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Candida albicans has an elaborate, yet efficient, mating system that promotes conjugation between diploid a and α strains. The product of mating is a tetraploid a/α cell that must undergo a reductional division to return to the diploid state. Despite the presence of several “meiosis-specific” genes in the C. albicans genome, a meiotic program has not been observed. Instead, tetraploid products of mating can be induced to undergo efficient, random chromosome loss, often producing strains that are diploid, or close to diploid, in ploidy. Using SNP and comparative genome hybridization arrays we have now analyzed the genotypes of products from the C. albicans parasexual cycle. We show that the parasexual cycle generates progeny strains with shuffled combinations of the eight C. albicans chromosomes. In addition, several isolates had undergone extensive genetic recombination between homologous chromosomes, including multiple gene conversion events. Progeny strains exhibited altered colony morphologies on laboratory media, demonstrating that the parasexual cycle generates phenotypic variants of C. albicans. In several fungi, including Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe, the conserved Spo11 protein is integral to meiotic recombination, where it is required for the formation of DNA double-strand breaks. We show that deletion of SPO11 prevented genetic recombination between homologous chromosomes during the C. albicans parasexual cycle. These findings suggest that at least one meiosis-specific gene has been re-programmed to mediate genetic recombination during the alternative parasexual life cycle of C. albicans. We discuss, in light of the long association of C. albicans with warm-blooded animals, the potential advantages of a parasexual cycle over a conventional sexual cycle.  相似文献   

Hemoglobin protease (Hbp) is a hemoglobin-degrading protein that is secreted by a human pathogenic Escherichia coli strain via the autotransporter mechanism. Little is known about the earliest steps in autotransporter secretion, i.e. the targeting to and translocation across the inner membrane. Here, we present evidence that Hbp interacts with the signal recognition particle (SRP) and the Sec-translocon early during biogenesis. Furthermore, Hbp requires a functional SRP targeting pathway and Sec-translocon for optimal translocation across the inner membrane. SecB is not required for targeting of Hbp but can compensate to some extent for the lack of SRP. Hbp is synthesized with an unusually long signal peptide that is remarkably conserved among a subset of autotransporters. We propose that these autotransporters preferentially use the co-translational SRP/Sec route to avoid adverse effects of the exposure of their mature domains in the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Protein targeting by the signal recognition particle (SRP) pathway requires the interaction of two homologous GTPases that reciprocally regulate each other's GTPase activity, the SRP signal peptide- binding subunit (SRP54) and the SRP receptor alpha-subunit (SRalpha). The GTPase domain of both proteins abuts a unique 'N domain' that appears to facilitate external ligand binding. To examine the relationship between the unusual regulation and unique architecture of the SRP pathway GTPases, we mutated an invariant glycine in Escherichia coli SRP54 and SRalpha orthologs ('Ffh' and 'FtsY', respectively) that resides at the N-GTPase domain interface. A G257A mutation in Ffh produced a lethal phenotype. The mutation did not significantly affect Ffh function, but severely reduced interaction with FtsY. Likewise, mutation of FtsY Gly455 produced growth defects and inhibited interaction with Ffh. The data suggest that Ffh and FtsY interact only in a 'primed' conformation which requires interdomain communication. Based on these results, we propose that the distinctive features of the SRP pathway GTPases evolved to ensure that SRP and the SR engage external ligands before interacting with each other.  相似文献   

Mingjun Yang  Xin Zhang  Keli Han 《Proteins》2010,78(10):2222-2237
Signal recognition particle (SRP) and its receptor (SR) play essential role in the SRP‐dependent protein targeting pathway. They interact with one another to precisely regulate the targeting reaction. The mechanism of this interaction consists of at least two discrete conformational states: complex formation and GTPase activation. Although structural studies have provided valuable insights into the understanding of the SRP‐SR interaction, it still remains unclear that how SRP and SR GTPases use their intrinsic conformational flexibilities to exert multiple allosteric regulations on this interaction process. Here, we use computational simulations to present the dynamic behavior of the SRP GTPases at an atomic level to gain further understanding of SRP‐SR interaction. We show that: (i) equilibrium conformational fluctuations contain a cooperative inter‐ and intradomain structural rearrangements that are functionally relevant to complex formation, (ii) a series of residues in different domains are identified to correlate with each other during conformational rearrangements, and (iii) α3 and α4 helices at domain interface actively rearrange their relative conformation to function as a bridge between the N domain and the core region of the G domain. These results, in addition to structural studies, would harness our understanding of the molecular mechanism for SRP and SR interaction. Proteins 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Cotranslational protein targeting to membranes is regulated by two GTPases in the signal recognition particle (SRP) and the SRP receptor; association between the two GTPases is slow and is accelerated 400-fold by the SRP RNA. Intriguingly, the otherwise universally conserved SRP RNA is missing in a novel chloroplast SRP pathway. We found that even in the absence of an SRP RNA, the chloroplast SRP and receptor GTPases can interact efficiently with one another; the kinetics of interaction between the chloroplast GTPases is 400-fold faster than their bacterial homologues, and matches the rate at which the bacterial SRP and receptor interact with the help of SRP RNA. Biochemical analyses further suggest that the chloroplast SRP receptor is pre-organized in a conformation that allows optimal interaction with its binding partner, so that conformational changes during complex formation are minimized. Our results highlight intriguing differences between the classical and chloroplast SRP and SRP receptor GTPases, and help explain how the chloroplast SRP pathway can mediate efficient targeting of proteins to the thylakoid membrane in the absence of the SRP RNA, which plays an indispensable role in all the other SRP pathways.  相似文献   

