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药用植物数据库的建立与相关数据挖掘,对民族药物学的研究具有重要意义。该研究在顶层设计的基础上,对广西靖西端午节药市及周边地区实地调查时获得的药用植物标本和照片进行形态学特征、药用价值、民族传统利用方式等信息的整理,由此设计和建立开放的民族药用植物数据库系统。主要应用Microsoft Office Access和Java编程对数据进行管理、查询和统计,通过提取药用植物特征的不同权值来计算不同科属和类别之间的相似度。结果表明:该数据库系统能以柱状图或饼状图的形式将数据之间的关系直观地展示出来,从而反映出各种植物特征和各种功能属性之间的联系。同时该数据库系统还可以用于数据的管理、检索和查询相关民族药用植物的背景资料、药用价值等信息,并能进行相应的统计分析,有利于挖掘数据和发现新线索。 相似文献
瑶族是一个拥有悠久历史和灿烂文化的民族,红瑶是其中一个分支,因妇女服饰上的花纹图案以大红色为主而得名,其生活习俗饱含民族特色,对植物尤其是药用植物的利用方式,与其他民族不同。该研究采用经典的民族植物学理论和方法,访问调查了广西龙胜红瑶传统药用植物种类,根据植物拉丁名、中文名、当地名、用途、用法及药用部位,对其进行民族植物学编目,并与《中国药典》作了比较。结果表明:共记录到药用植物95种,隶属于57科83属,其中蔷薇科、百合科种类最多,分别含有7种,显示龙胜红瑶传统药用植物资源的多样性;全株入药的植物种类41种,占总数的43.16%;根入药的种类为23种,占总数的24.21%;叶入药的种类为13种,占总数的13.68%。药用植物的药用部位以全株、根及叶为主;治疗风湿类疾病的药物比重最大,为23.47%,推测与其生活的环境有关;与《中国药典》比较,发现71种植物未被其收录,另有17种虽被收录但主治功效不同,有7种被收录且主治功效大致相同,为新型中药的研发提供了借鉴。同时,还探讨了龙胜红瑶传统药用植物的药用价值、资源现状及文化传承的问题。 相似文献
瑶族民间药浴历史悠久,是重要的疾病预防和治疗手段,是我国重要的非物质文化遗产。江华瑶族自治县药浴植物丰富,药浴配伍独具当地特色。该文采用民族植物学研究方法对湖南江华瑶族自治县瑶族传统利用的药浴植物进行了调查,共收集整理了152种药浴植物,隶属于70科125属,记录了其瑶名、学名、入药部位以及功能主治等,并调查记录了部分常用药浴与产后药浴植物配伍。结果表明:(1)江华瑶族药浴植物中草本植物占明显优势,且多为全草入药,主要用于治疗风湿关节炎、跌打损伤、妇科病以及皮肤病等,常用的药浴植物多为祛风除湿的“风药”。(2)通过实地调查和访问调查发现,珍贵药浴植物种群规模因过度采挖和生境破坏而减小。(3)对比了广西、云南、湖南等地瑶族药浴植物的异同,探讨其背后的相关性和原因。作为非物质文化遗产的瑶族药浴面临诸多方面的威胁,其内部科学性仍有待探究,需进一步加强综合研究与合作,为其保护、传承和发扬提供保障。 相似文献
S.D. Ingrey L.A. Pearson J.A. Kalaitzis B.A. Neilan 《Journal of applied microbiology》2021,131(5):2244-2256
Isabela Antonio Pereira Benhur Judah Cury Ruan Kaio Silva Nunes Luisa Mota da Silva 《化学与生物多样性》2023,20(2):e202201021
In southern Brazil, the biodiversity is great and the traditional use of medicinal plants for wound healing has been documented in ethnobotanical studies and pharmacological studies have assessed their wound properties and phytochemistry. Therefore, this study evaluated ethnobotanical surveys regarding medicinal plants used in southern Brazil for wound healing and studies about the healing properties of these plants published between 2000 and 2022. To retrieve articles related to the study, Web of Science, PubMed (NLM), Open Access Journals, Scielo, Lilacs, and Google Scholar, with keywords including medicinal plants, wound healing, and South of Brazil, have been used. As a result, 73 medicinal plants belonging to 39 families were found in ethnobotanical surveys as a traditional resource used for wound healing in southern Brazil, 15 of which were cited more than once. Besides, 14 of these 15 plants were also used as healing agents worldwide. The most cited plant with healing actions in southern Brazil was Symphytum officinale L. (comfrey). From 2000 to date, 44 articles scientifically demonstrated the wound-healing effects of the southern Brazilian plants found in ethnobotanical surveys reviewed. The folk medicine of southern Brazil presents a variety of medicinal plants for wound-healing purposes, and scientific data were found for some of those plants. However, the wound-healing properties of many plants have yet to be investigated, and the current literature still needs more phytochemical information about the plants studied. Aside from this, the future focus should be on the standardization of herbal extracts, and further research is required to investigate the pharmacological mechanisms. Clinical research in this area remains in its infancy and warrants more robust further clinical studies. 相似文献
余国奠 《植物资源与环境学报》1992,(4)
作者通过实地考察,论述了秘鲁丰富的民族植物学和民间草药知识,并根据收集到的有关资料对秘鲁民间草药和中草药的种类进行比较分析,为进一步开发药用植物资源和研制新药提供参考。 相似文献
贵州凯里药市的侗族药用植物 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
