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L T Wen  A Tanaka    M Nonoyama 《Journal of virology》1989,63(8):3315-3322
Binding of the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) nuclear antigen (EBNA-1) to BamHI-C DNA was studied by affinity column chromatography followed by immunoblotting with human serum specific for EBNA-1. Two species of EBNA-1 (68 and 70 kilodaltons) were identified in nuclear extracts of the EBV-positive Burkitt's lymphoma cell line Raji and not in nuclear extracts of the EBV-negative Burkitt's lymphoma cell line BJAB. Both EBNA-1s bound specifically to the region required for EBV plasmid DNA maintenance (oriP) located in the BamHI-C fragment. Upon treatment with 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate, which activates latent EBV genome in Raji cells, the 68-kilodalton EBNA-1 was uncoupled from binding to EBV oriP. Nuclear extracts from 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate-treated BJAB cells also uncoupled the binding of both EBNA-1s to oriP. DNA-cellulose column chromatography identified two protein species which competed for and uncoupled the binding of EBNA-1 to oriP. The two cellular competitors we called anti-EBNA-1 proteins had molecular masses of 60 and 40 kilodaltons, respectively. They were not found in nuclear extracts of BJAB cells not activated by 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate.  相似文献   

P-glycoprotein, the product of the MDR1 gene (multidrug resistance gene 1), is an energy-dependent efflux pump associated with treatment failure in some hematopoietic malignancies. Its expression is regulated during normal hematopoietic differentiation, although its function in normal hematopoietic cells is unknown. To identify cellular factors that regulate the expression of MDR1 in hematopoietic cells, we characterized the cis- and trans-acting factors mediating 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) activation of the MDR1 promoter in K562 cells. Transient-transfection assays demonstrated that an MDR1 promoter construct containing nucleotides -69 to +20 conferred a TPA response equal to that of a construct containing nucleotides -434 to +105. TPA induced EGR1 binding to the -69/+20 promoter sequences over a time course which correlated with increased MDR1 promoter activity and increased steady-state MDR1 RNA levels. The -69/+20 promoter region contains an overlapping SP1/EGR site. The TPA-responsive element was localized to the overlapping SP1/EGR site by using a synthetic reporter construct. A mutation in this site that inhibited EGR protein binding blocked the -69/+20 MDR1 promoter response to TPA. The expression of a dominant negative EGR protein also blocked the TPA response of the -69/+20 promoter construct. Finally, the expression of EGR1 was sufficient to activate a construct containing tandem MDR1 promoter SP1/EGR sites. These data suggest a role for EGR1 in modulating MDR1 promoter activity in hematopoietic cells.  相似文献   

TPA, a highly active tumor-promoting agent, is an effective mitogen for primate peripheral blood lymphocytes. Optimal stimulation of human lymphocytes was obtained 4 days after the addition of TPA at a concentration of 7.5 ng/ml. Lymphocyte fractionation experiments demonstrated that both T and B cells incorporated 3H-thymidine significantly in response to TPA. Lymphocyte blastogenesis was not due to the reactivation of latent herpesviruses by the tumor promoter, since similar responses to TPA were obtained with virus-genome positive or negative cells. Increased levels of DNA synthesis were observed when TPA was added to marmoset, baboon, rhesus monkey, or chimpanzee peripheral blood lymphocytes. Canine peripheral blood lymphocytes and spleen cells from guinea pigs, rats, and mice were not stimulated by TPA. These observations suggest that TPA-induced lymphocyte blastogenesis may be useful for studies of lymphocyte activation and of the molecular mechanisms of action of tumor-promoting phorbol esters.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that TPA activates HTLV-1 LTR in Jurkat T-cells by inducing the binding of Sp1-p53 complex to the Sp1 site residing within the Ets responsive region 1 (ERR-1) of the LTR and that this activation is inhibited by PKCalpha and PKCepsilon. However, in H9 T-cells TPA has been noted to activate the LTR in two consecutive stages. The first stage is activation is mediated by PKCetta and requires the three 21 bp TRE repeats. The second activation mode resembles that of Jurkat cells, except that it is inhibited by PKCdelta. The present study revealed that the first LTR activation in H9 cells resulted from PKCetta-induced elevation of non-phosphorylated c-Jun which bound to the AP-1 site residing within each TRE. In contrast, this TRE-dependent activation did not occur in Jurkat cells, since there was no elevation of non-phosphorylated c-Jun in these cells. However, we found that PKCalpha and PKCepsilon, in Jurkat cells, and PKCetta and PKCdelta, in H9 cells, increased the level of phosphorylated c-Jun that interacted with the Sp1-p53 complex. This interaction prevented the Sp1-p53 binding to ERR-1 and blocked, thereby, the ERR-1-mediated LTR activation. Therefore, this PKC-inhibited LTR activation started in both cell types after depletion of the relevant PKCs by their downregulation. In view of these variable activating mechanisms we assume that there might be additional undiscovered yet modes of HTLV-1 LTR activation which vary in different cell types. Moreover, in line with this presumption we speculate that in HTLV-1 carriers the LTR of the latent provirus may also be reactivated by different mechanisms that vary between its different host T-lymphocyte subclones. Since this reactivation may initiate the ATL process, understanding of these mechanisms is essential for establishing strategies to block the possibility of reactivating the latent virus as preventive means for ATL development in carriers.  相似文献   

