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Aims Lianas are expected to influence composition, structure and functioning of forest systems due to unequal distribution across the potential set of host plants. However, our understanding of mechanisms associated with preferences for specific hosts is still limited, and so is our ability to discern between endogenous and exogenous forces driving forest dynamics in the long run. In this paper, we evaluated whether the dominant liana Hedera helix can indirectly contribute to the eventual dominance of the small multi-stemmed tree Corylus avellana in a remnant temperate forest in central Iberian Peninsula from comparatively reduced liana infestation on C. avellana relative to co-occurring woody species.Methods Through principal component analysis and co-occurrence analysis, we studied the distribution and spatial association between woody species and the liana H. helix. We analyzed the relationship between the number of species in a plot and the number of species infested by the liana to test the hypothesis that H. helix is a generalist liana. Through generalized linear mixed models, we tested the dynamic-multi-stemmed growth form of C. avellana as a plausible life strategy to withstand, in the long run, the liana infestation. In particular, we tested (i) the relationship between stem size and the probability of H. helix infestation including all the tree species within plots and (ii) the relationship between stem size and mortality as evidence of the stem turn over in the tree C. avellana .Important findings Our results indicate that H. helix and C. avellana significantly co-occur in mature stands of this remnant temperate forest where pioneer woody species are absent. Hedera helix severely infests all the woody species whenever stem size exceed ≈25 cm perimeter and there is physical contact at the base of the stem. This implies that all the trees in the community are potential hosts for H. helix. Mixed models indicate that both, infestation by H. helix and stem mortality, are positively related to C. avellana stem perimeter. Reduced long-term infestation of the liana by means of a multi-stemmed growth form with high stem turnover in C. avellana might be an advantage with respect to unipodial tree species. Thus, the liana-tree coexistence pattern may be interpreted as an indirect positive interaction that, contrary to previous findings, results here in species dominance instead of species coexistence.  相似文献   

Activities ordinarily performed by an animal in a given place may influence the way it behaves towards an object newly found there. We examined the use of probing tools in a group of 4 wedge-capped capuchins (Cebus olivaceus), in the home cage into which we simultaneously introduced two identical apparatuses, one at a site ordinarily used to manipulate objects, and the other at a site mainly used for visual monitoring. We expected that spatial facilitation would occur, i.e., the subjects would be more efficient at the site where manipulative behaviors were more frequently performed. Two monkeys used probing tools to extract syrup from the openings of the apparatuses. Tool use efficiency was higher with the apparatus located at the site where they had performed more manipulative and combinative behaviors. These results are consistent with the hypothesis of spatial facilitation and illustrate the fact that spatial context can be an overwhelming variable that should not be neglected in behavioral research dealing with instrumental tasks.  相似文献   

This review article is devoted to results on distance measurement in locusts (e.g., Wallace, 1959; Collett, 1978; Sobel, 1990) and mantids. Before locusts or mantids jump toward a stationary object, they perform characteristic pendulum movements with the head or body, called peering movements, in the direction of the object. The fact that the animals over- or underestimate the distance to the object when the object is moved with or against the peering movement, and so perform jumps that are too long or short, would seem to indicate that motion parallax is used in this distance measurement. The behavior of the peering parameters with different object distances also indicates that not only retinal image motion but also the animal’s own movement is used in calculating the distance.  相似文献   

This study investigated the role of the American oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus) as a resource subsidizer for the scavenger snail Buccinanops globulosum in a northern Patagonian bay (40°45′S, 64°56′W, San Antonio Bay, Argentina). The most frequent food item for the snails was dead crabs Cyrtograpsus angulatus Dana, and the snails preferred this item. In the field, most dead crabs (78%) resulted from oystercatcher predation. Field densities of dead crabs were within the 95% confidence limits of the estimated densities produced by oystercatcher foraging activity, suggesting that a large proportion of carrion available for snails is a byproduct of oystercatcher predation. Dead crabs with injuries were more rapidly detected and consumed by snails, probably because injuries produced by oystercatchers increase leakage of body fluids and facilitate penetration of the proboscis of the snails. Our results suggest that oystercatcher predation subsidize this scavenger snail by increasing availability of food, decreasing variability in their provision and facilitating their consumption.  相似文献   

