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Four analogs of the opioid peptide human beta-endorphin (Bh-EP) have been synthesized: [D-Lys9, Phe27, Gly31]-beta h-EP, [D-PHe18,Phe27,Gly31]-beta h-EP, [D-Thr2,D-Lys9,Phe27,Gly31]-beta h-EP, and [D-Thr2,D-Phe18,Phe27,Gly31]-beta h-EP. All are practically indistinguishable from beta h-EP in the guinea pig ileum assay. All show diminished analgesic potency in the mouse tail-flick assay.  相似文献   

Three peptide analogs of beta-endorphin which are substituted in positions 17, 18 or 19 have been synthesized and their analgesic potencies have been measured by the tail-flick method in mice. The results showed that the replacement of Phe-18 or Lys-19 by alanine reduced the potency to 15% whereas the replacement of Leu-17 by alanine reduced the analgesic potency to 68%.  相似文献   

A FGLamide allatostatin neuropeptide mimic ( H17 ) is a potential insect growth regulator which inhibits the production of juvenile hormone by the corpora allata. To find more evidence to reveal the structure–activity relationships of the Phe3 residue in the C‐terminal conserved pentapeptide and search for novel analogs with high activity, a series of Phe3 residue‐modified analogs were designed and synthesized using H17 as the lead compound. Bioassay using juvenile hormone (JH) production by corpora allata of the cockroach Diploptera punctata indicated that analogs 4 , 11 , and 13 showed strong ability to inhibit JH production in vitro, with IC50 of 38.5, 22.5, and 26 nM, respectively. As well, the activity of analog 2 (IC50: 89.5 nM) proved roughly equivalent to that of H17 . Based on the primary structure–activity relationships of Phe3 residue, we suggest that for analogs containing six‐membered aromatic rings, removing the methylene group of Phe3 or an o‐halogen or p‐halogen‐substituted benzene ring could increase the ability to inhibit biosynthesis of JH. This study will be useful for the design of new allatostatin analogs for insect management. Copyright © 2016 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Dynorphin-(1-13) (Dyn-(1-13)) and various analogs substituted in positions 8 and 10 were synthesized by the solid-phase technique and analyzed for their ability to inhibit the electrically evoked contraction of the guinea pig ileum (GPI) and to compete with the binding of [3H]-ethylketocyclazocine (EKC, kappa ligand), [3H]-[D-Ala2, MePhe4-Gly-ol5]-enkephalin (DAGO, mu ligand) and [3H]-[D-Ser2, Thr6]-Leu-enkephalin (DSLET, delta ligand) to membrane preparations of the guinea pig cerebellum or rat brain. Introduction of Ala in position 8 decreased the activity of the peptide on the GPI by 50% but induced a 2.22-fold increase in its affinity for the kappa receptor ([3H]-EKC binding displacement from guinea pig cerebellum; Ki of 0.05 nM as compared with 0.11 nM for Dyn-(1-13)). On the other hand, the ability of [Ala8] Dyn-(1-13) to displace the binding of [3H]-DSLET from rat brain membranes was decreased by a factor of 1.7 while its affinity for the mu receptor was not greatly affected ([3H]-DAGO displacement; Ki of 0.44 nM as compared with 0.50 nM for Dyn-(1-13)). Replacement of position 8 by D-Ala caused similar changes in the activity of the peptide but the increase in its affinity for the kappa site was somewhat smaller (Ki of 0.08 nM as compared with 0.11 nM). [D-Pro10]-Dyn-(1-13) was equipotent to [Ala8]-Dyn-(1-13) in the GPI but its affinity for the mu binding site was decreased by a factor of 2.7 as compared with Dyn-(1-13).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In a continuation of our research efforts on the design and synthesis of novel peptidomimetic structures, we have synthesized a series of sandostatin amide analogs in which stereoisomers of threonine and beta-hydroxyvaline(beta-Hyv) are employed. The analogs D-Phe1-c[Cys2-Phe3-D-Trp4-Lys5-Xaa6-Cys 7]-Xbb8-NH2 (Xaa = allo-Thr, D-allo-Thr, D-beta-Hyv, beta-Hyv, D-Thr, and Xbb = Thr or Xaa = Thr and Xbb = allo-Thr, D-allo-Thr, beta-Hyv, D-Thr) explore the effects on biological activity of stereochemical modifications and beta-methylation at positions 6 or 8. By these modifications, we examine the role of the two residues in binding to somatostatin receptors. We describe the synthesis and biological activity of these analogs. In combination with the results of the conformational analysis, this study provides new insights into the structural requirements for the binding affinity of somatostatin amide analogs to somatostatin receptors [Mattern et al., Conformational analyses of sandostatin analogs containing stereochemical changes in positions 6 or 8].  相似文献   

