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The antibody Ki-67, which detects proliferating cells, was used in combination with propidium iodide, a DNA-specific dye. The double-staining method allowed discrimination of cells in the phases of the cell cycle as well as the recognition of Ki-67 staining characteristics. Suspension cultures of U937 cells were measured in exponential growth and plateau phase in nutritional deprivation. The fraction of Ki-67 positive cells was nearly 100% 2 days after dilution and 46% 7 days after dilution of the cultures. Stathmokinetic measurements with colchicine and flow cytometry measurements with the BrdU-Hoechst technique yielded close to 100% proliferation at day 2 but only 18% and 6%, respectively, at day 7. The discrepancy between Ki-67 results and the results of the two other methods is considered to be a characteristic of nutritionally deprived cells.  相似文献   

Since its introduction, the propidium iodide (PI) flow cytometric assay has been widely used for the evaluation of apoptosis in different experimental models. It is based on the principle that apoptotic cells, among other typical features, are characterized by DNA fragmentation and, consequently, loss of nuclear DNA content. Use of a fluorochrome, such as PI, that is capable of binding and labeling DNA makes it possible to obtain a rapid (the protocol can be completed in about 2 h) and precise evaluation of cellular DNA content by flow cytometric analysis, and subsequent identification of hypodiploid cells. The original protocol enhanced the capacity for a rapid, quantitative measure of cell apoptosis. For this reason, since its publication, the PI assay has been widely used, as demonstrated by the large number of citations of the original paper and/or the continuous use of the method in many laboratories.  相似文献   

A rapid method for the flow microfluorometric determination of the DNA content per cell is described. Incubation of cells in a hypotonic solution of propidium iodide results in disruption of the cell membrane and rapid staining of nuclear chromatin. DNA distribution histograms generated from cells stained by this method are identical to those generated after fixation and RNase digestion. In contrast to some earlier described methods, the present technique is rapid (5 min of processing), requires a minimal amount of material, and avoids formation of cell clumps.  相似文献   

Bertuzzi  A.  D’Agnano  I.  Gandolfi  A.  Graziano  A.  Starace  G.  Ubezio  P. 《Cell biochemistry and biophysics》1990,17(3):257-267
We studied thein situ binding of propidium iodide to DNA in fixed human lymphocytes, using flow cytometry. Experimental data of fluorescence emission vs dye concentration and vs cell concentration were obtained. Data were interpreted by means of two different mathematical models specific for the staining reaction, and the binding parameters were obtained by “best-fitting” of the data. A model based on two classes of binding sites with different affinity constants gave the most satisfactory fitting. The accessibility of thein situ chromatin turned out to be reduced with respect to the nonin situ accessibility for ethidium bromide as reported in the literature. The present study shows the usefulness of the flow-cytometric technique for probing DNA structure in intact cells.  相似文献   

We studied the in situ binding of propidium iodide to DNA in fixed human lymphocytes, using flow cytometry. Experimental data of fluorescence emission vs dye concentration and vs cell concentration were obtained. Data were interpreted by means of two different mathematical models specific for the staining reaction, and the binding parameters were obtained by "best-fitting" of the data. A model based on two classes of binding sites with different affinity constants gave the most satisfactory fitting. The accessibility of the in situ chromatin turned out to be reduced with respect to the non in situ accessibility for ethidium bromide as reported in the literature. The present study shows the usefulness of the flow-cytometric technique for probing DNA structure in intact cells.  相似文献   

A flow cytometric analysis of DNA structural changes induced by cleavage with nucleases was performed on isolated HeLa nuclei by assessing changes in stainability with the DNA-specific fluorochrome propidium iodide (PI). After mild digestion with DNAse I, micrococcal nuclease, or with the single-strand-specific S1 and Neurospora crassa nucleases, fluorescence intensity of nuclei stained with PI increased by about 15-30% above the value of undigested control samples. No significant modifications were observed with the restriction enzymes Eco RI, Alu I, and Not I. The DNAse I-induced increase in fluorescence intensity was also observed with the non-intercalating dye Hoechst 33258, but not with mithramycin. Nuclease-induced fluorescence intensity changes as determined with PI were found to be dependent on the dye concentration. A constant increase (about 20%) was measured at dye/DNA-P ratios greater than 0.11. Below this value (2 micrograms/ml PI), the fluorescence intensity of digested samples was 15-30% lower than that of undigested controls. This behaviour towards intercalating dyes is similar to that of the relaxed (nicked) vs. the supercoiled (intact) form of circular DNA. These results suggest that conformation- but not sequence-specific nucleases induce a relaxation of DNA supercoils.  相似文献   

