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Biosynthesis of the Tonoplast H-ATPase from Oats   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Randall SK  Sze H 《Plant physiology》1989,89(4):1292-1298
To determine whether the tonoplast-type H+-ATPase was differentially synthesized in various parts of the oat seedling, sections of 4-day-old oat (Avena sativa L. var Lang) seedlings were labeled in vivo with [35S]methionine and ATPase subunits were precipitated with polyclonal antisera. ATPase subunits were detected in all portions of the seedling with the exception of the seed. Lesser amounts of the 60 and 72 kilodalton polypeptides of the ATPase were found in apical regions (0-5 millimeter) than in maturing regions (10-15, or 20-25 millimeter from the tip) of the roots or shoots. To initiate a study of the biosynthesis of the ATPase, the intracellular site of synthesis for two peripheral ATPase subunits was investigated. Poly(A) RNA from either free or membrane-bound polysomes was isolated and translated in vitro. Message encoding the 72 kilodalton (catalytic) subunit was found predominantly in mRNA isolated from membrane-bound polysomes. In contrast, the message for the 60 kilodalton (putative regulatory) subunit was found predominantly on free polysomes. Polypeptides synthesized in vivo or obtained from RNA translated in vitro exhibited no apparent size differences (limit of resolution, approximately 1 kilodalton), suggesting the absence of cleaved precursors for the 72 or 60 kilodalton subunits. These data suggest a complex mechanism for the synthesis and assembly of the tonoplast ATPase.  相似文献   

Ward JM  Sze H 《Plant physiology》1992,99(1):170-179
The vacuolar H+-translocating ATPase (H+-ATPase), originally reported to consist of three major subunits, has been further purified from oat roots (Avena sativa var Lang) to determine the complete subunit composition. Triton-solubilized ATPase activity was purified by gel filtration on Sephacryl S400 and ion-exchange chromatography (Q-Sepharose). ATP hydrolysis activity of purified preparations was inhibited by 100 nanomolar bafilomycin A1, a specific vacuolar-type ATPase inhibitor. The purified oat H+-ATPase (relative molecular weight = 650,000) was composed of polypeptides of 70, 60, 44, 42, 36, 32, 29, 16, 13, and 12 kilodaltons. To analyze the organization of the H+-ATPase subunits, native vacuolar membranes were treated with KI and MgATP to dissociate peripheral proteins. Release of 70, 60, 44, 42, 36, and 29 kilodalton polypeptides from the membrane was accompanied by a loss of ATP hydrolysis and ATP-dependent H+-pumping activities. Five of the peripheral subunits were released from the membrane as a large complex of 540 kilodaltons. Vesicles that had lost the peripheral sector of the ATPase could hold a pH gradient generated by the proton-translocating pyrophosphatase, suggesting that the integral sector of the ATPase did not form a H+-conducting pathway. Negative staining of native vesicles revealed knob-like structures of 10 to 12 nanometers in dense patches on the surface of vacuolar membranes. These structures were removed by MgATP and KI, which suggested that they were the peripheral sectors of the H+-ATPase. These results demonstrate that the vacuolar H+-ATPase from oat roots has 10 different subunits. The oat vacuolar ATPase is organized as a large peripheral sector and an integral sector with a subunit composition similar, although not identical to, other eukaryotic vacuolar ATPases. Variations in subunit composition observed among several ATPases support the idea that distinct types of vacuolar H+-ATPases exist in plants.  相似文献   

