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Riassunto Il nostro lavoro di molti anni sulle cascade travertinose dei fiumi carstici jugoslavi era diretto verso le esplorazioni delle condizioni di vita su questi specifici biotopi. A causa di questa specificità loro erano potuti popolati solo da determinati specie di piante e di animali, i queli sono adattati su queste condizioni speciali. Esse creano le associazioni, ai queli fa la base la vigorosa vegetazione di muschi e di alghe, e un po'di meno anche di altri piante. Questa vegetazione e accompagnata da numerosi rappresentanti dai diversi gruppi di animali, come queli di Turbellaria, Gastropoda, Oligochaeta, Hirudinea, Amphipoda, Insecta ed a.Dai fattori ecologici erano esplorati le condizioni di vita fisicochimiche e biologiche. In estate la temperatura dell'aqua era sempre oltre la temperatura-limite di deposizione (oltre 14° C), e durante l'inverno generalmente erano le condizioni inconvenienti per i processi di deposizione.Nella parte superficiale delle cascade abiamo constatato due specie di abitazione in relazione della luce. Forte illuminate cascade erano popolate dalle associazioni della luce, ed a causa di meno calcificata vegetazione erano molto più. ricche di animali. Meno illuminate cascade avevano più favorevoli condizioni per il sviluppo della vegetazione travertinosa, la quale era molto calcificata, the cosa non porgeva favorevoli condizioni per il sviluppo del mondo animale.Abiamo constatato the la più favorevole velocità dell'aqua per lo sviluppo dei organismi, i quali popolano i posti delle cascade travertinose, è tra 0,5 e l,5 m/sec., sebbene sui singoli abitazioni la velocita dell'aqua era fra 0,5–3,5 m/sec.A causa di una favorevole alcalità, la quale nelle aque esplorate ammonta tra 2,8 e 5,2, i processi di deposizione sono molto attivi. E costattato un graduale abassamento dell'alcalità in direzione scendente del flume, the cosa si mette in relazione colla perdita del carbonato durante il processo di deposizione.La quantità del ossigeno ammontava da 3,5–9 ccm/l. e perciò generalmente tutte queste aque si possono considerare come poliossitipiche.Per le biocenosi delle cascade travertinose e caratteristica una grande dinamica nel Toro sviluppo. Le più primitive forme delle associazioni sono composte principalmente dai idrofiti. Con un avanzato sviluppo delle formazioni travertinose appariscono nuove stazioni con nuove associazioni. Il climax presenta la vegetazione fanerogama, la quala crew stazioni ombreggiate, dove si sviluppa speciale vegetazione travertinosa dell' ombra. Questi cambiamenti di vegetazione vengono accompagnati da numerose specie di animali dei gruppi Amphipoda, Ephemerida, Trichoptera, Plecoptera, Coleoptera ed a.In fine sono dimostrate le principali caratteristiche di vita in relazione colle condizioni fisico-chimiche e biologiche.
Summary For a number of years, our work on travertine cascades of Yugoslav Karstic rivers has been directed towards the study of living conditions in these specific biotypes. Owing to their specificity, they could have been inhabited only by certain plant and animal species which have been adapted to these specific conditions. Their communities have been created on a rich moss and seaweed vegetation basis and, to a somewhat smaller extent, also on that of other plants. This vegetation is accompanied by numerous representatives of various animal groups such as: turbellaria, gastropods, oligochaeta, hirudinoids, amphipods, insects et al.As far as ecologic factors are concerned, physical, chemical and biological living conditions have been studied. In summer, water temperature is always above the deposition boundary (above 14°C), while in winter, conditions are generally unfavourable for deposition processes.In connection with light, two habitats were observed on the surface parts of the cascades. The strongly lighted cascades were inhabited by light communities which were considerably richer in animal population, owing to poorly calcified vegetation. As to the development of travertine vegetation, poorly lighted cascades which had been amply calcified, were in a much more favourable position and thus provided unfavourable conditions for the development of animal life.The water speed most favourable for the development of organisms inhabiting travertine cascades has been found to lie between 0.5 and 1.5 meters per second, although in individual habitats water speed amounted to between 0.5 and 3.5 meters per second.Owing to favourable alkalinity, amounting, in the waters investigated, to between 2.8 and 5.2, depositing processes have been very intense. The gradual lowering of alkalinity in the downstream course of rivers, which is brought into connection with the losing of carbonates during the deposition process, has also been established.As the quantity of oxygen amounted to between 3.5–9 ccm/l, these waters can be considered to be polyoxitypical.The biocenosis on travertine cascades are characterized by their very dynamic development. The most primitive forms of communities are mainly composed of hydrophytes. The further development of travertine forms brings about new habitats with new communities. The climax is represented by phanerogamic vegetation, creating rocky habitats where special travertine shade vegetation develops. These changes in vegetation have been accompanied by numerous animal species of the afore-mentioned groups.Finaly, the main characteristics of life in terms of physical, chemical and biological conditions have been presented.

