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Leishmania (L.) tropica is a causative agent of human cutaneous and viscerotropic leishmaniasis. Immune response to L. tropica in humans and experimental animals are not well understood. We previously established that L. tropica infection induces partial protective immunity against subsequent challenge infection with Leishmania major in BALB/c mice. Aim of the present study was to study immunologic mechanisms of protective immunity induced by L. tropica infection, as a live parasite vaccine, in BALB/c mouse model. Mice were infected by L. tropica, and after establishment of the infection, they were challenged by L. major. Our findings shows that L. tropica infection resulted in protection against L. major challenge in BALB/c mice and this protective immunity is associated with: (1) a DTH response, (2) higher IFN-γ and lower IL-10 response at one week post-challenge, (3) lower percentage of CD4+ lymphocyte at one month post-challenge, and (4) the source of IFN-γ and IL-10 were mainly CD4 lymphocyte up to one month post-challenge suggesting that CD4 lymphocytes may be responsible for protection induced by L. tropica infection in the studied intervals.  相似文献   

Protective immunity against Leishmania major is provided by s.c. immunization with a low dose of L. major promastigotes or with dihydrofolate-thymidylate synthase gene locus (DHFR-TS) gene knockout L. major organisms. Whether these vaccine strategies will protect against infection with other Leishmania species that elicit distinct immune responses and clinical syndromes is not known. Therefore, we investigated protective immunity to Leishmania chagasi, a cause of visceral leishmaniasis. In contrast to L. major, a high dose s.c. inoculum of L. chagasi promastigotes was required to elicit protective immunity. Splenocytes from mice immunized with a high dose produced significantly greater amounts of IFN-gamma and lower TGF-beta than mice immunized with a low dose of promastigotes. The development of protective immunity did not require the presence of NK cells. Protection was not afforded by s.c. immunization with either attenuated L. chagasi or with L. major promastigotes, and s.c. L. chagasi did not protect against infection with L. major. Subcutaneous immunization with DHFR-TS gene knockouts derived from L. chagasi, L. donovani, or L. major did not protect against L. chagasi infection. We conclude that s.c. inoculation of high doses of live L. chagasi causes a subclinical infection that elicits protective immune responses in susceptible mice. However, L. chagasi that have been attenuated either by long-term passage or during the raising of recombinant gene knockout organisms do not elicit protective immunity, either because they fail to establish a subclinical infection or because they no longer express critical antigenic epitopes.  相似文献   

An avirulent strain of Salmonella, SL3235, has been shown to confer high levels of immunity on lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-hyporesponsive C3H/HeJ mice. Immunized mice were also protected against challenge with Listeria monocytogenes, indicating that the Salmonella vaccine activates macrophages. It was shown that protection and macrophage activation occurred without correction of the LPS defect, as assessed by in vivo endotoxin toxicity, in vitro spleen cell mitogenicity, and the ability of in vivo treatment with LPS to enhance in vitro macrophage ingestion of C3b-coated erythrocytes. It is concluded that LPS responsiveness is neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition for Salmonella immunity, and that macrophage activation can apparently occur in C3H/HeJ mice in the face of a sustained LPS defect.  相似文献   

Extracellular phosphorylation in the parasite, Leishmania major   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Intact promastigotes or cell-free extracts of the parasite Leishmania major were labelled with adenosine 5'[gamma-32P]-triphosphate (ATP). This resulted in the identification of eleven phosphoproteins. [gamma-32P]ATP incorporation into endogenous and exogenous substrates was insensitive to most of the commonly used protein kinase inhibitors and activators indicating that the leishmanial enzyme(s) may represent a new class of kinase(s). In addition, exogenous substrate specificity was inconsistent with the preferences of second messenger-dependent protein kinases. Cyclic AMP had differential effects on phosphorylation in intact cells and lysates. The majority of kinase activity could be attributed to an externally oriented membrane-associated protein kinase(s), as no specific cytosolic phosphoproteins were found and intact cells phosphorylated exogenous substrates. Labelled ATP did not cross the membrane and [alpha-32P]ATP was an unsuitable substrate for the phosphorylation activity. The ectokinase activity on live Leishmania exhibited a different substrate preference when compared to the protein kinase activity in the particulate fraction, suggesting that more than one protein kinase may be present in L. major. Three serine-labelled phosphoproteins were specifically released into the medium. The presence of an ecto-kinase and these released phosphoproteins may play a significant role in host-parasite interactions.  相似文献   

