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In Shigella flexneri, in addition to several well-recognized plasmid-borne virulence loci, at least three genetic loci implicated in pathogenesis have been recognized on the chromosome. To understand more about the pathogenesis of bacillary dysentery at a molecular level, the genetically recognized but previously unidentified KcpA region (one of the chromosomal regions near purE) was cloned and sequenced. A single translatable open reading frame encoding a 12310 Dalton protein corresponding to the minicell product was found. Immunofluorescence microscopy, as well as optical and electron microscopic comparison of tissue-cultured cells and guinea-pigs' eyes infected with wild-type or kcpA mutant bacteria, revealed that the kcpA product is required by invading bacteria for spread into adjacent cells.  相似文献   

Invasion of epithelial cells by Shigella flexneri is characterized by cytoskeletal rearrangements of the host cell membrane, promoting internalization of the bacterium. The bacterial effector IpaA is injected into the epithelial cell by a type III secretion apparatus and recruits vinculin to regulate actin polymerization at the site of entry. We analysed the complex formed between a carboxy-terminal fragment of IpaA (IpaA(560-633)) and the vinculin D1 domain (VD1), both in crystals and in solution. We present evidence that IpaA(560-633) has two alpha-helical vinculin-binding sites that simultaneously bind two VD1 molecules. The interaction of IpaA(560-633) with VD1 is highly similar to the interaction of the endogenous, eukaryotic proteins talin and alpha-actinin with VD1, showing that Shigella uses a structural mimicry strategy to activate vinculin.  相似文献   

The large virulence plasmid pMYSH6000 of Shigella flexneri contains a replicon and a plasmid maintenance stability determinant (Stb) on adjacent SalI fragments. The presence of a RepFIIA replicon on the SalI C fragment was confirmed, and the complete sequence of the adjacent SalI O fragment was determined. It shows homology to part of the transfer (tra) operon of the F plasmid. Stb stabilizes a partition-defective P1 miniplasmid in Escherichia coli. A 1.1-kb region containing a homolog of the F trbH gene was sufficient to confer stability. However, the trbH open reading frame could be interrupted without impairing stability. Deletion analysis implicated the involvement of two small open reading frames, STBORF1 and STBORF2, that fully overlap trbH in the opposite direction. These open reading frames are closely related to the vagC and vagD genes of the Salmonella dublin virulence plasmid and to open reading frame pairs in the F trbH region and in the chromosomes of Dichelobacter nodosus and Haemophilus influenzae. Stb appears to promote better-than-random distribution of plasmid copies and is a plasmid incompatibility determinant. The F homolog does not itself confer stability but exerts incompatibility against the activity of the Stb system. Stb is likely to encode either an active partition system or a postsegregational killing system. It shows little similarity to previously studied plasmid stability loci, but the genetic organization of STBORF1 and STBORF2 resembles that of postsegregational killing mechanisms.  相似文献   

In Shigella flexneri, the ompB locus (containing the ompR and envZ genes) was found to modulate expression of the vir genes, which are responsible for invasion of epithelial cells. vir gene expression was markedly enhanced under conditions of high osmolarity (300 mosM), similar to that encountered in tissues both extra- and intracellularly. Two ompB mutants were constructed and tested for virulence and for osmotic regulation of vir genes. An envZ::Tn10 mutant remained invasive, although its virulence was significantly decreased as a result of its inability to survive intracellularly. By using a vir::lac operon fusion, this mutation was shown to decrease beta-galactosidase expression both in low- and high-osmolarity conditions but did not affect vir expression in response to changes in osmolarity. A delta ompB deletion mutant was also constructed via allelic exchange with an in vitro-mutagenized ompB locus of Escherichia coli. This mutation severely impaired virulence and abolished expression of the vir::lac fusion in both low- and high-osmolarity conditions. Therefore, a two-component regulatory system modulates virulence according to environmental conditions. In addition, the mutation affecting a spontaneous avirulent variant of S. flexneri serotype 5, M90T, has been mapped at the ompB locus and was complemented by the cloned E. coli ompB locus. Introduction of the vir::lac fusion into this mutant did not result in the expression of beta-galactosidase (Lac-).  相似文献   