Two analogs of human beta-endorphin (beta-EP) which contain cystine bridges, [Cys15-Cys26,Phe27,Gly31]-beta-EP (I) and [Cys16-Cys26,Phe27,Gly31]-beta-EP (II), were synthesized by the solid-phase method. Peptides I and II were shown to contain 2-2.5 times the opiate receptor binding activity of beta-endorphin. We also synthesized two analogs with reduced alkylated cysteine residues and these peptides, [Arg9,19,24,28,29 Cys(Cam)11,26,Phe27,Gly31] and [Arg9,19,24,28,29,Cys-(Cam)12,26,Phe27,Gly31], were shown to have approximately the same opiate receptor activity as beta-endorphin.  相似文献   

We report the solid phase synthesis and some pharmacological properties of seventeen new oxytocin (OT) analogues. Basic modification at positions 8 and/or 9 (introduction of L-alpha-t-butylglycine [Gly(Bu(t))]) was combined with D-Cys(6), D-Tyr(Et)(2), Mpa(1) or Pen(1) modifications and their various combinations. We also present properties of two previously reported re-synthesized analogues ([Gly(Bu(t))(8)]OT and [Mpa(1), Gly(Bu(t))(8)]OT). The analogues were tested for rat uterotonic activity in vitro, in the rat pressor assay and for binding affinity to human OTR.  相似文献   

The amino terminal 54 residue peptide fragment of human somatotropin [Cys(Gam)53]-HGH-(1-54), has been synthesized by the solid-phase method. The symmetrical anhydride and active ester coupling methods were used exclusively. The synthetic product was purified by gel fitration isoelectric focusing, and partition chromatography. It was found to be homogeneous by six additional criteria. In complement fixation experiments the synthetic product was immunologically active with antisera to HGH and [cys(Cam)53]-HGH-(134). Antiserum raised against the synthetic product was immunologically active in the homologous assay and with HGH,[Cys(Cam)53]-HGH-(1-134), and [Cys(Cam)53]-HGH-(15-125). The synthetic fragment exhibited 53% of the activity of [Cys(Cam)53]-HGH-(1-134) in the rat tibia assay.  相似文献   

Immunoreactivity of synthetic human beta-endorphin analogs with various chain lengths has been examined using a specific radioimmunoassay. It was found that beta-endorphin-(1--21) and analogs of shortened chain exhibit no immunoreactivity, whereas beta-endorphin-(1--15) possesses significant in vitro opiate activity. It appears that immunoreactivity of beta-endorphin resides in the COOH-terminal segment of residues (22--31). The data also show the lack of correlation between opiate and immunological activities of beta-endorphin.  相似文献   

Elephant beta-endorphin and its analog, elephant beta-endorphin(6-31) were synthesized by standard solid phase method. Receptor binding activity showed that elephant beta-endorphin was five to six times more potent than human beta-endorphin in its ability to bind to opiate receptors on rat brain membrane. In a previous study (Wong, C.-L., Wai, M.-K., Cheng, H.-C., Chung, D. & Yamashiro, D (1990) Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 16, 33-37), tail flick test for intracerebroventricularly administered beta-endorphin showed that the antinociceptive potency of elephant beta-endorphin was seven to eight times higher than that of human beta-endorphin in mice. Results from both studies suggest that elephant beta-endorphin was a much more potent antinociceptive agent than human beta-endorphin in tail flick test and its higher analgesic activity might be due to its higher affinity for opiate receptors in the brain.  相似文献   

(Formyl-sarcosine)1-LH-RH (I), (acetyl-sarcosine)1-LH-RH (II), (2-pyrrolidone-4-carboxylic acid)1-LH-RH (III), (N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone-4-carboxylic acid)1-LH-RH (IV, hydroxyproline1-LH-RH (V) and (cylcopentane-carboxylic acid)1-LH-RH (VI) were synthesized by solid phase methods on a benzhydrylamine resin support. Peptides I-IV were assayed for LH- and FSH-releasing activity over a 4-h period after subcutaneous infection into immature male rats in order to detect any prolongation ofactivity. The peptides were found to have the following integrated LH-releasing activities compared with LH-RH: I, 64%; II, 72%; III, 19%; IV, 58%. None of the peptides were found to be longer acting than LH-RH. Peptides V and VI were far less active, 0.001% and 1.4%, respectively.  相似文献   

