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We screened nearly one thousand random sequenced targets obtained by partial sequencing of 13 hemiascomycete genomes identified by higher amino acid sequence similarity to a non-Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein than to a S. Cerevisiae protein. Among those sequences we have identified 36 novel phylogenetic clusters of putative transporters which, according to the Transport Commission system (TC-DB, 2002; http:// tcdb.ucsd.edu/tcdb), do not belong to acknowledged S. Cerevisiae protein families [De Hertogh et al.: Funct. Integr. Genomics 2002;2:154-170; http://cbi.labri.u-bordeaux.fr/Genolevures]. These novel hemiascomycete transporters comprise 3 channels, 23 secondary transporters, 5 primary transporters and 5 membrane proteins of unknown function.  相似文献   

A recent report of high levels of genetic variation between strains of Trichoplax adhaerens challenges the traditional view that the phylum Placozoa comprises only one species. At the morphological level, placozoans are amongst the simplest extant animals, but molecular evidence suggests that they may have more complex origins.  相似文献   

The diversity of hydrozoan life cycles, as manifested in the wide range of polyp, colony, and medusa morphologies, has been appreciated for centuries. Unraveling the complex history of characters involved in this diversity is critical for understanding the processes driving hydrozoan evolution. In this study, we use a phylogenetic approach to investigate the evolution of morphological characters in Hydrozoa. A molecular phylogeny is reconstructed using ribosomal DNA sequence data. Several characters involving polyp, colony, and medusa morphology are coded in the terminal taxa. These characters are mapped onto the phylogeny and then the ancestral character states are reconstructed. This study confirms the complex evolutionary history of hydrozoan morphological characters. Many of the characters involving polyp, colony, and medusa morphology appear as synapomorphies for major hydrozoan clades, yet homoplasy is commonplace.  相似文献   

We investigate symmetry-breaking bifurcation patterns in evolution in the framework of adaptive dynamics (AD). We define weak and strong symmetry. The former applies for populations where only the simultaneous reflection of all individuals is an invariant transformation. The symmetry is strong in populations where reflection of some, but not all, individuals leaves the situation unchanged. We show that in case of weak symmetry evolutionary branching can lead to the emergence of two asymmetric variants, which are mirror images of each other, and the loss of the symmetric ancestor. We also show that in case of strong symmetry, evolutionary branching can occur into a symmetric and an asymmetric variant, both of which survive. The latter, asymmetric branching differs from the generic branching patterns of AD, which is always symmetric. We discuss biological examples for weak and strong symmetries and a specific model producing the new kind of branching.  相似文献   

Kindlins are integrin-interacting proteins essential for integrin-mediated cell adhesiveness. In this study, we focused on the evolutionary origin and functional specialization of kindlins as a part of the evolutionary adaptation of cell adhesive machinery. Database searches revealed that many members of the integrin machinery (including talin and integrins) existed before kindlin emergence in evolution. Among the analyzed species, all metazoan lineages—but none of the premetazoans—had at least one kindlin-encoding gene, whereas talin was present in several premetazoan lineages. Kindlin appears to originate from a duplication of the sequence encoding the N-terminal fragment of talin (the talin head domain) with a subsequent insertion of the PH domain of separate origin. Sequence analysis identified a member of the actin filament–associated protein 1 (AFAP1) superfamily as the most likely origin of the kindlin PH domain. The functional divergence between kindlin paralogues was assessed using the sequence swap (chimera) approach. Comparison of kindlin 2 (K2)/kindlin 3 (K3) chimeras revealed that the F2 subdomain, in particular its C-terminal part, is crucial for the differential functional properties of K2 and K3. The presence of this segment enables K2 but not K3 to localize to focal adhesions. Sequence analysis of the C-terminal part of the F2 subdomain of K3 suggests that insertion of a variable glycine-rich sequence in vertebrates contributed to the loss of constitutive K3 targeting to focal adhesions. Thus emergence and subsequent functional specialization of kindlins allowed multicellular organisms to develop additional tissue-specific adaptations of cell adhesiveness.  相似文献   

