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Agrobacterium tumefaciens and A. rhizogenes are the causative agents of the crown gall and hairy root diseases, respectively. The pathogenicity of both species is caused by an inter-kingdom transfer of DNA from the bacteria to wounded plant cells. This 'transfer-DNA' (T-DNA) contains oncogenes whose expression transforms the plant recipient cell into a rapidly dividing tumour cell. In the case of A. tumefaciens , three of these oncogenes have been shown to encode enzymes catalyzing the biosynthesis of the plant growth hormones auxin and cytokinin. Therefore, the unorganized cell division in the crown gall tumour can be largely explained by an unregulated overproduction of these plant growth regulators. In contrast, the hairy root disease is characterized by a massive growth of adventitious roots at the site of infection. Because of the similarities of the infection processes, and because A. rhizogenes and A. tumefaciens are very closely related, it has been suggested that the most important A. rhizogenes oncogenes, the so called rol genes, are also encoding proteins involved in the regulation of plant hormone metabolism. However, recent data indicate that this is not the case. Thus the rol genes have functions that most likely are different from producing mere alterations of plant hormone concentrations. This review summarizes recent results concerning the expression and function of the rol genes, and presents a model for the role of these genes, especially rolB and rolC , in the A. rhizogenes infection process.  相似文献   

The nitrous oxide (N(2)O) reduction pathway from a soil bacterium, Pseudomonas stutzeri, was engineered in plants to reduce N(2)O emissions. As a proof of principle, transgenic plants expressing nitrous oxide reductase (N(2)OR) from P. stutzeri, encoded by the nosZ gene, and other transgenic plants expressing N(2)OR along with the more complete operon from P. stutzeri, encoded by nosFLZDY, were generated. Gene constructs were engineered under the control of a root-specific promoter and with a secretion signal peptide. Expression and rhizosecretion of the transgene protein were achieved, and N(2)OR from transgenic Nicotiana tabacum proved functional using the methyl viologen assay. Transgenic plant line 1.10 showed the highest specific activity of 16.7 μmol N(2)O reduced min(-1) g(-1) root protein. Another event, plant line 1.9, also demonstrated high specific activity of N(2)OR, 13.2 μmol N(2)O reduced min(-1) g(-1) root protein. The availability now of these transgenic seed stocks may enable canopy studies in field test plots to monitor whole rhizosphere N flux. By incorporating one bacterial gene into genetically modified organism (GMO) crops (e.g., cotton, corn, and soybean) in this way, it may be possible to reduce the atmospheric concentration of N(2)O that has continued to increase linearly (about 0.26% year(-1)) over the past half-century.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effect of soil drought on water-use efficiency (WUE) and water relations was examined for potted Artemisia tridentata Nutt. and Pinus ponderosa Laws., a dominant Great Basin desert shrub and a Sierran montane tree, respectively. Before the onset of drought, A. tridentata had slightly higher photosynthetic rates than P. ponderosa and A. tridentata maintained positive photosynthetic rates at substantially lower water potentials (Ψ). Complete stomatal closure and cessation of photosynthesis occurred at a Ψ of ca. −2.5 MPa for P. ponderosa and less than −5.0 MPa for A. tridentata. Repeated drought cycles caused a small increase in bulk modulus of elasticity for A. tridentata and neither species exhibited significant osmotic adjustment. WUE was similar at Ψ≥−1.0 MPa but as Ψ decreased P. ponderosa consistently maintained higher WUE than A. tridentata. The primary factor contributing to higher WUE for P. ponderosa was the rapid decrease in stomatal conductance with decreasing Ψ. Comparatively low WUE for A. tridentata , a drought tolerant species, suggests that efficient use of water is a conservative ecophysiological 'strategy' that can be detrimental in a competitive water-limited environment. The combination of profligate use of water and a high degree of drought tolerance may be a more successful combination of physiological characteristics in certain dry habitats.  相似文献   

