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Fish encounter harsh ionic/osmotic gradients on their aquatic environments, and the mechanisms through which they maintain internal homeostasis are more challenging compared with those of terrestrial vertebrates. Gills are one of the major organs conducting the internal ionic and acid-base regulation, with specialized ionocytes as the major cells carrying out active transport of ions. Exploring the iono/osmoregulatory mechanisms in fish gills, extensive literature proposed several models, with many conflicting or unsolved issues. Recent studies emerged, shedding light on these issues with new opened windows on other aspects, on account of available advanced molecular/cellular physiological approaches and animal models. Respective types of ionocytes and ion transporters, and the relevant regulators for the mechanisms of NaCl secretion, Na(+) uptake/acid secretion/NH(4)(+) excretion, Ca(2+) uptake, and Cl(-) uptake/base secretion, were identified and functionally characterized. These new ideas broadened our understanding of the molecular/cellular mechanisms behind the functional modification/regulation of fish gill ion transport during acute and long-term acclimation to environmental challenges. Moreover, a model for the systematic and local carbohydrate energy supply to gill ionocytes during these acclimation processes was also proposed. These provide powerful platforms to precisely study transport pathways and functional regulation of specific ions, transporters, and ionocytes; however, very few model species were established so far, whereas more efforts are needed in other species.  相似文献   

Evolution and molecular mechanisms of adaptive developmental plasticity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aside from its selective role in filtering inter-individual variation during evolution by natural selection, the environment also plays an instructive role in producing variation during development. External environmental cues can influence developmental rates and/or trajectories and lead to the production of distinct phenotypes from the same genotype. This can result in a better match between adult phenotype and selective environment and thus represents a potential solution to problems posed by environmental fluctuation. The phenomenon is called adaptive developmental plasticity. The study of developmental plasticity integrates different disciplines (notably ecology and developmental biology) and analyses at all levels of biological organization, from the molecular regulation of changes in organismal development to variation in phenotypes and fitness in natural populations. Here, we focus on recent advances and examples from morphological traits in animals to provide a broad overview covering (i) the evolution of developmental plasticity, as well as its relevance to adaptive evolution, (ii) the ecological significance of alternative environmentally induced phenotypes, and the way the external environment can affect development to produce them, (iii) the molecular mechanisms underlying developmental plasticity, with emphasis on the contribution of genetic, physiological and epigenetic factors, and (iv) current challenges and trends, including the relevance of the environmental sensitivity of development to studies in ecological developmental biology, biomedicine and conservation biology.  相似文献   

From 1953 to 1957, inclusive, 373 patients were operated on for chronic mastoid disease at the Mayo Clinic. Mainly because of the extensive use of magnifying glasses and microscopes, through these years, closer attention has been given to the preservation or improvement of hearing by meticulous procedures on the structures of the middle ear and the use of skin grafts. It is stressed, however, that it is extremely important to eradicate the underlying disease. Illustrative cases to represent different types of procedures are presented. The author recommends closer attention to the condition of the round window in the future.  相似文献   

范智权  孙加雷  单建伟  杨江义 《遗传》2015,37(2):148-156
杂种偏分离是指杂交后代群体在某个位点的基因型分离比偏离了预期的孟德尔分离比例的一种现象,是来自不同杂交亲本基因之间的不兼容性所致。功能缺失型和功能获得型的基因间互作都可以导致杂种偏分离,其中前者的机理比较简单,即缺陷型的基因组合导致原有功能丧失而造成细胞死亡。功能获得型杂种偏分离系统是由多基因控制的遗传系统,包含两个基本成分:杀手(killer)因子和护卫(protector)因子,此外还有增强子(enhancer)、抑制基因(repressor)等修饰因子。功能获得型杂种偏分离有通用的遗传模型:具有传递优势的单倍型含有高活性的killer+和protector+;传递劣势的单倍型含有低活性的killer-和protector-;中性的单倍型(广亲和型)则含有killer-和protector+。该系统通过killer和protector间的紧密连锁、修饰因子的积累等途径得以在自然选择中保存下来。尽管不同功能获得型杂种偏分离系统的遗传机理有较高的相似性,但分子机制则大相径庭。文章综述了杂种偏分离的遗传和分子机理以及其与杂种不育的关系,以期为后续杂种偏分离研究提供参考。  相似文献   

