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To elucidate the effects of light on thermoperiodic regulation of adult eclosion rhythm in the onion fly, Delia antiqua, the responses to two thermoperiods, 29°C (12 h):21°C (12 h) and 25.5°C (12 h):24.5°C (12 h), with different amplitude and same average temperature, were examined in continuous darkness (DD) and continuous light (LL). Irrespective of the temperature step between warm phase (W) and cool phase (C), temperature cycles effectively entrained the adult eclosion rhythm in both DD and LL. Eclosion peaks, however, varied with light conditions and temperature step between W and C. It advanced by approximately 2–3 h in DD than in LL and at smaller temperature step. Background light conditions and temperature step also affect the amplitude of eclosion rhythm. It became lower in LL than in DD and at smaller temperature steps. On transfer to constant temperature (25°C), eclosion rhythm was elicited earliest in the pupae at 8°C temperature step in DD and latest in those at 1°C temperature step in LL. Pupae at 1°C temperature step in DD and at 8°C temperature step in LL demonstrated intermediate responses, but the eclosion rhythm was elicited 1 day earlier in the former than in the latter. This might be ascribed to the interaction between background light and temperature step under thermoperiodic conditions. The results suggest that continuous light and a smaller temperature step weaken the coupling strength between eclosion rhythm and thermoperiod, but the light effect is stronger than the temperature step effect.  相似文献   

Abstract A variant of the flesh fly Sarcophaga similis, which does not enter pupal diapause even under diapause‐inducing conditions, is established by artificial selection. Interline crosses of the wild‐type and the variant revealed that the diapause capability is inherited in an incomplete dominant manner. Neither sex linkage nor a maternal factor is involved in the mode of inheritance. Genetic and genetic–environmental interactions are involved in the induction of diapause. In the wild‐type, the post‐feeding larval period is prolonged in response to short days. However, in the variant, the duration of the larval period under short‐day conditions is identical to that under long‐day conditions. Long‐day responses under short‐day conditions at both the larval and pupal stages in the variant indicate that the responses are established by common factors in both stages. The factors causing the long‐day responses under short‐day conditions at different developmental stages in the variant remain to be identified. However, it is plausible to hypothesize that common factors regulate ecdysteroid release at both the larval and pupal stages, and that malfunction of the system regulating these factors triggers such ecdysteroid release, irrespective of the photoperiod. Hence, the photoperiodic responses disappear in the variant in both stages. The adult stage of the variant has a functional circadian clock, suggesting that the nondiapause phenotype is not necessarily involved in malfunction of the circadian clock.  相似文献   

When pupae of Delia antiqua were transferred to constant darkness (DD) from light-dark (LD) cycles or constant light (LL), the sensitivity to light of the circadian clock controlling eclosion increased with age. The daily rhythm of eclosion appeared in both non-diapause and diapause pupae only when this transfer was made during late pharate adult development. When transferred from LL to DD in the early pupal stage, the adult eclosion was weakly rhythmic in non-diapause pupae but arrhythmic in diapause pupae. However, the sensitivity of the circadian clock to temperature cycles or steps was higher in diapause pupae than in non-diapause pupae; in the transfer to a constant 20 degrees C from a thermoperiod of 25 degrees C (12 h)/20 degrees C (12 h) on day 10 after pupation or from chilling (7.5 degrees C) in DD, the adult eclosion from diapause pupae was rhythmic but that from non-diapause pupae arrhythmic. In a transfer to 20 degrees C from the thermoperiod after the initiation of eclosion, rhythmicity was observed in both types of pupae. The larval stage was insensitive to the effect of LD cycle initiating the eclosion rhythm. In D. antiqua pupae in the soil under natural conditions, therefore, the thermoperiod in the late pupal stage would be the most important 'Zeitgeber' for the determination of eclosion timing.  相似文献   

Larval cultures of the flesh-fly Sarcophaga argyrostoma maintained in circadian ‘resonance’ experiments produced a high incidence of pupal diapause when the period of the light cycle was close to (T) 24, 48 or 72 hr, but a low incidence of diapause at T 36, 60 or 84 hr. Cultures pre-programmed for diapause by exposing pregnant females to long nights indicated the induction of non-diapause development at T 36, 60 and 84, whereas cultures pre-programmed for diapause-free development by exposing females to continuous light indicated the induction of diapause at T 24, 48 and 72.Raising the temperature reduced the heights of the diapause peaks whereas lowering the temperature raised them. With progeny from long-night-reared flies the lowest temperature tested (18°C) produced a result indistinguishable from an ‘hour-glass’ response, warning that ‘negative’ resonance experiments may merely indicate non-permissive conditions for demonstrating the involvement of circadian rhythmicity in insect photoperiodism.The results of the ‘resonance’ experiments and the effects of temperature are interpreted in terms of a multioscillator ‘external coincidence-photoperiodic counter’ model for the clock.  相似文献   

