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Chitin synthesis in third-instar Lucilia cuprina larvae cultured at 23 °C was investigated using in vivo and in vitro systems, the latter with whole and with homogenized integuments. Synthesis was at a maximum between 24 and 48h after ecdysis from the second instar. Chitin was deposited in layers, and labeled GlcNAc was rapidly cleared from the hemolymph. In in vitro homogenate systems, the rapid conversion of UDP-([14C]GlcN)Ac to ([14C]GlcN)Ac and its 1-phosphate derivative contributed to the low incorporation of this precursor into chitin. The extent of the conversion was reduced by the addition of KCN or phenylthiourea. In in vivo and in vitro tissue systems the level of incorporation of ([14C]ClcN)Ac was higher than that of UDP-([14C]GlcN)Ac. However, in in vitro homogenate systems there was no difference unless UTP was added when the level of incorporation of only ([14C]GlcN)Ac was increased (by a factor of 9). Incorporation of UDP-([14C]GlcN)Ac, but not that of ([14C]GlcN)Ac, was decreased when larvae were deprived of food. Soluble oligosaccharides were detected in in vitro homogenate systems. They were formed during chitin synthesis and may represent newly initiated chitin chains. A reappraisal of current ideas on chitin synthesis in insects is needed.  相似文献   

Exoskeletons stabilize cell, tissue, and body morphology in many living organisms including fungi, plants, and arthropods. In insects, the exoskeleton, the cuticle, is produced by epidermal cells as a protein extracellular matrix containing lipids and the polysaccharide chitin, and its formation requires coordinated synthesis, distribution, and modification of these components. Eventually, the stepwise secretion and sorting of the cuticle material results in a layered structure comprising the envelope, the proteinaceous epicuticle, and the chitinous procuticle. To study the role of chitin during cuticle development, we analyzed the consequences of chitin absence in the embryo of Drosophila melanogaster caused by mutations in the Chitin Synthase-1 (CS-1) gene, called krotzkopf verkehrt (kkv). Our histological data confirm that chitin is essential for procuticle integrity and further demonstrate that an intact procuticle is important to assemble and to stabilize the chitin-less epicuticle. Moreover, the phenotype of CS-1/kkv mutant embryos indicates that chitin is required to attach the cuticle to the epidermal cells, thereby maintaining epidermal morphology. Finally, sclerotization and pigmentation, which are the last steps in cuticle differentiation, are impaired in tissues lacking CS-1/kkv function, suggesting that proper cuticle structure is crucial for the activity of the underlying enzymes.  相似文献   

Cells from the continuous MRRL-CH line derived from embryos of the tobacco hornworm synthesized chitin. Digestion of the washed pellet from [14C]-N-acetylglucosamine-labeled cells by chitinase yielded a water-soluble labeled compound. The lyophilized residue from the supernatant of the chitin digestion was analyzed by gas-liquid chromatography as its trimethylsilyl derivative. The major component cochromatographed with derivitized chitobiose. The presence of chitobiose was confirmed by gas chro-matography-mass spectrometry. The synthesis of chitin by this cell line is inhibited by diflubenzuron.  相似文献   

