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Summary In Locusta migratoria, the major pathway from descending deviation detectors (DDNs; preceding paper, Hensler 1992) to wing motoneurons involves a population of thoracic interneurons (TINs). Nine TINs are characterized which receive input from cervical proprioreceptors. Responses to the combination of exteroreceptive input (signalling course deviation) and proprioreceptive input (monitoring movement and position of the head) are described and compared to those of DDNs to the same stimuli.Abbreviations AP action potential - DDN descending deviation detector neuron - TCG tritocerebral giant neuron - TIN thoracic interneuron  相似文献   

Summary Aggregates of synaptic vesicles, stained black by the zinc iodide-osmium procedure, can be visualised with the light microscope in 1 m plastic sections. This allows the main branches of a neurone to be reconstructed relatively rapidly and the associated vesicle aggregates to be plotted. By resectioning, the identity of the vesicle aggregates has been confirmed with the electron microscope. Two flight motor neurones in the mesothoracic ganglion of the locust have been examined. One is identified as a dorsal longitudinal muscle motor neurone (muscle 112) and the other is probably a subalar neurone (muscle 99). Both have a large density of vesicle aggregates on the neuropilar segment, the widest part of the main neuronal axis, but few on the neurite within 250 m of the cell body. The larger branches arising from the neuropilar segment tend to have a lower density of aggregates than fine branches, which suggests that synapses to the branches may occur mainly on the distal twigs. These results are an important preliminary step in determining the integrative functions of such neurones and have immediate implications in the interpretation of microelectrode recordings.JSA is supported by grant KU 240/3 from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft to Dr. W. Kutsch. We thank Mrs. Christine Davies for valuable assistance with the resectioning technique.  相似文献   

Conclusions The importance of using azadirachtin in the field at levels causing primary antifeedancy may have been overemphasised in the past. Currently, it is recommended that commercial preparations of neem be applied at 50–100 ppm (a.i.). While this would undoubtedly have an antifeedant effect in many phytophagous insects it may also harm beneficial species (Schmutterer, 1990). By lowering the concentration of azadirachtin applied to the crop, food intake by insect pests with low chemoreceptor sensitivity to azadirachtin, e.g. aphids (Nisbet et al., 1993; 1994), would not initially be affected. However, secondary antifeedant effects, IGR and sterilant effects could rapidly manifest themselves and bring about crop protection by reducing insect pest populations without harming natural predator or parasitoid populations.  相似文献   

Rearing locusts in an impoverished chemosensory environment leads to fewer chemoreceptors developing on the mouthparts and antennae as adults but the behavioural relevance of these changes remains unknown. To address this question, locusts were reared for the final two larval stadia on either a single, nutritionally near-optimal synthetic food ('plain' pretreatment), or a diet comprising two nutritionally complementary foods containing two added flavours ('mix' pretreatment). Insects reared on the 'mix' diet had a mean 20% more chemosensilla on the maxillary palps than those fed on the 'plain' diet. Following an equilibration period, when all newly moulted adults could feed on two nutritionally complementary foods, insects were food deprived for 2 or 6 h, and then given a test meal of a single balanced food at one of two dilutions whilst their behaviour was recorded. 'Mix'-pretreated locusts had a shorter latency to feed and were more likely to reject the test food upon first contact if deprived for only 2 h; but if they did take a meal it lasted longer and contained fewer pauses. Using sensilla number as a covariate removed the statistical significance of pretreatment regime, indicating that sensilla number, or some close correlate of it, can largely account for the variation in behaviour. This suggests that sensilla numbers are behaviourally relevant; particularly where locusts are not greatly food deprived and faced with marginally acceptable foods.  相似文献   

Aspects of pre- and post-ingestive compensation were investigated in locusts (Locusta migratoria) fed nutritionally unbalanced artificial diets containing 7% protein and 21% digestible carbohydrate (7:21) or 21% protein and 7% digestible carbohydrate (21:7). Feeding behaviour and haemolymph levels of amino acids and sugars were measured in locusts fed ad libitum on these diets. Locusts fed the high-protein diet had chronically elevated haemolymph levels of 15 out of 19 amino acids measured compared to locusts fed the low protein diet. However, haemolymph levels of lysine, alanine, aspartic acid and glutamic acid did not differ between diets, suggesting some specific regulatory mechanism for these amino acids. Haemolymph glucose and trehalose reflected levels of carbohydrate in the diets, being high in insects fed diet 7:21 relative to those given diet 21:7. These data are discussed in relation to the physiological and behavioural bases of nutritional homeostasis.Abbreviations AA amino acid(s) - PRO protein - CHO carbohydrate - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - MW molecular weight  相似文献   

