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The relation between body weight and resistance to γ-BHC and diazinon was studied in experiments using the desert locust ( Schistocerca gregaria ) and the African migratory locust ( Locusta migratoria migratorioides) .
In all experiments with Schistocerca , resistance was proportional to weight within any one age and sex group. Resistance to diazinon (per unit body weight) decreased with age, that of the males at a faster rate than that of the females. Against γ-BHC the insects showed a nearly twofold increase in resistance about 1 week after fledging.
Within groups of Locusta the resistance to diazinon was found to be independent of weight, but the resistance to γ-BHC was dependent on weight. Similarly the resistance to diazinon at different ages after fledging was independent of age but resistance to γ-BHC increased with age.  相似文献   

Laboratory techniques are described for the estimation of the stomach poison, direct and residual film contact poison and fumigant poison effects of chemicals to adult worker honey-bees.
The toxicity of eleven chemicals used in plant protection has been investigated by these methods. The order of effectiveness as stomach and contact poisons was: parathion, TEPP, γ-BHC, dieldrin, aldrin, chlordane, o , o -diethyl- o -ethylmercaptoethyl thiophosphate (constituent of Systox), bisdimethylamino fluorophosphine oxide, toxaphene and the sodium salts of 2:4-D and MCPA: as residual films, dieldrin, aldrin, γ-BHC, parathion, chlordane, and o , o -diethyl- o -ethylmercapto-ethyl thiophosphate (constituent of Systox); toxaphene, TEPP and bisdimethylamino fluorophosphine oxide had no measurable effect; as fumigants, dieldrin, γ-BHC, aldrin, parathion, and chlordane; the remainder had no measurable effect.  相似文献   

The toxicity of γ-BHC and Diazinon when applied over a period of time to adults of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria (Forsk.), has been determined. The insecticides were applied in oil solutions, by means of the micro-drop syringe, to the ventral surface of the abdomen.
When doses were applied in two equal portions with a 72 hr. interval, or in four equal portions at 24 hr. intervals, no significant decrease in toxicity, in comparison with a single dose, could be detected with either insecticide. It is concluded, therefore, that if similar effects occur when locusts are sprayed with these insecticides in the field, successive spraying will be fully cumulative over a period of 72 hr. Previous work using DNC has shown that doses applied over 4 days were only half as effective as equivalent single doses and that continued dosing after 4 days brought about very little increase in kill.
The sexes were similar in resistance to γ-BHC when the doses were measured in μg./g., but females were considerably more resistant to Diazinon than males.  相似文献   

From 1949 to 1952 field trials were made to determine the effect of seed dressings containing γ-BHC, with and without the addition of organic mercurial compounds, upon the establishment of sugar-beet seedlings. Most of the trials were made in fields where no serious pest problems were anticipated. The 1949 trials established the concentration of γ-BHC non-phytocidal to sugar-beet seedlings. Later trials tested the effect on pre- and post-singling plant populations of dressings applied to natural or rubbed seed sown at standardized rates. Parallel tests of dressed seed were made on farms representing a variety of soil types, It was found that the phytotoxiCity of γ-BHC varied with season and soil type, but that a dressing containing 40 % was usually safe. In these trials, the benefits from seed dressing were, as a rule, slight. Generally the combined mercury-γ-BHC seed dressing gave the best pre-singling stand of plants. Most of the improvement was attributable to the organic mercury rather than to the γ-BHC, but where pest attacks occurred, γ-BHC gave marked improvements in stand. Wireworm appeared to be the chief pest controlled: control of pygmy mangold beetle was only partial.  相似文献   

At a constant temperature of 24° C. the final larval instar of Diataraxia oleracea lasts about 10 days, during which its resistance to DDT and γ-BHC as contact insecticides progressively increases up to the 5th or 6th day. It then suddenly decreases, this coinciding with cessation of feeding and the beginning of prepupal formation.
Between the 2nd and the 6th days the gross body weight of the last-instar larva increases from about 0.27 to 0.65g. Under the conditions of the experiments, the LD50 of parathion, as a stomach poison, was linearly related to body weight; on the same basis TEPP was slightly less, and lead arsenate, slightly more, toxic to the larger than to the smaller larvae. However, DDT as a stomach or contact insecticide, and γ-BHC as a stomach poison were notably less toxic to the larger larvae. For example, the increase in LD50 for an increase in larval body weight of × 2 was about × 11 for DDT as a stomach poison and about × 12 as a contact insecticide.
The order of effectiveness of the above insecticides as stomach poisons for the last-instar larva of D. oleracea was parathion > DDT > γ-BHC > TEPP = lead arsenate. Zinc fluoarsenate and rotenone were relatively non-toxic. Larvae of D. oleracea were repelled by food leaf treated with an extract of natural pyrethrins.  相似文献   