Zusammenfassung Die mehrjärige Arbeit der Autoren auf den Kalktuffbildenden Wasserfällen der jugoslawischen Karstgewässer war den Erforschungen der Lebensbedingungen auf diesen spezifischen Biotopen gewidmet. Wegen ihrer Eigentümlichkeit konnten die Kalktuffwasserfälle nur von bestimmten Pflanzen- und Tierarten besiedelt werden, die an these besonderen Bedingungen angepasst sind. Sie bilden Gemeinschaften auf eine üppige Moos- und Algenvegetation und etwas weniger auch auf anderen Pflanzen. Diese Vegetation wird von zahlreichen Vertretern verschiedener Tiergruppen begleitet, wie Turbellaria, Gastropoda, Oligochaeta, Hirudinea, Amphipoda, Insecta u.a.Von ökologischen Faktoren wurden die physikalisch-chemischen und biologischen Bedingungen untersucht. Im Sommer war die Wassertemperatuur immer über der Grenztemperatur der Ablagerung (über 14°C), während die Ablagerungsbedingungen im Winter im allgemeinen ungünstig waren.In den oberflächenlichen Teilen der Wässer\:falle wurden, im Verhältnis zu dem Licht, zwei Arten von Standorten festgestellt. Die stark belichteten Wasserfälle sind von Lichtgerneinschaften besiedelt, die wegen der weniger kalzifizierten Vegetation viel mehr Tiere enthalten. Weniger belichtete Wasserfälle zeigen günstigere Bedingungen für eine Entwicklung der Kalktuffvegetation. Diese Vegetation wird sehr kalzifiziert und ist für der Entwicklung der Tierwelt ungünstig.Es wurde festgestellt, dass die günstige Wassergeschwindigkeit für die Entwicklung von Organismen, die die Standorte der Kalktuffwasserfälle besiedeln, zwischen 0,5 and 1,5 m-Sek ist, wiewohl die Wassergeschwindigkeit an einzelnen Standorten zwischen 0,5 and 3,5 m-Sek betrug.Wegen der günstigen Alkalität (2,8–5,2) sind die Ablagerungsvorgänge sehr aktiv. Flussabwärts wurde ein allmählicher Fall der Alkalitätwerte festgestellt, was auf den Verlust des Karbonates während der Ablagerungsvorgänge zurückgeführt wird.Die Sauerstoffmenge beträgt zwischen 3,5–9 ccm/l; im allgemeinen können wir deshalb all these Gewässer als polyoxytypisch betrachten.Für die Gemeinschaften der Kalktuffwasserfälle ist eine grosse Dynamik in ihrer Entwicklung charakteristisch. Die primitivsten Formen der Lebensgemeinschaften sind hauptsächlich aus Hydrophyten zusammengesetzt. Mit der weiteren Entwicklung der Kalktufformen erscheinen neue Standorte mit neuen Gemeinschaften. Das Klimax stellt die Vegetation der höheren Pflanzen tar, die Schattenstandorte macht, wo sich eine besondere Schattenkalktuf-vegetation entwickelt. Diese Vegetationsänderungen werden von zahlreichen Tierarten der genanten Gruppen begleitet.Zum Schluss wird die Hauptcharakteristik des Lebens in Bezug auf die physikalisch-chemischen und biologischen Bedingungen dargestellt.