Complete dose-response curves for recently identified members of the AKH/RPCH family (four decapeptides and six octapeptides) have been measured inLocusta migratoria monitoring the lipid-mobilishing activityin vivo. In addition, dose-response curves have been produced for two octapeptide analogues which have a combination of amino acids at position 2 and 3 not occurring in naturally found AKH members. In the decapeptide members changes at position 10 from Thr to Ser are well tolerated, but the combination of Ser at position 5 and 7 around the Pro6 residue results in lowered activity, and efficacy of only 70%. In the octapeptides a single Leu/Val exchange at position 2 does not change the potency, however Tyr or Ile at position 2 lead to at least 3-fold loss of activity. The Ser5-Pro6-Ser7 combination in an octapeptide, as in the decapeptide, reduces potency. Octapeptides with 3 aromatic amino acids (Phe2, Tyr4, Trp8) show no typical dose-response curve and have low efficacies. The combination of Val2-Thr3 which has never been found in an octapeptide is tolerated well, but Leu2-Val3 is not. The latter peptide is rather inactive and has a low efficacy; very likely because the hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity pattern at the N-terminus of the peptide is absent.  相似文献   

Summary The intercellular junctions in the corpora cardiaca of the locusts Schistocerca gregaria and Locusta migratoria were investigated by transmission electron microscopy. In the glandular lobes, complexes consisting of scalariform junctions and associated mitochondria, comparable to those previously observed in ion transporting epithelia, are formed between gland cells, and more rarely between gland cells and the neurons innervating them. Their structure and abundance are apparently unaffected by the stage of development or by the various experimental conditions employed. In the neural lobe, scalariform junctions form between glial cells and show close association with the endoplasmic reticulum. Gap junctions are present among glandular, neural and glial elements, and are formed between cells of the same type and of different types. Contacts resembling punctate tight junctions are widely distributed in the gland, but would be unlikely to form a barrier to diffusion. Septate junctions are formed exclusively between glial cells.  相似文献   

Summary The transmitter content of identified inhibitory interneurons in the flight system of the locust, Locusta migratoria, has been characterized using antibodies raised against protein-conjugated gamma aminobutyric acid. Identified flight neurons were filled with the fluorescent dye, Lucifer Yellow. Serial sections of dye-filled neurons were incubated with an antibody to gamma aminobutyric acid which was subsequently tagged with a fluorescent marker. Excitatory motoneurons to wing muscles and 13 flight interneurons (3 excitatory, 7 inhibitory, and 3 with unknown synaptic effect) were examined. Neither the moto-neurons nor any of the 3 excitatory interneurons contained immunoreactive material. Six of the 7 inhibitory interneurons did contain immunoreactive material. All the neurons which contained immunoreactive material and whose synaptic effect is known were inhibitory. We conclude that most of the inhibitory flight interneurons which have been described use gamma aminobutyric acid as their transmitter. Interestingly, at least 1 set of interneurons known to be inhibitory does not use gamma aminobutyric acid. We predict that the 2 interneurons which do contain immunoreactive material and whose synaptic effect is not yet known will be found to have inhibitory roles in the operation of the flight circuitry.  相似文献   

The food selection behaviour of male fifth instar nymphs of Locusta migratoria was monitored on the host plant wheat and on the non-host plants Senecio vulgaris, S. jacobaea and Brassica oleracea. The non-hosts were rejected, but the mode of rejection altered with time in a way which suggested associative learning. This hypothesis was tested and the results discussed in relation to classical theories of learning.
La sélection des aliments chez les criquets: Le rôle de l'apprentissage dans le comportement de rejet
Résumé Des larves mâles de cinquième stade de Locusta migratoria ont été placées dans des cages avec des végétaux qui pouvaient être changées sans troubler les insectes. Le contact avec des pieds de blé entraînait généralement une palpation suivie de morsures et alors d'alimentation continue. Les plantes non-hôtes Senecio vulgaris, S. jacobaea et Brassica oleracea étaient rejetées, d'abord après morsures suivant la palpation, mais ultérieurement par palpation seule. Nous avons vérifié l'hypothèse que la sensation obtenue par palpation était initialement inadéquate pour provoquer le rejet, ce qui était assuré par les morsures ultérieures mais qu'avec l'expérience l'insecte apprenait à lier la sensation de palpation avec celle de morsures et progressivement rejetait après palpation seule. Ainsi les 8 premiers contacts avec des aliments désagréables ont été observés, soit quant S. vulgaris était présenté continuellement, soit quand S. vulgaris était remplacé par une autre plante désagréable après 4 contacts. Une analyse mathématique des résultats révèle une tendance au rejet par palpation seule à travers les contacts successifs, et que cette tendance est interrompue et se restaure quand l'espace végétal est changé. Ces résultats sond discutés dans le contexte des théories de l'apprentissage et on en a conclu que le phénomène observé est le résultat d'un apprentissage associatif.

