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瞬时极端高温、一天内极端高温持续时间对美洲斑潜蝇各虫态死亡率及极端高温的持续天数对蛹存活和成虫寿命及产卵量影响的研究表明:卵、1龄、2龄、3龄幼虫、蛹及成虫的半数致死瞬时极端高温分别为:51.4、51.1、52.2、53.5、41.1和43.9°C;各虫态死亡率随极端高温持续时间的增长而提高,死亡率与极端高温及持续时间呈二次曲线关系; 40°C下每天持续3h高温,蛹死亡率、成虫寿命和产卵量与持续天数呈线性关系。  相似文献   

本文报道温度对美洲斑潜蝇种群参数和自然内禀增长率的影响。实验在 5种温度即 15,2 0 ,2 5,30和 35℃ ,相对湿度为 80 % ,光照 12∶12 (L∶D)条件下进行 ,并用菜豆Phaseolusvulgaris作为它的寄主植物。实验结果表明 ,美洲斑潜蝇非成熟期的发育时间从 15℃的 38d减少到 35℃的 11d。描述卵 ,幼虫和蛹的发育率 (y)随温度 (t)变化的方程分别是 y =1 786 2t - 13 84 1,y =1 16 2t - 4 94 6和 y =0 6 34t - 5 146。雌成虫的寿命在 15℃条件下是 2 0d ,到 35℃时则下降到 9d。最适宜的繁殖温度是 2 0℃- 30℃ ,在此温度范围内每雌产卵量为 158粒到 2 82粒。非成熟期在 2 5℃条件下的死亡率最低 ,为9% ,而最高出现在 35℃ ,为 4 9%。在 2 5℃到 30℃这个温度范围内 ,获得较高的自然内禀增长率(rm)和净繁殖力 (R0 ) ,分别为 0 2 7和 116 8,此结果表明此温度范围最有利于该种群的增长 ,种群的世代增长倍数约为 117倍。实验结果还表明 ,该虫种群的平均世代历期 (T)和种群倍增时间 (t)随温度升高而减少 ,而种群有限增长率 (λ)与温度的关系则是正的线性关系。  相似文献   

Abstract The results of laboratory and greenhouse bioassays indicated that Rhodojaponin‐ III (Abbr. R‐ 1) and extracts of flowers from Rhododendron molle G. Don possessed signficant feeding inhibition and insectcidal properties against the larvae and adults of Liromyzia sativae. Treated with 500 mg/L R‐ III 1 000 mg/L molosul‐tap, and 10 000 mg/L methanol(MeOH) ethyl acetate (EtOAc), CH2Cl2, methanol‐water (MeOH‐H2O) extracts the rates of feeding inhibition were 77. 34 % 74.30 % 82.15 % 77.50 % 67. 33 % 62.85 % against the 2nd instar larvae, and were 67.66% 55.21 % 49.72% 54.26% 46.81 % 38.53% against the 3rd instar larvae, respectively;LC50 values against the 2nd instar larvae were 208.65, 166.05, 2.74 ± 103,766.72, 5.95 ± 103, 1.85 ± 103mg/L, and against 3rd larvae were 300.62, 256.00, 4.33 ±103, 1.03 ± 103,9.79 ± 103, and 2.62± 103mg/L, respectively. Against the adults, LC50 values of R‐III EtOAc extract and molosultap were 159.07.723.87 and 134.55mgL respectively after treatment for 24 h.  相似文献   

Abstract  Effects of temperature on population parameters and the intrinsic rate of natural increase of the leafminer, Liriomyza sativae Blanchard, were studied at constant temperatures, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 3593 80% RH and a photoperiod of 12 :12 (L:D) in the laboratory with Phaseolus vulgaris as the host plant. Developmental time of the immature stage decreased from 38 d at 15C to lld at 3593 Regression equations relating temperature ( t ) to development rates ( y ) for egg, larval and pupal stages, were y = 1.7862t - 13.841, y = 1.162 t - 4.946 and y = 0.634 t - 5.146, respectively. Longevity of female adult decreased from 20 d at 15°C to 9 d with temperature up to 35C The most favorable temperature range for reproduction was 20°C - 30oC in which the fecundity ranged from 158 to 282 eggs per female. The lowest total mortality was 9% at 25oC and the highest was 49% at 35 93 High intrinsic rate of natural increase ( rm ) was 0.27 and high net reproductive rate ( R0 ) was 116.8 at temperature range between 25 t and 30 t indicating that this range was optimal for population growth and that population density might increase 117 times per generation under this temperature condition. Mean generation time (T) and time for population to double (t) decreased as temperature increased, showing a negative linear trend with temperature. The relationship between finite rate of increase (A) and temperature, however, was a positive linear regression.  相似文献   

