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A multi stage high rate biomethanation process with novel self mixed anaerobic digester (SMAD) was developed in the present study to reduce the hydraulic residence time (HRT), increase the volatile solids (VS) loading rate, improve the VS destruction efficiency and enhance the methane yield. Specific design features of SMAD were useful in mixing the digester contents without consuming power and de-alienated the problem of scum formation. In the first phase, poultry litter having 10% total solids (TS) was subjected to high rate biomethanation in multi stage configuration (SMAD-I and II in series with UASB reactor). It was observed that gross VS reduction of 58%, gross methane yield of 0.16 m 3 kg −1 (VS reduced) and VS loading rate of 3.5 kg VS m −3 day −1 at HRT of 13 days was obtained. In the second phase SMAD-II was bypassed from the process scheme keeping the other parameters same as in the first phase. The results obtained were not as encouraging as in the first phase. The study showed that multi stage configuration with SMAD design improved the anaerobic digestion process efficiency of poultry litter. 相似文献
Investigations on the thermophilic anaerobic treatment of high-strength wastewaters (14-65 kg COD/m(3)) are presented. Vinasse, the wastewater of alcohol distilleries, was used as an example of such wastewaters. Semicontinuously fed digestion experiments at high retention times revealed that the effluent quality of digestion at 55 degrees C is comparable with that at 30 degrees C at similar loading rates. The amount of methane formed per kilogram of vinasse drops almost linearly with increasing vinasse concentrations. This can be attributed to increasing concentrations of inhibitory compounds, resulting in increasing volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentrations in the effluent. The treatment of vinasse was also investigated using upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors. Thermophilic granular sludge, cultivated on sucrose, was used as seed material. The sludge required a 4-month adaptation period, during which the size of the sludge granules decreased significantly. However, the settling characteristics remained satisfactory. After adaptation, high loading and methane generation rates could be accommodated at satisfactory treatment efficiencies, namely, 86.4 kg COD/m(3) day and 26 m(3) CH(4)(STP)/m(3) day, respectively. As in the semicontinuously fed digesters, the effluent VFA concentrations were virtually independent of the loading rates applied, indicating that the toxicity of the vinasse is more important than the loading rate in determining the efficiency of the conversion of vinasse to methane. 相似文献
Summay Completely mixed anaerobic reactors containing ca 10 % of their working volume as polyurethane (PUR) foam, can digest heterogenous slurries such as pig manure in a stable way at short hydraulic retention times of the order of 6.0 to 7.5 day. The influence of pore size and pad size of the PUR foam on the process was investigated. The PUR foam with the smallest pore size investigated (i.e. 45 pores per inch) gave the best biogas yield and biogas production rate. Pad size seemed to be of minor importance, having no effect on the performance of the digesters within the range examined (1 to 3.6 cm rib length). Apparently, diffusion of fatty acids into the PUR pads appeared not to be rate limiting under the lab scale reactor conditions examined. 相似文献
Abstract Anaerobic syntrophic bacteria degrade fatty acids and some aromatic compounds which are important intermediates in the degradation of organic matter in methanogenic environments. Several of the described syntrophic species produce poly-β-hydroxyalkanoate (PHA) suggesting that the synthesis and use of PHA is important in their physiology. In the fatty acid-degrading, syntrophic bacterium, Syntrophomonas wolfei , PHA is made during exponential phase of growth and used after growth has stopped and substrate levels are low. Altering the carbon to nitrogen ratio of the medium does not affect the amount of PHA made or its monomeric composition. It is hypothesized that PHA serves as an endogenous energy source for syntrophic bacteria when the concentrations of hydrogen or acetate are too high for the degradation of the growth substrate to be thermodynamically favorable. In S. wolfei , PHA is synthesized by two routes, the direct incorporation of 3-ketoacyl-coenzyme A (CoA) generated in β-oxidation without cleavage of a C-C bond, and by the condensation and subsequent reduction of two acetyl-CoA molecules. Genes that encode for the synthesis of PHA in S. wolfei have been cloned into Escherichia coli in order to understand the molecular mechanisms that regulate PHA synthesis. 相似文献
