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林兆  董红军  李寅 《生物工程学报》2015,31(12):1711-1719
目前,对于构建高产丁醇大肠杆菌工程菌株的工作,主要是对丁醇通路和相关途径的基因进行理性改造。为进一步提升菌株的丁醇生产能力,需要发掘基因组上可影响丁醇生产能力的基因,但这很难通过已有认识或计算机模型进行预测。本工作以一株实验室前期构建的产丁醇大肠杆菌工程菌株为研究对象,利用Tn5转座子构建了一个含有1 196个菌株的突变文库。丙酮酸是丁醇的前体,并且在发酵终产物中,副产物丙酮酸的含量与丁醇的含量呈反相关,因此,可以利用丙酮酸的含量来间接反映丁醇的含量,而丙酮酸可用二硝基苯肼显色法进行快速测定,基于此,建立了96孔板——酶标仪快速筛选方法。利用该方法成功筛选到了比对照菌株丁醇产量提高了29%、49%、56%的3个突变体菌株。利用反向PCR及测序的方法,确定了其转座子插入位置分别为:pyk A、tdk、cad C基因。这些基因可以作为进一步提高菌株丁醇产量的靶点,同时这种利用Tn5转座子筛选基因靶标的策略也为构建其他微生物细胞工厂提供了新思路。  相似文献   

Five different mechanical cell disruption processes were evaluated as methods to extract plasmids from bacterial cells. The methods used were sonication, nebulization homogenization, microfluidization, and bead milling. The recovery yields of intact plasmids from the various methods were measured by quantitative gel electrophoresis. Bead milling and microfluidization were found to have the highest potential for large scale extraction with total intact recoveries of over 90% and around 50%, respectively. Other methods resulted in substantial plasmid degradation, with recoveries no greater than 20% of the total intact plasmid. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

吴涛  赵津津  毛贤军 《生物工程学报》2017,33(11):1877-1882
L-色氨酸是芳香族氨基酸的一种,被广泛应用于医药、食品和饲料等领域。大肠杆菌磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸-糖磷酸转移酶系统(PTS系统)在葡萄糖转运和磷酸化过程中起重要作用,是糖代谢基因表达调控的核心。利用Red同源重组系统,构建包含两类典型PTS系统突变(ptsHIcrr~-glf-glk~+和ptsG~-)的L-色氨酸生产菌,并对相关菌株进行补料分批发酵研究。结果表明,不同类型PTS系统突变对菌体生长、L-色氨酸产量、糖酸转化率及副产物生成均有较大影响。与出发菌相比,ptsHIcrr~-glf-glk~+突变株最高OD_(600)达到125,提高47.0%,产酸38.5 g/L,提高25.9%,糖酸转化率16.7%,提高26.5%,乙酸生成略有增加;ptsG~-突变株最高OD_(600)达到100,提高17.6%,产酸33.4 g/L,提高9.4%,糖酸转化率15.5%,提高17.4%,乙酸生成略有减少。对葡萄糖转运系统的进一步研究将为大肠杆菌合成L-色氨酸效率的提升提供帮助。  相似文献   

【背景】近年来,对碳青霉烯类抗生素耐药的肠杆科细菌的出现对公众的健康构成了严重的威胁。【目的】为了解家禽养殖中肠道菌对碳青霉烯类抗生素耐药情况,对陕西西安和浙江海宁两地的鸡和鸭养殖场粪便进行耐药菌筛选并分析。【方法】在含美罗培南的LB琼脂平板上筛选可疑菌落并利用基质辅助激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱(matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry,MALDI-TOF MS)鉴定。通过微量肉汤稀释法进行最小抑菌浓度(minimum inhibitory concentration,MIC)测定。通过Illumina HiSeq平台进行全基因组测序。使用Res Finder数据库预测获得性耐药基因。利用S1酶切后脉冲场电泳(pulsed-field gel electrophoresis,PFGE)和Southern blot杂交进行质粒和碳青霉烯类耐药基因的确认。【结果】分离出两株碳青霉烯类耐药的大肠杆菌HN1-26和XN3-1,均对头孢他啶、头孢噻呋、氨苄西林、奥格门丁、复方新诺明、磺胺异恶唑、恩诺沙星、氧氟沙星、美罗培南、四环素耐药。此外,XN3-1对氟苯尼考和大观霉素耐药。菌株HN1-26和XN3-1的多位点序列分型(multilocus sequence typing,MLST)分别为ST354和ST10。两株菌对美罗培南的MIC值均为64μg/m L,但是在含美罗培南的LB平板上,菌株HN1-26比菌株XN3-1生长得更快。两株菌都存在携带bla_(NDM-5)基因的Inc X3型质粒。两个质粒的序列完全一致,大小为46 161 bp,包含接合转移元件,能够以大肠杆菌作为受体细胞进行转移。【结论】Inc X3型质粒是转移bla_(NDM-5)基因的重要载体,在我国畜禽养殖中具有扩散风险。  相似文献   