美洲斑潜蝇实验种群生命表的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
在15、20、25、30和35℃五种温度下,观察了美洲斑潜蝇Liriomyza sativae Blanchard实验种群的发育历期、存活率、产卵量、寿命等,组建了实验种群生命表,估测了种群参数。结果表明:随温度升高发育历期缩短,在试验的温度范围内,卵、幼虫、蛹的历期变化分别为7.6~2.0天,12.7~2.9天,34.3~6.8天;成虫寿命变化为17.3~6.5天。卵、幼虫、蛹的发育起点温度分别为7.5℃,9.8℃,11.5℃,10.9℃,有效积温为3.9,52.7,128.5,229.9日度。在五种温度下,卵的存活率均在84.2%以上。幼虫除在15℃时存活率为66.7%外,其它温度均在94.6%以上,蛹的存活率变化幅度最大,25℃时为80.3%,35℃时仅为10.0%。30℃时种群的内禀增长力rm最大,加倍时间最短,净生殖率最高。在20~35℃四种温度下种群的稳定年龄组配中未成熟阶段所占比例均在97%以上。  相似文献   

黄杜鹃对美洲斑潜蝇的生物活性研究(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验结果表明 ,闹羊花素 Ⅲ 50 0mg/L对美洲斑潜蝇 2龄和 3龄幼虫的取食抑制率分别为 77 34%和6 7 6 6 % ,高于杀虫单的取食抑制率。对 2龄和 3龄幼虫的LC50 分别为 2 0 8 6 5mg/L和 30 0 6 2mg/L。药膜法测得对成虫 2 4h的LC50 为 159 0 7mg/L ;4 8h为 54 85mg/L。黄杜鹃花几种粗提物也表现出不同程度的取食抑制作用和毒杀作用。  相似文献   

光周期和温度对亚洲玉米螟滞育形成的影响   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
短光照是引起玉米螟滞育的信息,处在北纬35°—36°,东经112°—113°的山西沁水玉米螟种群,在太原控制温度25℃,人工饲料饲养下测定,其临界界光周期为14小时30分钟。当光照少于此临界期,诱发滞育;而多于此临界期,则回避滞育。对于玉米螟幼虫任一单独龄期给予短光照处理,不能或几乎不能引起滞育;而相邻虫龄连续接受短光照处理,则可导致滞育。连续接受短光照处理的时间愈长,滞育率也愈高。幼虫对光照刺激反应的敏感期为自孵化后至5龄末进入滞育前的整个阶段,而非仅为3—4龄。高温在一定程度上抑制短光照诱发滞育的作用;低温在一定程度上抑制长光照回避滞育的作用。以长光照累代处理人工饲料饲养的亚洲玉米螟至三,四十代以上、如经短光照处理则照常发生滞育,其滞育特性仍未改变。  相似文献   

32℃高温对天蚕(Antheraea yamamai)卵黄发生影响明显,其中影响程度与开始经受32℃处理时天蚕发育阶段有关。结茧后第1天开始即受32℃处理时,脂肪体和血淋巴中卵黄原蛋白(Vg)与可溶性蛋白含量均低于受26℃处理的;化蛹后第1天开始即受32℃处理时,脂肪体中Vg滴度与26℃下的基本无明显差异,但血淋巴和卵巢中Vg或卵黄磷蛋白含量(Vt)均低于26℃的;而在化蛹后第6天开始受32℃处理时,脂肪体和血淋巴中Vg含量与26℃的无明显差异,卵巢中Vt则明显高于26℃的。此外,曾就化蛹后第1或6天开始受32℃处理后脂肪体、血淋巴和卵巢中可溶性蛋白含量的变化作了检测。建议在饲育或保护制种用茧蚕时,老熟幼虫和化蛹初期的蚕蛹不宜接触32℃高温。  相似文献   

