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A molecular basis for auxin action.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The plant hormone auxin is central in the regulation of growth and development, however, the molecular basis for its action has remained enigmatic. In the absence of a molecular model, the wide range of responses elicited by auxin have been difficult to explain. Recent advances using molecular genetic approaches in Arabidopsis have led to the isolation of a number of key genes involved in auxin action. Of particular importance are genes involved in channelling polar auxin transport through the plant. In addition a model for auxin signal transduction, centred on regulated protein degradation, has been developed.  相似文献   

The antiviral activity of ribavirin has been associated with its inhibition of the enzyme, IMP dehydrogenase. The ability of ribavirin to inhibit this enzyme has previously been shown to be related to its stability in the high anti glycosidic conformation. The antiviral effectiveness of several analogs of ribavirin have been investigated recently. The evidence indicates their antiviral effectiveness is related to their stability in the high anti conformation. Recently the disposition of purine analogs that pass through the inosine monophosphate branch point has been investigated. The results of these studies are consistent with the concept that the conversion of IMP to XMP requires the high anti conformation and that the conversion of IMP to adenylosuccinate requires some other conformation, possibly the anti conformation.  相似文献   


Human phosphoserine phosphatase (HPSP) regulates the levels of glycine and d-serine, the putative co-agonists for the glycine site of the NMDA receptor in the brain. Here, we describe the first crystal structures of the HPSP in complexes with the competitive inhibitor 2-amino-3-phosphonopropionic acid (AP3) at 2.5 A, and the phosphate ion (Pi) and the product uncompetitive inhibitor l-serine (HPSP.l-Ser.Pi) at 2.8 A. The complex structures reveal that the open-closed environmental change of the active site, generated by local rearrangement of the alpha-helical bundle domain, is important to substrate recognition and hydrolysis. The maximal extent of this structural rearrangement is shown to be about 13 A at the L4 loop and about 25 degrees at the helix alpha3. Both the structural change and mutagenesis data suggest that Arg-65 and Glu-29 play an important role in the binding of the substrate. Interestingly, the AP3 binding mode turns out to be significantly different from that of the natural substrate, phospho-l-serine, and the HPSP.l-Ser.Pi structure provides a structural basis for the feedback control mechanism of serine. These analyses allow us to provide a clear model for the mechanism of HPSP and a framework for structure-based drug development.  相似文献   

Our aim was to compare the repertoires of conformers formed by the model zwitterionic peptides AA and AAA in aqueous solution with the conformational profiles of a range of their peptide isosteres, so as to facilitate selection of isosteres for synthesis and testing as biologically stable surrogates of bioactive di- and tripeptides. Comparisons were based upon the results of conformational analysis using a random search approach implemented within the SYBYL molecular modelling package, using zwitterionic molecules, simulated aqueous solvation using a dielectric constant of 80 and allowing all torsions to vary. For each compound, individual conformers were grouped on the basis of specific combinations of psi, phi and omega torsions and, using their energies, the aggregated percentage for each group was calculated using a Boltzmann distribution and displayed using a 3D pseudo Ramachandran plot relating percentage conformer to psi and phi torsions. Retroamide, N-methylamide and thioamide isosteres showed the best match to natural peptides and to the molecular recognition parameters defined for substrates of peptide transporters. The results should aid rational design of therapeutic agents in various areas, e.g. oral delivery of drugs by peptide transporters and of peptidase inhibitors. This approach may usefully be applied to various biochemical and pharmaceutical topics.  相似文献   

Arrhythmias result from abnormalities of impulse initiation or impulse conduction or a combination of both. Abnormal impulse initiation results from either automaticity or triggered activity. Automaticity can further be subdivided into (1) automaticity caused by the normal automatic mechanism (a normal property of cardiac cells in the sinus node, in some parts of the atria, in the atrioventricular junctional region, and in the His-Purkinje system) and (2) automaticity caused by an abnormal mechanism (resulting from a decrease in membrane potential of cardiac fibers, which normally have a high level of membrane potential). Triggered activity is caused by afterdepolarizations, which are second depolarizations that occur either during repolarization (referred to as early afterdepolarizations) or after repolarization is complete or nearly complete (referred to as delayed afterdepolarizations). Abnormal impulse conduction results in reentrant excitation. Usually a combination of slowed conduction and unidirectional conduction block provides the conditions necessary for reentry to occur.  相似文献   