Conditions for the dissociation and reassembly of the multi-subunit vacuolar proton-translocating ATPase (H+-ATPase) from oat roots (Avena sativa var Lang) were investigated. The peripheral sector of the vacuolar H+-ATPase is dissociated from the membrane integral sector by chaotropic anions. Membranes treated with 0.5 molar KI lost 90% of membrane-bound ATP hydrolytic activity; however, in the presence of Mg2+ and ATP, only 0.1 molar KI was required for complete inactivation of ATPase and H+-pumping activities. A high-affinity binding site for MgATP (dissociation constant = 34 micromolar) was involved in this destabilization. The relative loss of ATPase activity induced by KI, KNO3, or KCl was accompanied by a corresponding increase in the peripheral subunits in the supernatant, including the nucleotide-binding polypeptides of 70 and 60 kilodaltons. The order of effectiveness of the various ions in reducing ATPase activity was: KSCN > KI > KNO3 > KBr > K-acetate > K2SO4 > KCl. The specificity of nucleotides (ATP > GTP > ITP) in dissociating the ATPase is consistent with the participation of a catalytic site in destabilizing the enzyme complex. Following KI-induced dissociation of the H+-ATPase, the removal of KI and MgATP by dialysis resulted in restoration of activity. During dialysis for 24 hours, ATP hydrolysis activity increased to about 50% of the control. Hydrolysis of ATP was coupled to H+ pumping as seen from the recovery of H+ transport following 6 hours of dialysis. Loss of the 70 and 60 kilodalton subunits from the supernatant as probed by monoclonal antibodies further confirmed that the H+-ATPase complex had reassembled during dialysis. These data demonstrate that removal of KI and MgATP resulted in reassociation of the peripheral sector with the membrane integral sector of the vacuolar H+-ATPase to form a functional H+ pump. The ability to dissociate and reassociate in vitro may have implications for the regulation, biosynthesis, and assembly of the vacuolar H+-ATPase in vivo.  相似文献   

A continuous spectrophotometric assay of H+-ATPase activity was developed by combining two well-known methods for measuring proton pumping and ATPase activity. Proton uptake into plasma membrane vesicles from Avena sativa L. (cv Rhiannon) was monitored as the absorbance decrease at 495 nm of the ΔpH probe acridine orange. Simultaneously, ATPase activity was measured by following the absorbance decrease at 340 nanometers by coupling ATP hydrolysis enzymatically to the oxidation of NADH. This H+-ATPase assay is convenient for determining the relative relationship between ATP hydrolysis and proton pumping.  相似文献   

A fundamental question concerning the ClC Cl/H+ antiporters is the nature of their proton transport (PT) pathway. We addressed this issue by using a novel computational methodology capable of describing the explicit PT dynamics in the ClC-ec1 protein. The main result is that the Glu203 residue delivers a proton from the intracellular solution to the core of ClC-ec1 via a rotation of its side chain and subsequent acid dissociation. After reorientation of the Glu203 side chain, a transient water-mediated PT pathway between Glu203 and Glu148 is established that is able to receive and translocate the proton via Grotthuss shuttling after deprotonation of Glu203. A molecular-dynamics simulation of an explicit hydrated excess proton in this pathway suggests that a negatively charged Glu148 and the central Cl ion act together to drive H+ to the extracellular side of the membrane. This finding is consistent with the experimental result that Cl binding to the central site facilitates the proton movement. A calculation of the PT free-energy barrier for the ClC-ec1 E203V mutant also supports the proposal that a dissociable residue is required at this position for efficient delivery of H+ to the protein interior, in agreement with recent experimental results.  相似文献   

Hurley D  Taiz L 《Plant physiology》1989,89(2):391-395
The vacuolar H+-ATPase of maize (Zea mays L.) root tip cells has been localized at the EM level using rabbit polyclonal antibodies to the 69 kilodalton subunit and protein A-colloidal gold. Intracellular gold particles were detected mainly on the tonoplast and Golgi membranes. Only about 27% of the vacuoles were labeled above background. The absence of gold particles on the majority of vacuoles suggests either that the tonoplast H+-ATPase is degraded during tissue preparation or that the small vacuoles of root tip cells are specialized with respect to H+-ATP ase activity. The pattern of gold particles on the labeled vacuoles ranged from uniform to patchy. Virtually all of the Golgi bodies were labeled by the antibody, but the particle densities were too low to determine whether the H+-ATPase was associated with specific regions, such as the trans-face. Cell wall-labeling was also observed which could be partially prevented by the inclusion of gelatin as a blocking agent. The immunocytochemical results confirm previous biochemical studies with isolated membrane fractions (A Chanson, L Taiz 1985 Plant Physiol 78: 232-240).  相似文献   

