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The first five matings by both large and small L. cuprinamales switched off receptivity in over 90% of females for 7 days after their initial mating. Small males were virtually unable to switch off females after five matings, whereas the fifth to tenth matings by large males rendered nearly two-thirds of females unreceptive. Mating duration of large and small males was about 11 min even after numerous matings. Given the rarity of field virgins and the temporal and spatial variability of female-required resources, larger males may enjoy greater mating success due to their ability to switch off many females in succession. Virgin males preferred to mate with nonvirgin females larger than themselves; males paired with females smaller than themselves adopted mate-rejection behavior typical of unreceptive females.  相似文献   

Identifying targets of selection is key to understanding the evolution of sexually selected behavioral and morphological traits. Many animals have coercive mating, yet little is known about whether and how mate choice operates when these are the dominant mating tactic. Here, we use multivariate selection analysis to examine the direction and shape of selection on male insemination success in the mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki). We found direct selection on only one of five measured traits, but correlational selection involving all five traits. Larger males with longer gonopodia and with intermediate sperm counts were more likely to inseminate females than smaller males with shorter gonopodia and extreme sperm counts. Our results highlight the need to investigate sexual selection using a multivariate framework even in species that lack complex sexual signals. Further, female choice appears to be important in driving the evolution of male sexual traits in this species where sexual coercion is the dominant mating tactic.  相似文献   

Seasonal occurrence patterns of adults of both sexes, intensity of male-male interactions, and mating success in the spider,Nephila clavata, were examined in the field. Adult males began to attend female webs about 2 weeks before female maturation. Large adult males were abundant in the early breeding season, but small males increased later in the season. From the distribution of males among female webs and size relationship of males within a web, male-male interactions seemed to be more intense when most females were still subadult. This was verified by a field experiment in which males were artificially introduced to female webs that were attended by other males. It was found that the probability of introduced males remaining on subadult female webs was lower than that on adult webs. As mating occurred mostly in the period shortly after the female final molt and first male sperm precedence was known in all spiders reported so far, intense male-male competition on subadult female webs seemed to be reasonable. Male longevity had an important influence on the mating success of males with just-molted females. Mating success was also affected by the relative body size of males present in a given period. Since larger males occupied the position closest to females within a web and stayed there longer, relative body size appeared to influence mating success through male-male competition. Female body size at maturation declined with time; hence, males that attained sexual maturity earlier had the advantage of mating with larger and more fecund females. Therefore, early maturation as well as larger size seem to be two important trairs influencing the reproductive success of males.  相似文献   

Field and laboratory studies were used to assess: (1) whether size assortative mating occurred in the New Zealand amphipod Paracalliope fluviatilis and (2) hypotheses developed to explain size assortative mating. We found that assortative mating occurred and that larger females carried more eggs, suggesting they may be more valuable as mates. Laboratory experiments were then used to determine whether: (1) male size influenced the size of the female selected (mechanical constraints hypothesis); (2) male size influenced pairing success in the presence of competition (intrasexual selection hypothesis); (3) take‐overs of females occurred and whether large males were more successful (intrasexual selection hypothesis); (4) guard duration varied relative to male and female size (guard duration hypothesis); and (5) females had control over pairing success and guard duration (intersexual selection hypothesis). Although there was evidence to suggest the existence of intrasexual competition for mates (i.e. both small and large males preferred large females), there was no evidence of overt competition (i.e. takeovers of paired females). There was also no difference with respect to how long small and large males guarded females, but large females were guarded longer by both male size classes. Females handicapped by having their mobility reduced were guarded for the same duration as control females but males were more likely to pair with handicapped females, suggesting that they were easier to amplex. Given the lack of evidence for direct male–male competition or female choice, we suggest that assortative mating may be the result of: (1) indirect competition (e.g. in situ large males may be better able to access and amplex the largest females) or (2) female resistance to small males in combination with higher costs that small males may incur in securing large females. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 92 , 173–181.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Sexual selection (defined as the change in genotypic or phenotypic frequencies of mated versus total population frequencies) and sexual isolation (defined as the deviation from random mating in mated individuals) show different evolutionary consequences and partially confounded causes. Traditionally, the cross-product estimator has been used to quantify sexual selection, whereas a variety of indexes, such as Yule V , Yule Q, YA , joint I , and others have been used to quantify sexual isolation. Because the two types of estimators use different scales, the effects of both processes cannot be monitored simultaneously. We describe three new related statistics that quantify both sexual selection ( PSS ) and sexual isolation ( PSI ) effects for every mating pair combination in polymorphic traits, as well as measure their combined effects ( PTI = PSI X PSS ). The new statistics have the advantage of providing information on every mating pair combination, quantifying the effects of sexual selection and isolation in the same units, and detecting asymmetry in sexual isolation. The ability of the new statistics to ascertain the biological causes of sexual selection and sexual isolation are investigated under different models involving distinct marginal frequencies, mate propensity, and mate choice coefficients. We also studied the use of classical isolation indexes applied on PSI coefficients, instead of on raw data. The use of the classical indexes applied to PSI coefficients considerably reduces the statistical bias of the estimates, revealing the good estimation properties of the new statistics.  相似文献   

