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Epichloë festucae uses a siderophore-mediated system to acquire iron, which is important to maintain endophyte–grass symbioses. Here we investigate the roles of the alternative iron acquisition system, reductive iron assimilation (RIA), via disruption of the fetC gene, which encodes a multicopper ferroxidase, either alone (i.e., ΔfetC) or in combination with disruption of the gene sidA, which encodes a siderophore biosynthesis enzyme (i.e., ΔfetCsidA). The phenotypic characteristics of these mutants were compared to ΔsidA and wild-type (WT) strains during growth under axenic culture conditions (in culture) and in symbiosis with the host grass, perennial ryegrass (in planta). Under iron deficiency, the colony growth rate of ΔfetC was slightly slower than that of WT, while the growth of ΔsidA and ΔfetCsidA mutants was severely suppressed. Siderophore analyses indicated that ΔfetC mutants hyperaccumulate ferriepichloënin A (FEA) at low iron concentrations and ferricrocin and FEA at higher iron concentrations. When compared to WT, all mutant strains displayed hyperbranching hyphal structures and a reduced ratio of Epichloë DNA to total DNA in planta. Furthermore, host colonization and vertical transmission through infection of the host seed were significantly reduced in the ΔfetCsidA mutants, confirming that high-affinity iron uptake is a critical process for Epichloë transmission. Thus, RIA and siderophore iron uptake are complementary systems required for the maintenance of iron metabolism, fungal growth, and symbiosis between E. festucae and perennial ryegrass.  相似文献   

A number of genes encoding non-ribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs) have been identified in fungi of Epichloë/Neotyphodium species, endophytes of Pooid grasses, including sidN, putatively encoding a ferrichrome siderophore-synthesizing NRPS. Targeted gene replacement and complementation of sidN in Epichloë festucae has established that extracellular siderophore epichloënin A is the major product of the SidN enzyme complex (Johnson et al., 2007a). We report here high resolution mass spectrometric fragmentation experiments and NMR analysis of an isolated fraction establishing that epichloënin A is a siderophore of the ferrichrome family, comprising a cyclic sequence of four glycines, a glutamine and three Nδ-trans-anhydromevalonyl–Nδ-hydroxyornithine (AMHO) moieties. Epichloënin A is unusual among ferrichrome siderophores in comprising an octapeptide rather than hexapeptide sequence, and in incorporating a glutamine residue. During this investigation we have established that desferrichrome siderophores with pendant trans-AMHO groups can be distinguished from those with pendant cis-AMHO groups by the characteristic neutral loss of an hydroxyornithine moiety in the MS/MS spectrum. A minor component, epichloënin B, has been characterized as the triglycine variant by mass spectrometry. A peptide characterized by mass spectrometry as the putative deoxygenation product, epichloëamide has been detected together with ferriepichloënin A in guttation fluid from ryegrass (Lolium perenne) plants infected with wild-type E. festucae, but not in plants infected with the ΔsidN mutant strain, and also detected at trace levels in wild-type E. festucae fungal culture.  相似文献   

Plants of red fescue (Festuca rubra), a commercially important turf grass, are infected by the fungal endophyte Epichloë festucae in semiarid natural grasslands, known as dehesas, in western Spain. We used amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers to analyse the genetic polymorphism existing in two natural populations of Epichloë festucae. Linkage disequilibrium and the presence of clonal lineages indicated that nonrecombinant asexual reproduction predominates in both populations. However, most genetic variation detected was found to occur within populations, with only a moderate amount of genetic differentiation between populations (FST: 0.197). Overall, the study suggests that dehesa grasslands are useful reservoirs of Epichloë festucae endophytes, and provides information on population structure which is relevant to design sampling strategies.  相似文献   

