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Military areas are valuable habitats and refuges for rare and endangered plants and animals. We developed a new approach applying innovative methods of hyperspectral remote sensing to bridge the existing gap between remote sensing technology and the demands of the nature conservation community. Remote sensing has already proven to be a valuable monitoring instrument. However, the approaches lack the consideration of the demands of applied nature conservation which includes the legal demands of the EU Habitat Directive. Following the idea of the Vital Signs Monitoring in the USA, we identified a subset of the highest priority monitoring indicators for our study area. We analyzed continuous spectral response curves and tested the measurability of N = 19 indicators on the basis of complexity levels aggregated from extensive vegetation assemblages. The spectral differentiability for the floristic as well as faunistic indicators revealed values up to 100% accuracy. We point out difficulties when it comes to distinguishing faunistic habitat requirements of several species adapted to dry open landscapes, which in this case results in Overall accuracy of 67, 87–95, and 35% in the error matrix. In summary, we provide an applicable and feasible method to facilitating monitoring military areas by hyperspectral remote sensing in the following.  相似文献   

Projected increases in Africa's human population over the next 40 years point to further, large-scale conversion of natural habitats into farmland, with far-reaching consequences for raptor species, some of which are now largely restricted to protected areas (PAs). To assess the importance of PAs for raptors in Uganda, we conducted an annual road survey through savanna, pastoral and agricultural land during 2008–2015. Here, we present density estimates for 34 diurnal raptor species, 17 of which were encountered largely or entirely within PAs. These included seven out of eight globally threatened or near-threatened species surveyed. Based mainly on published demographic values, we converted density estimates (birds 100 km?2) to numbers of adult pairs, for 10 resident, savanna-dependent species. We then estimated adult population sizes within conservation areas (individual PAs and clusters of contiguous PAs), based on the area of savanna in each site. This suggested that two threatened residents, Martial Eagle Polemaetus bellicosus and Lappet-faced Vulture Torgos tracheliotos, have national breeding populations of just 53–75 and 74–105 pairs, respectively. A third species, White-headed Vulture Trigonoceps occipitalis, may have a breeding population of just 22–32 pairs. In each case, at least 90% of pairs are thought to reside within Uganda's five largest conservation areas. In three cases our estimates of pair density were markedly lower than in other studies, while in six cases they were broadly consistent with published findings, often derived using more intensive survey methods. Further work is required to determine the accuracy of our estimates for individual conservation areas, and to assess the long-term viability of Uganda's threatened raptor populations.  相似文献   

As a result of the Earth Summit in 1992, 53 species of moth are covered by the UK Governments Biodiversity Action Plan. The background to the UK Biodiversity Action Plan and the selection of species is discussed. Butterfly Conservations Action for Threatened Moths Project is covered along with its role and approach in overseeing the implementation of the moth Action Plans. A case study on the Straw Belle Aspitates gilvaria (Denis and Schiffermüller) is presented as an example of how an individual Action Plan is being implemented. A subjective consideration of the biological progress with the moth Action Plans is given along with a brief discussion of possible future developments for the UK BAP approach for moths.  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of land consolidation engineering effects on biodiversity conservation in hilly areas, this study considers integrating biodiversity conservation into traditional land consolidation projects and integration biodiversity conservation measures into land consolidation engineering from the overall planning, land leveling engineering, farmland water conservancy engineering, roads and landscape construction engineering respectively. It aims to conserve biodiversity and improve eco-environment and arable land quality for increase yields of crops by integration biodiversity conservation ideas and measures into land consolidation activities in advance.  相似文献   

