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Kaoru Kitajima 《Biotropica》2003,35(3):429-434
The relative importance of cotyledons and leaves for seedling survival was evaluated using a factorial field experiment on three neotropical tree species with contrasting cotyledon functional morphologies (photosynthetic, epigeal reserve vs. hypogeal reserve). In all species, cotyledon and leaf removal shortly after leaf expansion had additive negative effects on seedling survival over 7 weeks. Carbon supplies from cotyledons and other carbohydrate reserves apparently enhanced ability of seedlings to cope with herbivory and disease.  相似文献   

Mayoral, M. L., Plaut, Z. and Reinhold, L. 1985. Effect of sink-sourcemanipulations on the photosynthetic rate and carbohydrate contentof cucumber cotyledons.-J. exp. Bot. 36 1551–1558. The photosynthetic rate of cucumber cotyledons (Cucumis sativuscv. Dahla) reached a maximum value of 12 mg dm–2 h–1,10 d after emergence. In 12-d-old seedlings removal of one cotyledondoubled the CO2 fixation rate of the other, as observed 3 dafter treatment. When the primary leaf was removed, the photosyntheticrate of the cotyledons was decreased by 33%. At this stage ofgrowth elimination of the roots as a sink for assimilates bygirdling the hypocotyl affected neither the photosynthetic ratenor the carbohydrate content of the cotyledons. By contrast,in 18-d-old seedlings removal of the first leaf brought abouta 42% increase in the photosynthetic rate of the cotyledons.The simultaneous removal of the first leaf and one cotyledondoubled the rate of CO2 fixation of the remaining cotyledon.Girdling the hypocotyl lowered the photosynthetic rate of thecotyledons by 73%. In both 12- and 18-d-old seedlings a decreaseor increase in the sink-source ratio was correlated with anincrease or a decrease respectively in the carbohydrate contentof the cotyledons. The stomatal resistance of the cotyledonswas not affected by any of the treatments. The effect of sink-sourcemanipulations on photosynthesis and on the level of carbohydratespresent in the cotyledons was more evident in those seedlingsgrowing under high light intensity (580 µE m–2 s–1),than in those exposed to 300 µE m–2 s–1 Key words: Sink-source relationship, cotyledons, photosynthesis  相似文献   

A Comparative Study of the Role of the Cotyledon in Seedling Development   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Seedling development was studied in four species in which thecotyledons had different capacities for expansion and CO2-flxation. The highest growth-rates were shown by the two species in whichthe cotyledons showed the most expansion and also the greatest14CO2-fixation capacity. Cotyledons of these species becamevery leaf-like and retained a high proportion of the radiocarbonfixation products during their growth in contrast to the hypogealrunner-bean cotyledon which had a high percentage export valuealthough total fixation was low. Seedlings with leaf-like cotyledons which had the dual roleof storage and subsequent provision of photosynthetic organshad delayed leaf development with early growth concentratedin cotyledon, hypocotyl, and root whereas species with cotyledonsless well adapted for photosynthesis produced leaves at an earlierstage. Thus, the pattern of early seedling development was closelyrelated to the degree of photosynthetic adaptation shown bythe cotyledons. The evidence suggests that in the species studied, cotyledonsadapted for the dual role appear to provide a more efficientsystem for early seedling development.  相似文献   

Restionaceae differ from most monocot families in having both epigeal and hypogeal germination. The green cotyledons associated with epigeal germination have a central vascular strand as found in most epigeal monocotyledons. In some genera the cotyledon may have a hairpin‐like structure, also described for Anthericaceae. The cotyledon of the hypogeal seedlings is short, without green pigment and largely remains embedded in the seed coat. Hypogeal germination is correlated with large, woody, indehiscent, frequently myrmecochorous nuts, while epigeal germination is found in species with smaller indehiscent nutlets or seeds, dispersed in a variety of ways. The primitive condition is most likely epigeal germination. In hypogeal seedlings of some African and Australian taxa an epicotyledonary rhizome is found between the primary root and the first leaves. Seedlings of African Restionaceae frequently have elongated culm internodes, whereas in the Australian species studied, internodes are very short, resulting in a cluster of seedling leaves. The leaf blades, which in most species are only found on the seedlings, are very simple anatomically. However, they appear to be unifacial, similar to the leaf blades of Anarthria (Anarthriaceae). The anatomical specialisations in the blades mirror those recorded for the culm anatomy. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that Centrolepidaceae may be neotonous Restionaceae. They also corroborate the morphology of the African Restionaceae, and the presently accepted phylogeny of the African genera of Restionaceae.  相似文献   

