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Environmental surveillance is an effective approach in investigating circulating enteroviruses and had been conducted in the cities of Jinan and Linyi since February 2008 and April 2010, respectively. This study analyzed 46 sewage samples collected in the two cities in 2011 and found that echovirus 6 (E6) was the predominant serotype, with 134 isolates (65 in Jinan and 69 in Linyi) from 23 (50%) samples. This differs from the 2010 data that found 29 E6 isolates in Jinan and only 3 in Linyi. Phylogenetic analysis of the VP1 coding region showed that all environmental E6 samples from 2008 to 2011 (n = 167) segregated into two lineages and revealed an increase in VP1 gene diversity in 2011, suggesting that the increased number of E6 detections reflects a real epidemic in the two cities. Most Linyi isolates (n = 61, or 88%) in 2011 segregated into sublineage 1a, together with 18 Jinan isolates in 2011. Interestingly, the ancestral VP1 sequence of sublineage 1a inferred using the maximum-likelihood method had 100% identity with the sequence of one environmental isolate from Jinan in August 2010, suggesting an intercity spread from Jinan to Linyi. By Bayesian phylodynamic methods, the most recent common ancestor of Linyi isolates in sublineage 1a dated back to 24 December 2010, revealing that this sublineage was likely imported into Linyi from August to December in 2010. This study demonstrates that environmental surveillance is a sensitive method in tracing transmission pathways of circulating enteroviruses among different regions and reveals that E6-associated aseptic meningitis is an emerging concern in China.  相似文献   

Parasitic interactions are often part of complex networks of interspecific relationships that have evolved in biological communities. Despite many years of work on the evolution of parasitism, the likelihood that sister taxa of parasites can co-evolve with their hosts to specifically infect two related lineages, even when those hosts occur sympatrically, is still unclear. Furthermore, when these specific interactions occur, the molecular and physiological basis of this specificity is still largely unknown. The presence of these specific parasitic relationships can now be tested using molecular markers such as DNA sequence variation. Here we test for specific parasitic relationships in an emerging host-parasite model, the stickleback-Schistocephalus system. Threespine and ninespine stickleback fish are intermediate hosts for Schistocephalus cestode parasites that are phenotypically very similar and have nearly identical life cycles through plankton, stickleback, and avian hosts. We analyzed over 2000 base pairs of COX1 and NADH1 mitochondrial DNA sequences in 48 Schistocephalus individuals collected from threespine and ninespine stickleback hosts from disparate geographic regions distributed across the Northern Hemisphere. Our data strongly support the presence of two distinct clades of Schistocephalus, each of which exclusively infects either threespine or ninespine stickleback. These clades most likely represent different species that diverged soon after the speciation of their stickleback hosts. In addition, genetic structuring exists among Schistocephalus taken from threespine stickleback hosts from Alaska, Oregon and Wales, although it is much less than the divergence between hosts. Our findings emphasize that biological communities may be even more complex than they first appear, and beg the question of what are the ecological, physiological, and genetic factors that maintain the specificity of the Schistocephalus parasites and their stickleback hosts.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the molecular basis of the regulation of interferon-inducible genes, we isolated the promoter region of two such genes coding for the (2'-5')oligo(adenylate) synthetase and a 56-kDa protein (IFI-56K). The regions surrounding the cap site were sequenced and compared with the sequences of vertebrate and viral DNA present in the Genbank data bank. Small DNA segments were found in both genes which are homologous to part of the promoter region of other genes, such as those of interferon-beta, tumor necrosis factor beta, interleukin-2 and its receptor. Since these homologies were found located in functionally important regions of these genes, we tested whether their inducers also enhance the (2'-5')oligo(adenylate) synthetase and IFI-56K gene expression. We found that poly(rI).poly(rC) and interleukin-1, activators of the interferon-beta gene and of T lymphocytes respectively, are both able to enhance IFI-56K mRNA accumulation in all cell lines tested. Cycloheximide even superinduces this gene when added together with poly(rI).poly(rC) and interleukin-1 (but not when added with interferon). We showed that these inductions are direct and not mediated by interferon produced by cells in response to poly(rI).poly(rC) or interleukin-1. The promoter sequence analyses have thus led to the discovery of unexpected inducers, i.e. an interferon inducer such as poly(rI).poly(rC) is also able to directly induce a gene that is under the control of interferon.  相似文献   