To investigate the inhibition of DNA replication by tumor promoters, we incubated HeLa cells with 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA; 10?8 to 10?5 g/ml) and quantified DNA synthesis on alkaline sucrose gradients. TPA was found to selectively inhibit replicon initiation without affecting DNA chain elongation in replicons that had already initiated. No inhibition of DNA synthesis was seen when cells were exposed to the nonpromoting derivative of TPA, 4-α-phorbol 12,13-didecanoate. Superoxide dismutase did not prevent the TPA-induced inhibition of initiation.  相似文献   

To evaluate ras-mediated signal transduction, an alkaline phosphatase gene (SEAP) was placed under the control of the ras-inducible phorbol ester response element (TRE) in murine fibroblasts (TRE-SEAP cells). The Kirsten ras gene was placed under the control of the glucocorticoid-inducible mouse mammary tumor virus promoter and introduced into the TRE-SEAP cells. Dexamethasone increased ras expression in the TRE-SEAP cells carrying the Kirsten ras gene and stimulated SEAP activity 25-fold. Lavostatin blocked dexamethasone induction of SEAP activity (50% inhibitory concentration, 0.5 microM) but did not affect phorbol ester-induced SEAP activity in the same cells. Lovastatin also did not block forskolin induction of SEAP activity in cells expressing SEAP under the control of the cyclic AMP response element.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The potent tumor promoter 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) induced a rapid increase in glycolysis in rat thymocytes.
  • 2.2. The increase in the glycolytic flux was also reflected by elevated fructose 1,6-diphosphate levels.
  • 3.3. TPA treatment did not result in an increase of hexokinase, phosphofructokinase or pyruvate kinase when measured in cell homogenates.
  • 4.4. It is suggested that the early increase in glycolysis in TPA treated lymphocytes may result from TPA-mediated increase in glucose transport.

Myeloperoxidase synthesis during induction of differentiation of human promyelocytic leukemia HL-60 cells by 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) was studied. Differentiation was characterized by morphological changes, arrest of cell proliferation, development of cell adherence, and increased secretion of lysozyme. The cellular myeloperoxidase activity decreased early during induction of differentiation by TPA. Pulse-labeling experiments indicated that the rate of myeloperoxidase synthesis decreased to an undetectable level in cells exposed to TPA for 22 h. The relative amounts of myeloperoxidase mRNA in TPA-treated and untreated cells were determined by measuring translatable mRNA activity in a reticulocyte lysate system. Reduction in the myeloperoxidase mRNA level was observed as early as after 3 h treatment with TPA, and no myeloperoxidase mRNA was detected after 24 h. Time course experiments indicated that the time required for 50% reduction of myeloperoxidase mRNA in TPA-treated cells was approximately 5 h. These results suggest that TPA induces decrease of myeloperoxidase activity in HL-60 cells at a pretranslational level.  相似文献   

A potent mouse skin tumor promoter, 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA), enhanced the increase in the size of aggregates of Chinese hamster V79 C-2 cells cultured in rotation flasks for 24 h. The effective concentrations of TPA were 1-100 ng/ml. Phorbol used as the negative control did not enhance aggregate formation of V79 C-2 cells. When aggregates that had formed in culture with TPA for 24 h were transferred to normal medium and cultured for another 24 h in rotation culture, aggregate size was not markedly enhanced as compared with that in the control culture. These results suggest that some changes produced in the cell surface by TPA remain irreversible on further culture in normal medium. No such difference in aggregate-forming activity was found in aggregates formed with phorbol. Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) as the solvent had no effect at the concentrations used in these experiments.  相似文献   