  • Salinity is now an increasingly serious environmental issue that affects the growth and yield of many plants.
  • In the present work, the influence of inoculation with the symbiotic fungus, Piriformospora indica, on gas exchange, water potential, osmolyte content, Na/K ratio and chlorophyll fluorescence of tomato plants under three salinity levels (0, 50, 100 and 150 mm NaCl) and three time periods (5, 10 and 15 days after exposure to salt) was investigated.
  • Results indicate that P. indica inoculation improved growth parameters of tomato under salinity stress. This symbiotic fungus significantly increased photosynthetic pigment content under salinity, and more proline and glycine betaine accumulated in inoculated roots than in non‐inoculated roots. P. indica further significantly improved K+ content and reduced Na+ level under salinity treatment. After inoculation with the endophytic fungus, leaf physiological parameters, such as water potential, net photosynthesis, stomatal conductance and transpiration, were all higher under the salt concentrations and durations compared with controls without P. indica. With increasing salt level and salt treatment duration, values of F0 and qP increased but Fm, Fv/Fm, F′v/F′m and NPQ declined in the controls, while inoculation with P. indica improved these values.
  • The results indicate that the negative effects of NaCl on tomato plants were alleviated after P. indica inoculation, probably by improving physiological parameters such as water status and photosynthesis.

Time series of net CO2 exchange ( J CO2) and leaf conductivity for water vapour (gH2O) were measured and subsequently analysed mathematically in the Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) plant Kalanchoe daigremontiana (Hamet et Perrier de la Bâthie) under constant environmental conditions and under imposed external rhythms of lower and higher light intensity. The time series were analysed by Fourier methods and a correlation analysis considering the first time derivatives of J CO2, gH2Oand photosynthetically active photon flux density (PPFD). The ratio of internal to external CO2 (ci/ca) was also considered in the analysis, leading to a discussion of the interaction of stomata and carbon assimilation under periodic stimulation. It is suggested that for stimulation with frequencies close to the endogeneous circadian period, stomatal conductance and carbon assimilation oscillate synchronously, guard‐cell movements trailing behind changes in internal CO2 with a delay of 10–15 min. For stimulation frequencies far shorter than the endogeneous period, this synchrony can be disturbed due to independent responses of stomata and assimilation to light pulses, leading to an arrhythmic gas exchange pattern. These results are discussed in the context of understanding circadian oscillations as the output of a multioscillator, multisignalling pathway system on the organismic and metabolic level.  相似文献   

Abstract: Epidermal hydathodes were found on leaves of 46 of 48 species of Crassula collected from the Namib Desert in southern Africa. The possibility that these structures might allow the absorption of surface water was investigated in 27 species (including subspecies). The presence of hydathodes on leaf epidermi correlated, in most cases, with increases in leaf thickness and enhanced rates of nocturnal, and sometimes diurnal, CO2 uptake following wetting of the leaves during the night. The precise nature of these responses varied depending on the species. In addition, wetting only the older leaves on the lower portion of the shoot of C. tetragona ssp. acutifolia not only resulted in increased thickness of these leaves, but also effected an increase in leaf thickness and stimulation of CO2 uptake rates in the distal, younger portion of the shoot that was not wetted. Overall, foliar hydathodes were implicated in the absorption of surface water in many species of Crassula such that the ecophysiology of these desert succulents was positively affected. Although rainfall in the Namib Desert is infrequent, surface wetting of the leaves is a more common occurrence as a result of nighttime dew or fog deposition. Presumably, species with hydathodes benefit directly from this source of moisture. These findings have important implications in understanding a relatively unexplored adaptation of some xerophytes to an extremely arid environment.  相似文献   

