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Fe-EDDHA对矫治秦美猕猴桃叶片失绿和营养元素组成的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在陕西石灰性土壤秦美猕猴桃果园施用不同剂量叶绿灵 (Fe- EDDHA) ,结果表明 ,萌芽期株施 45 g叶绿灵对矫治秦美猕猴桃叶片失绿黄化效果显著 ,可一直维持到当年落叶。同黄化对照植株相比 ,叶片叶绿素含量增加 1 82 .5 % ,活性铁含量提高 5 3 .2 % ,果实品质得到明显改善。施用叶绿灵还改善了叶片营养元素的含量  相似文献   

为了探究叶片黄化对葡萄生理和果实生长的伤害机制,试验以生长在河南省荥阳市蔡寨村表现黄化症状的4年生‘阳光玫瑰’成龄树为试材,通过测定并分析黄化植株与正常植株的茎叶生长量、叶绿素含量、光合特性、叶绿素荧光参数、叶片解剖结构以及果实品质和产量的变化特征,考察叶片黄化后对葡萄生长量、光合指标、叶绿素荧光特性以及果实品质的影响,以期为葡萄开展黄化矫正栽培提供参考依据。研究表明,(1)黄化植株叶片的叶绿素含量、叶片大小、叶片重量、新梢长度、枝条粗度均显著降低;(2)黄化植株叶片的净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、气孔导度(Gs)显著下降,而胞间CO2浓度(Ci)显著上升;(3)黄化植株叶片的叶绿素荧光参数初始荧光(Fo)、光下最小荧光产量(Fo′)、最大荧光产量(Fm)、相对电子传递速率(ETR)、实际光合量子产量Y(Ⅱ)均比正常植株显著降低;(4)黄化植株叶片厚度、栅栏组织厚度和栅海比比正常植株显著升高,上表皮厚度和...  相似文献   

Results of a field experiment comprising various sources of sulphur and iron showed that band application of sulphur @ 500 kg/ha significantly increased the mean sugar content by 5.6%, recovery of sugar by 5.8% and purity of sugarcane juice by 0.8% on account of increased leaf sulphur content as compared with that under control. The application of Fe-EDDHA or gypsum had little effect on the quality of sugarcane juice. Effect of ferrous sulphate was intermediate between that of sulphur and gypsum. A study of the relationship between sulphur content of leaves and juice characteristics showed that every 1% increase in sulphur content of leaves increased sugar content in cane juice by 0.038%, recovery of sugar by 0.038% and purity of juice by 0.033%.  相似文献   

The effects of positive and negative air ions on the active and residual iron fractions of barley seedlings were studied during the course of iron chlorosis. Active iron is that fraction localized in the chloroplasts which dissolves in 1.0 N HC1 and participates in the biosynthesis of chlorophyll. Residual iron is not soluble in 1.0 N HC1 and is not concerned with the biosynthesis of chlorophyll. Air ions of either charge induced a significant decrease in active iron content which was associated with a decrease in chlorophyll content. Concomitantly there occurred an increase in both the residual iron and the cytochrome c fractions of the seedlings. There is evidence that the rise in residual iron content may involve not only cytochrome c but also other cytochromes and iron-containing enzymes as well. We have theorized that the site of air ion action in the experiments reported may be the regulatory systems controlling iron metabolism in the seed and young seedling. Through this action air ions apparently divert endogenous free-state iron from conversion to active iron and make it available for the production of a number of ironcontaining compounds which are components of the residual iron fraction.
Zusammenfassung Die Wirkung von positiven und negativen Luftionen auf die Aktiv- und Rest-EisenfraktÏon in Gerstenkeimlingen wurde im Verlauf der Eisenchlorose untersucht. Aktiv-Eisen ist die Fraktion in dem FarbstofftrÄger, die in 1.0 N HC1 lösbar und an der Chlorophyllsynthese beteiligt ist. Rest-Eisen istnicht löslich in 1.0 N HC1 und an der Chlorophyllsynthese unbeteiligt. Positive und negative Luftionen bewirkten eine signifikante Verminderung des Gehalts an Aktiv-Fe und Chlorophyll. Gleichzeitig wurden höhere Anteile an Rest-Fe und Cytochrom c gefunden. Es sind Hinweise dafür vorhanden, dass die Zunahme des Rest-Fe nicht nur das Cytochrom c,sondern auch andere Fe-haltige Enzyme betrifft. Die Autoren nehmen an, dass die Luftionen an dem Regulationssystem angreifen, das den Eisenstoffwechsel der Samen und Keimlinge kontrolliert. Luftionen verhindern scheinbar die Umbildung von endogenem Fe-freier Form zu Aktiv-Fe und machen es für die Bildung einer Reihe von Fe-haltigen Verbindungen zugÄnglich, die in der Rest-Fe Fraktion enthalten sind.