We tested whether the host species identity in grass-Epichloë symbioses affected soil chemical and microbial properties. We grew endophyte infected (E+) and endophyte free (E−) Lolium perenne, Hordeum brevisubulatum and Achnatherum inebrians for 18 months in field plots. In E+ soil of all three grasses, available phosphorus was lower whereas total soil nitrogen was higher. Endophyte effects on soil pH, microbial biomass nitrogen, total carbon and organic carbon as well as bacteria and fungi abundance were host species dependent. Ammonia oxidizing bacteria abundance was higher in E+ soils for all species. Bacterial community composition of E+ and E− soils were different only for Lolium perenne with soil pH being the key factor. Fungal community composition of E+ and E− soils was not different for the three grasses. This study confirmed that the effects of foliar Epichloë infection on belowground properties depended on host species identity.  相似文献   

Epichloë festucae is an endophytic fungus that forms a mutualistic symbiotic association with the grass host Lolium perenne. Endophytic hyphae exit the host by an appressorium-like structure known as an expressorium. In plant-pathogenic fungi, the tetraspanin Pls1 and the NADPH oxidase component Nox2 are required for appressorium development. Previously we showed that the homologue of Nox2, NoxB, is required for E. festucae expressorium development and establishment of a mutualistic symbiotic interaction with the grass host. Here we used a reverse genetics approach to functionally characterize the role of the E. festucae homologue of Pls1, PlsA. The morphology and growth of ΔplsA in axenic culture was comparable to wild-type. The tiller length of plants infected with ΔplsA was significantly reduced. Hyphae of ΔplsA had a proliferative pattern of growth within the leaves of L. perenne with increased colonization of the intercellular spaces and the vascular bundles. The ΔplsA mutant was also defective in expressorium development although the phenotype was not as severe as for ΔnoxB, highlighting potentially distinct roles for PlsA and NoxB in signalling through the NoxB complex. Hyphae of ΔplsA proliferate below the cuticle surface but still occasionally form an expressorium-like structure that enables the mutant hyphae to exit the leaf to grow on the surface. These expressoria still form a septin ring-like structure at the point of cuticle exit as found in the wild-type strain. These results establish that E. festucae PlsA has an important, but distinct, role to NoxB in expressorium development and plant symbiosis.  相似文献   

Li W  Ji YL  Yu HS  Wang ZW 《Mycologia》2006,98(4):560-570
Epichlo? species are fungal symbionts (endophytes) of grasses, six European and four North American biological species in genus Epichlo? have been described in previous researches. In this study we describe a new Epichlo? species, Epichlo? yangzii Li et Wang, found in natural symbioses with Roegneria kamoji native to China. We investigated the host specificity, morphology, interfertility tests and molecular phylogenetic evidences of this new species. The results indicated that E. yangzii is host specific and seedborne. Most morphological characteristics of this new species are typical in the genus. However differences are evident in several features including size of perithecia, asci and ascospores. In mating tests E. yangzii was not interfertile with E. elymi isolates from related hosts in genera Elymus. Phylogenetic relationships based on sequences of beta-tubulin gene (tub2) introns and translation elongation factor 1-alpha gene (tef1) introns showed that members of the new species grouped into exclusive clades with high bootstrap value.  相似文献   

G. Jenkins 《Chromosoma》1985,92(5):387-390
Chromosome pairing and synaptonemal complex formation at zygotene and pachytene are described from serial section reconstructions of pollen mother cell nuclei in a triploid hybrid containing two haploid sets of Lolium perenne chromosomes, one of L. temulentum and two acces-sory B chromosomes. At pachytene the homologous L. perenne chromosomes form complete and continuous synaptonemal complexes while the L. temulentum chromosomes show extensive nonhomologous pairing both within and between themselves. At zygotene however, homoeologous pairing in the form of a trivalent and very little non-homologous pairing is observed. Evidently, there exists a mechanism that eliminates homoeologous association during zygotene to ensure strict bivalent formation between homologous chromosomes at pachytene. In Lolium this mechanism is under the influence of the B chromosomes and bears close similarity with that in allohexaploid wheat controlled by the Ph locus.  相似文献   