Protein–protein interactions (PPIs) govern numerous cellular functions in terms of signaling, transport, defense and many others. Designing novel PPIs poses a fundamental challenge to our understanding of molecular interactions. The capability to robustly engineer PPIs has immense potential for the development of novel synthetic biology tools and protein-based therapeutics. Over the last decades, many efforts in this area have relied purely on experimental approaches, but more recently, computational protein design has made important contributions. Template-based approaches utilize known PPIs and transplant the critical residues onto heterologous scaffolds. De novo design instead uses computational methods to generate novel binding motifs, allowing for a broader scope of the sites engaged in protein targets. Here, we review successful design cases, giving an overview of the methodological approaches used for templated and de novo PPI design.  相似文献   

Marine and terrestrial ecosystems are declining globally due to environmental degradation and poorly planned resource use. Traditionally, local government agencies have been responsible of the management of natural reserves to preserve biodiversity. Nonetheless, much of these approaches have failed, suggesting the development of more integrative strategies. In order to discuss the importance of a holistic approach in conservation initiatives, coastal and underwater landscape value and biological/environmental indicators of coral reef degradation were assessed using the study case of Zihuatanejo, Guerrero coastal area. This area shelters representative coral reef structures of the Eastern Pacific coast and its terrestrial biodiversity and archaeology enhance the high value of its coastal area. This study explored the landscape value of both terrestrial and marine ecosystems using the geomorphosite approach in two sites on the Zihuatanejo coastal area: Caleta de Chon and Manzanillo Beach. Sedimentation rate, water transparency, chlorophyll and total suspended solids were recorded underwater in each site for environmental characterization. 50 photo-quadrants on five transects were surveyed between 3-4m depth to record coverage (%) of living corals, dead corals, algae, sand and rocks. The conservation status of coral reefs was assessed by the coral mortality index (MI). Landscape values showed that both terrestrial and marine ecosystems had important scientific and aesthetic values, being Manzanillo Beach the site with the highest potential for conservation initiatives (TtV = 14.2). However, coral reefs face elevated sedimentation rates (up to 1.16 kg/m2d) and low water transparency (less of 5m) generated by coastal land use changes that have increased soil erosion in the adjacent coastal area. High coverage of dead corals (23.6%) and algae (up to 29%) confirm the low values in conservation status of coral reefs (MI = 0.5), reflecting a poorly-planned management. Current conditions are the result of "top-down" conservation strategies in Zihuatanejo, as Federal and Municipal authorities do not coordinate, disregard local community in coral reef management, and ignore the intimate relationship between the coastal and marine realms. This work confirms the importance of conservation strategies with a holistic approach, considering both terrestrial and marine ecosystems in coastal areas; and that these initiatives should include local coastal communities in management and decision-taking processes done by government authorities.  相似文献   

Fred Cooke 《Bird Study》2013,60(3):211-222
Capsule A comparison between North American and European ornithology shows many differences between the two.

While local knowledge was developed over millennia in Europe, in North America much was originally learned from the indigenous people. Knowing the food value of wild game was essential to survival and led to a strong tradition of wildlife management in North America. However, there was also systematic exploration of the local avifauna by museum-based collectors. This dual origin of ornithology is still detectable today. North American ornithology, particularly through the introduction of the Migratory Birds Convention Act of 1917, is strongly influenced by federal, state and provincial governments who have a statutory responsibility for the protection of wild birds. Because the USA and Canada, and more recently Mexico, are responsible for the administration of the Act, many initiatives in bird conservation involve international co-operation, starting initially with the North American Waterfowl Management Plan, but now extended to all species of birds. Many partnerships involving government, professional and amateur ornithologists (e.g. Bird Studies Canada) have resulted in monitoring of bird populations similar to that done by the BTO. However, there still seems to be a paucity of population studies and survey information in the mainstream ornithological journals in North America.  相似文献   