Systematics and evolution of Malagasy lemurs has been analyzed using morphological characters, fossil evidence, ecological/ethological data, and chromosomal banding patterns. Recent developments in DNA technology have provided evolutionary biologists with additional and powerful tools for making phylogenetic inference. In the last years several studies concerning highly repeated DNA sequences (hrDNA) provided new insights about the systematic relationships among the different species of Lemuridae and Cheirogaleidae. Here, a reconstruction of molecular phylogeny of extant Malagasy lemurs based on the comparison of cytochrome-b mitochondrial DNA sequences is presented. With the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and direct sequencing of amplified DNA fragments, both the phylogenetic range and resolving power of comparative analysis can be extended. These techniques allow to gather sequence data useful to evaluate the pattern of molecular evolution offering opportunities for phylogenetic purposes. A 290-bp fragment of cytochrome-b gene has been amplified and sequenced from the following species:Tupaia glis, Galago alleni, Daubentonia madagascariensis, Indri indri, Varecia variegata, Eulemur fulvus, Eulemur coronatus, Eulemur rubriventer, Eulemur mongoz, Eulemur macaco, Lemur catta, andHapalemur griseus griseus. The phylogenetic trees obtained show the relationships among the Eulemur species and confirm the karyological and hrDNA results of a separated clade forL. catta/Hapalemur. The separation ofVarecia variegata from the other genus of the family Lemuridae is discussed.  相似文献   

Continuing our investigation of the tRNA genes and gene products in Mycoplasma mycoides, we report the sequence of the gene for tRNALeu (CAA) as well as partial primary structures of the following tRNAs: Leu (CAA), Leu (UAG), Arg (UCU), Thr (AGU) and Ile (CAU). It is suggested that in M. mycoides, at least some of the family codon boxes are read by only one tRNA each, using an unconventional method which does not discriminate between the nucleotides in the third codon position. M. mycoides is the first free-living organism known to use an unconventional method of this kind.  相似文献   

Hmong-Mien (H-M) is a major language family in East Asia, and its speakers distribute primarily in southern China and Southeast Asia. To date, genetic studies on H-M speaking populations are virtually absent in the literature. In this report, we present the results of an analysis of genetic variations in the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) hypervariable segment 1 (HVS1) region and diagnostic variants in the coding regions in 537 individuals sampled from 17 H-M populations across East Asia. The analysis showed that the haplogroups that are predominant in southern East Asia, including B, R9, N9a, and M7, account for 63% (ranging from 45% to 90%) of mtDNAs in H-M populations. Furthermore, analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA), phylogenetic tree analysis, and principal component (PC) analysis demonstrate closer relatedness between H-M and other southern East Asians, suggesting a general southern origin of maternal lineages in the H-M populations. The estimated ages of the mtDNA lineages that are specific to H-M coincide with those based on archeological cultures that have been associated with H-M. Analysis of genetic distance and phylogenetic tree indicated some extent of difference between the Hmong and the Mien populations. Together with the higher frequency of north-dominating lineages observed in the Hmong people, our results indicate that the Hmong populations had experienced more contact with the northern East Asians, a finding consistent with historical evidence. Moreover, our data defined some new (sub-)haplogroups (A6, B4e, B4f, C5, F1a1, F1a1a, and R9c), which will direct further efforts to improve the phylogeny of East Asian mtDNAs.  相似文献   

