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SYNOPSIS. A new species of neogregarine, Mattesia geminata sp. n., that infects immature stages of the tropical fire ant, Solenopsis geminata (Fabricius), is described. The parasite, which develops in the hypodermis, causes disruption of the developing eyes, melanization of the cuticle, and death of pupae. lntracolonial infection rates are usually less than 2±, but may exceed 90±. Attempts to transmit the infection were unsuccessful.  相似文献   

应用扫描电镜和光学显微镜观察了红火蚁Solenopsis invicta Buren、热带火蚁Solenopsis geminata Fabricius和黑头酸臭蚁Tapinoma melanocephalum Fabricius的上颚类型及形态特征。头宽和上颚长度测量结果表明:两种火蚁的头宽和上颚大小具有连续性特征,黑头酸臭蚁工蚁仅1个类型,3种蚂蚁中黑头酸臭蚁的上颚最小,其前端具4个锋利切齿叶,后部有一排小而钝的臼齿叶,上颚内缘较光滑。在形态上,红火蚁的大、中、小型工蚁与热带火蚁工蚁的上颚区别不大,表面纹理光滑,都具4个锋利小齿,上颚内缘也比较光滑;热带火蚁兵蚁上颚仅3个小齿且较钝,其上颚内缘凹面比两种火蚁工蚁的深且纹理粗糙,推测红火蚁工蚁不仅用于筑巢,还用于防御,而热带火蚁兵蚁的强壮上颚可能主要用于磨碎食物,而非保卫蚁巢。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The reproductive status of individual queens in relation to the number of queens in polygyne colonies of Solenopsis invicta Buren was investigated under both field and laboratory conditions. In field colonies, the weight of individual queens is inversely related to the number of resident queens present. The weight of a queen is positively correlated with fecundity, as measured by the number of eggs laid in 5 h in isolation. Thus increasing queen number has a strong negative effect on the fecundity of individual queens in these colonies. A similar relationship was established in standardized laboratory colonies using queens from a single experimental population. Colony size by itself had no significant effect on queen weight in either the field or laboratory colonies, suggesting that the inverse relationship between queen number and fecundity results from mutual inhibition among queens, possibly involving pheromones, rather than reduced nutrition through lower worker/queen ratios. While uninseminated queens can comprise up to 50% of the functional (i.e. egglaying) queens in polygyne colonies of this ant, they tend to be less fecund than their inseminated nestmates; uninseminated queens within a given colony generally weigh 5–25% less.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Providing queenless colonies with five queen cells containing larvae or pupae diminished the number of queen cells and queen cell cups subsequently produced, but not as effectively as the provision of a mated laying queen. Immature queens were more effective than the mature queens in stimulating pollen collection, but were less effective in stimulating nectar collection.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Virgin queens are as effective as mated laying queens at inhibiting colonies from rearing queens but not from producing queen cell cups. Colonies without brood produce fewer queen cell cups than similar colonies that have brood. Colonies without queens forage much less and collect less pollen than with either a mated or virgin queen. Colonies with virgin queens forage as much as those with mated queens but collected less pollen.  相似文献   