Botaniki institut Univerziteta Zagreb

Bioloki institut Univerziteta Zagreb  相似文献   

Riassunto Nella cornea del ratto, in tutta quella parte del parenchima che è al margine con la sclerotica, esistono due cospicue formazioni a plesso, una vascolare e l'altra nervosa, in stretto reciproco rapporto topografico e verosimilmente anche funzionale.Il plesso nervoso è formato da fibre di varia provenienza, mieliniche ed amieliniche, fra loro mescolate ed anastomizzate, soprattutto mediante la rete diffusa alla quale danno origine.È molto probabile che a queste due formazioni, vascolare e nervosa, non sia riservato il solo compito di assicurare la nutrizione della cornea; ma penso che esse non siano estranee al meccanismo regolatore dell'umore acqueo.
Zusammenfassung Der Verfasser hat mit der Bielschowsky-Grosschen Methode und vor allem mit der Schwarzreaktion von Golgi in Epymis norv. die angehäufte Zahl von Nerven studiert, die im Zusammenhang mit dem Hornhautrand stehen und von denen weder die Topographie noch ihre Bedeutung sonderlich bekannt war. Indem der Verfasser diese Methoden mit der Injektion des Blutgefäßsystems verband, hat er festgestellt, daß der plexiforme Nervenapparat enge topographische und funktionelle Beziehungen zu dem sich ringförmig in der gleichen Zone erstreckenden Gefäßplexus hat.Der Verfasser legt außerdem klar, daß dieser vasculonervöse Plexus zur Hornhaut und nicht zu anderen Bildungen gehört. Er schließt ferner, daß diesem angesichts seiner großen Entwicklung eine bemerkenswertere Aufgabe zukommt als jene, lediglich die Ernährung der Hornhaut zu sichern und daß er ein Teil des sinnreichen Regulationsmechanismus des Kammerwassers sei.


After having summarly described the ecological conditions of the area of the Roman Province which are studied by the author, he lists the plants collected and adds some critical remarks on the taxonomy. He gives a list of a few taxa, which must be regarded as having been found for the first time in Lazio, or are infrequent in this Province.

The author describes the vegetation of some pastures and woods by means of statistical investigations. Finaly he takes into consideration the reciprocal influence exerted by the various plant-communities.  相似文献   


A new contribution to the knowledge of Laboulbeniales (Ascomycetes) parasitic on Italian Staphylinidae (Insecta, Coleoptera).—Two new Laboulbeniales occurring on Italian Staphylinidae are described: Camptomyces europaeus, parasitic on Astenus thoracicus Baudi (Paederinae) and Corethromyces sardous, parasitic on Pseudobium labile (Er.) (Paederinae). Furthermore, the following species are reported for the first time in Italy: Compsomyces verticillatus (Thaxt.), Haplomyces texanus Thaxt., Smeringomyces anomalus (Thaxt.) and Teratomyces actobii Thaxt.  相似文献   

Summary The author presents the list of the fungus species gathered in Scioa country, in Amara and chiefly in the countries of Galles and Sidamo (East-Africa).

Il presente lavoro, già pronto nella seconda metà del 1940, non potè essere portato a conoscenza degli studiosi per le condizioni di isolamento nelle quali venne a trovarsi l'Africa Orientale dopo l'inizio delle ostilità con i territori limitrofi.Esso viene ora reso noto nella forma originaria, che, meno trascurabili varianti, e rimasta intatta.  相似文献   


Determination of one century of East Africa's plants, collected by several students (Milchersich R., Romagnoli M., Cappelletti F., Nastasi V., Candusio R., Chiuderi A. Saccardo D., Capuano D., Jannone G. e Previeri O.) in Eritrea, Abyssinia and Italian Somalia during the yars from 1937 to 1951 and preserved in Erbario Coloniale at Florence.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wurden aus einigen Sorten italienischer Weichkäse Hefen isoliert und untersucht.In der vorliegenden Note sind nur einige sporogene Formen beschrieben, Zygosaccharomyces casei sp. n., Saccharomyces fragilis Joergensen, S. cartilaginosus Lindner und eine neue Varietät dieser Form, S. cartilaginosus var. italica var. n. genannt.Diese Hefen wurden auch auf ihre Resistenz der Temperatur, der Milchsäure und dem Kochsalz gegenüber untersucht.  相似文献   