Regulated exocytosis in neurons and neuroendocrine cells requires the formation of a stable soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE) complex consisting of synaptobrevin-2/vesicle-associated membrane protein 2, synaptosome-associated protein of 25 kDa (SNAP-25), and syntaxin 1. This complex is subsequently disassembled by the concerted action of alpha-SNAP and the ATPases associated with different cellular activities-ATPase N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor (NSF). We report that NSF inhibition causes accumulation of alpha-SNAP in clusters on plasma membranes. Clustering is mediated by the binding of alpha-SNAP to uncomplexed syntaxin, because cleavage of syntaxin with botulinum neurotoxin C1 or competition by using antibodies against syntaxin SNARE motif abolishes clustering. Binding of alpha-SNAP potently inhibits Ca(2+)-dependent exocytosis of secretory granules and SNARE-mediated liposome fusion. Membrane clustering and inhibition of both exocytosis and liposome fusion are counteracted by NSF but not when an alpha-SNAP mutant defective in NSF activation is used. We conclude that alpha-SNAP inhibits exocytosis by binding to the syntaxin SNARE motif and in turn prevents SNARE assembly, revealing an unexpected site of action for alpha-SNAP in the SNARE cycle that drives exocytotic membrane fusion.  相似文献   

Amino acid residues in a globular protein fold against one another into a compact structure. We have sought common physical factors within similarly folded backbone structures in such proteins which might influence the folding and which could be used in predicting the backbone structure. The physical factors examined are the 10 orthogonal ones identified by Kideraet al. (1985a). Comparison of the smoothed physical factor profiles between sequences, which have similar backbone structures, shows that there is good agreement among the profiles of helical stretches, but not for other backbone structures that have been examined. This is ascribed to the fact that helical structures involve local interactions, which then require similar physical profiles to form, but that other structures are not so strongly locally determined in the native structure.On leave from University of the Witwatersrand, Wits 2050, South Africa.  相似文献   

Docking results have enabled us to propose how resveratrol could act as a selective PGHS-1 peroxidase site inhibitor. The docking model has predicted a slightly less favorable DeltaG(bind) (-17.9 kcal/mol) of the resveratrol to the PGHS-2 peroxidase site in comparison with its corresponding binding to the PGHS-1 (-20.4 kcal/mol). The formation of hydrogen bonds among the hydroxyl groups of the resveratrol phenyl rings, the backbone of Fe-heme and the carbonyl group of Leu294 inside the PGHS-1 peroxidase site, associated with the absence of His214 in the backbone of PGHS-1, are essential features that are required to maintain the aromatic rings of the natural product parallel to the Fe-heme group and transverse to the peroxidase access channel promoting a large steric hindrance at this site and its consequent selective inhibition.  相似文献   

Enzymological basis for herbicidal action of glyphosate   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The effects of 1 millimolar glyphosate (N-[phosphonomethyl]glycine) upon the activities of enzymes of aromatic amino acid biosynthesis, partially purified by ion-exchange chromatography from mung bean seedings (Vigna radiata [L.] Wilczek), were examined. Multiple isozyme species of shikimate dehydrogenase, chorismate mutase, and aromatic aminotransferase were separated, and these were all insensitive to inhibition by glyphosate. The activities of prephenate dehydrogenase and arogenate dehydrogenase were also not sensitive to inhibition. Two molecular species of 3-deoxy-d-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate (DAHP) synthase were resolved, one stimulated several-fold by Mn2+ (DAHP synthase-Mn), and the other absolutely dependent upon the presence of Co2+ for activity (DAHP synthase-Co). Whereas DAHP synthase-Mn was invulnerable to glyphosate, greater than 95% inhibition of DAHP synthase-Co was found in the presence of glyphosate. Since Co2+ is a Vmax activator with respect to both substrates, glyphosate cannot act simply by Co2+ chelation because inhibition is competitive with respect to erythrose-4-phosphate. The accumulation of shikimate found in glyphosate-treated seedlings is consistent with in vivo inhibition of both 5-enolpyruvylshikimic acid 3-phosphate synthase and one of the two DAHP synthase isozymes. Aromatic amino acids, singly or in combination, only showed a trend towards reversal of growth inhibition in 7-day seedlings of mung bean. The possibilities are raised that glyphosate may act at multiple enzyme targets in a given organism or that different plants may vary in the identity of the prime enzyme target.  相似文献   

