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We assessed structural elements of the retina in individuals with Friedreich ataxia (FRDA) and in mouse models of FRDA, as well as functions of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) in FRDA using induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). We analyzed the retina of the FRDA mouse models YG22R and YG8R containing a human FRATAXIN (FXN) transgene by histology. We complemented this work with post-mortem evaluation of eyes from FRDA patients. Finally, we derived RPE cells from patient FRDA-iPSCs to assess oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) and phagocytosis. We showed that whilst the YG22R and YG8R mouse models display elements of retinal degeneration, they do not recapitulate the loss of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) found in the human disease. Further, RPE cells differentiated from human FRDA-iPSCs showed normal OXPHOS and we did not observe functional impairment of the RPE in Humans.  相似文献   

Friedreich ataxia has frequently been associated with an increased susceptibility to oxidative stress. We used the yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) model of Friedreich ataxia to study the physiological consequences of a shift from anaerobiosis to aerobiosis. Cells lacking frataxin (Deltayfh1) showed no growth defect when cultured anaerobically. Under these conditions, a significant amount of aconitase was functional, with an intact 4 Fe/4 S cluster. When shifted to aerobic conditions, aconitase was rapidly degraded, and oxidatively modified proteins (carbonylated and HNE-modified proteins) accumulated in both the cytosol and the mitochondria. The ATP-dependent mitochondrial protease Pim1 (Lon) was strongly activated, although its expression level remained unchanged, and the cytosolic activity of the 20S proteasome was greatly decreased, compared to that in wild-type cells. Analysis of the purified proteasome revealed that the decrease in proteasome activity was likely due to both direct inactivation of the enzyme and inhibition by cytosolic oxidized proteins. These features indicate that the cells were subjected to major oxidative stress triggered by oxygen. Accumulation of oxidatively modified proteins, activation of Pim1, and proteasome inhibition did not directly depend on the amount of mitochondrial iron, because these phenotypes remained unchanged when the cells were grown under iron-limiting conditions, and these phenotypes were not observed in another mutant (Deltaggc1) which overaccumulates iron in its mitochondrial compartment. We conclude that oxygen is primarily involved in generating the deleterious phenotypes that are observed in frataxin-deficient yeast cells.  相似文献   

Friedreich ataxia is an autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder associated with a GAA repeat expansion in the first intron of the gene (FRDA) encoding a novel, highly conserved, 210 amino acid protein known as frataxin. Normal variation in repeat size was determined by analysis of more than 600 DNA samples from seven human populations. This analysis showed that the most frequent allele had nine GAA repeats, and no alleles with fewer than five GAA repeats were found. The European and Syrian populations had the highest percentage of alleles with 10 or more GAA repeats, while the Papua New Guinea population did not have any alleles carrying more than 10 GAA repeats. The distributions of repeat sizes in the European, Syrian, and African American populations were significantly different from those in the Asian and Papua New Guinea populations (p < 0.001). The GAA repeat size was also determined in five nonhuman primates. Samples from 10 chimpanzees, 3 orangutans, 1 gorilla, 1 rhesus macaque, 1 mangabey, and 1 tamarin were analyzed. Among those primates belonging to the Pongidae family, the chimpanzees were found to carry three or four GAA repeats, the orangutans had four or five GAA repeats, and the gorilla carried three GAA repeats. In primates belonging to the Cercopithecidae family, three GAA repeats were found in the mangabey and two in the rhesus macaque. However, an AluY subfamily member inserted in the poly(A) tract preceding the GAA repeat region in the rhesus macaque, making the amplified sequence approximately 300 bp longer. The GAA repeat was also found in the tamarin, suggesting that it arose at least 40 million years ago and remained relatively small throughout the majority of primate evolution, with a punctuated expansion in the human genome. Received: 18 August 2000 / Accepted: 10 November 2000  相似文献   