Genetically susceptible BALB/c mice are refractory to further infection after recovery from Leishmania major infection after a sublethal dose of gamma-irradiation. In contrast, mice immunized with killed promastigotes s.c. develop exacerbated lesions after infection. Both groups of mice produce only a low level of specific antibody and no detectable cytotoxic T cells, but do have a strong antigen-specific DTH, which is adoptively transferable with Lyt-1+2-, L3T4+ T cells. Kinetic and histological studies revealed that mice immunized s.c. developed Jones-Mote hypersensitivity, peaking at 15 hr. with little mononuclear cell infiltration at the site of antigen administration; whereas mice that had recovered from infection developed tuberculin-type of reactivity, peaking at 24 to 48 hr, with intense mononuclear cell infiltration. Splenic T cells from recovered mice, when injected into the footpads of normal recipients together with live promastigotes, were able to retard lesion development; whereas T cells from s.c. immunized mice, when similarly transferred, accelerated disease progression. Antigen-specific culture supernatant of spleen cells from recovered mice also activated normal resident peritoneal macrophages to kill intracellular L. major amastigotes and tumor cells. Culture supernatants of spleen cells from s.c. immunized or normal mice were devoid of such activities. Part of the macrophage-activating potential can be inhibited by antibody specific for IFN-gamma. These results therefore demonstrate that whereas the Jones-Mote reaction is correlated with disease exacerbation, the tuberculin-type of DTH may be protective. Furthermore, in vivo immunity is directly related to the capacity of T cells to produce macrophage-activating factor.  相似文献   

The responsiveness of BALB/c mice to protective i.v. immunization with 150,000-rad irradiated or heat-killed Leishmania major promastigotes can be totally suppressed by prior subcutaneous (s.c.) injection of the same "vaccine." Induction of this effect is leishmania specific for although prevention of protection against L. major infection can be obtained with either homologous or Leishmania donovani promastigotes, it does not follow s.c. administration of an immunogenic Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigote preparation. Multiple s.c. injections of irradiated L. major promastigotes do not inhibit the subsequent antibody response of any major isotype to i.v. immunization, but rather induce some priming. The same s.c. injections induced delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) reactivity that could be transferred locally or systemically, although it was weaker than in mice with cured infections. Parallel cell-mediated immunity (CMI) responses were also reflected in vitro in specific lymphocyte transformation assays. Despite this evidence of a DTH/helper type of T cell response, transfer of 5 X 10(7) viable T cell-enriched spleen cells from 4 X s.c. immunized donors to normal recipients completely abrogated the protective response to i.v. immunization. Conversely, T cell-depleted (anti-Thy-1.2 + C treated) cells were without effect. The inhibitory T cells were defined by monoclonal antibody pretreatment as possessing an Lyt-1+2-,L3T4+ phenotype. T cells from s.c. immunized donors were also shown, by mixed transfer experiments, to counteract completely the protective effect of T cells from i.v. immunized donors in 550-rad irradiated recipients. They were as potent as suppressor T cells from donors with progressive disease both in this capacity and in abrogating the prophylactic effect of sublethal irradiation itself. The similarities and differences between suppressor and immune effector T cells induced by s.c. or i.v. immunization and those arising in response to leishmanial infection itself are discussed.  相似文献   