G. Jenkins 《Chromosoma》1985,92(2):81-88
The chromosomes of Lolium temulentum are longer and contain on average 50% more nuclear DNA than the chromosomes of L. perenne. In the hybrid, despite the difference in length and DNA content, pairing between the homoeologous chromosomes at pachytene is effective and the chiasma frequency at first metaphase in pollen mother cells is high, about 1.6 per bivalent, comparable to that in the L. perenne parent. Electron microscopic observations from reconstructed nuclei at pachytene show that synaptonemal complex (SC) formation in 40% of bivalents is perfect, complete and continuous from telomere to telomere. In others, SCs extend from telomere to telomere but incorporate lateral component loops in interstitial chromosome segments. Even in these bivalents, however, pairing is effective in the sense of chiasma formation. The capacity to form perfect SCs is achieved by an adjustment of chromosome length differences both before and during synapsis. Perfect pairing and SC formation is commoner within the larger bivalents of the complement. At zygotene, in contrast to pachytene, pairing is not confined to homoeologous chromosomes. On the contrary there is illegitimate pairing between non-homologous chromsomes resulting in multivalent formation. There must, therefore, be a mechanism operative between zygotene and pachytene that corrects and modifies associations in such a way as to restrict the pairing to bivalents comprised of strictly homoeologous chromosomes. Such a correction bears comparison with that known to apply in allopolyploids. In the hybrid and in the L. perenne parent also, certain specific nucleolar organisers are inactivated at meiosis.  相似文献   

Two contrasting genotypes of Lolium perenne and two inbred lines of L. temulentum were examined with regard to their effect on homoeologous chromosome pairing in interspecific hybrids derived from them. Substantial differences in chiasma frequency were observed between the hybrid progeny of the different parental types. The background genes involved were found to operate in the presence and in the absence of B chromosomes. The combination of A chromosome genes present in some of the 0B hybrids was found to result in a considerable suppression of chiasma formation at the diploid level, and the restriction of pairing to strict homologues at the tetraploid level. It appears, therefore, that genes are present within the diploid species of the genus Lolium which are capable of performing a function similar to that of the Ph locus in wheat.  相似文献   

Recent developments have increased our understanding of the evolution of mutualistic associations between Epichlo? endophytes and their grass hosts. Most of the asexual species appear to be interspecific hybrids. Although endophytes form compatible associations with their natural hosts, transfers to other hosts elicit a range of incompatible reactions. Recently, the genes involved in the synthesis of the secondary metabolites ergot alkaloids and indole-diterpenes, which confer protective benefits on the association, have been cloned.  相似文献   

《Fungal biology》2014,118(5-6):462-471
Transformation is an essential tool for modern fungal research and has played a fundamental role in gaining insight into gene function. Polyethylene glycol (PEG)-mediated transformation of protoplasts is the most commonly used method for genetic transformation of filamentous fungi. Selectable marker genes, that confer resistance to antibiotics, are generally incorporated with the DNA of interest, allowing transformed cells to grow through the antibiotic overlay. Colonies arising from transformed fungal cells are sub-cultured and further analysed. However, the morphological state of the fungal cells during the transformation procedure has been largely overlooked. We investigated the morphological appearance of transformed fungal cells prior to their emergence through the antibiotic overlay. Hyphae appeared to segment and bulge, reminiscent of arthroconidia, an asexual spore typically produced by segmentation of pre-existing hyphae. Selective expression of eGFP under the control of a spore specific promoter, PcatA, in these cells confirmed their spore-like nature. Reducing the oxygen availability to surface-grown cultures partially recapitulated this morphological form. A GFP fusion to the cell wall integrity MAP kinase MpkA localised to the arthroconidia nuclei suggesting the cell wall integrity signalling pathway modulates cell wall stress responses in arthroconidia. This dramatic morphological change was also observed in transformed Magnaporthe oryzae cells suggesting it may be a more general phenomenon in filamentous fungi. Given the changes in cellular structure and spore-like appearance, these observations may have technical implications for deleting genes involved in these processes in Epichloë festucae and, more broadly, a range of fungal species.  相似文献   

