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Ringtailed lemurs (Lemur catta)often emit a characteristic vocalization when resting as a troop. This “meow call” is believed to serve an intragroup contact function. I investigated the effects of behavioral context and proximity on call production and acoustic features of the vocalization in a free-ranging troop in the Berenty Reserve, Madagascar. When group members were dispersed, the meow call was given frequently, and the acoustic features of the call probably increased the locatability of the emitter. I evaluated social relationships among the troop members from grooming interactions and spacing data. I also studied the call exchange network among the troop members, the results of which indicate that calls are exchanged between the two subgroups of females, which they connect.  相似文献   

Lemur catta troops in a 1-km 2 study area at Berenty Reserve have maintained fidelity to core areas since Budnitz and Dainis' study of 1972–1973, and for two troops possibly since 1963. Population in 1 km 2 fluctuated from 155 to 105 to 282 individuals (excluding infants), and the number of troops increased from 12 to 21. Most troops retain the same core areas from year to year (170 observed troop-years). Ten troops derived from known fissions have settled in parts of their parent troop range or an adjacent neighbor's range. Five more troops may derive from similar matrilocal fissioning, inferred from behavior and ranging patterns. One has remained unchanged. Five have unknown parentage, in the ranges of four previously censused troops. Once a fissioned troop completely replaced another, one troop permanently extended its range, three times females joined a different troop, once a female remained nomadic for two years without stable home range. No fissioned troop has been seen to leapfrog others: to settle discontiuously from its parent. Intertroop antagonism may reflect benefits of long-term core area control.  相似文献   

Male Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata yakui) in a troop on Yakushima Island frequently groom other males. However, previous studies have not compared the social relations of troop males to those of non-troop males. I followed all troop males and non-troop males in and near a troop during a mating season and during the following non-mating season and recorded their neighbors, grooming, and agonistic interactions. Comparisons of the social relations of troop males and non-troop males with other troop members revealed that grooming and agonistic interactions with females during the mating season were similar between troop and non-troop males. However, troop males groomed each other more often and had fewer agonistic interactions among themselves than did non-troop males. Compared to what occurred in the mating season, troop males groomed females less often and exchanged grooming bouts more often with other troop males during the non-mating season. One non-troop male groomed females more frequently than did any troop male in both seasons, and this male groomed troop males more frequently than did any troop male in the non-mating season. This male immigrated into the troop during the following mating season. Regardless of their competition with respect to reproduction, male Japanese macaques on Yakushima Island maintain affiliative relations, probably to cooperatively defend fertile females from non-troop males.  相似文献   

Recently captured moustached tamarins (Saguinus mystax) were briefly separated from other members of their troop. Most separated animals emitted long calls that were, in general, similar in acoustic structure to those of sympatric tamarin species while retaining species distinctiveness. Individual differences also appeared in call structure. The long calls of a separated animal were responded to almost entirely by members of the animal's own troop rather than by other troops, and reciprocal calling occurred among troop members significantly more often than expected by chance. Although there was no evidence of troop-specific call structure or dialect, there were troop-specific responses to the calls of separated tamarins. This response implies the existence of a stable and integrated troop structure that allows troop members to learn and to respond to the individual specific features of each troop member's calls.  相似文献   

The mating season behavior of peripheral male Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) at Arashiyama West were studied during the 1994/1995 mating season. Although all peripheral males increased their proximity to the main troop, there was great variation in this behavior, from those who became virtually indistinguishable from the main troop males to those who moved in and out of the main troop in a clandestine fashion, to those who had only visual contact, from a distance of 25 m, with the main troop. The subsequent behavior of males displaying these patterns was compared, as was the behavior of peripheral to main troop males. Specifically, they were investigated for variation in three behavioral strategies which may function to increase access to mates: aggressive intimidation; affiliation with unrelated main troop females; and courtship display. The results show that peripheral males are a more diverse group than previously described, and that one group of peripheral males was able to successfully join the main troop, becoming indistinguishable from main troop males with regard to these behaviors which enhance access to mates.  相似文献   

Data on intermale social relations and troop membership changes in one Nepalese high-altitude population of free-ranging langurs (Presbytis entellus)are reported here. Data were collected from six troops by three observers and cover 32 months of observations. The predominantly multi-male troops indicate an alternating pattern of exclusions and introductions with gradual adult male replacement. Takeovers and infant killing were not observed. Analysis of adult social behavior records show qualitative and quantitative differences in intrasexual relations, with primarily agonistic social contacts occurring between males. Agonistic encounters between females and between males differ in frequency of occurrence, types of be-haviors used, cause, and consistency in direction of threats between individuals. Individual adult male frequency of interaction with females and immatures varied significantly, with the majority of these interactions occurring between the dominant troop male and other troop members. Data indicate that intermale dominance is a major factor in determining male access to fertile females: This appears to be achieved by either directly excluding males from the troop or effectively “controlling” their inter-actions with troop females. Data from these studies are compared with data from other Presbytis entellusinvestigations. Review of these data suggests that intraspecific variability in intermale social dynamics and type of troop male membership change are correlated with the percentage of nontroop males. It is suggested that environmental pressures resulting in social crowding can be critical in determing the occurrence of takeovers in some populations of Presbytis entellus.  相似文献   