温度对麦无网长管蚜实验种群生长的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文根据作者一年来的饲养研究工作,重点分析了在自然变温条件下温度对麦无网长管蚜的发育速率、存活率和内禀增长能力的影响,推算了麦无网长管蚜各发育阶段的发育起点和有效积温,组建了不同温度下麦无网长管蚜实验种群生命表和繁殖特征生命表。  相似文献   

在35、30、25℃3种温度下观察了蚤状(Daphniapulex)的生长和生殖。其生长随年龄的增加而逐渐减慢,寿命因温度升高而缩短。在25℃条件下,蚤状寿命、产仔数和产仔率明显高于其他组,其平均寿命为65.5天,累计产仔总数为401.6个,产仔率为21.22。  相似文献   

近3年以来,笔者对山东省美洲斑潜蝇及其寄生蜂种群的季节性消长规律进行了研究.结果表明,美洲斑潜蝇在泰安灌庄菜区露地栽培蔬菜上于7月中旬、8月中旬至9月中旬出现两个发生高峰,寄生蜂的种群高峰则在7月下旬和9月末.春末夏初以异角姬小蜂Hemiptarsenus varicornis(Girault)为主,随着时间推移,逐渐以丽潜蝇姬小蜂Neochrysocharis formosa Westwood和绿凹面姬小蜂Chrysochauis pentheus(Ualker)为主.在寄生蜂发生盛期,应注意保护利用.  相似文献   

Abstract The development, survivorship and reproduction of Bemisia tabaci B biotype on eggplant at seven constant temperatures (17, 20, 23, 26, 29, 32 and 35°C) were studied. The developmental periods from egg to adult varied from 48.7 days at 17°C to 13.9 days at 29°C and the developmental threshold estimated for a generation by linear regression was 12.4°C. The optimum temperature for B. tabaci population growth was 26°C, both extremely low (< 17°C) and high temperature (> 32°C) delayed the development. Survivorships from egg to adult was 67.3% at 26°C, 27.6% and 29.0% at 35°C and 17°C respectively. The average longevity of females ranged from 39.6 days at 20°C to 12.8 days at 35°C. Oviposition per female varied from 164.8 eggs at 20°C to 78.5 eggs at 32°C. Both the longevity and oviposition of B. tabaci females at different temperatures were significantly different ( P < 0.05), and the intrinsic rate of natural increase ( r m) for B. tabaci at 29°C was the highest.  相似文献   

潘娟 《蛛形学报》1995,4(2):144-145
对脉络的豹蛛的成蛛,卵,生态条件与分布,生活习性等作了初步研究。  相似文献   

温度对烟粉虱发育和繁殖的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了7个不同温度梯度对烟粉虱(Beimisia tabaci )B生物型发育、存活和繁殖的影响。在17℃时,烟粉虱从卵到成虫羽化需要48.7天,而在29℃则仅需要13.9天。烟粉虱发育的最佳温度是26℃,低温(<20℃)和过高的温度(>32℃)对烟粉虱发育有抑制作用。经线性回归分析,烟粉虱的发育起点温度约为13℃,有效积温为263.8℃。烟粉虱在20℃时,其成虫寿命和产卵量都是32℃时2倍多,单雌最高产卵量达到208粒。烟粉虱的存活率以26℃时最高,低温和高温对烟粉虱的存活率有负面影响。烟粉虱的内禀增殖率在26℃和29℃时较高,分别为0.1456和0.1470。所有数据显示26℃是烟粉虱种群发育和繁殖的最佳温度。  相似文献   

Abstract The effect of a high temperature, i. e. 32°C. on vitellogenesis of the Japanese oak silkworm, Antheraea yamamai (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) was markedly significant. Its extent was dependent on the development stage of the silkworm exposed to 32°C. When exposed to 32 °C since the 1st day after cocooning, titres of both vitellogenin (Vg) and soluble proteins in the fat body and hemolymph of mature larvae were evidently lower than those at 26°C. When pupae were maintained at 32°C since the 1st day after pupation. the titres of Vg in the fat body showed no significant difference from those at 26°C, but those in the hemolymph and the titres of vitellin (Vt) in the ovary mostly were obviously lower in contrast to those at 26°C. While exposed to 32°C since the 6th day after pupation, at most instance the tires of Vg both in the fat body and hemolymph were not markedly different from those at 26°C, and those of Vt in the ovary were significantly higher than those at 26°C, In addition, the changes in the titres of soluble proteins in the fat body and hemolymph as well as the ovary were monitored when pupae were maintained at 32°C since the 1st or 6th day after pupation. It is recommended that both mature larvae and pupae at cocooning stage and earlier pupal stage should not be exposed to 32°C when the silkworm is reared for egg raising.  相似文献   