Resume Les effets de l'ionisation positive ou négative de l'air ont été étudiés fraction active et sur la fraction résiduelle du Fer contenu dans des germes d'orge au cours de la sidérochlorose. Le Fer actif est la fraction des chloroplastes soluble dans l'Acide Chlorhydrique 1,0 N et participant à la biosynthèse de la chlorophylle. Le Fer résiduel n'est pas soluble dans H C1 1,0 N et n'entre pas dans la biosynthèse de la chlorophylle. Les ions positifs et négatifs de l'air ont provoqué une réduction significative de la teneur en Fer actif et en chlorophylle. Simultanément, il est apparu un accroissement de Fer résiduel et du Cytochrome c. Certains indices suggèrent que l'accroissement du Fer actif porte non seulement sur le Cytochrome c mais aussi sur d'autres enzymes contenant du Fer. Les auteurs pensent que les ions de l'air agissent au niveau des systèmes de régulation du métabolisme du Fer dans les graines et dans les germes. Les ions de l'air détournent apparemment le Fer libre endogène de la conversion en Fer actif et le rendent disponible pour la formation d'un certain nombre de composés contenant du Fer qui entrent dans la fraction du Fer résiduel.

Evangelou  V. P.  Marsi  M. 《Plant and Soil》2001,229(1):13-24
Decomposition of fresh plant residues produces humic fractions with different molecular size and composition. It was hypothesized that the functional group-type and content of humic fractions depended on molecular size, which was expected to influence heavy-metal complexation behavior. In this study, corn (Zea maysL.) stalks and leaves were collected from the field and decomposed for an 8-month period to produce humic substances which were separated into three water soluble fractions, HF1, HF2 and HF3, from highest to lowest relative molecular size. Functional group determination showed that total, carboxylic and phenolic OH acidity increased as relative molecular size of humic fractions decreased. Furthermore, C/O ratios decreased, whereas N/C and H/C ratios remained relatively unaffected as relative molecular size of humic fractions decreased. Formation of Ca2+, Cd2+ and Cu2+ -humic fraction complexes and how these complexes were affected by pH and relative (humic fraction) molecular size were studied using potentiometric titration. Metal-humic complexes exhibited at least two types of sites with respect to Ca2+, Cd2+ and Cu2+ complexation. Relative molecular size had a large significant influence on total metal-ion complexation, but it had a relatively small influence on complex stability at low levels of metal-ion complexation. Strength of metal-ion humic complexes followed the order Cu2+ > Cd2+ > Ca2+ and was affected by pH, especially for low affinity sites. Carboxylic and phenolic OH groups were most likely involved in complex formation. Magnitude of the metal-humic formation constants at the lowest equilibrium metal-ion concentration, under the various pH values tested, varied from 5.39 to 5.90 for Ca2+, from 5.36 to 6.01 for Cd2+ and from 6.93 to 7.71 for Cu2+. Furthermore, the formation constants appeared to be positively influenced by decreasing molecular size of water-soluble humic fraction, and increasing pH. These results inferred that soil management practices causing build-up of humic substances would affect mobility and bioavailability of metal-ions.  相似文献   

