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This study aims to unravel the biogeography of a model symbiont/host system by exploiting the prediction that a symbiont will leave a signature of infection on the host. Specifically, a global sample of 1,442 Drosophila simulans from 33 countries and 64 sampling localities was employed to infer the phylogeography of the maternally inherited alpha-proteobacteria Wolbachia. Phylogenetic analyses, from three symbiont genes and 24 mtDNA genomes (excluding the A + T-rich region), showed that each of four Wolbachia strains infected D. simulans once. The global distribution and abundance of the Wolbachia strains and the three mtDNA haplogroups (D. simulans siI, siII and siIII) was then determined. Finally, network analyses of variable regions within siI (584 bp from seven additional lines) and siII (1,701 bp from 383 lines) facilitated a detailed biogeographic discussion. There is little variation in siIII and the haplogroup is restricted in its distribution. These data show how the history of an infection can be mapped by combining data from the symbiont and the host. They say little about the organismal history of the host because the mtDNA genome is a biased representation of the whole genome.  相似文献   

Wolbachia are maternally-transmitted endocellular bacteria infecting several arthropod species. In order to study the possibility of Wolbachia segregation in a naturally bi-infected host, isofemale lines from a bi-infected Drosophila simulans (Sturtevant) strain from Nouméa (New Caledonia) were backcrossed using uninfected males carrying the same nuclear background. Uninfected males were used to avoid the cytoplasmic incompatibility syndrome (CI) associated with the presence of Wolbachia in males. Each line was established using a female infected simultaneously by the two different Wolbachia variants wHa and wNo. The backcross led to some individuals carrying only one type of infection being recovered among the progeny of the bi-infected foundress females. Rarely, uninfected individuals were also recovered. Isolated for the first time in its natural host, wNo exhibited a significantly weaker CI phenotype than the isolated wHa variant. Infection fate when backcross conditions were relaxed varied depending on rearing conditions of the host. Under favourable conditions, the infection was generally maintained, while it was frequently lost under unfavourable conditions. This result probably reflects the direct fitness dependence of the symbiont on its host.  相似文献   

The maternally inherited bacterium Wolbachia pipientis infects 25-75% of arthropods and manipulates host reproduction to improve its transmission. One way Wolbachia achieves this is by inducing cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI), where crosses between infected males and uninfected females are inviable. Infected males suffer reduced fertility through CI and reduced sperm production. However, Wolbachia induce lower levels of CI in nonvirgin males. We examined the impact of Wolbachia on mating behaviour in male Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans, which display varying levels of CI, and show that infected males mate at a higher rate than uninfected males in both species. This may serve to increase the spread of Wolbachia, or alternatively, may be a behavioural adaptation employed by males to reduce the level of CI. Mating at high rate restores reproductive compatibility with uninfected females resulting in higher male reproductive success thus promoting male promiscuity. Increased male mating rates also have implications for the transmission of Wolbachia.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1.  Wolbachia bacteria are reproductive parasites of arthropods and infect an estimated 20% of all insect species worldwide. In order to understand patterns of Wolbachia infection, it is necessary to determine how infections are gained or lost. Wolbachia transmission is mainly vertical, but horizontal transmission between different host species can result in new infections, although its ecological context is poorly understood. Horizontal transmission is often inferred from molecular phylogenies, but could be confounded by recombination between different Wolbachia strains.
2. This study addressed these issues by using three genes: wsp , ftsZ , and groE , to study Wolbachia infections in fruit- and fungus-feeding Drosophila communities in Berkshire, U.K.
3. Identical sequences were found for all three genes in Drosophila ambigua and Drosophila tristis. This suggests horizontal transmission of Wolbachia between these two previously unstudied Drosophila species, which may be the result of the two host species sharing the same food substrates or parasites.
4.  Wolbachia infections might be lost from species due to curing by naturally occurring antibiotics and the presence of these is likely to vary between larval food substrates.
5. It was investigated whether Wolbachia incidence was lower in fungus-feeding than in fruit-feeding Drosophila species, but no significant difference based on food substrate was found.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) allows Wolbachia to invade hosts populations by specifically inducing sterility in crosses between infected males and uninfected females. In some species, non-CI inducing Wolbachia, that are thought to derive from CI-inducing ancestors, are common. In theory, the maintenance of such infections is not possible unless the bacterium is perfectly transmitted to offspring--and/or provides a fitness benefit to infected females. The present study aims to test this view by investigating a population of Drosophila yakuba from Gabon, West Africa. We did not find any evidence for CI using wild caught females. Infected females from the field transmitted the infection to 100% of their offspring. A positive effect on female fecundity was observed one generation after collecting, but this was not retrieved five generations later, using additional lines. Similarly, the presence of Wolbachia was found to affect mating behaviour, but the results of two experiments realized five generations apart were not consistent. Finally, Wolbachia was not found to affect sex ratio. Overall, our results would suggest that Wolbachia behaves like a neutral or nearly neutral trait in this species, and is maintained in the host by perfect maternal transmission.  相似文献   

