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A new species of Catatropis Oghner, 1905 from a freshwater Neotropical prosobranch snail, Heleobia hatcheri (Hydrobiidae), is described. Naturally infected snails were collected from Nahuel Huapí Lake in Andean Patagonia. The characteristics of the larval stages are also presented. Experimental adults were recovered from the distal region of the intestinal caeca of chicks and ducklings and natural adults from a wild duck Anas platyrhynchos. Adults of Catatropis hatcheri n. sp. can be distinguished from all other species of the genus in having 10-12 (11) ventral glands in each lateral row, the cirrus-sac extending back to between the first third and the middle of the body, the metraterm shorter than the cirrus-sac, a previtelline field of 1,258-1,544 (1,396), vitelline follicles reach back to the anterior border of the testes with some follicles extending slightly lateral to them, only external testicular margin lobed and genital pore in median line just posterior to the intestinal bifurcation. In addition, the eggs have one filament on each pole, the rediae contain one or two mature cercariae, and the cercariae are tri-oculate, with a long tail and encyst in the environment.  相似文献   

A new species of Catatropis from a freshwater pulmonate snail of the family Chilinidae, which is endemic to South America, is described. Naturally infected Chilina dombeiana were collected from several localities in Andean Patagonia. The characteristics of the larval stages are presented. Experimentally reared adults, located in the distal portion of the intestinal caeca, were recovered from chickens and ducks. Adults of Catatropis chilinae n. sp. can be distinguished from all other species in having 9-11 (10) ventral glands, a cirrus-sac extending between the first third and the middle of the body, a metraterm slightly shorter or equal to the cirrus-sac, vitelline follicles reaching forward to the middle of the body, lobed testes, and a genital pore closely posterior to the caecal bifurcation. Eggs bear polar filaments only at the anopercular end. Rediae have only one or two cercariae. Shed cercariae are trioculate with a long tail and encyst in the environment, and metacercariae become infective 72 hours after encystment. This species is widely distributed between 40°10 S and 43°09 S and it is the first Catatropis species recorded for the Chilinidae and for Argentina.  相似文献   

An unknown species of the genus Notocotylus (Digenea: Notocotylidae) was found as the larval stage from the lymnaeid snail, Radix auricularia, in a static water area of the Chubetsu River, Hokkaido, the northernmost island of Japan. A DNA barcoding identification system was applied to detect the adult stage. Through the inspection of anatid game birds in Hokkaido, Anas crecca, Anas platyrhynchos, Anas zonorhyncha, and Mareca penelope were demonstrated to serve as the definitive hosts. The detailed morphological features of the species were characterized using adults raised experimentally in immunosuppressed mice and naturally developed larvae in R. auricularia. Although the species is morphologically similar to Notocotylus attenuatus and Notocotylus magniovatus in both adult and larval stages, its taxonomic independence was confirmed by a comprehensive study based on molecular phylogeny, morphology, and ecology. Here we propose Notocotylus ikutai n. sp. for this species. The migratory behavior of the anatid hosts and the North-Eurasian distribution of R. auricularia suggest that the new species is widely distributed in the northern Far East.  相似文献   

The life-cycle of Helicometra gibsoni n. sp., an opecoelid trematode of marine fishes, is elucidated and the life-history stages are described. Natural infections with the cercariae, which are typically opecoelid in many respects but characterised by having very long, extensile tails, were found in the intertidal snail Anachis terpsichore collected from the Lawson's Bay Coast, Bay of Bengal. Metacercariae were found in the thoracic muscles of the shooting shrimp Alphaeus malabaricus as prominent, reddish-brown, oval cysts. Laboratory experiments demonstrated that 14 days are required for the development of cercaria into the infective metacercarial stage in shrimps. Natural infections with the adult fluke were found in Scorpaenopsis cirrhosus. Therapon jarbua served as an experimental host. Fourteen-day-old metacercariae fed to T. jarbua developed into egg-producing adults in 40–43 days. Intra-specific variations noted in the flukes obtained from natural and experimental infections are presented. H. fasciata of Madhavi (1975) is regarded as a synonym of H. gibsoni.  相似文献   

Pomphorhynchus patagonicus n. sp. is described from Lake Rosario, Chubut Province, Argentina. It is characterized by a long neck forming an asymmetrical bulb with 2 well differentiated dorsal protruberances and 14 alternating rows of 13 and 14 proboscis hooks, each row with a stout fourth hook. It most closely resembles Pomphorhynchus sebastichthydis Yamaguti, 1939, from Japan, but differs in the bulb protruberances and in having more rows of hooks and more hooks per row and in the shapes of the fourth and basal hooks. Among American species P. patagonicus shows some similarities to Pomphorhynchus yamagutii Schmidt and Hugghins, 1973, from Chile, but differs with respect to the longer neck, bulb protruberances, and proboscis armature. Pomphorhynchus patagonicus is endemic to Patagonia, where its definitive type host is the endemic fish Patagonina hatcheri (Atherinidae) and its intermediate host the endemic freshwater amphipod Hyalella patagonica. It has been found also in autochthonous fishes belonging to the families Galaxiidae and Percichthyidae and in introduced salmonid fishes.  相似文献   

