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ABSTRACT: Dopaminergic inputs are sensed on the cell surface by the seven-transmembrane dopamine receptors that belong to a superfamily of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). Dopamine receptors are classified as D1-like or D2-like receptors based on their homology and pharmacological profiles. In addition to well established G-protein coupled mechanism of dopamine receptors in mammalian system they can also interact with other signaling pathways. In C. elegans four dopamine receptors (dop-1, dop-2, dop-3 and dop-4) have been reported and they have been implicated in a wide array of behavioral and physiological processes. We performed this study to assign the signaling pathway for DOP-2, a D2-like dopamine receptor using a split-ubiquitin based yeast two-hybrid screening of a C. elegans cDNA library with a novel dop-2 variant (DOP-2XL) as bait. Our yeast two-hybrid screening resulted in identification of gpa-14, as one of the positively interacting partners. gpa-14 is a Gα coding sequence and shows expression overlap with dop-2 in C. elegans ADE deirid neurons. In-vitro pull down assays demonstrated physical coupling between dopamine receptor DOP-2XL and GPA-14. Further, we sought to determine the DOP-2 region necessary for GPA-14 coupling. We generated truncated DOP-2XL constructs and performed pair-wise yeast two-hybrid assay with GPA-14 followed by in-vitro interaction studies and here we report that the third intracellular loop is the key domain responsible for DOP-2 and GPA-14 coupling. Our results show that the extra-long C. elegans D2-like receptor is coupled to gpa-14 that has no mammalian homolog but shows close similarity to inhibitory G-proteins. Supplementing earlier investigations, our results demonstrate the importance of an invertebrate D2-like receptor's third intracellular loop in its G-protein interaction.  相似文献   

EM Myers 《PloS one》2012,7(7):e40368
Caenorhabditis elegans enter an alternate developmental stage called dauer in unfavorable conditions such as starvation, overcrowding, or high temperature. Several evolutionarily conserved signaling pathways control dauer formation. DAF-7/TGFβ and serotonin, important ligands in these signaling pathways, affect not only dauer formation, but also the expression of one another. The heterotrimeric G proteins GOA-1 (Gα(o)) and EGL-30 (Gα(q)) mediate serotonin signaling as well as serotonin biosynthesis in C. elegans. It is not known whether GOA-1 or EGL-30 also affect dauer formation and/or daf-7 expression, which are both modulated in part by serotonin. The purpose of this study is to better understand the relationship between proteins important for neuronal signaling and developmental plasticity in both C. elegans and humans. Using promoter-GFP transgenic worms, it was determined that both goa-1 and egl-30 regulate daf-7 expression during larval development. In addition, the normal daf-7 response to high temperature or starvation was altered in goa-1 and egl-30 mutants. Despite the effect of goa-1 and egl-30 mutations on daf-7 expression in various environmental conditions, there was no effect of the mutations on dauer formation. This paper provides evidence that while goa-1 and egl-30 are important for normal daf-7 expression, mutations in these genes are not sufficient to disrupt dauer formation.  相似文献   

Although multiple roles of dopamine through D1-like (D1 and D5) and D2-like (D2, D3, and D4) receptors are initiated primarily through stimulation or inhibition of adenylyl cyclase via Gs/olf or Gi/o, respectively, there have been many reports indicating diverse signaling mechanisms that involve alternative G protein coupling. In this study, dopamine-induced Gαq activation in rat brain membranes was investigated. Agonist-induced Gαq activation was assessed by increase in guanosine-5′-O-(3-[35S]thio)triphosphate ([35S]GTPγS) binding to Gαq determined by [35S]GTPγS binding/immunoprecipitation assay in rat brain membranes. Dopamine-stimulated Gαq functionality was highest in cortex as compared to hippocampus or striatum. In cerebral cortical membranes, this effect was mimicked by benzazepine derivatives with agonist properties at dopamine D1-like receptors, that is, SKF83959, SKF83822, R(+)-SKF81297, R(+)-SKF38393, and SKF82958, but not by the compounds with dopamine D2-like receptor agonist properties except for aripiprazole. Against expectation, stimulatory effects were also induced by SKF83566, R(+)-SCH23390, and pergolide. The pharmacological profiling by using a series of antagonists indicated that dopamine-induced response was mediated through dopamine D1-like receptor, which was distinct from the receptor involved in 5-HT-induced response (5-HT2A receptor). Conversely, the responses induced by SKF83566, R(+)-SCH23390, and pergolide were most likely mediated by 5-HT2A receptor, but not by dopamine D1-like receptor. Caution should be paid when interpreting the experimental data, especially in behavioral pharmacological research, in which SKF83566 or R(+)-SCH23390 is used as a standard selective dopamine D1-like receptor antagonist. Also, possible clinical implications of the agonistic effects of pergolide on 5-HT2A receptor has been mentioned.  相似文献   