Incorporating functional values in biodiversity monitoring systems could add novel perspectives of the status of biodiversity in conservation areas. Stable frequencies of large foliose nitrogen-fixing cyanolichens likely have positive effects on the nitrogen budget of forests and provide food, material and shelter for invertebrates, gastropods and birds. Stable volumes of deadwood and frequencies of associated fungi provide an important supporting function for ecosystem services such as nutrient cycling, carbon storage and soil formation. Based on regional monitoring data from boreal old-growth forest nature reserves and key habitats, we tested for changes in the frequency of various functionally important substrates and species over time. We detected significant reductions in the frequency of indicator cyanolichens occurring on deciduous trees already after 10 years in key habitats, despite non-significant changes in their host substrates. Frequencies of indicator pendulous lichens Alectoria sarmentosa and Bryoria nadvornikiana had also decreased in key habitats, despite overall stable volumes of large conifer host trees. Lichen reductions were more pronounced in the smaller key habitats compared to the larger formally protected nature reserves, likely due to degrading fragmentation and isolation effects. In contrast to these lichens, the average frequencies of old-growth forest indicator fungi decaying coniferous deadwood and common fungi on deciduous trees (Fomes fomentarius) and coniferous trees (Fomitopsis pinicola) remained unchanged. The studied cyanolichens and fruiting fungi generally had similar extinction rates over 10 years, whilst only cyanolichens had substantially lower colonization rates. Amid a severely fragmented landscape, conservation areas seem to struggle in preserving some of the basic old-growth forest values.  相似文献   

亚洲的生物多样性及竹类遗传资源:就地保护、社区保护和易地保护“Theirstrength,lightness,smoothnes,straightnes,roundness,andholownes,thefacilityandregularityw...  相似文献   


The following paper gives an overview of the various programs with ethnographic‐ethnological content shown on Channels I and III of ARD, a public broadcasting company in Germany, from 1965 until 1989. Research focused on ethnographic‐ethnological content of documentary films in general and thus also included television programs whose theme as a whole differed from this topic. Based on a review of the data of a total of 280 programs, 4 categories of program are classified: 1. Eth nographic television programs; 2. Television programs with ethnographic elements; 3. Television programs with an ethnological topic; and 4. Border‐line cases, i.e. programs which are remarkable from an anthropological point of view but which cannot directly be classed with one of the categories above. Most of the programs with ethnographic‐ethnological content are broadcast on Channel III which addresses target groups with specific interests. This aim was more visible during the first years of the existence of Channel III at the end of the Sixties and during the Seventies than it is nowadays. The change is reflected in the quality of programs containing ethnographic‐ethnological topics over the years. In general a shift can be noted from programs with an outstanding visual quality (although they always have been rare) to programs which derive from the journalistic tradition of television and put a major stress on commentary. Through the years a change in the topics presented becomes apparent. The Seventies were the period when the majority of programs shown were on tribal societies. From the end of that decade until the mid‐Eighties there was an increase in the number of programs covering other non‐tribal ethnic groups. Moreover, topics such as ethnic minorities, even in Europe, urban groups or the various daily life‐styles of people within a whole state or country, emerged, and more emphasis was given to social and political aspects. The research reveals that television as a medium is open to different programs with ethnographic‐ethnological content. Apart from the quality of the programs offered, the abundance and variety of programs available reflects a wide interest in foreign nations and cultures. Anthropologists should acknowledge that fact in order to make ethnological knowledge available to a wider audience.  相似文献   

The Bonelli’s eagle (BE) is considered by the European Union as a high-priority species for conservation in the Valencian Community (East of Spain). However, in 2006 the European Union opened a legal procedure against the Spanish Kingdom, accused of lacking of an adequate network of special protected areas (SPAs) to preserve the BE in the region. Here we evaluate whether important bird areas (IBAs) and SPAs network is enough to preserve this species, on the basis of a thorough analysis of habitat preferences. A GAP analysis is performed to conduct a revision of current SPAs and BirdLife proposed IBAs. Our results suggest that the current network of SPAs becomes insufficient to protect the BE. The IBAs network, although improves the current network of SPAs, increasing the percentage of BE potential habitat included, also results inadequate. We propose a new SPAs network according to the potential suitable habitat for the species. Given the trade-off between financial investment and the conservation of biodiversity, we propose to maximize the surface of potential habitat included in the protected network minimizing the surface of the region that would be necessary to protect, thus avoiding an unnecessary expense and otherwise unrealistic results.  相似文献   