抗污损海洋天然产物的开发及其作用机理研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钱培元 《生命科学》2012,(9):1026-1034
首先对近年发表在学术期刊Biofouling上的一篇关于抗污损化合物的综述做一简短总结。其次,突出介绍了对无脊椎污损生物附着和变态分子水平的调控机制的研究近来的进展。旨在给那些从事生物污损和抗污损技术研究的科研人员提供一定的帮助。  相似文献   

Computed polypositional high-resolution tomography (CT) was provided to 45 children with dysplasia of the external acoustic meatus (EAM). The computed tomograms were analyzed in accordance with the scheme which included the evaluation of the following structures: atresia or stenosis area, pneumatized mastoid process, tympanic cavity, ant rum, osteal opening of the Eustachian tube, chain of auditory ossicles, windows of the labyrinth, internal ear, facial nerve canal, and large vessels. Preoperative CT of the temporal bones allows for the evaluation of the above-listed structures, which is of paramount importance for the planning of the patient management policy. Also, CT enables the assessment of the risk of surgical intervention associated with a potential injury to the facial nerve, large vessels, and temporomandibular articulation. CT is to be an indispensable diagnostic modality for examination of children presenting with EAM dysplasia.  相似文献   

Evolutionary developmental biology (Evo-Devo) as a discipline is concerned, among other things, with discovering and understanding the role of changes in developmental mechanisms in the evolutionary origin of aspects of the phenotype. In a very real sense, Evo-Devo opens the black box between genotype and phenotype, or more properly, phenotypes as multiple life history stages arise in many organisms from a single genotype. Changes in the timing or positioning of an aspect of development in a descendant relative to an ancestor (heterochrony and heterotopy) were two evolutionary developmental mechanisms identified by Ernst Haeckel in the 1870s. Many more have since been identified, in large part because of our enhanced understanding of development and because new mechanisms emerge as development proceeds: the transfer from maternal to zygotic genomic control; cell-to-cell interactions; cell differentiation and cell migration; embryonic inductions; functional interactions at the tissue and organ levels; growth. Within these emergent processes, gene networks and gene cascades (genetic modules) link the genotype with morphogenetic units (cellular modules, namely germ layers, embryonic fields or cellular condensations), while epigenetic processes such as embryonic inductions, tissue interactions and functional integration, link morphogenetic units to the phenotype. Evolutionary developmental mechanisms also include interactions between individuals of the same species, individuals of different species, and species and their biotic and/or abiotic environment. Such interactions link ecological communities. Importantly, there is little to distinguish the causality that underlies these interactions from that which underlies inductive interactions within embryos.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) can interfere with normal reproductive functions acting as endocrine disruptors. Aroclor-1254 (A-1254), is a pool of more than 60 congeners used for in vitro studies because its composition is representative of PCBs environmental pollution. We previously demonstrated that the exposure of bovine oocytes to A-1254 during in vitro maturation (IVM) was detrimental not only to the maturation process but also induced a significant increase of polyspermy and a reduction of developmental competence. Therefore, we investigated whether A-1254 acts on two processes that occur during IVM and may be related with its negative effects: maternal mRNA polyadenylation and cortical granules (CGs) migration and exocytosis. Bovine cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) were exposed to 0.1 microg/ml of A-1254 during IVM, a level of exposure known to affect oocyte maturation, fertilization, and developmental competence. Oocyte exposure to A-1254 altered the poly(A) tail length of 5 out of 10 genes examined. PCBs effect on mRNA polyadenylation was different depending on the gene considered and resulted either in a shorter or in a longer poly(A) tail. At the end of maturation, Aroclor treated oocytes presented clustered CG in a significantly higher percentage than the control group. In addition, CG exocytosis after 8 hr of fertilization occurred at significantly lower extent in zygotes derived from the exposed group compared to control. Our results indicated that the lower developmental competence of oocytes exposed to PCBs during IVM can be related to the interaction of these contaminants with mechanisms regulating maternal mRNA storage in the ooplasm and normal CGs function.  相似文献   

Summary The present study was undertaken to quantitate the effects of atmospheric air and normal middle ear gas on cultured fibroblasts obtained from normal rabbit middle ear mucosa. The cells were exposed to three different gas compositions: 7% O2:5% CO2:88% N2, 21% O2:5% CO2:74% N2, and 75% O2:5% CO2:20% N2. The growth was monitored by measuring the total content of cell protein, the amount of DNA, and the cell division activity. The activity of the synthetic apparatus was determined by the collagen synthesis. For comparison, rabbit skin fibroblasts were grown under identical conditions. The results demonstrated significantly higher replication rate of middle ear fibroblasts at 7% oxygen than at atmospheric air whereas the collagen synthesis was significantly lower at 7%. Furthermore, the responses varied significantly between rabbit middle ear and rabbit skin fibroblasts. Thus the present study substantiates the hypothesis of an influence of atmospheric air on the middle ear mucosa which might be of importance, e.g., in relation to insertion of ventilation tubes or longstanding perforations of the tympanic membrane in otitis media.  相似文献   