Argentinochondria patagonensis n. gen., n. sp. (Copepoda: Chondracanthidae) is described from adult specimens recovered from the smooth kingklip Genypterus brasiliensis Reagan, 1903, from San Jorge Gulf, Patagonia, Argentina. The new genus is placed in the Chondracanthinae. Females of the new genus differ from other members of this subfamily in having 2 pairs of modified legs, a bulbose head, a long neck region, and a trunk devoid of processes. Males have usual chondracanthid form, oral appendages as in female, except a longer paragnath, fewer teeth on maxilla, and 2 pairs of reduced legs.  相似文献   

Cercaria sevillana n. sp. (Digenea: Microphallidae) was discovered infecting the gonads and digestive gland of the prosobranch Nassarius reticulatus (L.) (Nassariidae) collected from the Ria de Aveiro, Portugal. Cercariae were obtained by natural emission and were studied under a differential interference contrast microscope and scanning electron microscope (SEM). C. sevillana n. sp. is identical to the cercaria found by Dolgikh (1965) in the same mollusc host from the Black Sea, but erroneously named C. misenensis Palombi, 1940, which is a parasite of Cerithium rupestre Risso, 1826 (Cerithiidae). Cercaria sevillana n. sp. can be distinguished from C. misenensis by its tail being shorter than the cercarial body, as well as by differences in the pattern of penetration glands the size and shape of the stylet and excretory vesicle, and its behavioural pattern. An unusual structure of the tail of this new cercaria was observed by SEM; it is characterised by the presence of annular folded membranes arranged as overlapping flounces around its central axis. This resembles the traditional skirts of the women of Seville. Such a morphological feature of the tail has not been previously observed, but may be a feature of many microphallid cercariae.  相似文献   

Warén, A. (Department of Zoology, University of Gothenburg, Göteborg, Sweden.) Cingula globuloides sp.n. (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia) from northern Atlantic. Zool. Scripta 1(3–4): 191–192, 1972. –Cingula globuloides sp.n. is described from the northern Atlantic. This species has earlier been confused with Cingula globulus (Möller, 1842). The distinctive characteristics and distribution of C. globulus are given.  相似文献   

Steganoderma szidati n. sp. is described from the intestine of two freshwater fishes, Galaxias maculatus and G. platei (Galaxiidae), from Andean lakes in Patagonia, Argentina. This freshwater zoogonid species fits in the genus Steganoderma (sensu Bray, 1987) because of the length of the caeca and the position of the vitelline follicles. The new species is characterised by possesing 6-13 vitelline follicles situated between the anterior margin of the ventral sucker and the poterior margin of the testis. The gonads are in the anterior hindbody and the ovary is anterior to the right testis. The cirrus has two conspicuous spines at its distal end, and the seminal vesicle always exhibits a constriction. The excretory vesicle never reaches the level of the posterior margin of the testes.  相似文献   

A new species of Notocotylus was found parasiting a freshwater pulmonate snail, Biomphalaria peregrina. Naturally infected snails were collected from two temporary ponds in the Nahuel Huapí National Park in Patagonia. The characteristics of the larval stages are presented. Experimental adults were recovered from the intestinal caeca of ducks and chicks. Adults of Notocotylus biomphalariae n. sp. exhibit an aspinose tegument, two lateral rows of 11 ventral glands and a median row of four, a uterus with 12–16 coils of which 2–4 are previtelline, a metraterm equivalent in size to 65–68% of the cirrus-sac length, a previtelline field which extends to the middle of the body, a lobed testis and a genital pore closely posterior to the intestinal bifurcation. The rediae have one to three cercariae. The cercariae, when shed, are trioculate and have a long tail; they encyst in the environment and become infective 12 days after encystment.  相似文献   

The nervous systems of the cercaria of Catatropis indica and of the adult Diaschistorchis multitesticularis are described. Ganglion cells, myoblasts and large cells of unknown nature in Diaschistorchis are described and figured.

