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Specific sensory neuronal subpopulations show contrasting responses to peripheral nerve injury, as shown by the axotomy-induced death of many cutaneous sensory neurons whilst muscular sensory afferents survive an identical insult. We used a novel combination of retrograde neuronal tracing with immunohistochemistry and laser microdissection techniques, in order to describe the neurochemistry of medial gastrocnemius (muscular sensory afferents) and sural (cutaneous sensory afferents) branches of the rat sciatic nerve and relate this to the pro-apoptotic caspase-3 gene expression following nerve transection. Our results demonstrated distinctions in medial gastrocnemius and sural neuron populations with the most striking difference in the respective proportions of isolectin B4 (IB4) staining neurons (3.7 V 32.8%). The mean neuronal area of the medial gastrocnemius (MG) neurons was larger than that of the sural (SUR) neurons (1,070.8 V 646.2 μm2) and each phenotypic group was significantly smaller in sural neurons than in MG neurons. At 1 week post-axotomy, MG neurons markedly downregulated caspase-3, whilst SUR neurons upregulated caspase-3 gene expression; this may be attributable to the differing IB4-positive composition of the subpopulations. These findings provide further clarification in the understanding of two distinct neuronal populations used increasingly in nerve injury models.  相似文献   

All biological bodies live in a thermal environment with the human body as no exception, where skin is the interface with protecting function. When the temperature moves out of normal physiological range, skin fails to protect and pain sensation is evocated. Skin thermal pain is one of the most common problems for humans in everyday life as well as in thermal therapeutic treatments. Nocicetors (special receptor for pain) in skin play an important role in this process, converting the energy from external noxious thermal stimulus into electrical energy via nerve impulses. However, the underlying mechanisms of nociceptors are poorly understood and there have been limited efforts to model the transduction process. In this paper, a model of nociceptor transduction in skin thermal pain is developed in order to build direct relationship between stimuli and neural response, which incorporates a skin thermomechanical model for the calculation of temperature, damage and thermal stress at the location of nociceptor and a revised Hodgkin-Huxley form model for frequency modulation. The model qualitatively reproduces measured relationship between spike rate and temperature. With the addition of chemical and mechanical components, the model can reproduce the continuing perception of pain after temperature has returned to normal. The model can also predict differences in nociceptor activity as a function of nociceptor depth in skin tissue.  相似文献   

Neuropathic pain is caused by nervous-system lesions. Early studies on the pathomechanisms of this abnormal pain state have focused on the directly injured fibers and neurons. Here, we present recently accumulating data about the contribution of the primary afferent neurons spared from direct injury to the pathomechanisms of neuropathic pain. The phenotypic changes in the spared neurons are similar to those in the neurons in peripheral inflammation models, as opposed to those in the directly injured neurons. Electrophysiological changes and behavioral data also favor the contribution of the spared neurons. These attractive targets of study will give us new approaches for understanding the abnormal pain.  相似文献   

Ciguatoxins are sodium channel activator toxins that cause ciguatera, the most common form of ichthyosarcotoxism, which presents with peripheral sensory disturbances, including the pathognomonic symptom of cold allodynia which is characterized by intense stabbing and burning pain in response to mild cooling. We show that intraplantar injection of P-CTX-1 elicits cold allodynia in mice by targeting specific unmyelinated and myelinated primary sensory neurons. These include both tetrodotoxin-resistant, TRPA1-expressing peptidergic C-fibres and tetrodotoxin-sensitive A-fibres. P-CTX-1 does not directly open heterologously expressed TRPA1, but when co-expressed with Nav channels, sodium channel activation by P-CTX-1 is sufficient to drive TRPA1-dependent calcium influx that is responsible for the development of cold allodynia, as evidenced by a large reduction of excitatory effect of P-CTX-1 on TRPA1-deficient nociceptive C-fibres and of ciguatoxin-induced cold allodynia in TRPA1-null mutant mice. Functional MRI studies revealed that ciguatoxin-induced cold allodynia enhanced the BOLD (Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent) signal, an effect that was blunted in TRPA1-deficient mice, confirming an important role for TRPA1 in the pathogenesis of cold allodynia.  相似文献   

