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In a clear and a turbid freshwater lake the biomasses of phytoplankton, periphytic algae and periphytonassociated macrograzers were followed in enclosures with and without fish (Rutilus rutilus) and four light levels (100%, 55%, 7% and < 1% of incoming light), respectively. Fish and light affected the biomass of primary producers and the benthic grazers in both lakes. The biomass of primary producers was generally higher in the turbid than the clear lake, and in both lakes fish positively affected the biomass, while shading reduced it. Total biomass of benthic grazing invertebrates was higher in the clear than in the turbid lake and the lakes were dominated by snails and chironomids + ostracods, respectively. While light had no effect on the biomass of grazers in the clear lake, snail breeding was delayed in the most shaded enclosures and presence of fish reduced the number of snails and the total biomass of grazers. In the turbid lake ostracod abundance was not influenced by light, but was higher in fish-free enclosures. Density of chironomids correlated positively with periphyton biomass in summer, while fish had no effect. Generally, light-mediated regulation of primary producers was stronger in the turbid than in the clear lake, but the regulation did not nambiguously influence the primary consumers. However, regulation by fish of the benthic grazer community was stronger in the clear than in the turbid lake, and in both lakes strong top-down effects on periphyton were seen. The results indicate that if present-day climate in Denmark in the future is found in coastal areas at higher latitudes, the effect of lower light during winter in such areas will be highest in clear lakes, with typically lower fish biomass and higher invertebrate grazer density.  相似文献   

Light conditions in laboratory scale enclosures (LSE) of shallow, eutrophic Lake Loosdrecht (The Netherlands), including a method for simulating a natural incident light course, are described. Total PAR (400–700 nm) and spectral irradiance distribution were measured at sestonic chlorophyll a and dry weight concentrations 100 mg m–3 and 16 g m–3, respectively. Phytoplankton was dominated by Oscillatoria spp. The euphotic depth (Z eu) was 0.7–1.0 m. Shortly after filling the LSE with lake water, diffuse attenuation coefficients ranged from 14 m–1 for blue to 5 m–1 for red light. Around Z eu, attenuation in the blue region was markedly lower and irradiance reflectance (R) continued to increase; these anomalies were caused by lateral incident light from the LSE's waterbath. Spectrophotometry indicated that absorption was mainly by particles, but dissolved humic substances (gilvin) were also important. The particles were likely to be dominated by detritus absorbing more blue relative to red light. Subsurface R in lake water in the LSE had a maximum around 705 nm and low values in the blue band, but was lower than that previously reported for measurements in situ. Wash-out of detritus, presumably both dissolved and particulate fractions, by flow-through with synthetic medium, greatly affected the spectral reflectance measured outside the LSE. The maximum value of R decreased from 0.022 to 0.009, and the peak shifted to 550 nm.  相似文献   

Numerous waterborne outbreaks of giardiasis have occurred since 1965, yet little or no information has been reported on the viability of Giardia cysts in different aquatic environments. We have studied the viability of Giardia muris cysts suspended in lake, river, and tap water, while also monitoring water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, and other water quality parameters. Fecal pellets containing G. muris cysts were placed in glass vials covered with filter paper and exposed to (i) lake water at 15 ft (ca. 4.6 m) and 30 ft (ca. 9.2 m), (ii) river water, (iii) tap water, and (iv) distilled water stored under laboratory conditions. At 3, 7, 14, 28, 56, and 84 days, two vials from each environment were removed, and cyst viability was determined by (i) fluorogenic dye exclusion, (ii) production of giardiasis in an animal, and (iii) cyst morphology by Nomarski microscopy. In the fall, the cysts suspended at 30 ft in lake water remained viable for up to 56 days whereas cysts stored at 15 ft were nonviable after day 28. The G. muris cysts exposed to river water remained viable up to 28 days as determined by the production of giardiasis in mice. G. muris cysts suspended in tap water showed no signs of viability after 14 days, while cysts serving as controls (exposed to refrigerated distilled water) remained viable for up to 56 days. In the winter, Giardia cysts suspended in either lake or river water were viable for 56 to 84 days whereas cysts exposed to tap water were nonviable by day 14.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Biological assessment of the euphotic zone in a turbid man-made lake   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:0  
The underwater light climate in the turbid waters of the Hendrik Verwoerd Dam (South Africa) was assessed using an underwater lightmeter with glass colour filters, a Secchi disc and a biostimulatory response technique. Secchi readings varied between 17 to 25% of the light penetration as measured with the underwater lightmeter. Active 14C assimilation took place at depths 530% deeper than the 1% light intensity depth. Red light was transmitted most in the waters.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. Temperature, oxygen and secchi disc transparency were measured in 5-m diameter isolation columns positioned in water approximately 4 m deep. In general the difference in thermal conditions between the adjacent open water and columns was slight. Oxygen levels in bottom waters in the enriched columns were often slightly lower than in the open water but never dropped below 50% saturation. It seems unlikely that sufficient depletion occurred to markedly increase release of phosphorus from the sediment. Light penetration in the columns was more varied than in the open water but was seldom sufficient to permit the development of large stands of benthic algae.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with a comparative study of the physico-chemical characteristics of river and lake waters in Central India. The surface water has been analysed for pH, turbidity, conductivity, alkalinity, dissolved oxygen and chlorides. The results of analyses of river water have been compared with those from lake water.The study reveals that the lake water is highly turbid, rich in organic matter, contains more of chlorides and has a higher pH value as compared to river water.  相似文献   