Queens of the fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren, produce several releaser and primer pheromones. Using bioassays, the ontogeny of three of these pheromones related to reproductive development was investigated. Virgin queens, in which the process of wing-shedding (dealation) serves as an indicator of the initiation of reproductive development, were studied. First, the production of two queen pheromones produced in the poison gland was examined. The pheromone responsible for initiation and maintenance of retinue formation, a releaser effect, was found to be produced in detectable quantities 2 days after dealation, at which time queens showed significant ovary development and many (30%) had started laying eggs. A primer pheromone that inhibits alate virgin queens from dealating was detected in queens 3 days following wing-shedding, when 80% of the queens were ovipositing. Second, I examined the onset of a pheromone of unknown glandular origin produced by reproductively active virgin queens which leads to their destruction in queenright colonies by stimulating workers to attack and kill them. This pheromone is secreted in quantities detectable by bioassay 2 days after dealation. Thus, in S. invicta, the ontogeny of three distinct queen pheromones is tightly linked with ovary development and initiation of egg laying. These results demonstrate reproductive and communicative functions are closely associated during the transition from potential to functional queen.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. To determine whether the production of sexuals in the fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren, is related to queen number in the field, the numbers of sexuals in monogyne (M) and polygyne (P) colonies of this species were compared. Large colonies ( n =25 M and 25 P) were collected at random during spring, summer and fall when sexuals are actively produced, and the numbers of sexuals present were counted. The numbers of alates plus sexual pupae and larvae in M colonies far exceeded those in P colonies in each season. Significant differences between M and P colonies were also found when the numbers of alates and sexual immatures (pupae + larvae) were compared separately in each season. In addition, M colonies contained significantly more female sexuals (alates + pupae) than did P colonies in the summer and fall, and significantly more males in all three seasons. The negative relationship between queen number and number of sexuals provides evidence that queen control over the production of sexuals, previously established in laboratory experiments, also occurs under natural conditions.  相似文献   

Summary We examined the relationship between queen number and worker size in colonies of the fire antSolenopsis invicta. Worker size in monogyne colonies was significantly greater than in polygyne colonies; furthermore, polygyne colonies snowed a strong negative linear relationship between queen number and worker size. Higher queen pheromone level and/or decreased food availability accompanying an increase in queen number likely play important roles in producing the observed patterns.  相似文献   

Intraspecific variation in social organization is common, yet the underlying causes are rarely known. An exception is the fire ant Solenopsis invicta in which the existence of two distinct forms of social colony organization is under the control of the two variants of a pair of social chromosomes, SB and Sb. Colonies containing exclusively SB/SB workers accept only one single queen and she must be SB/SB. By contrast, when colonies contain more than 10% of SB/Sb workers, they accept several queens but only SB/Sb queens. The variants of the social chromosome are associated with several additional important phenotypic differences, including the size, fecundity and dispersal strategies of queens, aggressiveness of workers, and sperm count in males. However, little is known about whether social chromosome variants affect fitness in other life stages. Here, we perform experiments to determine whether differential selection occurs during development and in adult workers. We find evidence that the Sb variant of the social chromosome increases the likelihood of female brood to develop into queens and that adult SB/Sb workers, the workers that cull SB/SB queens, are overrepresented in comparison to SB/SB workers. This demonstrates that supergenes such as the social chromosome can have complex effects on phenotypes at various stages of development.  相似文献   

Summary Behavioral responses of differently aged worker beesApis mellifera to a queen pheromonal extract were analysed. The bees were tested individually in a four-armed olfactometer, one arm being scented with the pheromonal extract. This extract was prepared from heads of 14–17-day-old unmated queens. Among the components of the blend, 470 g 9-keto-2-(E)-decenoic acid, 200 g 9-hydroxy-2-(E)-decenoic acid and 5 gp-hydroxybenzoic acid methyl ester per queen equivalent were dosed. An age dependency in the worker bees' olfactory response to the components of the queen extract was shown, the strongest response occurring below the age of 5 days.  相似文献   

We assessed patterns of new queen recruitment in a polygyne(multiple queens per nest) population of the fire ant Solenopsisinvicta in its introduced range. Newly recruited queens wereidentified using four physiological markers, and genotypic datafrom nuclear and mitochondrial markers were used to estimaterelatedness of new nest mate queens to each other and to theolder nest mate queens. In total, 1.7% of the queens collectedin late spring and early summer were deemed to be new recruits.The relatedness of these queens to each other and to the olderqueens within nests was not significantly different from zero,suggesting that newly recruited queens represent a random sampleof potential reproductive queens in the population. Moreover,the number of new queens recruited within nests was not correlatedwith the number of older queens present and did not differ significantlyfrom a Poisson distribution. Thus, queen recruitment in this populationof S. invicta appears to occur at random with respect to thenumber of older queens present within nests.  相似文献   