The influence of pupal diapause on adult eclosion rhythm of Delia antiqua was investigated. When non-diapause and diapause pupae were exposed to various photoperiods at 15, 20 and 25 °C, both of them emerged as adults close to the light-on time, but the phase of eclosion varied with photoperiod and temperature. Moreover, there was a significant difference in the eclosion time between non-diapause and diapause pupae; the eclosion peak of diapause pupae was earlier than that of non-diapause pupae. When non-diapause and diapause pupae were transferred to constant darkness (DD) after having experienced LD 12:12 at 15, 20 and 25 °C, both showed circadian rhythmicity in eclosion. Although the free-running period (τ) decreased slightly as temperature increased in both non-diapause and diapause pupae, the latter tended to show shorter τ than the former. This observation suggests that the observed difference in eclosion time in LD cycles between non-diapause and diapause pupae is due to differences in τ.  相似文献   

At photoperiods longer than 8h per 24h, adults of the day-active onion fly Delia antiqua showed a major peak of locomotor activity in the late photophase and also bursts of activity induced by lights-on or lights-off. At shorter photoperiods the activity peaks fused. After transfer from long photoperiods to constant darkness (DD), the rhythm free-ran, but only the major peak persisted. This suggests that only the major peak is controlled by the circadian pacemaker. At long photoperiods, the daily phase of the major peak occurred progressively later with age. As a result, the activity at short photoperiods often shifted from photophase to scotophase in old flies. The free-running period (tau) also changed with age; tau was shorter than 24h until 14-20 days after eclosion and thereafter became longer, but a few individuals repeated changes in tau. The phase delay of locomotor activity with age in D. antiqua would be attributable to the increase in tau.  相似文献   

The diapause-programming response to photoperiod in Plodia interpunctella was analyzed by exposing larvae to various 24-h and non-24-h regimes of light and darkness. The response to 24-h regimes indicated three photoperiodic parameters—a critical scotophase, a minimal photophase, and a minimal scotophase for a full expression of the response. The critical response was based on dark-time measurement, because disruption of the scotophase abolished the response and the diapause incidence varied as a function of scotophase in non-24-h regimes. The critical scotophase varied with the duration of the preceding photophase. Prevention of diapause by single or double-night interruptions of long scotophases could be explained by resetting of the dark-time measurement. The effect of a light pulse was modified by the quantitative interaction of light and dark reactions. The sensitivity to resetting by a light pulse seemed to be decreased in the early scotophase with an increasing duration of the preceding light period. Therefore, the significance of light in the photoperiodic response was something more than delimiting scotophase for the time measurement.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The Indian meal moth Plodia interpunctella Hubner (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) measures night length and enters diapause as a last-instar larva. To examine the role of photophase on dark-time measurement, the main LD 7 : 17 h photoperiod is disrupted by various lengths of darkness at 25 °C. When the light phase is not disrupted, the incidence of diapause is 76%. As the dark pulse disrupting a 7-h photophase becomes longer, the incidence of diapause decreases. To detect the dynamic kinetics of the time-measuring process, the main scotophase of 17 h is scanned by a 2-h light pulse. When the dark pulse in a 7-h photophase is fixed at 1 h after dawn and its duration is varied systematically from 1 to 3 h, or when the end of the dark pulse is fixed at 1 h before dusk, diapause is prevented completely by a 2-h light pulse inserted in the middle of 17-h darkness. These results are compared with those of a single night interruption of a 17-h scotophase with a 2-h light pulse but with an intact 7-h photophase. The disruption of a 7-h photophase by a dark pulse shifts the descending and ascending slopes of the response curve to some extent toward dawn and dusk, respectively, indicating that the dark pulse tends to shorten the critical length of dark time for diapause induction. When the main photophase (7 h) is interrupted by a 1-h dark pulse at 3–4 h after dawn, the 2-h scanning light pulse in the main scotophase (17 h) appears to act effectively as a dusk signal in the early scotophase. However, those in the mid- and late scotophase do not define the critical night length from dusk as sharply as for the critical night length from a 2-h light pulse to dawn. The results indicate the importance of photophase in the dark-time measurement.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Distant olfactory orientation of female adult Delia antiqua (Meigen) to the host-plant Allium volatile dipropyl-disulphide (DPDS) was examined in the field using mark-release-recapture experiments and observations of flight behaviour. Onion-reared, post-diapause, virgin females from a laboratory colony dispersed upwind when released in the centre of 25, 50 and 100 m radius circles of eight 50 μl UDPDS baits. Percentage recapture and dispersal directedness did not decrease as a function of increasing distance to baits. In all cases the mean flight direction of recaptured flies closely correlated with mean wind direction. However, modes of the circular distributions of recaptured flies were located further crosswind when odour-baits were more distant. When distance was held constant (25 m) and DPDS concentration serially reduced (500–0.05 μ/bait), flies dispersed randomly in the absence of DPDS, crosswind in response to 0.05 μl baits and upwind in response to all other baits. Percentage recaptures on DPDS-baited traps of all concentrations were significantly greater than unbaited traps. Results from markrecapture studies were corroborated by observations of flight behaviour downwind. Flies located 100 m downwind from 50 μl DPDS baits flew upwind on take off while take-off flights in the absence of DPDS were random. Our data indicate that Allium volatiles like DPDS are involved not only in the acceptance phase of host-selection, but also in the first and probably most important stage when onion flies are initiating search long distances downwind. We conclude that D. antiqua orients to host-plants using olfactory cues from distances that should be classified as long-range ( sensu Kennedy , 1977  相似文献   

