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三江并流区具有极高的环境异质性和丰富的生物多样性, 树线以上的高山生境是该地区的核心景观之一。本研究拟通过物种、系统发育和功能多样性对高山小型兽类多样性进行评价, 并从保护生物学的角度讨论生物多样性多维度评价的意义。2013年9月至2018年11月对三江并流区树线区域展开规范化野外调查, 收集小型兽类群落信息。从野外采集的组织样品中提取、扩增、测定线粒体CYTB基因序列, 构建小型兽类物种系统发育树。通过α多样性的不同维度以及功能冗余度评价了三江并流区树线生境小型兽类多样性。结果显示, 使用不同数据类型(出现/缺失数据和多度数据)的结果并不一致, 说明仅使用传统的丰富度指数对于描述多样性分布存在较大局限。物种和系统发育多样性在不同地点间的分布相似, 但功能多样性的分布与这两者有所差异, 从另一角度说明综合评价生物多样性的不同维度对于全面保护演化历史和生态功能的必要性。与高黎贡山、云岭相比较, 怒山山脉在5个样带尺度的多样性指数上呈现最高水平, 且具有最低的功能冗余度, 说明怒山的研究和保护力度均亟待加强。  相似文献   

The genome of the diurnal cyanobacterium Cyanothece sp. PCC 51142 has recently been sequenced and observed to contain 35 pentapeptide repeat proteins (PRPs). These proteins, while present throughout the prokaryotic and eukaryotic kingdoms, are most abundant in cyanobacteria. The sheer number of PRPs in cyanobacteria coupled with their predicted location in every cellular compartment argues for important, yet unknown, physiological and biochemical functions. To gain biochemical insights, the crystal structure for Rfr32, a 167-residue PRP with an N-terminal 29-residue signal peptide, was determined at 2.1 A resolution. The structure is dominated by 21 tandem pentapeptide repeats that fold into a right-handed quadrilateral beta-helix, or Rfr-fold, as observed for the tandem pentapeptide repeats in the only other PRP structure, the mycobacterial fluoroquinoline resistance protein MfpA from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Sitting on top of the Rfr-fold are two short, antiparallel alpha-helices, bridged with a disulfide bond, that perhaps prevent edge-to-edge aggregation at the C terminus. Analysis of the main-chain (Phi,Psi) dihedral orientations for the pentapeptide repeats in Rfr32 and MfpA makes it possible to recognize the structural details for the two distinct types of four-residue turns adopted by the pentapeptide repeats in the Rfr-fold. These turns, labeled type II and type IV beta-turns, may be universal motifs that shape the Rfr-fold in all PRPs.  相似文献   

Zhang X  Liu W  Bai Y  Zhang G  Han X 《Molecular ecology》2011,20(2):429-438
Nitrogen deposition is changing biodiversity on Earth. We need to understand the underlying mechanisms to conserve biodiversity better. Both selection and chance are potential mechanisms, and they may operate concurrently. Then, what are the respective effects of selection and chance, what is their relative importance and how do they change with increasing nitrogen deposition rate? Here, we performed a 6‐year nitrogen addition experiment (0–28 g N/m2/year) in a typical steppe ecosystem of Inner Mongolia to investigate the community structure of plants, bacteria and ammonia‐oxidizing Archaea (AOA). We developed an experimentally based calculation method to first separate the structural variations between plots into the effects of selection (S) and chance (C), and then calculate their relative importance. Our results showed that as nitrogen addition rate increased, S for both plants and bacteria increased, but C for plants first increased and then decreased, and C for bacteria also increased; meanwhile, both S and C for AOA changed nonlinearly. As nitrogen addition rate increased, the importance of chance decreased on the whole for all these communities, but it decreased nonlinearly for plants and bacteria, with a local increase at certain intermediate rates. At all treatments, the importance of chance was <0.5 for plants, but >0.5 for AOA. These results demonstrated that nitrogen deposition changed biodiversity by mediating the effects and importance of chance, implicating different strategies should be adopted in conserving biodiversity according to nitrogen deposition rate and community properties.  相似文献   