Benthic diatoms were sampled in two rapids, in a turbid South-Finnish river (R. Keravanjoki, 22 FTU) and a clear water river in eastern Finland (R. Vaikkojoki, 4 FTU), to evaluate the diversity and spatial distribution patterns of diatom communities and especially their relationships to current velocity. In both rapids, epilithic diatoms were sampled in 15 sampling squares within three current velocity classes (10 cm s–1, 40 cm s–1 and 100 cm s–1). The sampling squares had significantly different diatom communities in the three current velocity classes at both sampling sites, however, separation of the communities was much more pronounced in the clear water river (p < 0.001) than in the turbid river (p < 0.05). In the clear water river, communities at the highest velocity were highly different from those at the lower velocities. On the other hand, in the turbid river, communities were more similar at all velocities. Significant (p < 0.05) indicators for highest current velocity in the clear water R. Vaikkojoki were Fragilaria capucina var. gracilis Hustedt, F. capucina var. rumpens Lange-Bertalot and Meridion circulare Agardh. There were no significant indicators for high current velocity in the turbid R. Keravanjoki. Cocconeis placentula Ehr., Cymbella sinuata Gregory and Navicula lanceolata (Agardh) Ehr. were the three most abundant species in the highest velocity. This study showed that diatom community was highly specialized but low in diversity at the highest velocity in the clear water river. This pattern was not seen in the turbid R. Keravanjoki, indicating that the diatom community could withstand at the higher current velocities. In addition, the results show the importance of sampling in a variety of current regimes, particularly in clear water rivers, in order to properly assess the diatom diversity and community of a river section.  相似文献   

Viability of Giardia cysts suspended in lake, river, and tap water.   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Numerous waterborne outbreaks of giardiasis have occurred since 1965, yet little or no information has been reported on the viability of Giardia cysts in different aquatic environments. We have studied the viability of Giardia muris cysts suspended in lake, river, and tap water, while also monitoring water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, and other water quality parameters. Fecal pellets containing G. muris cysts were placed in glass vials covered with filter paper and exposed to (i) lake water at 15 ft (ca. 4.6 m) and 30 ft (ca. 9.2 m), (ii) river water, (iii) tap water, and (iv) distilled water stored under laboratory conditions. At 3, 7, 14, 28, 56, and 84 days, two vials from each environment were removed, and cyst viability was determined by (i) fluorogenic dye exclusion, (ii) production of giardiasis in an animal, and (iii) cyst morphology by Nomarski microscopy. In the fall, the cysts suspended at 30 ft in lake water remained viable for up to 56 days whereas cysts stored at 15 ft were nonviable after day 28. The G. muris cysts exposed to river water remained viable up to 28 days as determined by the production of giardiasis in mice. G. muris cysts suspended in tap water showed no signs of viability after 14 days, while cysts serving as controls (exposed to refrigerated distilled water) remained viable for up to 56 days. In the winter, Giardia cysts suspended in either lake or river water were viable for 56 to 84 days whereas cysts exposed to tap water were nonviable by day 14.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Some effects of enclosure on the zooplankton in a small lake   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Observations on the effect of enclosure on zooplankton by introducing two experimental tubes, each holding some 18 000 m3 of water, into a small lake, showed that a limnetic community could be maintained within tubes of this capacity throughout a period of 22 months. Two species, the copepod Diaptomus gracilis and the cladoceran Daphnia hyalina were dominant both in the open lake and in each tube, but Diaptomus gracilis was relatively more abundant in the tubes than in the lake, whereas Daphnia hyalina, especially in spring and autumn, was more abundant in the lake than in the tubes. Several scarce species became relatively more abundant in the tubes than in the lake. These changes are more probably associated with reduced predation, especially by larvae of Chaoborus, than with artificially induced changes in the phytoplankton, changes only poorly correlated with changes in the zooplankton.  相似文献   