An anaerobic, motile, gram-negative, rod-shaped, syntrophic, benzoate-degrading bacterium, strain SB, was isolated in pure culture with crotonate as the energy source. Benzoate was degraded only in association with an H2-using bacterium. The kinetics of benzoate degradation by cell suspensions of strain SB in coculture with Desulfovibrio strain G-11 was studied by using progress curve analysis. The coculture degraded benzoate to a threshold concentration of 214 nM to 6.5 microM, with no further benzoate degradation observed even after extended incubation times. The value of the threshold depended on the amount of benzoate added and, consequently, the amount of acetate produced. The addition of sodium acetate, but not that of sodium chloride, affected the threshold value; higher acetate concentrations resulted in higher threshold values for benzoate. When a cell suspension that had reached a threshold benzoate concentration was reamended with benzoate, benzoate was used without a lag. The hydrogen partial pressure was very low and formate was not detected in cell suspensions that had degraded benzoate to a threshold value. The Gibbs free energy change calculations showed that the degradation of benzoate was favorable when the threshold was reached. These studies showed that the threshold for benzoate degradation was not caused by nutritional limitations, the loss of metabolic activity, or inhibition by hydrogen or formate. The data are consistent with a thermodynamic explanation for the existence of a threshold, but a kinetic explanation based on acetate inhibition may also account for the existence of a threshold. 相似文献
Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering - To achieve the goals of sustainable development, supplies of renewable energy must be increased and methods of stable production developed. This study... 相似文献
Ammonia accumulation is a major inhibitory substance causing anaerobic digestion upset and failure in CH 4 production. At high ammonia levels, CH 4 production through syntrophic acetate oxidization (SAO) pathways is more tolerant to ammonia toxicity than the acetoclastic methanogenesis pathway, but the low CH 4 production rate through SAO constitutes the main reason for the low efficiency of energy recovery in anaerobic digesters treating ammonia‐rich substrates. In this study, we showed that acetate fermentation to CH 4 and CO 2 occurred through SAO pathway in the anaerobic reactors containing a high ammonia concentration (5.0 g l ?1 NH 4+–N), and the magnetite nanoparticles supplementation increased the CH 4 production rates from acetate by 36–58%, compared with the anaerobic reactors without magnetite under the same ammonia level. The mechanism of facilitated methanogenesis was proposed to be the establishment of direct interspecies electron transfer (DIET) for SAO, in which magnetite facilitated DIET between syntrophic acetate oxidizing bacteria and methanogens. High‐throughput 16S rRNA gene sequencing analysis revealed that the bacterial Geobacteraceae and the archaeal Methanosarcinaceae and Methanobacteriaceae might be involved in magnetite‐mediated DIET for SAO and CH 4 production. This study demonstrated that magnetite supplementation might provide an effective approach to accelerate CH 4 production rates in the anaerobic reactors treating wastewater containing high ammonia. 相似文献
Anaerobic digestion of wastewater from a dimethyl terephthalate plant was studied in continuously stirred tank reactors with plastic net biomass support particles (BSP) at a level of 20% (v/v). The experimental results showed that the BSP system could treat the wastewater at a hydraulic retention time as low as 1.5 d, organic loading as high as 20 kg COD/m3/d and at acidic feed pH as low as 4.5 with 95% COD reduction and biogas production of about 8l/l/d, while the control system without support particles could not treat the wastewater above a 5-d hydraulic retention time, 5 kg COD/m3/d organic loading and a feed pH of 6.0. Thus, augmentation of BSP upgraded the performance of the conventional suspended growth system to an equivalent level to advanced reactors. 相似文献