凯里药市最初由当地少数民族自发组织,药市中不仅有大量的苗族传统药用植物,而且侗族传统药用植物十分丰富,为了掌握该药市侗族药用植物的现状,该研究运用民族植物学和植物分类学等方法于2014—2017年对凯里药市交易的侗族药用植物进行了6次详细调查。结果表明:该药市出售的侗族药用植物种类较多,共有65科100属111种,其中以广义百合科(Liliaceae)植物(6种,5.4%)为主,其次为伞形科(Umbelliferae)、菊科(Compositae)、天南星科(Araceae)植物(各5种,各占4.5%),再次为苦苣苔科(Gesneriaceae)植物(4种,3.6%)。从植物生活型来看,草本占有绝对优势,共有88种,占79.3%;用药部位具有多样化,但全草类药材占总数的一半。该研究还对药市中侗族和苗族交易的药用植物进行了比较分析,得出凯里药市交易的侗族药材具有独特的地域性和民族性,尤以治疗风湿关节、跌打损伤等常见疾病为主,并对凯里药市的可持续发展提出了建议。 相似文献
Bradley C. Bennett 《Economic botany》2007,61(3):246-255
The Doctrine of Signatures (DOS) is found throughout the world. Most scholars dismiss it as a “primitive” or “prescientific”
idea. Despite its long history, the doctrine has had little critical review. A careful evaluation of signatures suggests four
things. (1) There is no evidence that morphological plant signatures ever led to the discovery of medicinal properties. Considering
DOS in this manner is unproductive and largely untestable. (2) Signatures are post hoc attributions rather than a priori clues
to the utility of medicinal plants. (3) It is productive to redefine signatures to include organoleptic properties associated
with therapeutic value. Plants with strong odors or bitter tastes, for example, commonly are found in pharmacopoeias. (4)
DOS should be considered for what it primarily is—a way of disseminating information. DOS fundamentally is a mnemonic and,
therefore, is exceedingly valuable in traditional cultures. 相似文献
In this study, extracts from 50 Taiwanese folk medicinal plants were examined and screened for anti-Helicobacter pylori activity. Ninety-five percent ethanol was used for herbal extraction. Paederia scandens (Lour.) Merr. (PSM), Plumbago zeylanica L. (PZL), Anisomeles indica (L.) O. Kuntze (AIOK), Bombax malabaricum DC. (BMDC) and Alpinia speciosa (J. C. Wendl.) K. Schum. (ASKS) and Bombax malabaricum DC. (BMDC) all demonstrated strong anti-H. pylori activities. The minimum inhibitory concentration values of the anti-H. pylori activity given by the five ethanol herb extracts ranged from 0.64 to 10.24 mg ml(-1). Twenty-six herbs, including Artemisia argvi Levl. et Vant (AALEV), Phyla nodiflora (Linn.) Greene (PNG) and others, showed moderate anti-H. pylori activity. The additional 19 herbs, including Areca catechu Linn. (ACL), Euphorbia hirta Linn. (EHL) and Gnaphalium adnatum Wall. ex DC. (GAWEDC), possessed lower anti-H. pylori effects. About half of the Taiwanese folk medicinal plants tested, demonstrated to possess higher anti-H. pylori activity. 相似文献
湘西地区祛风除湿的医药传统知识历史悠久,但相关药用植物的资源本底和传统知识现状还不够清楚。该文基于民族植物学调查方法,对湘西地区祛风除湿药用植物的组成、相关传统知识、定量评价、实际估价和在《湖南省中药材标准》(2009年版)收录情况等方面进行了系统梳理,并就该类资源的可持续利用提出了相关建议。结果表明:(1)湘西地区目前利用的祛风除湿药用植物共有48科65属71种,以毛茛科(Ranunculaceae)和五加科(Araliaceae)居多。(2)根、全株、茎(藤)为主要利用部位。(3)生活型主要是草本、藤本和灌木,乔木较少。(4)与药用植物相关的传统知识在代际传播方面存在不确定性。(5)寻骨风(Aristolochia mollissima)、威灵仙(Clematis chinensis)和广防风(Anisomeles indica)显示出最高的知识一致性水平,是本次调查中3种最常用的祛风除湿药用植物。(6)当地药用植物的本地价格受市场影响较小,总体维持在较为平稳的水平,且缺乏对药材消费需求的了解。(7)有25种祛风除湿药用植物在《湖南省中药材标准》(2009年版)收录的功能与主治为祛风除湿、关节痹痛、风湿等。随着现阶段我国资源立法的不断完善,建议对湘西地区祛风除湿药用植物相关传统知识加强保护,提高该类资源的生物多样性和可持续利用水平; 并充分利用多学科交叉知识和技术手段,加强区域内传统医药资源的发掘和创新,使湘西丰富的药用植物资源更好地为人类健康做出贡献。 相似文献
该研究自2013年开始对阳春开展了全面的中药资源普查工作,在全面了解阳春地区药用植物资源的基础上,于2013年和2014年两次对阳春重阳传统药市进行全面跟踪调查。结果表明:阳春重阳传统药市出售的药物种类丰富,共收集鉴定得出134种药用植物,隶属于60科117属,并对收集到的药用植物进行编目,包括俗名、学名、药用部位、用途和用法等。从药用植物的科、属分布上来看,其中种类较多的科有大戟科(11种)、蝶形花科(10种)、菊科(10种)、茜草科(9种)、马鞭草科(6种)、姜科(5种)、防己科(5种)。药用植物的种类广泛分布于各科和属中,而非集中于少数科、属内。此外,还对阳春重阳传统药市所形成的文化基础、植物应用特色和药材地域特色进行了分析,在药市中调查到一批具有当地特色的滋补养生类的药材,得出阳春当地具有将药用植物融入日常饮食的习惯。药市中售卖的药材功效与当地的自然环境密切联系,其中尤以治疗与岭南地区湿热的气候和瘴疠虫蛇等特点所引起的常见疾病为主。同时,对阳春药市的可持续发展提出了意见和建议。 相似文献
Athanasiadou S Githiori J Kyriazakis I 《Animal : an international journal of animal bioscience》2007,1(9):1392-1400
