (E) increased with increased K supply. The leaf pressure potential (p) increased significantly by the addition of 25.00 g(K) m–2 compared to zero K level. The water use efficiency (P N/E) was improved by 24.6 % under the highest K dose compared to zero K. There were positive correlations (0.99**, 0.98**, 0.95**, 0.97**) between K-doses and P N, E, p, and P N/E, respectively.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal consortia on growth, photosynthetic pigments, solutes concentration (e.g., sugars and proline), and antioxidant responses at different levels of Na2SO4 stress (0–0.5%, w:w) in potted culture of Jatropha. Results showed that increasing salt levels caused a significant reduction in survival (%), growth parameters, leaf relative water content (LRWC) (%), and chlorophyll content with an increase in electrolyte leakage (%) and lipid peroxidation of membranes of Jatropha. AM inoculation improved biomass yields as well as other physiological parameters (LRWC (%), chlorophyll, proline, and soluble sugar) of salt-stressed Jatropha over noninoculated plants. Tolerance index of Jatropha was higher with AM fungi than without at all salt levels; however, a decline in its value was recorded with increased salinity levels. AM inoculation also enhanced the activities of antioxidant enzymes (e.g., superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, ascorbate peroxidase, and glutathione reductase) and decreased oxidative damage to lipids. In conclusion, results indicate that AM inoculation was capable of alleviating the damage caused by salinity stress on Jatropha plants by reducing lipid peroxidation of membrane and membrane permeability and increasing the accumulation of solutes and antioxidant enzyme activity.  相似文献   

Hypocotyl-derived callus cultures of Brassica campestris L. ssp. pekinensis cv. Kim-jung (Chinese cabbage) were grown on Murashige and Skoog medium containing no additional salt, NaCl or Na2SO4. Na2SO4 was more than twice as inhibitory in comparison to the same concentration of NaCl when growth and fresh:dry weight ratios of established callus were measured. Levels of protein, starch, sucrose and α-amino nitrogen were not significantly altered in salt-grown callus. Concentrations of reducing sugars and chlorophyll were 2–3 times greater in callus grown on either salt. Proline concentration increased 15–20 fold on the highest levels of salt. Final concentrations (reached in 20–24 days) were closely correlated to the initial Na+ concentration of the medium, regardless of salt type. The osmotic potential in callus transferred to NaCl or Na2SO4 reached a maximum negative value after 16 days. For both salts, subsequent increases were correlated to increases in fresh:dry weight and growth. On both salts, turgor remained relatively constant (0. 6–0.75 MPa). Changes in Na+, K+, Mg2+ and Ca2+ content were correlated to initial Na+ concentration in the medium, not salt type. Accumulation of Na+ was accompanied by loss of K+ and Mg2+. Six to seven times less sulfate was measured in callus grown on Na2SO4 than chloride in callus grown on similar concentrations of NaCl.  相似文献   

14CO2 assimilation rate (P), leaf diffusive conductance (gs), photosynthetic electron flow, and activities of enzymes of Calvin cycle were studied in a horsegram [Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.)] in response to salinity induced by NaCl or Na2SO4. A significant reduction in P and gs by both salt treatments was registered. Na2SO4 caused a greater reduction in gs than the NaCl salinity. Studies with isolated chloroplasts confirmed a greater sensitivity to NaCl than to Na2SO4. Salinity inhibited the photosynthetic electron transport. The activity of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (E.C. was under salinity inhibited more than the activities of other three enzymes of the Calvin cycle, ribulose-5-phosphate kinase (E.C., ribose-5-phosphate isomerase (E.C.5.3.16), and NADP-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (E.C.1.2.13). These inhibitions lead to a reduced capacity for ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate regeneration. Isolated chloroplasts extracted from salt stressed plants and supplemented with the substrates of Calvin cycle could elevate P, but the P was always lower than in the controls. Decreased P in horsegram exposed to high salinity can be attributed to both stomatal and non-stomatal components, however, the sensitivity to the salt source, NaCl or Na2SO4, was different.  相似文献   