A simple stereochemical framework for understanding RNA structure has remained elusive to date. We present a comprehensive conformational map for two nucleoside-5',3'-diphosphates and for a truncated dinucleotide derived from a grid search of all potential conformers using hard sphere steric exclusion criteria to define allowed conformers. The eight-dimensional conformational space is presented as a series of two-dimensional projections. These projections reveal several well-defined allowed and disallowed regions which correlate well with data obtained from X-ray crystallography of both large and small RNA molecules. Furthermore, the two-dimensional projections show that consecutive and ribose ring-proximal torsion angles are interdependent, while more distant torsion angles are not. Remarkably, using steric criteria alone, it is possible to generate a predictive conformational map for RNA.  相似文献   

Mechanisms for the selective action of Vitamin D analogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The non-classical effects of 1,25(OH)(2)D(3) create possible therapeutic applications for immune modulation (e.g. auto-immune diseases and graft rejection), inhibition of cell proliferation (e.g. psoriasis, cancer) and induction of cell differentiation (e.g. cancer). The major drawback related to the use of 1,25(OH)(2)D(3) is its calcemic effect, which prevents the application of pharmacological concentrations. Several analogs are now available that show modest to good selectivity with regard to specific effects (e.g. anticancer or immune effects or bone anabolism versus hypercalcemia) when tested in appropriate in vivo models. The molecular basis for this selectivity is only partially understood and probably a variable mixture of mechanisms.  相似文献   

Under acid denaturing conditions, hologlucose oxidase labeled with 2,4-dinitrophenyl (DNP) was dissociated into flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) and DNP-labeled apoglucose oxidase (DNP-AG). Both lacked catalytic activity. The activity was restored by combining FAD and DNP-AG at about pH 7. If, on the other hand, anti-DNP serum was preincubated with the DNP-AG prior to the addition of FAD, activity was not restored. Furthermore, added DNP-aminocaproic acid counteracted the effects of the antibody in inhibiting the recombining of DNP-AG and FAD to form active enzyme. The anti-DNP serum probably prevented the DNP-AG from combining with FAD to form an active holoenzyme by restricting the mobility of the polypeptide chain of DNP-AG from folding into a catalytically active conformation. Based on such an antibody-induced conformational restriction of the DNP-AG, we developed a separation-free (homogeneous) enzyme immunoassay called AICREIA.  相似文献   

When the insecticide parathion was administered to awake, unrestrained rats with chronically implanted brain electrodes, it was observed that the latency of the averaged flash-evoked potential in the visual cortex and superior colliculus was increased and the amplitude was decreased 2 to 4 hours later with responses returning to pretreatment levels about 8 hours after administration. Similarly, after administration of several dose levels of parathion in the rat, durations of phases of the maximal electroshock seizure (MES) pattern were altered to the greatest extent 4 hours later, but effects disappeared at 24 hours. These effects of parathion on the MES and evoked potentials coincided with a fall in blood and brain acetylcholinesterase (AChe) activities but disappeared after AChe inhibition had reached its peak and stabilized. Brain AChe activities required 2 to 4 weeks for recovery whereas blood AChe activity recovered in 1 week following inhibition by parathion (at least 2 mg/kg body weight). Studies in the monkey demonstrated similar results. Because these measurements of central nervous system function returned to normal despite continued inhibition of AChe activity, the results are interpreted to mean either that adaptation of evoked potentials or MES responses to prolonged AChe inhibition can occur in the rat and monkey after parathion administration or that some of the effects of parathion do not depend on AChe inhibition. Administration of DDT (100 mg/kg by mouth) to awake, unrestrained rats markedly increased the amplitude of spontaneous electrical activity in the cerebellum, whereas there was much less effect on electrical activity recorded simultaneously in the occipital cortex, reticular formation, and medial geniculate body. Similarly, DDT administration had marked effects on the averaged, sound evoked potential recorded in the cerebellum; DDT caused the appearance and increased the amplitude of an early component of this response not usually present during control recordings. Sound-evoked potentials recorded simultaneously from the frontal and occipital cortex and reticular formation were affected less or were decreased in amplitude by administration of DDT.  相似文献   

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