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Rabbit papillary muscles under current depolarization generate an anomalous double action potential (AP) instead of a usual repetitive activity characteristic of myocardial fibres of different mammalian species. The mechanism of the double AP consisting of a spike-like and a delayed slow component was analysed using pharmacological approach. No changes in the anomalous double AP were observed in the presence of Cs ions. This contrasted with the inhibitory action of 4-aminopyridine (4-Apy). High sensitivity of the phenomenon to 4-APy suggests a contribution of the transient outward current, previously postulated for rabbit working myocardial fibres, to account for the double AP.  相似文献   

The single sucrose gap technique was employed to study the electrically induced automaticity in rabbit papillary muscles. When the potential was clamped at the level of the "maximum diastolic potential" following the first spike of automaticity an initial decline of the outward ionic current with subsequent activation of the delayed potassium current was observed. The initial decline was potential-sensitive with a maximum at approximately -2 mV; it diminished when the rate of stimulation increased and was abolished with 4-aminopyridine plus Sr2+. It is suggested that the transient outward current determines the development of the "pacemaker potential" after the first spike of electrically induced automaticity in rabbit papillary muscles.  相似文献   

Although transmural heterogeneity of action potential duration (APD) is established in single cells isolated from different tissue layers, the extent to which it produces transmural gradients of repolarization in electrotonically coupled ventricular myocardium remains controversial. The purpose of this study was to examine the relative contribution of intrinsic cellular gradients of APD and electrotonic influences to transmural repolarization in rabbit ventricular myocardium. Transmural optical mapping was performed in left ventricular wedge preparations from eight rabbits. Transmural patterns of activation, repolarization, and APD were recorded during endocardial and epicardial stimulation. Experimental results were compared with modeled data during variations in electrotonic coupling. A transmural gradient of APD was evident during endocardial stimulation, which reflected differences previously seen in isolated cells, with the longest APD at the endocardium and the shortest at the epicardium (endo: 165 ± 5 vs. epi: 147 ± 4 ms; P < 0.05). During epicardial stimulation, this gradient reversed (epi: 162 ± 4 vs. endo: 148 ± 6 ms; P < 0.05). In both activation sequences, transmural repolarization followed activation and APD shortened along the activation path such that significant transmural gradients of repolarization did not occur. This correlation between transmural activation time and APD was recapitulated in simulations and varied with changes in intercellular coupling, confirming that it is mediated by electrotonic current flow between cells. These data suggest that electrotonic influences are important in determining the transmural repolarization sequence in rabbit ventricular myocardium and that they are sufficient to overcome intrinsic differences in the electrophysiological properties of the cells across the ventricular wall.  相似文献   

Enzymatically isolated myocytes from ferret right ventricles (12-16 wk, male) were studied using the whole cell patch clamp technique. The macroscopic properties of a transient outward K+ current I(to) were quantified. I(to) is selective for K+, with a PNa/PK of 0.082. Activation of I(to) is a voltage-dependent process, with both activation and inactivation being independent of Na+ or Ca2+ influx. Steady-state inactivation is well described by a single Boltzmann relationship (V1/2 = -13.5 mV; k = 5.6 mV). Substantial inactivation can occur during a subthreshold depolarization without any measurable macroscopic current. Both development of and recovery from inactivation are well described by single exponential processes. Ensemble averages of single I(to) channel currents recorded in cell-attached patches reproduce macroscopic I(to) and indicate that inactivation is complete at depolarized potentials. The overall inactivation/recovery time constant curve has a bell-shaped potential dependence that peaks between -10 and -20 mV, with time constants (22 degrees C) ranging from 23 ms (-90 mV) to 304 ms (-10 mV). Steady-state activation displays a sigmoidal dependence on membrane potential, with a net aggregate half- activation potential of +22.5 mV. Activation kinetics (0 to +70 mV, 22 degrees C) are rapid, with I(to) peaking in approximately 5-15 ms at +50 mV. Experiments conducted at reduced temperatures (12 degrees C) demonstrate that activation occurs with a time delay. A nonlinear least- squares analysis indicates that three closed kinetic states are necessary and sufficient to model activation. Derived time constants of activation (22 degrees C) ranged from 10 ms (+10 mV) to 2 ms (+70 mV). Within the framework of Hodgkin-Huxley formalism, Ito gating can be described using an a3i formulation.  相似文献   