Abstract. Prior studies revealed that the photoperiodic clock in Drosophila triauraria operates during the scotophase and the processes measuring scotophase are composed of two phases: the A phase which lasts 6–7 h from the onset of the scotophase and the B phase which follows the A phase. In this study the photoperiodic clock in this species was analysed by low-temperature pulses. Low temperature (5C) or a low-temperature (2C) pulse of 3 or 4 h decreased the induction of diapause when applied during the scotophase, but not when applied within the photophase. The low-temperature pulse showed two maxima of the effect, 0–4 h and 8–10 h after the onset of the scotophase, approximately corresponding to the A and B phases, respectively. It is considered that low temperature retards the time measurement processes operating during these phases. In the period which was rather insensitive to the diapause-preventing action of low temperature, i.e. 5-7h after the onset of the scotophase, substances or stimuli accumulated during the A phase may be converted to information required for operation of the machinery in the B phase. Experiments using a combination of low-temperature and light pulses suggested that low-temperature decreases the sensitivity to light, especially in the B phase.  相似文献   

When non-diapause and diapause pupae of Deliaantiqua were exposed to various thermoperiods where thermophase (T) was 25 °C and the cryophase (C) was 15 or 20 °C (TC15 or TC20) in constant darkness (DD), the majority of both types of flies emerged before the rise in temperature. Eclosion time was delayed at the lower cryophase temperature. Moreover, there was a significant difference in the time of adult eclosion between non-diapause and diapause pupae; diapause pupae eclosed earlier than non-diapause pupae. When the two types of pupae were transferred to a constant low temperature (15 or 20 °C) after having experienced TC15 or TC20 12:12 h, they showed circadian rhythmicity in eclosion. The free-running period (τ) of the eclosion rhythm changed after transfer to constant low temperatures in both non-diapause and diapause pupae, suggesting that this change represents a transient cycle until the temperature-sensitive oscillator is coupled again to the temperature-insensitive pacemaker. However, diapause pupae tended to show a shorter τ than non-diapause pupae. This observation suggests that the difference in adult eclosion time under thermoperiodic conditions between non-diapause and diapause pupae is related to their different τ s.  相似文献   

The oviposition deterrent properties of pine oil (Norpine 65, Northwest Petrochemicals, Anacortes, Washington) for the onion maggot, Delia antiqua (Meigen), were verified using a two-choice bioassay with onion oil as an attractive control. The principal deterrent property of this pine oil was found to reside in three monoterpenes, 3-carene, limonene, and p-cymene, which were the primary constituents identified in the most deterrent of two fractions made by preparative gas chromatography of steam-distilled pine oil. At release rates of 220, 320 and 320 g per 24 h in two-choice bioassays these monoterpenes respectively caused 73.2, 65.4 and 56.3% deterrency of oviposition, while the ternary mixture released at 320 g per 24 h caused 88.6% deterrency. The ternary mixture also caused 62.5% deterrency in a no-choice bioassay. Of eight other monoterpenes tested, myrcene, -phellandrene, -terpinene, -phellandrene, -terpinene, terpinolene, and -pinene were significantly deterrent in declining order, while -pinene was inactive. The ternary mixture was released from glass capillary tubes or flexible plastic cylinders in further bioassays that challenged caged females to oviposit around the base of 35 potted onion seedlings with release devices placed on the soil surface. The most effective deterrency (85.3%) was achieved at a release rate of 280 g per 24 h per pot if plastic cylinder devices were deployed 24 h before the treated pot was exposed to D. antiqua females. If female D. antiqua were given only a treated pot, deterrency of oviposition on potted onion seedlings was significant, but low (11.7–63.2%). Because of incomplete efficacy, a monoterpene-based deterrent formulation would be best used operationally if combined with other deterrents, or if it were integrated with some other tactic.  相似文献   