Friedreich共济失调是由位于FRDA基因上的GAA重复序列动态突变扩增所引起的,目前其不稳定性机制还不清楚。为了探索化学药物对GAA重复序列的作用,本实验构建了含有(GAA)42的重组质粒,转入大肠杆菌中,分别经过丝裂霉素C和甲基磺酸乙酯连续多次处理后,检测其长度变化发现,两种化学药物在不同程度上都可以促使(GAA)42发生删除,且删除后长度多数处于体内的正常范围。试验结果表明,化学药物可以促进与Friedreich共济失调相关的GAA重复序列发生删除。本工作为研究Friedreich共济失调的致病机理及治疗方案奠定了一定的基础。  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms of reduced frataxin (FXN) expression in Friedreich''s ataxia (FRDA) are linked to epigenetic modification of the FXN locus caused by the disease-associated GAA expansion. Here, we identify that SUV4-20 histone methyltransferases, specifically SUV4-20 H1, play an important role in the regulation of FXN expression and represent a novel therapeutic target. Using a human FXN–GAA–Luciferase repeat expansion genomic DNA reporter model of FRDA, we screened the Structural Genomics Consortium epigenetic probe collection. We found that pharmacological inhibition of the SUV4-20 methyltransferases by the tool compound A-196 increased the expression of FXN by ∼1.5-fold in the reporter cell line. In several FRDA cell lines and patient-derived primary peripheral blood mononuclear cells, A-196 increased FXN expression by up to 2-fold, an effect not seen in WT cells. SUV4-20 inhibition was accompanied by a reduction in H4K20me2 and H4K20me3 and an increase in H4K20me1, but only modest (1.4–7.8%) perturbation in genome-wide expression was observed. Finally, based on the structural activity relationship and crystal structure of A-196, novel small molecule A-196 analogs were synthesized and shown to give a 20-fold increase in potency for increasing FXN expression. Overall, our results suggest that histone methylation is important in the regulation of FXN expression and highlight SUV4-20 H1 as a potential novel therapeutic target for FRDA.  相似文献   

According to current taxonomical rules, a bona fide bacterialspecies is a genomic species characterized by the genomic similarityof its members. It has been proposed that the genomic cohesionof such clusters may be related to sexual isolation, which limitsgene flow between too divergent bacteria. Homologous recombinationis one of the most studied mechanisms responsible for this geneticisolation. Previous studies on several bacterial models showedthat recombination frequencies decreased exponentially withincreasing DNA sequence divergence. In the present study, weinvestigated this relationship in the Agrobacterium tumefaciensspecies complex, which allowed us to focus on sequence divergencein the vicinity of the genetic boundaries of genomic species.We observed that the sensitivity of the recombination frequencyto DNA divergence fitted a log-linear function until approximately10% sequence divergence. The results clearly revealed that therewas no sharp drop in recombination frequencies at the pointwhere the sequence divergence distribution showed a "gap" delineatinggenomic species. The ratio of the recombination frequency inhomogamic conditions relative to this frequency in heterogamicconditions, that is, sexual isolation, was found to decreasefrom 8 between the most distant strains within a species to9 between the most closely related species, for respective increasesfrom 4.3% to 6.4% mismatches in the marker gene chvA. This meansthat there was only a 1.13-fold decrease in recombination frequenciesfor recombination events at both edges of the species border.Hence, from the findings of this investigation, we concludethat—at least in this taxon—sexual isolation basedon homologous recombination is likely not high enough to stronglyhamper gene flow between species as compared with gene flowbetween distantly related members of the same species. The 70%relative binding ratio cutoff used to define bacterial speciesis likely correlated to only minor declines in homologous recombinationfrequencies. Consequently, the sequence diversity, as a mechanisticfactor for the efficiency of recombination (as assayed in thelaboratory), appears to play little role in the genetic cohesionof bacterial species, and thus, the genomic species definitionfor prokaryotes is definitively not reconcilable with the biologicalspecies concept for eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Mäueler W  Bassili G  Hardt C  Keyl HG  Epplen JT 《Gene》2001,270(1-2):131-143
We analyzed HeLa nuclear proteins binding to the (gaa)n harbouring intron 1 of nine frataxin alleles and characterized the structures of the repeats. Fragments with blocks longer than (gaa)9 form spontaneously different intramolecular H-y topoisomeres in linear state. The observed triplexes depend on the length of the repeat. Interruption of the perfectly repeated (gaa)n block entails two structural regions. At least two HeLa nuclear proteins bind to the (gaa)n fragments resulting in a distinct major retarded complex as revealed by EMSA. One of these proteins is zinc dependent. Importantly, the fragment harbouring (gan)121 binds additional proteins. Protein binding appears to be locus specific, and the binding affinity was found to be not random. The affinities of the different target fragments varied by a factor of four. Binding affinities of the fragments were not obviously correlated to differences in the composition of the repeats. DNase I footprinting revealed only weakly protected binding regions, but multiple HS sites in the repeat regions of the fragments. These findings and the fact, that DNA conformers observed in EMSA and electron microscopical experiments bind proteins, lead to the assumption that the proteins recognize, both, B-DNA and triple helical structures, but with different affinity. Possible functions of the proteins are discussed in the context of transformation of triple helical structures into B-DNA and the pathogenesis of FRDA.  相似文献   