Microsomal membranes isolated from red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) storage tissue were found to contain high levels of ionophore-stimulated ATPase activity. The distribution of this ATPase activity on a continuous sucrose gradient showed a low density peak (1.09 grams per cubic centimeter) that was stimulated over 400% by gramicidin and coincided with a peak of NO3-sensitive ATPase activity. At higher densities (1.16-1.18 grams per cubic centimeter) a shoulder of gramicidin-stimulated ATPase that coincided with a peak of vanadate-sensitive ATPase was apparent. A discontinuous sucrose gradient of 16/26/34/40% sucrose (w/w) was effective in routinely separating the NO3-sensitive ATPase (16/26% interface) from the vanadate-sensitive ATPase (34/40% interface). Both membrane fractions were shown to catalyze ATP-dependent H+ transport, with the transport process showing the same differential sensitivity to NO3 and vanadate as the ATPase activity.

Characterization of the lower density ATPase (16/26% interface) indicated that it was highly stimulated by gramicidin, inhibited by KNO3, stimulated by anions (Cl > Br > acetate > HCO3 > SO42−), and largely insensitive to monovalent cations. These characteristics are very similar to those reported for tonoplast ATPase activity and a tonoplast origin for the low density membrane vesicles was supported by comparison with isolated red beet vacuoles. The membranes isolated from the vacuole preparation were found to possess an ATPase with characteristics identical to those of the low density membrane vesicles, and were shown to have a peak density of 1.09 grams per cubic centimeter. Furthermore, following osmotic lysis the vacuolar membranes apparently resealed and ATP-dependent H+ transport could be demonstrated in these vacuole-derived membrane vesicles. This report, thus, strongly supports a tonoplast origin for the low density, anion-sensitive H+-ATPase and further indicates the presence of a higher density, vanadate-sensitive, H+-ATPase in the red beet microsomal membrane fraction, which is presumably of plasma membrane origin.


Tonoplast enriched membrane vesicle fractions were isolated from unadapted and NaCl (428 millimolar) adapted tobacco cells (Nicotiana tabacum L. var Wisconsin 38). Polypeptides from the tonoplast enriched vesicle fractions were separated by SDS-PAGE and analyzed by Western blots using polyclonal antibodies to the 70 kilodalton subunit of the red beet tonoplast H+-ATPase. These antibodies cross-reacted exclusively to a tobacco polypeptide of an apparent molecular weight of 69 kilodaltons. The antibodies inhibited ATP-dependent, NO3 sensitive H+ transport into vesicles in tonoplast enriched membrane fractions from both unadapted and NaCl adapted cells. The relative H+ transport capacity per unit of 69 kilodalton subunit of the tonoplast ATPase of vesicles from NaCl adapted cells was fourfold greater than that observed for vesicles from unadapted cells. The increase in specific H+ transport capacity after adaptation was also observed for ATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

The H+/ATP stoichiometry was determined for an anion-sensitive H+-ATPase in membrane vesicles believed to be derived from tonoplast. Initial rates of proton influx were measured by monitoring the alkalinization of a weakly buffered medium (pH 6.13) following the addition of ATP to a suspension of membrane vesicles of Beta vulgaris L. Initial rates of ATP hydrolysis were measured in an assay where ATP hydrolysis is coupled to NADH oxidation and monitored spectrophotometrically (A340) or by monitoring the release of 32P from [γ-32P]ATP. Inasmuch as this anion-sensitive H+-ATPase is strongly inhibited by NO3, initial rates of H+ influx and ATP hydrolysis were measured in the absence and presence of NO3 to account for ATPase activity not involved in H+ transport. The NO3-sensitive activities were calculated and used to estimate the ratio of H+ transported to ATP hydrolyzed. These measurements resulted in an estimate of the H+/ATP stoichiometry of 1.96 ± 0.14 suggesting that the actual stoichiometry is 2 H+ transported per ATP hydrolyzed. When compared with the reported values of the electrochemical potential gradient for H+ across the tonoplast measured in vivo, our result suggests that the H+-ATPase does not operate near equilibrium but is regulated by cellular factors other than energy supply.  相似文献   