Genetics of tolerance to iron chlorosis was investigated in eight crosses involving parents distinctly different in their level of tolerance. The segregating populations with parents and F1s were screened under actual stress conditions in the field. Also, selected crosses were studied for Fe3+ uptake capacity. Tolerance/moderate tolerance to Fe chlorosis was dominant over susceptibility and it was controlled by two sets of nonallelic genes with complementary interaction. Gene Ic 1 has been found to be basic and in complementation with Ic 3 it confers tolerance. Likewise, Ic 2 with Ic 4 confers tolerance. The basic genes Ic 1 and Ic 2 are nonallelic and, in the absence of their respective complementary genes Ic 3 and 4 , ineffective, which results in susceptibility. Of tolerant cultivars, ARC 10372 and Cauvery have been tentatively assigned the genotype of Ic 1 , Ic 2 , Ic 3 , Ic 4 , and moderately tolerant IET 7613, Prasanna and Akashi Ic 1 , 2 Ic 3 Ic 4 . The susceptible ARC 5723 has been assigned Ic 1 , 2 , Ic 3 , Ic 4 , and IET 9829, Ic 1 , 2 Ic 3 Ic 4 . IET 7614 is susceptible, due to the presence of inhibitory genes I-Ic 1 , I-Ic 2 together with ic 1 pt>, ic 2 , Ic 3 , Ic 4 . Further, the gene Pc for purple coleoptile shows linkage with one of the complementary genes with a crossover value of 15.26%, while the gene(s) for seedling height Ts with Ic 1 with a crossover value of 1.7%. It is possible that the gene(s) for iron chlorosis tolerance might belong to the second linkage group, where genes for purple leaf were located.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence suggesting that iron (Fe) deficiency induces not only leaf chlorosis and a decline of photosynthesis, but also structural changes in leaf morphology, which might affect the functionality of leaves. In this study, we investigated the effects of Fe deficiency on the water relations of peach ( Prunus persica (L.) Batsch.) leaves and the responses of previously chlorotic leaves to Fe resupply via the root or the leaf. Iron deficiency induced a decline of maximum potential photosystem II (PSII) efficiency (F V/F M), of rates of net photosynthesis and transpiration and of water use efficiency. Iron chlorosis was associated with a reduction of leaf xylem vessel size and of leaf hydraulic conductance. In the course of the day, water potentials in chlorotic leaves remained higher (less negative) than in green leaves. In chlorotic leaves, normal stomatal functioning was disturbed, as evidenced by the lack of opening upon withdrawal of external CO2 and stomatal closure after sudden illumination of previously darkened leaves. We conclude that the Fe deficiency induced limitations of xylem conductivity elicited a water saving strategy, which poses an additional challenge to plant growth on high pH, calcareous soils. Fertilisation with Fe improved photosynthetic performance but the proper xylem structure and water relations of leaves were not fully restored, indicating that Fe must be available at the first stages of leaf growth and development.  相似文献   

缺铁和矫治缺铁对梨树叶片结构的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对不同缺铁黄化程度的酥梨叶片进行解剖结构分析和矫治缺铁后叶片解剖结构的恢复情况的研究,结果表明,缺铁黄化使叶片厚度,叶肉厚度,栅栏组织厚度,栅栏组织/海绵组织的比值均明显下降;栅栏组织细胞排列疏松,细胞变短甚至断裂成块状,叶绿体数量明显减少甚至无,并出现解体细胞;栅栏组织与海绵组织界限模糊,海绵组织细胞排列变密;维管束的导管口径变小,维管束鞘和韧皮部的细胞番红染色加重。进行缺铁黄化矫治后,叶片结构恢复正常。这些结构的变化,可作为梨树缺铁诊断和矫治的指标。  相似文献   

The high economic losses caused by the occurrence of iron chlorosis in Prunus orchards in the Mediterranean area justifies the implementation of breeding programs to generate high-performance rootstocks for different edaphoclimatic area conditions. For that reason, the genetic control of iron chlorosis tolerance was studied in an F1 population derived from a three-way interspecific cross between a Myrobalan plum (P 2175) and an almond?×?peach hybrid (Felinem). Several phenotypic measurements were assessed to guarantee an accurate data set for genetic analysis. SPAD (Soil and Plant Analyzer Development) values, chlorophyll concentration, and visual diagnostic symptoms were highly correlated with leaf chlorosis in trees. SPAD value was the most reliable measure, since it was an objective, unbiased, and non-destructive method. Two significant quantitative trait loci (QTLs) involved in SPAD and chlorophyll concentration were identified for Felinem in linkage groups 4 and 6. Both QTLs were detected in four of the six consecutive years of the experiment. For P 2175, two of the three putative QTLs identified, pspad4.1 and chl4.1, were placed in linkage group 4. These QTLs were related to the SPAD values and chlorophyll concentration, respectively, and co-localized with QTLs detected in the Felinem map affecting the same traits. Candidate gene PFIT, related to iron metabolism, was localized within the confidence interval of the QTL in linkage group 4. This research suggests an association of this chromosome region with tolerance to iron chlorosis in Prunus, and it provides a first approach to localize candidate genes involved in tolerance to this abiotic stress.  相似文献   

Under certain conditions, olive trees grown on calcareous soils suffer from iron chlorosis. In the present study several olive varieties and scion-rootstock combinations were evaluated for their tolerance to iron chlorosis. Plants were grown over several months in pots with a calcareous soil, under two fertilization treatments. These consisted of periodic applications of nutrient solutions containing either, 30 μmol/L FeEDDHA or not Fe. Tolerance was assessed by the chlorosis and growth parameters of plants grown without Fe, compared to those plants grown with Fe. Results show that there are differences in tolerance among olive varieties and that tolerance is mainly determined by the genotype of the rootstock. These results open the way to use tolerant varieties for those conditions where iron chlorosis could become a problem.  相似文献   