The bacteriophage P1 Cre/loxP site-specific recombination system is a useful tool for engineering chromosomal changes in animal cells. Transient expression of the Cre recombinase gene directly introduced into fertilized eggs by pronuclear injection has been reported to provide an efficient method of transgene modulation in fertilized eggs. In the present study, we examined the efficacy of this method to remove loxP-flanked DNA sequences in a gene-targeted locus in fertilized eggs. We replaced a part of the T-cell receptor γ (TCR Vγ) locus with homologous sequences containing a loxP-flanked neogene in mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells by gene-targeting technique. The resulting ES cell clones containing the mutant allele (VγLNL) were used to generate chimeric mice by blastocyst injection. Eight male chimeras were bred with superovulated wild-type female mice. One hundred and seventy-six fertilized eggs were collected, and subjected to pronuclear injection of the Cre expression plasmid, pCAGGS-Cre, of a covalently closed circular form. Three out of 11 pups inherited the targeted Vγ locus. The inherited targeted allele of these 3 mice was shown to have undergone Cre-mediated recombination, resulting in a deletion of the loxP-flanked sequences (VγΔ) as shown by Southern blot analysis of DNA from tail biopsies. All 3 founder mutant mice were capable of transmitting the VγΔ locus to their offspring. The other 8 pups carried only wild-type alleles. There were no pups carrying the unrecombined VγLNL locus. Thus, the frequency of Cre-mediated recombination was 100% (3/3) with this method. In contrast, when closed circular pCAGGS-Cre plasmid was introduced into ES cells by electroporation, the recombination frequency of the VγLNL locus was 9.6%. These results indicated that our system based on transient expression of the Cre recombinase gene directly introduced into fertilized eggs by pronuclear injection provides a fast and efficient method for generating mutant mice with desired deletions or translocations in target genes. Mol Reprod Dev 46:109–113, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The delivery of a complete genomic DNA locus in vivo may prove advantageous for complementation gene therapy, especially when physiological regulation of gene expression is desirable. Hydrodynamic tail vein injection has been shown to be a highly efficient means of non-viral delivery of plasmid DNA to the liver. Here, we apply hydrodynamic tail vein injection to deliver and express large genomic DNA inserts > 100 kb in vivo. METHODS: Firstly, a size series (12-172 kb) of bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) plasmids, carrying human genomic DNA inserts, episomal retention elements, and the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) reporter gene, was delivered to mice by hydrodynamic tail vein injection. Secondly, an episomal BAC vector carrying the whole genomic DNA locus of the human low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) gene, and an expression cassette for the LacZ reporter gene, was delivered by the same method. RESULTS: We show that the efficiency of delivery is independent of vector size, when an equal number of plasmid molecules are used. We also show, by LacZ reporter gene analysis, that BAC delivery within the liver is widespread. Finally, BAC-end PCR, RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry demonstrate plasmid retention and long-term expression (4 months) of human LDLR in transfected hepatocytes. CONCLUSION: This is the first demonstration of somatic delivery and long-term expression of a genomic DNA transgene > 100 kb in vivo and shows that hydrodynamic tail vein injection can be used to deliver and express large genomic DNA transgenes in the liver.  相似文献   

Catecholaminergic neurons are affected in several neurological and psychiatric diseases. Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) is the first, rate-limiting enzyme in catecholamine synthesis. We report a knockin mouse expressing Cre-recombinase from the 3'-untranslated region of the endogenous Th gene by means of an internal ribosomal entry sequence (IRES). The resulting Cre expression matches the normal pattern of TH expression, while the pattern and level of TH are not altered in the knockin mouse. Crossings with two different LacZ reporter mice demonstrated Cre-mediated genomic recombination in TH expressing tissues. In addition, LacZ was found in some unexpected cell populations (including oocytes), indicating recombination due to transient developmental TH expression. Our novel knockin mouse can be used for generation of tissue-specific or general knockouts (depending on scheme of crossing) in mice carrying genes flanked by loxP sites. This knockin mouse can also be used for tracing cell lineages expressing TH during development.  相似文献   

In gene targeting studies of the Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS)/Angelman syndrome (AS) domain in mouse ES cells, we recovered only recombinants with the paternal allele for constructs at exons 2 or 3 of the imprinted, maternally silenced Snurf-Snrpn gene. These sites lie close to the imprinting center (IC) for this domain. In contrast, recombinants for Ube3a within the same imprinted domain were recovered with equal frequency on the maternal and paternal alleles. In addition, gene targeting of the paternal allele for Snurf-Snrpn resulted in partial or complete demethylation in trans with activation of expression for the previously silenced maternal allele. The imprint switching of the maternal allele in trans is not readily explained by competition for trans-acting factors and adds to a growing body of evidence indicating homologous association of oppositely imprinted chromatin domains in somatic mammalian cells.  相似文献   