The molecular weight and isoelectric point of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase from red beet storage tissue were determined using N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) and a H+-ATPase antibody. When plasma membrane vesicles were incubated with 20 micromolar [14C]-DCCD at 0°C, a single 97,000 dalton protein was visualized on a fluorograph of a sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel. A close correlation between [14C]DCCD labeling of the 97,000 dalton protein and the extent of ATPase inhibition over a range of DCCD concentration suggests that this 97,000 dalton protein is a component of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase. An antibody raised against the plasma membrane H+-ATPase of Neurospora crassa cross-reacted with the 97,000 dalton DCCD-binding protein, further supporting the identity of this protein. Immunoblots of two-dimensional gels of red beet plasma membrane vesicles indicated the isoelectric point of the H+-ATPase to be 6.5.  相似文献   

NO_3~-亏缺能使叶片硝酸还原酶活性(NRA)和NO_3~-总量降低,而根部NO_3~-吸收及上运能力提高,以亏缺2d的幼苗最为明显,该幼苗经12hNO_3~-吸收,叶片的NRA高于未经亏缺的幼苗,但NO_3~-含量以后者为高,代谢库中NO_3~-含量前者高于后者。提高营养液中NO_3~-浓度,NO_3~-上运速率升高,叶片内NRA增加。叶片组织暗中无氧保温40min后,代谢库体积渐大,液泡内NO_3~-有外流产生;Cl~-可促使液泡内NO_3~-外流,代谢库中NO_3~-量增加,NRA升高。NRA在体内测定条件下,保温3h后,NO_2~-产生趋于稳值,NRA降至最低;系统中加KCl或KNO_3使NO_2~-产生趋于稳值的时间延长,且能提高NO_2~-积累总量。  相似文献   

Two distinct membrane fractions containing H+-ATPase activity were prepared from red beet. One fraction contained a H+-ATPase activity that was inhibited by NO3 while the other contained a H+-ATPase inhibited by vanadate. We have previously proposed that these H+-ATPases are associated with tonoplast (NO3-sensitive) and plasma membrane (vanadate-sensitive), respectively. Both ATPase were examined to determine to what extent their activity was influenced by variations in the concentration of ATPase substrates and products. The substrate for both ATPase was MgATP2−, and Mg2+ concentrations in excess of ATP had only a slight inhibitory effect on either ATPase. Both ATPases were inhibited by free ATP (i.e. ATP concentrations in excess of Mg2+) and ADP but not by AMP. The plasma membrane ATPase was more sensitive than the tonoplast ATPase to free ATP and the tonoplast ATPase was more sensitive than the plasma membrane ATPase to ADP.

Inhibition of both ATPases by free ATP was complex. Inhibition of the plasma membrane ATPase by ADP was competitive whereas the tonoplast ATPase demonstrated a sigmoidal dependence on MgATP2− in the presence of ADP. Inorganic phosphate moderately inhibited both ATPases in a noncompetitive manner.

Calcium inhibited the plasma membrane but not the tonoplast ATPase, apparently by a direct interaction with the ATPase rather than by disrupting the MgATP2− complex.

The sensitivity of both ATPases to ADP suggests that under conditions of restricted energy supply H+-ATPase activity may be reduced by increases in ADP levels rather than by decreases in ATP levels per se. The sensitivity of both ATPases to ADP and free ATP suggests that modulation of cytoplasmic Mg2+ could modulate ATPase activity at both the tonoplast and plasma membrane.


Schumaker KS  Sze H 《Plant physiology》1985,79(4):1111-1117
Two types of ATP-dependent calcium (Ca2+) transport systems were detected in sealed microsomal vesicles from oat roots. Approximately 80% of the total Ca2+ uptake was associated with vesicles of 1.11 grams per cubic centimeter and was insensitive to vanadate or azide, but inhibited by NO3. The remaining 20% was vanadate-sensitive and mostly associated with the endoplasmic reticulum, as the transport activity comigrated with an endoplasmic reticulum marker (antimycin A-insensitive NADH cytochrome c reductase), which was shifted from 1.11 to 1.20 grams per cubic centimeter by Mg2+.