Two distinct protein targeting pathways can direct proteins to the Escherichia coli inner membrane. The Sec pathway involves the cytosolic chaperone SecB that binds to the mature region of pre-proteins. SecB targets the pre-protein to SecA that mediates pre-protein translocation through the SecYEG translocon. The SRP pathway is probably used primarily for the targeting and assembly of inner membrane proteins. It involves the signal recognition particle (SRP) that interacts with the hydrophobic targeting signal of nascent proteins. By using a protein cross-linking approach, we demonstrate here that the SRP pathway delivers nascent inner membrane proteins at the membrane. The SRP receptor FtsY, GTP and inner membranes are required for release of the nascent proteins from the SRP. Upon release of the SRP at the membrane, the targeted nascent proteins insert into a translocon that contains at least SecA, SecY and SecG. Hence, as appears to be the case for several other translocation systems, multiple targeting mechanisms deliver a variety of precursor proteins to a common membrane translocation complex of the E.coli inner membrane.  相似文献   

By virtue of its amplifying property, the alternative complement pathway has been implicated in a number of inflammatory diseases and constitutes an attractive therapeutic target. An anti-factor D Fab fragment (AFD) was generated to inhibit the alternative complement pathway in advanced dry age-related macular degeneration. AFD potently prevented factor D (FD)-mediated proteolytic activation of its macromolecular substrate C3bB, but not proteolysis of a small synthetic substrate, indicating that AFD did not block access of the substrate to the catalytic site. The crystal structures of AFD in complex with human and cynomolgus FD (at 2.4 and 2.3 Å, respectively) revealed the molecular details of the inhibitory mechanism. The structures show that the AFD-binding site includes surface loops of FD that form part of the FD exosite. Thus, AFD inhibits FD proteolytic function by interfering with macromolecular substrate access rather than by inhibiting FD catalysis, providing the molecular basis of AFD-mediated inhibition of a rate-limiting step in the alternative complement pathway.  相似文献   

A naturally occurring bifunctional protein from Plexaura homomalla links sequential catalytic activities in an oxylipin biosynthetic pathway. The C-terminal lipoxygenase (LOX) portion of the molecule catalyzes the transformation of arachidonic acid (AA) to the corresponding 8 R-hydroperoxide, and the N-terminal allene oxide synthase (AOS) domain promotes the conversion of the hydroperoxide intermediate to the product allene oxide (AO). Small-angle X-ray scattering data indicate that in the absence of a covalent linkage the two catalytic domains that transform AA to AO associate to form a complex that recapitulates the structure of the bifunctional protein. The SAXS data also support a model for LOX and AOS domain orientation in the fusion protein inferred from a low-resolution crystal structure. However, results of membrane binding experiments indicate that covalent linkage of the domains is required for Ca (2+)-dependent membrane targeting of the sequential activities, despite the noncovalent domain association. Furthermore, membrane targeting is accompanied by a conformational change as monitored by specific proteolysis of the linker that joins the AOS and LOX domains. Our data are consistent with a model in which Ca (2+)-dependent membrane binding relieves the noncovalent interactions between the AOS and LOX domains and suggests that the C2-like domain of LOX mediates both protein-protein and protein-membrane interactions.  相似文献   