Antonio Onnis 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(3-4):105-111

New data on the ecology of germination of Althenia filiformis Petit. – The author investigated the natural environment where this species, halophyte and hydrophyte, germinates. The relationships between temperature, salt concentration of pools in which Althenia filiformis lives, and the dormancy of seeds were examined. In particular the author studied the behaviour of this species considering the natural conditions of pools of Orbetello (Tuscany) and Simbirizzi (Sardinia).  相似文献   

Dario Lunghini 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(5-6):373-393

First contribution to the knowledge of some dematiaceous hyphomycetes of algerian Sahara.—Nine dematiaceous hyphomycetes, found in the algerian Sahara, near the Ouarglà Oasis, are here described. Three are reported as new species and two as new records for the desertic provenance.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es werden 31 Stämme von sporenfreien Hefen mit Mycelien und Pseudomycelien (Nebenfamilie Mycotoruleae) eingehend studiert.Alle diese Stämme sind vom Menschen isoliert worden, einer war von der Taube. Die Untersuchungen erstrecken sich auf die kulturellen Eigenschaften (mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Riesenkolonien) sowie auf die mikromorphologischen, biochemischen und biologischen Merkmale; sie bezwecken namentlich eine genauere Gruppierung in der allgemeinen Systematik. Die Stämme gehören zum Teil zu Professor A. Castellanis Sammlung.Es gelang so die Feststellung von 19 Arten und Varietäten, darunter einer neuen Varietät, acht neuer Arten und sechs neuer Kombinationen. Die neuen Arten gehören zu den Gattungen Mycotorula, Candida, Trichosporon, Blastodendrion und Geotrichum.Außerdem wurden Diagnosen der drei Familien gegeben, in die sich die sporenfrein Hefen gruppieren, sowie der Nebenfamilien, Gruppen und Untergruppen, die in einem Schema zusammengestellt werden.Zum Schluß werden einige neue Vorschläge zur Abänderung der systematischen Stellung dieser Hefen besprochen.Per le precedenti contribuzioni vedasi: I. R. Ciferri, Mycologia 33, N. 2, 140, 146, 1931; II. – XIV: Arch. f. Protistenkunde 71, Nr. 3, 405, 452, 1930, con tavole e figure.  相似文献   


Contribution to the systematic knowledge of the genus Genista in Sardinia: I. Genista acanthoclada DC. – The author takes into consideration the problems concerning some species of the genus Genista in Sardinia. Full details are furthermore given on the ecology, distribution, floristic composition and taxonomic position of Genista acanthoclada ssp. sardoa.  相似文献   


Researches on the water content and osmotic pressure in plants of three forest associations in the Marche. I° - The water content. — The main forest associations of the Umbro-Marchigiani Appennines are the Orneto-Quercetum ilicis, the Quercetum pubescentis (s. l.) and the Fagetum. In each of these associations a typical station has been chosen where the most important species have been followed from March to November 1963 in order to determine the seasonal variations of their water content (« T.I. »)expressed as percentage of fresh weight.

The annual curves show that the water content reaches very high levels in the early stages of plant development while it falls to lower levels later in the season when the leaves are full grown. The water content of each species follows a different course and can be considered a specific character. Taking into account the maximum and minimum levels of water content of the three groups of species a « hydric spectrum » has been worked out for the three associations.

The water content of each species has also been calculated as percentage of dry weight (imbibition percentage: « G.I. »).  相似文献   


In this research we describe the embryology relating to the ovule from the first stages of the archesporium to the grown up gametophyte in Rhamnus Alaternus L., Colletia cruciata Gill. et Hook., Colletia spinosa Lam. Paliurus aculeatus Lam. and Hovenia dulcis Thunb. We ascertain everywhere a very analogous behaviour in the formation of the gametophyte, which is of the Normal type, except a very few irregularities, while the condition of the archesporium is various in the different species. We describe also the microsporogenesis observed in three species. We establish the aploid numbers 12 for Paliurus aculeatus, 11 for Colletia spinosa and the diploid number 22 for Colletia cruciata. We describe at last a remarkable parthenocarpic capacity in Colletia spinosa and the sterility probably due to a scanty vital mutation in an individuum of Paliurus aculeatus.  相似文献   


Nell'ambito della specie collettiva Stellaria media (L.) Cir. l'A. pone in evidenza l'esistenza di razze diploidi e di razze tetraploidi.  相似文献   

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