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Can we improve the nutritional quality of legume seeds?   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文

Point-of-sale nutrition information has been adopted by numerous grocery stores to respond to the demand for easy-to-understand nutrition labeling by consumers. Although there is conflicting evidence regarding the effectiveness of providing nutrition information, previous research indicates simplified shelf nutrition labels may lead to healthier choices. However, these studies have not examined how different consumer segments respond to these labels, nor the differential impacts across foods. Using household purchase data from a store that voluntarily adopted the (now defunct) NuVal shelf nutrition labels (a 1-100 numeric score derived from a nutrition-profiling algorithm), we assess NuVal impacts across different consumers and foods. NuVal scores potentially influence not only purchase quantity but also likelihood of buying. Thus, the effect of NuVal was measured by estimating a two-part model and predicting consumers’ unconditional purchase responses. We found evidence of heterogeneous impacts of NuVal across consumers and foods. High-income households and households with children shifted their yogurt and frozen dinner purchases to more healthful items. In contrast, households with children and households headed by heads with college education slightly shifted their canned soup purchases to less healthful options. Our findings suggest that specific foods and consumer segments are influenced by simplified shelf nutrition information and further research is necessary to better understand its effect on consumer dietary quality.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether indices of cardiorespiratory fitness are related to quality of life (QOL) in women survivors of breast cancer. Using the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer QLQ-30 questionnaire, we assessed the QOL of 16 participants (age, 50 +/- 9 years; body mass, 66.6 +/- 9.6 kg). All participants performed incremental cycle ergometer exercise to determine several indices of cardiorespiratory fitness (e.g., peak oxygen uptake [.V(O2)peak, in L.min(-1), ml.kg(-1).min(-1)]), peak power output (PPO, in W), PPO/ body mass (W.kg(-1), peak heart rate (HRpeak, b.min(-1), peak ventilation (VEpeak), and .V(O2) and heart rate (HR) at the ventilatory (VT) and respiratory compensation (RCT) thresholds. Relationships between QOL and variables were assessed using Spearman rank-difference correlation tests. A significant inverse relationship (p < 0.05) was found for QOL scores and values for age (years) and body mass (kg) ( = -0.53), %HRpeak@VT ( = -0.59) and %VEpeak@VT ( = -0.61). A significant positive relationship (p < 0.05) was found for QOL and PPO/body mass ( = 0.59) and HRpeak ( = 0.78), .V(O2)@RCT (ml.kg(-1.min(-1) ( = 0.51), power output (PO, expressed as either W or W.kg(-1) at RCT, and HR at RCT ( = 0.54). No other significant relationship was found between QOL and variables obtained from the tests. In conclusion, these findings highlight possible relationships between cardiorespiratory fitness and well-being in survivors of breast cancer. From a practical point of view, our data emphasize the need for this population to engage in programmed cardiorespiratory exercise training, mainly designed to improve VT and RCT. The improvement of both submaximal indices can have a beneficial effect on QOL.  相似文献   

Should edentulous patients be constrained to removable complete dentures? The use of dental implants to improve the quality of life for edentulous patients Background: Nowadays, there is some speculation among dental educators that the need for complete dentures will significantly decrease in the future and that training in their provision should be removed from the dental curriculum. Objective: To sensitise the reader to the functional shortcomings of complete denture therapy in the edentulous patient and present restorative options including implants to improve edentulous quality of life in these patients. Methods: Information retrieval followed a systematic approach using PubMed. English articles published from 1964 to 2008, in which the masticatory performance of patients with implant‐supported dentures was assessed by objective methods and compared with performance with conventional dentures, were included. Results: National epidemiological survey data suggested that the adult population in need of one or two complete dentures will increase from 35.4 million adults in 2000 to 37.9 million adults in 2020. Clinical studies have showed that the ratings of general satisfaction were significantly better in the patients treated with implant overdentures post‐delivery compared with the complete denture users. In addition, the implant group gave significantly higher ratings on comfort, stability and ability to chew. Furthermore, patients who received mandibular implant overdentures had significantly fewer oral health‐related quality of life problems than did the conventional group. Conclusion: Implant‐supported dentures including either complete overdentures or a hybrid prosthesis significantly improve the quality of life for edentulous patients compared with conventional removable complete dentures. Therefore, the contemporary dental practitioner should consider other options as well as conventional removable complete dentures to restore edentulous patients.  相似文献   