Benthic diatoms were sampled in two rapids, in a turbid South-Finnish river (R. Keravanjoki, 22 FTU) and a clear water river in eastern Finland (R. Vaikkojoki, 4 FTU), to evaluate the diversity and spatial distribution patterns of diatom communities and especially their relationships to current velocity. In both rapids, epilithic diatoms were sampled in 15 sampling squares within three current velocity classes (10 cm s–1, 40 cm s–1 and 100 cm s–1). The sampling squares had significantly different diatom communities in the three current velocity classes at both sampling sites, however, separation of the communities was much more pronounced in the clear water river (p < 0.001) than in the turbid river (p < 0.05). In the clear water river, communities at the highest velocity were highly different from those at the lower velocities. On the other hand, in the turbid river, communities were more similar at all velocities. Significant (p < 0.05) indicators for highest current velocity in the clear water R. Vaikkojoki were Fragilaria capucina var. gracilis Hustedt, F. capucina var. rumpens Lange-Bertalot and Meridion circulare Agardh. There were no significant indicators for high current velocity in the turbid R. Keravanjoki. Cocconeis placentula Ehr., Cymbella sinuata Gregory and Navicula lanceolata (Agardh) Ehr. were the three most abundant species in the highest velocity. This study showed that diatom community was highly specialized but low in diversity at the highest velocity in the clear water river. This pattern was not seen in the turbid R. Keravanjoki, indicating that the diatom community could withstand at the higher current velocities. In addition, the results show the importance of sampling in a variety of current regimes, particularly in clear water rivers, in order to properly assess the diatom diversity and community of a river section.  相似文献   

1. The fish fauna of many shallow Mediterranean Lakes is dominated by small‐bodied exotic omnivores, with potential implications for fish–zooplankton interactions still largely unknown. Here we studied diel variation in the vertical and horizontal distribution of the crustacean plankton in Lake Vela, a shallow polymictic and eutrophic lake. Diel sampling was carried out on three consecutive days along a horizontal transect, including an open‐water station and a macrophyte (Nymphaea alba) bed. Since transparency is a key determinant of the predation risk posed by fish, the zooplankton sampling campaigns were conducted in both the turbid (autumn) and clear water (spring) phases. 2. In the turbid phase, most taxa were homogeneously distributed along the vertical and horizontal axes in the three consecutive days. The only exception was for copepod nauplii, which showed vertical heterogeneity, possibly as a response to invertebrate predators. 3. In the clear water phase, most zooplankton taxa displayed habitat selection. Vertically, the general response consisted of a daily vertical migration (DVM), despite the limited depth (1.6 m). Horizontally, zooplankters showed an overall preference for the pelagic zone, independent of the time of the day. Such evidence is contrary to the postulated role of macrophytes as an anti‐predator refuge for the zooplankton. 4. These vertical (DVM) and horizontal (macrophyte‐avoidance) patterns were particularly conspicuous for large Daphnia, suggesting that predation risk from size‐selective predators (fish) was the main factor behind the spatial heterogeneity of zooplankton in the spring. Thus, the difference in the zooplankton spatial distribution pattern and habitat selection among seasons (turbid and clear water phases) seems to be mediated the predation risk from fish, which is directly related to water transparency. 5. The zooplankton in Lake Vela have anti‐predator behaviour that minimises predation from fish. We hypothesise that, due to the distinct fish community of shallow Mediterranean lakes, aquatic macrophytes may not provide adequate refuge to zooplankters, as seen in northern temperate lakes.  相似文献   

Multiple states in river and lake ecosystems   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Nonlinear models of ecosystem dynamics that incorporate positive feedbacks and multiple, internally reinforced states have considerable explanatory power. However, linear models may be adequate, particularly if ecosystem behaviour is primarily controlled by external processes. In lake ecosystems, internal (mainly biotic) processes are thought to have major impacts on system behaviour, whereas in rivers, external (mainly physical) factors have traditionally been emphasized. We consider the hypothesis that models that exhibit multiple states are useful for understanding the behaviour of lake ecosystems, but not as useful for understanding stream ecosystems. Some of the best-known examples of multiple states come from lake ecosystems. We review some of these examples, and we also describe examples of multiple states in rivers. We conclude that the hypothesis is an oversimplification; the importance of physical forcing in rivers does not eliminate the possibility of internal feedbacks that create multiple states, although in rivers these feedbacks are likely to include physical as well as biotic processes. Nonlinear behaviour in aquatic ecosystems may be more common than current theory indicates.  相似文献   