A Comparative Study of Chlorophyll Production in Cotyledons   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Chlorophyll production was studied in four species with cotyledonsdiffering widely in photosynthetic potential. When cotyledons were detached from dark-grown seedlings at intervalsduring germination and exposed to light for 24–48 h, maximumchlorophyll production was found after 8 days of dark-germinationin french bean, runner bean, and lupin, and after 5 days inmustard. Chlorophyll formation was reduced when the cotyledonswere detached earlier or later than this time, and during thefirst 1–2 days of germination the cotyledons producedvery little chlorophyll. With later times of excision the abilityto accumulate chlorophyll increased, rapidly in lupin and mustardand more slowly in the beans. A comparison of chlorophyll accumulation by attached cotyledonsand those excised during the first 24 h of germination showeda fourfold enhancement of chlorophyll content in detached french-beancotyledons and a fourfold reduction in chlorophyll content indetached mustard cotyledons, whilst chlorophyll accumulationwas similar in both the attached and detached cotyledons oflupin. The results are discussed in relation to the possible promotiveand inhibitory influence of the seedling axis on greening ofcotyledons differing in their potential for expansion and inthe amount of reserve material stored.  相似文献   

The specific respiration rates of nodulated root systems, ofnodules and of roots were determined during active nitrogenfixation in soya bean, navy bean, pea, lucerne, red clover andwhite clover, by measurements on whole plants before and afterthe removal of nodule populations. Similar measurements weremade on comparable populations of the six legumes, lacking nodulesbut receiving abundant nitrate-nitrogen, to determine the specificrespiration of their roots. All plants were grown in a controlled-environmentclimate which fostered rapid growth. The specific respiration rates of nodulated root systems ofthe three grain and three forage legumes during a 7–14-dayperiod of vegetative growth varied between 10 and 17 mg CO2g–1 (dry weight) h–1. This mean value consistedof two components: a specific root respiration rate of 6–9mg CO2 g–1 h–1 and a specific nodule respirationrate of 22–46 mg CO2 g–1 h–1. Nodule respirationaccounted for 42–70 per cent of nodulated root respiration;nodule weight accounted for 12–40 per cent of nodulatedroot weight. The specific respiration rates of roots lackingnodules and utilizing nitrate nitrogen were generally 20–30per cent greater than the equivalent rates of roots from nodulatedplants. The measured respiratory effluxes are discussed in thecontext of nitrogen nitrogen fixation, nitrate assimilation. Glycine max, Phaseolus vulgaris, Pisum sativum, Medicago sativa, Trifolium pratense, Trifolium repens, soya bean, navy bean, pea, lucerne, red clover, white clover, nodule respiration, root respiration, fixation, nitrate assimilation  相似文献   

During the first month after germination peanut and sunflowerseedlings exhibit a significant shift in the 13C/12C ratiosof respired CO2 indicating thatcarbohydrate gives way to lipidas the respiratory substrate. Other species (castor bean, corn,pea,radish, squash and wheat) show no change in the 13C/12C ratio (Received March 9, 1971; )  相似文献   

Time-courses of 14CO2-fixation and of enzyme activities involvedin photorespiration and photosynthesis were determined duringthe life span of cotyledons from sunflower seedlings (Helianthusannuus L.). Glycolate formation in vivo was estimated from theresults of combined labelling and inhibitor experiments. NADPH-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphatedehydrogenase, NADPH-glyoxylate reductase and chlorophyll werewell correlated with the time-course of 14CO2-fixation (photosynthesis).There was, however, a considerable discrepancy between the developmentalsequence of photosynthesis and that of both ribulose-l,5-bisphosphatecarboxylase and glycolate oxidase. Furthermore, time-coursesof glycolate oxidase activity in vitro and of glycolate formationin vivo differed significantly. Therefore, the use of glycolateoxidase as a marker for the activity of photorespiration ingreening sunflower cotyledons may be questionable. Results from14CO2-labelling experiments with cotyledons treated with theglycolate oxidase inhibitor 2-hydroxy butynoic acid suggestthat glycolate formation relative to CO2-fixation is reducedin senescent cotyledons. Key words: Development, glycolate oxidase, photorespiration, ribulose-l,5-bisphosphate carboxylase, oxygenase  相似文献   