The distribution of plasmids as a function of aerobactin production, antibiotic resistance and antimicrobial agents production was studied in 139 Escherichia coli strains obtained from clinical sources. Ninety eight per cent of the strains analyzed presented plasmids with a median value of 2.97 plasmids per cell. Differences in the number of plasmids were observed for aerobactin production (3.52 for aerobactin producing strains, 2.56 (for non-producing ones) and antibiotic resistance (3.19 for antibiotic resistant strains and 2.58 for the sensitive ones). But this was not the case for antibacterial agent production (2.96 for the producing strains, 2.98 for the non-producing ones. Ecological implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract A multiple antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus aureus , was found to possess three plasmid bands in agarose gel electrophoresis. A plasmid of approximately 4.3 kb (pMC790/2) was found to code for ampicillin and tetracycline resistance and to have one Eco RI site when transformed into S. aureus RN 4220. pMC790/2 in unmodified form was transformed into a recA E. coli at a frequency of 1.2×104 transformants/μg of plasmid DNA. Plasmid (pMC790/2) replicated, maintained itself stably and expressed far better in the E. coli host than in S. aureus .  相似文献   

Gene knockout experiments are frequently performed for both fundamental and applied biological research. We developed an integration helper plasmid-based knockout system for more efficient and rapid engineering of Escherichia coli. The integration helper plasmid, pCW611, contains two recombinases that are expressed in the reverse direction by two independent inducible systems. One is Red recombinase under the control of the arabinose-inducible system to induce a recombination event by using the linear gene knockout DNA fragment, while the other is Cre recombinase, which is controlled by the isopropyl β-D -1-thiogalactopyranoside-inducible system to obtain markerless mutant strains. The time and effort required can be reduced with this system because iterative transformation and curing steps are not required. We could delete one target gene in three days by using pCW611. To verify the usefulness of this system, deletion experiments were performed to knock out four target genes individually (adhE, sfcA, frdABCD, and ackA) and two genes simultaneously for two cases (adhEaspA and sfcAaspA). Also, sequential deletion of four target genes (fumB, iclR, fumA, and fumC) was successfully performed to make a fumaric acid producing strain. This successfully developed and validated rapid and efficient gene manipulation system should be useful for the metabolic engineering of E. coli.  相似文献   

Abstract The survival pattern and plasmid maintenance of Escherichia coli was examined in an artificial seawater microcosm. It was found that the three strains of E. coli (EK3C, H10407 and 34309) included in the study were able to maintain a portion of cells in the culturable phase for at least 3 years in artificial seawater. Along with retaining culturability, that portion of the cell population also maintained their indigenous plasmids over the 3-year period. It is concluded that cells of E. coli maintaining culturability in seawater are selectively adapted to the salinity of seawater, remaining in a culturable state. The results of the study are significant in that it has been assumed by many public health authorities that E. coli cannot survive, without nutrient addition, in seawater for long periods of time, i.e., years of exposure to seawater.  相似文献   

重组大肠杆菌高密度培养   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
重组大肠杆菌的高密度培养是增加单位时间,体积重组蛋白产率的最有效途径之一。如何在获得高密度的同时取得较高的单位时间/体积目的蛋白产率,是高密度培养(过程中亟待解决的问题,这与所选用的菌体、构建的表达系统、发酵时pH、溶氧、培养基成分及培养温度、质粒稳定性、代谢副产物的限制及时比生长速率的控制等因素有关。试从这些方面加以综述,分析这些条件对重组蛋白生产的影响,介绍大肠杆菌高密度培养领域的一些研究进展。  相似文献   

Abstract Plasmid-encoded copper (Cu2+) resistance in Escherichia coli was due to decreased uptake of Cu2+. The Cu2+-resistant E. coli Rtsl strain contained a 60 MDa plasmid which is known to encode for both Cu2+ and kanamycin resistance. A plasmid-free derivative of the same organism exhibited a greater uptake of Cu2+, and sensitivity to Cu2+ in both respiration and growth studies than the E. coli Rtsl strain.  相似文献   