The fire ant Solenopsis invicta exists in two social forms, one with colonies headed by a single reproductive queen (monogyne form) and the other with colonies containing multiple queens (polygyne form). This variation in social organization is associated with variation at the gene Gp-9, with monogyne colonies harboring only the B allelic variant and polygyne colonies containing b-like variants as well. We generated new Gp-9 sequences from 15 Solenopsis species and combined these with previously published sequences to conduct a comprehensive, phylogenetically based study of the molecular evolution of this important gene. The exon/intron structure and the respective lengths of the five exons of Gp-9 are identical across all species examined, and we detected no evidence for intragenic recombination. These data conform to a previous suggestion that Gp-9 lies in a genomic region with low recombination, and they indicate that evolution of the coding region in Solenopsis has involved point substitutions only. Our results confirm a link between the presence of b-like alleles and the expression of polygyny in all South American fire ant species known to possess colonies of both social forms. Moreover, phylogenetic analyses show that b-like alleles comprise a derived clade of Gp-9 sequences within the socially polymorphic species, lending further support to the hypothesis that monogyny preceded polygyny in this group of fire ants. Site-specific maximum likelihood tests identified several amino acids that have experienced positive selection, two of which are adjacent to the inferred binding-pocket residues in the GP-9 protein. Four other binding-pocket residues are variable among fire ant species, although selection is not implicated in this variation. Branch-specific tests revealed strong positive selection on the stem lineage of the b-like allele clade, as expected if selection drove the amino acid replacements crucial to the expression of polygyne social organization. Such selection may have operated via the ligand-binding properties of GP-9, as one of the two amino acids uniquely shared by all b-like alleles is predicted to be a binding-pocket residue.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The effects of division of labour on response behaviour to food in the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren, were examined to determine if caste members differ in amount of food taken, in rate of food transfer, or in internal distribution of food; and to see if food availability, time, or temporal subcaste pairing affect feeding behaviour. To measure differences in behaviour we fed radioiodinated albumin mixed with egg yolk to colonies containing larvae, queens, and (a) foragers and nurses, or (b) foragers and reserves, or (c) nurses and reserves. Samples were taken over a 72-h period and radioactivity in the head, thorax and abdomen of each worker was determined. There were significant differences between nurses, foragers and reserves in quantity of food consumed, rate of transfer, and internal distribution of radioactivity. These differences were related to their respective roles of foraging, food storage and transfer, and brood tending. The quantity of food taken per subcaste was dependent on the total amount of food in the colony, with transfer rates differing between subcastes as the quantity of food in the colony increased. The rate at which protein was transferred between subcastes was slower in the reserves than that in either foragers or nurses. Therefore, reserves may serve as a temporary store of protein for the colony.  相似文献   

The roles of honey bee queen mandibular pheromone and colony congestion in the inhibition of swarming were investigated. Two colony siz.es were used: small, congested colonies and large, uncongested colonies. Both groups of colonies were treated with various dosages of the five-component, synthetic queen mandibular pheromone in the spring, and the extent and timing of swarming were followed. Most treatment groups received pheromone or a solvent blank (control) on a stationary slide; one group of the congested colonies received a pheromone treatment via an aerosol spray. The pheromone was not effective at delaying swarming in the congested colonies at any dosage applied on slides, but the aerosol spray-treated colonies swarmed significantly later in the season than the control colonies. The uncongested, pheromone-treated colonies exhibited a dose-dependent delay in swarming, with the highest dosage colonies swarming almost four weeks later than the control colonies. These results indicate an interaction between congestion and pheromone in the control of honey bee reproduction. While congestion may in itself be a factor stimulating swarming, these results are consistent with the interpretation that colony congestion reduces the transmission of queen pheromone within the nest, thereby removing the queen 's pheromone-based inhibition of queen rearing and subsequent swarming by workers.  相似文献   

