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Biomass of the crustacean Artemia sp. has multiple uses. The biochemical composition and biomass production of Artemia grown from cysts produced by a native population from Real de Salinas were evaluated under laboratory conditions. Nauplii (instar I) were stocked at density of 10 nauplii/ml in 1.5 l tanks, fed with rice bran from day 2 to day 6, and with the microalgae Tetraselmis suecica from day 7 to day 15. At the end of the trial (day 15) the average length was 5.34 mm, biomass production was 15.72 g/l (wet weight), and survival was 79%. The proximal analysis and biochemical composition of Artemia biomass indicated that its nutrient percentages are closely similar to Artemia from other regions, making this species a suitable food for cultured fish and crustacean.  相似文献   

This article is part of a Special Issue “Parental Care”. Parenting is best understood as a transactional process between parents and their offspring. Each responds to cues in the other, adapting their own behavior to that of their partner. One of the goals of parenting research in the past twenty years has been to untangle reciprocal processes between parents and children in order to specify what comes from the child (child effects) and what comes from the parent (parent effects). Child effects have been found to relate to genetic, pre and perinatal, family-wide, and child-specific environmental influences. Parent effects relate to stresses in the current context (e.g. financial strain, marital conflict), personality and ethnicity but also to adverse childhood experiences (e.g. parental mental health and substance abuse, poverty, divorce). Rodent models have allowed for the specification of biological mechanisms in parent and child effects, including neurobiological and genomic mechanisms, and of the causal role of environmental experience on outcomes for offspring through random assignment of offspring–mother groupings. One of the methods that have been developed in the human and animal models to differentiate between parent and child effects has been to study multiple offspring in the family. By holding the parent steady, and studying different offspring, we can examine the similarities and differences in how parents parent multiple offspring. Studies have distinguished between family average parenting, child-specific parenting and family-wide dispersion (the within family standard deviation). These different aspects of parenting have been differentially linked to offspring behavioral phenotypes.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance with respect to depth and type of substratum of 20 species of gastropods and four species of bivalves of economic importance were examined in the continental shelf of Jalisco and Colima, México. These species were taken with net trawls at depths from 24 to 83 m in August, 1988. Most individuals and species of gastropods were collected in stations with sandy silt substratum. Bivalves were collected in sandy silt and medium sand substrata. The six most abundant species represented 81.2% of all gastropods and bivalves collected. These species are: Cantharus pallidus, Fusinus dupetittouarsi, Ficus ventricosa, Hexaplex brassica, Harpa conoidalis and Arca pacifica.  相似文献   

We studied the life-history of the Sierra Madre sparrow (Xenospiza baileyi) in a subalpine grassland-agriculture mosaic south of Mexico City. From March to early September 1999 we captured and color-banded 53 adults with mist-nets and mapped the breeding territories of 21 males. We again mapped territories in the same spot in April and May 2000. The number of breeding territories was found to be the same in the two consecutive years and interannual survivorship was found to be relatively high. Breeding territories were restricted to the bunchgrass-covered areas. We used the density of territories and the amount of remaining habitat to estimate a total population size of 5,380–6,150 adults for this species. Using this and other recent data, we recommend raising the Sierra Madre sparrow to the status of critically endangered using BirdLife International criteria.  相似文献   

This study explores the management of inland fisheries on common lands (ejidos) within the Mayan Zone of Quintana Roo, Mexico. Qualitative survey data are used to examine whether there are (a) ongoing fishery conservation activities; (b) local caretakers of fishing sites; (c) restrictions on where fishing can take place; and (d) particular groups of individuals who lack the right to fish within the ejidos. Results indicate that in contrast to other local resources, fisheries in the ejidos have less defined use rights, being viewed as largely “open access”. In particular, most feel that outsiders can fish in an ejido if they abide by local rules (notably not damaging the local water bodies, asking consent to fish, and having a friend or relative in the community). However, there are within-community differences in views concerning management and conservation, with those more dependent on fishing being more likely to support exclusion of outsiders.  相似文献   