Für technische Hilfe danke ich Miss Lilian Liz, Mr. Teh Kox Leng und Mr. K. Balakrishnan. Durchgeführt im Zoology Department, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

The echinostomatid trematodeEchinochasmus leopoldinae n. sp. is described on the basis of adults found in the intestine of chicks and mice experimentally infected with metacercariae from the gills of the cichlid fishesCichlasoma urophthalmus andC. synspilum from the Peninsula of Yucatan.E. leopoldinae, which had previously been misidentified asE. zubedakhaname Nasir & Díaz, 1968, is characterised by the presence of 20 collar spines with one angular spine on each side and vitelline follicles confluent in the posterior part of the body. A differential diagnosis ofEchinochasmus species possessing 20 collar spines is provided, and the developmental stages (redia, cercaria, metacercaria and adult) ofE. leopoldinae are described.  相似文献   

During a parasitological survey of Patagonian freshwater fishes, specimens of a new species of Monogenea were collected from the gills of Percichthys trucha (Perciformes: Percichthyidae). This species is described as the only member of a newly proposed genus of Ancyrocephalinae. Duplaccessorius n. gen. (Dactylogyridae, Ancyrocephalinae) is characterized by hooks with 2 subunits, gonads in tandem, a coiled male copulatory organ with counterclockwise rings, an accessory piece formed by 2 distinct parts, and a nonsclerotized sinistrolateral vagina with a funnel shape vestibule. Duplaccessorius andinus n. sp. infects the gills of P. trucha (Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1840) from Andean Patagonian lakes, being the first species of Ancyrocephalinae described from a South American percichthyid.  相似文献   

Allocreadium pichi n. sp. (Trematoda: Allocreadiidae) is described from the intestine of Galaxias maculatus (Osteichthyes: Galaxiidae) from Moreno Lake in Patagonia, `Argentina. This species is distinguished from A. patagonicum Shimazu, Urawa &; Coria, 2000, the other species recorded in the area, by its smaller body size, the diagonal position of the testes and different ratios of the suckers, testes and cirrus-sac in relation to body size. In addition, the synonymy of A. patagonicum withPolylekithum percai Ostrowski de Núñez, Brugni &; Viozzi, 2000 is proposed herein.  相似文献   

A new species of Steganoderma (Steganoderma) (Digenea: Zoogonidae) was found in the digestive tract of the southernmost, endemic and scale-less characid, Gymnocharacinus bergi, inhabiting thermal headwaters of the Valcheta Creek in northern Patagonia, Argentina. Steganoderma valchetensis n. sp. is included in the subgenus Steganoderma because of having a sessile ventral sucker and caeca reaching to the testes. This new species can be distinguished from other species of this genus on the basis of body-length, sucker-ratio, the length of the cirrus-sac, the morphology of the seminal vesicle and gonads, and the location of the vitelline follicles and genital pore. The taxonomic status of the species of Steganoderma, parasitising the freshwater fishes of Patagonia, in southern Argentina, and Chile, is also discussed.  相似文献   

Neodiplostomum spratti n. sp. is described from Antechinus stuartii and A. swainsonii (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae). The status of Neodiplostomum minor, N. flabelliformis, N. intermedius, N. sarcophilus, N. diaboli and Pharyngostomoides dasyuri is reviewed. New hosts records for N. intermedius are Rattus lutreolus, R. leucopus, R. rattus (all Rodentia: Muridae) and Dasyurus maculatus (Dasyuridae). The following undescribed species are recorded: Neodiplostomum spp. from Dasyurus maculatus from Victoria, Dasyurus viverrinus from Tasmania, Perameles nasuta (Marsupialia: Peramelidae) from New South Wales, Sminthopsis leucopus (Dasyuridae) from New South Wales, and a diplostomulum from the lung of Perameles nasuta from New South Wales. The validity of Fibricola is reconsidered and it is proposed that it be considered a synonym of Neodiplostomum. The new combinations Neodiplostomum minor (Dubois, 1936), N. sarcophilus (Sandars, 1957) and N. flabelliformis (Pearson & Dubois, 1985) are proposed: all three were previously attributed to Fibricola.  相似文献   

Boeckella antiqua n. sp. from samples collected in an ephemeral pond on the Patagonian plateau is described and illustrated. Diagnostic features of B. antiqua are almost exclusively related to the male fifth pair of legs, females being almost indistinguishable from those of the closely related B. poppei. The two-segmented, spine-bearing left endopod of the male fifth leg suggests that it may be the basal species in the genus.  相似文献   

Two species of Digenea are recorded from the intestine of Percichthys trucha (Percichthydae) from Patagonian water bodies. Polylekithum percai n. sp. (Allocreadiidae) is distinguished by its body size, the relative size of the suckers, the anterior extension of the vitelline fields, the number of eggs in the uterus and the different species of fish host from the two previously described species of Polylekithum. Homalometron (= Austrocreadium) papilliferum (Szidat, 1956) n. comb. is redescribed. Due to its spined tegument and the absence of a cirrus-sac, this species is considered a member of the family Apocreadiidae.  相似文献   

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