Abstract We investigated the physiological properties of mediastinal pleural primary afferent units by recording single nerve fibre activity from the phrenic nerve in an in vitro preparation of rabbit tissue. A total of 41 units with conduction velocities in the group III and IV range were examined for their responsiveness to mechanical, thermal and chemical stimuli. Most receptive fields were adjacent to the phrenic nerve-pericardiacophrenic artery complex. The thresholds to punctate mechanical stimulation (von Frey hairs) were widely scattered around a median of 5.4 mN; all fibres showed slowly adapting responses to mechanical stimulation. Heat sensitivity was observed in 7/41 units (17%), while 17/41 (41%) of the fibres exhibited a spurious transient excitation to strong and rapid cooling. Chemosensitivity was scarce with respect to capsaicin (7/33 (21%) of the units responding) but more common to CO2-saturated synthetic interstitial fluid (pH 6.1, 5/16 (31%) responding). The most effective stimulus was a mixture of bradykinin, serotonin, histamine and prostaglandin E2 ('inflammmatory soup') which evoked stimulus responses in 27/33 (82%) of the afferent fibres challenged. Sensitization to mechanical stimuli occurred in 5/41 (12%) of the units, following the application of heat or inflammatory mediators. The rabbit pleura appears as a tissue mainly innervated by multimodal mechano- and chemosensitive afferent units.  相似文献   

Visceral pain is the major cause of consulting in gastroenterology and the principal symptom of functional bowel disorders. This symptom is often associated with gut hypersensitivity to distension. The use of animal models has recently permitted the identification of some mediators supposed to play a pivotal role in the genesis of visceral hypersensitivity. Serotonin, through different receptor subtypes, as well as kinins and calcitonin gene-related peptide, are known to be involved, but other putative transmitters arise and are new potential targets for the development of efficacious treatments. This themes article addresses both physiological and preclinical issues of interest for the selection of active new drugs in regard to the clinical pharmacology of visceral pain.  相似文献   

Depolarization of primary afferent terminals in the lumbosacral portion of the spinal cord evoked by selective activation of propriospinal pathways was investigated in anesthetized cats. The strongest depolarization developed as a result of activation of short (two to five segments) propriospinal pathways in the lateral funiculus; stimulation of the long propriospinal pathways of this funiculus also induced depolarization, but of lower amplitude. Stimulation of propriospinal pathways of the ventral funiculi was ineffective. Significant primary afferent depolarization developed only following the use of a series of stimuli and strong stimulation of the propriospinal pathways. Excitation of these pathways caused depolarization of afferent terminals of both cutaneous and muscular nerves, including muscular sensory fibers of group Ia, although in the latter case its intensity was low. Neuronal mechanisms involved in the generation of this depolarization and its possible functional role are dicussed.  相似文献   

Summary Characterization of T-lymphocyte subpopulations adjacent to and infiltrating the primary tumor of breast cancer was carried out using a direct immunofluorescence procedure with the antibodies anti-(Leu-2a) for suppressor/cytotoxic (CD8+) and anti-(Leu-3a) for helper/inducer (CD4+) T-lymphocytes. Fifty-six primary malignant tumors with lymphoid infiltration were studied. The majority (58.9%) were infiltrating duct carcinoma. There were metastases to axillary lymph nodes in 6.67% of the patients. Massive lymphoid infiltration (>40 lymphocytes per ×400 microscopic field) was found in 19.6% of the tumors and moderate infiltration (20–40 lymphocytes per field) in 51.8%. In all the tumors studied there was a reversed CD4+/CD8+ ratio as compared to that found in normal peripheral blood. In 66.1% the CD4+/CD8+ ratio (helper/suppressor) was less than 1.0. The reversed ratio was due to a significant decrease in the number of helper cells (P<0.0005). The most significant drop was in the stroma area (P<0.0001) as well as in the tumor tissue (P=0.001). Of particular interest was the significant positive correlation between the age of the patients and an increased number of CD4+lymphocytes in the stroma (P=0.02). Significant negative correlations were found between a reduced number of CD4+ lymphocytes or CD4+/CD8+ ratio and several histological parameters: tumor diameter, pleomorphism, nucleus/cytoplasm ratio. There was also a significant positive correlation between the total number of CD8+ lymphocytes infiltrating the tumor tissue and the number of axillary lymph nodes with metastatic disease (P=0.03). It is suggested that the reversed ratio of CD4+/CD8+ lymphocytes may significantly affect the host/tumor immune surveillance.  相似文献   

Transcutaneous delivery of vaccines to specific skin dendritic cells (DC) subsets is foreseen as a promising strategy to induce strong and specific types of immune responses such as tolerance, cytotoxicity or humoral immunity. Because of striking histological similarities between human and pig skin, pig is recognized as the most suitable model to study the cutaneous delivery of medicine. Therefore improving the knowledge on swine skin DC subsets would be highly valuable to the skin vaccine field. In this study, we showed that pig skin DC comprise the classical epidermal langerhans cells (LC) and dermal DC (DDC) that could be divided in 3 subsets according to their phenotypes: (1) the CD163(neg)/CD172a(neg), (2) the CD163(high)CD172a(pos) and (3) the CD163(low)CD172a(pos) DDC. These subtypes have the capacity to migrate from skin to lymph node since we detected them in pseudo-afferent lymph. Extensive phenotyping with a set of markers suggested that the CD163(high) DDC resemble the antibody response-inducing human skin DC/macrophages whereas the CD163(neg)CD172(low) DDC share properties with the CD8(+) T cell response-inducing murine skin CD103(pos) DC. This work, by showing similarities between human, mouse and swine skin DC, establishes pig as a model of choice for the development of transcutaneous immunisation strategies targeting DC.  相似文献   

