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Rafiq Ahmad 《BioControl》1970,15(3):237-240
During the course of a survey of scale insects and their natural enemies in West Pakistan, this species was found to be parasitic onAspidiotus destructor Sign. attackingMangifera indica, Eugenia cumini, Musa sapientum andPsidium guajava in the former Punjab and Sind Provinces. It proved to be new, belonging to an undescribed genus closely related toAgeniaspis Dahlb. [Encyrtidae] differing mainly in the number of segments of the labial and maxillary palpi. A new genus is therefore erected for this species.
Résumé Au cours de l'étude dans l'Ouest-Pakistan des Cochenilles et de leurs ennemis naturels, cette nouvelle espèce s'est révélée parasite d'Aspidiotus destructor Sign. Elle appartient à un nouveau genre proche desAgeniaspis Dahlb. (Encyrtidae).

This research has been financed in part by a grant made by the United States Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Research Service.  相似文献   

Summary By comparison betweenParacoccidioides andDelacroixia, the former genus is adscribed to the Family Paracoccidioidaceae (Imperfect Entomophthorales).The relationship between the genera of Entomophthorales is discussed, together with the evolutive trend of the group.

Quest' argomento è stato oggetto di una nota presentata al III Congresso Internazionale di Microbiologia di Rio de Janeiro, Agosto 1950.  相似文献   

The conformation of the laminae volsellares of the european populations of Solenopsis seems to be unique among Formicidae. On the basis of this character they are separated from the genus Solenopsis s. str. (neotropical) to form another genus bearing the name Diplorhoptrum Mayr.

Es ist mir ein Bedürfnis Dr. H. Kutter in Männedorf besonders herzlich dafür zu danken, daß er mir durch Überlassung eines umfangreichen, europäischen und außereuropäischen Materials von Solenopsis die Abfassung dieser Studie ermöglicht und durch kritische Beurteilung die in ihr enthaltenen Ideen unterstützt hat.  相似文献   

Summary It is argued that Podon polyphemoides does not belong in the genus Podon, since the only similarity with the other species in this genus is the body outline, a characteristic of minor importance in generic distinction in the Polyphemoidea. The new name Pleopis polyphemoides is proposed.
Resumen Se argumenta que Podon polyphemoides no debe colocarse más en el genero Podon, ya que solamente tiene similitud con las otras especies de este género en la configuración del cuerpo, una caracteristica de menor importancia en la distinción del Orden Polyphemoidea. Se propone el nombre nuevo Pleopis polyphemoides.

Based on part of a dissertation, titled The Cladocera of the North Atlantic and the North Sea: Biological and Ecological Studies, and submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree at McGill University, Montreal, Canada.  相似文献   

Summary Some details concerning the reproduction of 2 Indian species of the supralitoral prosobranch genus Assiminea are described and compared with those of a North Sea species. The eggs are deposited on the mud surface and covered by an oblong cap formed of faecal pellets. The transversal dimension of the cap is correlated with the species-specific size of the pellets, the length corresponds to the number of eggs covered. In the North Sea Assiminea the cap is more or less straight, in the Indian species it meanders or is coiled up. The free-living veliger stage in both tropical species is more extended than in the North Sea species; this observation agrees with the rule of Thorson.

Prof. Dr. W. W. Ankel, meinem verehrten Lehrer, in Dankbarkeit gewidmet.

The author wishes to express his thanks to the Government of India for a postgraduate scholarship under the Indo-German Industrial Cooperation Scheme 1952–1955 and to the Fisheries Department, Govt. of Madras, for their hospitality.  相似文献   


Embriologycals researches in the thalictrum genus. — Embriology of Thalictrum angustifolium L. v. flavum L.

In this research has been studied the development of the female gametophyte of Thalictrum angustifolium L. v. flavum L.; it has been found a tetrasporic bipolarized type: the Pyretrum type, with sixteen nuclei.

The gametophyte is characterized by cellularization of every antipodal nucleus.

Besides this is a new type in the Thalictrum genus, supposing that in others species of this genus, has been recognized the Normal type.

The author supposes another type in this specie, probably a development of the tetrasporic tetrapolarized type, of which he will refer when the necessary elements emerge.