Wild, habituated, Japanese monkeys were observed from 1975 to 1979 on Yakushima Island, Southern Japan. The monkey troops had a continuous distribution in a warm temperate forest. Demographic data on local populations was collected. The population density was 33 animals/km2. The growth rate of the studied troop was 3.0% per year. A significant correlation between home range areas (R) and troop size (P) was found (r=0.955,p<0.005), using anR-P equation,R=1.84P. One troop split into three troops through two successive fissions. Twenty-one intertroop encounters were observed. Five types of encounters were distinguished. The encounters were apparently territorial defence. Increases in birth rate and socionomic sex ratio after the fissions were prominent. The following four factors had a direct effect upon the dispersion of the troops after fission: (1) dominance relation between the fission troops; (2) social pressure of the neighbors; (3) troop's attachment to its home range; and (4) structure of the environment. The home range of Japanese monkeys is a territory, and territoriality is a population regulating mechanism which serves to reduce competition for food.  相似文献   

I studied the process of adult male replacement and social change in two one- male troops (B20 and B21) of hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus)at Jodhpur, India. Male-male competition lasted for about 6 months before the successful takeover of one troop (B20). During that period, five adult males from three neighboring bands (AMB7, AMB9, and AMB10) and a resident male of a neighboring troop (B21) were involved in taking over the troop. The latter male also copulated with six females during his interim residency, which suggests that he may have opportunistically maximized his mating chances with females of a neighboring group. During an intertroop interaction, a 14-month-old female infant of the other troop (B21) was fatally attacked by an adult female of the first troop and the infant eventually died. The attacker may have taken advantage of the disorganization created by male-male competition, perhaps to eliminate a future food competitor. In addition, the first troop gained an additional feeding area from the other troop’s range; it included a sleeping site and a waterhole, indicating that territorial fights during social instability may have led to the expansion of the winner’s resource area.  相似文献   

Among primates that form multilevel societies, understanding factors and mechanisms associated with the movement of individuals between groups, clans, and one‐male social units offers important insight into primate reproductive and social strategies. In this research we present data based on an 8‐year field study of a multilevel troop of Sichuan snub‐nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana) in the Qinling Mountains of China. Our study troop contained 78–126 individuals, and was usually organized into 6–8 one‐male units (OMU). The majority of OMUs were composed of networks of unrelated females and their offspring. We found that 59.7% (43/72) of subadult and adult females in our study troop transferred between OMUs (n=66) or disappeared (n=7) from the troop. In the majority of cases, two or more females transferred together into new OMUs or troops. In R. roxellana, new OMUs formed in several ways. During 2001–2008, 16 adult males appeared in the study troop. Over this period, we observed 13 different males who became harem leaders either by taking over an existing harem or by attracting females from other OMUs into their harem. We also observed four OMUs from a neighboring troop to successfully immigrate into the study troop. The number of individuals in these newly immigrated OMUs was significantly smaller than that number of individuals in resident OMUs. During harem formation, fighting between adult males was rarely observed, and female mate choice appeared to play a crucial role in harem male recruitment and replacement. These results suggest that golden snub‐nosed monkeys are organized in a nonmatrilineal social system. Female mate choice and possibly incest avoidance appear to play important roles in female transfer, male tenure, and OMU stability. Am. J. Primatol. 71:670–679, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A take-over and infanticide were observed in a South Indian population of Hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus). A one-male, bisexual troop of langurs (Troop B1) was attacked by a band of two adult males and one subadult male. During the take-over, the resident male and one elderly female were driven from the troop. The youngest infant, about two months old, was fatally wounded by an attack from the dominant incoming male (S1). However, other young infants in Troop B1 were left unharmed. All three incoming males remained in Troop B1 but the troop appeared to remain functionally one-male, as S1 did not allow the other adult male to copulate. There was no sign that S1 attempted to eject the other two males from troop B1. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Data from 24 wild populations of hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus)in south Asia are used to test hypotheses seeking to explain variation in troop structure and the incidence of infanticide. The occurrence of infanticide is associated with a one-male troop structure and not with a high density. The density, predation, and economic-advantage hypotheses, as explanations for the occurrence of one-male and multimale troops, are not supported by the review. However, the monopolization hypothesis is not contradicted; the number of adult males per troop is significantly correlated with troop size and with the number of adult females per troop. Therefore it is suggested that a one-male troop structure will arise if a male is able to monopolize a group of females, a multimale troop if he cannot. One-male troops may predispose to infanticide because of high variance in male mating success and high intermale competition between groups rather than within troops. If female dispersion determines troop structure, it is speculated that females could manipulate males to form a multimale society if the advantages in terms of infant survival and intertroop conflict exceeded the costs in terms of not producing infanticidal “sexy sons.”  相似文献   