Disseminated neoplasia (DN) is a disorder referred to as hemic neoplasia (HN) in the soft-shell clam Mya arenaria. Traditionally, diagnosis is performed by hematocytology or histology. The intensity of the disease is generally given as the percentage of transformed neoplastic cells out of total number of hemocytes. Flow cytometry techniques have found a field of application in diagnosis of HN with analysis of ploidy. Hemocytes of the soft-shell clams with HN display tetraploid DNA content, as shown by propidium iodide staining. This feature makes difficult HN diagnosis in the soft-shell clam, especially for early stages of the condition, since the percentage of normal circulating cells undergoing mitosis, which also are tetraploid, remains unknown in molluscs. Use of specific monoclonal antibodies in a flow cytometry assay was foreseen as a way to overcome the difficulty. The purpose of this study was to develop a double staining protocol using propidium iodide for hemocyte cycle analysis and the MAb 1E10 for staining of HN cells. Our results showed a correlation between tetraploid and MAb 1E10-stained hemocytes in a single clam with moderate HN. This protocol offers some potential for further investigation of this cell disorder. However, a validation step will be necessary to confirm our preliminary results.  相似文献   

The monoclonal antibody Ki-67 detects a nuclear antigen that is present only in proliferating cells. The aim of the present investigation was to clarify whether the Ki-67 nuclear antigen is restricted in its expression to certain phases of the cell cycle. All experiments consistently showed that the Ki-67 nuclear antigen is present in S, G2, and M phase, but is absent in G0. However, the results concerning Ki-67 antigen expression in G1 phase varied: cells passing the early events of mitogen triggered transition from G0 to G1, i.e., G1T and first G1A, lacked the Ki-67 nuclear antigen, whereas G1 cells after mitosis were constantly Ki-67-positive. This result suggests that after mitosis cells might not follow the same metabolic pathways as G0 cells do when entering G1 for the first time. Therefore, we suggest that the early stages of mitogen stimulation represent initial sequences of proliferation and not parts of the cell cycle. Because our data show that the Ki-67 nuclear antigen is present throughout the cell cycle, immunostaining with monoclonal antibody Ki-67 provides a reliable means of rapidly evaluating the growth fraction of normal and neoplastic human cell populations.  相似文献   

The human proliferation-associated epitope recognized by the Ki-67 monoclonal antibody (MAb) was detected in proliferating normal and neoplastic cells of many mammalian species (lamb, calf, dog, rabbit, rat) besides human. In contrast, Ki-67 stained proliferating cells from other species weakly (mouse) or not at all (swine, cat, chicken, pigeon). The immunostaining pattern of Ki-67 in animal tissues was identical to that previously described in human: Ki-67 reacted only with cells known to proliferate (e.g., germinal center cells, cortical thymocytes) but not with resting cells (e.g., hepatocytes, brain cells, renal cells); this MAb produced a characteristic nuclear staining pattern (e.g., stronger labeling of nucleoli than of the rest of the nuclei and staining of chromosomes in mitotic figures); and Ki-67 crossreacted with the squamous epithelium in both animal and human tissues. In vitro studies showed that when quiescent (Ki-67-negative) NIH 3T3 fibroblasts or bovine peripheral blood lymphocytes were induced to proliferate, the appearance of Ki-67-positive cells paralleled the induction of cell proliferation caused by addition of fetal calf serum or PHA, respectively, to the cultures, and in both human and rat proliferating cells the Ki-67 expression closely paralleled the incorporation of [3H]-thymidine. These findings indicate that the epitope recognized by the Ki-67 MAb in human and animal species is the same. The widespread evolutionary conservation of the human proliferation-associated epitope recognized by the Ki-67 MAb suggests that it and/or its carrier molecule may play an important role in regulation of cell proliferation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The neutral comet assay was devised to measure double-stranded DNA breaks, but it has also been used to measure apoptosis based on its characteristic DNA fragmentation patterns. There is still uncertainty about the reliability of this method. By comparing the comet assay with a flow cytometry method that uses Annexin V binding to apoptotic cells, we have provided further evidence for evaluating the usefulness of the comet assay for detecting apoptosis. METHODS: Apoptosis was induced in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) by ionizing radiation and measured using the comet assay and a flow cytometry method that measures Annexin V and propidium iodide (PI) staining. RESULTS: The Annexin V flow cytometry assay distinguished among early apoptosis, late apoptosis, and an apoptotic or necrotic phase in which the cells were labeled with both Annexin V and PI. The comet assay detected only the latter two phases of apoptosis. CONCLUSIONS: The comet assay is a useful tool for measuring the late stages of apoptosis whereas the Annexin V assay measures higher amounts of apoptosis because it can detect cells in an earlier stage of the apoptotic pathway.  相似文献   

Abstract. Laboratory studies and clinical trials are exploring the use of hypoxia-directed cytotoxic agents as adjuncts to radiotherapy. Because hypoxia and the microenviron-mental inadequacies associated with hypoxia in solid tumours inhibit cell proliferation, an essential requirement for the successful use of hypoxia-directed drugs in cancer therapy is that these drugs be toxic to quiescent tumour cells, as well as tumour cells progressing rapidly through the cell cycle. The experiments reported here compared the cytotoxicities of mitomycin C and porfiromycin to exponentially growing and plateau phase cultures of EMT6 mouse mammary tumour cells. The proliferative status of the cultures did not influence the cytotoxicity of mitomycin C under either aerobic or hypoxic conditions, or the cytotoxicity of porfiromycin in air. Exponentially growing cultures were slightly more sensitive than plateau phase cultures to porfiromycin in hypoxia, but the difference between the sensitivities of proliferating and quiescent cells was much smaller than the difference between aerobic and hypoxic cells. No evidence for repair of potentially lethal damage was found after treatment with porfiromycin in air or in hypoxia; this is in agreement with previous findings for mitomycin C. Mitomycin C and porfiromycin therefore exhibit the toxicity to quiescent cells needed for effective use as hypoxia-directed drugs for the treatment of solid tumours.  相似文献   