Congestive heart failure (CHF) predisposes to ventricular fibrillation (VF) in association with electrical remodeling of the ventricle. However, much remains unknown about the rate-dependent electrophysiological properties in a failing heart. Action potential properties in the left ventricular subepicardial muscles during dynamic pacing were examined with optical mapping in pacing-induced CHF (n=18) and control (n=17) rabbit hearts perfused in vitro. Action potential durations (APDs) in CHF were significantly longer than those observed for controls at basic cycle lengths (BCLs)>1,000 ms but significantly shorter at BCLs<400 ms. Spatial APD dispersions were significantly increased in CHF versus control (by 17-81%), and conduction velocity was significantly decreased in CHF (by 6-20%). In both groups, high-frequency stimulation (BCLs<150 ms) always caused spatial APD alternans; spatially concordant alternans and spatially discordant alternans (SDA) were induced at 60% and 40% in control, respectively, whereas 18% and 82% in CHF. SDA in CHF caused wavebreaks followed by reentrant excitations, giving rise to VF. Incidence of ventricular tachycardia/VFs elicited by high-frequency dynamic pacing (BCLs<150 ms) was significantly higher in CHF versus control (93% vs. 20%). In CHF, left ventricular subepicardial muscles show significant APD shortenings at short BCLs favoring reentry formations following wavebreaks in association with SDA. High-frequency excitation itself may increase the vulnerability to VF in CHF.  相似文献   

The properties of the autonomically regulated chloride current (ICl) were studied in isolated guinea pig ventricular myocytes. This current was elicited upon exposure to isoproterenol (ISO) and reversed upon concurrent exposure to acetylcholine (ACh). ICl was time independent and exhibited outward rectification. The responses to ISO and ACh could be blocked by propranolol and atropine, respectively, and ICl was also elicited by forskolin, 8-bromoadenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate, and 3-isobutyl-l-methylxanthine, indicating that the current is regulated through a cAMP-dependent pathway. The reversal potential of the ISO- induced current followed the predicted chloride equilibrium potential, consistent with it being carried predominantly by Cl-. Activation of ICl produced changes in the resting membrane potential and action potential duration, which were Cl- gradient dependent. These results indicate that under physiological conditions ICl may play an important role in regulating action potential duration and resting membrane potential in mammalian cardiac myocytes.  相似文献   

As a special focus in initiating and maintaining atrial fibrillation (AF), cardiomyocytes in superior vena cava (SVC) have distinctive electrophysiological characters. In this study, we found that comparing with the right atrial (RA) cardiomyoctyes, the SVC cardiomyoctyes had longer APD90 at the different basic cycle lengths; the conduction block could be observed on both RA and SVC cardiomyoctyes. A few of SVC cardiomyoctyes showed slow response action potentials with automatic activity and some others showed early afterdepolarization (EAD) spontaneously. Further more, we found that there are nonselective cation current (I Ns) in both SVC and RA cardiomyocytes. The peak density of I Ns in SVC cardiomyocytes was smaller than that in RA cardiomyocytes. Removal of extracellular divalent cation and glucose could increase I Ns in SVC cardiomyocytes. The agonist or the antagonist of I Ns may increase or decrease APD. To sum up, some SVC cardiomyocytes possess the ability of spontaneous activity; the difference of transmembrane action potentials between SVC and RA cardiomyocytes is partly because of the different density of I Ns between them; the agonist or the antagonist of I Ns can increase or decrease APD leading to the enhancement or reduction of EAD genesis in SVC cardiomyocytes. I Ns in rabbit myocytes is fairly similar to TRPC3 current in electrophysiological property, which might play an important role in the mechanisms of AF.  相似文献   

As a special focus in initiating and maintaining atrial fibrillation (AF), cardiomyocytes in superior vena cava (SVC) have distinctive electrophysiological characters. In this study, we found that comparing with the right atrial (RA) cardiomyoctyes, the SVC cardiomyoctyes had longer APD90 at the different basic cycle lengths; the conduction block could be observed on both RA and SVC cardiomyoctyes. A few of SVC cardiomyoctyes showed slow response action potentials with automatic activity and some others showed early afterdepolarization (EAD) spontaneously. Further more, we found that there are nonselective cation current (INs) in both SVC and RA cardiomyocytes. The peak density of INs in SVC cardiomyocytes was smaller than that in RA cardiomyocytes. Removal of extracellular divalent cation and glucose could increase INs in SVC cardiomyocytes. The agonist or the antagonist of INs may in-crease or decrease APD. To sum up, some SVC cardiomyocytes possess the ability of spontaneous activity; the difference of transmembrane action potentials between SVC and RA cardiomyocytes is partly because of the different density of INs between them; the agonist or the antagonist of INs can in-crease or decrease APD leading to the enhancement or reduction of EAD genesis in SVC cardiomyo-cytes. INs in rabbit myocytes is fairly similar to TRPC3 current in electrophysiological property, which might play an important role in the mechanisms of AF.  相似文献   