Summary A Clostridium sp., isolated from flooded soil amended with lindane (γ-BHC), decomposed methoxychlor, γ-BHC and heptachlor in that order under anaerobic condition. During the bacterial degradation of ring-labelled C14-γ-BHC, there was a net loss of radioactivity from the reaction mixture. Release of C14O2 during the degradation of C14-γ-BHC was negligible. Methane was not detected as an end product of γ-BHC breakdown. re]19720406  相似文献   

A factor for dieldrin resistance in a -BHC selected strain of Uruguayan origin was located in linkage group 4 (Hiroyoshi's numbering system) and showed approximately 40% crossover to the marker ct in F1 females. Resistance to -BHC is partly due to the same factor. Factors on other linkage groups play an important part in resistance to -BHC, but when studied separately only the fifth linkage group showed a small effect. It is concluded that several factors on different chromosomes must contribute to the total resistance to -BHC.
Genetik der dieldrin- und -cyclohexan bei der stubenfliege
Zusammenfassung Ein Faktor für Dieldrin-Resistenz in einem -Cyclohexan-selektierten Stamm uruguayischer Herkunft ist in der Koppelungsgruppe 4 (Hiroyoshi's Zählungssystem) gelegen und zeigt bei F1-Weibchen annähernd 40% Crossing-over gegenüber dem Markierungsgen ct. Die Resistenz gegenüber -Cyclohexan beruht teilweise auf dem gleichen Faktor. Faktoren in anderen Koppelungsgruppen spielen eine wichtige Rolle bei der -Cyclohexan-Resistenz, aber bei getrennter Untersuchung zeigte nur die 5. Koppelungsgruppe eine schwache Wirkung. Es wird daraus geschlossen, daß an der Gesamtresistenz unterschiedliche Faktoren auf verschiedenen Chromosomen beteiligt sein müssen.

The existence of dieldrin resistance in Erioischia brassicae has been investigated in the main areas in England and Wales where brassicas are grown for human consumption. Dieldrin-susceptible and dieldrin-resistant flies were collected and bred as separate strains in the laboratory. In toxicity tests adult flies were treated with topically applied doses of insecticide in microdrops of cellosolve, and larvae were dipped in solutions of insecticide in 70% acetone and 30% water. Adults of the laboratory resistant strain showed a high level of resistance to dieldrin and aldrin and a lower level of resistance to γ-BHC. There was no cross-resistance with chlorfenvinphos or diazinon. Larvae of the resistant strain were shown to be resistant to dieldrin. Dieldrin resistance has been found in four areas in southern England, but not in a fifth major area, and resistant flies did not increase as rapidly in some areas as others. Sufficient migration of flies appeared to take place to produce similar percentages of resistant flies over areas of several square miles, but considerable differences were found in fly populations about 10 miles apart. It is suggested that the speed of development of insecticide resistance is affected by the proportion of brassica crops which are treated in an area, the amounts of insecticide applied to individual crops, and hence the insecticidal pressure applied to the E. brassicae population.  相似文献   

The penetration of pp -DDT and some related compounds into grain weevils has been studied by a micro-analytical technique.
Grain weevils were exposed to filter papers, impregnated with the chemical under test, for periods varying from a few hours to several days. The chemical removed by washing the insects with cold methanol, which was not expected to dissolve anything which had penetrated below the wax layer of the epicuticle, was described as being 'outside' the insect; that which remained was extracted with ether after grinding the insects with anhydrous sodium sulphate and recorded as being 'inside' the insect. By plotting the amounts 'inside' and 'outside' after varying times of exposure a picture of the rate of penetration of these compounds was obtained.
The results are discussed in relation to similar curves published earlier for isomers of benzene hexachloride. The major difference revealed is the very slow penetration of pp -DDT compared with γ-BHC. This is ascribed to the vapour effect of γ-BHC which has a vapour pressure much greater than that of pp -DDT.  相似文献   