GABAergic modulation of primary gustatory afferent synaptic efficacy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Modulation of synaptic transmission at the primary sensory afferent synapse is well documented for the somatosensory and olfactory systems. The present study was undertaken to test whether GABA impacts on transmission of gustatory information at the primary afferent synapse. In goldfish, the vagal gustatory input terminates in a laminated structure, the vagal lobes, whose sensory layers are homologous to the mammalian nucleus of the solitary tract. We relied on immunoreactivity for the GABA-transporter, GAT-1, to determine the distribution of GABAergic synapses in the vagal lobe. Immunocytochemistry showed dense, punctate GAT-1 immunoreactivity coincident with the layers of termination of primary afferent fibers. The laminar nature and polarized dendritic structure of the vagal lobe make it amenable to an in vitro slice preparation to study early synaptic events in the transmission of gustatory input. Electrical stimulation of the gustatory nerves in vitro produces synaptic field potentials (fEPSPs) predominantly mediated by ionotropic glutamate receptors. Bath application of either the GABA(A) receptor agonist muscimol or the GABA(B) receptor agonist baclofen caused a nearly complete suppression of the primary fEPSP. Coapplication of the appropriate GABA(A) or GABA(B) receptor antagonist bicuculline or CGP-55845 significantly reversed the effects of the agonists. These data indicate that GABAergic terminals situated in proximity to primary gustatory afferent terminals can modulate primary afferent input via both GABA(A) and GABA(B) receptors. The mechanism of action of GABA(B) receptors suggests a presynaptic locus of action for that receptor.  相似文献   

Activation of P2X3 and P2X2/3 receptors (P2X3R/P2X2/3R), ionotropic ATP receptor subtypes, in primary sensory neurons is involved in neuropathic pain, a debilitating chronic pain that occurs after peripheral nerve injury. However, the underlying mechanisms remain unknown. We investigated the role of cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2) as a downstream molecule that mediates the P2X3R/P2X2/3R-dependent neuropathic pain. We found that applying ATP to cultured dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons increased the level of Ser505-phosphorylated cPLA2 and caused translocation of Ser505-phosphorylated cPLA2 to the plasma membrane. The ATP-induced cPLA2 activation was inhibited by a selective antagonist of P2X3R/P2X2/3R and by a selective inhibitor of cPLA2. In the DRG in vivo , the number of cPLA2-activated neurons was strikingly increased after peripheral nerve injury but not after peripheral inflammation produced by complete Freund's adjuvant. Pharmacological blockade of P2X3R/P2X2/3R reversed the nerve injury-induced cPLA2 activation in DRG neurons. Moreover, administering the cPLA2 inhibitor near the DRG suppressed nerve injury-induced tactile allodynia, a hallmark of neuropathic pain. Our results suggest that P2X3R/P2X2/3R-dependent cPLA2 activity in primary sensory neurons is a key event in neuropathic pain and that cPLA2 might be a potential target for treating neuropathic pain.  相似文献   

Electrical responses evoked in different regions of the cerebellar cortex of cat by stimulating various cerebello-petal pathways have been analyzed for their component postsynaptic potentials (p.s.p.'s). The principal analytical tools of the present work were pharmacological agents; the selective inactivator of depolarizing (excitatory) axodendritic synapses, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA, or C4); the homologous C6 and C8 ω-amino acids, which inactivate selectively the hyperpolarizing (inhibitory) axodendritic synapses; and the general inactivator of inhibitory synapses, strychnine. Some experiments employed the analytical possibilities of activity cycles. The potentials evoked in one cerebellar region by different exciting pathways may differ markedly in their responses to drugs or may show different types of activity cycle. Also, the potentials evoked in various cortical regions by one cerebello-petal pathway are acted upon differently by the testing drugs. These differences are believed to be due to involvement of different proportions of excitatory and inhibitory, axosomatic and axodendritic p.s.p.'s. The analyses of a number of different responses confirm an earlier conclusion, that the cerebellar cortex is relatively lacking in inhibitory axodendritic p.s.p.'s in comparison with the cerebral cortex. Only the cortex of the paramedian lobule appears to be endowed with a considerable proportion of inhibitory p.s.p.'s, a finding which correlates with other data.  相似文献   

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