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Abstract Triton X-100 (TX100) enhances the liberation of chlamydial elementary bodies (EB) from host cells and dissolves the host cell membrane. In the presence of TX100 only differential centrifugation is needed to isolate reasonably pure EBs. The remaining high-speed supernatant still contains a large part of the chlamydial lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which can be isolated with the standard phenol-chloroform-petroleum ether extraction.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin, a 76 amino acid protein, is covalently attached to abnormal and short-lived proteins, thus marking them for ATP-dependent proteolysis in eukaryotic cells. Free (unconjugated) ubiquitin was localized in hepatoma cells using affinity purified anti-ubiquitin antibodies and colloidal gold immunoelectron microscopy. The anti-ubiquitin antibodies recognize only unconjugated ubiquitin. Ubiquitin is found within the cytoplasm, nucleus, the microvilli, autophagic vacuoles and lysosomes.  相似文献   

The growth of a genital trachoma-inclusion conjunctivitis agent strain of Chlamydia trachomatis in McCoy cells treated with cytochalasin B was studied by quantitative infectivity estimations and by light and electron microscopy. Provided that infection of the monolayer was initiated by centrifuging the infectious particles on to the cells before incubation, this chlamydial strain grew as fast and to as high a titre [approximately 10(7) inclusion-forming units (i.f.u.) per culture] as those chlamydiae which infect cell cultures in vitro without centrifugation. Each i.f.u. inoculated yielded approximately 600 i.f.u., and extracellular infectivity was detected soon after intracellular infectivity appeared. Inclusions were recognized by fluorescent antibody staining techniques early in the developmental cycle when cultures were not infectious and when only reticulate bodies were seen by electron microscopy. Inclusions were recognized in Giemsa-stained preparations examined by dark ground microscopy only when elementary bodies appeared in the inclusions. Iodine staining was not a reliable indicator either of the number of inclusions present or of their infectivity.  相似文献   

Abstract Trifluoperazine (TFP), an inhibitor of the Ca2+-binding protein calmodulin, was used to study the infectivity of Chlamydia trachomatis for McCoy cells. TFP inhibited the number of chlamydial inclusions and the chlamydia-dependent amino acid incorporation when added within 9 h after inoculation with chlamydiae. However, TFP did not affect the attachment of chlamydiae to the cells or the protease-removable fraction of cell-bound chlamydiae.
These results suggest that an early step in the intracellular development of chlamydiae, partly coinciding with the elementary body-reticulate body conversion, is sensitive to TFP and that clathrin coats are not crucial in the ingestion of chlamydiae by McCoy cells.  相似文献   

Using protein A-colloidal gold immunoelectron microscopy and monospecific antibodies to the weak base primaquine, we have delineated acidic intracellular compartments in the human hepatoma cell line, HepG2. Primaquine specifically accumulated within endocytotic compartments (including CURL vesicles, multivesicular bodies and lysosomes). In addition, the Golgi cisternae were positive. However, the CURL tubules, which contain recycling asialoglycoprotein receptor, did not accumulate primaquine. Thus, there may be a gradient of acidification within the endocytotic pathway.  相似文献   

Immunoelectron microscopic localization of calmodulin in corn root cells   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Methods for the localization of plant calmodulin by immuno-gold and immuno-peroxidase electron microscopy have been developed. In both corn root-cap cells and meristematic cells, calmodulin was found to be localized in the nucleus, cytoplasm, mitochondria as well as in the cell wall, In the meristematic cells, calmodulin was distinctly localized on the plasma membrane, cytoplasmic face of rough endoplasmic rcticulum and polyribosomes. Characteristically, calmodulin was present in the amyloplasts of root-cap cells. The widespread distribution of calmodulin may reflect its plciotropic functions in plant cellular activities.  相似文献   

When the fungal metabolite cytochalasin B was added to McCoy cells, multinucleated giant cells developed. Monolayers of these cells proved as efficient as irradiated cells for the growth of three different serotypes of Chlamydia trachomatis and for the primary isolation of chlamydiae from clinical specimens obtained from patients attending a venereal disease clinic. Cytochalasin treatment of McCoy cells provides a convenient alternative to irradiation and should be of value in the isolation of chlamydiae from the eye and genital tract.  相似文献   

Penicillinase was localized in log-phase cells of Bacillus licheniformis 749/C by labeling with ferritin-anti-penicillinase immunoglobulin G conjugate. Mildly fixed homogenized cells, isolated subcellular fractions, and frozen thin sections were labeled. The label was distributed in discrete patches in the cell envelope. The patches extended from the inside part of the membrane to the outside part of the wall. The inside part of the membrane was labeled more extensively than the outside part. The cytoplasm also bound some ferritin-immunoglobulin G conjugate. Immunoelectrophoresis and biochemical assay of cytosol material suggest that the cytoplasmic antigenic sites are a protease-sensitive form of penicillinase.  相似文献   