通过高温处理及交配产卵实验,探讨了高温对稻褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens (Stal)发育与生殖的影响。研究了不同高温条件对褐飞虱若虫发育历期、产卵量、产卵前期、寿命等生物学特性的影响。34℃以上高温导致褐飞虱若虫发育历期延长。高温处理4龄若虫使羽化后的雌成虫产卵量减少。高温处理不同日龄雌成虫也致使其产卵量减少,其中以1日龄短翅型、3日龄长翅型的产卵量影响最大。高温处理后褐飞虱寿命缩短。高温恒温处理,对短翅型雌成虫的产卵前期影响不大,但能延长长翅型雌成虫的产卵前期;而高温变温处理致使短、长翅型雌成虫的产卵前期均延长。高温变温对褐飞虱生殖的影响程度大于高温恒温。高温处理组雌、雄成虫与对照组相应的成虫交配试验表明,高温对雌性的影响大于雄性。实验初步确定34℃为对褐飞虱发育与生殖产生影响的临界温度。  相似文献   

草兔繁殖生物学的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
卢欣 《兽类学报》1995,15(2):122-127
本文分析了1991年1-10月获自山西省东南部丘陵山区以及1990-1993年10月至翌年1月获自该省各地草兔的有关繁殖特征。草兔的繁殖季节为1-9月,雄性进入性活动的时间早于雌性。生殖腺测度有明显的季节变化,其峰值在4月和5月。当年兔3-4月龄时性可成熟,但达到性成熟月龄的当年兔只有51.7%在7、8月参加繁殖。怀孕个体见于2-9月,3月怀孕率最高,此后逐渐下降。胎仔数1-7只,5月最多,年均值3.6只,每只雌兔年产幼兔12.9只。  相似文献   

温度对扬子鳄卵野外孵化的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Influence of temperature on egg incubation of the wild Chinese alligator was studied during the summer seasons of 1999 and 2000(July to October and August to September,respectively)at three observation sites, Zhuangtou of Xuanzhou County,Shuangkeng and Zhongqiao of Jingxian county, Anhui Province. One nest at each of the above sites was monitored, bearing 19,17 and 19 eggs,respectively. According to the width of the band on the eggs, we estimated the dates that the eggs were laid. We recorded both the nest temperature and atmosphere temperature with an automated temperature data logger (HOBO Temp) during the whole observation period.We found that the average nest temperature maintained around 25 26℃ during incubation throughout day and night,within over two thirds of time in each day the nest temperature being higher than the atmosphere temperature. Analysis of our data revealed that alligator nests have buffering effect on the inside temperature. Higher nest temperature (27 30℃)increased the hatching rate. It was also noticed that the hatching rate varied considerably from site to site(between 0 100%). We conclude that climate is an important factor influencing egg hatching in the wild, and prolonged rainy season which caused large temperature fluctuation can decrease the hatching rate of the alligator eggs.  相似文献   

利用南京地区夏季炎热的自然条件,连续两年在高温季节(7—8月)进行实验。第一年(系列Ⅰ)的实验动物为四头装置瘤胃瘘管的空怀母水牛,研究高温初期(27.5~33.4℃)和持续高温期(28.0~35℃)对水牛瘤胃消化代谢的影响。第二年实验(系列Ⅱ)利用三头装置瘤胃瘘管的海仔母水牛重复高温(26~35.3℃)实验。 夏季高温期间,实验水牛的呼吸率、瘤胃温度和直肠温度升高,采食量减少,饮水量增加,瘤胃液流速减缓。高温初期出现瘤胃代谢升高[总挥发性脂肪酸(TVFA)和氨氮(NH_3-N)浓度及乙酸/丙酸(A/P)比率升高]。但在持续高温情况下,水牛的采食和瘤胃代谢均明显抑制。采取瘤胃内降温措施(投入冰袋)或冷水淋浴,均能迅速降低呼吸率、直肠和瘤胃温度,恢复采食和反刍,并缓解瘤胃代谢的抑制。提示动物机体参与调节瘤胃代谢的变化,并为改善水牛夏季的饲养管理提供生理学依据。  相似文献   

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