Abstract.The photoperiodic response in Plodia interpunctella collected at Toyama (36.7°N) was of long-day type and highly sensitive to temperature. The critical photoperiod giving 50% diapause was between 14 and 16 h at 20°C, between 12 and 14 h at 25°C and between 6 and 8 h at 30°C. Effects of night interruption by a 2-h light pulse on the diapause response were examined at 25°C on different background photoperiods ranging from LD 12:12 h to LD 2:22 h. Percentage diapause was very low when the middle portion of dark period was interrupted, so that U- or V-shaped response curves were obtained with background scotophases longer than 12 h. In these curves, the descending slopes were less steep than the ascending slopes. The critical dark period measured from dusk to an interrupting light pulse was about 1.5 h longer than the critical dark period ( c . 10 h) in the normal photoperiodic response. The critical dark period from the interrupting light pulse to dawn, on the other hand, was not parallel to dawn but shorter than the normal critical period in LD 12:12 h and LD 10:14 h and longer than that in LD 7:17 h to LD 4:20 h, indicating that the priming effects of the light pulse might be under the influence of the photophase.  相似文献   

When seedlings of Pharbitis nil Choisy, cv. Violet, are exposed to a single inductive dark period at 27°C, brief interruptions with red light (R) can be promotive after 2–3 h of darkness but increasingly inhibitory to flowering up to the 8–9th h of darkness. This rhythmic response to R interruptions can be advanced in phase by > 1 h when the preceding light period is interrupted with far-red (FR) 2 h before darkness (FR -2 h) or with FR – 15 h, whereas FR –8 h or FR–22 h retard the rhythm. These shifts in the R interruption rhythm are paralleled by equal shifts in the length of the dark period required for flowering. Brief FR interruptions of darkness displayed a similar rhythm which was also advanced by FR –2 h and retarded by FR –8 h. We conclude therefore that the semidian rhythm in the light, which we have previously described, continues through at least the first 12 h of darkness, is manifested in the R interruption rhythm, and determines the critical night length. A circadian rhythm with a marked effect on flowering was also identified, but several lines of evidence suggest that the circadian and semidian rhythms have independent additive effects on flowering and do not appear to show phase interaction.  相似文献   

Thermal responses controlling pupariation and adult eclosion in a citrus fruit fly,Dacus tsuneonis (Miyake), were studied to understand the winter biology of this species. When mature larvae were exposed to various temperature conditions, the highest percentage of pupariation was obtained at 15 °C, although the variance at this temperature was greater than at 20 °C or 25 °C. Pupariation occurred most rapidly at 20 °C and an alternating temperature with a mean of 15 °C. At constant 15 °C, pupae failed to emerge as adults. Pupae were characterized by a reduced respiration rate, which is typical of a diapausing pupa. When insects were stored at different temperatures for 45 days after pupariation, and then transferred to 25 °C, adult eclosion occurred earlier when the initial temperature was 10 °C than when it was 5 °C or 15 °C. Adult eclosion occurred most synchronously and pupal mortality was lowest when insects were stored at 15 °C for 90 days before incubation at 25 °C. These results strongly suggest thatD. tsuneonis enters a pupal diapause.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This artificial selection study with the flesh fly, Sarcophaga bullata Parker, tested the hypothesis that phenotypic variability in the length of the larval stage (under non-diapause conditions) is largely a consequence of genetic variability. Selection for late pupariation resulted in a line that pupariated significantly later and also developed more slowly during other stages of the life cycle. In a diapause-inducing environment, the selected line pupariated later, showed a higher incidence of pupal diapause, and remained in diapause longer than the unselected line. This is the first experimental evidence in S.bullata to show that diapause incidence and duration are related. The relationship between developmental rate and diapause traits may stem from the pleiotropic effects of genes associated with late pupariation, or from one or more genes associated with late pupariation being closely linked to genes that affect diapause.  相似文献   