In order to examine the impacts of both large-scale and small-scale climate changes (urban climate effect) on the development of plants, long-term observations of four spring phenophases from ten central European regions (Hamburg, Berlin, Cologne, Frankfurt, Munich, Prague, Vienna, Zurich, Basle and Chur) were analysed. The objective of this study was to identify and compare the differences in the starting dates of the pre-spring phenophases, the beginning of flowering of the snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis) and forsythia (Forsythia sp.), and of the full-spring phenophases, the beginning of flowering of the sweet cherry (Prunus avium) and apple (Malus domestica), in urban and rural areas. The results indicate that, despite regional differences, in nearly all cases the species studied flower earlier in urbanised areas than in the corresponding rural areas. The forcing in urban areas was about 4 days for the pre-spring phenophases and about 2 days for the full-spring phenophases. The analysis of trends for the period from 1951 to 1995 showed tendencies towards an earlier flowering in all regions, but only 22% were significant at the 5% level. The trends for the period from 1980 to 1995 were much stronger for all regions and phases: the pre-spring phenophases on average became earlier by 13.9 days/decade in the urban areas and 15.3 days/decade in the rural areas, while the full-spring phenophases were 6.7 days earlier/decade in the urban areas and 9.1 days/decade earlier in the rural areas. Thus rural areas showed a higher trend towards an earlier flowering than did urban areas for the period from 1980 to 1995. However, these trends, especially for the pre-spring phenophases, turned out to be extremely variable. Received: 21 October 1999 / Revised: 5 April 2000 / Accepted: 25 April 2000  相似文献   

Part of the puzzle surrounding biodiversity loss lies in an incomplete understanding of how humans value the functions and services that flow from biodiversity conservation projects. This paper takes a closer look at the links between the conservation of biodiversity and the livelihoods of rural people who live on the fringes of the parks and protected areas. We revisit some of the key aspects of ecosystem valuation—purpose, methodology, and policy design and implementation—because the links between biodiversity conservation, ecosystem services, and human welfare are obscured by considerable smoke and mirrors. Using a biodiversity conservation project (Ruteng Park) on Flores Island in Indonesia as a case study, we build a concrete empirical example of ecosystem valuation. This conservation project has resulted in spatially patchy watershed protection that allows us to identify and estimate the impacts of watershed services on human health (diarrhea prevalence) in the buffer zone of the park. We conclude by offering a plan of research to improve the design of conservation interventions for protecting biodiversity and providing ecosystem services. These recommendations include developing more conceptual knowledge on the linkages between biodiversity and ecosystem services; scaling up valuation efforts of underappreciated services such as health; shifting focus from valuing services individually to valuing multiple benefits from the same area; and conducting conservation policy experiments to identify causal outcomes (including defensible estimates of ecosystem values).
Subhrendu K. PattanayakEmail:

Against any obscurantist stand, denying the interest of natural sciences for the comprehension of human meaning and language, but also against any reductionist hypothesis, frustrating the specificity of the semiotic point of view on nature, the paper argues that the deepest dynamic at the basis of meaning consists in its being a mechanism of ??potentiality navigation?? within a universe generally characterized by motility. On the one hand, such a hypothesis widens the sphere of meaning to all beings somehow endowed with the capacity of moving and/or perceiving movement. On the other hand, through a new evolutionist interpretation of the concept of generativity, such a hypothesis preserves the peculiarity of human meaning, meant as essentially founded on a certain intuition of infinity. Two corollaries stem from this hypothesis: first, religiosity can be considered as a matrix of grammars of infinity, aiming at regimenting its flight of potentialities. Second, non-genetic transmission of cultural information exerts determinant influence also at the level of that very deep mechanism of the human predicament that is the cognitive navigation of motor potentialities. A re-reading of the structuralist epistemology, scientific literature on the nervous cells of jellyfish, and some recent experiments on the mirror neurons of dancers, as well as certain intuitions of Teilhard de Chardin, are the main arguments of the paper.  相似文献   