Lifetime mating success of males in a natural population of the papilionid butterfly, Atrophaneura alcinous, was investigated and causes of the variation were examined. The most successful males mated with 5 females, whereas about 73% of the males failed to mate. Body size of males was not correlated with their eclosion date, longevity and lifetime mating success. There was no trade-off between mating success and longevity, and long-lived males had a disproportionately high mating success. Although number of available females per male per day was not variable among males with different longevities, long-lived males had higher mating efficiency. Time interval between matings by non-virgin males was shorter than that from eclosion to the first mating. High lifetime mating success of long-lived males was strongly related to their mating experience, not to their age per se.  相似文献   

Determinants of male courtship success in Drosophila melanogasterwere examined in groups of five males sequentially presented with five individual females. Thirty-three percent of males never mated, while approximately half of the males mated two or three times. Rapid courtship initiation was associated with male success in early matings only. Male size was important for courtship outcome, but the size distributions of mating and nonmating males and their progeny numbers indicate balancing rather than directional selection on size- dependent courtship success.  相似文献   

Honest‐advertisement models of sexual selection suggest that condition‐dependent male secondary sexual characters could function as reliable signals of male quality, enabling females to discriminate among potential partners, both in the pre‐ and post‐copulatory phases. In this context, many studies have revealed the importance of promiscuous mating systems and female sperm storage in determining the occurrence of such a model of sexual selection. By contrast, few studies have investigated the presence and extent of post‐copulatory female choice in chelonian species. The present study aimed to investigate the effect of male size, male–male competition, and courtship intensity on paternity distribution in Testudo hermanni hermanni, combining behavioural and genetic data. We created experimental groups composed of two males of different sizes and three or four randomly selected females. Observations conducted during social interactions between males revealed that a hierarchy, unrelated to male size, was soon established: Alpha males were more aggressive towards competitors and courted females more intensively. Alpha males also achieved a higher mounting success than Beta males. Paternity analysis performed on hatchlings produced from experimental females revealed that male reproductive success was not correlated with male–female size ratio. Finally, despite the higher mounting success of Alpha males, paternity analysis revealed that male reproductive success did not differ between Alpha and Beta males. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111 , 656–667.  相似文献   

Crosses were performed to identify the sources of variation in zygote production (via cystocarp production) in Gracilaria gracilis, a red haploid-diploid seaweed. First, because male gametes are short-lived (<6?h), the rate of gamete encounters was evaluated in a time-course experiment. Second, the effect of water motion on gamete encounters was assessed by introducing turbulent eddies in the crossing tank and by comparing fertilization rates with and without this added turbulence. Third, variation due to individual performance was explored by performing multiple-donor crosses using 12 males and 12 females from three populations. Paternity of cystocarps produced in these crosses was determined using microsatellite markers. The results show that cystocarp yield increased with exposure time: fertilization occurred in as little as 15?min after the introduction of male branches into the crossing tank and maximum cystocarp production values were observed at 6?h. There were no significant differences in cystocarp production between the two turbulence levels. On the other hand, cystocarp production was highly influenced by male and female parental identities and to a lesser degree by an interaction between the male and female parents. The variation in cystocarp production according to male and female identity was not due to population origin as there was no difference between intra- and inter-population crosses. Thus nonrandom mating occurs in controlled conditions and arises from differential performance in G. gracilis. There was a strong deviation from equality of male performance, implicating post-adhesion events and/or male gamete production as important in generating non-random mating. Consequently, non-random mating may play a role in the evolution of mating patterns in G. gracilis.  相似文献   