Speciation depends on the establishment of reproductive isolation between populations of the same species. Whether assortative mating evolves as a by-product of adaptation is a major question relevant to the origin of species by reproductive isolation. The long-term selection populations used here were originally established 30 years ago from a single cage population (originating from a maternal one) and subsequently subjected to divergent selection for tolerance of toxins in food (heavy metals versus ethanol) to investigate this question. Those populations now differ in sexual isolation and Wolbachia infection status. Wolbachia are common and widespread bacteria infecting arthropods and nematodes. Attention has recently focused on their potential role in insect speciation, due to post-mating sperm-egg incompatibilities induced by the bacteria. In this paper we examine the potential effect of Wolbachia on the level of sexual isolation. By antibiotic curing, we show that removal of Wolbachia decreases levels of mate discrimination (sexual isolation index) between populations by about 50%. Backcrossing experiments confirm that this effect is due to infection status rather than to genetic changes in the populations resulting from antibiotic treatment. Antibiotic treatment has no effect on mate discrimination level between uninfected populations. Our findings suggest that the presence of Wolbachia (or another undetected bacterial associate) act as an additive factor contributing to the level of pre-mating isolation between these Drosophila melanogaster populations. Given the ubiquity of bacterial associates of insects, such effects could be relevant to some speciation events.  相似文献   

The toxic manipulator of oogenesis (TomO) protein has been identified in the wMel strain of Wolbachia that symbioses with the vinegar fly Drosophila melanogaster, as a protein that affects host reproduction. TomO protects germ stem cells (GSCs) from degeneration, which otherwise occurs in ovaries of host females that are mutant for the gene Sex‐lethal (Sxl). We isolated the TomO homologs from wPip, a Wolbachia strain from the mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus. One of the homologs, TomOwPip1, exerted the GSC rescue activity in fly Sxl mutants when lacking its hydrophobic stretches. The GSC‐rescuing action of the TomOwPip1 variant was ascribable to its abilities to associate with Nanos (nos) mRNA and to enhance Nos protein expression. The analysis of structure–activity relationships with TomO homologs and TomO deletion variants revealed distinct modules in the protein that are each dedicated to different functions, i.e., subcellular localization, nos mRNA binding or Nos expression enhancement. We propose that modular reshuffling is the basis for structural and functional diversification of TomO protein members.  相似文献   

The peptidoglycan (PGN)‐recognition protein LF (PGRP‐LF) is a specific negative regulator of the immune deficiency (Imd) pathway in Drosophila. We determine the crystal structure of the two PGRP domains constituting the ectodomain of PGRP‐LF at 1.72 and 1.94 Å resolution. The structures show that the LFz and LFw domains do not have a PGN‐docking groove that is found in other PGRP domains, and they cannot directly interact with PGN, as confirmed by biochemical‐binding assays. By using surface plasmon resonance analysis, we show that the PGRP‐LF ectodomain interacts with the PGRP‐LCx ectodomain in the absence and presence of tracheal cytotoxin. Our results suggest a mechanism for downregulation of the Imd pathway on the basis of the competition between PRGP‐LCa and PGRP‐LF to bind to PGRP‐LCx.  相似文献   