With this investigation, we aimed to study more deeply the antioxidative response to moderate doses of NaCl or Na2SO4 in two cultivars of basil differentially sensitive to salinity. Tolerance to salinity was previously evaluated by the extent of growth inhibition whereas the antioxidant response was assessed studying the changes in the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase as well as in the amounts of tocopherols and lipoic acid. To make possible the comparison of the responses of basil cv. Genovese and cv. Fine to different salts, the experiment was carried out with equimolar concentrations of Na+. The results showed that changes caused by salinity were dependent on cultivar and exposure time. In particular, cv. Genovese was more sensitive to Na2SO4 excess than cv. Fine whereas both of them had higher SOD activity under NaCl salinity. Generally, Fine basil withstood salinity better than Genovese, being endowed with higher constitutive levels of reduced lipoic acid [dihydrolipoic acid (DHLA)] as well as of α‐ and γ‐tocopherols. Moreover, cv. Fine showed the ability to utilise DHLA and to synthesise tocopherols during stressful conditions. Thus, more than one mechanism was involved in basil in the detoxification of reactive oxygen species during salt stress. In fact, when lipoic acid did not participate in the regeneration of reduced ascorbate and glutathione form, high amounts of tocopherols were present, likely protecting cell membranes from oxidative damage and making basil tolerant to moderate salinity.  相似文献   

Kao  Wen-Yuan  Tsai  Hung-Chieh 《Photosynthetica》1999,37(3):405-412
Kandelia candel (L.) Druce is the dominant mangrove species on the west coast of northern Taiwan. We have measured the net photosynthetic rate (P N) and chlorophyll (Chl) a fluorescence of seedlings grown at combinations of two nitrogen (0.01 and 0.1 mM) and two NaCl (250 and 430 mM NaCl) controls. With the same nitrogen level, seedlings grown at higher salinity (HS) had a significantly lower P N and stomatal conductance (g s) than those at lower salinity (LS). An increase in nitrogen availability significantly elevated P N and g s of the LS-grown seedlings. Compared to dark adapted leaves, the maximum quantum yield of photosystem 2 (PS2) (Fv/Fm) of leaves exposed to PFDs of 1200 and 1600 μmol m-2 s-1 for 2 h was significantly reduced. The degree of Fv/Fm reduction differed among leaves of the four types of treated plants. Chl fluorescence quenching analysis revealed differences among the examined plants in coefficients of non-photochemical and photochemical quenching. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Velikova  V.  Tsonev  T.  Edreva  A.  Gürel  A.  Hakerlerler  H. 《Photosynthetica》2002,40(3):449-452
Strong inhibition of rates of CO2 assimilation and transpiration, stomatal conductance, and water use efficiency as well as photosystem 2 (PS2) photochemical activity were related to the severity of reddening. The inhibition of photosynthesis in red cotton leaves was due to both decreased photochemical activity and stomatal limitation. Lowered photosynthetic capacity could be one of the main factors of reduced yield in reddening cotton.  相似文献   

Zhang  Z.J.  Shi  L.  Zhang  J.Z.  Zhang  C.Y. 《Photosynthetica》2004,42(1):87-92
Photosynthesis and growth characteristics of Parthenocissus quinquefolia were measured under differing soil water availability within a pot. Decreased soil moisture significantly reduced the leaf relative water content (RWC) and the above- and below-ground biomass. However, more biomass was allocated to the root than to the leaf. Net photosynthetic rate (P N), stomatal conductance (g s), and transpiration rate (E) were also significantly decreased but water use efficiency (WUE) was increased. Midday depressions in P N and g s were not evident for the well-irrigated plants. With the lower water availability, midday reductions in P N and g s were much more marked and the duration of the depression was longer. Additionally, the P N-irradiance response curves also indicated that water supply affected photosynthesis capacity. The growth and photosynthetic response of P. quinquefolia to water supply indicated that this species could resilient to water availabilities and adapt to Hunshandak conditions very well.  相似文献   

