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We reported previously that 933W repressor apparently does not cooperatively bind to adjacent sites on DNA and that the relative affinities of 933W repressor for its operators differ significantly from that of any other lambdoid bacteriophage. These findings indicate that the operational details of the lysis-lysogeny switch of bacteriophage 933W are unique among lambdoid bacteriophages. Since the functioning of the lysis-lysogeny switch in 933W bacteriophage uniquely and solely depends on the order of preference of 933W repressor for its operators, we examined the details of how 933W repressor recognizes its DNA sites. To identify the specificity determinants, we first created a molecular model of the 933W repressor-DNA complex and tested the predicted protein-DNA interactions. These results of these studies provide a picture of how 933W repressor recognizes its DNA sites. We also show that, opposite of what is normally observed for lambdoid phages, 933W operator sequences have evolved in such a way that the presence of the most commonly found base sequences at particular operator positions serves to decrease, rather than increase, the affinity of the protein for the site. This finding cautions against assuming that a consensus sequence derived from sequence analysis defines the optimal, highest affinity DNA binding site for a protein.  相似文献   

Comparison of eight lambdoid phages, including three Shiga-toxin converting phages, has been carried out with respect to the immunity region, especially the recognition helices of their repressor and CRO proteins on the one hand, and operator sequences on the other. Some as yet unassigned components of the regulatory circuits have been inferred by computer search. The cross immunity phenomenon shown by phages VT2-Sa and lambda is explained on the basis of similarity in their sequences. In addition, the similarity of 933W and HK022 in the sequences of their recognition helices of repressor and CRO, on the one hand, and operators, on the other, has led us to predict that they will have identical or similar immunity specificity. This homology has enabled us also to locate the OL (and consequently PL) of phage 933W that has been thought to be non-existent.  相似文献   

In enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli, Shiga toxin is produced by lysogenic prophages. We have isolated the prophage VT2-Sa that is responsible for production of Shiga toxin type 2 protein, and determined the complete nucleotide sequence of this phage DNA. The entire DNA sequence consisted of 60,942 bp, exhibiting marked similarity to the 933W phage genome. However, several differences were observed in the immunity and replication regions, where cI, cII, cIII, N, cro, O, and P genes were present: Predicted amino acid sequences of N, cI, cro, O and P in the VT2-Sa genome did not show significant similarity to the counterparts of the 933W genome; however its cI showed higher similarity to lambda. Furthermore, O and P closely resembled those of phage HK022. These observations suggest that the various degrees of homology observed in the immunity and replication regions of VT2-Sa could have resulted from frequent recombination events among the lambdoid phages, and that these regions play a key role as a functional unit for phage propagation in competition with other lambdoid phages.  相似文献   

Shiga-toxin-converting bacteriophages (Stx phages) are temperate phages of Escherichia coli, and can cause severe human disease. The spread of shiga toxins by Stx phages is directly linked to lysogen stability because toxins are only synthesized and released once the lytic cycle is initiated. Lysogens of Stx phages are known to be less stable than those of the related lambda phage; this is often described in terms of a 'hair-trigger' molecular switch from lysogeny to lysis. We have developed a mathematical model to examine whether known differences in operator regions and binding affinities between Stx phages and lambda phage can account for the lower stability of Stx lysogens. The Stx phage 933W has only two binding sites in its left operator region (compared to three in phage lambda), but this has a minimal effect on 933W lysogen stability. However, the relatively weak binding affinity between repressor molecules and the second binding site in the right operator is found to significantly reduce the stability of its lysogens, and may account for the hair-trigger nature of the switch. Reduced lysogen stability can lead to increased frequency of genetic recombination in bacterial genomes. The development of the mathematical model has considerable utility in understanding the behaviour and evolution of the molecular switch, with implications for phage-related diseases.  相似文献   

Shiga toxin (Stx) genes in Stx producing Escherichia coli (STEC) are encoded in prophages of the lambda family, such as H-19B. The subpopulation of STEC lysogens with induced prophages has been postulated to contribute significantly to Stx production and release. To study induced STEC, we developed a selectable in vivo expression technology, SIVET, a reporter system adapted from the RIVET system. The SIVET lysogen has a defective H-19B prophage encoding the TnpR resolvase gene downstream of the phage PR promoter and a cat gene with an inserted tet gene flanked by targets for the TnpR resolvase. Expression of resolvase results in excision of tet, restoring a functional cat gene; induced lysogens survive and are chloramphenicol resistant. Using SIVET we show that: (i) approximately 0.005% of the H-19B lysogens are spontaneously induced per generation during growth in LB. (ii) Variations in cellular physiology (e.g. RecA protein) rather than in levels of expressed repressor explain why members of a lysogen population are spontaneously induced. (iii) A greater fraction of lysogens with stx encoding prophages are induced compared to lysogens with non-Stx encoding prophages, suggesting increased sensitivity to inducing signal(s) has been selected in Stx encoding prophages. (iv) Only a small fraction of the lysogens in a culture spontaneously induce and when the lysogen carries two lambdoid prophages with different repressor/operators, 933W and H-19B, usually both prophages in the same cell are induced.  相似文献   