IcsA of Shigella flexneri is required for intercellular spread and is located in the outer membrane at one pole of the bacterium, where it catalyses the polymerization of host-cell actin. The formation of the actin tail provides the force to move the bacterium in a unidirectional manner through the host-cell cytoplasm. We have previously demonstrated that rough lipopolysaccharide (LPS) mutants of S. flexneri 2a are avirulent and cannot form plaques in tissue-culture monolayers. This inability to form plaques is associated with non-polar localization of IcsA and loss of host-cell membrane-protrusion formation ('fireworks'). To define the minimal LPS structure required for fireworks formation, we constructed a strain of S. flexneri (BS497) that contains a mutation in rfc, encoding the O side-chain polymerase, and a strain, BS520, that possesses a defective O side-chain ligase due to a mutation in rfaL. BS497 produces a LPS that consists of a core with one repeat unit of the O side-chain, while BS520 produces a LPS consisting of a complete core with no O side-chain. BS497 remained invasive but did not form fireworks or plaques in tissue-culture monolayers and was negative in the Serény test. BS520 was invasive, generated reduced numbers of short fireworks, and made tiny plaques, but it was negative in the Serény test. Analysis of BS497 with anti-lcsA antibody demonstrated that IcsA was distributed over the entire cell surface. The distribution of IcsA on the surface of BS520 was predominantly unipolar, with some trail-back of IcsA label along the sides of the bacterium. A similar pattern was seen when infected monolayers were stained for polymerized actin. These results suggest that both the presence and the length of the O side-chain are important in the proper localization or maintenance of IcsA at the pole which subsequently affects the ability to form actin tails and produce fireworks. This reduced ability to form actin tails and fireworks results in a decreased ability of Shigella to move into adjacent host cells. To determine if the sugar composition of the O side-chain is important in the ability to form fireworks, the rfb region of S. flexneri2a was replaced with the rfb region from Escherichia coll serotype O8 or O25. Both hybrids were invasive, formed plaques, and gave positive Serény reactions. These results suggest that, unlike LPS length, the sugar composition of the O side-chain is not a critical requirement for the proper localization of IcsA and efficient intercellular movement.  相似文献   

It is shown that Shigella flexneri maintains genetic control over the modal chain length of the O-antigen polysaccharide chains of its lipopolysaccharide (LPS) molecules because such a distribution is required for virulence. The effect of altering O-antigen chain length on S. flexneri virulence was investigated by inserting a kanamycin (Km)-resistance cassette into the rol gene (controlling the modal O-antigen chain length distribution), and into the rfbD gene, whose product is needed for synthesis of dTDP-rhamnose (the precursor of rhamnose in the O-antigen). The mutations had the expected effect on LPS structure. The rol ::Km mutation was impaired in the ability to elicit keratoconjunctivitis, as determined by the Serény test. The rol ::Km and rfbD ::Km mutations prevented plaque formation on HeLa cells, but neither mutation affected the ability of S. flexneri to invade and replicate in HeLa cells. Microscopy of bacteria-infected HeLa cells stained with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-phalloidin demonstrated that both the rol ::Km and rfbD ::Km mutants were defective in F-actin tail formation: the latter mutant showed distorted F-actin tails. Plasma-membrane protrusions were occasionally observed. Investigation of the location of IcsA (required for F-actin tail formation) on the cell surface by immunofluorescence and immunogold electron microscopy showed that while most rol mutant bacteria produced little or no cell-surface IcsA, 10% resembled the parental bacterial cell (which had IcsA at one cell pole; the rfbD mutant had IcsA located over its entire cell surface although it was more concentrated at one end of the cell). That the O-antigen chains of the rol ::Km mutant did not mask the IcsA protein was demonstrated by using the endorhamnosidase activity of Sf6c phage to digest the O-antigen chains, and comparing untreated and Sf6c-treated cells by immunofluorescence with anti-IcsA serum.  相似文献   

Intercellular spreading of shigellae Is a prerequisite for shigellosis, although the molecular mechanisms underlying the phenomenon are still largely obscure. To elucidate some of these mechanisms, we performed random TniO insertion mutagenesis in Shigella flexneri YSH6000T and found a chromosomal locus in the Notl-J segment responsible for bacterial spreading. The locus affected in the mutant, designated vacJ, was neither involved in the invasion of epithelial cells nor in intracellular movement, but was required for intercellular spread. The vacJ mutant was capable of forming bacterium-containing membranous protrusions within the infected cell, but had diminished ability to move from the protrusions into the cytoplasm of the adjacent epithelial cells. Cloning and sequencing of the vacJ region Indicated that the vacJ gene encoded a 28.0 kDa protein possessing a signal peptide at the N-terminus, which contained the motif characteristic of lipoproteins. The analysis of the vacJ product indicated that VacJ was exposed on the bacterial surface. The vacJ gene was distributed among shigellae and enteroinvasive Escherichia coli, and the constructed vacJ mutants failed to spread intercellularly, indicating that vacJ is a chromosomal gene essential for the pathogenicity of shigeiiae.  相似文献   