Object detection on the basis of relative motion was investigated in the fly at the neuronal level. A representative of the figure detection cells (FD-cells), the FD1b-cell, was characterized with respect to its responses to optic flow which simulated the presence of an object during translatory flight. The figure detection cells reside in the fly's third visual neuropil and are believed to play a central role in mediating object-directed turning behaviour. The dynamical response properties as well as the mean response amplitudes of the FD1b-cell depend on the temporal frequency of object motion and on the presence or absence of background motion. The responses of the FD1b-cell to object motion during simulated translatory flight were compared to behavioural responses of the fly as obtained with identical stimuli in a previous study. The behavioural responses could only partly be explained on the basis of the FD1b-cell's responses. Further processing between the third visual neuropil and the final motor output has to be assumed which involves (1) facilitation of the object-induced responses during translatory background motion at moderate temporal frequencies, and (2) inhibition of the object-induced turning responses during translatory background motion at high temporal frequencies. Accepted: 9 October 1999  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the effects of static stretching, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) stretching and Mulligan technique on hip flexion range of motion (ROM) in subjects with bilateral hamstring tightness. A total of 40 students (mean age: 21.5±1.3 years, mean body height: 172.8±8.2 cm, mean body mass index: 21.9±3.0 kg · m-2) with bilateral hamstring tightness were enrolled in this randomized trial, of whom 26 completed the study. Subjects were divided into 4 groups performing (I) typical static stretching, (II) PNF stretching, (III) Mulligan traction straight leg raise (TSLR) technique, (IV) no intervention. Hip flexion ROM was measured using a digital goniometer with the passive straight leg raise test before and after 4 weeks by two physiotherapists blinded to the groups. 52 extremities of 26 subjects were analyzed. Hip flexion ROM increased in all three intervention groups (p<0.05) but not in the no-intervention group after 4 weeks. A statistically significant change in initial–final assessment differences of hip flexion ROM was found between groups (p<0.001) in favour of PNF stretching and Mulligan TSLR technique in comparison to typical static stretching (p=0.016 and p=0.02, respectively). No significant difference was found between Mulligan TSLR technique and PNF stretching (p=0.920). The initial–final assessment difference of hip flexion ROM was similar in typical static stretching and no intervention (p=0.491). A 4-week stretching intervention is beneficial for increasing hip flexion ROM in bilateral hamstring tightness. However, PNF stretching and Mulligan TSLR technique are superior to typical static stretching. These two interventions can be alternatively used for stretching in hamstring tightness.  相似文献   

《Plant Ecology & Diversity》2013,6(3-4):343-353
Background: Studies in temperate mountains suggest that plant–plant interactions modulate tree establishment above the forest line. In tropical mountains worldwide this issue remains largely unexplored.

Aims: To analyse the population structure and local spatial relationships of a dominant tree at a species-rich tropical Andean forest line.

Methods: We determined changes in the population structure of Diplostephium venezuelense along an elevation gradient between continuous forest and open páramo and analysed plant community structure and superficial rock cover in the neighbourhood of saplings and adults at the upper forest line.

Results: Sapling and adult densities were highest in low-altitude páramos adjacent to the forest line and at the borders of small forest islands. Saplings showed local spatial aggregation, were positively associated with small boulders and low shrubs, and negatively associated with mosses and lichens. However, no spatial association was found between scattered adults in the páramo and saplings of other forest trees.