A novel cyclic GRF analog, cyclo(Asp8-Lys12)-[Asp8,Ala15]-GRF(1-29)-NH2, i.e. cyclo8,12[Asp8,Ala15]-GRF(1-29)-NH2, was synthesized by the solid phase procedure and found to retain significant biological activity. Solid phase cyclization of Asp8 to Lys12 proceeded rapidly (approximately 2 h) using the BOP reagent. Substitution of Ala2 with D-Ala2 and/or NH2-terminal replacement (desNH2-Tyr1 or N-MeTyr1) in the cyclo8,12[Asp8,Ala15]-GRF(1-29)-NH2 system resulted in highly potent analogs that were also active in vivo. Conformational analysis (circular dichroism and molecular dynamics calculations based on NOE-derived distance constraints) demonstrated that cyclo8,12[Asp8,Ala15]-GRF(1-29)-NH2 contains a long alpha-helical segment even in aqueous solution. A series of cyclo8,12 stereoisomers containing D-Asp8 and/or D-Lys12 were prepared and also found to be highly potent and to retain significant alpha-helical conformation. The high biological activity of cyclo8,12[N-MeTyr1,D-Ala2,Asp8,Ala15]-GRF(1-29)- NH2 may be explained on the basis of retention of a preferred bioactive conformation.  相似文献   

Modifications of the B-segment of HTI-286 (2) produced a class of analogs incorporating heteroatom-substituents. The structure-activity relationship was studied. Analogs bearing methylsulfide and fluoride groups exhibited potency comparable to that of the parent compound HTI-286 and to paclitaxel in cytotoxicity assays against KB-3-1 cell lines. These analogs were more potent than paclitaxel against P-glycoprotein expressing KB-8-5 and KB-V1 cell lines. Several analogs showed strong inhibition of tubulin polymerization.  相似文献   

The synthesis by solid-phase methodology of two glycosylated analogs of somatostatin [Glc-Asn5]-SS and [NAcGlc-Asn5]-SS is described. These two analogs have been biologically tested on the secretion of pituitary growth hormone, pancreatic glucagon and insulin. The results show that glycosylation of somatostatin on the Asn5 residue decreases by a hundred fold the inhibition activity on GH release when tested invitro. Invivo, since the activity is similar to somatostatin the carbohydrates are probably removed by some enzymatic reaction and thus liberate the full activity of somatostatin.  相似文献   

Biological properties of five novel angiotensin analogues synthesized, using the conventional methods of peptide chemistry, have been studied. Cyclization was attained by means of amide linkage with the aid of diphenylphosphorylazide or pentafluorophenyl esters. Unlike the natural hormone, the cyclic analogues of angiotensin show no pressor activity, but elicit a depressor effect untypical of angiotensin. A slight pressor activity was exhibited by the compound containing aspartic acid in position 1. The cyclic analogues in question release histamine from peritoneal mast cells in rats.  相似文献   