By using light-grown cucumber (cv. Aonagajibae) seedlings withfully expanded cotyledons, the osmotic potential of the epidermalcells of the hypocotyl, as determined by the plasmolysis methodwas examined in relation to the effects of gibberellin (GA7)and cotyledons. GA7 at a dosage level of 0.05 µg/plantapplied to the apical bud lowered the osmotic potential; thedecrease was significant 5 hr after the GA7 treatment. Removalof the cotyledons, covering them with aluminum foil, or applyinglinuron, a DCMU analogue, to them caused an increase in thepotential. In light-grown cucumber seedlings, the maintenanceof a lower osmotic potential in the epidermal cells of the hypocotylwas concluded to be regulated by the photosynthetic activityof the cotyledon and also by gibberellin. 1Noriko Katsu, Kitano-Haitsu 203, Saginuma 1-9-10, Takatsu-ku,Kawasaki 218, Japan. (Received May 30, 1980; )  相似文献   

The pattern for primary products of CO2-fixation and the chloroplaststructure of Amaranthus retrqflexus L., a species which incorporatescarbon dioxide into C4 dicarboxylic acids as the primary productof photosynthesis, were compared in various chlorophyll containingtissues,i.e., foliage leaves, stems, cotyledons and pale-greencallus induced from stem pith. Despite some morphological differencesin these assimilatory tissues, malate and aspartate were identifiedas the major compounds labelled during a 10 sec fixation of14CO2 in all tissues. Whereas, aspartate was the major componentin C4-dicarboxylic acids formed in foliage leaves, malate predominatedas the primary product in stems, cotyledons and the pale-greencallus. The percentage of 14C-radioactivity incorporated intoPGA and sugar-P esters increased and 14C-sucrose was detectedin the prolonged fixation of 14CO2 in the light, not only infoliage leaves, but also in stems and cotyledons. 1 This work was supported by a Grant for Scientific ResearchNo. 58813, from the Ministry of Education, Japan. 2 Present address: Institute of Applied Microbiology, Universityof Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. 3 Present address: Department of Biochemistry, University ofGeorgia, Athens 30601. Georgia, U. S. A. (Received July 10, 1971; )  相似文献   

To investigate the existence of coordinated sets of seedling traits adapted to contrasting establishment conditions, we examined evolutionary convergence in seedling traits for 299 French Guianan woody plant species and the stress response in a shadehouse of species representing seed size gradients within five major cotyledon morphology types. The French Guianan woody plant community has larger seeds than other tropical forest communities and the largest proportion of hypogeal cotyledon type (59.2%) reported for tropical forests. Yet the community includes many species with intermediate size seeds that produce seedlings with different cotyledonal morphologies. A split-plot factorial design with two light levels (0.8% and 16.1% PAR) and four damage treatments (control, seed damage, leaf damage, stem damage) was used in the shadehouse experiment. Although larger-seeded species had higher survival and slower growth, these patterns were better explained by cotyledon type than by seed mass. Even larger-seeded species with foliar cotyledons grew faster than species with reserve-type cotyledons, and survival after stem grazing was five times higher in seedlings with hypogeal cotyledons than with epigeal cotyledons. Thus, to predict seedling performance using seed size, seedling morphology must also be considered.  相似文献   

Carbon exchange was measured on whole plants of field bean,lucerne, chick pea, kidney bean, pea and tobacco. The maintenance respiration rate was measured in three ways:(i) by allowing the CO2 efflux to decay in prolonged darknessto an asymptotic value which was then taken to be the maintenancevalue (the dark decay method); (ii) by plotting the dark CO2efflux as a function of the net CO2 uptake over a range of irradiancesand taking maintenance as the dark CO2 efflux when the net CO2uptake was zero (the dynamic method); and (iii) by plottingthe total CO2 uptake as a function of the growth rate and takingmaintenance respiration as the CO2 efflux when the growth ratewas zero (the zero growth rate method). The range of valuesfor the maintenance coefficient over all species was from 1.6to 2.1 per cent of the dry weight per day, 1.8 to 2.1 per centand 2.7 to 2.9 per cent as determined by these three methodsrespectively. There was a linear relationship, common to allspecies, between the maintenance respiration rate (dark decaymethod) and dry weight, total nitrogen and the organic nitrogencontent. The growth coefficient (0.69±0.01) was the samefor field bean, chick pea and lucerne and was unaffected bythe method of estimation. It was concluded that the dark decay method provided the bestestimate of the minimal maintenance requirements in the plantsstudied. Vicia faba L., Medicago sativa L., Cicer arientinum L., Phaseolus vulgaris L., Pisum sativum L., Nicotiana tobacum L., field bean, lucerne, chick pea, kidney bean, pea, tobacco, respiration, maintenance, growth, nitrogen content  相似文献   