Methanogenic fermentation involves a natural ecosystem that can be used for waste water treatment. This anaerobic process can have two locally stable steady‐states and an unstable one making the process hard to handle. The aim of this work is to propose analytical criteria to detect hazardous working modes, namely situations where the system evolves towards the acidification of the plant. We first introduce a commonly used simplified model and recall its main properties. To assess the evolution of the system we study the phase plane and split it into nineteen zones according to some qualitative traits. Then a methodology is introduced to monitor in real‐time the trajectory of the system across these zones and determine its position in the plane. It leads to a dynamical risk index based on the analysis of the transitions from one zone to another, and generates a classification of the zones according to their dangerousness. Finally the proposed strategy is applied to a virtual process based on model ADM1. It is worth noting that the proposed approach do not rely on the value of the parameters and is thus very robust. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2009 相似文献
Anaerobic digestion is increasingly being used to treat wastes from many sources because of its manifold advantages over aerobic treatment, e.g. low sludge production and low energy requirements. However, anaerobic digestion is sensitive to toxicants, and a wide range of compounds can inhibit the process and cause upset or failure. Substantial research has been carried out over the years to identify specific inhibitors/toxicants, and their mechanism of toxicity in anaerobic digestion. In this review we present a detailed and critical summary of research on the inhibition of anaerobic processes by specific organic toxicants (e.g., chlorophenols, halogenated aliphatics and long chain fatty acids), inorganic toxicants (e.g., ammonia, sulfide and heavy metals) and in particular, nanomaterials, focusing on the mechanism of their inhibition/toxicity. A better understanding of the fundamental mechanisms behind inhibition/toxicity will enhance the wider application of anaerobic digestion. 相似文献
The dynamics of anaerobic digestion were examined in the low-pH sediments of Crystal Bog in Wisconsin. The sediments (pH 4.9) contained 71% organic matter and the following concentrations of dissolved gases (micromoles per liter): CO2, 1,140; CH4, 490; and H2, 0.01. The rate of methane production was 6.2 mumol/liter of sediment per h, which is slower than eutrophic, neutral sediments. Microbial metabolic processes displayed the following pH optima: hydrolysis reactions, between 4.2 and 5.6; aceticlastic methanogenesis, 5.2; and hydrogen-consuming reactions, 5.6. The turnover rate constants for key intermediary metabolites were (h-1): glucose, 1.10; lactate, 0.277; acetate, 0.118; and ethanol, 0.089. The populations of anaerobes were low, with hydrolytic groups (10(6)/ml) several orders of magnitude higher than methanogens (10(2)/ml). The addition of carbon electron donors to the sediment resulted in the accumulation of hydrogen, whereas the addition of hydrogen resulted in the accumulation of fatty acids and the inhibition of hydrogen-producing acetogenic reactions. Strains of Lactobacillus, Clostridium, and Sarcina ventriculi were isolated from the bog, and their physiological attributes were characterized in relation to hydrolytic process functions in the sediments. The present studies provide evidence that the pH present in the bog sediments alter anaerobic digestion processes so that total biocatalytic activity is lower but the general carbon and electron flow pathways are similar to those of neutral anoxic sediments. 相似文献
Knowledge of connections between operational conditions, process stability, and microbial community dynamics is essential to enhance anaerobic digestion (AD) process efficiency and management. In this study, the detailed temporal effects of a sudden glycerol-based organic overloading on the AD microbial community and process imbalance were investigated in two replicate anaerobic digesters by a time-intensive sampling scheme. The microbial community time response to the overloading event was shorter than the shifts of reactor performance parameters. An increase in bacterial community dynamics and in the abundances of several microbial taxa, mainly within the Firmicutes, Tenericutes, and Chloroflexi phyla and Methanoculleus genera, could be detected prior to any shift on the reactor operational parameters. Reactor acidification already started within the first 24 h of the shock and headed the AD process to total inhibition in 72 h alongside with the largest shifts on microbiome, mostly the increase of Anaerosinus sp. and hydrogenotrophic methanogenic Archaea. In sum, this work proved that AD microbial community reacts very quickly to an organic overloading and some shifts occur prior to alterations on the performance parameters. The latter is very interesting as it can be used to improve AD process management protocols. 相似文献