The plateau phase of a human ventricular myocyte is analysed. The plateau duration is a function of the time required for a myocyte's transmembrane voltage to decrease by a certain voltage, DeltaV. The timing of the plateau is shown to be controlled by two slowly changing gate variables, the inactivation gate that controls the inward/depolarizing L-type calcium current and the inactivation gate that controls the outward/repolarizing slow rectifier potassium current. The amount of current controlled by these variables is a function of the net conductivity of the corresponding sodium and potassium channels. An equation is derived that relates action potential duration to these net conductivities and the time dependence of the slowly moving variables. This equation is used to estimate plateau duration for a given value of DeltaV. The initial conditions of the slowly moving inactivation variables are shown to affect plateau duration. These initial conditions depend on the amount of time that has elapsed between a previous repolarization and a current depolarization (diastolic interval). The analysis thus helps to quantify the characteristics of action potential duration restitution.  相似文献   

The object of the study was to compare the capability of glibenclamide to block the effects of K+-ATP channel activators on action potential duration and steady state whole cell current to its efficiency in counteracting the effects of hypoxia or metabolic poisons in the presence of glycolytic substrate. The modulation of action potential duration by 30 M glibenclamide was tested in perfused hearts subjected to hypoxia or to the K+-ATP channel opener pinacidil. Similar protocols were used to study the modifications of the steady state whole cell current in isolated ventricular myocytes. It was found that glibenclamide did not prevent early action potential shortening induced by hypoxia but produced a partial recovery after 15 min of exposure. At the steady state the action potential duration had lengthened by 53±6% at plateau level and 42±3% at 95% repolarization. In contrast, action potential shortening induced by 100 M pinacidil was fully reversed by glibenclamide within 2 min. Freshly dispersed ventricular myocytes were characterized in control conditions as for the properties of the steady state current. This current, measured at the end of 450 ms long pulses showed typical inward rectification that was abolished by 50 M Ba2+. Cyanide (2 mM), carbonyl-cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP, 200 nM) and BRL 38227 (30 M) produced characteristic increases in time independent outward currents. Glibenclamide abolished the outward current induced by BRL 38227 and the concomitant action potential shortening. Addition of cyanide in the presence of glibenclamide and BRL 38227 produced a new increase in outward current accompanied by action potential shortening. In the absence of K+-ATP channel activators, glibenclamide partly inhibited the CCCP induced current. Our data suggested that the delayed onset of glibenclamide action in hypoxic hearts is not due to diffusion barriers. They rather support the view that mechanisms other than K+-ATP channel activation could determine the early action potential shortening in whole hearts. The partial recovery observed under glibenclamide may be due, in part, to channel desensitization but also reflect the contribution of more than one current system to the action potential shortening because the glibenclamide insensitive fraction of the CCCP induced current is partly blocked by low concentrations of Ba2+. Differences with other data in the literature are attributed to the degree to metabolic blockade, to species differences, and to the inherent heterogeneities of the whole heart model where non-muscle cells may modulate the response to hypoxia.  相似文献   

To investigate the underlying ionic mechanism of the late plateau phase of the action potential in rabbit atrium the whole-cell patch-clamp technique with intracellular perfusion was used. We recorded the inward current during repolarizations following a brief 2 ms depolarizing pulse to +40 mV from a holding potential of between -70 and -80 mV. The development of this current coincides with the onset of the late plateau phase of the action potential. Peak activation of the current occurs about 10 ms from the beginning of the depolarizing pulse, and it decays spontaneously with a slow timecourse. Its voltage dependency from -40 mV to +40 mV shows very steep activation (-40 to -20 mV) and shows almost the same maximum magnitude between -10 mV and +40 mV. This behaviour is quite different from that of the calcium current. The inward current and the late plateau phase of the action potential were both abolished by the application of 5 mM EGTA, 1 microM ryanodine and by reducing the Na+ gradient. The fully activated current-voltage relation of the inward current was plotted as the difference current before and after treatment with Ryanodine, Diltiazem, 20 mM Na+ inside or 30% Na+ outside and shows an exponential voltage dependence with the largest magnitude of the current occurring at negative potentials. The current-voltage (I-V) curve was well fitted by the Na-Ca exchange equation, i = A exp (-(1 - r)EF/RT). The results suggest that the inward current contributes to the generation of the late plateau phase of the rabbit atrial action potential, and is activated by intracellular calcium released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium release appears to be triggered both by the membrane voltage and by the calcium current. It is concluded that the inward current is generated by Na-Ca exchange.  相似文献   