In this specie the microsporogenesis is simultaneous.  相似文献   

Summary We deal with a new variety ofAspergillus which we callAspergillus gracilis Bainiervar. sartoryi (Biourge) Batista, Lima and Vital.This variety appears to be very important under the phylogenetic point of view, apparently being an intermediate form betweenAspergillus andPenicillium.Its morphology resemblesA. gracilis but the conidia characteristics are distinct; we took the epithetsartoryi fromA. sartoryi Biourge which was not described by the respective author.We suggest, too, the transfer of the seriesA. restrictus, where we put our new variety, from the groupA. glaucus, to become independant, as a connective series in the phylogenetic development betweenAspergillus andPenicillium, since the type of the series and the other elements that it embraces does not produce sclerotia or cleistothecia and the conidial apparatus offers curious similarity toPenicillium. Besides, some fungi of the series grow well in certain culture media, in complete discordance with the members of the groupA. glaucus.

Publiçacão no 4

Chefe do Instituto de Micologia;

Diretor do Instituto de Antibióticos e Prof. de Microbiologia da Escola de Química;

Assistente micologista do Instituto de Micologia — (Todos da Universidade do Recife).

Os autores declinam o seu agradecimento ao Dr.Heraldo da Silva maia, Assistente micologista eD. Marilene Maranhão Moreira, Auxiliar-Técnico, do Instituto de Micologia, pela colaboração que lhes prestaram, durante a realização do presente trabalho.  相似文献   

Summary Trichosporon figueirae Bat. Silv. n. sp. is described as a fungus of intestinal anormal mycoflore.

Publicação no 171  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wird ein neu isolierter, virulenterB. subtilis-Phage beschrieben. Die durch Phenol-Extraktion gewonnene DNA dieses Phagen ist infektiös für kompetente Zellen vonB. subtilis. Bedingungen, unter denen maximale Infektiosität dieser DNA vorliegt, wurden experimentell ermittelt. Einige Eigenschaften, in denen sich dieses System infektiöser Phagen-DNA von der Transformation von Bakteriengenen durch bakterielle DNA unterscheidet, werden diskutiert.

With 7 Figures in the Text

Stipendiat 1962/1963 of Humboldt-Stiftung, Bad Godesberg

Habilitanden Stipendiat 1962/1963 of Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bad Godesberg.  相似文献   

A new species of the genusEndomycopsis is proposed. It was isolated from waste water, at Montevideo-Uruguay.By its morphological and biochemical proprieties it differs from allEndomycopsis previously described.

Este trabajo fue desarrollado en el Laboratorio de Micologia de la Facultad de Química de Montevideo, Uruguay y en uso de una beca de la Universidad Federal de Pernambuco para perfecciobamiento en el estudio de las levaduras.  相似文献   

A new species ofCephalosporium is reported that is parasitic on the floating water fernSalvinia rotundifolia. In culture this fungus forms white, pulvinate colonies with a surface mat that may change to vinaceous-brown or violet with age. Small, ovate to spherical, hyaline conidia and spherical to elliptic chlamydospores are formed by this species. It represents a new member of theC. acremonium group. The pathogenic nature of the fungus has been confirmed.
Zusammenfassung Eine neue Art vonCephalosporium ist beschrieben, die parasitisch an Wasserfarn,Salvinia rotundifolia, ist. In Kultur bildet dieser Pilz weiße, staubige Kolonien, die mit dem Alter braun oder violett werden. Diese Art bildet kleine ovale oder runde, hyaline Konidien und elliptische Chlamydosporen. Dieser Pilz ist ein neues Mitglied in derC. acremonium-Gruppe. Die pathogenetische Natur des Pilzes ist bestätigt worden.

Based in part on a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science, Atlanta University.

Published as Research Publication No. 25 Atlanta University Center Science Research Institute.  相似文献   

The spermatophores of Amblypygi and Uropygi are complicated structurs and vary in different species. In Mastigoproctus, the size and shape of the spermatophores prevent bastardation between M. giganteus and M. brasilianus. Taxonomic and phylogenetical implications are discussed.

Mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

ALeptographium fungus associated with the black turpentine beetleDendroctonus terebrans (Olivier) is described for the first time. The nameLeptographium terebrantis sp. nov. is proposed.
Zusammenfassung Der Pilz,Leptographium, der mit dem schwarzen Terpentinkäfer,Dendroctonus terebrans (Olivier) vergesellschaftet ist, wird das erste Mal beschrieben. Für den Pilz wird die BenennungLeptographium terebrantis vorgeschlagen.

The authors are research entomologist and biological aide (microbiology) with the Forest Insect Research Project, at the Southern Forest Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service, Pineville, Louisiana.  相似文献   

Summary The procedure which leads to the restoration of the diploid chromosomal number in the egg of the parthenogenetic Luffia ferchaultella is similar in all the eggs laid by one female. But it may vary in the eggs of closely related females (mother and daughters or sisters). Therefore it is not a characteristic of the parthenogenetic strain.