Mexico is a megadiverse country, but less than 54 % of its original vegetation still remains. In particular Mexican deserts and arid and semiarid ecosystems harbor a large number of endemic taxa, and the genus Agave is an outstanding example. Agave is one of the largest genera of the Mexican flora, including a total estimated number of 200 species, 74 % of them endemic to the country. Agave is also one of the Mexican plant genera with more population genetic studies. We describe here studies in 22 Agave species using different genetic markers. For the genus we found on average a high level of genetic variation, H s ?=?0.19, and a low genetic differentiation, F st ?=?0.15. We identify some species that should be subject to special conservation genetic efforts, in particular the endangered A. victoriae-reginae and both wild populations and landraces of A. angustifolia, including the cultivated A. tequilana.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution and abundance of conspicuous gastropod and bivalve species were studied at five rocky beaches in Cuastecomate Bay, Jalisco. Sampling was done from September, 1993 through March, 1994 with 0.75 m2 quadrants placed along replicate transect lines (10 m long) in the supralittoral and mesolittoral (upper, middle and lower intertidal) zones. A total of 6,643 mollusks were collected. Gastropods dominated the samples (6,272 individuals, 44 species); the bivalves were less abundant and diverse (371 individuals, five species). Seventeen species comprised 89.8% of all individuals collected. The gastropods Nodilittorina aspera and Nerita scabricosta were the most abundant with 637.8 and 71.43 individuals/m2, respectively. The most abundant bivalves were Brachidontes adamsianus and Chloromytilus palliopunctatus with 60.7 and 61.3 individuals/m2 respectively. The abundance of gastropods decreased from the supralittoral to the lower tidal zones while the number of species increased in the same direction. The number of species of bivalves also increased from the supralittoral to the lower intertidal zone; the abundance of individuals was higher at the middle intertidal zone. Affinities between groups of species among sampling stations were identified by computing Pearson's correlation coefficient using abundance values (ind./m2) and Jaccard's dissimilarity index using species presence or absence in the lower intertidal zone. Affinity among stations was not dependent upon their vicinity but on the high dominance of few species, the occurrence of many secondary species and beach characteristics.  相似文献   

Species richness is one of the best indicators of biodiversity. However, there are few investigations on concordance of diversity patterns and environmental settings for marine regions. The objectives of this study were to correlate species richness of shallow water (< 200 m deep) sea stars with key oceanographic factors in the Gulf of California, México, and to predict species richness of Asteroidea using multiple regressions. In these analyses the Gulf was divided into nine sections of one degree in latitude (from 23-31 degrees N), at each section we recorded: continental shelf area (at 100 and 200 m depth), temperature mean and range at three depth levels (0, 60 and 120 m), thermocline depth, surface nutrient concentrations (nitrates, phosphates and silicates), surface photosynthetic pigment concentration, and integrated productivity. Sea star species richness at each latitudinal section was estimated from literature data, new collections and museum records. Species were assigned to one of the following feeding guilds: predators of small mobile invertebrates (I), detritivores (D), predators of colonial organisms (C), generalist carnivores (G), and planktivores (P). There are 47 shallow water asteroid species in the Gulf of California (16 I, 15 D, eight C, six G, one P and one not assigned). Total species richness and guild species richness showed strong latitudinal attenuation patterns and were higher in the southernmost Gulf, an area characterized by a narrow shelf, high temperature, and low nutrient concentrations. Species diversity for each guild was correlated to a set of oceanographic parameters: temperature, nitrate concentration, and integrated productivity were linked to richness in must cases. We detected that nutrients and surface pigments always presented negative relationships with species richness, indicating that productive environments limit asteroid diversity in the study area. Finally, the postulated regression models to estimate species richness from oceanographic data were significant and highly precise. We conclude that species richness of Asteroidea in the Gulf of California is related to oceanographic conditions and can be estimated from regional oceanographic information.  相似文献   