Tulgren ED  Baker ST  Rapp L  Gurney AM  Grill B 《Genetics》2011,189(4):1297-1307
The PHR (Pam/Highwire/RPM-1) proteins are evolutionarily conserved ubiquitin ligases that regulate axon guidance and synapse formation in Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila, zebrafish, and mice. In C. elegans, RPM-1 (Regulator of Presynaptic Morphology-1) functions in synapse formation, axon guidance, axon termination, and postsynaptic GLR-1 trafficking. Acting as an E3 ubiquitin ligase, RPM-1 negatively regulates a MAP kinase pathway that includes: dlk-1, mkk-4, and the p38 MAPK, pmk-3. Here we provide evidence that ppm-1, a serine/threonine phosphatase homologous to human PP2Cα(PPM1A) and PP2Cβ(PPM1B) acts as a second negative regulatory mechanism to control the dlk-1 pathway. We show that ppm-1 functions through its phosphatase activity in a parallel genetic pathway with glo-4 and fsn-1 to regulate both synapse formation in the GABAergic motorneurons and axon termination in the mechanosensory neurons. Our transgenic analysis shows that ppm-1 acts downstream of rpm-1 to negatively regulate the DLK-1 pathway, with PPM-1 most likely acting at the level of pmk-3. Our study provides insight into the negative regulatory mechanisms that control the dlk-1 pathway in neurons and demonstrates a new role for the PP2C/PPM phosphatases as regulators of neuronal development.  相似文献   

Spastin belongs to the meiotic subfamily, together with Vps4/SKD1, fidgetin and katanin, of AAA (ATPases associated with diverse cellular activities) proteins, and functions in microtubule severing. Interestingly, all members of this subgroup specifically contain an additional α-helix at the very C-terminal end. To understand the function of the C-terminal α-helix, we characterised its deletion mutants of SPAS-1, a Caenorhabditis elegans spastin homologue, in vitro and in vivo. We found that the C-terminal α-helix plays essential roles in ATP binding, ATP hydrolysing and microtubule severing activities. It is likely that the C-terminal α-helix is required for cellular functions of members of meiotic subgroup of AAA proteins, since the C-terminal α-helix of Vps4 is also important for assembly, ATPase activity and in vivo function mediated by ESCRT-III complexes.  相似文献   

β-Adrenergic receptors (βAR) and D(2)-like dopamine receptors (which include D(2)-, D(3)- and D(4)-dopamine receptors) activate G(s) and G(i), the stimulatory and inhibitory heterotrimeric G proteins, respectively, which in turn regulate the activity of adenylyl cyclase (AC). β(2)-Adrenergic receptors (β(2)AR) and D(4)-dopamine receptors (D(4)DR) co-immunoprecipitated when co-expressed in HEK 293 cells, suggesting the existence of a signaling complex containing both receptors. In order to determine if these receptors are closely associated with each other, and with other components involved in G protein-mediated signal transduction, β(2)AR, D(4)DR, G protein subunits (Gα(i1) and the Gβ(1)γ(2) heterodimer) and AC were tagged so that bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) could be used to monitor their interactions. All of the tagged proteins retained biological function. For the first time, FlAsH-labeled proteins were used in BRET experiments as fluorescent acceptors for the energy transferred from Renilla luciferase-tagged donor proteins. Our experiments revealed that β(2)AR, D(4)DR, G proteins and AC were closely associated in a functional signaling complex in cellulo. Furthermore, BRET experiments indicated that although activation of G(i) caused a conformational change within the heterotrimeric protein, it did not cause the Gβγ heterodimer to dissociate from the Gα(i1) subunit. Evidence for the presence of a signaling complex in vivo was obtained by purifying βAR from detergent extracts of mouse brain with alprenolol-Sepharose and showing that the precipitate also contained both D(2)-like dopamine receptors and AC.  相似文献   