Summary The tumor promotor 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) was examined for its ability to induce endogenous retrovirus from a high-passage clone of Kirsten sarcoma virus-transformed Balb/c (K-Balb) mouse cells. TPA activated virus in a concentration-dependent manner (0.0016 to 4.0 μM). Exposure to 1mM actinomycin D inhibited virus induction, suggesting that cellular RNA synthesis is required de novo by this inducer. A broad-spectrum neutralizing antibody to murine type C virus, gp70, was shown to neutralize the infectivity of the induced virus. The activated virus had the host range of the xenotropic Balb virus:2, and after removal of the inducer, the activated state decayed rapidly. TPA stimulated DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis in K-Balb cells, indicating that the mechanism of inducation may be different from that of previously identified virus inducers. The effects observed using the well-defined K-Balb system offer an opportunity to study the modulation of retrovirus gene expression by TPA. This work was conducted while the authors were with the Biological Carcinogenesis Program, Frederick Cancer Research Facility, Frederick, MD 21701, and was supported under Contract NO1-CO-75380 with the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20205.  相似文献   

Stimulatory effects of the tumor promoter 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) on human T lymphocytes have been investigated. TPA was found to stimulate highly purified T cells (obtained by a three-step isolation procedure involving plastic adherence, nylon wool passage and Ig-anti-Ig column passage) in the absence of accessory cells (stimulation index of 5 to 10), whereas phytohemaglutinin (PHA) and concanavalin A (Con A) did not. This response was, however, increased by the addition of autologous adherent cells. Addition of TPA, but not adherent cells, induced T-cell proliferation in response to the nonmitogenic lectin, wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), while both adherent cells and TPA restored T-cell proliferation to mitogenic lectins such as PHA and Con A. Furthermore, TPA greatly increased the mixed-lymphocyte response of purified T cells to otherwise nonstimulating allogeneic cells such as T lymphocytes or tumor cells from some patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. These results suggest that TPA can directly act on human T cells to render them reactive to a variety of stimuli.  相似文献   

Phorbol esters were employed in studies on the molecular mechanism of the induction of expression of human T-cell leukemia virus type I (HTLV-I) by a tumor promoter, 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA). Experiments using the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) system showed that CAT expression directed by the long terminal repeat (LTR) of HTLV-I was induced by TPA, but not by 4 alpha-phorbol-12,13-didecanoate, which is not an activator of protein kinase C, and that like other known enhancers, irrespective of its position and orientation, a 230-bp fragment in the U3 region of the HTLV-I LTR confers susceptibility to induction by TPA.  相似文献   

Summary 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) is known to affect the proliferation and/or differentiation of several types of cells. We injected TPA directly into the lumen of rat bladder to determine, using scanning and transmission electron microscopy, its effects on the bladder epithelium in vivo. At 1 h after TPA injection (1g/ml), the superficial cells of the epithelium had changed their morphology, and large spherical vacuoles occupied their cytoplasm. In some areas, the underlying intermediate cells were exposed by the desquamation of the superficial cells. During the next few hours, TPA was excreted from the bladder lumen by voluntary micturition, but the desquamation of the superficial cells proceeded further. All the superficial cells were lost from the luminal surface by 24 h after TPA injection. The changes noted were specific for the superficial cells and were not observed in the intermediate or basal cells. After 24h, part of the epithelium had a three-layer structure, indicating that regeneration was taking place. These results demonstrate that TPA selectively affects and desquamates superficial cells in a short period of time. This experimental system may be useful for studying in vivo cell proliferation and/or differentiation.  相似文献   

Summary A low concentration of 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA, 1.0 ng/ml) induced a transient inhibition of bud production in hydra which were fed daily. However, when hydra were starved following TPA-treatment, they produced further buds. Phorbol (1.0 ng/ml) and dimethyl sulfoxide (0.001%) did not influence bud production under either feeding or starvation conditions. These results indicate that TPA modulates asexual reproduction in hydra.  相似文献   

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