Durable immunity against fatal L. major infection in genetically susceptible mice can be induced by immunization with 150,000-rad irradiated or heat-killed promastigotes administered i.v. or to a lesser extent i.p. Conversely, subcutaneous (s.c.) and intramuscular (i.m.) injections are not only totally ineffective but generally increase susceptibility to and enhance the progression of the disease, leading to earlier mortality. This detrimental effect is particularly evident with lower infecting challenge doses. Disease exacerbation is apparent in mice given 4 X s.c. injections of as few as 2 X 10(4) irradiated promastigotes, but it appears most potent after doses of 2 X 10(7). When mice given 4 X s.c. injections were subsequently immunized i.v. with 2 X 10(7) irradiated promastigotes, they failed to develop any evidence of protection against infection with 2 X 10(5) promastigotes, whereas mice given i.v. immunization alone were strongly protected. Thus, s.c. injections are capable of blocking the prophylactic effect of i.v. immunization with irradiated parasites. This inhibitory effect can be achieved with a single s.c. injection, although rather less potently than with four, and is even effective against four repeated weekly i.v. immunizations. Once induced, the effect persists undiminished after 100 days. A weaker effect is also inducible by s.c. injection given after i.v. immunization. The blocking effect of s.c. injection is not dependent on continuing viability of the promastigotes, as it can be induced equally readily with heat-killed, formalin-fixed, or sonicated parasites. The phenomenon extends to mouse strains genetically resistant as well as susceptible to L. major infection and, in congenic mice of BALB background, is independent of the major histocompatibility (H-2) gene complex.  相似文献   

Previous studies provided evidence that the role of TNF in the control of Leishmania (Leishmania) major might vary with the parasite strain. Here, we analyzed the development and outcome of cutaneous leishmaniasis in C57BL/6 wild-type (B6.WT) and TNF-deficient (B6. TNF(-/-)) mice infected with two different isolates of L. (L.) major (FRIEDLIN vs. BNI). L. (L.) major BNI caused progressive, fatal disease in B6.TNF(-/-) mice. In contrast, B6.TNF(-/-) mice infected with the L. (L.) major FRIEDLIN strain exhibited partial resistance characterized by chronic, non-healing skin lesions without lethality. Analysis of the tissue parasite numbers showed that the numbers of L. (L.) major FRIEDLIN and BNI parasites were comparable in footpads and lymph nodes of B6.TNF(-/-) mice, whereas in the spleen the parasite numbers were strikingly lower in the case of L. (L.) major FRIEDLIN. In vitro, cytokine-activated inflammatory macrophages killed L. (L.) major FRIEDLIN more efficiently than L. (L.) major BNI. These results suggest that in the absence of TNF, the course of leishmaniasis depends on the biology of the inoculated L. (L.) major strain, which most likely explains the previously published discrepant results on the role of TNF in leishmaniasis.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of clathrin-mediated trafficking during the Leishmania lifecycle, open reading frames encoding clathrin heavy chain and the beta-adaptins, major components of the adaptor complexes, have been analysed both in silico and experimentally. The Leishmania genome encodes three beta-adaptins, which arose at a time predating speciation of these divergent trypanosomatids. Unlike Trypanosoma brucei, both clathrin heavy chain and beta-adaptin1 are constitutively expressed throughout the Leishmania life cycle. Clathrin relocalises in amastigotes relative to promastigotes, consistent with developmental alterations to the morphology of the endo-membrane system.  相似文献   

Macrophages are the major target cell population of the obligate intracellular parasites LEISHMANIA: Although polymorphonuclear neutrophil granulocytes (PMN) are able to internalize Leishmania promastigotes, these cells have not been considered to date as host cells for the parasites, primarily due to their short life span. In vitro coincubation experiments were conducted to investigate whether Leishmania can modify the spontaneous apoptosis of human PMN. Coincubation of PMN with Leishmania major promastigotes resulted in a significant decrease in the ratio of apoptotic neutrophils as detected by morphological analysis of cell nuclei, TUNEL assay, gel electrophoresis of low m.w. DNA fragments, and annexin V staining. The observed antiapoptotic effect was found to be associated with a significant reduction of caspase-3 activity in PMN. The inhibition of PMN apoptosis depended on viable parasites because killed Leishmania or a lysate of the parasites did not have antiapoptotic effect. L. major did not block, but rather delayed the programmed cell death of neutrophils by approximately 24 h. The antiapoptotic effect of the parasites could not be transferred by the supernatants, despite secretion of IL-8 by PMN upon coculture with L. major. In vivo, intact parasites were found intracellularly in PMN collected from the skin of mice 3 days after s.c. infection. This finding strongly suggests that infection with Leishmania prolongs the survival time of neutrophils also in vivo. These data indicate that Leishmania induce an increased survival of neutrophil granulocytes both in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