The recent release of sequences of several unexplored yeast species that cover an evolutionary range comparable to the entire phylum of chordates offers us a unique opportunity to investigate how genes involved in adaptation have been shaped by evolution. We have examined how three different sets of genes, all related to adaptative processes at the genomic level, have evolved in hemiascomycetes: (1) the mating-type genes that govern sexuality, (2) the silencing genes that are connected to regulation of mating-type cassettes and to telomere position effect, and (3) the gene families found repeated in subtelomeric regions.We report new combinations of mating-type genes and cassettes in hemiascomycetous species; we show that silencing proteins diverge rapidly. We have also found that in all species studied, subtelomeric gene families exist and are specific to each species.  相似文献   

In the family of ATP-dependent vitamin kinases, several bifunctional enzymes that phosphorylate hydroxymethyl pyrimidine (HMP) and pyridoxal (PL) have been described besides enzymes specific towards HMP. To determine how bifunctionality emerged, we reconstructed the sequence of three ancestors of HMP kinases, experimentally resurrected, and assayed the enzymatic activity of their last common ancestor. The latter has ∼8-fold higher specificity for HMP due to a glutamine residue (Gln44) that is a key determinant of the specificity towards HMP, although it is capable of phosphorylating both substrates. These results show how a specific enzyme with catalytic promiscuity gave rise to current bifunctional enzymes.  相似文献   

Pereira CA  Silber AM 《PloS one》2012,7(5):e36303
Glucose, an almost universally used energy and carbon source, is processed through several well-known metabolic pathways, primarily glycolysis. Glucose uptake is considered to be the first step in glycolysis. In kinetoplastids, a protozoan group that includes relevant human pathogens, the importance of glucose uptake in different phases of the life cycles is well established, and hexose transporters have been proposed as targets for therapeutic drugs. However, little is known about the evolutionary history of these hexose transporters. Hexose transporters contain an intracellular N- and C- termini, and 12 transmembrane spans connected by alternate intracellular and extracellular loops. In the present work we tested the hypothesis that the evolutionary rate of the transmembrane span is different from that of the whole sequence and that it is possible to define evolutionary units inside the sequence. The phylogeny of whole molecules was compared to that of their transmembrane spans and the loops connecting the transmembrane spans. We show that the evolutionary units in these proteins primarily consist of clustered rather than individual transmembrane spans. These analyses demonstrate that there are evolutionary constraints on the organization of these proteins; more specifically, the order of the transmembrane spans along the protein is highly conserved. Finally, we defined a signature sequence for the identification of kinetoplastid hexose transporters.  相似文献   

The nervous system is evolutionarily conservative compared to the peripheral appendages that it controls. However, species-specific behaviors may have arisen from very small changes in neuronal circuits. In particular, changes in neuromodulatory systems may allow multifunctional circuits to produce different sets of behaviors in closely related species. Recently, it was demonstrated that even species differences in complex social behavior may be attributed to a change in the promoter region of a single gene regulating a neuromodulatory action.  相似文献   

Different classification of the phylum Microsporidia (Sprague, 1977; Weiser, 1977; Issi, 1986; Sprague, Becnel, Hazard, 1992) are briefly discussed. New taxa (families Glugoididae, Flabelliformidae, Neopereziidae, Rectosporidae and superfamilies Encephalitozoonoidea, Cylindrosporoidea) are proposed in the new classification of Microsoridia.  相似文献   

Proteins, the main players in current biological systems, are produced on ribosomes by sequential amide bond (peptide bond) formations between amino-acid-bearing tRNAs. The ribosome is an exquisite super-complex of RNA-proteins, containing more than 50 proteins and at least 3 kinds of RNAs. The combination of a variety of side chains of amino acids (typically 20 kinds with some exceptions) confers proteins with extraordinary structure and functions. The origin of peptide bond formation and the ribosome is crucial to the understanding of life itself. In this article, a possible evolutionary pathway to peptide bond formation machinery (proto-ribosome) will be discussed, with a special focus on the RNA minihelix (primordial form of modern tRNA) as a starting molecule. Combining the present data with recent experimental data, we can infer that the peptidyl transferase center (PTC) evolved from a primitive system in the RNA world comprising tRNA-like molecules formed by duplication of minihelix-like small RNA.  相似文献   