It is well known that the rate of ageing varies among individuals dependent on the genetic background. In the present study, we explore how Wolbachia infection (a common insect endosymbiont bacterium) and oxidative stress interact in ageing with respect to two different genetic backgrounds of Drosophila melanogaster. Naturally infected and cured lines of Drosophila are challenged with either paraquat or l ‐arginine to generate two different types of oxidative stress. We first observe that removing Wolbachia infection shortens the lifespan in one genetic background but not in the other. Wolbachia infection only makes one of the genetic lines more sensitive to paraquat. However, only the line unaffected by Wolbachia in the paraquat treatment is protected by Wolbachia from l ‐arginine induced stress. Hence, Wolbachia is modifying free radical defence via two different mechanisms dependent on the genetic background. This supports the idea that factors that can govern ageing (infection and oxidative stress) are not universal, but are specific to the genetic make‐up of an individual.  相似文献   

All organisms are infected with a range of symbionts spanning the spectrum of beneficial mutualists to detrimental parasites. The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster is a good example, as both endosymbiotic Wolbachia, and pathogenic Drosophila C Virus (DCV) commonly infect it. While the pathophysiology and immune responses against both symbionts are the focus of intense study, the behavioural effects of these infections have received less attention. Here we report sex-specific behavioural responses to these infections in D. melanogaster. DCV infection caused increased sleep in female flies, but had no detectable effect in male flies. The presence of Wolbachia did not reduce this behavioural response to viral infection. We also found evidence for a sex-specific cost of Wolbachia, as male flies infected with the endosymbiont became more lethargic when awake. We discuss these behavioural symptoms as potentially adaptive sickness behaviours.  相似文献   

Wolbachia infections have been described in several Drosophila species, but relatively few have been assessed for phenotypic effects. Cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) is the most common phenotypic effect that has been detected, while some infections cause male killing or feminization, and many Wolbachia infections have few host effects. Here, we describe two new infections in a recently described species, Drosophila pandora, one of which causes near‐complete CI and near‐perfect maternal transmission (the “CI” strain). The other infection is a male killer (the “MK” strain), which we confirm by observing reinitiation of male production following tetracycline treatment. No incompatibility was detected in crosses between CI strain males and MK strain females, and rare MK males do not cause CI. Molecular analyses indicate that the CI and MK infections are distantly related and the CI infection is closely related to the wRi infection of Drosophila simulans. Two population surveys indicate that all individuals are infected with Wolbachia, but the MK infection is uncommon. Given patterns of incompatibility among the strains, the infection dynamics is expected to be governed by the relative fitness of the females, suggesting that the CI infection should have a higher fitness. This was evidenced by changes in infection frequencies and sex ratios in population cages initiated at different starting frequencies of the infections.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to examine the expression of cytoplasmic incompatibility and investigate the distribution and population frequencies of Wolbachia pipientis strains in Drosophila simulans. Nucleotide sequence data from 16S rDNA and a Wolbachia surface protein coding sequence and cytoplasmic incompatibility assays identify four distinct Wolbachia strains: wHa, wRi, wMa, and wAu. The levels of cytoplasmic incompatibility between six lines carrying these strains of bacteria and three control lines without bacteria are characterized. Flies infected with wHa and wRi are bidirectionally incompatible, and males that carry either strain can only successfully produce normal numbers of offspring with females carrying the same bacterial strain. Males infected with wAu do not express incompatibility. Males infected with the wMa strain express intermediate incompatibility when mated to females with no bacteria and no incompatibility with females with any other Wolbachia strain. We conduct polymerase chain reaction/restriction fragment length polymorphism assays to distinguish the strain of Wolbachia and the mitochondrial haplotype to survey populations for each type and associations between them. Drosophila simulans is known to have three major mitochondrial haplotypes (siI, sill, and siIII) and two subtypes (siIIA and siIIB). All infected lines of the sil haplotype carry wHa, wNo, or both; wMa and wNo are closely related and it is not clear whether they are distinct strains or variants of the same strain. Infected lines with the silIA haplotype harbor wRi and the siIIB haplotype carries wAu. The wMa infection is found in siIII haplotype lines. The phenotypic expression of cytoplasmic incompatibility and its relation to between-population differences in frequencies of Wolbachia infection are discussed.  相似文献   