The proteins that mediate polyamine translocation into eukaryotic cells have not been identified at the molecular level. To define the polyamine transport pathways in eukaryotic cells we have cloned a gene, LmPOT1, that encodes a polyamine transporter from the protozoan pathogen, Leishmania major. Sequence analysis of LmPOT1 predicted an unusual 803-residue polytopic protein with 9-12 transmembrane domains. Expression of LmPOT1 cRNA in Xenopus laevis oocytes revealed LmPOT1 to be a high affinity transporter for both putrescine and spermidine, whereas expression of LmPOT1 in Trypanosoma brucei stimulated putrescine uptake that was sensitive to inhibition by pentamidine and proton ionophores. Immunoblot analysis established that LmPOT1 was expressed predominantly in the insect vector form of L. major, and immunofluorescence demonstrated that LmPOT1 was localized predominantly to the parasite plasma membrane. To our knowledge this is the first molecular identification and characterization of a cell surface polyamine transporter in eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

We have shown previously that BALB/c mice can be protected against a fatal infection with Leishmania major by adoptive transfer of a T cell line recognizing a protective soluble fraction (fraction 9) of promastigotes. We now describe the isolation and characterization of a T cell clone (9.1-2) that also transfers protective immunity against Leishmania. After Ag or mitogen stimulation, this clone secrets IL-2 and IFN-gamma, but not IL-4 or IL-5. The clone preferentially recognizes L. major fraction 9, and in addition, soluble Ag from Leishmania donovani, Leishmania amazonensis, and Leishmania braziliensis, but not from the related flagellates, Trypanosoma cruzi or Crithidia fasciculata. Besides being contained in fraction 9, the stimulatory Ag is also released from the parasite, because concentrated promastigote culture supernatants induced IFN-gamma production by 9.1-2. By means of T cell immunoblotting, we determined that 9.1-2 recognized a protein with a relative m.w. between 8,000 and 12,000, and within this region is a predominant protein contained in fraction 9 of approximately 10,000 m.w. These data identify a new candidate Ag for immunization against protozoa belonging to the genus Leishmania.  相似文献   

For treating Leishmania major infection in BALB/c mice, we used thalidomide in conjunction with glucantime. Groups of mice were challenged with 510(3) metacyclic promastigotes of L. major subcutaneously. A week after the challenge, drug treatment was started and continued for 12 days. Thalidomide was orally administrated 30 mg/kg/day and glucantime was administrated intraperitoneally (200 mg/kg/day). It was shown that the combined therapy is more effective than single therapies with each one of the drugs since the foot pad swelling in the group of mice received thalidomide and glucantime was significantly decreased (0.9 +/- 0.2 mm) compared to mice treated with either glucantime, thalidomide, or carrier alone (1.2 +/- 0.25, 1.4 +/- 0.3, and 1.7 +/- 0.27 mm, respectively). Cytokine study showed that the effect of thalidomide was not dependent on IL-12; however, it up-regulated IFN-gamma and down-regulated IL-10 production. Conclusively, thalidomide seems promising as a conjunctive therapy with antimony in murine model of visceral leishmaniasis.  相似文献   

The nature of the humoral immune mechanisms involved in the protection induced after local immunization with a temperature-sensitive (ts) mutant ofPseudomonas aeruginosa was investigated. We had previously shown that intranasal (i.n.) immunization of granulocytopenic mice protected the animals from lethal pulmonary challenge withP. aeruginosa, whereas mice immunized intraperitoneally were unprotected. Intranasal immunization induced high levels of anti-P. aeruginosa IgG and IgA in the lower respiratory tract, whereas only modest levels of IgG (and no IgA) could be detected in lung lavage fluids from mice immunized by the intraperitoneal (i.p.) route with ts mutant E/9/9. Plasma anti-P. aeruginosa IgG levels after i.n. immunization were lower than those observed after i.p. immunization with similar doses of the ts mutant. The main contribution to the protection induced when mice are immunized intranasally appears to be from IgA in the pulmonary secretions, although other immune mechanisms cannot be discounted.  相似文献   