The effect of salinity on nitrate influx, efflux, nitrate net uptake rate and net nitrogen translocation to the shoot was assessed in a 15N steady state labelling experiment in the halophyte Plantago maritima L. raised for 14 days on solution supplied with 50, 100 and 200 mol m–3 sodium chloride or without sodium chloride. Additionally, salinity induced changes in root morphology were determined. Specific root length increased upon exposure to elevated sodium chloride concentrations due to variations in biomass allocation and length growth of the tap root. Changes in root morphology, however, had a minor effect on nitrate fluxes when expressed on a root fresh weight basis. The decreased rate of nitrate net uptake in plants grown on elevated levels of sodium chloride was almost entirely due to a decrease in nitrate influx. Expressed as a proportion of influx, nitrate efflux remained unchanged and was even lower at the highest salinity level. At all sodium chloride concentrations applied the initial rate of nitrogen net translocation to the shoot decreased relative to the rate of nitrate net uptake. It is concluded that under steady state conditions the negative effect of sodium chloride on the rate of nitrate net uptake at non growth-limiting salinity levels was due to the interaction between sodium chloride and nitrate transporters in the root plasma membrane and/or processes mediating the translocation of nitrogen compounds, possibly nitrate, to the shoot.  相似文献   

Belkhodja  R.  Morales  F.  Abadía  A.  Medrano  H.  Abadía  J. 《Photosynthetica》1999,36(3):375-387
In flag leaves of four cultivars of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) grown in the field under a triple-line-source sprinkler system, that produces a linear soil salinity gradient, a decrease in net carbon dioxide assimilation rate (PN) and stomatal conductance for water vapour (gs) was found. These changes were related to salinity tolerance at moderate salinity. With increasing salinity, PN was saturated at low irradiances and stomatal frequencies increased. A decrease in photosystem 2 (PS2) efficiency was not found in the field after dark adaptation even at high salinity. Salinity induced only small decreases in the actual PS2 efficiency at midday steady-state photosynthesis, indicating that the photosynthetic electron transport was little affected by salinity. Therefore, using PS2 efficiency estimates in attached leaves is probably not a useful tool to screen barley genotypes grown under saline conditions in the field for salinity tolerance. In contrast, excised flag leaves from high salinity plots, once in the laboratory, exhibited a decrease in the variable to maximum chlorophyll fluorescence ratio as compared to excised leaves from control plants. On the other hand, the PN rate might allow for a good discrimination between tolerant and non-tolerant cultivars. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Abstract. The ability of a plant to survive severe water deficits depends on its ability to restrict water loss through the leaf epidermis after stomata attain minimum aperture. At this stage, the rate of water loss is regulated by the epidermal conductance (gc). Low gc would be a useful selection criterion to identify genotypes with enhanced survival capability. Consequently, variation in gc among Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench genotypes was evaluated. Since there is little conclusive evidence linking g c with leaf waxiness, alternative hypotheses relating g c to stomatal trails were also examined. Epidermal conductance varied from 6.3 to 17.6mmol m−2 s−1 among sorghum genotypes. It was unrelated to stomatal pore length which varied with genotype and to pore depth which was similar for all genotypes measured. However, g c, increased with increasing stomatal density. This indicates that stomatal density plays a direct role in water loss even at very low conductances. The association of low stomatal density with low g c is consistent with the hypothesis that at the smallest stomata aperture, water loss from the epidermis above guard cell teichodes becomes a significant source of leaf water loss. Since low g c is directly related to crop survival under severe water deficits, it is recommended that genotypes with low g c. be selected using the selection criterion of stomatal density.  相似文献   

干旱胁迫对4种植物蒸腾特性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在温室条件下研究类芦等4种植物在干旱胁迫下的蒸腾特性。结果表明,在正常供水情况下,4种植物蒸腾速率和气孔阻力日变化规律明显;在干旱胁迫下,气孔阻力增大,蒸腾速率逐步降低,当水势下降到临界值时,气孔关闭,气孔阻力急剧增大,蒸腾速率降至最低。4种植物中,类芦的水分利用效率最高,其次为百喜草和香根草,五节芒最低。4种植物的抗旱力以类芦最强,百喜草和香根草其次,五节芒最弱。  相似文献   