Like the tonoplast H+-ATPase activity, vanadate-insensitive Ca2+ accumulation was stimulated by 20 millimolar Cl and inhibited by 10 micromolar 4,4′-diisothiocyano-2,2′-stilbene disulfonic acid or 50 micromolar N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. This Ca2+ transport system had an apparent Km for Mg-ATP of 0.24 millimolar similar to the tonoplast ATPase. The vanadate-insensitive Ca2+ transport was abolished by compounds that eliminated a pH gradient and Ca2+ dissipated a pH gradient (acid inside) generated by the tonoplast-type H+-ATPase. These results provide compelling evidence that a pH gradient generated by the H+-ATPase drives Ca2+ accumulation into right-side-out tonoplast vesicles via a Ca2+/H+ antiport. This transport system was saturable with respect to Ca2+ (Km apparent = 14 micromolar). The Ca2+/H+ antiport operated independently of the H+-ATPase since an artifically imposed pH gradient (acid inside) could also drive Ca2+ accumulation. Ca2+ transport by this system may be one major way in which vacuoles function in Ca2+ homeostasis in the cytoplasm of plant cells.


A vacuolar H+-ATPase-negative mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was highly sensitive to nickel ion. Accumulation of nickel ion in the cells of this mutant of less than 60% of the value for the parent strain arrested growth, suggesting a role for this ATPase in sequestering nickel ion into vacuoles. An artificially imposed pH gradient (interior acid) induced transient nickel ion uptake by vacuolar membrane vesicles, which was inhibited by collapse of the pH difference but not of the membrane potential. Nickel ion transport into vacuoles in a pH gradient-dependent manner is thus important for its detoxification in yeast.  相似文献   

Transplasmalemma redox activity, monitored in the presence of exogenous ferricyanide stimulates net H+ excretion and inhibits the uptake of K+ and α-aminoisobutyric acid by freshly cut or washed, apical and subapical root segments of corn (Zea mays L. cv “Seneca Chief”). H+ excretion is seen only following a lag of about 5 minutes after ferricyanide addition, even though the reduction of ferricyanide occurs before 5 minutes and continues linearly. Once detected, the enhanced rate of H+ excretion is retarded by the ATPase inhibitors N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, diethylstilbestrol, and vanadate. A model is presented in which plasmalemma redox activity in the presence of ferricyanide involves the transport only of electrons across the plasmalemma, resulting in a depolarization of the membrane potential and activation of an H+-ATPase. Such a model implies that this class of redox activity does not provide an additional and independent pathway for H+ transport, but that the activity may be an important regulator of H+ excretion. The 90% inhibition of K+ (86Rb+) uptake within 2 minutes after ferricyanide addition can be contrasted with the 5 to 15% inhibition of uptake of α-aminoisobutyric acid. The possibility exists that a portion of the K+ and most of the α-aminoisobutyric acid uptake inhibitions are related to the ferricyanide-induced depolarization of the membrane potential, but that the redox state of some component of the K+ uptake system may also regulate K+ fluxes.  相似文献   

大豆下胚轴质膜H+-ATPase质子转运的测定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以大豆下胚轴为材料,采用改进的匀浆介质,通过两相法制得具有质子转运活力的高纯度质膜微囊.并且发现冻融处理可以促进质膜微囊的翻转而提高荧光猝灭效率.质子载体和质子转运特性分析表明,由Mg2+-ATP引发的荧光猝灭可以被质子载体CCCP恢复,并被质子通道抑制剂DCCD抑制;并且发现质膜H-ATPase专一抑制剂钒酸钠可以完全抑制荧光猝灭,同时发现荧光猝灭依赖于Mg2+,并受K刺激,最适pH为6.5.以上证明所测荧光猝灭是由质膜H-ATPase所进行的质子转运引起的.结果同时表明,维持H-ATPase合适构象和提高质膜微囊封闭性是制备具有H转运活力质膜微囊的两个关键因素.  相似文献   