This paper describes the leaf anatomy of Sabal mauritiiformis (Karst.) Griseb. & H. Wendl., Sabal mexicana Mart. and Sabal yapa Wright ex Becc., three of the four most representative species of the Yucatán Península, in Mexico. These species are locally used: in the roofing of traditional homes, as food (fruits and apical buds), and in the production of hats, brooms and handicrafts. Leaf samples were collected in secondary growth of lower montane rainforest in the state of Quintana Roo and in two home gardens in the state of Yucatán. Herbarium samples were obtained, and samples of blade and petiole were fixed in formaline-acetic acid-alcohol. Cross incisions were made on the blade and petiole, and were dyed with safranin and toluidine blue O. The results show that S. mauritiiformis and S. yapa are morphologically alike: both are tall, slim palm trees; the leaf in S. mauritiiformis is a shorter palm-like structure compared with the other two species. The shape of the main nerve, as seen in cross section, is rectangular in the three species. The hastula in the three species is acuminate and adaxial. The foliar anatomic structure is similar in the three species, although there are some differences. The adaxial an abaxial epidermis of the blade consist of one layer and, superficially, the anticlinal walls are straight; the stomata are intercostal, of the tetracytic type, present on both surfaces in S. mexicana and S. yapa and only on the abaxial surface on S. mauritiiformis. The hypodermis is one layer thick in S. yapa and in S. mexicana and two layers thick in S. mauritiiformis. In the three species the palisade parenchyma consists of several undefined strata as the cells are similar-in shape and size--to the cells in the spongy parenchyma, so there is no marked difference between these strata and the spongy parenchyma seems almost continuous. Both fibrous and vascular bundles are distributed between the hypodermis and the palisade parenchyma; the fiber bundles can be found towards the abaxial surface while the vascular and fiber bundles are located towards the adaxial surface. The fibers, in the three species, are elongated, with the pointed tips, undivided and unseptated. One to three wide vessels of metaxilem can be seen in the vascular bundles, those in S. yapa being the widest in diameter. The vascular bundles are surrounded by thick fiber sheaths which come in pairs. The anatomic structure of the petiole is similar to that of the blade, and is characterized by the many vascular and fiber bundles dispersed in the parenchymatous tissue, and which are very resistant. The histological structure of the blade and petiole reflects strength and flexibility, qualities which make these plants adequate in the construction of roofs for rural housing and other buildings.  相似文献   

Diet composition of the Pacific snapper (Lutjanus peru) 130-684 mm fork length (FL) and the spotted snapper (Lugjanus guttatus) 120-550 mm FL, was analyzed. Monthly samples were obtained from commercial landings in three regions off the coast of Guerrero, Mexico. Percentage by number (%N), percentage by weight (%W), and percentage of occurrence (%O) were calculated for each prey and summarized as the index of relative importance. Both species are polyphagous predators feeding on a variety of prey: Sixty-eight prey items, mainly fish (%W = 50.9), crustaceans (%W = 35.6), and mollusks (%W = 7.2), were found in the stomach contents of L. peru, while 88 components were identified in the diet of L. guttatus, the most important prey being fish (%W = 50.8) and crustaceans (%W = 43.4). Diet overlap between species is not significant (p<0.05), indicating that competition for food is unlikely. Based on published values of the relative importance index, the diets of these Lutjanidae were analyzed considering different regions of the Pacific coast of Mexico and Costa Rica, and similarities among sites and species were discussed. The cluster analysis showed that similarities among species inhabiting in the same area are more important than within organisms of the same species living in different zones. Results suggest that prey availability rather than food selectivity, conditions the feeding behavior of these fish species.  相似文献   

In his Gastraea studies Ernst Haeckel characterized the initial stages of the animal embryo, describing complete and incomplete cleavages in various groups, until the gastrula stage. Thereby, he was able to point out various degrees of developmental diversification in these initial stages of development. As the functional meaning of such cleavages was not clear however, it was difficult to argue about putative functional adaptations. Information about the consequences for tissue formation initiated in this primary phase of development was simply lacking. Haeckel could only provide a vague picture of a highly diversified but systematically inconsistent distribution of various types of early embryogenesis. Thereby he discusses phylogenetically preserved (palingenetic) stages of development and adaptations to certain specific situations of the embryo (cenogenesis). To decide whether such types, in the initial stages of embryogenesis, are ceno- or phaenogenetic is quite difficult. Reference to the highly diversified distribution of certain types within specific groups is an indication that there is no strict adaptive pressure on these early parts of embryonic development. This makes it possible to formulate – as Haeckel did it – the idea, that in these initial phases palingenetic attributes are dominant. Thus, he tried to use these early phases of development for the classification of larger systematic units. The result is a concept of an evolutionary morphology, that was, however, never elaborated in detail by Haeckel. Therefore, it remained without effect for evolutionary biology. On the contrary, following the Darwinian approach towards a comparative analysis of embryogenesis, Fritz Müller presented a series of examples for a comparative developmental biology that allowed one to interpret certain morphological characteristics as the outcome of common evolutionary histories within different species. For various crustacean species, he was able to demonstrate that certain attributes are not to be characterized as functionally relevant adaptations, but are evolutionarily inherited.  相似文献   