Community-based conservation can support livelihoods and biodiversity, while reinforcing local and Indigenous values, cultures, and institutions. Its delivery can help address cross-cutting global challenges, such as climate change, conservation, poverty, and food security. Therefore, understanding trends in community-based conservation is pertinent to setting and implementing global goals. We undertook a horizon scan to prioritize 15 emerging threats and opportunities expected to impact the future effectiveness of community-based conservation. Topics relate to global biodiversity policy; human rights; shifting human geography; inclusion, diversity, equity, and access; conservation finance and income; and economic reforms. Our findings offer guidance on strengthening community-based conservation to achieve global environmental and development goals.  相似文献   

Individuals differ in morningness–eveningness, which is their preferred time for intellectual and physical activities. Although it is a basic human trait, cross-cultural comparisons are scarce but interesting because they help to determine the influence of exogenous factors, such as ambient temperature, climate and photoperiod. We here compare a large sample of German and Turkish adolescents (N?=?26?465) by using the Composite Scale of Morningness and the Morning Affect Factor. First, we show that the Morning Affect Factor and Morningness scores are equivalent in both countries and we report country differences with Turkish adolescents scoring higher on morningness (F1,26?038?=?1293.313, p?<?0.001) and in the morning affect (F1,26?038?=?133.833, p?<?0.001). This fits into the environment hypothesis suggesting that populations near the equator should be more morning oriented. Meanwhile, gender differences were small and adolescents showed a lower morningness and a lower morning affect with increasing age.  相似文献   

In many large-scale conservation or ecological problems where experiments are intractable or unethical, regression methods are used to attempt to gauge the impact of a set of nominally independent variables (X) upon a dependent variable (Y). Workers often want to assert that a given X has a major influence on Y, and so, by using this indirection to infer a probable causal relationship. There are two difficulties apart from the demonstrability issue itself: (1) multiple regression is plagued by collinear relationships in X; and (2) any regression is designed to produce a function that in some way minimizes the overall difference between the observed and predicted Ys, which does not necessarily equate to determining probable influence in a multivariate setting. Problem (1) may be explored by comparing two avenues, one in which a single best regression model is sought and the other where all possible regression models are considered contemporaneously. It is suggested that if the two approaches do not agree upon which of the independent variables are likely to be significant, then the deductions must be subject to doubt.  相似文献   

The breeding population of the sandwich tern (Sterna sandvicensis) on the German North Sea coast has undergone substantial fluctuations throughout the last 100 years. Numbers of breeding birds were fluctuating quite strongly in the first 30 years of the twentieth century. From 1930 to the mid-1950s, a relatively steady decrease occurred. A minimum was reached in 1965 with 2,243 pairs. Around 1970, numbers increased quite markedly up to the mid-1990s and reached a centurial maximum with 10,138 pairs in 1996. Most recently, the numbers have dropped to only 5,681 pairs in 2005, the lowest number over the last 30 years. Some colonies have existed over long periods, others only for short periods, with often substantial and sudden changes. The distribution at sea was studied by transect counts from ships. During the reproductive period, high totals were found between the mainland coast and the islands, up to 30 km from the outer coast/island line. The seaward extent of the sandwich tern distribution coincided quite well with the 20-m depth line. Maximum foraging ranges for single colonies were estimated to be ca. 45 km for Trischen, ca. 35 km for Norderoog and ca. 30 km for both Scharh?rn/Nigeh?rn and Juist. Overall flight ranges for all colonies were estimated at 33.8 km for 95% of the birds. Germany has a high international responsibility for the protection of this species. Only a few colonies exist every year, making this species very vulnerable to anthropogenic disturbance, pollution events and fishing activities.
Stefan GartheEmail:

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