Summary Lectins with different sugar specificities and labeled with horseradish peroxidase or gold were used to study, at the electron-microscopic level, surface glycoconjugates of glial cells and neurites growing out from explant cultures of the central nervous system of embryonic locusts. Differential binding to differentiating glial cells and to neurites was demonstrated. Concanavalin A (Con A) and wheat-germ agglutinin (WGA) bound to glial and neurite surfaces with different degrees of labeling. The formation of glial processes and junctional complexes was invariably accompanied by a corresponding increase of Con A- and WGA-receptors. Peanut agglutinin (PNA) failed to bind to glial cells but strongly stained the plasma membrane of neurite junctions. Lotus tetragonolobus a. (LTA) did not bind either to glial cells or to neurites. In addition, staining with an antibody against laminin showed labeling in areas of neurite outgrowth and neurite interactions; this resembled the localization of PNA receptors. These findings provide evidence for the presence of different carbohydrates at the surface of neurites and glial cells of locust. Their predominant localization in glial processes and neurite junctions suggests that these carbohydrates constitute part of a group adhesion glycoproteins that also includes laminin.  相似文献   

The number and location of neurons, in the central nervous system, that project into the frontal connective was studied in the locust by using retrograde neurobiotin staining. Staining one frontal connective revealed some 70 neurons in the brain. Most of these were located within both tritocerebral lobes. Additional groups of neurons were located within the deutocerebrum and protocerebrum. Some 60 neurons were labelled in the suboesophageal ganglion. These formed nine discernable populations. In addition, two neurons were located in the prothoracic ganglion and two neurons in the first abdominal neuromere of the metathoracic ganglion. Thus, some 250 neurons located within the head ganglia, and even neurons in thoracic ganglia, project into the ganglia of the enteric nervous system. This indicates that the coordination between the central and enteric ganglia is much more complex than previously thought. With the exception of some previously described dorsal unpaired median neurons and a few motor neurons in the head ganglia, the identity and function of most of these neurons is as yet unknown. Possible functions of the neurons in the thoracic ganglia are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary In Locusta migratoria and Schistocerca gregaria, the projection areas and branching patterns of the tympanal receptor cells in the thoracic ganglia were revealed. Four auditory neuropiles can be distinguished on each side of the ventral cord, always located in the anterior part of the ring tract in each neuromere (two in the meta-, one in the meso-, and one in the prothoracic ganglion). Some of the receptor fibres ascend to the suboesophageal ganglion. There are distinct subdivisions within the auditory, frontal metathoracic and mesothoracic neuropiles. The arrangement of the terminal arborisations of the four types of tympanal receptor cells according to their different frequency-intensity responses is somatotopic and similar in the two ganglia. Here the receptor cells of type-1 form a restricted lateroventral arborisation. Cells of type-4 occupy the caudal part with a dorsorostral extension. Cells of type-2 and -3 arborise in a subdivision between both. Most of the stained low-frequency receptors (type-1, -2, and -3) terminate either in the metathoracic or, predominantly, in the mesothoracic ganglion. In contrast, the high-frequency cells (type-4) ascend to the prothoracic ganglion. The receptor fibres of the different types of receptor cells differ in diameter.Abbreviations aRT anterior part of the ring tract - cf characteristic frequency - MVT median ventral tract - SEG suboesophageal ganglion - SMC supramedian commissure - VMT ventral median tract - VIT ventral intermediate tract Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft; part of program A7 in Sonderforschungsbereich 305 (Ecophysiology)  相似文献   

Summary Electron microscopic studies on developing follicles of Locusta migratoria show the vitelline membrane to be composed of two ultrastructurally distinguishable components: The vitelline membrane bodies (VMBs) and, in addition, fine granular material, cementing the VMBs together. VMBs form first in the oocyte-near zone within the oocyte-follicle cell space. Subsequently, the second vitelline membrane substance is secreted between the VMBs through apical protrusions of the follicle cells. The possible origin of the VMBs is discussed.Yolk uptake in Locusta seems to occur predominantly by pinocytosis. During oocyte development the oocyte membrane is enlarged by numerous microvilli and folds. In addition pinocytotic vesicles are pinched off. It is supposed that the latter loose their coat and eventually transform into large proteid yolk spheres.This work was supported by the Volkswagenstiftung, HannoverI wish to thank Prof. Dr. H. Emmerich, Techn. Hochschule Darmstadt, for valuable discussions  相似文献   