Certain terrestrial animals use sky polarization for navigation. Certain aquatic species have also been shown to orient according to a polarization stimulus, but the correlation between underwater polarization and Sun position and hence the ability to use underwater polarization as a compass for navigation is still under debate. To examine this issue, we use theoretical equations for per cent polarization and electric vector (e-vector) orientation that account for the position of the Sun, refraction at the air-water interface and Rayleigh single scattering. The polarization patterns predicted by these theoretical equations are compared with measurements conducted in clear and semi-turbid coastal sea waters at 2 m and 5 m depth over sea floors of 6 m and 28 m depth. We find that the per cent polarization is correlated with the Sun's elevation only in clear waters. We furthermore find that the maximum value of the e-vector orientation angle equals the angle of refraction only in clear waters, in the horizontal viewing direction, over the deeper sea floor. We conclude that navigation by use of underwater polarization is possible under restricted conditions, i.e. in clear waters, primarily near the horizontal viewing direction, and in locations where the sea floor has limited effects on the light's polarization.  相似文献   

Hydrological parameters can potentially have an overwhelming influence on sedimentary assemblages of Cladocera at certain sampling sites that can cause problems for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. We applied a previously developed Cladocera-based inference model of water depth and a mean July air temperature transfer function developed in this study to a surface sediment dataset of fossil Cladocera from a lake in eastern Finland aiming to investigate the influence of stream flow and water depth on reconstruction results. The developed temperature-inference model, using the weighted averaging-partial least squares technique, had relatively favourable performance statistics suggesting that it is valid in means of performing temperature estimations. When the temperature model was applied to the intralake samples, the lotic samples had inferred values mostly within the model??s prediction error and only one lotic sample showed an underestimated temperature. Samples taken from depths over ~3 m inferred generally underestimated temperatures, although most of the values were within the model??s prediction error. The water depth reconstructions correlated significantly with the measured water depth, but the shallowest samples and most of the lotic samples yielded overestimated inferred values and the samples taken from depths >5 m showed underestimated values. In both reconstruction sets, the inferred values were underestimated in samples taken from deeper sites. Based on the present results, it may be recommendable that downcore sediment samples should be taken from intermediate depths, where also the diversity is higher, and deepest sites and inflows should be avoided. However, more research is needed to validate these results in a larger geographical context.  相似文献   

为了明确河涌和湖泊水样中COD、TP、TN和阴阳离子的植物处理效果,以及含氮污染物的植物转化规律,以前期研究中选育的再力花处理了广州市某河涌和暨南大学明湖水样.结果证明,再力花能有效地促进河涌和湖泊水样中TN、CODCr和TP的去除.处理144h后,河涌水样初始浓度为11.15mg·L-1、45mg·L-1和1.17mg·L-1的TN、CODCr和TP分别降至3.21mg·L-1、15.8mg·L-1和0.53mg·L-1;湖水初始浓度为4.50mg·L-1、36mg·L-1和0.25mg·L-1的TN、CODCr和TP分别降至2.31mg·L-1、11.7mg·L-1和0.03mg·L-1.水样中的微生物和再力花均能去除NH4+,并引起水中还原态氮发生亚硝化和硝化,但是不会明显改变Cl-、SO42-、Na+、K+、Mg2+和Ca2+等离子的浓度.  相似文献   

Relationships between water clarity, light attenuation, and concentration of suspended particulates are important in water optics and remote sensing, but are not well described yet, especially for optically complex turbid inland waters. In this study, based on 3-year data from Chinese lakes (Lake Taihu, Lake Chaohu, and Three Gorges reservoir), we propose a new approach to describe the inter-relationships of these bio-optical variables. This approach includes a pre-classification step of the waters into three types based on a semi-analytical parameter C s before establishing the relationships. Our results showed that the pre-classification of waters increased model accuracies both for Z SD (Secchi depth) versus K d (diffuse attenuation coefficient) and K d versus TSM (total suspended matter concentration). The quasi-theoretical model described better the relationship between Z SD and K d than the empirical model. For the K d versus TSM relationship, linear models proved suitable for the Type 2 and Type 3 waters, whereas the power function model gave a better fit for the Type 1 water. Testing of the proposed relations with an independent dataset showed mean absolute percentage errors (MAPE) mostly below 30%. The findings of this study clarify the relationships between Z SD, K d, and TSM, and improve our bio-optical understanding of complex turbid inland waters.  相似文献   