In the cucumber cotyledon greening system, abscisic acid (ABA)is more potent inhibitor of growth and chlorophyll productionand/or destruction than methyl jasmonate (MJ). The inhibitoryeffect of ABA is apparent within 5 h of exposure to light whereasMJ is ineffective at all concentrations tested (10–6 to10–3 M). With longer exposure of 24 h to light and inthe presence of 40 mM KC1, the inhibition of growth and chlorophyllproduction by ABA is more pronounced whereas MJ does not inhibitgrowth and inhibits chlorophyll levels only at the higher concentrations.Both benzyladenine and KC1 stimulate chlorophyll productionand increase the fresh weights of the cucumber cotyledons andeither one of these compounds reverse the inhibitory effectsof ABA. Inhibition of chlorophyll production by ABA is valuableas a simple and rapid bioassay for abscisic acid. Under similarconditions cytokinins increase chlorophyll production and hencethe cucumber cotyledon greening system is ideal for detectingboth ABA which inhibits and cytokinins which stimulate chlorophyllproduction. (Received December 6, 1982; Accepted June 9, 1983)  相似文献   

Seedlings of Cucumis sativus L. grew much less vigorously whencultured in potassium-deficient nutrient solution than in fullnutrients. The poorer growth was attributed to reduced CO2 fixationby the cotyledons, which form the bulk of the photosyntheticsurface at this stage, and to a much lower level of export ofphotosynthetic products from the cotyledons. The magnitude ofthese effects increased as the seedlings aged and they werea major factor in the poorer development of the plumule in potassium-deficientplants. Electron microscopic examination of the cotyledons shows thatthe lower 14CO2 fixation in potassiumstarved seedlings is associatedwith poorly-defined granal stacks and a proliferation of intergranalthylakoids. In plants grown in full nutrients the incorporationof radiocarbon into a cell wall fraction and into other insolublecomponents of the cell increased with cotyledon age whereasin potassium-deficient seedlings there was an increase in thepercentage of the total radiocarbon in the soluble fraction.This suggests either that the incorporation of photosyntheticproducts into cellular components was inhibited or that theability of the cotyledon to translocate photosynthetic productsto the rest of the seedling was reduced in plants grown in potassium-deficientconditions.  相似文献   

The Effect of Potassium on Cotyledon Expansion Induced by Cytokinins   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Potassium has been found to enhance greatly the expansion response of cucumber cotyledons to cytokinins. A reduction of the response to kinetin is obtained with increasing age of the cotyledons. The lesser response is associated with lower levels of potassium remaining in the cotyledon. A high level of KCI in the incubation medium offsets the lower potassium content of the tissue and enables a much larger response to the cytokinins. At 40 mM KCI the response to kinetin is 4.2 times greater than in the absence of KCI. Calcium increases the effect of potassium on the response to kinetin. When incubated in 40 mM KCI and 10 mM CaCI2 with 10 mg/I 6-benzylamino-purine, the final weight of the cotyledons is 6.8 times the initial weight after just 4 days. This KCI-CaCI2 combination is also found to promote chlorophyll synthesis in the usual cucumber cotyledon bioassay.  相似文献   

Etiolated cotyledons of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) were excisedand incubated for 16 days on agar in the absence or in the presenceof 6-benzylaminopurine (BA) (3 µM) or KCl (10 mM) undercontinuous light. Treatment with BA or KCl increased growthand greening of cotyledons, KCl being particularly active duringthe last few days of the incubation. The rate of photosynthetic electron transport reached a maximumafter 3 days, as did the chlorophyll content, and then it declinedby approximately 95%. An uncoupling from phosphorylation wasobserved in older cotyledons. BA and KCl increased the rateof electron flow per cotyledon, and KCl delayed the onset ofthe decline in this rate. PS I and PS II activities per chlorophyllunit were lower in BA-treated cotyledons, but KCl-treated cotyledonsbehaved like the controls. Fluorescence analysis indicated that the level of active chlorophyllsinvolved in the transfer of energy in PS II decreased between3 and 7 days under all conditions tested. In BA-treated cotyledons,the proportion of active chlorophylls was consistently lowerthan that in the control. Thus, it appears that, in the absenceof exogenous K+, cytokinin has only a low antisenescence effecton photosynthetic activity, and that K+ may enhance the photosyntheticelectron flow between plastoquinone and plastocyanin via thecytochrome b6-f complex. (Received August 2, 1989; Accepted January 23, 1990)  相似文献   