We report the conformational analysis by 1H nmr in DMSO and computer simulations involving distance geometry and molecular dynamics simulations of analogs of the cyclic octapeptide D-Phe1-c[Cys2-Phe3-D-Trp4-Lys5-Thr6-Cys 7]-Thr8-ol (sandostatin, octreotide). The analogs D-Phe1-c[Cys2-Phe3-D-Trp4-Lys5-Xaa6-Cys 7]-Xbb8-NH2 (Xaa = allo-Thr, D-allo-Thr, D-beta-Hyv, beta-Hyv, D-Thr, and Xbb = Thr or Xaa = Thr and Xbb = allo-Thr, D-allo-Thr, beta-Hyv, D-Thr) contain stereochemical changes in the Thr residues in positions 6 and 8, which allow us to investigate the influence of the stereochemistry within these residues on conformation and binding affinity. The molecular dynamics simulations provide insight into the conformational flexibility of these analogs. The compounds with (S)-configuration at the C(alpha) of residue 6 adopt beta-sheet structures containing a type II' beta-turn with D-Trp in the i+1 position, and these conformations are "folded" about residues 6 and 3. The structures are very similar to those observed for sandostatin, and the disulfide bridge results in a close proximity of the H(alpha) protons of residues 7 and 2, which confirms earlier observations that a disulfide bridge is a good mimic for a cis peptide bond. The compounds with (R)-configuration at the C(alpha) of residue 6 adopt considerably different backbone conformations. The structures observed for these analogs contain either a beta-turn about residue Lys and Xaa6 or a gamma-turn about the Xaa6 residue. These compounds do not exhibit significant binding to the somatostatin receptors, while the compounds with (S) configuration in position 6 bind potently to the sst2, 3, and 5 receptors. The nmr spectra of analogs with (R) or (S) configuration at the C(alpha) of residue 8 are strikingly similar to each other. We have demonstrated that the chemical shifts of protons of residues 3, 4, 5, and 6, which are part of the type II' beta-turn, and especially the effect on the Lys gamma-protons are considerably different in active molecules as compared to inactive analogs. Since the presence of a type II' beta-turn is crucial for the binding to the receptors, the chemical shifts, the amide temperature coefficients of the Thr residue and the medium strength NOE between LysNH and ThrNH can be extremely useful as an initial screening tool to separate the active molecules from inactive analogs.  相似文献   

Recent studies on the glucagon antagonist des-His1-[Glu9]glucagon amide have resulted in pure inhibitors of the hormone, suggesting that the inhibitory properties may be centered around position 9. The present study was designed to investigate the chemical characteristics of substitutions in position 9 of glucagon that determine binding affinity and biological activity. Twenty replacement analogs of position 9 of glucagon were synthesized and assessed for their ability to bind to the glucagon receptor in rat hepatocyte membranes and to activate adenylate cyclase. Any substitution of aspartic acid 9 was accompanied by a severely diminished capacity to transmit the biological signal, while retaining receptor binding affinity. These results are an indication of an uncoupling of receptor binding and biological activity at this locus and define a central role of aspartic acid 9 in glucagon activity. Single replacement or deletion of either His1 or Asp9 in glucagon caused a 20- to 50-fold decrease in cyclase activity, whereas these same changes made in tandem caused virtually complete loss of activity, with decreases of 10(4)-to 10(6)-fold. These observations have led us to speculate that, at the molecular level, the region of glucagon required for transduction of the biological response may be distinct from the binding region and is mediated by a coupled interaction between His1 and Asp9 of the hormone and a complementary functional site of the glucagon receptor.  相似文献   

1-Deoxy-9α-dihydrotaxane analogs 9 and 10 were semi-synthesized from 1-deoxybaccatin VI, isolated from Taxus mairei, and tested for cytotoxic activity. Taxane 9 is 10-fold less cytotoxic than paclitaxel, while 10 is equally active. In the tubulin polymerization assay (ED50 values), 10 is 4-fold less effective than paclitaxel, but 3-fold superior to 9. These observations can be explained by analysis of the corresponding taxane/β-tubulin complexes.  相似文献   

Several azaline B analogs (2-10) were synthesized and evaluated for their ability to antagonize GnRH in vitro and for duration of action in inhibiting luteinizing hormone secretion in a castrated male rat assay in vivo. Analogs, 8 (IC(50) = 1.85 nM), and 9 (IC(50) = 1.78 nM), are equipotent with azaline B (1, IC(50) = 1.36 nM) in vitro. Whereas 9 is short acting, 8 is as long acting as azaline B. Other analogs have IC(50) greater than 2.0 nM and are all short acting.  相似文献   

Dermorphin and seven of its analogs substituted at positions 5 and/or 7, have been synthesized by the solid phase method employing mainly 9-fluorenylmethyloxycarbonylamino acid trichlorophenyl esters in presence of l-hydroxybenzotriazole, the solid support being the Merrifield resin. Among the analogs synthesized, the most interesting is [Tyr7]dermorphin. It is one of the most potent dermorphin analogs reported so far. Compared to the natural peptide, it is about two times more potent in the GPI (in vitro) and nearly 1.4 times more potent in its analgesic activity in mice by the hot plate test (in vivo). Further, its antidiarrhoeal activity in mice (in vivo) is comparable to that of dermorphin. On the other hand, [Thr7]dermorphin is almost as potent as dermorphin.  相似文献   

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