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Using enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assays, the frequency of occurrence of six viruses was determined in Brassica rapa ssp. sylvestris collected from two Thameside sites (Abingdon and Culham) in Oxfordshire and one near the Avon (Claverton) in Bath & North East Somerset. During 2000–2001, the viruses detected were: Beet western yellows virus (genus Polerovirus) (BWYV), Cauliflower mosaic virus (genus Caulimovirus) (CaMV), Turnip crinkle virus (genus Carmovirus) (TCV), Turnip rosette virus (genus Sobemovirus) (TRoV), and Turnip yellow mosaic virus (genus Tymovirus) (TYMV). BWYV and TYMV were the most frequently detected viruses at the Oxford shire sites, both as single infections (20/1743 and 66/1743 respectively) and as dual infections (7/1743). Turnip mosaic virus (genus Potyvirus) (TuMV) was not detected in the field‐grown plants assayed from any of the sites. There was a highly significant (x2[1]=30.07, P<0.001) difference in the proportion of plants at each Oxfordshire site in which one or more viruses were detected, and essentially the same pattern of virus infection was observed in tests on B. rapa from the site near Claverton. At least one representative isolate of each detected virus was tested for its morphological and serological effects on glasshouse‐grown individuals from different half‐sib families of B. rapa from both Oxfordshire sites. Except for TRoV, where there was a large difference in the frequency of successful infection in B. rapa from the two locations (1/15 vs 11/15), no clear evidence of resistance or immunity to challenge was observed, although tolerance (virus invasion without symptoms) was frequent. Fewer of the plants from Abingdon were infected than those from Culham, when mechanically challenged with TRoV, but the two B. rapa populations were not otherwise consistently different, either in their infectibility by this virus or in their responses to challenge. However, with TCV, viral antigen concentration was closely linked to the severity of disease and the B. rapa from both Oxfordshire sites segregated into two classes: those with symptoms and most viral antigen, and those without symptoms and least viral antigen. These results suggest that generic risk assessments cannot be made due to differences in the way distinct B. rapa populations react to virus challenge.  相似文献   

Wild plants of Brassica oleracea (wild cabbage) are commonly infected with turnip mosaic poty virus (TuMV), turnip yellow mosaic tymovirus (TYMV) and several other viruses. A field experiment in which plants were inoculated either with TuMV or TYMV showed that virus infection significantly reduced survival, growth and reproduction. Relative to water inoculated-controls, plants infected with TYMV had greater mortality, were shorter, had a smaller leaf area and number, showed a greater amount of damage from herbivory and chlorosis, were less likely to flower and produced fewer pods and lower total seed output. Plants infected with TuMV did not appear to be adversely affected at first; however, mortality after 18 months was higher than control plants. Although TuMV infection had no effect on the number of plants flowering, the infected plants did produce fewer pods and a lower total seed output. We conclude that both viruses can significantly affect vegetative and reproductive performance of wild cabbage and hence that introgression of virus resistance (particularly when conferred by a major gene or a transgene) from a crop might increase plant fitness in natural populations of this species. Ecological risk assessments of virus resistance transgenes must do more than survey adult plants in natural populations for the presence of the target virus. Failure to detect the virus could be due to high mortality on infection with the virus.  相似文献   

A virus survey was conducted during the spring and autumn of 2001 and 2002 to determine the presence, prevalence and distribution in Spain of the viruses that are most commonly found infecting lettuce and Brassica worldwide. Crop plants showing virus symptoms from the principal lettuce and Brassica-growing regions of Spain, and some samples of the annual and perennial flora nearby, were tested by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays using specific commercial antibodies against the following viruses: Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV), Broad bean wilt virus 1 (BBWV-1), Beet western yellows virus (BWYV), Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV), Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), Lettuce mosaic virus (LMV), Pea seed-borne mosaic virus (PSbMV), Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) and Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV). Samples were also tested with a Potyvirus genus antibody. Virus incidence was much lower in spring than in autumn, especially in 2001. In spring 2002, CMV and LMV were the most prevalent viruses in lettuce, while CaMV was the most important virus present in Brassica crops grown in Navarra, followed by CMV and BWYV. In the autumn, the spectrum of viruses was different; potyviruses were widespread in lettuce grown in Madrid, but TSWV and BWYV were predominant in the Murcia region. The prevalent Potyvirus detected in lettuce fields was LMV, but none of the samples collected were positive for PSbMV or TuMV. In Brassica crops, TSWV was the most abundant in autumn-sown crops, especially in the Navarra region. All of the viruses present in lettuce and Brassica were also frequently detected in their associated natural vegetation at the same time, suggesting that they probably play an important role as virus reservoirs. Sonchus spp. were particularly common and were frequently infected with CMV, LMV and BWYV. Another common species, Chenopodium album, was often infected with TSWV and BWYV. Multiple infections were common, especially in non-crop plants, and the most common combination was BWYV and TSWV. The role of weeds in the epidemiology of viruses that infect lettuce and Brassica crops in Spain is discussed.  相似文献   