In order to proceed through their life cycle, protozoan parasites of the genus Leishmania cycle between sandflies and mammals. This change of environment correlates with the differentiation from the promastigote stage (insect form) to the amastigote stage (intracellular mammalian form). The molecular basis underlying this major transformation is poorly understood so far; however, heat shock protein 90 (HSP90) appears to play a pivotal role. To further elucidate this process we identified proteins expressed preferentially in either of the two life cycle stages. By using two-dimensional (2-D) gel electrophoresis we observed defined changes in the protein pattern. A total of approximately 2000 protein spots were visualized. Of these, 31 proteins were present only in promastigotes. The abundance of 65 proteins increased during heat-induced in vitro amastigote differentiation, while a decreased abundance is observed for four proteins late in amastigote differentiation. Further analyses using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry and peptide mass fingerprinting 67 protein spots were identified representing 41 different proteins known from databases and eight hypothetical proteins. Further studies showed that most of the stage-specific proteins fall into five groups of functionally related proteins. These functional categories are: (i) stress response (e.g. heat, oxidative stress); (ii) cytoskeleton and cell membrane; (iii) energy metabolism and phosphorylation; (iv) cell cycle and proliferation; and (v) amino acid metabolism. Very similar changes in the 2-D protein pattern were obtained when in vitro amastigote differentiation was induced either by pharmacological inhibition of HSP90 or by a combination of heat stress and acidic pH supporting the critical role for HSP90 in life cycle control.  相似文献   

We identified a Leishmania major‐specific gene that can partly compensate for the loss of virulence observed for L. major HSP100 null mutants. The gene, encoding a 46 kD protein of unknown function and lineage, also enhances the virulence of wild type L. major upon overexpression. Surprisingly, the approximately sixfold overexpression of this protein also extends the host range of L. major to normally resistant C57BL/6 mice, causing persisting lesions in this strain, even while eliciting a strong cellular immune response. This enhanced virulence in vivo is mirrored in vitro by increased parasite burden inside bone marrow‐derived macrophages. The localization of the protein in the macrophage cytoplasm suggests that it may modulate the macrophage effector mechanisms. In summary, our data show that even minor changes of gene expression in L. major may alter the outcome of an infection, regardless of the host's genetic predisposition.  相似文献   

Avirulent clones of Leishmania braziliensis were produced by treatment of parental parasite stock with the mutagen N-methyl-N'-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine and selection for growth at 19 degrees C. These clones have a clear preference for infection and growth in vitro at 19 degrees C rather than the normal 28 degrees C. In addition, they can be used to vaccinate naive mice successfully against growth of the parental parasite clones. Immunity can be adoptively transferred from vaccinated mice by Lyt-1+ cells from immunized animals.  相似文献   

Two Leishmania membrane glycoconjugates, gp63 and lipophosphoglycan, have been implicated in parasite attachment and uptake into the host macrophage. Moreover, recent data suggest that parasite virulence is associated with high expression of gp63. In this study we have surveyed gp63 gene copy number, in addition to the level of expression of gp63 mRNA and protein in several Leishmania major isolates, as well as virulent and avirulent strains and clones. The highest level of gp63 expression was found in the avirulent cloned line LRC-L119.3G7, which expresses about a 15-fold higher level of gp63 RNA and protein than the virulent cloned line LRC-L137/7/V121, suggesting that large amounts of gp63 are not sufficient for infectivity and do not correlate with virulence. L119.3G7 has eight copies of the gp63 gene compared to five copies in the virulent cloned line V121 and its parental virulent isolate LRC-L137. A series of avirulent clones derived from LRC-L137 also had five copies of the gene, suggesting that gp63 copy number is maintained among closely related parasites. Different virulent isolates of L. major from different geographic regions exhibited six copies of the gp63 gene. The variation in total gene copy number is due to different numbers of the tandemly repeated gp63 isogene in different strains. Our data show that there is wide variability between strains of L. major in the copy number of gp63 genes as well as in the amount of RNA and protein expressed.  相似文献   

Central nervous system infection by Taenia solium cysts causes neurocysticercosis, a common neurological infection in the Third World. We have previously isolated cysteine proteases from Taenia crassiceps and T. solium. In this study, we immunized BALB/c mice with the purified T. solium cysteine protease and challenged them with Taenia crassiceps. Immunized mice had a 72% reduction in parasite burden compared to mice that received no immunization. Immunized mice developed antigen specific lymphocyte proliferation. These data support further studies of the T. solium cysteine protease as a vaccine candidate.  相似文献   

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