Two enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli strains of serotype 0.25.H42 that produced coli surface associated antigens CS4 and CS6 hybridized with a probe containing the cfaD sequence that regulates expression of colonization factor antigen CFA/I. Transformation of a cloned cfaD gene into some derivatives of the strains that were negative for CS4 and CS6 resulted in expression of CS4 but not CS6. By hybridization the sequence that regulated CS4 production in the wild type 025 strains was located on a plasmid that also encoded the CS6 antigen. The structural genes for the CS4 antigen were on a separate plasmid. The 025 strains carried a third plasmid encoding enterotoxin production which was therefore unlinked to regulation sequences or genes encoding CS antigens.  相似文献   

Abstract Formaldehyde resistance in Escherichia coli strain VU3695 is mediated by a 94 kilobase plasmid. The genes responsible for formaldehyde resistance were identified on a 9.2 kb DNA fragment and cloned in pBR322. By minicell analysis three proteins were shown to be encoded by this fragment.  相似文献   

To understand the nature and function of bacterial biofilm and the process of its formation, we have performed systematic screening of a complete set of Escherichia coli genes/open reading frames (ORFs) to identify those that affect biofilm development upon over-expression. In contrast to the biofilm of strain AG1 used as a control, some of the genes/ORFs when over-expressed led to the formation of an abnormal biofilm such as thin, mat-like, filamentous or one easily detaching from various surfaces. Disruptants of selected genes were constructed in order to clarify their roles in the different stages of biofilm formation. Our results suggest that diverse metabolic pathways contribute to the development of biofilm.  相似文献   

总结了大肠杆菌中C源分解代谢( carbon catabolite repression,CCR)现象的原理及特点,综述并分析了如何通过对宿主菌进行基因工程改造以解除碳代谢抑制,以实现大肠杆菌利用多种C源。  相似文献   

The putative gene coding for GTP cyclohydrolase I of Escherichia coli was isolated from a lambda gt11 expression vector library by using antibodies as a probe and has been subcloned on a 3.8 kb Bam HI fragment in the plasmid vector pUC13. E. coli cells carrying the recombinant plasmid designated pCYH express 100-fold increased levels of the enzyme. The protein formed under the control of the plasmid appears electrophoretically and immunochemically identical with the wild type enzyme.  相似文献   

Abstract The genes directing the expression of group II capsules in Escherichia coli are organized into three regions. The central region 2 is type specific and thought to determine the synthesis of the respective polysaccharide, whilst the flanking regions 1 and 3 are common to all group II gene clusters and direct the surface expression of the capsular polysaccharide. In this communication we analyze the involvement of region 1 and 3 genes in the synthesis of the capsular KS polysaccharide. Recombinant E. coli strains harboring all KS specific region 2 genes and having various combinations of region 1 and 3 gene were studied using immunoelectron microscopy. Membranes from these bacteria were incubated with UDP[14C]GlcA and UDPG1cNAc in the absence or presence of KS polysaccharide as an exogenous acceptor. It was found that recombinant strains with only gene region 2 did not produce the K5 polysaccharide. Membranes of such strains did not synthesize the polymer and did not elongate K5 polysaccharide added as an exogenous acceptor. An involvement of genes from region 1 (notably kps C and kps S) and from region 3 (notably kps T) in the K5 polysaccharide synthesis was apparent and is discussed.  相似文献   

大肠埃希菌耐药性水平传播实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的研究重症监护病房(ICU)患者标本中分离的大肠埃希菌的耐药情况以及耐药性水平传播的实验研究。方法采取双纸片法(K-B)检测细菌的耐药性;产超广谱β-内酰胺酶(ESBLs)大肠埃希菌为供体菌,耐利福平大肠埃希菌(对其他抗生素敏感)作为受体菌进行接合实验;采用聚合酶链反应(PCR)技术扩增整合子和耐药基因。结果30株大肠埃希菌中产ESBLs菌株检出率为46.7%;接合培养后,接合菌携带23kb和25kb大质粒,而无供体菌中一系列小质粒;供体菌和接合菌均携带I型整合子。结论大肠埃希菌耐药性严重,且呈多重耐药性;产ESBLs菌株可通过质粒和整合子将耐药基因转移给敏感菌,导致耐药性传播。  相似文献   

为了开发丙酮酸高产菌株,以大肠杆菌MG1655为出发菌株,通过基因敲除阻断副产物途径构建了产丙酮酸大肠杆菌工程菌KLPP。进一步利用p UT Mini-Tn5载体进行转座子随机突变,构建了含有7 197个单克隆的突变体文库。使用基于丙酮酸的二硝基苯肼显色法,建立了96孔板-酶标仪快速筛选方法,经过两轮的筛选,成功筛选到了6个突变体菌株,比KLPP丙酮酸产量提高了38%、31%、19%、28%、44%和14%。利用全基因组重测序确定了其转座子插入的位置,进而确定了可能影响丙酮酸产量的基因位点,为后续菌株改造工作奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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