We have carried out a systematic study of the molecular basis of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency on a sample of 53 male subjects from Calabria, in southern Italy. Our sequential approach consisted of the following steps: (1) Partial biochemical characterization was used to pinpoint candidate known variants. The identity of these was then verified by restriction-enzyme or allele-specific oligonucleotide hybridization analysis of the appropriate PCR-amplified fragment. (2) On samples for which there was no obvious candidate mutation, we proceeded to amplify the entire coding region in eight fragments, followed by single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis of each fragment. (3) The next step was M13 phage cloning and sequencing of those individual fragments that were found to be abnormal by SSCP. Through this approach we have identified the molecular lesion in 51 of the 53 samples. In these we found a total of nine different G6PD-deficient variants, five of which (G6PD Mediterranean, G6PD A-, G6PD Coimbra, G6PD Seattle, and G6PD Montalbano) were already known, whereas four are new (G6PD Cassano, G6PD Cosenza, G6PD Sibari, and G6PD Maewo). G6PD Mediterranean is the commonest variant, followed by G6PD Seattle. At least seven of the variants are present, at polymorphic frequencies, in the Calabria region, and some have a nonrandom distribution within the region. This study shows that the genetic heterogeneity of G6PD deficiency in Calabria, when analyzed at the DNA level, is even greater than had been anticipated from biochemical characterization. The sequential approach that we have followed is fast and efficient and could be applied to other populations.  相似文献   

J. A. Bietz 《Biochemical genetics》1982,20(11-12):1039-1053
Prolamin mixtures were isolated from oats, rice, normal and high-lysine sorghum, two varieties of pearl millet, two strains of teosinte, and gamma grass and subjected to NH2-terminal amino acid sequence determinations. In each case (except for rice, whose prolamins apparently have blocked or unavailable NH2-terminal residues), primarily a single sequence was observed despite significant heterogeneity, suggesting that prolamin homology in each cereal arose through duplication and mutation of a single ancestral gene. Comparisons were then made to prolamin sequences previously determined for wheat, corn, barley, and rye. Within genera, different varieties or subspecies exhibited few differences, but more distantly related genera, subtribes, and tribes showed increasingly large differences. Within the subfamily Festucoideae, no homology was apparent between prolamins of oats and those of the subtribe Triticinae (including wheat, rye, and barley, for which prolamin homology was previously demonstrated). Within the subfamily Panicoideae, corn was shown to be closely related to teosinte but more distantly to Tripsacum. Sorghum was shown to have diverged less from corn than had millet. These comparisons demonstrate that prolamin sequence analyses can successfully predict and clarify evolutionary relationships of cereals.  相似文献   

Different regional populations from Poland were studied in order to assess the genetic heterogeneity within Poland, investigate the genetic relationships with other European populations and provide a population-specific reference database for anthropological and forensic studies. Nine Y-chromosomal microsatellites were analysed in a total of 919 unrelated males from six regions of Poland and in 1,273 male individuals from nine other European populations. AMOVA revealed that all of the molecular variation in the Polish dataset is due to variation within populations, and no variation was detected among populations of different regions of Poland. However, in the non-Polish European dataset 9.3% ( P<0.0001) of the total variation was due to differences among populations. Consequently, differences in R(ST)-values between all possible pairs of Polish populations were not statistically significant, whereas significant differences were observed in nearly all comparisons of Polish and non-Polish European populations. Phylogenetic analyses demonstrated tight clustering of Polish populations separated from non-Polish groups. Population clustering based on Y-STR haplotypes generally correlates well with the geography and history of the region. Thus, our data are consistent with the assumption of homogeneity of present-day paternal lineages within Poland and their distinctiveness from other parts of Europe, at least in respect to their Y-STR haplotypes. Electronic supplementary material to this paper can be obtained by using the Springer LINK server located at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00439-002-0728-0.  相似文献   