【目的】Wolbachia 是广泛存在于节肢动物和丝状线虫体内的一类共生菌, 能够以多种方式对宿主产生影响。精卵细胞质不亲和(CI)是其引起的最普遍的表型, 即感染Wolbachia的雄性宿主与未感染或感染不同品系的雌性宿主交配后, 不能产生后代或后代极少, 而感染同品系Wolbachia的雌雄宿主交配后则能正常产生后代。我们前期研究发现, 湖北武汉、 云南六库和天津3个地区黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster被Wolbachia感染。本研究旨在明确这3个地区黑腹果蝇中Wolbachia的系统发育关系及其对宿主生殖的影响。【方法】利用Clustal X软件对Wolbachia的wsp基因序列进行比对, 利用MEGA软件构建系统发育树。采用多位点序列分型(MLST)的方法对Wolbachia进行分型。通过区内交配和区之间杂交的方式研究不同地区黑腹果蝇体内Wolbachia 的关系及其对果蝇生殖的影响。【结果】湖北武汉、 云南六库和天津3个地区黑腹果蝇中感染的Wolbachia都是属于A大组的Mel亚群。这3个地区果蝇感染的Wolbachia的序列类型(ST)不同, Wolbachia之间存在一定的差异。湖北武汉和天津果蝇中的Wolbachia能引起强烈的CI表型, 而云南六库果蝇中的Wolbachia引起的CI强度相对较弱。武汉果蝇中Wolbachia不能完全挽救天津果蝇中Wolbachia引起的CI表型, 而天津果蝇中Wolbachia也不能完全挽救武汉果蝇中Wolbachia引起的CI表型。【结论】武汉和天津地区黑腹果蝇中的Wolbachia可能距离较远。Wolbachia的长期共生可能对黑腹果蝇的进化产生了一定的影响, 湖北武汉与云南六库的黑腹果蝇中感染的Wolbachia属于不同的序列类型, 这2个地区的黑腹果蝇已发生了一定的分歧, 产生了一定的生殖隔离。  相似文献   

The pathogenic Wolbachia strain wMelPop rapidly over‐replicates in the brain, muscles, and retina of Drosophila melanogaster, causing severe tissue degeneration and premature death of the host. The unique features of this endosymbiont make it an excellent tool to be used for biological control of insects, pests, and vectors of human diseases. To follow the dynamics of bacterial morphology and titer in the nerve cells we used transmission electron microscopy of 3‐d‐old female brains. The neurons and glial cells from central brain of the fly had different Wolbachia titers ranging from single bacteria to large accumulations, tearing cell apart and invading extracellular space. The neuropile regions of the brain were free of wMelPop. Wolbachia tightly interacted with host cell organelles and underwent several morphological changes in nerve cells. Based on different morphological types of bacteria described we propose for the first time a scheme of wMelPop dynamics within the somatic tissue of the host.  相似文献   

Wolbachia endosymbionts that are maternally inherited can spread rapidly in host populations through inducing sterility in uninfected females, but some Wolbachia infections do not influence host reproduction yet still persist. These infections are particularly interesting because they likely represent mutualistic endosymbionts, spreading by increasing host fitness. Here, we document such a spread in the wAu infection of Drosophila simulans. By establishing multiple replicate cage populations, we show that wAu consistently increased from an intermediate frequency to near fixation, representing an estimated fitness advantage of around 20% for infected females. The effective population size in the cages was estimated from SNP markers to be around a few thousand individuals, precluding large effects of genetic drift in the populations. The exact reasons for the fitness advantage are unclear but viral protection and nutritional benefits are two possibilities.  相似文献   