Conclusions: Complex species-specific local spatial interactions, suggesting both facilitative and antagonistic effects, seem to modulate the establishment of the dominant tree D. venezuelense at and above the upper forest line. Nevertheless, the establishment of other tree species above continuous forests does not appear to be facilitated by the canopy cover offered by the isolated D. venezuelense individuals established in open páramo environments.  相似文献   

Single, 1.25-GHz microwave pulses of 0.8- to 1.0-microseconds duration were presented to each of four rats 100 ms before presentation of a startle-inducing acoustic stimulus. This sequential pairing of microwave pulse and acoustic stimulus was found to modify the startle response. At an energy dose to the head of 22-43 mJ/kg per pulse (peak SAR, 23-48 kW/kg), the mean latency to the startle response was longer and the mean amplitude of the response was smaller with respect to control responses that occurred to acoustic stimuli alone. However, at a higher energy dose per microwave pulse in the range of 59-107 mJ/kg (peak SAR, 63-111 kW/kg), the mean latency and amplitude of the startle response were not statistically different from the respective means of control responses.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Minimizing risk of predation from multiple predators can be difficult, particularly when the risk effects of one predator species may influence vulnerability to a second predator species. We decomposed spatial risk of predation in a 2-predator, 2-prey system into relative risk of encounter and, given an encounter, conditional relative risk of being killed. Then, we generated spatially explicit functions of total risk of predation for each prey species (elk [Cervus elaphus] and mule deer [Odocoileus hemionus]) by combining risks of encounter and kill. For both mule deer and elk, topographic and vegetation type effects, along with resource selection by their primary predator (cougars [Puma concolor] and wolves [Canis lupus], respectively), strongly influenced risk of encounter. Following an encounter, topographic and vegetation type effects altered the risk of predation for both ungulates. For mule deer, risk of direct predation was largely a function of cougar resource selection. However, for elk, risk of direct predation was not only a function of wolf occurrence, but also of habitat attributes that increased elk vulnerability to predation following an encounter. Our analysis of stage-based (i.e., encounter and kill) predation indicates that the risk effect of elk shifting to structurally complex habitat may ameliorate risk of direct predation by wolves but exacerbate risk of direct predation by cougars. Information on spatiotemporal patterns of predation will be become increasingly important as state agencies in the western United States face pressure to integrate predator and prey management.  相似文献   

The macroscopic, three-dimensional surface layout geometry of an enclosure apparently provides a different contribution for spatial reorientation than the geometric cues associated with freestanding objects arranged in arrays with similar geometric shape. Here, we showed that a unitary spatial representation can account for the capability of animals to reorient both by extended surfaces and discrete objects in a small-scale spatial task. We trained domestic chicks to locate a food-reward from an opening on isolated cylinders arranged either in a geometrically uninformative (square-shaped) or informative (rectangular-shaped) arrays. The arrays were located centrally within a rectangular-shaped enclosure. Chicks trained to access the reward from a fixed position of openings proved able to reorient according to the geometric cues specified by the shape of the enclosure in all conditions. Chicks trained in a fixed position of opening with geometric cues provided both by the arena and the array proved able to reorient according to each shape separately. However, chicks trained to access the reward from a variable position of openings failed to reorient. The results suggest that the physical constrains associated with the presence of obstacles in a scene, rather than their apparent visual extension, are crucial for spatial reorientation.  相似文献   