正Dear Editor,Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) is a globally important forage and turf grass species that commonly forms symbiotic associations with the asexual fungal endophyte—Epichlo? festucae var. lolii. Epichlo? endophytes mutualistically interact with host plants by providing major fitness enhancements and protection from both biotic and abiotic stresses  相似文献   

Grass-infecting Epichlo? endophytes (Ascomycota, Calvicipitaceae) depend on Botanophila flies for gamete transfer, while fly larvae feed and develop on the fertilized fungal fruiting structures. Flies are known to be attracted by volatile signals, but the exact mechanisms of chemical communication and the degree of specialization are unknown. Headspace samples collected from five different Epichlo? species were analysed with respect to physiologically active substances using Botanophila flies. In field bioassays using synthetic compounds, their attractiveness and the specificity of the Epichlo?-Botanophila attraction were investigated. The identification of a new natural product, methyl (Z)-3-methyldodec-2-enoate, attracting Botanophila flies is reported here, and chokol K is confirmed as an attractive compound. Different blends of the two compounds attracted Botanophila flies under field conditions, but the three fly taxa present at the study site showed no preference for specific blends of volatiles. Chemical communication in the Epichlo?-Botanophila system relies on a few specific compounds, known as a communication system with 'private channels'. Although ratios of emitted compounds vary in different Epichlo? species, this seems not to lead to specialized attraction of Botanophila flies. Low selective pressure for specialization may have maintained a more generalist interaction between fungi and flies.  相似文献   

1. Lignin-carbohydrate complexes isolated from leaf blade, leaf sheath and stem tissue of ryegrass by extraction with dimethyl sulphoxide were examined by fractionation procedures. Although the complexes are heterogeneous, heterogeneity is shown only in the ratio of the individual monosaccharide residues and not in the ratio of lignin to carbohydrate. 2. The molecular weight of the complexes is high (>/=150000), but chemical modification by alkaline hydrolysis, borohydride reduction or lead tetra-acetate oxidation does not drastically decrease it. Low-molecular-weight fragments released by alkaline treatment were shown to contain acetic acid, ferulic acid and p-coumaric acid. 3. On the basis of the chemical stability of the complexes, it is postulated that at least three types of bonding may be present between lignin and carbohydrate, namely one cleaved on borohydride reduction, another cleaved by alkali and a linkage resistant to alkali. 4. The carbohydrate portion of the complexes is composed of beta-(1-->4)-linked d-glucose residues (cellulose) and beta-(1-->4)-linked chains of xylose residues. Side chains involving arabinose and galactose residues are linked to C-3 of some of the xylose residues. 5. How the components of the complexes are held together is not certain, but it is suggested that the phenolic acids may act as cross-linking agents.  相似文献   

Potato late blight caused by Phytophthora infestans is still one of the main factors limiting potato production. Epichloë spp. can provide host plants with various resistances, which makes them show great potential in the biological control of diseases. In this study, we explored the potential biological activity of crude extracts of 20 strains of Epichloë bromicola to control P. infestans. The crude extracts of strains 1 and 8 showed significant antifungal activity with an inhibition rate of 88 % and 81 %, respectively, and showed different effects on the mycelium morphology of P. infestans observed by scanning electron microscopy. Moreover, the two crude extracts demonstrated an interesting therapeutic and protective effect on potato late blight, and none of the extracts had an adverse effect against zebrafish embryos. A total of 13 metabolites were isolated from the crude extract of strain 8, and these tested compounds showed a weak antifungal effect and the inhibition rate was less than 80 %. These findings suggested that strains 1 and 8 have potential for biocontrol of late potato blight.  相似文献   

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