We report a survey of four viruses (beet western yellows luteovirus (BWYV), cauliflower mosaic caulimovirus (CaMV), turnip mosaic potyvirus (TuMV), turnip yellow mosaic tymovirus (TYMV)) in five natural populations of Brassica oleracea in Dorset (UK). All four viruses were common; 43% of plants were infected with BWYV, 60% with CaMV, 43% with TuMV and 18% with TYMV. For each virus there were significant differences in the proportion of infected plants among populations, which were not completely explained by differences in the age of plants. Multiple virus infections were prevalent, with 54% of plants having two or more virus types. There were statistically significant associations between pairs of viruses. The CaMV was positively associated with the other three viruses, and BWYV was also positively associated with TuMV. There was no detectable association between BWYV and TYMV, whereas TuMV and TYMV were negatively associated. We suggest these associations result from BWYV, CaMV and TuMV having aphid vectors in common, as aphids are attracted to plants that already have a virus infection. Infected plants were distributed randomly or were very weakly aggregated within populations. The implications of widespread multiple virus infections in natural plant populations are discussed with respect to the release of transgenic plants expressing virus-derived genes.  相似文献   

Insect-vectored plant viruses can induce changes in plant phenotypes,thus influencing plant-vector interactions in a way that may promote their dispersal according to their mode of transmission (i.e.,circulative vs.noncirculative).This indirect vector manipulation requires host-virus-vector coevolution and would thus be effective solely in very specific plant-virus-vector species associations.Some studies suggest this manipulation may depend on multiple factors relative to various intrinsic characteristics of vectors such as transmission efficiency.In anintegrative study,we tested the effects of infection of the Brassicaceae Camelina sativa with the noncirculative Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV)or the circulative Turnip yellows virus (TuYV)on the host-plant colonization of two aphid species differing in their virus transmission efficiency:the polyphagous Myzus persicae,efficient vector of both viruses,and the Brassicaceae specialist Brevicoryne brassicae,poor vector of TuYV and efficient vector of CaMV.Results confirmed the important role of virus mode of transmission as plant-mediated effects of CaMV on the two aphid species induced negative alterations of feeding behavior (i.e.,decreased phloem sap ingestion)and performance that were both conducive for virus fitness by promoting dispersion after a rapid acquisition.In addition,virus transmission efficiency may also play a role in vector manipulation by viruses as only the responses of the efficient vector to plant-mediated effects of TuYV,that is,enhanced feeding behavior and performances,were favorable to their acquisition and further dispersal.Altogether,this work demonstrated that vector transmission efficiency also has to be considered when studying the mechanisms underlying vector manipulation by viruses.Our results also re- inforce the idea that vector manipulation requires coevolution between plant,virus and vector.  相似文献   

During two surveys of beet root crops in South Kazakhstan and Central Asia conducted in 1988 and 1989, 465 of 990 samples were found to contain beet mosaic virus (BMV) by double-antibody sandwich (DAS) ELISA. BMV infection was widely scattered in the area surveyed, and its incidence varied considerably, reaching 100% in some fields adjacent to beet seed crops. BMV isolates from Kazakhstan, Kirgizia, Uzbekistan and Ukraine were found to be serologically closely related in DAS-ELISA test. Beet yellows virus (BYV) was not detected in any location surveyed in South Kazakhstan and Central Asia. BYV spread into the area is probably prevented by its geographical isolation.  相似文献   

Fitness of hybrids between genetically modified (GM) crops and wild relatives influences the likelihood of ecological harm. We measured fitness components in spontaneous (non-GM) rapeseed x Brassica rapa hybrids in natural populations. The F1 hybrids yielded 46.9% seed output of B. rapa, were 16.9% as effective as males on B. rapa and exhibited increased self-pollination. Assuming 100% GM rapeseed cultivation, we conservatively predict < 7000 second-generation transgenic hybrids annually in the United Kingdom (i.e. approximately 20% of F1 hybrids). Conversely, whilst reduced hybrid fitness improves feasibility of bio-containment, stage projection matrices suggests broad scope for some transgenes to offset this effect by enhancing fitness.  相似文献   