Evolution of the mammalian middle ear.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The structure and evolution of the mandible, suspensorium, and stapes of mammal-like reptiles and early mammals are examined in an attempt to determine how, why, and when in phylogeny the precursors of the mammalian tympanic bone, malleus, and incus (postdentary jaw elements and quadrate) came to function in the reception of air-borne sound. The following conclusions are reached: It is possible that at no stage in mammalian phylogeny was there a middle ear similar to that of "typical" living reptiles, with a postquadrate tympanic membrane contracted by an extrastapes. The aquamosal sulcus of cynodonts and other therapsids, usually thought to have housed a long external acoustic meatus, possibly held a depressor mandibulae muscle. In therapsids an air-filled chamber (recessus mandibularis of Westoll) extended deep to the reflected lamina and into the depression (external fossa) on the outer aspect of the angular element. A similar chamber was present in sphenacodontids but pterygoideus musculature occupied the small external fossa. The thin tissues superficial to the recessus mandibularis served as eardrum. Primitively, vibrations reached the stapes mainly via the anterior hyoid cornu, but in dicynodonts, therocephalians, and cynodants vibrations passed mainly or exclusively from mandible to quadrate to stapes and the reflected lamina was a component of the eardrum. In the therapsid phase of mammalian phylogeny, auditory adaptation was an important aspect of jaw evolution. Auditory efficiency, and sensitivity to higher sound frequencies were enhanced by diminution and loosening of the postdentary elements and quadrate, along with transference of musculature from postdentary elements to the dentary. These changes were made possible by associated modifications, including posterior expansion of the dentary. Establishment of a dentary-squamosal articulation permitted continuation of these trends, leading to the definitive mammalian condition, with no major change in auditory mechanism except that in most mammals (not monotremes) the angular, as tympanic, eventually bcame a non-vibrating structure.  相似文献   

A Rauchfuss 《Acta anatomica》1989,136(4):285-290
The normal pneumatization in human middle ears from Wittmaack's temporal bone collection (ENT Clinic, University of Hamburg Medical School) is investigated by means of light microscopy and compared with electron-microscopic findings in the rat. The fetal middle ear in man and rats is completely filled with mesenchyme. The compartmentalization of the middle ear by the associated mucosal folds of the ossicular chain and the middle ear pneumatization are results of the resorption of the mesenchyme present. Ultrastructural findings in the rat's middle ear reinforce light-microscopic studies and provide evidence of the fibrillogenesis which characterizes the transformation of the mesenchyme into the tunica propria of the middle ear mucosa. The microtopography of mesenchymal remnants in middle ears of neonates and in children during the first year of life, and their relevance as to the pathogenesis of the primary acquired keratoma (cholesteatoma) are discussed.  相似文献   

The anatomy of the middle ear region of the skull is described for the families of the Avian orders Pelecaniformes and Ciconiiformes. Emphasis is placed on the foramina and paths of the nerves and blood vessels. The morphology of the basicranium and quadrate is also discussed. Comparative analyses of the characters are used to assess taxonomic conclusions.
Extant Pelecaniformes consist of six families, four of which are monogenic: Phaethontidae, Pelecanidae, Anhingidae and Fregatidae; one is composed of two genera: Sulidae; and the last has three genera: Phalacrocoracidae. Several years ago a relationship was suggested which would ally the Phaethontidae and the Fregatidae. While these families share several non middle ear characters the anatomy of the middle ear is not compatible with any particular relationship. Indeed, several obvious differences are described. The data presented here are consistent with the idea that the Phaethontidae and the Fregatidae each form a separate group of Pelecaniform birds, with the rest of the families forming a third group. Several differences in the middle ear region of the species of Anhingidae suggest that the family may be composed of two genera.
While sharing many Ciconiiform characters the Ciconiidae have been shown not to be as closely related to the Ardeidae as they are to other families of Ciconiiformes. In addition, evidence is presented to support the recent idea that the three species of ibis (I. ibis, I. cinereus and I. leucocephalus ) be united within the genus Mycteria. Also supported is the notion that Balaeniceps is Pelecaniform in character, and not Ciconiiform.  相似文献   

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