Alternative splicing enables G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) genes to greatly increase the number of structurally and functionally distinct receptor isoforms. However, the functional role and relevance of the individual GPCR splice variants in regulating physiological processes are still to be assessed. A naturally occurring alternative splice variant of Bombyx CAPA-PVK receptor, BomCAPA-PVK-R1-Δ341, has been shown to act as a dominant-negative protein to regulate cell surface expression and function of the canonical CAPA-PVK receptor. Herein, using functional assays, we identify the splice variant Δ341 as a specific receptor for neuropeptide CAPA-PK, and upon activation, Δ341 signals to ERK1/2 pathway. Further characterization demonstrates that Δ341 couples to Gαi/o, distinct from the Gαq-coupled canonical CAPA-PVK receptor, triggering ERK1/2 phosphorylation through Gβγ-PI3K-PKCζ signaling cascade. Moreover, our ELISA data show that the ligand-dependent internalization of the splice variant Δ341 is significantly impaired due to lack of GRKs-mediated phosphorylation sites. Our findings highlight the potential of this knowledge for molecular, pharmacological and physiological studies on GPCR splice variants in the future.  相似文献   

The role of RGS proteins on dopaminergic D2S receptor (D2SR) signalling was investigated in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO)-K1 cells, using recombinant RGS protein- and PTX-insensitive Gαo proteins. Dopamine-mediated [35S]GTPγS binding was attenuated by more than 60% in CHO-K1 D2SR cells coexpressing a RGS protein- and PTX-insensitive GαoGly184Ser:Cys351Ile protein versus cells coexpressing a similar amount of PTX-insensitive GαoCys351Ile protein. Dopamine-agonist-mediated Ca2+ responses were dependent on the coexpression with a GαoCys351Ile protein and were fully abolished upon coexpression with a GαoGly184Ser:Cys351Ile protein. These results suggest that interactions between the Gαo protein and RGS proteins are involved in efficient D2SR signalling.  相似文献   

The structural and functional interaction between D2 dopamine receptor (DR) and A2A adenosine receptor (AR) has suggested these two receptors as a pharmacological target in pathologies associated with dopamine dysfunction, such as Parkinson's disease. In transfected cell lines it has been demonstrated the activation of D2DR induces a significant negative regulation of A2AAR-mediated responses, whereas few data are at now available about the regulation of A2AAR by D2DR agonists at receptor recognition site. In this work we confirmed that in A2AAR/D2DR co-transfected cells, these receptors exist as homo- and hetero-dimers. The classical D2DR agonists were able to negatively modulate both A2AAR affinity and functionality. These effects occurred even if any significant changes in A2AAR/D2DR energy transfer interaction could be detected in BRET experiments.Since the development of new molecules able to target A2A/D2 dimers may represent an attractive tool for innovative pharmacological therapy, we also identified a new small molecule, 3-(3,4-dimethylphenyl)-1-(2-piperidin-1-yl)ethyl)piperidine (compound 1), full agonist of D2DR and modulator of A2A-D2 receptor dimer. This compound was able to negatively modulate A2AAR binding properties and functional responsiveness in a manner comparable to classical D2R agonists. In contrast to classical agonists, compound 1 led to conformational changes in the quaternary structure in D2DR homomers and heteromers and induced A2AAR/D2DR co-internalization. These results suggest that compound 1 exerts a high control of the function of heteromers and could represent a starting point for the development of new drugs targeting A2AAR/D2 DR heteromers.  相似文献   

Gαi proteins play major roles in the developing and mature nervous system, ranging from the control of cellular proliferation to modulating synaptic plasticity. Although best known for transducing signals from activated seven transmembrane G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) when bound to GTP, key cellular functions for Gαi-GDP are beginning to emerge. Here, we show that Gαi2 is expressed in motor neuron progenitors that are differentiating to form postmitotic motor neurons in the developing spinal cord. Ablation of Gαi2 causes deficits in motor neuron generation but no changes in motor neuron progenitor patterning or specification, consistent with a function for Gαi2 in regulating motor neuron differentiation. We show that Gαi2 function is mediated in part by its interaction with GDE2, a known regulator of motor neuron differentiation, and that disruption of the GDE2/Gαi2 complex in vivo causes motor neuron deficits analogous to Gαi2 ablation. Gαi2 preferentially associates with GDE2 when bound to GDP, invoking GPCR-independent functions for Gαi2 in the control of spinal motor neuron differentiation.  相似文献   