We examined the relationship between integrity of cumulus cells and nuclear maturation rate after in vitro culture to determine a non-invasive prediction of the maturational competence of feline oocytes. Feline cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) were collected from either small (400-800 μm) or large (≥800 μm) follicles. Immediately after collection, cumulus cells were evaluated morphologically (thickness of cumulus cell layers) and stained with propidium iodide (PI), which penetrates only non-viable cells. Cumulus cells without PI staining were judged as having good membrane integrity. After evaluation, COCs were cultured for 30 h and their nuclear maturation rate was determined. The nuclear maturation rate of oocytes derived from large follicles (89.8%) was higher (p < 0.05) than that from small follicles (60.8%). There was no difference in the maturation rate of oocytes from follicles with the same size regardless of cumulus morphology. In contrast, oocytes that had cumulus cells with good membrane integrity showed a higher maturation rate (93.8%) than oocytes with poor cumulus integrity (76.9%) in large follicles (p < 0.05). We conclude that evaluation of membrane integrity of cumulus cells by propidium iodide staining can be used to predict the maturational competence of oocytes.  相似文献   

The cell cycle-dependent distribution of the proliferation-associated Ki-67 antigen has been evaluated immunocytochemically in L-132 human fetal lung cells. The cells were synchronized and cell cycle phases were determined: G1 = 6.7 h, S = 5.4 h, G2 = 8.5 h and mitosis = 1.3 h. The Ki-67 patterns were strictly correlated with the cell cycle phases. In late G1-phase, Ki-67 antigen was present only in the perinucleolar region. In the S-phase, Ki-67 staining was found homogeneously in the karyoplasm and in the perinucleolar region. G2-phase cells contained a finely granular Ki-67 staining in the karyoplasm with Ki-67-positive specks and perinucleolar staining. In early mitotic cells (pro- and metaphase) an intense perichromosomal Ki-67 staining was observed in addition to a homogeneously stained karyoplasm in prophase, and cytoplasm in metaphase. During ana- and telophase the Ki-67 antigen disappeared rapidly. In resting cells there was no Ki-67 staining.  相似文献   

The measurement of color development with time in cells following the start of a staining reaction is of interest in a number of biological systems. These include the subsets of peripheral white blood cells after acridine orange staining, the uptake by cells and nuclei of fluorescent agents, especially antitumor drugs, and measurement of intracellular enzyme kinetics using fluorogenic or absorbing substrates. The present work describes a simple computer program for analyzing flow cytometric (FCM) data versus time, including both the population kinetics of color development and the variability of staining speed within one population of cells. A single-channel absorption measurement in flow (Technicon Hemalog D) was used to record peroxidase kinetics in peripheral blood cells. Every 5 s, a 64-channel absorption histogram was recorded, up to a maximum of 64 histograms. The data were then analyzed by a computer program which searched for the peak channel of each histogram. A least-squares fit was computed for these maxima. The asymmetries of the 64 absorption histograms were compared to see if there was more than one population present with different time constants. Although developed for enzyme kinetic measurements, this program may have wider usefulness in any measurements of time-dependent phenomena by FCM.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to assess cell proliferation in FNAs from a series of 57 non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHL) and 11 cases of reactive lymphadenitis using Ki-67 staining and flow cytometry (FCM). The results were compared and correlated to the cytomorphological subgrouping according to Kiel classification. The mean percentages of Ki-67 positivity were 16.6% and 61.1% for low and high grade lymphomas, respectively (P < 0.001). The mean S-phase fraction (SPF) determined by FCM was 4.61% for low grade and 12.9% for high grade lymphomas (P < 0.001). The figures for Ki-67 positivity and S-phase fraction in reactive lymphadenitis were 16.8% and 40%, respectively. We observed a strong correlation in low grade lymphomas between Ki-67 and SPF. A good correlation was also found in reactive lymphadenitis. In high grade lymphomas, however, with highly scattered Ki-67 and S-phase values, this correlation was lost. In some cases this discrepancy can be explained by a rich admixture of non-neoplastic, non-proliferating cells in aspirates from diploid tumours. In addition, the existence of a minor aneuploid tumour cell population of high proliferation such as that in Ki-1 lymphomas will not be accurately analysed by FCM but is easily assessed by Ki-67 staining. However, the main reason seems to be a high variability between the fraction of cells in S-phase and the total number of cells in G1, S and G2 in individual tumours.  相似文献   

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