We examined the immunogold staining of microtubules and microtubule organizing centers using an improved silver-enhancement reagent for small (1-1.4 nm) gold-conjugated secondary antibodies. First, the staining properties of different commercial preparations of gold-labeled antibodies were compared for sample penetration, label uniformity, and labeling density, and Nanogold 1.4-nm gold-conjugated F(ab') was found to be superior to the other probes examined. However, in samples examined for the localization of alpha- and beta-tubulin, gold staining did not extend through the pericentriolar material nor were the centrioles labeled. This apparent lack of centrosomal staining was not due to problems associated with penetration of the antibody probes, since staining adjacent to and within the centriolar cylinder was observed when phosphoprotein antigens recognized by the MPM-2 antibody were localized. The MPM-2 antibodies also localized to mitotic kinetochores, kinetochore fibers, and midbodies, in addition to mitotic centrosomes. The level of MPM-2 staining of the centrosome varied through the cell cycle. At interphase, this staining was restricted within the centriolar cylinder, whereas in mitotic cells extensive staining throughout the pericentriolar material was also observed. These results established the close relationship of MPM-2-reactive phosphoproteins with the centrosome, and suggest that this technique may be useful for ultrastructural localization of other cytoskeletal proteins.  相似文献   

The origin and distribution of glycogen in inclusions of Chlamydia trachomatis were demonstrated with silver proteinate stain for electron microscopy. Glycogen particles were detected in all developmental stages of C. trachomatis, as well as free in the inclusions. Intrachlamydial glycogen was most common in elementary bodies but was also detected in intermediate forms and reticulate bodies (RBs). Abnormal divisions and breakdown of cytoplasmic membranes were common in RBs. Cytoplasmic contents, including glycogen particles, were released into the inclusions after rupture of the outer membranes of abnormal RBs and intermediate forms. From these observations, we conclude that glycogen in inclusions of C. trachomatis originates in the organisms themselves.  相似文献   

Wound repair in planarians is mainly characterized by two cell-migratory events involving the epidermis adjacent to the wound and its basement membrane. The first event is the migration of epidermal cells to cover the wound surface; the second one is the migration of newly differentiating replacement epidermal cells from the parenchyma to the epidermis. In addition to these events, migration of fixed parenchymal cells is observed during wound healing. All migrating cells were characterized by the presence of actin, as shown by the results obtained by means of indirect immunolocalization with fluorescent and electron microscopy. Migrating cells were heavily labeled with gold particles, which clustered at the level of cell-matrix and cell-cell contacts.  相似文献   

Subcellular localization of immunoglobulin (Ig) by immunoelectron microscopy was performed on 20 B-cell lymphomas of low- and high-grade malignancy. The efficiency in demonstrating Ig by pre-embedding technique depends on the antibodies used. F(ab')2 fragments of antibodies were more sensitive than both intact polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies in detecting cytoplasmic Ig. With immunoelectron microscopy Ig could be demonstrated in all cell types of B-CLL and LP-immunocytoma, even in some of the small lymphocytes in B-CLL. Thus, the presence of intracytoplasmic Ig has no diagnostic relevance in differentiating B-CLL from LP-immunocytoma. However, the amount of Ig in the tumor cells of LP-immunocytoma seemed to be greater than in B-CLL. Centrocytic lymphoma and centroblastic/centrocytic lymphoma could be differentiated by their different localization of Ig. In centrocytic lymphoma Ig was localized mainly on the surface membrane, whereas in centroblastic/centrocytic lymphoma moderate amounts of Ig could be detected in the rough endoplasmic reticulum and perinuclear space of the centroblasts and in roughly one third of the centrocytes. In malignant lymphomas of high-grade malignancy (ML centroblastic, ML immunoblastic, and ML lymphoblastic) Ig was localized mainly in the rough endoplasmic reticulum and sometimes in the perinuclear space.  相似文献   

Myofibrillogenesis in developing cardiac cells of the Syrian hamster from early embryonic stages through newborn was studied by electron microscopy, immunofluorescence microscopy and immunoelectron microscopy. alpha-Actinin and actin were localized at light and electron microscopic levels in embryonic heart cells which had been fixed in a periodate-lysine-paraformaldehyde or a glutaraldehyde-formaldehyde mixture, and embedded in Lowicryl K4M. Indirect staining methods were used for immunofluorescence staining of thick sections and immunoferritin staining of thin sections. The earliest evidence of myofibrillogenesis in embryonic myocardial cells was the presence of many randomly arranged thin (6 nm) filaments and a few scattered thick filaments (15 nm) near the plasma membrane. alpha-Actinin was detected in a semi-continuous, diffuse layer in some portions of the cell just beneath the plasma membrane in association with the filamentous collections. Later in development, alpha-actinin coalesced into Z-plaques at the membrane as the filaments arranged into parallel arrays. Actin was localized in the thin filaments as expected. In later stages of development, alpha-actinin was observed at the Z-lines and intercalated discs of the mature myofibrils while actin was localized at both the I-band and Z-line. Our results suggest that myofibrillogenesis is initiated at the plasma membrane and that Z-plaques are precursors of myofibrillar Z-bands and may serve as organizing centers for myofibrillogenesis in developing cardiomyocytes.  相似文献   