Fungicide-insecticide seed treatment, particularly with methoxyethylmercuriacetate (MEMA) and dieldrin, often improved emergence, growth and yield of irrigated Egyptian-type cotton ( Gossypium barbadense ) in the Gezira area of the Sudan. Such treatment reduced post-emergence wilting and death of seedlings resulting from termite attack, and also reduced pre-emergence mortality probably caused primarily by soil insects, but appeared to have little effect on the incidence of termite damage to tap-roots of mature plants at the end of the season. Termite attack tended to be worse in close rotations, and the beneficial effects of fungicide-insecticide seed treatment were greater in three-course than in four-course rotation plots. In one experiment treatment improved growth and yield of cotton plants in the apparent near-absence of insect pests and diseases, this effect perhaps deriving from control of minor root damage caused by soil insects and/or fungi.
Certain seed treatments, notably those containing MEMA and γ-BHC, were slightly phytotoxic, but at the levels applied—0.043% mercury/seed and 0.12—0.24% insecticide/seed—this aspect, although needing further investigation, seems unlikely to be of serious practical significance in the Sudan Gezira where high sowing rates are the rule; any slight phytotoxicity would probably be outweighed by the protective effects of the treatment. Phytotoxicity tended to become more pronounced with increasing number of seeds per sowing hole.  相似文献   

The systematic identification and determination of many kinds of pesticides were tried by a combination of column, thin-layer and gas chromatography. Pesticides in the first division,1) e.g., aldrin, DMC ethylene, CPAS, DDDS, o,p′-DDT, p,p′-DDT, heptachlor, quintozene, Telodrin and tetrasul, were separated from pesticides in the second division,1) e.g., α-BHC, β-BHC, γ-BHC, trifluralin, CPA, CNP, nitrofen, endrin, dieldrin, dicofol, etc. by column chromatography. Further, pesticides in the first division were separated from each other and determined approximately by thin-layer and gas chromatography.

The recoveries of these pesticides, except for aldrin and CPAS, were about 100%. The recoveries of aldrin and CPAS were about 70 %, due to decomposition during the procedures, or to adsorption on the adsorbent during the column chromatography. It was presumed from GC-MS data that CPAS was decomposed to DDDS, tetrasul and other compounds during the procedures.  相似文献   

Wilt of dolichos bean ( Dolichos lablab ) in the Sudan Gezira appeared to be due primarily to cockchafer grubs ( Schizonycha sp.) in the soil attacking the hypocotyls or roots of plants up to about 6 weeks after sowing. Many wilted plants also showed symptoms of ashy stem blight ( Macrophomina phaseoli ), but in these the fungus was probably a secondary invader rotting roots weakened or damaged by unfavourable soil conditions or insects. Wilt was often severe in dolichos sown on land cropped to sorghum ( Sorghum vulgare ) in the preceding season, sorghum roots in the soil harbouring the grubs. Under moderate grub attack seed dressings containing organomercurial and γ-benzene hexachloride (BHC) gave satisfactory-protection at 0.089%γ-BHC/seed but were inadequate when wilt was severe. Dieldrin and aldrin at 0.044 or 0.089%/seed gave excellent protection in all experiments, but their performance under exceptionally severe wilt conditions has yet to be tested, as also the relative efficiencies of seed treatment and soil treatment under such conditions. Fungicide-insecticide seed treatment also reduced preemergence rotting of germinating seeds due to grub attack.
Wilt rarely occurred in dolichos planted on land fallow in the preceding season, but, even in the apparent absence of wilt, seed treatment often appreciably improved emergence, plant populations, growth and yields. These effects possibly resulted from control of root damage by soil insects, such damage reducing growth and yields but not sufficiently severely to cause wilting. Pending further investigation a powder seed dressing containing organomercurial plus 20% dieldrin, and applied at 1:450 by weight to seed (about 5–6 g./acre of dieldrin), is recommended for dolichos bean in the Gezira.  相似文献   

Treatment of sorghum ( Sorghum vulgare ) seed with fungicide dressings controlled covered smut ( Sphacelotheca sorghi ), the major disease of sorghum in the Sudan, and usually resulted in appreciably better stands. In the Sudan Gezira, powder dressings containing 20–40%γ-benzene hexachloride (γ-BHC) applied at the rate of 1g./1b. of seed effectively protected sorghum seedlings from root attack by chafer grubs ( Schixonycha sp.) and significantly increased stands and yields. No certain evidence of this effect was obtained with dolichos bean ( Dolichos lablab ) or groundnut ( Arachis hypogaea ), and the different responses shown by these plants as compared with sorghum are attributed largely to differences in seed germination and root system. An application rate of 0·08 %γ-BHC/seed was sometimes slightly but appreciably phytotoxic to sorghum in the field and more markedly so in greenhouse experiments. A powder containing 25% thiram and 20%γ-BHC applied at the rate of 1g./1b. of seed is recommended as the standard seed dressing for sorghum in the Sudan.  相似文献   