We compared parasitic infection in a crop-raiding and a wild-foraging troop of olive baboons, Papio anubis, in Gashaka Gumti National Park, Nigeria, to quantify how crop raiding may have influenced primate-parasite interactions. We recovered gastrointestinal parasites from fecal samples from all adult individuals in both troops and processed them via formal-ether sedimentation. We compared parasitic species richness, prevalence, output, and load across troops. We recovered 9 parasite taxa. The wild-foraging troop had a significantly higher mean output than the crop-raiding troop for Physaloptera sp., Trichuris sp., and also a significantly higher total helminth load. The crop-raiding troop had a significantly higher mean output for the protozoan Balantidium coli and also showed a higher parasitic species richness, with 9 species recovered compared to the 7 recorded for the wild-foraging individuals. The changes in nutritional intake, behavior, and human proximity caused by crop raiding may have important epidemiological impacts on wild primate populations, and the nature of such impacts may vary across different taxa of parasites.  相似文献   

A population of langurs (Presbytis entellus)at the Rajaji Wildlife Sanctuary in northern India was investigated for 1820 hr throughout a 10-month period in 1978. Data were collected from four bisexual troops and the adult males that ranged outside of bisexual troops. Most (60%) of the observation hours occurred with a main study troop from which social and ecological data were collected. The langur population at Rajaji shows pronounced birth and mating seasons. The population density is high (ca. 80/km 2), with about 75% of the adult males living outside of bisexual troops, which typically are large and multimale. Males outside of bisexual troops occur in small all-male bands or as isolates. Relations between bisexual troops and all-male bands are characterized by relatively low levels of aggression, and members of all-male bands are able to associate with bisexual troops for prolonged periods during the mating season. As a result of these associations, nontroop males are about as successful as troop males in achieving reproductive access to troop females. These associations between bisexual troops and all-male bands occurred with a minimal amount of agonistic behavior and without mortality or injury to troop females or immatures.  相似文献   

An adult female and three age-graded male chacma baboons,Papio ursinus, were captured and then artificially introduced into a recipient troop of free-ranging baboons of the same species. Two of the transplanted individuals, the youngest juvenile male and the sub-adult male, were accepted into the troop while the oldest juvenile male and the adult female were aggressively chased off by the sub-adult and adult males of the troop, and they subsequently returned more than 10 km to their home troop. Acceptance of the first two individuals was dependent on the gradual reduction of aggressive behaviour of the sub-adult males. This suggested that successful troop transfers in the wild, occurring more frequently than traditionally believed, may be at least partially contingent on the behaviour of the sub-adult male segment of the baboon social unit. Supported by a Graduate Research Grant from the University of Cape Town.  相似文献   

We report the integration of single male crowned guenons (Cercopithecus pogonias) into troops of black colobus (Colobus satanas). We observed one male Cercopithecus pogonias in three troops of Colobus satanas on 30% of observation days (n = 231). Activities of single males guenons did not differ significantly from those of the colobus with which they associated. Moreover, both species performed simultaneously the same activities more often than expected by chance. Interspecific grooming occurred on several occasions. Furthermore, single male guenons spent as much in time social activities when part of a colobus troop, as they typically do when part of a conspecific group. Unlike solitary male crowned guenons, which are silent, a male that is integrated into a troop of colobus is vocal and emits social alarm calls to which colobus monkeys respond. During the single file movements of colobus troops, single male crowned guenons were integrated in the core of the troop and used the same branches at the same height with the colobus. Thus, the life of a single male crowned guenon with black colobus was social. We suggest that the main benefits that he gained is the possibility to live in a social context. Social interactions could be the key element to explain why single males Cercopithecus pogonias join troops of monkeys so different from their natal groups.  相似文献   

Proboscis monkeys,Nasalis larvatus (Wurmb), were investigated in the Padas Bay and Kinabatangan River areas, Sabah, from July 1968 to March 1969. The proboscis monkey is a common, widely distributed species of coloboids in Sabah, living in the various vegetations that extend from the coastal swamp to the inland plain. It appears to have a terrestrial tendency, compared with other coloboids, moving around on the ground in the forest and extending its activity, sometimes, to the open land along the river beach. The number of monkey in a troop, we observed, ranged from 11 to 32, and almost all troops were composed of several adult males, many more adult females, and immature animals. The adult males appear to play the role of leaders in the troop through their characteristic behavior, attacking, threatening, warning, watching, etc., other troop members or invaders. Each troop always emitted various boisterous vocalizations which were divided into 14 types.  相似文献   