研究了中国内蒙古科尔沁沙地两种优势灌木冷蒿(Artemisiafrigida Willd)和差不嘎蒿(Artemisia halodendronTurcz.ex Bess)在不同土壤水分状况条件下的气体交换、水分关系和叶片的化学特性.测定设置了5个土壤水分梯度:土壤最大含水量(体积含水量,30%)、田间持水量(对照,20%)、轻度水分胁迫(10%)、极端干旱(<4%)和旱后复水(20%).冷蒿的净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(TR)和水势(ψw低于差不嘎蒿,相对水分亏缺(RWD)、束缚水含量(BWC)、束缚水与自由水的比值(BWC/FWC)和综合抗旱性指数(DI)高于差不嘎蒿.两种灌木对不同土壤含水量的响应不同,随着土壤含水量的逐渐下降,差不嘎蒿的ψw、BWC和BWC/FWC出现大幅度的波动,波动幅度远远的大于冷蒿,冷蒿则显示了一个较差不嘎蒿高的持水能力和抗旱能力.冷蒿和差不嘎蒿的脯氨酸和总可溶性糖含量随土壤含水量的降低均呈增加的趋势,冷蒿增加的幅度大于差不嘎蒿,说明冷蒿的渗透调节能力在干旱过程中有较大提高.在长期极端干旱条件下,两种灌木的ψw,RWD,BWC和BWC/FWC的终极值相近;有机物、脯氨酸和总可溶性糖含量大量累积;冷蒿的脯氨酸和总可溶性糖含量增加的幅度和可溶性蛋白质降解的幅度远远超过差不嘎蒿;我们认为此时累积的物质主要作为营养物质,以供植物的旱后恢复,此时冷蒿的恢复能力超过差不嘎蒿,这是极端干旱条件下差不嘎蒿死亡而冷蒿存活的主要原因之一.我们的研究结果显示,相对于差不嘎蒿而言,冷蒿在水分胁迫条件下的生理生态学特性更有利于其在固定沙地的生长,差不嘎蒿则由于对水资源微弱的竞争丧失了生存优势,是引起科尔沁沙地植被演替过程中冷蒿替代差不嘎蒿的主要原因.  相似文献   

We assessed the daily time‐courses of CO2 assimilation rate (A), leaf transpiration rate (E), stomatal conductance for water vapour (gs), leaf water potential ( Ψ w) and tree transpiration in a wet and a dry season for three late‐stage canopy rainforest tree species in French Guiana differing in leaf carbon isotope composition ( δ 13C). The lower sunlit leaf δ 13C values found in Virola surinamensis ( ? 29·9‰) and in Diplotropis purpurea ( ? 30·9‰), two light‐demanding species, as compared to Eperua falcata ( ? 28·6‰), a shade‐semi‐tolerant species, were clearly associated with higher maximum gs values of sunlit leaves in the two former species. These two species were also characterized by a high sensitivity of gs, sap flow density (Ju) and canopy conductance (gc) to seasonal soil drought, allowing maintenance of high midday Ψ w values in the dry season. The data for Diplotropis provided an original picture of increasing midday Ψ w with increasing soil drought. In Virola, stomata were extremely sensitive to seasonal soil drought, leading to a dramatic decrease in leaf and tree transpiration in the dry season, whereas midday Ψ w remained close to ? 0·3 MPa. The mechanisms underlying such an extremely high sensitivity of stomata to soil drought remain unknown. In Eperua, gs of sunlit leaves was non‐responsive to seasonal drought, whereas Ju and gc were lower in the dry season. This suggests a higher stomatal sensitivity to seasonal drought in shaded leaves than in sunlit ones in this species.  相似文献   

Our recent work associated the phenotypic alterations caused by the Ri TL-DNA (root-inducing, left-hand, transferred DNA) from Agrobacterium rhizogenes with a general decrease in the accumulation of polyamines and their derivatives and showed that irreversible and specific inhibition of putrescine biosynthesis causes a phenotype similar to that attributed to the Ri TL-DNA. In this review we report recent data supporting a correlation between the degree of expression of the transformed phenotype due to the root-inducing, left-hand, transferred DNA and inhibition of polyamine accumulation, strongly suggesting that genes carried by the root-inducing, transferred DNA may act through interference with polyamine production via the ornithine pathway.  相似文献   