微尺度下烟田铁的空间变异性及其与烟叶铁的相关分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
陈义强  刘国顺  习红昂 《生态学报》2009,29(3):1448-1458
铁是作物必需的营养元素之一,是血红蛋白和细胞色素的组成成分,也是细胞色素氧化酶、过氧化氢酶、过氧化物酶等的组成成分,与烟叶香气前体物的形成密切相关.精准农业通常研究的是微尺度下(米级或亚米级)土壤养分的空间变异性.为此,在米级尺度下(11 m×10 m)对烟田全铁在种烟前后的空间变异性进行比较,并分析相应网格上烤后烟叶样品的铁含量,探讨土壤在种烟前后全铁含量与烟叶铁含量间的相互关系.结果表明:收完烟后试验地全铁含量平均值与种烟前相比有所下降,由30.3 g kg-1降到了24.79 g kg-1.种烟前土壤全铁具有中等的空间相关性(块金效应为48.8%),变异函数的最佳理论模型为线性模型,决定系数达到0.999,Block-Kriging内插图显示试验地全铁具有较强的空间异质性,方差分析的结果也表明取样点间的差异达极显著水平(p=0.00008).种烟后土壤全铁含量以球状模型为变异函数的最佳理论模型,决定系数达到0.956,Block-Kriging内插图显示种烟后土壤全铁含量的最高值比种烟前往南移动了一些,最低值也往北移了一些,整个试验地土壤全铁在种烟后的空间变异性比种烟前有所升高.相关分析表明,烟叶铁含量只与种烟前土壤全铁含量呈极显著相关,与种烟后土壤全铁含量、种烟前后土壤全铁的相对变化量都没有显著相关.根据相关分析的结果,建立了以种烟前土壤全铁含量为自变量,以烟叶全铁含量为因变量的回归方程,并对方程进行验证,结果表明在自变量X的分布区间内预测效果比较好.  相似文献   

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are the most abundant form of genetic variation. SNPs are important markers that link sequence variations to phenotypic changes. Because of the importance of SNPs in the life and medical sciences, a great deal of effort has been devoted to developing accurate, rapid, and cost-effective technologies for SNP analysis. In this article, we describe a novel method for SNP genotyping based on differential fluorescence emission due to cleavage by Thermus thermophilus RNase HII (TthRNase HII) of DNA heteroduplexes containing an SNP site-specific chimeric DNA-rN1-DNA molecular beacon (cMB). We constructed a loop sequence for a cMB that contains a single SNP-specific ribonucleotide at the central site. When the cMB probe is hybridized to a target double-stranded DNA (dsDNA), a perfect match of the cMB/DNA duplex permits efficient cleavage with TthRNase HII, whereas a mismatch in the duplex due to an SNP greatly reduces efficiency. Cleavage efficiency is measured by the incremental difference of fluorescence emission of the beacon. We show that the genotypes of 10 individuals at 12 SNP sites across a series of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) can be determined correctly with respect to conventional DNA sequencing. This novel TthRNase HII-based method offers a platform for easy and accurate SNP analysis.  相似文献   

1. We observed that the dragonfly species Sympetrum flaveolum, S. striolatum, S. sanguineum, S. meridionale and S. danae were attracted by polished black gravestones in a Hungarian cemetery. 2. The insects showed the same behaviour as at water: (i) they perched persistently in the immediate vicinity of the chosen gravestones and defended their perch against other dragonflies; (ii) flying individuals repeatedly touched the horizontal surface of the shiny black tombstones with the ventral side of their body; (iii) pairs in tandem position frequently circled above black gravestones. 3. Tombstones preferred by the dragonflies were in the open and had an area of at least 0.5 m2 with an almost horizontal, polished, black surface and with at least one perch in their immediate vicinity. 4. Using imaging polarimetry, we found that the black gravestones, like smooth water surfaces, reflect highly and horizontally polarized light. 5. In double‐choice field experiments with various test surfaces, we showed that the dragonflies attracted to shiny black tombstones display positive polarotaxis and, under natural conditions, detect water by means of the horizontally polarized reflected light. This, and the reflection‐polarization characteristics of black gravestones, explain why these dragonflies are attracted to black tombstones. 6. If females attracted to the black gravestones oviposit on them, the latter constitute ecological traps for dragonflies that are not close to water.  相似文献   