Size-assortative mating in the absence of mate choice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Male katydids (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) invest in offspring through nutrients provided in a large spermatophore. Previous research with Requena verticalishad shown that almost all of the investment of males mating with recently mated (4 days previously) females is in eggs fertilized by the female's previous mate. Thus males are predicted to discriminate against such females as mates. In experiments placing males with both a virgin and a female mated 4–5 days previously, virgin females obtained almost all matings. Although male discrimination of mates was noted in the experiments, there was no evidence that such discrimination was against nonvirgins in both this experiment and one in which a single virgin or mated female was placed with a male. Instead, the results suggest that the differential mating was a result of interfemale competition. The mating advantage held by virgin females over nonvirgins appeared to be lost once the latter had oviposited. Finally, there was no evidence from both single- and paired-female experiments that males preferred larger females as mates.  相似文献   

The avoidance of familiar individuals as mates can act to maximizethe benefits of polyandry or might help to minimize inbreedingin small or highly philopatric populations. As previous matesare also familiar, the effects of familiarity and mating historycan often be confounded. Here, we disentangle these effectson mating decisions in the guppy, Poecilia reticulata, and examinetheir influence on sexual selection. In 3 experiments, malesand females were 1) able to mate, 2) had visual and olfactorycontact, or 3) had visual contact only. Familiarity was successfullyacquired via visual cues, and females were in all cases morelikely to mate with unfamiliar than with familiar males, indicatingthat familiarity is a more important determinant of mating outcomethan mating history. Males did not court unfamiliar femalesany more than familiar females and did not differentially allocatesperm. Familiarity did not alter the strength of sexual selectionon male coloration: we found overall positive selection forbright, large males. Female preferences for unfamiliar malesand ornamental traits may therefore be largely independent.  相似文献   

Male mating tactics can vary according to the potential for scramble or contest competition but also as a consequence of individual characteristics, such as body condition and previous experience. The influence of experience, i.e., residency, on male recapture rates and reproductive success was studied in a population of free-living grey mouse lemurs. Long-term capture data from 320 individuals revealed that both sexes had very low recapture probabilities within their first year in the study population, but recapture rates declined less sharply during the following years. Capture results and telemetric analyses on 12 focal males revealed that resident males had larger body mass and larger home ranges than new males. Home range size correlated with the number of accessible females, indicating that resident males had higher probabilities to meet mates than new males. The reproductive success of 132 candidate fathers, representing both resident and new males, was determined by means of molecular genotyping. Paternity determination was successful in 38 cases (success rate: 19%). Sixteen resident males and seventeen new males sired offspring. However, in relation to the number of candidate fathers being present in the mating season, resident males were twice as likely to reproduce successfully as new males. These findings suggest experience-dependent reproductive tactics that most likely correspond to a differential spatial knowledge of resources, mates and potential threats. The results generally agree with the predictions made for a scramble competition regime and demonstrate substantial behavioral plasticity in a nocturnal primate species with a dispersed multi-male/multi-female mating system.  相似文献   

The orb-web spiderNephila clavata satisfies three conditions for assortative mating proposed by Ridley (The Explanation of Organic Diversity. The Comparative Method and Adaptations for Mating, Clarendon, Oxford, 1983); (1) a large male advantage in male-male competition, (2) a correlation between female size and fecundity, and (3) a long pairing duration. To test Ridley's hypothesis, size assortative mating and guarding were examined in the field. When data were pooled over time, assortative mating was found but this was due to temporal covariation of body sizes of males and receptive females. After controlling for the effect of time, size assortative guarding was not detected, although females guarded by males were larger than those not guarded in the early breeding season. Possible reasons for the absence of size assortative guarding were discussed.  相似文献   