gamma-Secretase is an aspartyl protease complex composed of the four core components APH-1, nicastrin (NCT), presenilin (PS), and PEN-2. It catalyzes the final intramembranous cleavage of the beta-secretase-processed beta-amyloid precursor protein to liberate the neurotoxic amyloid beta-peptide. Whereas unassembled complex components appear to be unstable and/or to be retained within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), the fully assembled complex is known to exert its biological function in late secretory compartments, including the plasma membrane. We thus hypothesized that the gamma-secretase complex undergoes a stepwise assembly within the ER. We demonstrate that gamma-secretase-associated NCT can be actively retained within the ER by the addition of a retention signal. Under these conditions, complex assembly occurred in the absence of maturation of NCT, and ER-retained immature NCT associated with APH-1, PEN-2, and PS fragments. Moreover, a biotinylated transition state gamma-secretase inhibitor allowed the preferential isolation of the fully assembled complex containing immature NCT. Furthermore, we observed a conformational change in immature NCT, which is known to be selectively associated with complete gamma-secretase complex assembly. This was also observed for a small amount of immature endogenous NCT. ER-retained NCT also rescued the biochemical phenotype observed upon RNA interference-mediated NCT knockdown, viz. reduced amyloid beta-peptide production; instability of PS, PEN-2, and APH-1; and accumulation of beta-amyloid precursor protein C-terminal fragments. Finally, we demonstrate that dimeric (NCT/APH-1) and trimeric (NCT/APH-1/PS) intermediates of gamma-secretase complex assembly containing endogenous NCT are retained within the ER and that the incorporation of the fourth and last binding partner (PEN-2) also occurs on immature NCT, suggesting a complete assembly of the gamma-secretase complex within the ER.  相似文献   

Stengel KF  Holdermann I  Wild K  Sinning I 《FEBS letters》2007,581(29):5671-5676
Two GTPases in the signal recognition particle and its receptor (FtsY) regulate protein targeting to the membrane by formation of a heterodimeric complex. The activation of both GTPases in the complex is essential for protein translocation. We present the crystal structure of chloroplast FtsY (cpFtsY) at 1.75 A resolution. The comparison with FtsY structures in different nucleotide bound states shows structural changes relevant for GTPase activation and provides insights in how cpFtsY is pre-organized for complex formation with cpSRP54. The structure contains an amino-terminal amphipathic helix similar to the membrane targeting sequence of Escherichia coli FtsY. In cpFtsY this motif is extended, which might be responsible for the enhanced attachment of the protein to the thylakoid membrane.  相似文献   

The adenovirus late region 1 (L1) represents an example of an alternatively spliced gene where one 5' splice site is spliced to two alternative 3' splice sites, to produce two mRNAs; the 52,55K and IIIa mRNAs, respectively. Accumulation of the L1 mRNAs is temporally regulated during the infectious cycle. Thus, the proximal 3' splice site (52,55K mRNA) is used at all times during the infectious cycle whereas the distal 3' splice site (IIIa mRNA) is used exclusively late in infection. Here we show that in vitro splicing extracts prepared from late adenovirus-infected cells reproduces the virus-induced temporal shift from proximal to distal 3' splice site selection in L1 pre-mRNA splicing. Two stable intermediates in spliceosome assembly have been identified; the commitment complex and the pre-spliceosome (or A complex). We show that the transition in splice site activity in L1 alternative splicing results from an increase in the efficiency of commitment complex formation using the distal 3' splice site in extracts prepared from late virus-infected cells combined with a reduction of the efficiency of proximal 3' splice site splicing. The increase in commitment activity on the distal 3' splice site is paralleled by a virus-induced increase in A complex formation on the distal 3' splice site. Importantly, the virus-induced shift from proximal to distal L1 3' splice site usage does not require cis competition between the 52,55K and the IIIa 3' splice sites, but rather results from the intrinsic property of the two 3' splice sites which make them respond differently to factors in extracts prepared from virus-infected cells.  相似文献   

C3, C4, factor B, properdin, and C2 binding to serum-sensitive and serum-resistant gonococci was quantitated in C8-deficient and normal human serum by using fluorescein-conjugated antibodies and 3H-labeled components. Organism and serum-specific differences were noted, the most striking of which involved factor B and properdin binding to the serum-sensitive strains in the different sera. C3 binding to these organisms was quantitatively and kinetically equivalent in C8-deficient and normal human serum. In contrast, factor B and properdin binding reached a plateau after 5 min in C8-deficient serum but peaked and fell to control values in normal human serum. Identical results were obtained with normal human serum immunochemically depleted of C8. Between 7 and 15% of the bound C3 participated in formation of the alternative pathway convertase C3bBb/P. Reconstitution of the C cascade by adding purified C8 to C8-deficient serum led to the loss of factor B previously bound to the organisms. Factor B loss occurred coincident with bacterial killing and membrane disruption as observed by electron microscopy. Prevention of membrane disruption by depleting normal human serum of lysozyme had no effect on killing and failed to prevent factor B loss. Stabilization of the C3bBb complex with Ni2+ prevented factor B loss as well as gross membrane disruption but not bacterial killing. C2 (the classical pathway analog of factor B) binding to gonococci was equivalent in C8-deficient and normal human serum peaking within 2.5 min and falling to control values in both sera thereafter. We conclude that the assembly of the membrane attack complex promotes decay of C3bBb/P with release of factor B and properdin but not C3 from the organism surface. Membrane disruption does not appear to be required for this effect. This activity may represent a mechanism to limit continued C consumption.  相似文献   

Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) are channels within the nuclear envelope that mediate nucleocytoplasmic transport. NPCs form within the closed nuclear envelope during interphase or assemble concomitantly with nuclear envelope reformation in late stages of mitosis. Both interphase and mitotic NPC biogenesis require coordination of protein complex assembly and membrane deformation. During early stages of mitotic NPC assembly, a seed for new NPCs is established on chromatin, yet the factors connecting the NPC seed to the membrane of the forming nuclear envelope are unknown. Here, we report that the reticulon homology domain protein REEP4 not only localizes to high-curvature membrane of the cytoplasmic endoplasmic reticulum but is also recruited to the inner nuclear membrane by the NPC biogenesis factor ELYS. This ELYS-recruited pool of REEP4 promotes NPC assembly and appears to be particularly important for NPC formation during mitosis. These findings suggest a role for REEP4 in coordinating nuclear envelope reformation with mitotic NPC biogenesis.  相似文献   

Kalifa L  Sia EA 《DNA Repair》2007,6(12):1732-1739
Ultraviolet light is a potent DNA damaging agent that induces bulky lesions in DNA which block the replicative polymerases. In order to ensure continued DNA replication and cell viability, specialized translesion polymerases bypass these lesions at the expense of introducing mutations in the nascent DNA strand. A recent study has shown that the N-terminal sequences of the nuclear translesion polymerases Rev1p and Pol zeta can direct GFP to the mitochondrial compartment of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We have investigated the role of these polymerases in mitochondrial mutagenesis. Our analysis of mitochondrial DNA point mutations, microsatellite instability, and the spectra of mitochondrial mutations indicate that these translesion polymerases function in a less mutagenic pathway in the mitochondrial compartment than they do in the nucleus. Mitochondrial phenotypes resulting from the loss of Rev1p and Pol zeta suggest that although these polymerases are responsible for the majority of mitochondrial frameshift mutations, they do not greatly contribute to mitochondrial DNA point mutations. Analysis of spontaneous mitochondrial DNA point mutations suggests that Pol zeta may play a role in general mitochondrial DNA maintenance. In addition, we observe a 20-fold increase in UV-induced mitochondrial DNA point mutations in rev deficient strains. Our data provides evidence for an alternative damage tolerance pathway that is specific to the mitochondrial compartment.  相似文献   

Recent studies have indicated that FtsY, the signal recognition particle receptor of Escherichia coli, plays a central role in membrane protein biogenesis. For proper function, FtsY must be targeted to the membrane, but its membrane-targeting pathway is unknown. We investigated the relationship between targeting and function of FtsY in vivo, by separating its catalytic domain (NG) from its putative targeting domain (A) by three means: expression of split ftsY, insertion of various spacers between A and NG, and separation of A and NG by in vivo proteolysis. Proteolytic separation of A and NG does not abolish function, whereas separation by long linkers or expression of split ftsY is detrimental. We propose that proteolytic cleavage of FtsY occurs after completion of co-translational targeting and assembly of NG. In contrast, separation by other means may interrupt proper synchronization of co-translational targeting and membrane assembly of NG. The co-translational interaction of FtsY with the membrane was confirmed by in vitro experiments.  相似文献   

Protein kinase Calpha (PKCalpha) activation is known to be dependent on the metabolic product of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) by phospholipase C (PLC). Here we report that fibroblasts may have an additional PIP2-dependent mechanism for membrane localization of PKCalpha. We observed PKCalpha membrane localization in both wild type and PLCgamma1 -/- mouse embryonic fibroblasts. Treatment of cells with a specific PLC inhibitor U73122 resulted in increased PIP2 levels and enhanced membrane localization of PKCalpha. PKCalpha levels in the membrane fraction decreased following incubation with PLCgamma, but increased following treatment with U73122 or addition of exogenous PIP2 in vitro. In addition, PKCalpha interacted with PIP2-conjugate bead and mixed micelles containing PIP2. Finally, we found that PIP2 is involved in syndecan-4-mediated membrane localization of PKCalpha. Taken together, these data suggest that PIP2 might contribute to directly regulating the membrane localization of PKCalpha.  相似文献   

Many anaerobic bacteria can completely oxidize organic matter to CO2 with either sulfur, sulfate, or protons as electron acceptor. The sulfur-reducing bacteria and one genus of sulfate reducers use a modified citric-acid cycle with a novel anaplerotic sequence as pathway of terminal respiration. All other anaerobes use an alternative pathway, in which carbon monoxide dehydrogenase is a key enzyme and in which acetyl-CoA is cleaved into two C1 units at the oxidation level of CH3OH and CO. Thus almost 50 years after the discovery of the citric acid cycle by Hans Krebs in 1937, a second pathway for acetyl-CoA oxidation was found.  相似文献   

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