The temperate Salmonella enterica bacteriophage L is a close relative of the very well studied bacteriophage P22. In this study we show that the L procapsid assembly and DNA packaging genes, which encode terminase, portal, scaffold, and coat proteins, are extremely close relatives of the homologous P22 genes (96.3 to 99.1% identity in encoded amino acid sequence). However, we also identify an L gene, dec, which is not present in the P22 genome and which encodes a protein (Dec) that is present on the surface of L virions in about 150 to 180 molecules/virion. We also show that the Dec protein is a trimer in solution and that it binds to P22 virions in numbers similar to those for L virions. Its binding dramatically stabilizes P22 virions against disruption by a magnesium ion chelating agent. Dec protein binds to P22 coat protein shells that have expanded naturally in vivo or by sodium dodecyl sulfate treatment in vitro but does not bind to unexpanded procapsid shells. Finally, analysis of phage L restriction site locations and a number of patches of nucleotide sequence suggest that phages ST64T and L are extremely close relatives, perhaps the two closest relatives that have been independently isolated to date among the lambdoid phages.  相似文献   

Within-host competition between parasites is frequently invoked as a major force for parasite evolution, yet quantitative studies on its extent in an organismal group are lacking. Temperate bacteriophages are diverse and abundant parasites of bacteria, distinguished by their ability to enter a facultative dormant state in their host. Bacteria can accumulate multiple phages that may eventually abandon dormancy in response to host stress. Host resources are then converted into phage particles, whose release requires cell death. To study within-host competition between phages, I used the bacterium Escherichia coli and 11 lambdoid phages to construct single and double lysogens. Lysogenic bacterial cultures were then induced and time to host cell lysis and productivity of phages was measured. In double lysogens, this revealed strong competitive interactions as in all cases productivity of at least one phage declined. The outcome of within-host competition was often asymmetrical, and phages were found to vary hierarchically in within-host competitive ability. In double infections, the phage with the shorter lysis time determined the timing of cell lysis, which was associated with a competitive advantage when time differences were large. The results emphasize that within-host competition greatly affects phage fitness and that multiple infections should be considered an integral part of bacteriophage ecology.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of an 11,142-bp region including the stx 2 operon in the genome of the temperate bacteriophage 933W in the EDL933 strain of Escherichia coli O157 was determined and compared to the respective regions derived from other lambdoid bacteriophages. In phage 933W, a region of ORFs interlinked by overlapping start-stop codons (ATGA) was detected preceding the toxin gene. These ORFs show a high degree of sequence identity to genes of the nin region of phage λ. Immediately downstream of these nin genes we identified an ORF that may code for an antiterminator similar to the λ Q protein. It is concluded that toxin expression is directly associated with the initiation of cell lysis. Downstream of the stx 2 operon we identified an ORF that is homologous to the holin gene S of bacteriophage PA-2. PCR primers were designed, which, based on a comparison of the phage sequences, appeared to be common to both stx 1 - and stx 2 -harbouring phages. However, only seven of the 22 STEC strains investigated from serogroups O157, O26, O103 and O111 yielded the expected PCR amplification product. The data reported here may be useful in developing new strategies for inhibiting the expression of Stx and for developing universal diagnostic primers for use in tracking the origin and evolution of Shiga toxins and the phages that carry them. Received: 24 February 1999 / Accepted: 7 September 1999  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the Shiga-like toxin type II (SLT-II) structural genes cloned from bacteriophage 933W of the enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 strain 933 was determined. This sequence was compared with the published sequence for the structural genes of the antigenically distinct Shiga-like toxin type I (SLT-I) encoded by bacteriophage 933J. The SLT-I and SLT-II structural genes shared 58% overall nucleotide and 56% amino acid sequence homologies. The A and B subunits of SLT-I and SLT-II were nearly identical in size and had similar secondary structures and hydropathy plots. The regulation proposed for the SLT-II operon is similar to that previously proposed for SLT-I.  相似文献   

The physiologic conditions and molecular interactions that control phage production have been studied in few temperate phages. We investigated the mechanisms that regulate production of CTXphi, a temperate filamentous phage that infects Vibrio cholerae and encodes cholera toxin. In CTXphi lysogens, the activity of P(rstA), the only CTXphi promoter required for CTX prophage development, is repressed by RstR, the CTXvphi repressor. We found that the V. cholerae SOS response regulates CTXvphi production. The molecular mechanism by which this cellular response to DNA damage controls CTXphi production differs from that by which the E. coli SOS response controls induction of many prophages. UV-stimulated CTXphi production required RecA-dependent autocleavage of LexA, a repressor that controls expression of numerous host DNA repair genes. LexA and RstR both bind to and repress P(rstA). Thus, CTXphi production is controlled by a cellular repressor whose activity is regulated by the cell's response to DNA damage.  相似文献   

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