Communities assemble through a combination of stochastic processes, which can make environmentally similar communities divergent (high β-diversity), and deterministic processes, which can make environmentally similar communities convergent (low β-diversity). Top predators can influence both stochasticity (e.g. colonization and extinction events) and determinism (e.g. size of the realized species pool), in community assembly, and thus their net effect is unknown. We investigated how predatory fish influenced the scaling of prey diversity in ponds at local and regional spatial scales. While fish reduced both local and regional richness, their effects were markedly more intense at the regional scale. Underlying this result was that the presence of fish made localities within metacommunities more similar in their community composition (lower β-diversity), suggesting that fish enhance the deterministic, relative to the stochastic, components of community assembly. Thus, the presence of predators can alter fundamental mechanisms of community assembly and the scaling of diversity within metacommunities.  相似文献   



Patterns of evolutionary relatedness among co-occurring species are driven by scale-dependent contemporary and historical processes. Yet, we still lack a detailed understanding of how these drivers impact the phylogenetic structure of biological communities. Here, we focused on bats (one of the most species-rich and vagile groups of mammals) and tested the predictions of three general biogeographical hypotheses that are particularly relevant to understanding how palaeoclimatic stability, local diversification rates and geographical scales shaped their present-day phylogenetic community structure.


World-wide, across restrictive geographical extents: global, east–west hemispheres, biogeographical realms, tectonic plates, biomes and ecoregions.

Time period

Last Glacial Maximum (~22,000 years ago) to the present.

Major taxa studied

Bats (Chiroptera).


We estimated bat phylogenetic community structure across restrictive geographical extents and modelled it as a function of palaeoclimatic stability and in situ net diversification rates.


Limiting geographical extents from larger to smaller scales greatly changed the phylogenetic structure of bat communities. The magnitude of these effects is less noticeable in the western hemisphere, where frequent among-realm biota interchange could have been maintained through the adaptive traits of bats. Bat communities with high phylogenetic relatedness are generally more common in regions that have changed less in climate since the Last Glacial Maximum, supporting the expectation that stable climates allow for increased phylogenetic clustering. Finally, increased in situ net diversification rates are associated with greater phylogenetic clustering in bat communities.

Main conclusions

We show that the world-wide phylogenetic structure of bat assemblages varies as a function of geographical extents, dispersal barriers, palaeoclimatic stability and in situ diversification. The integrative framework used in our study, which can be applied to other taxonomic groups, has not only proved useful to explain the evolutionary dynamics of community assembly, but could also help to tackle questions related to scale dependence in community ecology and biogeography.  相似文献   

We have recently reported on the design of a 20-residue peptide able to form a significant population of a three-stranded up-and-down antiparallel beta-sheet in aqueous solution. To improve our beta-sheet model in terms of the folded population, we have modified the sequences of the two 2-residue turns by introducing the segment DPro-Gly, a sequence shown to lead to more rigid type II' beta-turns. The analysis of several NMR parameters, NOE data, as well as Deltadelta(CalphaH), DeltadeltaC(beta), and Deltadelta(Cbeta) values, demonstrates that the new peptide forms a beta-sheet structure in aqueous solution more stable than the original one, whereas the substitution of the DPro residues by LPro leads to a random coil peptide. This agrees with previous results on beta-hairpin-forming peptides showing the essential role of the turn sequence for beta-hairpin folding. The well-defined beta-sheet motif calculated for the new designed peptide (pair-wise RMSD for backbone atoms is 0.5 +/- 0.1 A) displays a high degree of twist. This twist likely contributes to stability, as a more hydrophobic surface is buried in the twisted beta-sheet than in a flatter one. The twist observed in the up-and-down antiparallel beta-sheet motifs of most proteins is less pronounced than in our designed peptide, except for the WW domains. The additional hydrophobic surface burial provided by beta-sheet twisting relative to a "flat" beta-sheet is probably more important for structure stability in peptides and small proteins like the WW domains than in larger proteins for which there exists a significant contribution to stability arising from their extensive hydrophobic cores.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that a beta-hairpin peptide, termed BH(9-10), derived from a single-layer beta-sheet of Borrelia OspA protein, formed a native-like beta-turn in trifluoroethanol (TFE) solution, and it assembled into amyloid-like fibrils at higher TFE concentrations. This peptide is highly charged, and fibrillization of such a hydrophilic peptide is quite unusual. In this study, we designed a circularly permutated peptide of BH(9-10), termed BH(10-9). When folded into their respective beta-hairpin structures found in OspA, these peptides would have identical cross-strand interactions but different turns connecting the strands. NMR study revealed that BH(10-9) had little propensity to form a turn structure both in aqueous and TFE solutions. At higher TFE concentration, BH(10-9) precipitated with a concomitant alpha-to-beta conformational conversion, in a similar manner to the BH(9-10) fibrillization. However, the BH(10-9) precipitates were nonfibrillar aggregation. The precipitation kinetics of BH(10-9) was exponential, consistent with a first-order molecular assembly reaction, while the fibrillization of BH(9-10) showed sigmoidal kinetics, indicative of a two-step reaction consisting of nucleation and molecular assembly. The correlation between native-like turn formation and fibrillization of our peptide system strongly suggests that BH(9-10) adopts a native-like beta-hairpin conformation in the fibrils. Remarkably, seeding with the preformed BH(10-9) precipitates changed the two-step BH(9-10) fibrillization to a one-step molecular assembly reaction, and disrupted the BH(9-10) fibril structure, indicating interactions between the BH(10-9) aggregates and the BH(9-10) peptide. Our results suggest that, in these peptides, cross-strand interactions are the driving force for molecular assembly, and turn formation limits modes of peptide assembly.  相似文献   