The use of medicinal plants for the prevention and treatment of gastro-intestinal parasitism has its origin in ethnoveterinary medicine. Although until recently the majority of the evidence on the antiparasitic activity of medicinal plants was anecdotal and lacked scientific validity, there is currently an increasing number of controlled experimental studies that aim to verify and quantify such plant activity. There are indeed a large number of plants whose anthelmintic activity has been demonstrated under controlled experimentation, either through feeding the whole plant or administering plant extracts to parasitised hosts. However, contrary to traditional expectation, there are also a great number of plants with purported antiparasitic properties, which have not been reproduced under experimental conditions. In this paper, we discuss the source of such inconsistencies between ethnoveterinary wisdom and scientific experimentation. We focus on the strengths and weaknesses of the existing methodologies used in the controlled studies to determine the activity of antiparasitic plants. We discuss issues like the seasonal and environmental variability of the plant composition, and how this can affect their antiparasitic properties and highlight the importance of identifying the mechanisms of action of such plants and the target parasite species. In addition to their antiparasitic properties, medicinal plants may also have anti-nutritional properties, which can affect animal performance and behaviour. For this reason, we emphasise the need for considering additional dimensions when evaluating medicinal plants. We also question whether using similar criteria as those used for the evaluation of anthelmintics is the way forward. We propose that a holistic approach is required to evaluate the potential of medicinal plants in parasite control and maximise their benefits on parasitised hosts. 相似文献
In this study, 121 wild edible plants used as food in Anatolia were surveyed to determine the plant parts used and their detailed
preparation methods. The results of this study show that the plants may be boiled, fried in fat, and eaten raw or as rolled
vegetables. They may also be consumed as pickles, fruits, sweets and spices, and drunk as cold and hot drinks. Thirty species
(8 genera) were identified as belonging to the Lamiaceae family, 15 species (15 genera) belong to the Asteraceae family, 13
species (5 genera) belong to the Rosaceae family, 8 species (7 genera) belong to the Brassicaceae family, 6 species (3 genera)
belong to the Orchidaceae family and 5 species (5 genera) belong to the Apiaceae family. The genera represented by the highest
number of species in the study are as follows:Sideritis L. is represented by 13 species, Origanum L. by 7 species,Rubus L. by 5 species,Thymus L. by 4 species andRumex L. by 4 species. 相似文献
Jan Salick Anja Byg Anthony Amend Bee Gunn Wayne Law Heidi Schmidt 《Economic botany》2006,60(3):227-253
Tibetan medicine historically has had multiple medical lineages, despite ancient, shared literary medical canons. However, since the second half of the 20th century in Tibet, increasing state control and commoditization has lead to centralization and standardization of Tibetan medicine. Here we investigate how much variation in the use of medicinal plants remains in contemporary Tibetan medicine. Medicinal plants used and/or sold by fifteen Tibetan medical institutions, markets, and doctors, as well as two additional non-Tibetan markets, are inventoried and vouchered (where allowed). The data are ordered by Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling. Four distinct groups are defined: (1) government recognized Tibetan medical institutions and their disciples both in Lhasa and elsewhere, (2) local herbal doctors near Mt. Khawa Karpo, eastern Himalayas, (3) Tibetan medicinal markets in Lhasa and near Mt. Khawa Karpo, and (4) non-Tibetan medicinal markets near Dali and Kunming, Yunnan. This clearly documents the plurality of Tibetan medical traditions—official, local, and market—while differentiating these from non-Tibetan markets. 相似文献
