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Anaerobic digestion is developing in various countries worldwide to produce renewable energy. In addition, the resulting digestates provide readily available nutrients when applied to cropping systems as fertilizers. The introduction of a biogas plant on a farm can induce land cover changes, in relation to the production of feedstock for the biogas plant and/or to the modification of the farming system. The aim of this study was therefore to characterize and quantify the land cover changes in farms associated with biogas plants in France. We combined two national spatialized databases: the Land Parcel Identification System (yearly French land cover at the parcel scale with farm identifier per parcel) and the SINOE database (biogas plant location and year of start-up). We showed that, on average, the changes were limited, with an increase in maize areas (+3.4% of the total farm areas) compensated by a decrease in wheat and rapeseed areas (−1.8% and −1.9%, respectively), but with a certain variability. The French regulation and market limiting the use of dedicated energy crops seems to have limited land cover changes in France compared to other countries. However, we elaborated a typology of land cover changes and characterized five clusters of farms across the country. The main one (67% of the farms) corresponded to unchanged land cover after the introduction of a biogas plant. The four other clusters showed contrasting changes, for example, an increase or a decrease in grassland areas, a strong increase in maize areas, or a replacement of winter wheat by winter barley. The diversity and the driving factors behind these changes deserve to be better studied and understood through further farmer surveys.  相似文献   

The present study seeks to provide a contribution to the understanding of vegetation regrowth on abandoned agricultural land by investigating the impacts of the previous cultivation period and the duration of the fallow on the subsequent natural regeneration in terms of vegetation composition, structure and diversity. The results of the study show that both factors have significant effects on the subsequent regeneration of plant species and thus the vegetation development in the southern Gadarif Region, Sudan. The oldest abandoned farmlands were recolonized by tree/shrub species, whereas recently abandoned ones are covered with herbaceous vegetation. There is a general tendency regarding the number of species to decrease with an increase in the period of cultivation. The plant species diversity pattern shows domination of herbaceous species with some scattered woody species. Vegetation changes due to land abandonment may have implications for the conservation of plant species diversity and composition of fauna harboured in the region. Although natural regeneration could be recommended as means of restoring natural vegetation that previously dominated that region, the current regeneration capacity might not be sufficient to reach the climax vegetation except for some pockets, which received more regenerative resources.  相似文献   

Land use for animal production influences the earth system in a variety of ways, including local‐scale modification to biodiversity, soils, and nutrient cycling; regional changes in albedo and hydrology; and global‐scale changes in greenhouse gas and aerosol concentrations. Pasture is furthermore the single most extensive form of land cover, currently comprising about 22–26% of the earth's ice‐free land surface. Despite the importance and variable expressions of animal production, distinctions among different systems are effectively absent from studies of land use and land cover change. This deficiency is improving; however, livestock production system classifications are rarely applied in this context, and the most popular global land cover inventories still present only a single, usually poorly defined category of “pasture” or “rangeland” with no characterization of land use. There is a marked lack of bottom‐up, evidence‐based methodology, creating a pressing need to incorporate cross‐disciplinary evidence of past and present animal production systems into global change studies. Here, we present a framework, modified from existing livestock production systems, that is rooted in sociocultural, socioeconomic, and ecological contexts. The framework defines and characterizes the range of land usage pertaining to animal production, and is suitable for application in land use inventories and scenarios, land cover modeling, and studies on sustainable land use in the past, present, and future.  相似文献   

Little Penguin (Eudyptula minor) is one of the most ecologically important seabirds in New Zealand and depends strongly on terrestrial ecosystems for nesting, moulting and breeding. Wellington, New Zealand, is one of the world's most important biodiversity hot spots for this species, mostly in confluence with human urban settlements. This species is currently suffering from the local impacts of climate change associated with urbanisation. Two suburbs of Wellington, New Zealand, that are used seasonally by Little Penguin as terrestrial habitat were selected as the study area to address two issues: (i) how local impacts of climate change may affect the population and habitat structure of species in urban coastal zones where land cover change occurs; and (ii) how landscape management practices may help to mitigate the impacts imposed by climate change on the species in such a context. Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems techniques were applied to quantify and measure the extent of the prehuman forests and current land cover classes in the study area to reveal the degree to which land cover has changed from predevelopment to the present time. The research shows that land cover change in the study area has been widespread and partly irreversible, particularly in areas covered by the class Built‐up Area. Results reveal that there are still spatial opportunities to safeguard this vulnerable species against the ill effects of climate change through landscape management practices.  相似文献   