Heterotrimeric G proteins, composed of α, β, and γ subunits, are activated by exchange of GDP for GTP on the Gα subunit. Canonically, Gα is stimulated by the guanine-nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) activity of ligand-bound G protein–coupled receptors. However, Gα subunits may also be activated in a noncanonical manner by members of the Ric-8 family, cytoplasmic proteins that also act as GEFs for Gα subunits. We used a signaling pathway active during Drosophila gastrulation as a model system to study Ric-8/Gα interactions. A component of this pathway, the Drosophila12/13 subunit, Concertina (Cta), is necessary to trigger actomyosin contractility during gastrulation events. Ric-8 mutants exhibit similar gastrulation defects to Cta mutants. Here we use a novel tissue culture system to study a signaling pathway that controls cytoskeletal rearrangements necessary for cellular morphogenesis. We show that Ric-8 regulates this pathway through physical interaction with Cta and preferentially interacts with inactive Cta and directs its localization within the cell. We also use this system to conduct a structure–function analysis of Ric-8 and identify key residues required for both Cta interaction and cellular contractility.  相似文献   

Wang Y  Zhang HX  Sun YP  Liu ZX  Liu XS  Wang L  Lu SY  Kong H  Liu QL  Li XH  Lu ZY  Chen SJ  Chen Z  Bao SS  Dai W  Wang ZG 《Cell research》2007,17(10):858-868
RIG-I (retinoid acid-inducible gene-I), a putative RNA helicase with a cytoplasmic caspase-recrultment domain (CARD), was identified as a pattem-recognition receptor (PRR) that mediates antiviral immunity by inducing type I interferon production. To further study the biological function of RIG-I, we generated Rig-I^-/- mice through homologous recombination, taking a different strategy to the previously reported strategy. Our Rig-I^-/- mice are viable and fertile. Histological analysis shows that Rig-I^-/ mice develop a colitis-like phenotype and increased susceptibility to dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis. Accordingly, the size and number of Peyer's patches dramatically decreased in mutant mice. The peripheral T-cell subsets in mutant mice are characterized by an increase in effector T cells and a decrease in naive T cells, indicating an important role for Rig-I in the regulation ofT-cell activation. It was further found that Rig-I deficiency leads to the downregulation of G protein αi2 subunit (Gαi2) in various tissues, including T and B lymphocytes. By contrast, upregulation of Rig-I in NB4 cells that are treated with ATRA is accompanied by elevated Gαi2 expression. Moreover, Gαi2 promoter activity is increased in co-transfected NIH3T3 cells in a Rig-I dose-dependent manner. All these findings suggest that Rig-I has crucial roles in the regulation of Gαi2 expression and T-cell activation. The development of colitis may be, at least in part, associated with downregulation of Gαi2 and disturbed T-cell homeostasis.  相似文献   

Regulator of G protein signaling (RGS) proteins inhibit G protein signaling by activating Gα GTPase activity, but the mechanisms that regulate RGS activity are not well understood. The mammalian R7 binding protein (R7BP) can interact with all members of the R7 family of RGS proteins, and palmitoylation of R7BP can target R7 RGS proteins to the plasma membrane in cultured cells. However, whether endogenous R7 RGS proteins in neurons require R7BP or membrane localization for function remains unclear. We have identified and knocked out the only apparent R7BP homolog in Caenorhabditis elegans, RSBP-1. Genetic studies show that loss of RSBP-1 phenocopies loss of the R7 RGS protein EAT-16, but does not disrupt function of the related R7 RGS protein EGL-10. Biochemical analyses find that EAT-16 coimmunoprecipitates with RSBP-1 and is predominantly plasma membrane-associated, whereas EGL-10 does not coimmunoprecipitate with RSBP-1 and is not predominantly membrane-associated. Mutating the conserved membrane-targeting sequence in RSBP-1 disrupts both the membrane association and function of EAT-16, demonstrating that membrane targeting by RSBP-1 is essential for EAT-16 activity. Our analysis of endogenous R7 RGS proteins in C. elegans neurons reveals key differences in the functional requirements for membrane targeting between members of this protein family.  相似文献   

