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A multifunctional Ca2+/calmodulin dependent protein kinase was purified approximately 650 fold from cytosolic extract of Candida albicans. The purified preparation gave a single band of 69 kDa on sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis with its native molecular mass of 71 kDa suggesting that the enzyme is monomeric. Its activity was dependent on calcium, calmodulin and ATP when measured at saturating histone IIs concentration. The purified Ca2+/CaMPK was found to be autophosphorylated at serine residue(s) in the presence of Ca2+/calmodulin and enzyme stimulation was strongly inhibited by W-7 (CaM antagonist) and KN-62 (Ca2+/CaM dependent PK inhibitor). These results confirm that the purified enzyme is Ca2+/CaM dependent protein kinase of Candida albicans. The enzyme phosphorylated a number of exogenous and endogenous substrates in a Ca2+/calmodulin dependent manner suggesting that the enzyme is a multifunctional Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase of Candida albicans.  相似文献   

Reconstitution studies of a protein from domain fragments can furnish important insights into the distinctive role of particular domain interactions and how they affect biophysical properties important for function. Using isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) and a number of spectroscopic and chromatographic tools, including CD, fluorescence and NMR spectroscopy, size-exclusion chromatography and non-denaturing agarose gel electrophoresis, we have investigated the reconstitution of the ubiquitous Ca2+-sensor protein calmodulin (CaM) and its globular domains from fragments comprising one or two EF-hands. The studies were carried out with and without the target peptide from smooth muscle myosin light chain kinase (smMLCKp). The CaM-target complex can be reconstituted from the three components consisting of the target peptide and the globular domains TR1C and TR2C. In the absence of peptide, there is no evidence for association of the globular domains. The globular domains can further be reconstituted from their corresponding native subdomains. The dissociation constant, K(D), in 2 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5), for the subdomain complexes, EF1:EF2 and EF3:EF4, was determined with ITC to 9.3 x 10(-7) M and 5.9 x 10(-8) M, respectively. Thus, the affinity between the two C-terminal subdomains, located within TR2C, is stronger by a factor of 16 than that between the corresponding subdomains within TR1C. These observations are corroborated by the spectroscopic and chromatographic investigations.  相似文献   

The four integral delta subunits of the phosphorylase kinase (PhK) complex are identical to calmodulin (CaM) and confer Ca(2+) sensitivity to the enzyme, but bind independently of Ca(2+). In addition to binding Ca(2+), an obligatory activator of PhK's phosphoryltransferase activity, the delta subunits transmit allosteric signals to PhK's remaining alpha, beta, and gamma subunits in activating the enzyme. Under mild conditions about 10% of the delta subunits can be exchanged for exogenous CaM. In this study, a CaM double-mutant derivatized with a fluorescent donor-acceptor pair (CaM-DA) was exchanged for delta to assess the conformational substates of PhKdelta by single molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) +/-Ca(2+). The exchanged subunits were determined to occupy distinct conformations, depending on the absence or presence of Ca(2+), as observed by alterations of the compact, mid-length, and extended populations of their FRET distance distributions. Specifically, the combined predominant mid-length and less common compact conformations of PhKdelta became less abundant in the presence of Ca(2+), with the delta subunits assuming more extended conformations. This behavior is in contrast to the compact forms commonly observed for many of CaM's Ca(2+)-dependent interactions with other proteins. In addition, the conformational distributions of the exchanged PhKdelta subunits were distinct from those of CaM-DA free in solution, +/-Ca(2+), as well as from exogenous CaM bound to the PhK complex as delta'. The distinction between delta and delta' is that the latter binds only in the presence of Ca(2+), but stoichiometrically and at a different location in the complex than delta.  相似文献   