The skeletal system of animals provides the support for a variety of activities and functions. For animals such as mammals, which have endoskeletons, research has shown that skeletal investment (mass) scales with body mass to the 1.1 power. In this study, we ask how exoskeletal investment in insects scales with body mass. We measured the body mass and mass of exoskeletal chitin of 551 adult terrestrial insects of 245 species, with dry masses ranging from 0.0001 to 2.41 g (0.0002–6.13 g wet mass) to assess the allometry of exoskeletal investment. Our results showed that exoskeletal chitin mass scales isometrically with dry body mass across the Insecta as Mchitin = a M, where b = 1.03 ± 0.04, indicating that both large and small terrestrial insects allocate a similar fraction of their body mass to chitin. This isometric chitin‐scaling relationship was also evident at the taxonomic level of order, for all insect orders except Coleoptera. We additionally found that the relative exoskeletal chitin investment, indexed by the coefficient, a, varies with insect life history and phylogeny. Exoskeletal chitin mass tends to be proportionally less and to increase at a lower rate with mass in flying than in nonflying insects (Mflying insect chitin = ?0.56 × M; Mnonflying insect chitin = ?0.55 × M), and to vary with insect order. Isometric scaling (b = 1) of insect exoskeletal chitin suggests that the exoskeleton in insects scales differently than support structures of most other organisms, which have a positive allometry (b > 1) (e.g., vertebrate endoskeleton, tree secondary tissue). The isometric pattern that we document here additionally suggests that exoskeletal investment may not be the primary limit on insect body size. J. Morphol., 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Recent advances in applied physics and chemistry have led to the development of novel microfluidic systems. Microfluidic systems allow minute amounts of reagents to be processed using μm-scale channels and offer several advantages over conventional analytical devices for use in biological sciences: faster, more accurate and more reproducible analytical performance, reduced cell and reagent consumption, portability, and integration of functional components in a single chip. In this review, we introduce how microfluidics has been applied to biological sciences. We first present an overview of the fabrication of microfluidic systems and describe the distinct technologies available for biological research. We then present examples of microsystems used in biological sciences, focusing on applications in molecular and cellular biology.  相似文献   

A hitherto unnoticed, harder form of cuticle, which occurs on the mandibles of the Australian plague locust, Chortoicetes terminifera , is described  相似文献   

徐卫华 《昆虫学报》2006,49(2):315-322
作者收集了近3年来国内科学家在国际刊物上发表的重要论文,对这些工作给予了简要的介绍和评论。最近两年我国的昆虫生理生化与分子生物学研究和过去相比,取得了长足的进步,特别在基因测序(基因组、表达序列标签)、基因组的分子标记和利用基因组序列开展相关研究等方面进步尤为显著。但是和国际水平相比差距依然很大,如在克隆新的、重要的基因方面远远落后,鉴定基因的功能方面比较薄弱等。通过比较,既看到了该领域国内工作取得的成绩,也清楚地看到和国际一流水平相比存在的巨大差距,期待我国科学家鼓足勇气,凝炼目标和方向,在今后的研究中取得更新、更大的进步。  相似文献   

Much of the variation among insects is derived from the different ways that chitin has been moulded to form rigid structures, both internal and external. In this study, we identify a highly conserved expression pattern in an insect‐only gene family, the Osiris genes, that is essential for development, but also plays a significant role in phenotypic plasticity and in immunity/toxicity responses. The majority of Osiris genes exist in a highly syntenic cluster, and the cluster itself appears to have arisen very early in the evolution of insects. We used developmental gene expression in the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, the bumble bee, Bombus terrestris, the harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex barbatus, and the wood ant, Formica exsecta, to compare patterns of Osiris gene expression both during development and between alternate caste phenotypes in the polymorphic social insects. Developmental gene expression of Osiris genes is highly conserved across species and correlated with gene location and evolutionary history. The social insect castes are highly divergent in pupal Osiris gene expression. Sets of co‐expressed genes that include Osiris genes are enriched in gene ontology terms related to chitin/cuticle and peptidase activity. Osiris genes are essential for cuticle formation in both embryos and pupae, and genes co‐expressed with Osiris genes affect wing development. Additionally, Osiris genes and those co‐expressed seem to play a conserved role in insect toxicology defences and digestion. Given their role in development, plasticity, and protection, we propose that the Osiris genes play a central role in insect adaptive evolution.  相似文献   

The requirement of systems biology for connecting different levels of biological research leads directly to a need for integrating vast amounts of diverse information in general and of omics data in particular. The nutritional phenotype database addresses this challenge for nutrigenomics. A particularly urgent objective in coping with the data avalanche is making biologically meaningful information accessible to the researcher. This contribution describes how we intend to meet this objective with the nutritional phenotype database. We outline relevant parts of the system architecture, describe the kinds of data managed by it, and show how the system can support retrieval of biologically meaningful information by means of ontologies, full-text queries, and structured queries. Our contribution points out critical points, describes several technical hurdles. It demonstrates how pathway analysis can improve queries and comparisons for nutrition studies. Finally, three directions for future research are given.  相似文献   