对武汉东湖大型围隔和围栏中的水生植被和不同形态的磷近2年的调查分析结果表明:在围隔中的水生维管束植物得到恢复、生物量明显大于对照区的情况下,水中的总磷(TP)、溶解活性磷(DRP)、颗粒性磷(PP)浓度明显低于对照区,水生维管束植物的良好生长是导致磷浓度降低的主要因素,总溶解磷(TDP)、溶解非活性磷(DNP)浓度则与对照区无显著差异;围隔(栏)及对照区中TP、PP的浓度秋高冬低,TDP浓度秋、冬季较高,春、夏季较低,DNP浓度春季较高,冬季较低;TP中PP含量约为TDP的4-6倍,DRP与DNP的含量相近或稍有差别。  相似文献   

研究了枯水期淮河淮南段及巢湖西半湖水质污染对鲫鱼的毒性效应。从淮河淮南段与巢湖采集鱼类样本,并以未受人为污染的安丰塘鱼类为对照,分析了鲫鱼肝脏丙二醛(Malondialdehyde,MDA)含量、超氧化物歧化酶(Superoxide dismutase,SOD)活性、谷胱甘肽硫转移酶(Glutathione S-transferase,GST)活性、7-乙氧基异吩恶唑-O-脱乙基酶(7-ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase,EROD)活性及DNA单链损伤情况,结果表明,淮河淮南段鲫鱼肝脏MDA含量、SOD活性、GST活性、EROD活性均高于对照组,分别是对照组的2.88、1.48、2.03和3.93倍;巢湖鲫鱼肝脏MDA含量、SOD活性、EROD活性均高于对照组,分别是对照组的2.28、1.85和2.74倍。肝细胞DNA单链断裂的测定显示淮河淮南段与巢湖的水质污染均对鲫鱼有遗传毒性。  相似文献   

Synopsis Spatial separation of fishes in the littoral zone of a turbid prairie lake (Clear Lake, Iowa) was assessed with gill nets and fyke nets. Catch per unit of effort was used to determine differences among habitat types, sampling times within a 24 h period, and sampling months. Four of 10 species examined were significantly more numerous in one of the three habitats — nonvegetated, vegetated, or gravel-rock substrate. Black bullhead (Ictalurus melas) and bigmouth buffalo (Ictiobus cyprinellus) were most abundant in vegetated areas, yellow bass (Morone mississippiensis) in gravel-rock areas, and channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) in both non-vegetated and gravel-rock areas. Temporal patterns in habitat use were indicated for these four species, as well as yellow perch (Perca flavescens), white bass (Morone chrysops), common carp (Cyprinus carpio), walleye (Stizostedion vitreum vitreum), black crappie (Pomoxis nigromaculatus), white sucker (Catostomus commersoni). Journal Paper No. J-11039 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa. Project No. 2345. Financed by the U.S. Department of the Interior Office of Water Research and Technology and Iowa State University.  相似文献   

The diet and growth of two cyprinids, roach Rutilus rutilus and rudd Scardinius erythrophthalmus, in the clay-turbid Kirkkojärvi basin in Lake Hiidenvesi (Finland) were studied. Young R. rutilus fed mainly on detritus, molluscs, chironomids and zooplankton, while older individuals consumed mostly detritus, molluscs and filamentous algae. In the food of S. erythrophthalmus , detritus was less prevalent and animal food and plants contributed to most of the diets. The animal food of S. erythrophthalmus consisted mostly of surface insects. Of the plant food, the macrophytes Potamogeton obtusifolius and Ranunculus circinatus had the highest representation, while the proportion of filamentous algae was low. The growth rate of S. erythrophthalmus was significantly higher than that of R. rutilus . The results suggested that the species composition of vascular macrophytes was not favourable for R. rutilus . Small submerged species suitable for R. rutilus were absent and they fed on filamentous algae and detritus, which resulted in a slow growth rate. The results suggested that in a clay-turbid lake the food spectrum is more suitable for S. erythrophthalmus than for R. rutilus . In such conditions, R. rutilus may have no benefit from its generalistic feeding abilities.  相似文献   

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