Many animals begin to escape by moving away from a threat the instant it is detected. However, the escape jumps of locusts take several hundred milliseconds to produce and the locust must therefore be prepared for escape before the jumping movement can be triggered. In this study we investigate a locust’s preparations to escape a looming stimulus and concurrent spiking activity in its pair of uniquely identifiable looming-detector neurons (the descending contralateral movement detectors; DCMDs). We find that hindleg flexion in preparation for a jump occurs at the same time as high frequency DCMD spikes. However, spikes in a DCMD are not necessary for triggering hindleg flexion, since this hindleg flexion still occurs when the connective containing a DCMD axon is severed or in response to stimuli that cause no high frequency DCMD spikes. Such severing of the connective containing a DCMD axon does, however, increase the variability in flexion timing. We therefore propose that the DCMD contributes to hindleg flexion in preparation for an escape jump, but that its activity affects only flexion timing and is not necessary for the occurrence of hindleg flexion.  相似文献   

Summary The terminals of the fast axon on extensor tibiae muscle fibres of Locusta were examined in untreated nerve-muscle preparations and in preparations stimulated electrically at frequencies varying from 0.5 to 100 Hz. The ultrastructure of the terminals in preparations stimulated at the lower range of these frequencies, which induce twitch contractions of the muscles, is similar to that of the controls. Stimulation at the higher frequencies induced tetanic muscle responses and rapid fatigue of the muscles after which they would not respond again to high frequency stimulation for about 1 h. This loss and recovery of the responses of the muscles is correlated with changes in the ultrastructural appearance of the terminals, in particular in the number and shape of the synaptic vesicles. The ultrastructure of these recovering axon terminals closely resembles that of the controls.R.P. Botham gratefully acknowledges the SRC for financial assistance  相似文献   

A mass spectrometric analysis carried out to determine the peptidome of the abdominal perisympathetic organs in the locust species Locusta migratoria and Schistocerca gregaria yielded a number of predominant ion peaks, among which are Lom-PVK (AAGLFQFPRVamide) and Scg-MT-2 (TSSLFPHPRLamide). In addition, three novel peptides were identified: Lom-PVK-2 (identical in Schistocerca): GLLAFPRVamide, Lom-PVK-3: DGGEPAAPLWFGPRVamide, and Scg-PVK-3: DGAETPGAAASLWFGPRVamide. An extensive mass spectrometric study of the central nervous system showed that the periviscerokinins (-PRVamides) and Scg-MT-2 (-FXXPRLamide) are restricted to the abdominal ganglia and their perisympathetic organs, while the pyrokinins (-FXPRLamides) are present only in the brain-retrocerebral complex. Sequence comparison with the Drosophila genes supports a conserved gene structure whereby a capability-like gene encodes the periviscerokinins that are expressed in the abdominal ganglia and stored in the perisympathetic organs, while a hugin-like gene encodes the pyrokinins that are expressed in the head ganglia and stored in the retrocerebral complex.  相似文献   

The glial processes ensheathing the motor nerve terminals on the retractor unguis muscle of Locusta migratoria are described. Ultrastructural changes observed after electrical nerve stimulation (20 Hz, 7 min) without or with subsequent rest (2 min, 1 h) are analysed morphometrically. Immediately after stimulation both the average terminal circumference (+ 23%) and its proportion covered by glial processes (+ 16%) are significantly increased. The mean number of Schwann cell processes per micron of terminal circumference (without stimulation: 0.86 +/- 0.04) is also affected: Immediately after stimulation it is increased by about 15% and after 2 min of rest even by 36%. The periaxonal cleft (without stimulation: 16.5 nm +/- 0.36) becomes wider immediately after stimulation by about 19%, an effect which is almost reversed after 1 h of rest. It is suggested that these changes are a consequence of the enlargement of the nerve terminal's surface upon massive exocytotic activity and that they are possibly mediated by mechanical attachment between glial and terminal plasma membranes.  相似文献   

Visual information processing is adapted to the statistics of natural visual stimuli, and these statistics depend to a large extent on the movements of an animal itself. To investigate such movements in freely walking blowflies, we measured the orientation and position of their head and thorax, with high spatial and temporal accuracy. Experiments were performed on Calliphora vicina, Lucilia cuprina and L. caesar. We found that thorax and head orientation of walking flies is typically different from the direction of walking, with differences of 45° common. During walking, the head and the thorax turn abruptly, with a frequency of 5–10 Hz and angular velocities in the order of 1,000°/s. These saccades are stereotyped: head and thorax start simultaneously, with the head turning faster, and finishing its turn before the thorax. The changes in position during walking are saccade-like as well, occurring synchronously, but on average slightly after the orientation saccades. Between orientation saccades the angular velocities are low and the head is held more stable than the thorax. We argue that the strategy of turning by saccades improves the performance of the visual system of blowflies.  相似文献   

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