王克鹏  张仁陟  董博  谢军红 《生态学报》2014,34(13):3752-3761
通过长期定位试验研究了黄土高原西部旱农区,传统耕作方式和5种保护性耕作措施对豌豆-小麦(P→W)和小麦-豌豆(W→P)轮作序列的耕层土壤水分和作物叶水势的影响。结果表明,与传统耕作(T)处理相比,保护性耕作都能不同程度地提高0—30 cm土层土壤含水量,增幅为3.29%—28.67%,其中免耕+秸秆覆盖(NTS)处理的土壤含水量在整个生育期内均为最高。豌豆和春小麦在不同生育期,叶水势的日变化趋势大致相同,均为清晨6:00最高,然后随着时间的推移而下降,大约在12:00—14:00之间达到最低,随后逐渐回升。春小麦各处理在拔节期和抽穗期的叶水势相对较高,孕穗期和开花期次之,灌浆期最低;叶片相对含水量在拔节期和抽穗期最高,开花期次之,灌浆期最低。豌豆各处理的叶水势均在出苗期和孕蕾期达到了最大值,分枝和开花期结荚期次之,灌浆成熟期相对较低;叶片相对含水量均随生育期的进程而呈下降趋势。整个生育期春小麦和豌豆各处理10:00的叶水势与0—30 cm平均土壤含水量之间显著相关,当土壤水分含量较低时,春小麦和豌豆叶水势与耕层土壤含水量的相关性达极显著水平。与传统耕作(T)相比,免耕+秸秆覆盖(NTS)、免耕+地膜覆盖(NTP)、免耕(NT)、传统耕作+秸秆还田(TS)、地膜覆盖(TP)5种保护性耕作措施能不同程度的提高作物叶水势、叶片相对含水量和作物产量,其中免耕+秸秆覆盖(NTS)的优势最明显。  相似文献   

Global warming will increase heat waves, but effects of abrupt heat stress on shoot–root interactions have rarely been studied in heat-tolerant species, and abrupt heat-stress effects on root N uptake and shoot C flux to roots and soil remains uncertain. We investigated effects of a high-temperature event on shoot vs. root growth and function, including transfer of shoot C to roots and soil and uptake and translocation of soil N by roots in the warm-season drought-tolerant C4 prairie grass, Andropogon gerardii. We heated plants in the lab and field (lab = 5.5 days at daytime of 30 + 5 or 10 °C; field = 5 days at ambient (up to 32 °C daytime) vs. ambient +10 °C). Heating had small or no effects on photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, leaf water potential, and shoot mass, but increased root mass and decreased root respiration and exudation per g. 13C-labeling indicated that heating increased transfer of recently-fixed C from shoot to roots and soil (the latter likely via increased fine-root turnover). Heating decreased efficiency of N uptake by roots (uptake/g root), but did not affect total N uptake or the transfer of labeled soil 15N to shoots. Though heating increased soil temperature in the lab, it did not do so in the field (10 cm depth); yet results were similar for lab and field. Hence, acute heating affected roots more than shoots in this stress-tolerant species, increasing root mass and C loss to soil, but decreasing function per g root, and some of these effects were likely independent of direct effects from soil heating.  相似文献   

Water-stressed maize (Zea mays L.) leaves showed a large decrease in leaf conductance during photosynthesis. Net CO2 uptake and evaporation declined fast at mild stress (=–0.6 to –1.0 MPa) and slower at more severe stress (=–1.0 to -1.2 MPa), whereas the CO2 concentration in the intercellular spaces (Ci) did not drop to the CO2 compensation point. The activities of the enzymes of photosynthetic carbon metabolism tested in this study dropped by approx. 30% at =-1.2 MPa. Glutamine synthetase activity was unaffected by water stress, whereas the activity of nitrate reductase was almost completely inhibited. The decline of enzyme activities in relation to was correlated with a concomitant decrease in the content of total soluble protein of the stressed leaves. The total leaf pools of malate, pyruvate and oxaloacetate decreased almost linearly in relation to , thus obviously contradicting the almost constant Ci. In comparison to the controls (=0.6 MPa) the content of citrate and isocitrate increaed markedly at =-0.9 MPa and decreased again at =-1.2 MPa.Abbreviations PCR photosynthetic carbon reduction cycle - PCO photosynthetic carbon oxidation cycle - PEP phosphoenolypyruvate - RuBP ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate  相似文献   