韩琦  王铌翔 《微生物学报》2024,64(1):98-107
抑制真菌细胞壁的合成常作为防治真菌感染的安全有效手段。几丁质是真菌细胞壁及隔膜的重要结构成分,几丁质合酶是催化几丁质合成的关键酶。真菌细胞中几丁质合酶家族的不同成员在调控几丁质的合成中存在着差异,因此产生不同的生物学效应。本文通过综述几丁质合酶在人体三大条件致病真菌白色念珠菌、烟曲霉、新生隐球菌中的研究进展,分析了几丁质合酶对真菌致病性影响的机制,总结了几丁质合酶调控真菌细胞增殖、形态转换、病原菌与宿主的相互作用和细胞壁损伤诱导的补偿效应,展望了抗真菌感染的新策略及关于真菌几丁质合酶的未来研究方向。  相似文献   

唐斌  王世贵  张文庆 《昆虫学报》2009,52(7):736-742
几丁质不仅是昆虫的表皮和围食膜的主要成分,也是一个非常关键的害虫控制靶标,主要通过几丁质合成酶(chitin synthase,CHS)基因合成。本文在克隆甜菜夜蛾Spodoptera exigua的两个几丁质合成酶基因(SeCHSA和SeCHSB)cDNA和基因组序列的基础上,从基因的5′末端设计特异性引物和构建特定的基因组文库, 采用PCR的方法获得了5′端侧翼序列。通过5′RACE的方法确定SeCHSA和SeCHSB基因的转录起始位点后,获到了启动子序列。这为研究昆虫几丁质合成和转录调控奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Considering the challenges of controlling carmine spider mite and protecting pollinators, chitin deacetylase genes (TecCDA1 and TecCDA2) of spider mite were characterized as group I, and were expressed in stage-specific pattern, which imply their role during development. The differences in sequences and structures between T. cinnabarinus and honeybee CDAs offer possibilities to design new selective pesticides protecting pollinator honeybees.  相似文献   

线虫的分子生物学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
线虫在动物发育的研究及生物防治中起着巨大作用。对20世纪80年代以来有关植物寄生线虫、昆虫寄生线虫的分子生物学研究概况进行了综述。  相似文献   

A nonradioactive,high throughput assay for chitin synthase activity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) binds with high affinity and specificity to several sites on chitin polymers. Based on these properties we have modified and adapted a previously patented (U.S. patent 5,888,757) nonradioactive, high throughput screening assay for antimicrobial agents, making it suitable as a quantitative enzymatic assay for the activity of individual chitin synthase isozymes in yeast. The procedure involves binding of synthesized chitin to a WGA-coated surface followed by detection of the polymer with a horseradish peroxidase-WGA conjugate. Horseradish peroxidase activity is then determined as an increment in absorbance at 600 nm. Absorbance values are converted to amounts of chitin using acid-solubilized chitin as a standard. The high sensitivity (lower limit of detection about 50 ng chitin), low dispersion (lower than 10%), and high throughput (96-well microtiter plate format) make this assay an excellent substitute for the conventional radioactive chitin synthase assay in cell-free extracts. We have applied this method to the differential assay of chitin synthase activities (Chs1, Chs2, and Chs3) in cell-free extracts of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Analysis of Chs3 activity in chitosomal and plasma membrane fractions revealed that Chs3 in the plasma membrane fraction is about sixfold more active than in the chitosome.  相似文献   