Jin HW  Zhang W  Qu LT  Wang XL 《生理学报》2003,55(6):711-716
本研究比较了转染的Kv4.2钾电流与原代培养大鼠海马神经元上瞬间外向钾电流(IA)动力学特征。实验采用瞬时转染,细胞培养和全细胞膜片钳记录等方法。结果表明:转染的Kv4.2通道电流和海马神经元上IA均具有明显的A型电流特征。海马神经元IA的半数最大激活电位和斜率因子分别为-10.0±3.3 mV和13.9±2.6 mV;半数最大失活电位和斜率因子分别为-93.0±11.4 mV和-9.0±1.5 mV;失活后再激活恢复时间常数(T)为27.9±14.1 ms。Kv4.2的半数最大激活电位和斜率因子分别为-9.7±4.1 mV和15.8±5.7 mV;半数最大失活电位和斜率因子分别为-59.4±12.2 mV和8.0±3.1 mV;Kv4.2的灭活后再激活的恢复时间常数τ为172.8±10.0 ms。结果提示:Kv4.2通道电流可能是海马神经元上的IA电流的主要成分,但不是唯一成分。  相似文献   

Currents through delayed rectifier-type K+ channels in Schwann cells cultured from rabbit sciatic nerve were studied with patch-clamp techniques. When the internal and external solutions contained physiological concentrations of sodium, the amplitude of these outward currents declined as the cell was depolarized to potentials above about +40 mV, despite the increased driving force. This reduction in the amplitude of outward K+ currents was observed in many cells before the subtraction of leakage currents; it was also observed for ensemble currents recorded in outside-out patches. It was therefore not the result of a leak-subtraction artefact nor of inadequate voltage-clamp control. Several lines of evidence also suggested that it was not the result of the extracellular accumulation of K+. By contrast, when the Na+ ion concentration of the internal solution was nominally zero, the reduction in the amplitude of outward K+ currents at positive membrane potentials was not observed. The apparent amplitude of single-channel currents through two types of K+ channel was reduced by 30 mM internal Na+, apparently as the result of a rapid 'flickery' block. The results suggest that channel block by internal Na+ is largely responsible for the negative slope conductance seen in current-voltage plots of whole-cell K+ currents at positive membrane potentials. In addition, our analysis of single-channel currents suggests that the current-voltage curve for a delayed rectifier channel in rabbit Schwann cells (in the absence of internal Na+) is roughly linear with internal and external K+ concentrations of 140 mM and 5.6 mM, respectively.  相似文献   

A number of investigations, mainly using in vitro and animal models, have demonstrated a wide range of possible mechanisms, by which probiotics may play a role in colorectal cancer (CRC) prevention. In this context, the most well studied probiotics are certain strains from the genera of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. The reported anti-CRC mechanisms of probiotics encompass intraluminal, systemic, and direct effects on intestinal mucosa. Intraluminal effects detailed in this review include competitive exclusion of pathogenic intestinal flora, alteration of intestinal microflora enzyme activity, reduction of carcinogenic secondary bile acids, binding of carcinogens and mutagens, and increasing short chain fatty acids production. Reduction of DNA damage and suppression of aberrant crypt foci formation have been well demonstrated as direct anti-CRC effects of probiotics on intestinal mucosa. Existing evidence clearly support a multifaceted immunomodulatory role of probiotics in CRC, particularly its ability to modulate intestinal inflammation, a well known risk factor for CRC. The effectiveness of probiotics in CRC prevention is dependent on the strain of the microorganism, while viability may not be a prerequisite for certain probiotic anticancer mechanisms, as indicated by several studies. Emerging data suggest synbiotic as a more effective approach than either prebiotics or probiotics alone. More in vivo especially human studies are warranted to further elucidate and confirm the potential role of probiotics (viable and non-viable), prebiotics and synbiotics in CRC chemoprevention.  相似文献   

Having studied the functional state of beta-adrenoreceptors in vitro by the radioligand (3H-dihydroalprenalol) method it has been shown that cavinton in the concentration of 2.5 X 10(-6) M considerably increases the affinity of beta-adrenoreceptors for the ligand. In the in vivo experiments on rats the intraperitoneal injection of cavinton in the dose of 2 mg/kg causes an increase in the affinity of synaptosomal beta-adrenoreceptors for the ligand 10 days after chronic administration without altering the concentration of the receptors (Bmax) themselves. 20 days after the injection of the drug the affinity still grows and this effect of cavinton is retained even 30 days after the injection.  相似文献   

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