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Quantitative (0.1-m2) samples of benthic macrofauna were taken at three depths (5, 10, 17 m) off the eastern coast of Scania, southern Baltic, in the period April 1974 to August 1978. Altogether 20 sampling cruises were made. Spatial and temporal species composition, abundance and biomass were compared. The number of species increased significantly with increasing depth. Zonation of the species was due to their zoogeographical origin and capacity to withstand exposure. Abundance was highest at 5 m depth whereas biomass increased with depth due to the dominance of large bivalves. Variation in abundance within years was large at all three depths and connected with reproductive recruitment for all species except Bathyporeia pilosa Lindström which migrated towards the shore in summer.  相似文献   

Microbial community structure in polluted Baltic Sea sediments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nearly half the seabed of the Baltic Proper is incapable of supporting life of higher organisms as a consequence of oxygen depletion resulting from eutrophication. However, these areas are actually teeming with microbial life. Here we used terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) to investigate the dominant archaeal and bacterial groups, with respect to community structure, in surface layers of bottom sediments of the Baltic Sea along a coastal pollution gradient. Both archaeal and bacterial communities formed distinct clusters along the pollution gradient and the community compositions were different at the polluted sites compared with the relatively clean reference sites. The structures of the bacterial communities were most strongly correlated to water depth, followed by organic carbon, oxygen, salinity and silicate levels. In contrast, the structures of the archaeal communities were most strongly correlated to oxygen, salinity, organic carbon, silicate and nitrate levels. Some members of the microbial communities were identified using a combination of traditional and molecular approaches. Isolates obtained on different culture media were identified by partial sequencing of their 16S rRNA genes and some novel species were found. In addition, we developed a computer program, aplaus, to elucidate the putative identities of the most dominant community members by T-RFLP.  相似文献   

Coastal benthic biodiversity is under increased pressure from climate change, eutrophication, hypoxia, and changes in salinity due to increase in river runoff. The Baltic Sea is a large brackish system characterized by steep environmental gradients that experiences all of the mentioned stressors. As such it provides an ideal model system for studying the impact of on‐going and future climate change on biodiversity and function of benthic ecosystems. Meiofauna (animals < 1 mm) are abundant in sediment and are still largely unexplored even though they are known to regulate organic matter degradation and nutrient cycling. In this study, benthic meiofaunal community structure was analysed along a salinity gradient in the Baltic Sea proper using high‐throughput sequencing. Our results demonstrate that areas with higher salinity have a higher biodiversity, and salinity is probably the main driver influencing meiofauna diversity and community composition. Furthermore, in the more diverse and saline environments a larger amount of nematode genera classified as predators prevailed, and meiofauna‐macrofauna associations were more prominent. These findings show that in the Baltic Sea, a decrease in salinity resulting from accelerated climate change will probably lead to decreased benthic biodiversity, and cause profound changes in benthic communities, with potential consequences for ecosystem stability, functions and services.  相似文献   

A three-week mesocosm experiment was conducted in order to study the effects of bottom sediment and nutrient enrichment on phytoplankton and zooplankton community structure in the Archipelago Sea, northern Baltic Sea. The transparent polyethylene enclosures included the whole water column and varied in volume from 30 to 40 m3. There were two types of enclosures: some with natural sediment as a bottom and others with a plastic bottom. The experiment was a 2 × 2 factorial design with presence of sediment and nutrient enrichment as treatment factors. Both the sediment presence and nutrient enrichment significantly increased water nutrient concentrations and the rate of primary production. However, external nutrient enrichment and the presence of sediment stimulated the growth of different phytoplankton groups, indicating that the effect of sediment was not related to nutrient fluxes alone, but involved more complex interactions. External nutrient enrichment was primarily channelled to picoplanktonic cyanobacteria, the biomass of which increased four- to fivefold due to enrichment. The presence of sediment increased the biomass of cryptophytes, chrysophytes and prasinophytes, but decreased the biomass of N2-fixing cyanobacteria. Zooplankton biomass increased during the experiment, but was not affected by the treatments. The study shows that sediment plays a significant role in phytoplankton dynamics, underlining the importance of including sediment in shallow-water mesocosm experiments. Handling editor: J. Padisak  相似文献   

The oxic-anoxic interface of the water column of the Gotland Basin (central Baltic Sea) is characterised by defined biogeochemical gradients and is hypothesised to be a zone of pronounced denitrification. Our aim was to analyse the composition and distribution of pelagic denitrifying microorganisms in relation to the physico-chemical gradients in the water column. PCR-amplified nirS genes--coding for dissimilatory nitrite reductase--were analysed as functional markers by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism and cloning. The overall nirS diversity was low, with the lowest levels found at the oxic-anoxic interface. Only a few terminal restriction fragments dominated the denitrifier communities throughout the water column, and these could be assigned to several new Baltic Sea clusters that were revealed by phylogenetic analysis. The novel clusters were separated in two groups corresponding to the oxygen concentrations within specific layers of the water column. Gradients of prevalent biogeochemical parameters (H(2)S, NH(4) (+), NO(3) (-) and O(2)) largely determined the composition of the nirS-type denitrifier communities within the water column of the Gotland Basin.  相似文献   