Gaschromatography was used to establish the presence of quantifiable residues of 14 persistent chlorinated hydrocarbon pollutants in whole blood, clotted blood, heart, kidney, liver and muscle samples obtained from individual African whitebacked (Pseudogyps africanus), Cape griffon (Gyps coprotheres) and Lappetfaced (Torgos tracheliotos) vultures from different localities in South Africa. The levels of pesticides measured in whole blood samples of live specimens were compared between nestlings from two natural breeding colonies, adults from a wildlife area and birds held in captivity. Statistically significant (P<0.05) differences between populations were detected in geometric means calculated for γ-BHC (lindane), α(cis)-chlordane and α-endosulfan. Five of the organochlorine contaminants displayed significant variations between concentrations detected in the clotted blood, organs and muscles excised from vulture carcasses. This includes residues of γ-BHC, α-chlordane, dieldrin, β-endosulfan and heptachlor epoxide. Values of the respective biocides measured in vulture samples were generally low in comparison to results documented for a number of avian species. Although no threat is posed by any of the organochloride pesticides, continual monitoring of especially breeding colonies is recommended. Furthermore, the suitability of African whitebacked vulture nestlings as basic bioindicators is highly advocated.  相似文献   

Samples of plants and soil from two experimental sites, one clay loam and one peaty loam, were analysed chemically to try to explain differing results with γ-BHC and dieldrin seed-dressings applied to control wheat bulb fly on different soil types, and to suggest reasons for patchy plant stands and occasional failure to control the pest. Seed dressed with dieldrin yielded more than untreated seed on both sites, whereas seed treated with γ-BHC yielded as much as seed treated with dieldrin on the clay site, but it yielded less than untreated seed on peat. The chemical analyses showed that the poor performance of γ-BHC on the peat site could not be explained by its failure to persist, because the soil still contained considerable quantities of γ-BHC at the time of insect attack. Possible reasons may be sorption of the poison by organic matter making it less available, and deeper sowing, permitting larvae to reach the plants without prolonged contact with the insecticide. Bayer 38156 (O-ethyl S-p-tolyl ethyl phosphonodithioate) and trichloro-nate (O-ethyl O-2,4,5-trichlorophenyl ethyl phosphonothionate) persisted in soil long enough and were sufficiently toxic to wheat bulb fly to suggest that organophosphorus compounds might provide alternatives to chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides for control of the fly. Analyses made on seeds dressed at the laboratory for the experiment showed that the amounts of insecticide on seeds were smaller than expected and that the amounts on individual seeds differed greatly. Of ten samples of seeds dressed commercially with y-BHC, three carried very little insecticide, and the variations in the other seven samples were greater than with experimentally applied dressings.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of one susceptible and six resistant strains of houseflies to 13 organophosphorus compounds was measured with a contact method. Five of the strains had been selected, both in the field and in the laboratory, with diazinon, parathion or malathion. One strain had been strongly selected with -BHC. The susceptibility of the strains is shown in Fig. 1. The BHC selected strain had only a low level of resistance to organophosphates. Higher levels were present in all organophosphate selected strains, each of which exhibited its own characteristic resistance pattern. This indicates that a relatively large number of resistance mechanisms may be present.As resistance to the thiophosphates is of the same order of magnitude as that to their oxygen analogues, it follows that the resistance mechanism is not a slower conversion of the thiophosphates into the phosphates. Resistance to a number of dimethyl compounds is low, and little difference is present between the resistant strains. This resistance is probably brought about mainly by less specific factors. The genetical basis of the low aliesterase content of the phosphate resistant strains is discussed.
Zusammenfassung Die Empfindlichkeit eines normal-sensiblen und von sechs resistenten Stubenfliegen-Stämmen gegenüber 13 organischen Phosphorverbindungen wurde mit Hilfe einer Kontakt-Methode gemessen. Fünf dieser Stämme waren sowohl im Freiem wie auch im Labor, mit Diazinon, Parathion oder Malathion selektiert worden. Ein Stamm war stark mit -BHC selektiert worden. Die Empfindlichkeit der Stämme ist in Fig. 1 dargestellt. Der mit -BHC selektierte Stamm wies nur eine niedrige Resistenz gegenüber den organischen Phosphorverbindungen auf. Höhere Resistenz wurde in den mit organischen Phosphorverbindungen selektierten Stämmen gefunden; jeder dieser Stämmen zeigte eine eigene, charakteristische Form der Resistenz. Dies deutet darauf hin, daß eine relativ grössere Zahl von Resistenz-mechanismen vorhanden ist.Aus der Tatsache, daß Resistenz gegen die Thioverbindungen und ihre entsprechenden Sauerstoff-Analoge ungefähr gleich groß ist, wird geschlossen, daß eine langsamere Umwandlung in die Phosphate als Resistenz-mechanismus nicht in Betracht kommen kann.Die Resistenz gegenüber einigen Methyl-verbindungen ist gering, und in den einzelnen Stämmen nur wenig verschieden. Diese Resistenz wird wahrscheinlich durch weniger spezifisische Faktoren verursacht. Die genetische Grundlage des niedrigen Ali-esterasen-gehalts in den Phosphat-resistenten Stämmen wird diskutiert.