Storm is a software package that allows users to test a variety of hypotheses regarding patterns of relatedness and patterns of mate choice and/or mate compatibility within a population. These functions are based on four main calculations that can be conducted either independently or in the hypothesis-testing framework: internal relatedness; homozygosity by loci; pairwise relatedness; and a new metric called allele inheritance, which calculates the proportion of loci at which an offspring inherits a paternal allele different from that inherited from its mother. STORM allows users to test four hypotheses based on these calculations and Monte Carlo simulations: (i) are individuals within observed associations or groupings more/less related than expected; (ii) do observed offspring have more/less genetic variability (based on internal relatedness or homozygosity by loci) than expected from the gene pool; (iii) are observed mating pairs more/less related than expected if mating is random with respect to relatedness; and (iv) do observed offspring inherit paternal alleles different from those inherited from the mother more/less often than expected based on Mendelian inheritance.  相似文献   

Abstract. Cohorts of adult female Lucilia cuprina Wiedemann (Diptera: Calliphoridae) were fed a single 5 μl droplet of liver exudate after which half the females were allowed to mate and the other half left as virgins. Females were housed individually with water and sucrose for between 4 and 7 days after mating. Females were dissected to record the level of ovarian development and the size of their primary oocytes. Mating did not give protein-limited females any significant nutritional benefit in terms of either increased oocyte development, yolk deposition or oocyte size. Hence, it is concluded that male L.cuprina do not provide females at mating with any obvious material benefits beyond their sperm.  相似文献   

The selection pressures by which mating preferences for ornamental traits can evolve in genetically monogamous mating systems remain understudied. Empirical evidence from several taxa supports the prevalence of dual‐utility traits, defined as traits used both as armaments in intersexual selection and ornaments in intrasexual selection, as well as the importance of intrasexual resource competition for the evolution of female ornamentation. Here, we study whether mating preferences for traits used in intrasexual resource competition can evolve under genetic monogamy. We find that a mating preference for a competitive trait can evolve and affect the evolution of the trait. The preference is more likely to persist when the fecundity benefit for mates of successful competitors is large and the aversion to unornamented potential mates is strong. The preference can persist for long periods or potentially permanently even when it incurs slight costs. Our results suggest that, when females use ornaments as signals in intrasexual resource competition, males can evolve mating preferences for those ornaments, illuminating both the evolution of female ornamentation and the evolution of male preferences for female ornaments in monogamous species.  相似文献   

The present study investigated how variation in mating distribution in time and among males influences the operational sex ratio (OSR) with a simulation inspired by paternally caring fish. Varying (1) the potential reproductive rate of each sex, (2) the mating distribution among males, and (3) the length of male mating phase, we created different mating patterns. In each case, we searched for the adult sex ratio that resulted in an OSR of 50% (where sex-roles switch). This approach enabled a comparison with a previous model. We found that the OSR was influenced by the distribution of matings in time and among males when the male mating phase was limited by a parental phase. Furthermore, the mating dynamics were shaped by the fact that the numbers of males and females and their capacities for collateral investment affected OSR immediately from the start of the reproductive season, whereas their times-out had a delayed effect on OSR.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 89 , 551–559.  相似文献   

Field observations on the relationship between male mating success and emergence timing in the funnel-web spider,Agelena limbata, were conducted.Agelena limbata is an annual species and adult males appear slightly earlier than adult females in July. As males deposit a copulatory plug at the female epigynum after copulation, copulation with virgin females is important to males. The number of copulations in males with virgin females, which strongly correlates with the longevity of males and the number of females that males courted, did not correlate with the emergence timing of males. Early emerged males and females were significantly larger in size than later ones, but the correlation coefficient between the emerged date and the cephalothorax width was not strong. Males that emerged earlier did not have any advantage in copulating with larger and more fecund females. Furthermore, virgin females first copulated on average 7.9 days after their final molt and the mortality rate of adult males increased after the final molt. These factors may favor the smaller degree of protandry in male emergence timing inA. limbata.  相似文献   

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