Renilla luciferase (RLUC) is a versatile tool for gene expression assays and in vivo biosensor applications, but its catalytic mechanism remains to be elucidated. RLUC is evolutionarily related to the alpha/beta hydrolase family. Its closest known homologs are bacterial dehalogenases, raising the question of how a protein with a hydrolase fold can function as a decarboxylating oxygenase. Molecular docking simulations with the coelenterazine substrate against an RLUC homology model as well as a recently determined RLUC crystal structure were used to build hypotheses to identify functionally important residues, which were subsequently tested by site-directed mutagenesis, heterologous expression, and bioluminescence emission spectroscopy. The data highlighted two triads of residues that are critical for catalysis. The putative catalytic triad residues D120, E144, and H285 bear only limited resemblance to those found in the active site of aequorin, a coelenterazine-utilizing photoprotein, suggesting that the reaction scheme employed by RLUC differs substantially from the one established for aequorin. The role of H285 in catalysis was further supported by inhibition using diethylpyrocarbonate. Multiple substitutions of N53, W121, and P220--three other residues implicated in product binding in the homologous dehalogenase Sphingomonas LinB--also supported their involvement in catalysis. Together with luminescence spectra, our data lead us to propose that the conserved catalytic triad of RLUC is directly involved in the decarboxylation reaction of coelenterazine to produce bioluminescence, while the other active-site residues are used for binding of the substrate.  相似文献   

戈壁荒漠广泛分布于全球干旱和极旱区域, 是我国陆地生态系统的重要组成部分。由于自然环境恶劣和交通条件限制, 目前有关戈壁植物群落物种、功能和系统发育等多维度β多样性形成机制的系统研究还很缺乏, 严重制约着对戈壁植物多样性维持机制的认知。本文以青藏高原北部61个典型戈壁生境植物群落为研究对象, 通过构建系统发育树和测量8个关键功能性状, 获取戈壁生境的物种、功能和系统发育β多样性, 比较3个维度β多样性格局与零模型的差异, 同时量化环境距离和地理距离对其的相对影响, 以探讨戈壁植物多样性的形成机制。结果显示: (1)戈壁植物的物种、功能和系统发育β多样性均表现出显著的距离衰减效应; (2)戈壁植物的物种、功能和系统发育β多样性均表现为非随机的格局; (3)由于功能性状趋同进化, 植物功能和系统发育β多样性变化趋势并不一致; (4)环境差异对植物3个维度β多样性均有着比空间距离更为重要的影响, 且土壤含水量、地表砾石盖度等局域生境因素的影响比气候更为强烈。以上结果表明, 戈壁植物的β多样性可能主要由局域生境过滤作用控制, 且不同维度的β多样性分布格局并不一致。  相似文献   

The processive beta-strands and turns of a polypeptide parallel beta-helix represent one of the topologically simplest beta-sheet folds. The three subunits of the tailspike adhesin of phage P22 each contain 13 rungs of a parallel beta-helix followed by an interdigitated section of triple-stranded beta-helix. Long stacks of hydrophobic residues dominate the elongated buried core of these two beta-helix domains and extend into the core of the contiguous triple beta-prism domain. To test whether these side-chain stacks represent essential residues for driving the chain into the correct fold, each of three stacked phenylalanine residues within the buried core were substituted with less bulky amino acids. The mutant chains with alanine in place of phenylalanine were defective in intracellular folding. The chains accumulated exclusively in the aggregated inclusion body state regardless of temperature of folding. These severe folding defects indicate that the stacked phenylalanine residues are essential for correct parallel beta-helix folding. Replacement of the same phenylalanine residues with valine or leucine also impaired folding in vivo, but with less severity. Mutants were also constructed in a second buried stack that extends into the intertwined triple-stranded beta-helix and contiguous beta-prism regions of the protein. These mutants exhibited severe defects in later stages of chain folding or assembly, accumulating as misfolded but soluble multimeric species. The results indicate that the formation of the buried hydrophobic stacks is critical for the correct folding of the parallel beta-helix, triple-stranded beta-helix, and beta-prism domains in the tailspike protein.  相似文献   