Environment and seedling community under isolated trees in pastures are different from those in the open pasture. The effect of the pasture trees on the soil nutrients and on the seedling growth were investigated. Seven isolated trees and eight plots were selected in two pastures of 12-yr and 32-yr old derived from a lowland rain forest with nutrient-rich soil at Los Tuxtlas, Mexico. The soil concentrations of total N, P Bray, K+, Na+, Ca2+ and Mg2+, plus others physical and chemical characteristics, were compared between the pasture trees and the open-pasture. An experiment was done to test the hypothesis that soil from under the pasture trees was better for seedling growth than soil from the open pasture. Seedlings of two native tree species and two domesticated species were grown in soil from the two different sites in a shade-house. The dry weight of the shoot and root/shoot ratio were compared. Only total N, P and Na+ differed slightly in concentrations between the sites, but did not promote more seedling biomass. It seems that the soil at this location is sufficiently nutrient-rich even in the open pastures and over-ride any effect of the pasture trees on nutrient availability.  相似文献   

In the Chantuto-Panzacola system, Chiapas, México, a study of a fish community was carried out between March and November of 1997. From a total of 1456 fish collected, 31 species, 25 genera and 19 families had been identified. The diversity and abundance were high in March with H'= 2.67 bits/ind, D = 3.89 sp/ind, biomass 1.88 g/m2. density 0.25 ind/m2 and average weight 7.55 g/ind. Significant differences were found between the ecological parameters and the environmental variables of the ecosystem in the months of study (ANOVA and Tukey, p < 0.05). The multiple discriminant analysis showed that the temperature and the salinity was the most important factors in the variation of the community. The frequency analysis and spatial distribution of the fish allowed to define fish assemblages formed by several groups of species that inhabits the system. Nine dominant species were defined for the ecosystem, representing the 71% in number and the 76.4% in weight of the total catch, Achirus mazatlanus, Caranx hippos, Cathorops fuerthi, Centropomus robalito, Cichlasoma macracanthum, Cichlasoma trimaculatum, Gobiomorus maculatus, Gobionellus microdon and Lile gracilis.  相似文献   

Mutations at codons 526 and 531 in the rpoB gene and at 315 in the katG gene are considered diagnostic markers for resistance to rifampin and isoniazid in tuberculosis. The aim of this study was to design and evaluate three TaqMan probes for the identification of these mutations in 138 respiratory samples positive for acid-fast bacilli, and 32 clinical isolates from a region with considerable levels of drug resistance. The specificities of the probes for the diagnosis of resistance to both drugs were 100%; however, the sensitivities were calculated to be 50% for isoniazid and 56% for rifampin. DNA sequencing of rpoB and katG; and the spoligotyping assay of the clinical isolates, confirmed the diversity of the mutations and the presence of 11 spoligotypes with a shared international type and eight unique spoligotypes. Analysis of the respiratory samples identified 22 (16%) as drug-resistant and 4 (3%) as multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. The diagnostic value of the TaqMan probes was compromised by the diversity of mutations found in the clinical isolates. This highlights the need for better understanding of the molecular mechanisms responsible for drug resistance prior to the use of molecular probes, especially in regions with significant levels of drug-resistant tuberculosis.  相似文献   


Climate refugia, or places where habitats are expected to remain relatively buffered from regional climate extremes, provide an important focus for science and conservation planning. Within high-priority, multi-jurisdictional landscapes like the Madrean sky islands of the United States and México, efforts to identify and manage climate refugia are hindered by the lack of high-quality and consistent transboundary datasets. To fill these data gaps, we assembled a bi-national field dataset (n?=?1416) for five pine species (Pinus spp.) and used generalized boosted regression to model pine habitats in relation to topographic variability as a basis for identifying potential microrefugia at local scales in the context of current species’ distribution patterns. We developed additional models to quantify climatic refugial attributes using coarse scale bioclimatic variables and finer scale seasonal remote sensing indices. Terrain metrics including ruggedness, slope position, and aspect defined microrefugia for pines within elevation ranges preferred by each species. Response to bioclimatic variables indicated that small shifts in climate were important to some species (e.g., P. chihuahuana, P. strobiformis), but others exhibited a broader tolerance (e.g., P. arizonica). Response to seasonal climate was particularly important in modeling microrefugia for species with open canopy structure and where regular fires occur (e.g., P. engelmannii and P. chihuahuana). Hotspots of microrefugia differed among species and were either limited to northern islands or occurred across central or southern latitudes. Mapping and validation of refugia and their ecological functions are necessary steps in developing regional conservation strategies that cross jurisdictional boundaries. A salient application will be incorporation of climate refugia in management of fire to restore and maintain pine ecology. Una versión en español de este artículo está disponible como descarga.