Turnip yellows virus (TuYV) is the most important virus infecting oilseed rape in the United Kingdom. The incidence and spatial distribution of TuYV in winter oilseed rape (WOSR) crops in three regions of England were determined over three growing seasons. Leaf samples were collected from three fields in each region, in autumn (November–December) and spring (April) of the three crop seasons and tested for virus presence by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Infection was detected in all fields except one. Higher TuYV incidences were recorded in 2007–2008 (≤89%) and 2009–2010 (≤100%) crop seasons than in 2008–2009 (≤24%). Highest incidences were recorded in Lincolnshire (≤100%), followed by Warwickshire (≤88%), with lowest incidences in Yorkshire (1–74%). There was a significant increase in incidence detected between autumn and spring sampling in eight fields, a significant decrease in one field and no significant change in 18 fields. Rothamsted Insect Survey suction trap data for the aphid Myzus persicae in Lincolnshire, Warwickshire and Yorkshire revealed two peaks of flight activity in most years (2007–2009). The second peak (September–November) coincided with emergence of WOSR. The highest cumulative (August–November) trap catches in the three regions during the three crop seasons occurred in Lincolnshire and the lowest in Yorkshire; catches in autumn 2009 were highest and lowest in autumn 2008. Regression analysis revealed a highly significant association between the cumulative numbers of M. persicae caught in the suction traps closest to the crops between August and November each year and the incidence of TuYV detected in the WOSR crops in the autumn of each year. Results are discussed in the light of factors affecting the spread of TuYV and future possibilities for control.  相似文献   

Natural occurrence of yellow mosaic disease was observed on Armenian cucumber (Cucumis melo var. flexuoses) and wild melon (C. callosus var. agrestis) with disease incidences of ~36 and ~27%, respectively. Association of tomato leaf curl Palampur virus (ToLCPV) with the disease was investigated by Polymersae chain reaction (PCR) using begomovirus-specific primers. Full-length genome was amplified by rolling circle amplification (RCA) method from representative samples of C. melo and C. callosus. RCA products obtained were cloned and sequenced. Analyses of sequence data revealed the presence of full-length begomoviral genome of 2756 nucleotides with the gene arrangement of a typical begomovirus: HQ848383 (C. melo) and GU253914 (C. callosus). Both the isolates shared 99% sequence identity together and high 97–99% identities and the closest phylogenetic relationships with ToLCPV strains reported worldwide, hence identified as two new members of ToLCPV. Natural occurrence of ToLCPV on C. melo and C. callosus is the first report.  相似文献   

Sterility mosaic disease (SMD), an important biotic constraint on pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan) in the Indian subcontinent, is caused by Pigeonpea sterility mosaic virus (PPSMV) transmitted by the eriophyid mite, Aceria cajani. Distinct PPSMV isolates occur in different geographical regions and broad‐based resistance to all these isolates is scarce in cultivated pigeonpea germplasm. Wild relatives of pigeonpea, which are known to possess resistance to several pests and diseases, were evaluated for broad‐based SMD resistance. One hundred and fifteen wild Cajanus accessions from six species (C. albicans, C. platycarpus, C. cajanifolius, C. lineatus, C. scarabaeoides and C. sericeus) were evaluated against three PPSMV isolates prevailing in peninsular India. Evaluations were done under greenhouse conditions in endemic locations of each isolate through mite‐mediated virus inoculation. Fifteen accessions showed resistance to all three isolates: ICP 15614, 15615, 15626, 15684, 15688, 15700, 15701, 15725, 15734, 15736, 15737, 15740, 15924, 15925 and 15926. Most of the wild accessions did not support mite multiplication. The majority of the accessions resistant to PPSMV following inoculations with viruliferous mites were susceptible by graft inoculation, suggesting that vector resistance is conferring resistance to infection with PPSMV. The 15 accessions identified as being resistant to infection to all three virus isolates tested are cross compatible with pigeonpea by traditional breeding. They are therefore useful for exploitation in breeding programmes to increase both the level of SMD resistance and to diversify its genetic base in the cultivated pigeonpea gene pool.  相似文献   