Herbal medicine is the first response to illness in rural Dominica. Every adult knows several "bush" medicines, and knowledge varies from person to person. Anthropological convention suggests that modernization generally weakens traditional knowledge. We examine the effects of commercial occupation, consumerism, education, parenthood, age, and gender on the number of medicinal plants freelisted by individuals. All six predictors are associated with bush medical knowledge in bivariate analyses. Contrary to predictions, commercial occupation and consumerism are positively associated with herbal knowledge. Gender, age, occupation, and education are significant predictors in multivariate analysis. Women tend to recall more plants than do men. Education is negatively associated with plants listed; age positively associates with number of species listed. There are significant interactions among commercial occupation, education, age, and parenthood, suggesting that modernization has complex effects on knowledge of traditional medicine in Dominica. 相似文献
Alpina Begossi Natalia Hanazaki Jorge Y. Tamashiro 《Human ecology: an interdisciplinary journal》2002,30(3):281-299
This study focuses on knowledge of medicinal plants among the Caiçaras (rural inhabitants of the Atlantic Forest coast, Brazil). In particular, we examine the use of medicinal plants according to sex and age to reveal general patterns of Caiçara knowledge and use of plant resources. Data collected through 449 interviews at 12 Caiçara communities (Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo coastal sites) include citations of 249 plants and identification of 227 species. We show the importance of introduced as opposed to native plants and of key individuals for the conservation of the Caiçaras-Atlantic Forest. 相似文献
Natalie Bourbonnas-Spear Rosalie Awad Pedro Maquin Victor Cal Pablo Sanchez Vindas Luis Poveda John Thor Arnason 《Economic botany》2005,59(4):326-336
Plant Use by the Q’eqchi’ Maya of Belize in Ethnopsychiatry and Neurological Pathology. Economic Botany 59(4):326–336, 2005.
Neurological and mental health disorders are extremely debilitating, and sufferers in developing countries often rely on traditional
practitioners for these medical needs. Few studies have focused on botanical remedies used in this context, although these
offer interesting treatment alternatives. The present study investigated plant use for the treatment of neurological and mental
health disorders by Q'eqchi' Maya healers of southern Belize. We found that these healers generally recognize and treat epilepsy/seizures,
headache, madness, fright (susto), depression, numbness, insomnia, and stress with herbal remedies. Quantitative analyses
showed that there is selection for the use of certain species and botanical families, namely for species of the Pteridophyta
division and for plants from the Piperaceae family. This study denotes the importance and selectivity of plant use by Q'eqchi'
healers of southern Belize for the treatment of neurological and mental conditions and points to a possible underrepresentation
of these disorders in the ethnobotanical literature. 相似文献