The Pacific jack Caranx caninus is a common species fished by artisanal fishermen off the coast of Colima, México. During 2002, monthly samples of morphometric data and otoliths were taken to determine age and growth. Seven age groups were identified. The highest growth, 14.4 cm, takes place during the first year of life. During the second year, C caninus grows 11.76 cm; the third year 9.61 cm; the fourth 7.85 cm; the fifth 6.41 cm and sixth year 5.24 cm. The constants of von Bertalanffy's growth equation were: L(infinity) = 83.26 cm, W(infinity) = 18.138 g, K = 0.202, t(0) = -0.283 and A(0.95) = 15 years. Growth curves of other species of the same genus were calculated in order to compare them with the one obtained in the present work. The gonadosomatic index presented higher values during November and May. The periods of more intensive feeding are from August to February.  相似文献   

The genus Abies has a complex history in southern México and Guatemala. In this region, four closely related species, Abies flinckii , A. guatemalensis , A. hickelii , and A. religiosa , are distributed in fragmented and isolated montane populations. Range-wide genetic variation was investigated across species using cytoplasmic DNA markers with contrasted inheritance. Variation at two maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA markers was low. All species shared two of the nine mitotypes detected, while the remaining seven mitochondrial DNA types were restricted to a few isolated stands. Mitochondrial genetic differentiation across taxa was high ( G ST = 0.933), it was not related to the taxonomic identity ( amova ; P  > 0.05) of the populations, and it was not phylogeographically structured ( G ST ≈  N ST). In contrast, variation at three paternally inherited chloroplast DNA microsatellites was high. Chloroplast genetic differentiation was lower ( G ST = 0.402; R ST = 0.547) than for mitochondrial DNA, but it was significantly related to taxonomy ( amova ; P  < 0.001), and exhibited a significant phylogeographical structure ( G ST <  R ST). Different analyses of population structure indicated that A. flinckii was the most divergent taxon, while the remaining three species formed a relatively homogeneous group. However, a small number of the populations of these three taxa, all located at the limits of their respective ranges or in the Transverse Volcanic Belt, diverged from this main cluster. These trends suggest that the Mesoamerican Abies share a recent common ancestor and that their divergence and speciation is mainly driven by genetic drift and isolation during the warm interglacial periods.  相似文献   

The European Water Framework Directive (WFD) represents a transformation of the guidelines for water quality assessment and monitoring across all EU Member States. At present, it is widely accepted that the WFD requires holistic and multidisciplinary ecological approaches by integrating multiple lines of evidence. Within the scope of the WFD, the scientific community identified clear opportunities to take advantage of an ecotoxicological line of evidence. In this context, ecotoxicological tools, namely biomarkers and bioassays, were proposed to contribute to the integration of the chemical and biological indicators, and thus to provide an overall insight into the quality of a water body. More than one decade after the publication of the WFD, we reviewed the studies that have attempted to integrate ecotoxicological tools in the assessment of surface water bodies. For this purpose, we reviewed studies providing an ecological water status assessment through more conventional community based approaches, in which biomarkers and/or bioassays were also applied to complement the evaluation. Overall, from our review emerges that studies at community level appear suitable for assessing the ecological quality of water bodies, whereas the bioassays/biomarkers are especially useful as early warning systems and to investigate the causes of ecological impairment, allowing a better understanding of the cause–effect-relationships. In this sense, community level responses and biomarkers/bioassays seem to be clearly complementary, reinforcing the need of combining the approaches of different disciplines to achieve the best evaluation of ecosystem communities’ health.  相似文献   

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