The generation of functional transgenes via microinjection of overlapping DNA fragments has previously been reported to be successful, but it is still not a widely applied approach. Here we show that the method is very reliable, and should be considered, in case a single large insert clone of the desired gene is not available. In the present study, two large DNA fragments consisting of overlapping cosmids, together constituting the human very low density lipoprotein receptor (VLDLR) gene (35kb), were used to generate VLDLR transgenic (VLDLR-Tg) mice. Three transgenic founders were born, of which two (strain #2 and #3) generated transgenic offspring. Using Fiber-FISH analysis, the integration site was shown to contain at least 44 and 64 DNA fragments in mouse strains #2 and #3, respectively. This copy number resulted in integration sites of 1.5 and 2.5 megabase in size. Notably, over 90% of the fragments in both mouse strains #2 and #3 were flanked by their complementary fragment. In line with this observation, Southern blot analysis demonstrated that the correct recombination between fragments predominated in the transgenic insertion. Human VLDLR expression was detected in testis, kidney and brain of both mouse strains. Since this pattern did not parallel the endogenous VLDLR expression, some crucial regulatory elements were probably not present in the cosmid clones. Human VLDLR expression in testis was detected in germ cells up to the meiotic stage by in situ mRNA analysis. Remarkably, in the F1 generation of both VLDLR-Tg mouse strains the testis was atrophic and giant cells were detected in the semineferous tubuli. Furthermore, male VLDLR-Tg mice transmitted the transgene to their progeny with low frequencies. This could imply that VLDLR overexpression in the germ cells disturbed spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

Gene targeting by double homologous recombination in murine embryonic stem (ES) cells is a powerful tool used to study the cellular consequences of specific genetic mutations. A typical targeting construct consists of a neomycin phosphotransferase (neo) gene flanked by genomic DNA fragments that are homologous to sequences in the target chromosomal locus. Homologous DNA fragments are typically cloned from a murine genomic DNA library. Here we describe an alternative approach whereby the inducible nitric oxide synthase (NOS2) gene locus is partially mapped and homologous DNA sequences obtained using a long-range PCR method. A 7 kb NOS2 amplicon is used to construct a targeting vector where theneo gene is flanked by PCR-derived homologous DNA sequences. The vector also includes a thymidine kinase (tk) negative-selectable marker gene. Following transfection into ES cells, the PCR-based targeting vector undergoes efficient homologous recombination into the NOS2 locus. Thus, PCR-based gene targeting can be a valuable alternative to the conventional cloning approach. It expedites the acquisition of homologous genomic DNA sequences and simplifies the construction of targeting plasmids by making use of defined cloning sites. This approach should result in substantial time and cost savings for appropriate homologous recombination projects.  相似文献   

Gene Expression Nervous System Atlas (GENSAT) transgenic mice express EGFP, tdTomato, or Cre recombinase in a wide range of cell types. The mice and the bacterial artificial chromosome transgenes are available from repositories (MMRRC or CHORI), thereby making these resources readily available to the research community. This resource of 1,386 transgenic lines was developed and validated for neuroscience research. However, GENSAT mice have many potential applications in other contexts including studies of development outside of the CNS. The cell type‐specific expression of fluorescent proteins in these mice has been used to identify cells in living embryos, in living embryo explants, and in stem or progenitor cell populations in postnatal tissues. The large number of fluorescent protein driver lines generated by GENSAT greatly expands the range of cell type markers that can be used for live cell sorting. In addition, the GENSAT project has generated 278 new Cre driver lines. This review provides an overview of the GENSAT lines and information for identifying lines that may be useful for a particular application. I also provide a review of the few published cases in which GENSAT mice have been used for studies of embryonic development or analysis of stem/progenitor cells in nonneural tissues. genesis 54:245–256, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Structural genomics requires the application of a standardised process for overexpression of soluble proteins that allows high-throughput purification and analysis of protein products. We have developed a highly parallel approach to protein expression, including the simultaneous expression screening of a large number of cDNA clones in an appropriate vector system and the use of a protease-deficient host strain. A set of 221 human genes coding for proteins of various sizes with unknown structures was selected to evaluate the system. We transferred the cDNAs from an E. coli vector to the yeast expression vector by recombinational cloning, avoiding time-consuming recloning steps and the use of restriction enzymes in the cloning process. The subcloning yield was 95%, provided that a PCR fragment of the correct size could be obtained. Sixty percent of these proteins were expressed as soluble products at detectable levels and 48% were successfully purified under native conditions using the His6 tag fusion.The advantages of the developed yeast-based expression system are the ease of manipulation and cultivation of S. cerevisiae in the same way as with prokaryotic hosts and the ability to introduce post-translational modifications of proteins if required, thus being an attractive system for heterologous expression of mammalian proteins. The expression clones selected in this screening process are passed on to the fermentation process in order to provide milligram amounts of proteins for structure analysis within the Berlin Protein Structure Factory. All data generated is stored in a relational database and is available on our website(http://www.proteinstrukturfabrik.de).  相似文献   

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