Using sand culture, we examined the responses of 6-month-old jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) seedlings to boron and salinity (sodium chloride and sodium sulfate) treatments. During 4 weeks of treatments, 60 mM NaCl and 60 mM Na2SO4 significantly decreased survival, new shoot length, number of new roots, shoot to root dry weight ratio and transpiration rates. When applied in absence of the salts, B had little effect on the measured variables. However, when applied together with salts, B decreased seedling survival, increased needle injury and altered tissue elemental concentrations in jack pine seedlings. In 2 mM B treatment, B concentration was higher in the shoots than in the roots. However, when 2 mM B was present in NaCl and Na2SO4 treatments, shoot boron concentration declined and greater proportion of B accumulated in the roots. This shift corresponded to a decline in transpiration rates. In plants treated with NaCl, Na accumulated primarily in the shoots, while in Na2SO4-treated plants Na accumulated mostly in the roots. Based on the electrolyte leakage and needle necrosis data, Cl appears to be the major factor contributing to seedling injury and B aggravates the injurious effects of NaCl. We suggest that Cl may contribute to Na and B toxicity in jack pine by altering cell membrane permeability leading to increased Na concentration in the shoots.  相似文献   

The effect of salinity and calcium levels on water flows and on hydraulic parameters of individual cortical cells of excised roots of young maize (Zea mays L. cv Halamish) plants have been measured using the cell pressure probe. Maize seedlings were grown in one-third strength Hoagland solution modified by additions of NaCl and/or extra calcium so that the seedlings received one of four treatments: control; +100 millimolar NaCl; +10 millimolar CaCl2; +100 millimolar NaCl + 10 millimolar CaCl2. From the hydrostatic and osmotic relaxations of turgor, the hydraulic conductivity (Lp) and the reflection coefficient (σs) of cortical cells of different root layers were determined. Mean Lp values in the different layers (first to third, fourth to sixth, seventh to ninth) of the four different treatments ranged from 11.8 to 14.5 (Control), 2.5 to 3.8 (+NaCl), 6.9 to 8.7 (+CaCl2), and 6.6 to 7.2 · 10−7 meter per second per megapascal (+NaCl + CaCl2). These results indicate that salinization of the growth media at regular calcium levels (0.5 millimolar) decreased Lp significantly (three to six times). The addition of extra calcium (10 millimolar) to the salinized media produced compensating effects. Mean cell σs values of NaCl ranged from 1.08 to 1.16, 1.15 to 1.22, 0.94 to 1.00, and 1.32 to 1.46 in different root cell layers of the four different treatments, respectively. Some of these σs values were probably overestimated due to an underestimation of the elastic modulus of cells, σs values of close to unity were in line with the fact that root cell membranes were practically not permeable to NaCl. However, the root cylinder exhibited some permeability to NaCl as was demonstrated by the root pressure probe measurements that resulted in σsr of less than unity. Compared with the controls, salinity and calcium increased the root cell diameter. Salinized seedlings grown at regular calcium levels resulted in shorter cell length compared with control (by a factor of 2). The results demonstrate that NaCl has adverse effects on water transport parameters of root cells. Extra calcium could, in part, compensate for these effects. The data suggest a considerable apoplasmic water flow in the root cortex. However, the cell-to-cell path also contributed to the overall water transport in maize roots and appeared to be responsible for the decrease in root hydraulic conductivity reported earlier (Azaizeh H, Steudle E [1991] Plant Physiol 97: 1136-1145). Accordingly, the effect of high salinity on the cell Lp was much larger than that on root Lpr.  相似文献   

The impact of powdery (Uncinula necator) and downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) on grapevine leaf gas exchange was analysed. Gas exchange measurements (assimilation A, transpiration E, stomatal conductance gs, intercellular concentration of CO2Ci) were made on three different leaf materials: (i) healthy tissue of diseased leaves, (ii) infected tissue of diseased leaves, (iii) healthy tissue of healthy leaves (control treatment). Using the same source of leaf tissue, photosynthetic pigment concentration (chlorophyll a, b) and fluorescence levels (minimal fluorescence F0, maximal fluorescence Fm and the optimal quantum yield [Fm ? F0]/Fm) were determined to explain the mechanism of action of the two diseases on leaf assimilation. The results indicated that powdery and downy mildew reduced the assimilation rates, not only through a reduction in green leaf area (visual lesions), but also through an influence on gas exchange of the remaining green leaf tissues, determining a ‘virtual lesion’. The ratios between virtual and visual lesions were higher in powdery mildewed leaves than in the downy mildewed leaves. The photosynthetic fluorescence level (Fv/Fm) was affected by neither of the two pathogens. The reduction in intercellular concentration of CO2 and photosynthetic pigment may explain the lower assimilation rates in the healthy tissues of powdery and downy mildewed leaves respectively.  相似文献   

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