The recent production of a series of monoclonal estrophilin (estrogen receptor) antibodies recognizing estrogen receptor derived from a wide variety of animals and target tissues permits the development of immunoelectron microscopic techniques for identifying estrogen receptor. We have determined suitable conditions for the ultrastructural localization of estrogen receptor in tissue sections. Localization of receptor was observed in the euchromatin, but not in the marginated heterochromatin or nucleoli of epithelial and stromal nuclei of human endometrium. Competition studies indicate that only estrogen receptor specifically inhibits nuclear staining. The absence of any specific cytoplasmic localization at the electron-microscopic level is consistent with earlier light-microscopic observations and suggests that the majority of the cellular pool of estrophilin exists in the nucleus of hormone-responsive cells.  相似文献   

Dopamine beta-hydroxylase (DBH) was purified from bovine adrenal medullae. Rabbit IgG raised against DBH inhibited its activity by 80%. In an immunoblot analysis, the IgG specifically recognized two subunits of DBH the 72 and 75 KD components. Chromogranin A (CGA) also was purified from bovine adrenal medullae, and rabbit IgG against CGA recognized this chromogranin A in the immunoblot analysis. The intracellular distribution of DBH and CGA in bovine chromaffin cells was determined quantitatively by immunoelectron microscopy using post-embedding protein A-gold technique. DBH and CGA were localized exclusively on chromaffin granules. The binding of gold particles to these granules was saturable. The maximum number of gold particles bound to the granules roughly corresponded to the number of DBH or CGA molecules in the granules estimated biochemically. DBH was observed evenly in the periphery and in the dense matrix of the chromaffin granules.  相似文献   

The Chlamydia trachomatis divalent cation-dependent regulator (DcrA), encoded by open reading frame CT296, is a distant relative of the ferric uptake regulator (Fur) family of iron-responsive regulators. Chlamydial DcrA specifically binds to a consensus Escherichia coli Fur box and is able to complement an E. coli Fur mutant. In this report, the E. coli Fur titration assay (FURTA) was used to locate chlamydial genomic sequences that are recognized by E. coli Fur. The predictive regulatory regions of 28 C. trachomatis open reading frames contained sequences functionally recognized by E. coli Fur; targets include components of the type III secretion pathway, elements involved in envelope and cell wall biogenesis, predicted transport proteins, oxidative defense enzymes, and components of metabolic pathways. Selected FURTA-positive sequences were subsequently examined for recognition by C. trachomatis DcrA using an electrophoretic mobility shift assay. The resultant data show that C. trachomatis DcrA binds to native chlamydial genomic sequences and, overall, substantiate a functional relationship between chlamydial DcrA and the Fur family of regulators.  相似文献   

Abstract We have studied adhesion and uptake of C. trachomatis serovar E in McCoy cells under various infection conditions. Adhesion and uptake of chlamydiae was completed about 3 h after the initiation of stationary infection at 37°C, but ingestion of cell membrane-attached organisms was finished within 0.5 h at 37°C. Reincubated chlamydiae, not attached after 3 h at 37°C, attached readily to fresh McCoy cell monolayers, but to a lesser extent than the original inoculum. Our results indicate that the lack of further attachment after 3 h incubation at 37°C under stationary infection conditions has complex causes, involving both host cell and parasite. Centrifugation did not affect the uptake of chlamydiae already bound to the cell membrane, suggesting that the uptake phase of C. trachomatis serovar E by McCoy cells is unaffected by centrifugation.  相似文献   

Small, acid-soluble spore proteins SASP-alpha, SASP-beta, and SASP-gamma as well as a SASP-beta-lacZ gene fusion product were found only within the forespore compartment of sporulating Bacillus subtilis cells by using immunoelectron microscopy. The alpha/beta-type SASP were associated almost exclusively with the forespore nucleoid, while SASP-gamma was somewhat excluded from the nucleoid. These different locations of alpha/beta-type and gamma-type small, acid-soluble spore proteins within the forespore are consistent with the different roles for these two types of proteins in spore resistance to UV light.  相似文献   

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