Summary The use of polyurethane foam sponges to colonize methanogenic associations for the digestion of piggery manure has been investigated. Fermentors containing polyurethane pads as colonization matrix reached a biogas production rate of ca. 2.0 litres per litre reactor per day (30–33°C), hydraulic retention time 7.5 daysl and a biogas yield of 16 litres per litre piggery manure (7–9% TS). Corresponding control fermentors containing no pads reached a gas production rate of 1.3 litres per litre reactor per day and only about 10 litres biogas per litre piggery manure. 相似文献
This study demonstrates enhanced methane production from wastewater in laboratory-scale anaerobic reactors equipped with electrodes for water electrolysis. The electrodes were installed in the reactor sludge bed and a voltage of 2.8-3.5 V was applied resulting in a continuous supply of oxygen and hydrogen. The oxygen created micro-aerobic conditions, which facilitated hydrolysis of synthetic wastewater and reduced the release of hydrogen sulfide to the biogas. A portion of the hydrogen produced electrolytically escaped to the biogas improving its combustion properties, while another part was converted to methane by hydrogenotrophic methanogens, increasing the net methane production. The presence of oxygen in the biogas was minimized by limiting the applied voltage. At a volumetric energy consumption of 0.2-0.3 Wh/L R, successful treatment of both low and high strength synthetic wastewaters was demonstrated. Methane production was increased by 10-25% and reactor stability was improved in comparison to a conventional anaerobic reactor. 相似文献
Anaerobic digestion is an attractive waste treatment practice in which both pollution control and energy recovery can be achieved. Many agricultural and industrial wastes are ideal candidates for anaerobic digestion because they contain high levels of easily biodegradable materials. Problems such as low methane yield and process instability are often encountered in anaerobic digestion, preventing this technique from being widely applied. A wide variety of inhibitory substances are the primary cause of anaerobic digester upset or failure since they are present in substantial concentrations in wastes. Considerable research efforts have been made to identify the mechanism and the controlling factors of inhibition. This review provides a detailed summary of the research conducted on the inhibition of anaerobic processes. The inhibitors commonly present in anaerobic digesters include ammonia, sulfide, light metal ions, heavy metals, and organics. Due to the difference in anaerobic inocula, waste composition, and experimental methods and conditions, literature results on inhibition caused by specific toxicants vary widely. Co-digestion with other waste, adaptation of microorganisms to inhibitory substances, and incorporation of methods to remove or counteract toxicants before anaerobic digestion can significantly improve the waste treatment efficiency. 相似文献
A co-culture of bacteria responsible for the conversion of butyrate to methane and CO 2 was isolated from a cattle-waste treatment plant. The non-methanogenic partner of the co-culture was Syntrophomonas wolfei and the methanogenic partner was Methanobacterium formicicum. Although butyrate degradation occurred at pH<6.0 and below 45°C, methanogenesis was observed at pH>6.5 and above 40°C. 相似文献
Even though ammonia is an essential nutrient for bacterial growth, it may inhibit methanogenesis during anaerobic digestion process if it is available at high concentrations. Therefore, ammonia is regarded as a potential inhibitor during anaerobic digestion, particularly when dealing with complex type of substrates such as manure or the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW). Ammonia is produced through biological degradation of nitrogenous matter. Ammonium ion (NH 4+) and free ammonia (NH 3) are the two principal forms of inorganic ammonia nitrogen. Both forms can directly and indirectly cause inhibition in an anaerobic digestion system. Particularly, free ammonia (FAN) is a powerful inhibitor in an anaerobic digester above threshold concentrations. Process inhibition is related to the particular characteristics of the substrate to be anaerobically digested, pH, process temperature (mesophilic or thermophilic), type of the seed sludge (inoculum), the reactor configuration and to the concentrations of ammonium and ammonia. In this paper, ammonia inhibition in anaerobic digestion systems and the recovery efforts after inhibition are discussed. Furthermore, the impacts of ammonia inhibition on the microbial population available in anaerobic digesters, namely bacteria and Archaea, are also evaluated in detail. 相似文献