Cytohesins are guanine-nucleotide exchange factors (GEF) for the Arf family of GTPases. One member of the Arf family, ARF6, plays an active role in the intracellular trafficking of G protein-coupled receptors. We have previously reported that Gαq signaling leads to the activation of ARF6, possibly through a direct interaction with cytohesin-2/ARNO. Here, we report that Gαq can directly interact with cytohesin-1, another Arf-GEF of the ARNO/cytohesin family. Cytohesin-1 preferentially associated with a constitutively active mutant of Gαq (Gαq-Q209L) compared to wild-type Gαq in HEK293 cells. Stimulation of TPβ, a Gαq-coupled receptor, to activate Gαq resulted in the promotion of a protein complex between Gαq and cytohesin-1. Confocal immunofluorescence microscopy revealed that wild-type Gαq and cytohesin-1 co-localized in intracellular compartments and at or near the plasma membrane. In contrast, expression of Gαq-Q209L induced a drastic increase in the localization of cytohesin-1 at the plasma membrane. Expression of a dominant-negative mutant of cytohesin-1 reduced by 40% the agonist-induced internalization of TPβ, a process that we previously demonstrated to be dependent on Gαq-mediated signaling and Arf6 activation. Using deletion mutants, we show that cytohesin-1 interacts with Gαq through its N-terminal coiled-coil domain. Cytohesin-1 and cytohesin-2/ARNO mutants lacking the coiled-coil domain were unable to relay Gαq-mediated activation of Arf6. This is the first report of an interaction between the coiled-coil domain of the cytohesin/ARNO family of Arf-GEFs and a member of the heterotrimeric G proteins.  相似文献   

Cells express distinct G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) subtypes on their surface, allowing them to react to a corresponding variety of extracellular stimuli. Cross-regulation between different ligand-GPCR pairs is essential to generate appropriate physiological responses. GPCRs can physically affect each other''s functioning by forming heteromeric complexes, whereas cross-regulation between activated GPCRs also occurs through integration of shared intracellular signaling networks. Human herpesviruses utilize virally encoded GPCRs to hijack cellular signaling networks for their own benefit. Previously, we demonstrated that the Epstein-Barr virus-encoded GPCR BILF1 forms heterodimeric complexes with human chemokine receptors. Using a combination of bimolecular complementation and bioluminescence resonance energy transfer approaches, we now show the formation of hetero-oligomeric complexes between this viral GPCR and human CXCR4. BILF1 impaired CXCL12 binding to CXCR4 and, consequently, also CXCL12-induced signaling. In contrast, the G protein uncoupled mutant BILF1-K3.50A affected CXCL12-induced CXCR4 signaling to a much lesser extent, indicating that BILF1-mediated CXCR4 inhibition is a consequence of its constitutive activity. Co-expression of Gαi1 with BILF1 and CXCR4 restored CXCL12-induced signaling. Likewise, BILF1 formed heteromers with the human histamine H4 receptor (H4R). BILF1 inhibited histamine-induced Gαi-mediated signaling by H4R, however, without affecting histamine binding to this receptor. These data indicate that functional cross-regulation of Gαi-coupled GPCRs by BILF1 is at the level of G proteins, even though these GPCRs are assembled in hetero-oligomeric complexes.  相似文献   

The α2/δ1 and α(1)1.1 subunits are present at a 1:1 ratio in the dihydropyridine receptor (DHPR) from adult skeletal muscle. In contrast, during early myotube development α2/δ1 is present at higher levels than α(1)1.1 and localizes at the ends of the cells, suggesting that α2/δ1 may have a role independent from DHPRs. We sought to identify binding partners of α2/δ1 at a period when levels of α(1)1.1 are low. Analysis of protein complexes in their native configuration established that α2/δ1 may be associating with ATP5b, a subunit of a mitochondrial ATP synthase complex. This interaction was confirmed with fluorescence resonance energy transfer and coimmunoprecipitation. The association of α2/δ1 and ATP5b occurs in intracellular membranes and at the plasma membrane, where they form a functional signaling complex capable of accelerating the rate of decline of calcium transients. The acceleration of decay was more evident when myotubes were stimulated with a train of pulses. Our data indicate that the α2/δ1 subunit is not only part of the DHPR but that it may interact with other cellular components in developing myotubes, such as the ATP5b in its atypical localization in the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Sea lamprey, a basal vertebrate, contains a progesterone receptor [PR]. An unusual property of lamprey is that gonadotropin-releasing hormone induces synthesis of 15α-hydroxy-progesterone [15α-OH-P] instead of progesterone. There also is indirect evidence for 7α-OH-P in lamprey serum. To determine if there is a structural basis for the binding of 7α-OH-P and 15α-OH-P to lamprey PR, we constructed 3D models of the lamprey PR complexed with progesterone, 7α-OH-P and 15α-OH-P. These 3D models reveal that Met-277 in lamprey PR has a specific interaction with the 15α-hydroxyl on 15α-OH-P and with Met-192, which also contacts the 15α-hydroxyl group. We also find that 7α-OH-P has favorable contacts with side-chains in lamprey PR. BLAST searches reveal that Met-277 on lamprey PR is unique among vertebrate PRs. This unique site on lamprey PR could be a target for compounds to control reproduction in sea lamprey, an environmental pest in Lake Michigan.  相似文献   

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