Wolbachia surface protein (WSP), which is the most abundantly expressed protein of Wolbachia from the human filarial parasite Brugia malayi, was chosen for the present study. B‐cell epitope prediction of the WSP protein sequence indicates a high antigenicity, surface probability and hydrophilicity by DNA STAR software analysis. ProPred analysis suggests the presence of HLA class II binding regions in the WSP protein that contribute to T‐cell responses and isotype reactivity. In order to validate these findings, the gene coding for endosymbiont WSP was PCR‐amplified from the genomic DNA of the human filarial parasite Brugia malayi and cloned in T‐7 expression vector pRSET‐A. Western blot and ELISA at the total IgG level with recombiant WSP indicated a significantly elevated reactivity in CP compared to MF, EN and NEN individuals. Isotype ELISA also suggested an elevated reactivity in CP patients at the IgG1 level. In contrast, WSP‐specific IgG4 levels were found to be elevated in MF patients compared to CP and EN. Besides this, WSP‐specific IgE levels indicated an elevated reactivity in CP and MF patients compared to normals. Observations from ELISA supported the in silico predictions that indicate the presence of B‐ and T‐cell epitopes. Hence, a combinatorial approach of in silico predictions and wet‐lab studies provides interesting insights into the role of Wolbachia proteins in filarial pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Wolbachia may act as a biological control agent for pest management; in particular, the Wolbachia variant wMelPop (popcorn) shortens host longevity and may be useful for dengue suppression. However, long-term changes in the host and Wolbachia genomes can alter Wolbachia spread and/or host effects that suppress disease. Here, we investigate the phenotypic effects of wMelPop in a non-native host, Drosophila simulans, following artificial transinfection approximately 200 generations ago. Long-term rearing and maintenance of the bacteria were at 19°C in the original I-102 genetic background that was transinfected with the popcorn strain. The bacteria were then introgressed into three massbred backgrounds, and tetracycline was used to create uninfected sublines. The effect of wMelPop on longevity in this species appears to have changed; longevity was no longer reduced at 25°C in some nuclear backgrounds, reflecting different geographical origin, selection or drift, although the reduction was still evident for flies held at 30°C. Wolbachia influenced productivity and viability, and development time in some host backgrounds. These findings suggest that long-term attenuation of Wolbachia effects may compromise the effectiveness of this bacterium in pest control. They also emphasize the importance of host nuclear background on Wolbachia phenotypic effects.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU)-induced reductions of the ribosomal RNA cistrons (rDNAs) are observed in Drosophila virilis, and Drosophila busckii, but not in karyotypically normal adults or larvae of Drosophila melanogaster. However, BrdU does reduce the redundancy of the rDNAs of XO D melanogaster males, in which a compensatory response is evidenced in the untreated XO sibling controls. These results suggest that the BrdU-rDNA interaction is specific to events which modulate rDNA redundancy. Further, both thymidine and deoxycytidine “reverse” the BrdU effect in D virilis, an observation which is inconsistent with current working hypotheses describing the mechanisms of BrdUs effects.  相似文献   

铃木氏果蝇不同地理种群中Wolbachia的检测和系统发育分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于毅  王静  陶云荔  国栋  褚栋 《昆虫学报》2013,56(3):323-328
铃木氏果蝇Drosophila suzukii是原产于东南亚地区的重要果树害虫, 近年来传入北美和欧洲等地区造成严重的危害。本研究利用Wolbachia的16S rDNA和wsp基因特异引物(分别为16S-F/16S-R和81F/691R)对铃木氏果蝇7个地理种群(中国的5个种群、 韩国的1个种群和美国的1个种群)的Wolbachia进行了PCR检测并对检测结果进行了比较; 对感染个体体内Wolbachia的16S rDNA基因片段进行测序, 确定了我国铃木氏果蝇体内Wolbachia的分类地位。基于Wolbachia的16S rDNA基因特异引物检测结果发现, 我国5个铃木氏果蝇种群广泛感染Wolbachia(感染率36.7%~80.0%), 而韩国和美国2个种群均未检测到该菌的感染。而利用wsp基因特异引物无法检测到该菌。基于Wolbachia的16S rDNA基因构建系统发育树表明, 我国铃木氏果蝇种群感染的Wolbachia全部属于A组。这些结果为研究Wolbachia感染对铃木氏果蝇生物学及生态学的影响奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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