Counts of 61 baboon troops (Papio cynocephalus ursinus) at four localities in the Drakensberg mountains confirmed earlier reports of a small mean troop size. This troop size of 22.49 animals changed neither with latitude nor elevation. Data from two of the sites suggested that population density increases from south to north, while a working assumption of 2.5 animals/ km2 allowed us to set the population size at 7,540 animals, living in 335 troops. Both the adult sex ratio of 2.07 females/male and the immature/ adult female ratio of 1.17 were unaffected by troop size. Repeated counts from nine known troops revealed that the population is at equilibrium. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Various functional theories of play stress that social play is essential for the practice and learning of sex roles, dominance relationships, troop culture, integration of individuals into the troop structure, the control of aggression, etc. Data on squirrel monkeys (Saimiri) in natural environments indicate that social interaction and troop integration can develop in various manners in the absence of social play.Comparative observations were made on squirrel monkeys in a seminatural environment in Florida and 43 natural environments in Panama, Colombia, Peru, and Brazil. There was a broad range of variance in the data on ecology, troop size, troop cohesiveness, average individual distances, frequency of play, etc. In some environments, individuals in the infant and juvenile age classes engaged in social play for approximately 1.5 to 3 hours a day. However, in one environment, not a single incidence of social play occurred during 261 hours of close range observation. The troops in which no play occurred were very cohesive (i.e., they seldom fragmented), and the animals traveled at close individual distances. Agonistic interactions were not uncontrolled. Copulations were observed; and 85 percent of the adult females were accompanied by infants, which indicates a normal rate of reproductive success for the species.Data are presented on friendly, aggressive, sexual, and spacing behavior in squirrel monkeys. These data indicate that (1) social play is not necessary for the development and/or learning of an adaptive modicum of social interaction patterns and troop cohesion, but (2) the opportunity to play provides learning experiences in which young animals can develop more complex, varied social interaction patterns and stronger habits for engaging in frequent social exchanges.  相似文献   

Female reproductive data are presented from 9 years of longitudinal observations on two troops of Hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus) living around Jodhpur, India. On the basis of 89 live births interbirth intervals were calculated to examine the effect of demographic factors on reproductive behaviour and troop composition. Sex of an infant seems to influence the length of intervals which are longer after the birth of female infants at an average of 1.7 months. It is suggested that this may be an outcome of differential maternal investment by allocating more time and energy towards female infants who run a higher mortality risk than male infants, at least up to an age of 27 months. Troopspecific interbirth intervals are influenced by social events. If the last infant is still alive when the next one is conceived, the intervals are significantly longer than after the premature loss of an infant (Bijolai troop: 15.6 vs. 12.1 months; Kailana-1 troop: 16.7 vs. 11.4 months). During undisturbed male tenureship intervals are shorter than after a male change (Bijolai troop: 14.3 vs. 16.0 months; Kailana-I troop: 15.6 vs. 17.5 months). Thus the frequency of male changes can influence the demography of a troop. Furthermore, the data suggest that take-overs are optimally timed by males. New males tend to take over a troop when most of the females are cycling.  相似文献   

The troop fissions which occurred in a wild population of Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata yakui) were observed from 1977 to 1979 on Yakushima Island. The fissions were initiated in the breeding season by non-troop males who established a consort relation with estrous females. In order to analyze the socio-sexual factors which accelerated the fissions, the male emigrations and immigrations before and after two successive fissions, and the copulation frequencies, competition among males and preferences of mating partners in both sexes in the 1977–78 breeding season after the first fission were examined. The results indicated that three factors (a large number of non-troop males, a shortage of troop males and the females' choice of mating partners) effectively influenced on the establishment of consort relationships between non-troop males and estrous females. It is suggested that these factors may exert different effects on the troop disorganization in relation to troop size. In small-sized troops, a large number of non-troop males and a shortage of troop males may lead to stronger competition between them, and the females' choice affected by prolonged intimate relations with the dominant TMs may reduce their priority of access to estrous females. This situation possibly stimulates fission or male emigration in small-sized troops under the natural conditions on Yakushima Island. In contrast, in large-sized troops under isolated conditions, a surplus rather than a shortage of troop males may contribute to troop disorganization, as most former studies have suggested. A higher socionomic sex ratio may decrease the mating activities of subordinate troop males and increase the competition among them. This situation possibly accelerates the fission of large-sized troops through prolonged interactions between females and subordinate or peripheral troop males. A lower ratio and the females' choice, however, raise the mating chances of subordinate troop males and may not promote the fission of large-sized troops under isolated conditions. This study was financed in part by a Grant-in-Aid for Special Project Research on Biological Aspects of Optimal Strategy and Social Structure from the Japan Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, and by the Cooperative Research Fund of the Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University.  相似文献   

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