We have analyzed the phylogenetic and genomic relationships in the genus Setaria Beauv. including diploid and tetraploid species, by means of the molecular diversity of the 5S rDNA spacer and chromosomal organization of the 5S and 18S-5.8S-25S rDNA genes. PCR amplification of the 5S rDNA sequences gave specific patterns. All the species studied here share a common band of about 340 bp. An additional band of an approximately 300-bp repeat unit was found for Setaria verticillata and the Chinese accessions of Setaria italica and Setaria viridis. An additional band of 450 bp was found in the sole species Setaria faberii. Fluorescent in situ hybridization was used for physical mapping of the 5S and 18S-5.8S-25S rDNA genes and showed that they are localized at two separate loci with no polymorphism of chromosome location among species. Two chromosome pairs carrying the 5S and 18S-5.8S-25S rDNA clusters can now be unambiguously identified using FISH. Phylogenetic trees based on the variation of the amplified 5S rDNA sequences showed a clear separation into four groups. The clustering was dependent on the genomic composition (genome A versus genome B) and confirmed the closest relationship of S. italica and S. viridis accessions from the same geographical region. Our results confirm previous hypotheses on the domestication centers of S. italica. They also show the wide difference between the A and B genomes, and even clarify the taxonomic position of S. verticillata. Received: 28 August 2000 / Accepted: 27 January 2001  相似文献   

土层厚度对刺槐旱季水分状况和生长的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
该研究测定了旱季和雨季刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia)林不同土层厚度的土壤含水量, 刺槐的树高、胸径、小枝凌晨水势、叶片碳稳定同位素组成(δ13C)、叶面积、比叶重和气体交换指标; 分析了刺槐旱季和雨季的水分状况和土层厚度之间的关系; 通过刺槐对季节性干旱胁迫的反应, 估计华北石质山区不同土层厚度土壤水分对刺槐的承载能力; 并求证近年来该地区刺槐衰败和水分因素的关系。结果显示: 随着土层厚度减小, 旱季土壤含水量下降、凌晨小枝水势降低; 气孔导度和最大光合速率都减小, 而瞬时水分利用效率增加, 雨季上述指标无显著性差异, 旱季土壤含水量只有雨季的60%左右。随着土层变薄, 刺槐叶片δ13C增高, 叶面积减小, 比叶重增加; 刺槐树高和胸径减小。以上结果表明: 刺槐在不同季节下的水分状况综合反映土壤的供水能力, 土层浅薄导致土壤水分承载力不足, 致使刺槐在旱季受到较严重的水分胁迫, 这可能是刺槐出现衰败的重要原因。  相似文献   

To characterise the stomata of six temperate deciduous tree species, sets of stomatal sensitivities to all the most important environmental factors were measured. To compare the importance of abscisic acid (ABA) in the different stomatal responses, the effect of exogenous ABA on all the stomatal sensitivities was determined.Almost all the stomatal sensitivities: the sensitivity to a decrease in leaf water potential, air humidity, CO2 concentration ([CO2]) and light intensity, and to an increase in [CO2] and light intensity were the highest in the slow-growing species, and the lowest in the fast-growing species. Drought increased the sensitivity to the environmental changes that induce a decrease in the stomatal conductance, and decreased the sensitivity to the changes that induce an increase in this conductance. The sensitivities of the slow-growers were most strongly affected by drought and ABA. Therefore the success of the slow-growers in their ecological niches can be based on the highly sensitive and strictly regulated responses of their stomata. The fast-growers had the highest sensitivity to an increase in leaf water potential and this sensitivity was sharply reduced by drought and ABA. Thus, the dominance of the trees in riparian areas can be based on the ability of their stomata to quickly reach high conductance in well-watered conditions and to efficiently decrease this rate during drought.Stomatal sensitivities to the hydraulic environmental factors (water potentials in plant and air) had higher values in well-watered trees and a more pronounced response to drought than the sensitivities to the photosynthetic environmental factors ([CO2] and light intensity). Thus, the hydraulic factors most likely prevail over the photosynthetic factors in determining stomatal conductance in these species.In response to exogenous ABA, the rates of stomatal closure, following a decrease in air humidity and light intensity, and an increase in [CO2], were accelerated. Stomatal opening following an increase in air humidity and light intensity and a decrease in [CO2] was replaced by slow closing. The rate of stomatal opening following an increase in leaf water potential was reduced. As the sensitivities to changes in light were modified less by the ABA than the other stomatal sensitivities, the prediction of stomatal responses on the basis of the sensitivity to light alone should be excluded in stomatal models.  相似文献   

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