1. The taxonomic composition, abundance and biomass of heterotrophic protists (ciliates, heterotrophic flagellates (HF), rhizopods and actinopods) in the sediment and water column of shallow inlets of the Southern Baltic was studied under a variety of environmental conditions during 1996–1997. A shallow, highly eutrophic station and a deeper, less eutrophic station were compared.
2. Community biomass ranged from 0.12 to 0.34 μg C cm?3 in the water column and from 1.5 to 105 μg C cm?3 in the sediment. Heterotrophic protists dominated zooplankton biomass at both stations (73% and 84% mean contribution), while they were of minor importance within the zoobenthos. Expressed per unit area, benthic biomass contributed a significant part (44% and 49%) to the total heterotrophic protistan community at both stations.
3. Although the methodology for counting ciliates and HF was focussed on a high taxonomic resolution, the results reveal some general trends in the distribution of heterotrophic protists: protozooplankton biomass was dominated by flagellates (80% mean biomass contribution) at the shallow station and by ciliates (73% mean biomass contribution) at the deep station. In the benthos at both stations, ciliates were the dominant protozoans, followed by the hitherto little‐studied rhizopods (25% and 35% mean biomass contribution) and flagellates.
4. The degree of benthic–pelagic coupling differed between taxonomic groups. Benthic and pelagic communities of ciliates showed little taxonomic overlap. In contrast, many heterotrophic flagellate species were found both in the benthos and in the pelagic. These benthic–pelagic species contributed significantly to the biomass of HF in the water column. The planktonic rhizopod community consisted of a subset of those species found in the benthos.
5. The abundance of benthic and pelagic protists was positively correlated at the shallow station, but taxonomic data indicate that the direct exchange between benthic and pelagic communities was only partly responsible.  相似文献   

枸杞岛潮下带沙地生境鱼类群落结构和季节变化   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Wang ZH  Wang K  Zhao J  Zhang SY 《应用生态学报》2011,22(5):1332-1342
为了解岛礁水域沙地生境的鱼类群落结构特征,评估该生境对鱼类资源养护的潜在作用,于2009年采用多网目组合刺网对枸杞岛潮下带沙质区域进行了逐月采样,同步设置岩礁为对照生境.应用α和β多样性指数结合相对重要性指数、相对渔获率、ABC曲线和聚类排序方法对两种生境中的鱼类组成、多样性变化和群落格局与变化进行了全面探讨.全年在沙地和岩礁生境共采集鱼类63种,隶属11目38科56属,2种生境各自出现的鱼类皆为46种.受暖水种频繁出现在沙地生境的影响,潮下带沙质区域鱼类区系比岩礁生境略显丰富,且春夏季的渔获量普遍高于岩礁生境;由于种类组成均匀度较低,沙地生境各季节的α多样性普遍较低,夏季显著低于岩礁生境.日本须鳎是沙地生境的指示种,为早春、夏末和秋冬季沙地底层优势鱼种.5-7月鳀、多数月份鲻和10月份鳗鲇等种类对沙地生境的阶段性利用,使其形成了区别于以趋礁性鱼类为优势类群的岩礁生境的群落格局和季节动态.沙地是多种鱼类幼鱼阶段的庇护所和饵料场,是鲆鲽类的良好栖息地.沙地生境在维持鱼类区系和养护鱼类资源方面具有重要作用.  相似文献   

扎龙湿地位于黑龙江省西部、松嫩平原乌裕尔河下游,是我国北方同纬度地区最完整的湿地。于2012年春、夏、秋3季,对扎龙湿地6个代表性区域进行硅藻标本采集,经观察鉴定,发现硅藻植物140个分类单位,包括121种19变种,隶属于2纲6目9科30属。羽纹纲物种较丰富,占总种类数的95%。硅藻植物群落呈现明显的季节演替,秋季硅藻种类丰富度及相对丰度明显高于春、夏两季,优势种多以淡水、半咸水、喜弱碱的种类为主,优势种与水体的盐度和酸碱度存在一定的响应关系。应用典范对应分析(Canonical Correspondence Analysis,CCA)探讨硅藻植物群落变化与环境因子之间的关系。CCA结果显示在扎龙湿地中,水温、电导率、pH、溶解氧是影响硅藻群落结构变化的主要因素,此外总氮、总磷也是硅藻群落季节演替的重要驱动因子。结合硅藻植物多样性指数和硅藻商对扎龙湿地水质进行综合评价,结果显示扎龙湿地整体为中-寡污带水体,部分水域水质较清洁,少数样点受人为因素影响,呈轻污染。  相似文献   