Antibacterial Activity of the Purified Peroxidase from Human Parotid Saliva   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The peroxidase of human parotid saliva has been purified by concentration, gel filtration on Sephadex G-200, and ion exchange chromatography on Amberlite CG-50. The purified product was devoid of amylase activity, lysozyme activity, and immunoglobulin A (IgA). However, it had an inhibitory effect on the growth of Lactobacillus acidophilus in complete growth medium and on lysine accumulation by L. acidophilus in a buffer-glucose medium, when combined with thiocyanate ions. The concentrations of peroxidase and thiocyanate ions employed were within the range found in saliva. The fractions which contained IgA did not have an anti-bacterial effect on L. acidophilus under the conditions employed. Parotid saliva also contained low molecular weight inhibitors of peroxidase activity. These studies support the involvement of the salivary peroxidase in an antibacterial system in saliva.  相似文献   

The H+-ATPase of tonoplast vesicles isolated from red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) storage tissue was studied with respect to the kinetic effects of Cl and NO3. N-Ethylmaleimide (NEM) was employed as a probe to investigate substrate binding and gross conformational changes of the enzyme. Chloride decreased the Km of the enzyme for ATP but caused relatively little alteration of the Vmax. Nitrate increased Km only. Michaelis-Menten kinetics applied throughout with respect to ATP concentration. Nitrate yielded similar kinetics of inhibition in both the presence and absence of Cl. Other monovalent anions that specifically increased the Km of the ATPase for ATP were, in order of increasing Ki, SCN, ClO4, and ClO3. Sulfate, although inhibitory, manifested noncompetitive kinetics with respect to ATP concentration. ADP, like NO3, was a competitive inhibitor of the ATPase but ADP and NO3 did not interact cooperatively nor did either interfere with the inhibitory action of the other. It is concluded that NO3 does not show competitive kinetics because of its stereochemical similarity to the terminal phosphoryl group of ATP. NEM was an irreversible inhibitor of the tonoplast ATPase. Both Mg·ADP and Mg·ATP protected the enzyme from inactivation by NEM but Mg·ADP was the more potent of the two. Chloride and NO3 exerted little or no effect on the protective actions of Mg·ADP and Mg·ATP suggesting that neither Cl nor NO3 are involved in substrate binding.  相似文献   

The serotonin transporter (SERT) is responsible for reuptake of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) after its exocytotic release from neurons. It is the primary target for antidepressants and stimulants, including “ecstasy” (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine). SERT is regulated by several processes, including a cyclic GMP signaling pathway involving nitric oxide synthase, guanylyl cyclase, and cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG). Here, we show that SERT was phosphorylated in a PKG Iα-dependent manner in vitro, but that SERT was not a direct substrate of PKG. We generated an analog-sensitive gatekeeper residue mutant of PKG Iα (M438G) that efficiently used the ATP analog N6-benzyl-ATP. This mutant, but not the wild type (WT) kinase, used the ATP analog to phosphorylate both a model peptide substrate as well as an established protein substrate of PKG (vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein). PKG Iα M438G effectively substituted for the WT kinase in stimulating SERT-mediated 5-hydroxytryptamine transport in cultured cells. Addition of either WT or mutant PKG Iα M438G to membranes containing SERT in vitro led to radiolabel incorporation from [γ-33P]ATP but not from similarly labeled N6-benzyl-ATP, indicating that SERT was phosphorylated by another kinase that could not utilize the ATP analog. These results are consistent with the proposed SERT phosphorylation site, Thr-276, being highly divergent from the consensus PKG phosphorylation site sequence, which we verified through peptide library screening. Another proposed SERT kinase, the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase, could not substitute for PKG in this assay, and p38 inhibitors did not block PKG-dependent phosphorylation of SERT. The results suggest that PKG initiates a kinase cascade that leads to phosphorylation of SERT by an as yet unidentified protein kinase.  相似文献   

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