Au Professeur Bauer, en témoignage d'admiration.

Travail subventionné par le Fonds National Suisse de la Recherche Scientifique.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die neue Art Streptosporangium longisporum wird beschrieben. Morphologisch weicht sie insbesondere durch stäbchenförmige Sporangiosporen von allen anderen Arten der Gattung ab. Im Unterschied zu den übrigen Streptosporangium-Arten sind die Kolonien oft leuchtend rot, seltener bräunlich rot gefärbt. Die Farbe des Luftmycels mit reifen Sporangien ist rosa. Melanin oder sonstige Pigmente im Medium werden nicht produziert.Vergleichende Untersuchungen an den beschriebenen Streptosporangium-Arten machen es wahrscheinlich, daß Streptosporangium indianesis nicht zu dieser Gattung gehört.
A new species of Streptosporangium Isolated from turkish soil
Summary The new species Streptosporangium longisporum is described. It differs mainly from the other members of the genus by the shape of the sporangiospores which are cylindrical to oblong or allantoid; the average size is 0.7×2.1 , usually they are three times longer than wide. On most of the media the colour of the colonies is bright red, occasionally±brownish red. When bearing mature sporangia the aerial mycelium is pink. Melanin or other soluble pigments are not produced.In a comparative study of Streptosporangium indianesis no true sporangia were observed. Therefore the species should be excluded from the genus.

Die Untersuchung wurde durch eine Sachbeihilfe der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft an Frau Dr. Henssen unterstützt.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Chlamydomonas pallens n. sp. ist durch einen niedrigen Chlorophyllgehalt gekennzeichnet, der für die Erhaltung der Art durch Photosynthese nicht ausreicht. Eine zusätzliche Ernährung durch Acetat ist deshalb erforderlich.Die Abhängigkeit der Art von einer Zufuhr von B12 (Cyanocobalamin) dürfte sie für den Nachweis dieses Vitamins empfehlen.
Summary Chlamydomonas pallens n. sp. is characterised by a low degree of chlorophyll content. It thrives therefore only when photosynthesis is supplemented by acetate.Since the species also requires B12 (cobalamine) it appears to be suitable for the assay of this vitamin.

Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Summary For the first time the Authors have proved in the laboratory and in the fieldB. thuringiensis against the citrus-flower moth (Prays citri Mill.) successfully.

La memoria originale è stata publicata per esteso nelBollettino dell'Istituto di Entomologia Agraria e dell'Osservatorio di Fitopatologia di Palermo, 6.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the cerebral gland of the fresh water snail Planorbarius corneus has been described. The apical cell surfaces of the epithelium bordering the lumen are covered with short microvilli and in some parts with cilia. There is a remarkable enlargement of the basal surface of those cells underlying the perineurium by long branched cell processes. The fine structure and density of the substances in the lumen differ; inclusions of paracrystallin structure are found. The possible functional significance of these organs in Pulmonates is discussed.

Frau Prof. Dr. B. Scharrer zum 60. Geburtstag gewidmet.

Mit dankenswerter Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Summary Nudora omercooperi sp. nov. is described from a fresh-water spring below high tide mark at Claytons Rocks, South Africa. It is characterized by a massive gubernaculum and the form of various modifications of the cuticle.
Résumé Nudora omercooperi sp. nov. est une forme plus originale avec des déformations caractéristiques de la cuticule et un gubernaculum très massif.

Department of Zoology, British Museum (Natural History).  相似文献   


The morphology of Neobarclaya natalensis Syd., parasite on the leaves of Syzigium guineense DC., is described. Some characters are esp. stressed, such as the shape of the acervula, their position within the host tissues, some morphological peculiarities of the conidia, the nature and localization of their pigment.

Considerations on the systematic position of the fungus are exposed and the original diagnosis of J. B. Ellis and B. M. Everhart is enlarged and emendated.

Some morphological relations between the fungus under examination and the genera, esp. Melanconiales, showing dark, pluriseptate, appendaged conidia, are discussed.

Systematical and morphological considerations are then reported on the other two species of the genus Neobarclaya Sacc.: N. primaria (Ell. and Ev.) Sacc. and N. flagellifera (Ell. and Ev.) Sacc., the first of which is to be considered as the type species of the genus and the second one, due to its single apical seta, is segregated from Neobarclaya as the type species of a new genus of Melanconiales: Uniseta, which is different from Neobarclaya because of the above mentioned character, from Monochaetia Sacc. because of its 2-cellular conidia and from Monotrichum Gaüm. because of the dark pigment present in its conidia.  相似文献   

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