External quality control programmes carried out by central laboratories have been long established in human andrology with the aim of enhancing the accuracy and reproducibility of semen assessment. Compared to human, demands on boar semen assessment in AI stations are more complex, with the need both to identify boars with poor ejaculate quality and to monitor individual boar differences for semen storage. Additionally, appropriate assessment serves as a control instrument to ensure the security and efficiency of semen processing. Despite current limitations regarding the ability of sperm assays to estimate the potential fertility of males, it is evident that boar fertility is related to certain conventional semen tests, e.g. sperm morphology. In central studies carried out on stored semen from 11 AI stations, flow cytometric assessment of plasma and acrosome membrane integrity proved to be more sensitive in detecting sperm damage associated with ageing and temperature stress as compared to light microscopy. Membrane integrity of stored semen differed between AI stations indicating significant influences of semen processing on sperm quality. Thus external control of semen quality in reference laboratories may be useful to monitor the efficiency of internal semen quality control in individual AI stations, to identify males with lower semen quality and/or poor response to semen storage, and to verify the precision of sperm counting. The possibility that central laboratories with sufficient resources may be able to identify functionally different responding sperm subpopulations for better estimation of fertility is discussed. Ideally, external quality control schemes for AI stations would comprise application of validated tests with high relevance for fertility (including bacterial status), analysis of semen processing on the AI station, and training courses for laboratory personnel.  相似文献   

We propose a machine-learning approach to sequence-based prediction of protein crystallizability in which we exploit subtle differences between proteins whose structures were solved by X-ray analysis [or by both X-ray and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy] and those proteins whose structures were solved by NMR spectroscopy alone. Because the NMR technique is usually applied on relatively small proteins, sequence length distributions of the X-ray and NMR datasets were adjusted to avoid predictions biased by protein size. As feature space for classification, we used frequencies of mono-, di-, and tripeptides represented by the original 20-letter amino acid alphabet as well as by several reduced alphabets in which amino acids were grouped by their physicochemical and structural properties. The classification algorithm was constructed as a two-layered structure in which the output of primary support vector machine classifiers operating on peptide frequencies was combined by a second-level Naive Bayes classifier. Due to the application of metamethods for cost sensitivity, our method is able to handle real datasets with unbalanced class representation. An overall prediction accuracy of 67% [65% on the positive (crystallizable) and 69% on the negative (noncrystallizable) class] was achieved in a 10-fold cross-validation experiment, indicating that the proposed algorithm may be a valuable tool for more efficient target selection in structural genomics. A Web server for protein crystallizability prediction called SECRET is available at http://webclu.bio.wzw.tum.de:8080/secret.  相似文献   

Can ecological theory be used to improve water quality?   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Maciej Gliwicz  Z. 《Hydrobiologia》1992,243(1):283-291
The role of ecology in environmental management has been more to warn of the dangers of pollution than to propose technical solutions for environmental problems, this being mostly left to chemists and engineers. Only limited aspects of the broad and diverse theory of ecology have been applied in the present bottom-up-control approach to water management (nutrient reduction). Another aspect of ecological theory which has recently become applicable is the top-down-control approach known as biomanipulation (promoting efficient herbivores). Both approaches are likely to be reinforced in the future by further application of ecological theory to water management. Of the multiple possibilities of applying ecological theory to environmental problems, one is the use of our knowledge on chemical communication in aquatic habitats, the phenomena by which prey detect the presence of their predators. I postulate that the phytoplankton standing crop might be reduced by chemical regulation of the physiology and life cycles of algae and cyanobacteria, as well as by chemical regulation of the behaviour and life histories of planktonic herbivores and their predators. At present planktivorous fish seem to be the most logical target for such chemical manipulation. A desirable effect, i.e. a reduction in algal standing crop, could be achieved by scaring fish from the lake pelagial thus releasing predation pressure on the offshore herbivorous zooplankton.  相似文献   

The current dramatic increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration favours C3 versus C4 photosynthesis, and although other aspects of environmental conditions come into play, it implies an uncertain future for C4 grasses. If it has been suggested that the poor quality of C4 grasses contributed to large mammalian herbivores declines as C4 grasslands spread from the late Miocene, these investigations of the past have not been matched by a similar attention focused on the future implications of C4 to C3 shifts. Here we discuss how these may affect grazing systems, also considering other aspects of C3/C4 differences (productivity, phenology) which might affect herbivore performance. Current knowledge suggests that important changes in herbivore performance could be observed, but is too fragmentary to allow general quantitative conclusions. We urge plant and herbivore ecologists to collectively address these limitations, as the future of grazing systems has important implications for biodiversity and human livelihoods.  相似文献   

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