Evidence accumulated from studies based on physiological, biochemical, and molecular characteristics has pointed to the heterogeneity of the ubiquitous anamorphic basidiomycetous yeast species Cryptococcus albidus (Saito) Skinner, with its current varieties and synonyms. The taxonomic status of this species has not been reappraised because different studies, mostly involving limited numbers of strains, have not been integrated. To assess species diversity within the clade containing Cryptococcus albidus and other phylogenetically related Cryptococcus and Filobasidium species, we determined ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequences of 69 strains from the 5' end of the 26S gene, D1/D2 region, and in some cases, the non-coding ITS2 region. Analysis of the sequence data together with available physiological, biochemical, and molecular characteristics, showed the segregation of C. albidus into at least 12 species, leading to the elevation of former varieties to the rank of species (C. aerius, C. diffluens), the reinstatement of synonyms (C. liquefaciens, C. terricola), and the proposal of new species (C. arrabidensis, C. chernovii, C. cylindricus, C. oeirensis, C. phenolicus, C. saitoi, C. uzbekistanensis, C. wieringae). The overall analyses of the results argue in favour of the use of rDNA sequence data to improve species delineation when integrated with other available physiological and molecular characteristics.  相似文献   

The study of names as cultural characters and of surnames, which behave like genetic markers, is useful for comparing cultural and genetic transmission. Genetic transmission has a unique vertical component, which also can be present in the transmission of cultural traits associated with a horizontal (or epidemic) component resulting from local customs or fashion. Our aims in this study are to infer genetic patterns in Sicily from surnames and names and to evaluate and compare the consequences of vertical versus horizontal transmission of cultural markers. Names and surnames of 88,383 consanguineous spouses collected in 16 dioceses of Sicily were analyzed by multivariate analysis to reveal and compare the geographic clusters obtained from both sets of data. As a result, both data sets indicate a major separation between the eastern and the western region of Sicily. Also, distance matrices obtained from names are highly correlated with those from surnames. But names seem to form fewer and larger geographic clusters, whereas surnames are more greatly subdivided into smaller clusters. The most common male names present a different pattern from surnames. Vertical transmission is the cause of the similarity of the main geographic patterns of names and surnames and their correspondence with findings from geography of genes, and horizontal cultural transmission explains the major differences. Furthermore, the genetic and cultural affinities can be correlated with the historical background of Sicily.  相似文献   

The simultaneous analysis of closely linked nucleotide substitutions has recently become possible. However, it is not known whether the construction of molecular haplotypes will be a generally useful strategy for nuclear genes. Furthermore, whereas mobility-shift methods are widely used for the discovery of nucleotide substitutions, the yield of these methods has rarely been evaluated. This paper investigates these issues in non-coding regions of ALDH2, the gene that encodes aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2). Screening 20 Europeans, 20 native Americans, and 20 Asians by using restriction enzyme and single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis has revealed 16 variable sites. SSCP yields slightly fewer than the number of nucleotide substitutions predicted by the restriction enzyme digests. Estimates of nucleotide diversity are similar to those of other genes, suggesting that the pattern of polymorphism in ALDH2 offers a preview of what can be expected in many human nuclear genes. Eight of the variable sites discovered here and four sites discovered by others have been genotyped in 756 people from 17 populations across five continents. An expectation-maximization method has used to estimate haplotype states and frequencies. Only three haplotypes are common worldwide, and a fourth haplotype is common in, but private to, Asia. Although allele frequencies differ among sites, linkage disequilibrium is almost maximal across ALDH2. This suggests that haplotype construction at ALDH2 is particularly successful. The ALDH2 result, in conjunction with linkage disequilibrium results from other genes, indicates that haplotype construction will be a generally useful genomic strategy. Received: 8 September 1998 / Accepted: 7 December 1998  相似文献   