γ-BHC, incorporated at 50 p.p.m. in mushroom compost during the last turn of composting delayed the reproduction of paedogenetic cecid larvae without reducing the yield of mushrooms. Other insecticides were less satisfactory as they either did not control the larvae, were not sufficiently persistent or decreased the yield. Large cecid populations did not depress yields on normal composts but a proportion of the larvae migrated on to the sporophores, thus reducing the value of the crop.  相似文献   

Populations of L. cuprina collected from adjacent sheep-grazing areas and rubbish tips in Victoria (Mansfield and Warrnambool) and New South Wales (Lismore) were tested for resistance to the insecticides diazinon and dieldrin. Populations from sheep-grazing areas had a significantly higher diazinon Rop-1 allele frequency than those from adjacent tips with the Victorian populations being more resistant than those from Lismore. Victorian sheep and tip populations had similar gene frequencies at the dieldrin resistance locus, but the Rdl allele frequency was significantly greater in the population at the tip than in the population from the sheep-grazing area at Lismore. The Rdl allele is at a higher frequency in flies from the Lismore area than in Victorian populations. The results at both loci are explained by a balance of selection and gene flow between sheep and tip populations and by selective differences between geographical areas. The exceptionally high frequency of the dieldrin Rdl allele in populations at the Lismore tip may be partially explained by the use of dichlorvos for fly control. Dosage mortality curve and genetic analyses suggest that dichlorvos (an organophosphorus compound) may select at the dieldrin resistance locus. Possible mechanisms for this are discussed. The consequences of genetic differentiation between L. cuprina populations within a region for an autocidal control program are considered.  相似文献   

The ability of Phanerochaete chrysosporium to degrade six alkyl halide insecticides (aldrin, dieldrin, heptachlor, chlordane, lindane, and mirex) in liquid and soil-corncob matrices was compared by using 14C-labeled compounds. Of these, only [14C]lindane and [14C]chlordane underwent extensive biodegradation, as evidenced by the fact that 9.4 to 23.4% of these compounds were degraded to 14CO2 in 30 days in liquid cultures and 60 days in soil-corncob cultures inoculated with P. chrysosporium. Although [14C]aldrin, [14C]dieldrin, [14C]heptachlor, and [14D]mirex were poorly mineralized, substantial bioconversion occurred, as determined by substrate disappearance and metabolite formation. Nonbiological disappearance was observed only with chlordane and heptachlor.  相似文献   

The ability of Phanerochaete chrysosporium to degrade six alkyl halide insecticides (aldrin, dieldrin, heptachlor, chlordane, lindane, and mirex) in liquid and soil-corncob matrices was compared by using 14C-labeled compounds. Of these, only [14C]lindane and [14C]chlordane underwent extensive biodegradation, as evidenced by the fact that 9.4 to 23.4% of these compounds were degraded to 14CO2 in 30 days in liquid cultures and 60 days in soil-corncob cultures inoculated with P. chrysosporium. Although [14C]aldrin, [14C]dieldrin, [14C]heptachlor, and [14D]mirex were poorly mineralized, substantial bioconversion occurred, as determined by substrate disappearance and metabolite formation. Nonbiological disappearance was observed only with chlordane and heptachlor.  相似文献   

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