渤海中、南部大型底栖动物的群落结构   总被引:35,自引:1,他引:35  
韩洁  张志南  于子山 《生态学报》2004,24(3):531-537
在对渤海中、南部大部分海区 3个航次的大型底栖动物现存量、生产力和物种多样性研究的基础上 ,对群落结构及其与环境因子的关系进行了分析。结果表明 ,种群的相对重要性存在着年份和季节的差异 ,与大型底栖动物群落关系最为密切的环境因子为水深和底层水中的硝酸盐浓度。底层水中的 NO3-N和 PO4-P含量、N∶ P值及大型底栖动物的类群组成显示 ,渤海已成为典型的富营养化海域 ,有些群落已有受到污染或富营养化扰动的趋势 ,但总体上污染尚未给研究海域的大型底栖动物群落结构带来明显影响。与 2 0世纪 80年代初相比 ,渤海大型底栖动物群落组成发生了一些变化 ,高速的富营养化进程、渔业活动的加剧以及底栖动物捕食者的改变 ,可能是造成变化的原因  相似文献   

The scheme of macrozoobenthos research development in the southern region of the Baltic Proper is presented here. In the course of a 120-year-long investigation cycle, four different, partly overlapping periods can be distinguished: qualitative investigations, quantitative distribution studies, biomass investigations, and regular monitoring of zoobenthos.  相似文献   

中国近海浮游动物群落结构及季节变化   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
杜明敏  刘镇盛  王春生  张东声  章菁 《生态学报》2013,33(17):5407-5418
2006年7-8月、12月-2007年2月、2007年4-5月、2007年10-12月,对中国近海进行了4个航次生物、化学和水文等专业综合调查.根据采集的浮游动物样品分析鉴定结果,对中国近海浮游动物群落结构、种类组成及优势种的季节变化进行研究.结果表明,中国近海浮游动物有1330种,隶属于7门19大类群,浮游幼体47类,其中,节肢动物为最优势类群,有782种,占58.80%,其次为刺胞动物,有324种,占24.36%.在浮游动物群落结构中,4个海区均以桡足类和水母类的种类和数量占绝对优势.中国近海4个海区浮游动物种类数有明显季节变化,渤海和黄海,浮游动物种类数夏、秋季多于春、冬季;东海和南海,浮游动物种类数春、夏季多于秋、冬季.中国近海浮游动物群落大体可划分为6个主要生态类群:近岸低盐类群、低温高盐类群、高温高盐类群、低温广盐类群、高温广盐类群和广温广盐类群.结合同步调查的其它生物、水文、化学环境参数的分析结果,对中国近海浮游动物群落种类丰度与环境因子进行生物与环境变量关系分析,结果表明,浮游动物群落结构与水温、盐度、水深、溶解氧、硝酸盐和pH存在明显相关关系.水温和盐度是影响浮游动物群落结构最重要的两个环境因子.  相似文献   

Microbial methanogenesis was proved geochemically, based on the abundance of methanogenic bacteria and methane production rates in experiments with radioactive carbon. The results are compared with direct measurements of methane concentrations in mud samples taken with a hermetic sampler. The migration of methane formed in sediments occurs during filtration of porewater rather than at the expense of gas diffusion.  相似文献   

A total of 129 sea trout smolts from 10 locations on the west coast of Ireland were examined for metazoan parasites. Of 11 species identified only four had a prevalence >20%. Two species Hysterothylacium aduncum and Hemiuris communis have a confirmed marine origin; Eubothrium crassum has been shown to exist in both the sea and fresh water. The remaining species were fresh water. Overall the parasite community was dominated by autogenic species with only Diphyllobothrium dendriticum having allogenic transmission. Infracommunity values for mean species richness, and Brillouins index of diversity were low, indicating the presence of an impoverished helminth community with little potential for interspecific interaction. The relationship between marine helminths and sea lice was also examined.  相似文献   

The maintenance activity of plants is investigated in terms of a simple model. Maximization of a certain biomass fraction we refer to asnonactive biomass is postulated. Optimal behaviour of plants according to this principle is explicitly derived and expressed depending on environmental conditions. Several interesting hypotheses result, e.g. a quadratic law relating specific growth rate and gross rate of photosynthesis. A qualitative comparison with data from the literature is performed, with a special emphasis on the question whether plants stressed by air pollutants repair optimally. Regarding long-term constant environmental conditions, no data were found that contradict optimal behaviour. Exact quantitative testing of the theory is desirable, appropriate experiments are suggested.  相似文献   

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