Stable expression of a transgene may lead to increased fitness for wild plants after acquiring the transgene via crop-weed hybridization. Here, we investigate the stability of Bt toxin content in wild Brassica rapa acquiring the Bt gene from Bt Brassica napus. The Bt toxin content in nine Bt-expressing B. napus lines was 0.80-1.70 micro g/g leaf tissue throughout the growing season. These nine lines were crossed with three accessions of wild B. rapa and the Bt gene was successfully transferred to interspecific hybrids (F1) and successive backcross generations (BC1 to BC4). The Bt toxin level in F1 and BC progenies containing the Bt gene remained at 0.90-3.10 micro g/g leaf tissue. This study indicates that the Bt gene can persist and be stably expressed in wild B. rapa.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: To capture molecular markers that are applicable to environmental risk assessment of genetically modified oilseed rape, and to streamline their development, we screened variations in nucleotide sequences of three Brassica species by DNA microarray analysis. ? Methods and Results: Using the Affymetrix GeneChip Arabidopsis ATH1 Genome Array, we monitored gene expression at 22810 loci among the Brassica species and picked out 192 putative polymorphic loci. We sequenced 25 of these and successfully aligned them among all three species. All 25 loci possessed some interspecific and at times intraspecific nucleotide variation. ? Conclusions: DNA microarray analysis effectively detected a large number of nucleotide sequence variations among closely related Brassica species. The polymorphic regions will allow the subsequent development of functional gene markers.  相似文献   

The reintroduction of wild boar from central Europe after World War II has contributed substantially to the range expansion of this species in Italy, where indiscriminate hunting in earlier times resulted in extreme demographic reduction. However, the genetic impact of such processes is not well-understood. In this study, 105 individuals from Italian and Hungarian wild boar populations were characterized for nine autosomal microsatellite loci. The Hungarian samples, and two central Italian samples from protected areas (parks) where reintroduction is not documented, were assumed to be representative of the genetic composition of the source and the target populations in the reintroduction process, respectively. Animals hunted in the wild in the Florence area of Tuscany (Italy) were then studied to identify the effects of reintroduction. The results we obtained can be summarized as follows: (i) none of the populations analysed shows genetic evidence of demographic decline; (ii) the three parental populations from Italy and Hungary are genetically distinct; however, the low level of divergence appears in conflict with the naming of the Italian and the European subspecies (Sus scrofa majori and Sus scrofa scrofa, respectively); in addition, the Italian groups appear to be as divergent from each other as they are from the Hungarian population; (iii) most of the individuals hunted near Florence are genetically intermediate between the parental groups, suggesting that hybridization has occurred in this area, the average introgression of Hungarian genotypes is 13%, but approximately 45% of the genetic pool of these individuals can not be directly attributed to any of the parental populations we analysed; (iv) analysis of microsatellite loci, though in a limited number, is an important tool for estimating the genetic effect of reintroduction in the wild boar, and therefore for the development of conservation and management strategies for this species.  相似文献   

Yang ZF  Wang YT  Qin S  Zhao SS  Zhao YS  Lin Q  Guan WD  Huang QD  Mo ZY  Li CY  Zhong NS 《病毒学报》2011,27(3):218-223
以水提法分离制备板蓝根水提物S-03分析其基本化学成分,并在狗肾细胞(MDCK)上分别接种人甲1、3型和乙型流感病毒标准株、临床分离株以及禽流感病毒,采用空斑减少和免疫荧光及血凝抑制实验方法,在预防、治疗和直接作用三种试验模式下探讨S-03体外对流感病毒的抑制作用。研究结果表明S-03的主要化学成分为糖类,多糖所占总重的比例最高。S-03体外抗病毒药效显示:①预防模式:对各型流感病毒均无抑制作用;②治疗和直接作用模式:对不同亚型流感病毒均有一定程度的抑制作用,且直接作用(SI=2.5~16)效果优于治疗模式(SI=2.2~5.8);③血凝抑制试验:对不同亚型的人流感病毒血凝素有不同程度抑制作用(最低抑制浓度为3.12~25 mg/mL),并且对禽流感病毒(H6N2、H7N3、H9N2)的血凝素也有一定的抑制作用(最低抑制浓度25~50 mg/mL),其作用机制可能为抑制流感病毒表面的血凝素(HA),从而阻止病毒感染。  相似文献   

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