Although cassava (Manihot esculenta ssp. esculenta) is asexually propagated, farmers incorporate plants from seedlings into planting stocks. These products of sex are exposed to selection, which in agricultural environments should favour rapid growth. To examine whether seedling morphology has evolved under domestication, we compared domesticated cassava, its wild progenitor (M. esculenta ssp. flabellifolia) and their sister species (M. pruinosa) under controlled conditions. Field observations complemented laboratory study. In both wild taxa, the hypocotyl did not elongate (hypogeal germination) and cotyledons remained enclosed in the testa. In domesticated cassava, the hypocotyl elongated (epigeal germination), and cotyledons emerged and became foliaceous. The difference in hypocotyl elongation was fixed, whereas cotyledon morphology varied with environmental conditions in M. pruinosa. Comparative analysis suggests that epigeal germination is primitive in Manihot, that the lineage including wild ancestors of cassava evolved hypogeal germination--which confers greater tolerance to risks in their savanna environment--and that with domestication, there was a reversion to epigeal germination and photosynthetic cotyledons, traits conferring high initial growth rates in agricultural habitats.  相似文献   

Stands of spring wheat grown in open-top chambers (OTCs) wereused to assess the individual and interactive effects of season-longexposure to elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2 and ozone(O3) on the photosynthetic and gas exchange properties of leavesof differing age and position within the canopy. The observedeffects were related to estimated ozone fluxes to individualleaves. Foliar chlorophyll content was unaffected by elevatedCO2 but photosynthesis under saturating irradiances was increasedby up to 100% at 680 µmol mol–1 CO2 relative tothe ambient CO2 control; instantaneous water use efficiencywas improved by a combination of increased photosynthesis andreduced transpiration. Exposure to a seasonal mean O3 concentration(7 h d–1) of 84 nmol mol–1 under ambient CO2 acceleratedleaf senescence following full expansion, at which time chlorophyllcontent was unaffected. Stomatal regulation of pollutant uptakewas limited since estimated O3 fluxes to individual leaves werenot reduced by elevated atmospheric CO2, A common feature ofO3-treated leaves under ambient CO2 was an initial stimulationof photosynthesis and stomatal conductance for up to 4 d and10 d, respectively, after full leaf expansion, but thereafterboth variables declined rapidly. The O3-induced decline in chlorophyllcontent was less rapid under elevated CO2 and photosynthesiswas increased relative to the ambient CO2 treatment. A/Ci analysessuggested that an increase in the amount of in vivo active RuBisCOmay be involved in mitigating O3-induced damage to leaves. Theresults obtained suggest that elevated atmospheric CO2 has animportant role in restricting the damaging effects of O3 onphotosynthetic activity during the vegetative growth of springwheat, and that additional direct effects on reproductive developmentwere responsible for the substantial reductions in grain yieldobtained at final harvest, against which elevated CO2 providedlittle or no protection. Key words: Elevated CO2 and O3, gas exchange, O3 flux, stomata, chlorophyll, Triticum aestivum  相似文献   

Germinated seeds of Lactuca sativa (L.) were placed in Petri-dishesin (2-chloroethyl)-trimethyl-ammonium chloride (CCC; 0.005–0.05M), KN03 (0.01 M), and KC1 (0.01 M) solutions, and incubatedfor 2 or 5 days under continuous light. CCC strikingly arrestedchlorophyll accumulation, and retarded cotyledon growth relativelylittle. The retardant inhibited 14C-leucine incorporation intobulk proteins of the cotyledons. KN03 and KC1 promoted cotyledongrowth and chlorophyll synthesis per cotyledon by about 150per cent, and about doubled protein synthesis. Potassium saltscompletely reversed the inhibitory effects of CCC on chlorophylland protein synthesis. It is suggested that the inhibition ofgreening by CCC is dependent on a prior inhibition of proteinsynthesis.  相似文献   

Cotyledons of faba bean (Vicia faba L. cv. Fiord) were removedto determine whether an apparent delay in nodulation of thiscultivar could be attributed to an inhibitor from these organs.Cotyledons were left intact or excised from seedling plants14 and 18 d after sowing and plants grown with or without 2·5mm NO3. Seedling growth was depressed when cotyledons were removed onday 14 but not when removed on day 18. Removal of the cotyledonsat day 14 reduced nodule number and nodule weight in the absenceof NO3, but in the presence of NO2, nodule numberwas unaffected and only nodule weight was reduced. Cotyledonremoval at day 18 increased both nodule number and nodule weightwith +NO3 but not with –NO2. Acetylene reduction(AR) was markedly depressed by NO3. Cotyledon removalat day 14 decreased AR but removal at day 18 resulted in anincrease in AR. We suggest from these results that faba beancotyledons have an inhibitory effect on nodule activity andon nodulation and this interacts with NO3. This can beexplained through a ‘feed-back’ regulation of N2fixation by soluble N in the seedling. Vicia faba, faba bean, nodule number, nodulation, nodule activity, acetylene reduction, N2 fixation, cotyledon removal, nitrate  相似文献   

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