The chemokine system comprises a family of small chemoattractant molecules that have roles in both the healthy and diseased organism. Chemokines act by binding specific receptors on the target cell surface and inducing chemotaxis. The human chemokine system is well characterized, with approximately fifty chemokines identified that fall into four families. The chemokines and their receptors are promiscuous in that one chemokine can often bind several receptors, and vice versa. Study of the bovine chemokine system has been restricted to date to a handful of chemokines, and the identification of bovine chemokines is largely based on the closest human homologue. This method of identification is prone to error and may result in the misassumption of function of a particular chemokine. Here, we review current knowledge of bovine chemokines and reassess the bovine chemokine system based on phylogenetic and syntenic approaches. The bovine chemokine system, for the most part, shows high similarity to the chemokine system of other mammals such as humans; however, differences have been identified. Cattle possess fewer chemokines than humans, yet also possess chemokines that have no obvious homologue in the human system. These 'missing' and 'novel' chemokines may represent functional differences between the bovine and human chemokine systems that may affect the way in which these species are able to respond to specific pathogen repertoires.  相似文献   

Molecular techniques are currently the leading tools for reconstructing phylogenetic relationships, but our understanding of ancestral, plesiomorphic and apomorphic characters requires the study of the morphology of extant forms for testing these phylogenies and for reconstructing character evolution. This review highlights the potential of soft body morphology for inferring the evolution and phylogeny of the lophotrochozoan phylum Bryozoa. This colonial taxon comprises aquatic coelomate filter‐feeders that dominate many benthic communities, both marine and freshwater. Despite having a similar bauplan, bryozoans are morphologically highly diverse and are represented by three major taxa: Phylactolaemata, Stenolaemata and Gymnolaemata. Recent molecular studies resulted in a comprehensive phylogenetic tree with the Phylactolaemata sister to the remaining two taxa, and Stenolaemata (Cyclostomata) sister to Gymnolaemata. We plotted data of soft tissue morphology onto this phylogeny in order to gain further insights into the origin of morphological novelties and character evolution in the phylum. All three larger clades have morphological apomorphies assignable to the latest molecular phylogeny. Stenolaemata (Cyclostomata) and Gymnolaemata were united as monophyletic Myolaemata because of the apomorphic myoepithelial and triradiate pharynx. One of the main evolutionary changes in bryozoans is a change from a body wall with two well‐developed muscular layers and numerous retractor muscles in Phylactolaemata to a body wall with few specialized muscles and few retractors in the remaining bryozoans. Such a shift probably pre‐dated a body wall calcification that evolved independently at least twice in Bryozoa and resulted in the evolution of various hydrostatic mechanisms for polypide protrusion. In Cyclostomata, body wall calcification was accompanied by a unique detachment of the peritoneum from the epidermis to form the hydrostatic membraneous sac. The digestive tract of the Myolaemata differs from the phylactolaemate condition by a distinct ciliated pylorus not present in phylactolaemates. All bryozoans have a mesodermal funiculus, which is duplicated in Gymnolaemata. A colonial system of integration (CSI) of additional, sometimes branching, funicular cords connecting neighbouring zooids via pores with pore‐cell complexes evolved at least twice in Gymnolaemata. The nervous system in all bryozoans is subepithelial and concentrated at the lophophoral base and the tentacles. Tentacular nerves emerge intertentacularly in Phylactolaemata whereas they partially emanate directly from the cerebral ganglion or the circum‐oral nerve ring in myolaemates. Overall, morphological evidence shows that ancestral forms were small, colonial coelomates with a muscular body wall and a U‐shaped gut with ciliary tentacle crown, and were capable of asexual budding. Coloniality resulted in many novelties including the origin of zooidal polymorphism, an apomorphic landmark trait of the Myolaemata.  相似文献   

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