角蛋白酶具有分解角蛋白的活性,在饲料,食品加工,环境废物处理等方面,具有广泛的应用前景。本文综述了微生物角蛋白酶的来源,角蛋白酶的理化性质,作用机理,基因分离和表达等分子生物学和基因工程研究进展,并对其应用前景进行了展望,对其今后的发展趋势进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The paired infrared organs of Melanophila acuminata consist of 50-100 sensilla situated at the bottom of a pit next to the coxae of the mesothoracic legs, where no exocuticle is developed. Each sensillum is accompanied by a wax gland and has a cuticular lens-like spherule (diameter 12-15 mum) bulging out with its upper hemisphere above the surface, covered only by a thin cuticle of about 1 mum. Distal processes of two enveloping cells surround the entire spherule in the form of a flattened protoplasmatic layer with the exception of a small apical stalk connecting the spherule to the outer cuticle. The spherule is innervated by a single sensory neuron of the ciliary type which is anchored ventrally with the distal tip of its cylindrical and unbranched DOS in the spherule. The insertion of the dendrite, which contains a well-developed tubular body, is always eccentric like in a hair mechanoreceptor (sensillum trichodeum) and there is no evidence of any optical function of the spherule. Three enveloping cells exist, but only one - probably the trichogen cell - forms a relatively small outer receptor lymph cavity. In the posterior wall of the pit - where exocuticle is developed - so-called suppressed systems can be found which remain completely below the cuticle with their otherwise well-developed spherules. Additionally, there is a tendency towards basally flattening and longitudinally stretching of spherules which are situated more peripherally. They strongly resemble the basal regions of hair mechanoreceptors (sensilla trichodea) in their immediate neighbourhood which are also accompanied by wax glands. Because of the existence of these transitional stages and the great ultrastructural resemblance between infrared receptors and hair mechanoreceptors concerning the bauplan of the sensory neurons and their mode of innervating the cuticular apparatus, we conclude that the infrared sensilla are probably derived from hair mechanoreceptors. Based on these results and transmission measurements of infrared radiation through the cuticular components of the organ, a model of the possible function of the infrared receptor is presented.  相似文献   

猪细小病毒分子生物学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王芳  袁海霞  傅衍 《生物学杂志》2011,28(1):82-84,104
猪细小病毒(porcine parvovirus,PPV)是引起母猪繁殖障碍的主要病原之一,研究发现该病毒在进化史上相对保守,对宿主专一性高,但近年来相继发现的PPV2和PPV香港株(Porcine HoKovirus,PHoV)与PPV差异较大,对PPV、PPV2和PHoV的基因组结构、分子进化研究、复制培养现状及其蛋白表达方面研究进行了简单综述,为猪细小病毒多样性研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Li X  Wang LX  Wang X  Roseman S 《Glycobiology》2007,17(12):1377-1387
Chitin, one of the most abundant organic substances in nature, is consumed by marine bacteria, such as Vibrio cholerae, via a multitude of tightly regulated genes (Li and Roseman 2004, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 101:627-631). One such gene, cod, is reported here. It encodes a chitin oligosaccharide deacetylase (COD), when cells are induced by chitobiose, (GlcNH(2))(2), or crude crab shells. COD was molecularly cloned (COD-6His), overproduced, and purified to apparent homogeneity. COD is secreted at all stages of growth by induced V. cholerae. The gene sequence predicts a 26 N-terminal amino acid signal peptide not found in the isolated protein. COD is very active with chitin oligosaccharides, is virtually inactive with GlcNAc, and slightly active with colloidal ([(3)H]-N-acetyl)-chitin. The oligosaccharides are converted almost quantitatively to products lacking one acetyl group. The latter were characterized by mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), and treatment with nitrous acid. COD catalyzes the following reactions (n = 2-6): (GlcNAc)(n)--> GlcNAc-GlcNH(2)-(GlcNAc)(n-2) + Ac(-). That is, COD hydrolyzes the N-acetyl groups attached to the penultimate GlcNAc residue. The gene bank sequence data show that cod is highly conserved in Vibrios and Photobacteria. One such gene encodes a deacetylase isolated from V. alginolytics (Ohishi et al. 1997, Biosci Biotech Biochem. 61:1113-1117; Ohishi et al. 2000, J Biosci Bioeng. 90:561-563), that is specific for (GlcNAc)(2), but inactive with higher oligosaccharides. The COD enzymatic products, GlcNAc-GlcNH(2)-(GlcNAc)(n), closely resemble those obtained by hydrolysis of the chitooligosaccharides with Nod B: GlcNH(2)-(GlcNAc)(3-4). The latter are key intermediates in the biosynthesis of Nod factors, critically important in communications between the symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria and plants. Conceivably, the COD products play equally important roles in cellular communications that remain to be defined.  相似文献   

SARS(Severe ACute Respiartosy sychom)病毒是一种最新发现的冠状病毒,目前对SAPS病毒的蛋白组成和功能,病毒的基 因组结构,病毒的增殖周期,分子生物学诊断方法等方面的最新研究正在世界各地开展。  相似文献   

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