Abstract .The blow fly Calliphora vicina Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Calliphoridae) has a wide distribution across northern and temperate Europe. It has a facultative, maternally-induced larval diapause in response to short days. The photoperiodic response, measured at 15 and 20°C, of two populations was compared. A southern population (originating at 51° N) was sensitive to temperature at all daylengths; the incidence of diapause was greatly reduced at 20°C compared with 15°C. The photoperiodic response of a northern population (from 65° N) was sensitive to temperature only in long days; in short days (< 14 h of light) the response of this strain was identical at each temperature.
Variation in parental photoperiod and temperature were found to affect the duration of larval diapause, indicating a role for maternal effects in diapause intensity as well as incidence. However, the between-strain variation was greater than that within strains, indicating qualitative differences in diapause response. These differences may arise from the ecological conditions at the points of origin of the two strains. The northern strain from the harsher climate has a more intense diapause that follows a relatively temperature-insensitive photoperiodic response. In contrast, the southern strain has a shallow diapause and its photoperiodic response may be overridden by the experience of concurrent high temperature.  相似文献   

Canadian populations of D. radicum differ in their response to temperature during postdiapause development. Populations that are primarily of the early-emerging type ( ) (St-Jean, Quebec; London, Ontario) have high values for the parameters describing this response: % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafiart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq-Jc9% vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0-yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr-x% fr-xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGcbaGaamOuamaaBa% aaleaacaWGTbaabeaakiabg2da9aaa!38F2!$$R_m = $$ 12.7–13.3; 28.0–31.8 °C ; T = 10.3–14.2 ( , the maximum developmental rate at the temperature, [ °C ] where the developmental rate is highest, and T , the parameter which gives the shape of the truncated normal curve fitted to the data), a low degree-day requirement for emergence (160–232 ), and may lack a developmental delay at temperatures above ca. 21 °C . Populations of the late-emerging type (Kildare, Prince Edward Island) have low parameter values ( , °C ; T = 6.4), high degree-day requirements (530 ), and a developmental delay at high temperatures. The parameters for the early-emergers in the population from Winnipeg, Manitoba (74% early) were intermediate ( , °C , T = 10.7, ), but resembled the early rather than the late type. This population varied from 31 to 90% early type over a 10-year period and the rate of postdiapause development at 20 °C was directly related to the percentage early. In the year with the most rapid development (90% early), development was significantly slower than in the populations from other locations with predominantly early populations, and the year with the slowest development (31% early) showed significantly faster development than that from Kildare, Prince Edward Island (100% late). Therefore the parameters for early and late types of development will not be accurate for use in mixed populations, and the parameters in mixed populations will change among years. Populations of D. radicum in North America and Europe (67 locations by years) varied from 0–100% early. At Winnipeg, the percentage early was directly related to the annual temperature accumulation ( ) during the growing season. The calculation of developmental parameters for the early-emergers of mixed populations provides a more accurate basis for estimating the times of first emergence and the first peak of emergence than parameters based on the whole population. Since postdiapause developmental rates vary both among and annually within locations, developmental models should be designed to include such variations.  相似文献   

Plodia interpunctella Hübner (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) comprises a model insect to analyse the photoperiodic time‐measuring system controlling its larval diapause. In the present study, the effective length of light pulse in night interruption experiments is determined at 25 °C. Various lengths of light pulse are tested by inserting them at the midnight of an LD 12 : 12 h photoperiod. When the light pulse is 15 or 30 min, the incidence of diapause is 86%. To inhibit the induction of diapause effectively, a light pulse of 1.75–2 h is needed. The incidence of diapause is 12% under an LD 12 : 5 : 2 : 5 h photoperiod. To determine the precise role of the light pulse, 2‐h light pulses placed at the midnight of an LD 12 : 12 h photoperiod are disrupted systematically by darkness. When a 2‐h light pulse is disrupted by 15 min of darkness, diapause is generally prevented (< 29%) regardless of the temporal position of darkness. Longer disruption by darkness induces diapause moderately (37–67%). A Bünsow experiment is also conducted at 25 and 20 °C, in which the main photophase of 12 h of light is combined with 24–72‐h scotophases scanned by a 2‐h light pulse. The photoperiodic cycle length tested, therefore, varies in the range 36–84 h. In each cycle length, the incidence of diapause fluctuates as the light pulse moves toward dawn. However, no regular and circadian changes in the percentage diapause are observed in relation to diapause determination.  相似文献   

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