D-Aminoacylase is an attractive candidate for commercial production of D-amino acids through its catalysis in the zinc-assistant hydrolysis of N-acyl-D-amino acids. We report here the cloning, expression, and structural-based mutation of the D-aminoacylase from Alcaligenes faecalis DA1. A 1,007-bp PCR product amplified with degenerate primers, was used to isolate a 4-kb genomic fragment, encoding a 484-residue D-aminoacylase. The enzyme amino-terminal segment shared significant homology within a variety of enzymes including urease. The structural fold was predicted by 3D-PSSM to be similar to urease and dihydroorotase, which have grouped into a novel alpha/beta-barrel amidohydrolase superfamily with a virtually indistinguishable binuclear metal centers containing six ligands, four histidines, one aspartate, and one carboxylated lysine. Three histidines, His-67, His-69, and His-250, putative metal ligands in D-aminoacylase, have been mutated previously, the remaining histidine (His-220) and aspartate (Asp-366) Asp-65, and four cysteines were then characterized. Substitution of Asp-65, Cys-96, His-220, and Asp-366 with alanine abolished the enzyme activity. The H220A mutant bound approximately half the normal complement of zinc ion as did H250N. However, the C96A mutant showed little zinc-binding ability, revealing that Cys-96 may replace the carboxylated lysine to serve as a bridging ligand. According to the urease structure, the conserved amino-terminal segment including Asp-65 may be responsible for structural stabilization.  相似文献   

There is a long tradition in ecology of evaluating the relative contribution of the regional species pool and local interactions on the structure of local communities. Similarly, a growing number of studies assess the phylogenetic structure of communities, relative to that in the regional species pool, to examine the interplay between broad-scale evolutionary and fine-scale ecological processes. Finally, a renewed interest in the influence of species source pools on communities has shown that the definition of the source pool influences interpretations of patterns of community structure. We use a continent-wide dataset of local ant communities and implement ecologically explicit source pool definitions to examine the relative importance of regional species pools and local interactions for shaping community structure. Then we assess which factors underlie systematic variation in the structure of communities along climatic gradients. We find that the average phylogenetic relatedness of species in ant communities decreases from tropical to temperate regions, but the strength of this relationship depends on the level of ecological realism in the definition of source pools. We conclude that the evolution of climatic niches influences the phylogenetic structure of regional source pools and that the influence of regional source pools on local community structure is strong.  相似文献   

The role of hither-to-fore unrecognized long-range hydrogen bonds between main-chain amide hydrogens and polar side chains on the stability of a well-studied (betaalpha)8, TIM barrel protein, the alpha subunit of tryptophan synthase (alphaTS), was probed by mutational analysis. The F19-D46 and I97-D124 hydrogen bonds link the N terminus of a beta-strand with the C terminus of the succeeding antiparallel alpha-helix, and the A103-D130 hydrogen bond links the N terminus of an alpha-helix with the C terminus of the succeeding antiparallel beta-strand, forming clamps for the respective betaalpha or alphabeta hairpins. The individual replacement of these aspartic acid side chains with alanine leads to what appear to be closely related partially folded structures with significantly reduced far-UV CD ellipticity and thermodynamic stability. Comparisons with the effects of eliminating another main-chain-side-chain hydrogen bond, G26-S33, and two electrostatic side-chain-side-chain hydrogen bonds, D38-H92 and D112-H146, all in the same N-terminal folding unit of alphaTS, demonstrated a unique role for the clamp interactions in stabilizing the native barrel conformation. Because neither the asparagine nor glutamic acid variant at position 46 can completely reproduce the spectroscopic, thermodynamic, or kinetic folding properties of aspartic acid, both size and charge are crucial to its unique role in the clamp hydrogen bond. Kinetic studies suggest that the three clamp hydrogen bonds act in concert to stabilize the transition state leading to the fully folded TIM barrel motif.  相似文献   

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