Chemokines represent a superfamily of chemotactic cytokines involved in recruitment, activation and adhesion of a variety of leukocyte types to inflammatory foci, as well as in the organization and maintenance of lymphoid organ architecture and in normal developmental processes. Nearly all chemokines have been identified in human and mouse, but only a handful of fish chemokines have been identified. Here we describe 14 distinct chemokines from channel catfish and blue catfish identified by analysis of 30,000 expressed sequence tags. Based on sequence analysis, sequence similarity, and the arrangement of the conserved cysteine residues, all 14 chemokines were identified as members of the CC subfamily. Phylogenetic analysis did not reveal clear evidence of orthology of the catfish and human or mouse chemokines. Similarity analysis indicated that nine of the 14 CC chemokines were identified for the first time in fish. The availability of this pool of catfish CC chemokines should facilitate rapid identification and phylogenetic analysis of CC chemokines from other fish and related species.  相似文献   

Freshwater foraminiferans revealed by analysis of environmental DNA samples   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Sediment-dwelling protists are among the most abundant meiobenthic organisms, ubiquitous in all types of aquatic ecosystems. Yet, because their isolation and identification are difficult, their diversity remains largely unknown. In the present work, we applied molecular methods to examine the diversity of freshwater Foraminifera, a group of granuloreticulosan protists largely neglected until now. By using specific PCR primers, we detected the presence of Foraminifera in all sediment samples examined. Phylogenetic analysis of amplified SSU rDNA sequences revealed two distinct groups of freshwater foraminiferans. All obtained sequences branched within monothalamous (single-chambered), marine Foraminifera, suggesting a repeated colonization of freshwater environments. The results of our study challenge the traditional view of Foraminifera as essentially marine organisms, and provide a conceptual framework for charting the molecular diversity of freshwater granuloreticulosan protists.  相似文献   

Analysis of the sequence for the gene encoding PspA (pneumococcal surface protein A) of Streptococcus pneumoniae revealed the presence of four distinct domains in the mature protein. The structure of the N-terminal half of PspA was highly consistent with that of an alpha-helical coiled-coil protein. The alpha-helical domain was followed by a proline-rich domain (with two regions in which 18 of 43 and 5 of 11 of the residues are prolines) and a repeat domain consisting of 10 highly conserved 20-amino-acid repeats. A fourth domain consisting of a hydrophobic region too short to serve as a membrane anchor and a poorly charged region followed the repeats and preceded the translation stop codon. The C-terminal region of PspA did not possess features conserved among numerous other surface proteins, suggesting that PspA is attached to the cell by a mechanism unique among known surface proteins of gram-positive bacteria. The repeat domain of PspA was found to have significant homology with C-terminal repeat regions of proteins from Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus downei, Clostridium difficile, and S. pneumoniae. Comparisons of these regions with respect to functions and homologies suggested that, through evolution, the repeat regions may have lost or gained a mechanism for attachment to the bacterial cell.  相似文献   

杜抱朴  杜靖 《人类学学报》2021,40(4):644-652
观察中国不同区域内现代人群四肢形态变化是否与艾伦法则相一致。本文搜集中国各区域102处地点的现代人群上、下肢测量性状中17项指标,探讨其与温度(年平均温度、年最高温度、年最低温度和气温年较差)间的线性关系。结果表明,随着环境温度降低,中国现代人的上肢相对长度逐渐变短,前臂和手则逐渐增粗;下肢(下肢全长、大腿长和小腿长)逐渐变长,且下肢相对长度同样渐增。手长、手宽、上臂围和前臂围与气温年较差呈正相关,而身高上肢长指数与气温年较差呈负相关;下肢全长、大腿长、足长和小腿围与气温年较差呈正相关。环境温度作为一项选择性压力,作用于上肢发育或形态塑造过程的显著程度上要高于下肢。中国现代人群的四肢形态变化规律并不完全符合艾伦法则,可能与遗传、地理环境、功能性需求、生存策略和营养等因素共同影响现代人群的四肢发育密切相关。  相似文献   