Ferritin-containing fractions with different degrees of iron loading were prepared. All ferritin fractions stimulated the peroxidation of bovine brain phospholipid liposomes, as measured by the formation of thiobarbituric acid-reactive material. This stimulation was increased in the presence of ascorbate. Iron salts of equivalent concentration to those of the ferritin fractions were more stimulatory to lipid peroxidation at the higher iron concentrations. None of the fractions inhibited ascorbate-dependent peroxidation in the presence of added iron salts.  相似文献   

K. Mitrakos  W. H. Klein  L. Price 《Planta》1965,66(3):207-215
Summary Etiolated corn leaf tissue floated on tap water and irradiated with red light (10 minutes) exhibits changes in monosaccharide content during an 18 hour dark period that follows the light treatment. After 4 hours of darkness, the light effect manifests itself primarily as decrease in glucose and fructose levels, whereas after 18 hours, only a sizeable decrease in fructose level is observed.If the tissue is floated on glucose solution for 2 hours prior to the 10 minute exposure to light, the sucrose and starch content of the leaf sample is appreciably increased without any accumulation of free glucose. During the dark period on tap water following the red light exposure a greatly increased disappearance of sucrose is apparent, and the light response appears only as sucrose loss during the early hours. After feeding, the 18 hour dark responses are influenced by the presence of the high levels of sucrose and increased starch content. This increase in substrate levels is associated with a general enhancement of the light responses.If the leaf sample is supplied with glucose-C14 and the same experimental procedures followed, the earlier reported losses of total soluble sugars content attributable to the light stimulation of the photomorphogenic processes are clearly substantiated. Decrease in radioactivity of the extractable soluble sugars is accompanied by an increase in C14 content of the tissue residue. The residue, therefore, contains such compounds as are representative of the fate of the photomorphogenically-induced utilization of the carbohydrates.Published with the approval of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution.This work was carried out with the support of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under Contract AT (30-1) 2373.  相似文献   

Summary The objectives of this study were: (i) to develop a tissue culture technique for the evaluation of Fe efficiency in soybean, and (ii) to compare the laboratory technique with field Fe chlorosis scores. Nineteen genotypes that had low and high levels of Fe efficiency were evaluated in the laboratory and at five field locations. Friable callus was induced from epicotyl sections, weighed, and placed on two different modified Murashige and Skoog media; one low in -naphthaleneacetic acid and the other low in Fe. Callus growth was rated as lack of growth compared to respective controls. As an example, Fe-inefficient cultivars (Asgrow A3205 and Pride B216) had significantly reduced growth compared to Fe-efficient germ plasm lines (All and A14). Correlation between the laboratory and field chlorosis rating was highest for the low auxin medium (r 2 = 0.78), although correlation for the low Fe medium was also significant (r 2 = 0.72). These results show that in vitro evaluation for Fe efficiency can be a useful tool for plant breeders.  相似文献   

Use of alkaline protease (subtilisin) gave nearly full extraction of nettle leaf protein (over 90%). The difference of molecular seaving profiles of enzyme and without enzyme extracted protein fractions is not so remarcable. That signifys that enzyme extraction doesn't concern protein by it self but cell membrane. The added enzyme acts by weakening the cell membrane. The enzyme extracted fractions have favourable functional properties.  相似文献   

温度对玉米蚜种群增长的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
王永宏  苏丽  仵均祥 《昆虫知识》2002,39(4):277-280
研究了温度对玉米蚜RhopalosiphummaidisFitch种群存活率、生殖率及内禀增长率的影响 ,同时测定了不同温度条件下玉米蚜种群的净增殖率、周限增长率、种群倍增时间及稳定年龄组配等种群参数。在 1 0℃和 3 5℃条件下 ,玉米蚜若蚜的死亡率较高 ,特别是 4龄若蚜 ;2 5℃最适宜玉米蚜的生长、发育和繁殖 ,其种群增长最快  相似文献   

Summary Leaf discs approximately 8 mm in diameter taken from green and from chlorotic areas of variegated leaves ofColeus were grown in light under sterile conditions in a mineral salt, sucrose, vitamin medium supplemented with auxin and cytokinin. Green shoots, which later formed roots, grew from both green and chlorotic discs in media containing suitable amounts of auxin and cytokinin. None developed in media supplemented with auxin alone or with cytokinin alone. Discs with young plants were transferred to soil. Plants that grew varied widely from those with no chlorosis to those with more chlorosis than the original variety from which the discs were taken. Plants grown from discs taken from green areas of leaves with chlorosis varied in patterns of chlorosis as much as those that grew from discs from chlorotic areas of leaves. This research was supported, in part, by The Conservation and Research Foundation.  相似文献   

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