Isolation of microorganisms, screening for desirable characters and selection of efficient strains are important steps to optimize high crop yields and improve the sustainability of the ecosystem. The objective of this study was isolate and identify Azopirillum spp. with enhanced potential to promote plant growth among the natural bacterial population associated with rhizosphere soil, roots and stem of maize collected from five maize-growing regions within the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil. Diazotrophic microorganisms were isolated using semi-solid N-free and solid selective media NFb. In order to select the most efficient isolates as candidates for plant growth promotion, the purified bacterial strains were studied for cell morphology, and Gram staining, streptomycin resistance, as well as screened for their potential for nitrogen fixation and auxin production under sterile conditions. Among 224 isolates obtained 121 were able to fix nitrogen and produce auxin. The 30 most promising isolates produced indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) ranging in concentration from 3.51 μg to 246.69 μg IAA mg−1. Nitrogen fixation ranged from 15.43 μg to 95.21 μg of N mg protein−1 day−1 From the 30 most productive isolates, chromosomal DNA was extracted and a portion of the nifH gene was amplified and sequenced. Twenty-nine isolates were found to be similar to the Azospirillum genus and one isolate was found to be similar to Herbaspirillum seropedicae. These bacterial isolates revealed potential to increase crop productivity, however field crop experiments in Rio Grande do Sul climatic conditions should be done in order to formulate recommendations for their use as inoculants.  相似文献   

The rapid industrialisation of agriculture and forestry during the last century has contributed to a transformation of the forested landscape in southern Sweden. Palaeoecological investigation revealed how the Medieval forest-meadow system was created about 900 years ago from a deciduous forest type that had been rather stable for the previous 3000 years. The study site was a forest hollow close to where Linnaeus was born and brought up. The species-rich forest-meadow system suffered from over-grazing during the human-population peak of the nineteenth century, and was abandoned about one hundred years ago. The recent forest succession in southern Sweden has led to reduced floristic biodiversity and created conservation problems related to disappearance of open landscape, even though the remnant vegetation is moving towards the near-natural forest type. Spatially detailed palaeoecology permits documentation of baseline conditions, and places conservation debates in a valuable temporal perspective.  相似文献   

Escherihica coliumC122::Tn5 cells were γ-radiated (137Cs, 750 Gy, under N2), and lac-constitutive mutants were produced at 36% of the wild-type level (the umC strain was not deficient in spontaneous mutagenesis, and the mutational spectrum determined by sequencing 263 spontaneous lacId mutations was very similar to that for the wild-type strain). The specific nature of the umC strain's partial radiation was determined by sequencing 325 radiation-induced lacId mutations. The yields of radiation-induced mutation classes in the umC strain (as a percentage of the wild-type yield) were: 80% for A · T → G · C transitions, 70% for multi-base additions, 60% for single-base deletions, 53% for A · T → C · G transversions, 36% for G · C → A · T transitions, 25% for multi-base deletions, 21% for A · T → T · A transversions, 11% for G · C → C · G transversions, 9% for G · C → T · A transversions and 0% for multiple mutations. Based on these deficiencies and other factors, it is concluded that the umC strain is near-normal for A · T → G · C transitions, single-base deletions and possibly A · T → C · G transversions; is generally deficient for mutagenesis at G · C sites fro transversions, and is grossly deficient in multiple mutations. Damage at G · C sites seems more difficult for translesion DNA synthesis to bypass than damage at A · T sites, and especially when trying to produced a transversion. The yield of G · C → A · T transitions in the umC strain *36% of the wild-type level) argues that a basic sites are involved in no more than 64% of γ-radiation-induced base substitutions in the wild-type strain. Altogether, these data suggest that the UmuC and UmuD′ proteins facilitate, rather than being absolutely required for, translesion DNA synthesis; with the degree of facilitation being dependent both on the nature of the noncoding DNA damage, i.e., at G · C vs A · T sites, and on the nature of the misincorporated base, i.e., whether it induces transversions or transitions.  相似文献   

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