Many animals appear to have a sophisticated spatial representation of their environment. The development of these representations depends on the joint abilities of discriminating novel objects and remembering their locations. Variations of a detection of novelty paradigm were used to determine the nature and limitations of these abilities in rhesus monkeys. Socially‐housed monkeys at two facilities (UMASS Primate Laboratory and the New England Regional Primate Research Center) were exposed to novelty detection tasks using a vertical object grid arranged on a mesh wall of the animals' pens. Monkeys rapidly responded with increased exploration to the replacement of one familiar object with a novel object, to the movement of a familiar object to a novel location, and to the swapping of two familiar objects. However, novelty of object was more salient than novelty of place. In these initial studies, monkeys were given continuous access to the grid, and only one or two changes occurred on a given day. In subsequent studies, the task difficulty was varied either by reducing the length of grid exposure or increasing the number of changed objects/session. Surprisingly, only a reduction in length of exposure markedly affected novelty detecting abilities. Rhesus monkeys clearly possessed the dual novelty detecting abilities. These skills were negatively affected only when monkeys' access to the grid was limited. The procedure employed here provided a convenient way to assess complex cognitive abilities in a group setting. It also relied on rhesus monkeys' inherent attraction to novelty and required only their species‐typical behavior for assessment. Am. J. Primatol. 47:117–131, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A method for the determination of catecholamine sulfoconjugate isomers (CA-S) in urine was developed. The photo-induced fluorogenic reaction of CA-S with ethylenediamine reported previously was applied to the postcolumn labeling of HPLC for sensitive and selective detection. Special equipment for the reaction was made with a uv-irradiation lamp and a reaction coil of Teflon tubing inside a temperature-controlled reaction box. Lower determination limits of this system were 1 to 2 pmol. Urine samples pretreated with small ion-exchange resin columns were subjected to HPLC. Peaks corresponding to CA-S were identified quantitatively by two different separation methods. Thus, all six CA-S were first detected in the urine of normal individuals. The excretion rates of dopamine 3-sulfate, dopamine 4-sulfate, norepinephrine 3-sulfate, norepinephrine 4-sulfate, epinephrine 3-sulfate, and epinephrine 4-sulfate were 420 +/- 240, 98 +/- 55, 86 +/- 95, 15 +/- 14, 18 +/- 7, and 3 +/- 1 ng/min (+/- SD), respectively (n = 5).  相似文献   

Aim To examine the roles of physical and biotic environment, distance, direction and dispersal in determining the composition of plant communities at a regional scale. Location Grassland and shrubland at 266 sites in the mountains of southern South Island, New Zealand. Methods Species abundances of vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens were measured by height‐frequency. Predictors were soils, climate, mammal grazing, physical distance and direction between plots, and geological history represented by occurrence on the same or different mountain ranges. Relationships were evaluated with quadratic multiple regression and Mantel tests. Results Spatial autocorrelation was present for both vascular and lower plants. However, distance explained only a minor part of the variation. Distance relationships were anisotropic, with the vegetation differences being greatest in the direction of the prevailing south‐westerly wind. Even using all the environmental information, much of the species composition remained unexplained. For species presence, distance alone explained 7% of the variation, environment alone 25% and both together 28%. The abundance of species was even less predictable: distance 2%, environment 11% and both 12%. With vascular species, climate‐related factors contributed the most to prediction, especially altitude. Surprisingly, soil chemical factors were more important for lower plants that are not rooted in the substrate. Species likely to disperse further showed a tendency towards weaker distance differentiation. Vegetation composition seemed unrelated to contemporary grazing, although historical grazing/burning may have been causal. There was little evidence for a relationship of species composition with biogeographic/geological history. Main conclusions Difference in community composition in these grasslands is only weakly related to distance, and only half of the distance effect can be explained by the environmental factors measured. Dispersal and geological history do not seem to explain the discrepancy. Explicability of community differences was comparable to that in some previous case studies, although weaker than that in others, but all of the previous studies examined only part of the flora, such as ‘abundant trees’ or palms – none examined even all the vascular species. The species complement of a site seems more conservative than the abundance of the species, much of which was not explicable from current information and may reflect past management history.  相似文献   

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