Molecular bases of epithelial cell invasion by Shigella flexneri   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The pathogenesis of shigellosis is characterized by the capacity of the causative microorganism, Shigella, to invade the epithelial cells that compose the mucosal surface of the colon in humans. The invasive process encompasses several steps which can be summarized as follows: entry of bacteria into epithelial cells involves signalling pathways that elicit a macropinocitic event. Upon contact with the cell surface, S. flexneri activates a Mxi/Spa secretory apparatus encoded by two operons comprising about 25 genes located on a large virulence plasmid of 220 kb. Through this specialized secretory apparatus, Ipa invasins are secreted, two of which (IpaB, 62 kDa and IpaC, 42 kDa) form a complex which is itself able to activate entry via its interaction with the host cell membrane. Interaction of this molecular complex with the cell surface elicits major rearrangements of the host cell cytoskeleton, essentially the polymerization of actin filaments that form bundles supporting the membrane projections which achieve bacterial entry. Active recruitment of the protooncogene pp 60c-src has been demonstrated at the entry site with consequent phosphorylation of cortactin. Also, the small GTPase Rho is controlling the cascade of signals that allows elongation of actin filaments from initial nucleation foci underneath the cell membrane. The regulatory signals involved as well as the proteins recruited indicate that Shigella induces the formation of an adherence plaque at the cell surface in order to achieve entry. Once intracellular, the bacterium lyses its phagocytic vacuole, escapes into the cytoplasm and starts moving the inducing polar, directed polymerization of actin on its surface, due to the expression of IcsA, a 120 kDa outer membrane protein, which is localized at one pole of the microorganism, following cleavage by SopA, a plasmid-encoded surface protease. In the context of polarized epithelial cells, bacteria then reach the intermediate junction and engage their components, particularly the cadherins, to form a protrusion which is actively internalized by the adjacent cell. Bacteria then lyse the two membranes, reach the cytoplasmic compartment again, and resume actin-driven movement.  相似文献   

Cai X  Zhang J  Chen M  Wu Y  Wang X  Chen J  Zhang J  Shen X  Qu D  Jiang H 《PloS one》2011,6(8):e23100
PhoQ/PhoP is an important two-component system that regulates Shigella virulence. We explored whether the PhoQ/PhoP system is a promising target for new antibiotics against S. flexneri infection. By using a high-throughput screen and enzymatic activity coupled assay, four compounds were found as potential PhoQ inhibitors. These compounds not only inhibited the activity of SF-PhoQc autophosphorylation but also displayed high binding affinities to the SF-PhoQc protein in the Surface Plasmon Resonance response. A S. flexneri cell invasion assay showed that three of these potential PhoQ inhibitors inhibit the invasion of HeLa cells by S. flexneri 9380. In a Mouse Sereny test, mice inoculated with S. flexneri 9380 pre-treated with the potential PhoQ inhibitors 1, 2, 3 or 4 displayed no inflammation, whereas mice inoculated with S. flexneri 9380 alone displayed severe keratoconjunctival inflammation. All four potential PhoQ inhibitors showed no significant cytotoxicity or hemolytic activity. These data suggest that the four potential PhoQ inhibitors inhibited the virulence of S. flexneri and that PhoQ/PhoP is a promising target for the development of drugs against S. flexneri infection.  相似文献   

It was shown for the first time that the virulent Sh. flexneri strain grown on Luria broth differed from the avirulent one by the yield of readily released surface-located complexes--lipopolysaccharide (determined by rhamnose) and protein into the filtrate. There was no distinct correlation between the strain virulence and the content of rhamnose-determined lipopolysaccharide in the filtrate; growing bacteria in the presence of Ca and Mg ions had no significant influence on the lipopolysaccharide release into the filtrate. Protein release into the cell-free filtrate was thrice that in the virulent shigella strain than in the avirulent one. When bacteria were grown in the presence of Ca ions protein release from the virulent strain increased 1.5-fold and changed but little in the avirulent culture. Cell-free filtrates of the virulent strain produced toxic action on L tissue culture cells; in conjunctival infection of guinea pigs they caused some reduction of the LD50 of the virulent strain and sharply aggravated the course of the infectious process. Heating of the filtrate at 100 degrees C for 15 min decreased their toxic action on L cells. The data obtained indicated that the active biological factor revealed in the virulent strain of Sh. flexneri was protein or its derivative.  相似文献   

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