To discern expression patterns of individual storage-protein genes in hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum cv Chinese Spring), we analyzed comprehensive expressed sequence tags (ESTs) of common wheat using a bioinformatics technique. The gene families for alpha/beta-gliadins and low molecular-weight glutenin subunit were selected from the EST database. The alignment of these genes enabled us to trace the single nucleotide polymorphism sites among both genes. The combinations of single nucleotide polymorphisms allowed us to assign haplotypes into their homoeologous chromosomes by allele-specific PCR. Phylogenetic analysis of these genes showed that both storage-protein gene families rapidly diverged after differentiation of the three genomes (A, B, and D). Expression patterns of these genes were estimated based on the frequencies of ESTs. The storage-protein genes were expressed only during seed development stages. The alpha/beta-gliadin genes exhibited two distinct expression patterns during the course of seed maturation: early expression and late expression. Although the early expression genes among the alpha/beta-gliadin and low molecular-weight glutenin subunit genes showed similar expression patterns, and both genes from the D genome were preferentially expressed rather than those from the A or B genome, substantial expression of two early expression genes from the A genome was observed. The phylogenetic relationships of the genes and their expression patterns were not correlated. These lines of evidence suggest that expression of the two storage-protein genes is independently regulated, and that the alpha/beta-gliadin genes possess novel regulation systems in addition to the prolamin box.  相似文献   

In stark contrast to other species within the Salmonidae family, phylogeographic information on European grayling, Thymallus thymallus, is virtually nonexistent. In this paper, we utilized mitochondrial DNA polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (mtDNA PCR-RFLP) and sequence variation to infer the postglacial dispersal routes of T. thymallus into and within northern Europe, and to locate geographically, potential evolutionarily distinct populations. Mitochondrial analyses revealed a total of 27 T. thymallus haplotypes which clustered into three distinct lineages. Average pairwise interlineage divergence was four and nine times higher than average intralineage divergence for RFLP and sequence data, respectively. Two European grayling individuals from the easternmost sample in Russia exhibited haplotypes more genetically diverged from any T. thymallus haplotype than T. arcticus haplotype, and suggested that hybridization/introgression zone of these two sister species may extend much further west than previously thought. Geographic division of the lineages was generally very clear with northern Europe comprising of two genetically differentiated areas: (i) Finland, Estonia and north-western Russia; and (ii) central Germany, Poland and western Fennoscandia. Average interpopulation divergence in North European T. thymallus was 10 times higher than that observed in a recent mtDNA study of North American T. arcticus. We conclude that (i) North European T. thymallus populations have survived dramatic Pleistocene temperature oscillations and originate from ancient eastern and central European refugia; (ii) genetic divergence of population groups within northern Europe is substantial and geographically distinct; and (iii) the remainder of Europe harbours additional differentiated assemblages that likely descend from a Danubian refugium. These findings should provide useful information for developing appropriate conservation strategies for European grayling and exemplify a case with a clear need for multinational co-operation for managing and conserving biodiversity.  相似文献   

F Chen  C A Suttle    S M Short 《Applied microbiology》1996,62(8):2869-2874
Algal-virus-specific PCR primers were used to amplify DNA polymerase gene (pol) fragments (683 to 689 bp) from the virus-sized fraction (0.02 to 0.2 microns) concentrated from inshore and offshore water samples collected from the Gulf of Mexico. Algal-virus-like DNA pol genes were detected in five samples collected from the surface and deep chlorophyll maximum. PCR products from an offshore station were cloned, and the genetic diversity of 33 fragments was examined by restriction fragment length polymorphism and sequence analysis. The five different genotypes or operational taxonomic units (OTUs) that were identified on the basis of restriction fragment length polymorphism banding patterns were present in different relative abundances (9 to 34%). One clone from each OTU was sequenced, and phylogenetic analysis showed that all of the OTUs fell within the family Phycodnaviridae. Four of the OTUs fell within a group of viruses (MpV) which infect the photosynthetic picoplankter Micromonas pusilla. The genetic diversity among these genotypes was as large as that previously found for MpV isolates from different oceans. The remaining genotype formed its own clade between viruses which infect M. pusilla and Chrysochromulina brevifilum. These results imply that marine virus communities contain a diverse assemblage of MpV-like viruses, as well as other unknown members of the Phycodnaviridae.  相似文献   

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