Summary Queen attendance behavior of workers from selected honey bee colonies with high and low worker retinue response to synthetic queen mandibular gland pheromone (QMP) was investigated. Antennating, licking, grooming, and feeding of the queen by workers from high and low responding colonies were examined. High and low QMP responding workers did not attend the queen differently. However, workers originating from different colonies antennated and licked the queen more frequently than others, suggesting there may be a genetic basis for queen attendance behavior not necessarily associated with response to QMP. The median age of queen attendance was independent of strain.  相似文献   

Newly produced queens from monogyne (single-queen) coloniesof the ant Solenopsis invicta usually initiate reproductionindependently, that is, without worker assistance. However,some recently mated queens attempt to bypass this risky phaseof new colony foundation by entering established nests to reproduce,although it is unclear how often these queens are successfulin natural populations. We surveyed a mature monogyne populationof S. invicta in both 1995 and 1996 for colonies headed by queensincapable of independent colony founding (diploid-male-producingqueens) in order to estimate the frequency of colonies thatare headed by queens that initiated reproduction within establishednests (adopted queens). Using the frequency of diploid-male-producingqueens among the recently mated queens in this population, weestimated that the overall rate of queen replacement by adoptedqueens is about 0.7% per colony per year. Although theory suggeststhat a change to a novel queen reproductive tactic could beassociated with a fundamental change in social organization(queen number), this does not appear to be the case in monogyneS. invicta. However, the evolution of nest-infiltrating reproductivetactics by queens in a monogyne population and the evolutionof multiple-queen societies may result from similar ecologicalpressures facing newly mated queens. We therefore incorporatethis strategy into an existing theoretical framework that wasdeveloped to explain the evolution of alternative social organizationsin ants, providing testable predictions regarding the distributionand frequency of queen adoption in other single-queen ant societies.  相似文献   

Genetic and environmental influences on the worker honey bee retinue response to queen mandibular gland pheromone (QMP) were investigated. Worker progeny were reared from queens originating from four sources: Australia, New Zealand, and two locations in British Columbia, Canada (Simon Fraser University and Vancouver Island). Progeny from New Zealand queens responded significantly higher (P < 0.05) than progeny from Australia in a QMP retinue bioassay. Retinue response was not related to queen production of pheromone or colony environment, and the strain-dependent differences in retinue bioassay responses were maintained over a wide range of dosages. Selected high- and low-responding colonies were bioassayed over the course of 1 year. High-responding colonies contacted QMP lures more frequently than low-responding colonies (P < 0.05) throughout the year except in late summer. We conclude that there is a strong genetic component to QMP response by worker honey bees, as well as a seasonal effect on response.  相似文献   

Abstract. Concentrations of total sugars, lipids and soluble proteins were measured in prepupae and pupae of a native fire ant, Solenopsis xyloni W. M. wheeler (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Changes in the concentratons of these reserves were examined over the course of metamorphosis, in response to starvation, and in relation to body size. During metamorphosis, only lipid concentrations changed during the prepuapal period, dropping slightly. During the pupal state, however, approximately 75% of total sugars, 45% of lipids and 40% of soluble proteins were used. Starvation immediately prior to metamorphosis greatly decreased the quantity of carbohydrate detected at the beginning of the prepupal stage. Soluble protein levels were also slightly reduced. In contrast, lipid concentrations in prepupae increased in individuals that had been starved for 2–4 days immediately before metamorphosis. The relationship between body size and amount depended on the type of reserve. Lipid concetrations decreased with increasing size, while carbohydrate levels tended to increase slightly. Overall, soluble protein concentration did not change with size. Gel electrophoresis showed that two major polypeptides account for most of the soluble protein and one on these decreased sharply over the pupal period.  相似文献   

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