Phosphorylase kinase (PhK), a 1.3-MDa (alphabetagammadelta)(4) hexadecameric complex, is a Ca(2+)-dependent regulatory enzyme in the cascade activation of glycogenolysis. PhK comprises two arched (alphabetagammadelta)(2) octameric lobes that are oriented back-to-back with overall D(2) symmetry and joined by connecting bridges. From chemical cross-linking and electron microscopy, it is known that the binding of Ca(2+) by PhK perturbs the structure of all its subunits and promotes redistribution of density throughout both its lobes and bridges; however, little is known concerning the interrelationship of these effects. To measure structural changes induced by Ca(2+) in the PhK complex in solution, small-angle X-ray scattering was performed on nonactivated and Ca(2+)-activated PhK. Although the overall dimensions of the complex were not affected by Ca(2+), the cation did promote a shift in the distribution of the scattering density within the hydrated volume occupied by the PhK molecule, indicating a Ca(2+)-induced conformational change. Computer-generated models, based on elements of the known structure of PhK from electron microscopy, were constructed to aid in the interpretation of the scattering data. Models containing two ellipsoids and four cylinders to represent, respectively, the lobes and bridges of the PhK complex provided theoretical scattering profiles that accurately fit the experimental data. Structural differences between the models representing the nonactivated and Ca(2+)-activated conformers of PhK are consistent with Ca(2+)-induced conformational changes in both the lobes and the interlobal bridges.  相似文献   

Calmodulin (CaM) is a multifunctional Ca2+-binding protein that regulates the activity of many enzymes in response to changes in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration. There are two globular domains in CaM, each containing a pair of helix-loop-helix Ca2+-binding motifs called EF-hands. Ca2+-binding induces the opening of both domains thereby exposing hydrophobic pockets that provide binding sites for the target enzymes. Here, I present a 2.4 A resolution structure of a calmodulin mutant (CaM41/75) in which the N-terminal domain is locked in the closed conformation by a disulfide bond. CaM41/75 crystallized in a tetragonal lattice with the Ca2+ bound in all four EF-hands. In the closed N-terminal domain Ca ions are coordinated by the four protein ligands in positions 1, 3, 5 and 7 of the loop, and by two solvent ligands. The glutamate side-chain in the 12th position of the loop (Glu31 in site I and Glu67 in site II), which in the wild-type protein provides a bidentate Ca2+ ligand, remains in a distal position. Based on a comparison of CaM41/75 with other CaM and troponin C structures a detailed two-step mechanism of the Ca2+-binding process is proposed. Initially, the Ca2+ binds to the N-terminal part of the loop, thus generating a rigid link between the incoming helix (helix A, or helix C) and the central beta structure involving the residues in the sixth, seventh and eighth position of the loop. Then, the exiting helix (helix B or helix D) rotates causing the glutamate ligand in the 12th position to move into the vicinity of the immobilized Ca2+. An adjustment of the phi, psi backbone dihedral angles of the Ile residue in the eighth position is necessary and sufficient for the helix rotation and functions as a hinge. The model allows for a significant independence of the Ca2+-binding sites in a two-EF-hand domain.  相似文献   

Summary The Ca2+ channel blockers felodipine and bepridil are known to affect selectively functions of calmodulin. We studied their effects on calmodulin binding and ATPase activities of calmodulin-containing and calmodulin-depleted rabbit heart sarcolemma. Both drugs as well as the specific anti-calmodulin drug calmidazolium at a concentration of 50 µM, inhibited the Ca2+-stimulated calmodulin binding to calmodulin-depleted sarcolemma. Within the concentration range of 3 to 100 µM all three drugs also progressively inhibited Ca2+ pumping ATPase in calmodulin containing sarcolemma, although the enzyme was assayed at saturating Ca2+ (100 µM). The inhibitory potency of calmidazolium and bepridil, but not that of felodipine, increased when the membrane protein concentration in the ATPase assay was lowered. At low membrane protein concentration 30 µM calmidazolium completely blocked calmodulin-dependent Ca2+ pumping ATPase, whereas the inhibition caused by 30 µM felodipine or bepridil remained partially. A similar inhibition pattern of the drugs was found in the calmodulin binding experiments. Within a concentration range of 3 to 30 µM, all three drugs had negligible effects on the basal Ca2+ pumping ATPase which was measured in calmodulin-depleted sarcolemma. In conclusion, the characteristics of the anti-calmodulin action of felodipine on the rabbit heart sarcolemmal Ca2+ pumping ATPase are not different from those of bepridil. Both drugs may inhibit the enzyme by interference with the Ca2+-stimulated binding of calmodulin.Abbreviations Ca2+ pumping ATPase Ca2+ stimulated Mg2+-dependent ATP hydrolyzing activity - Na+ pumping ATPase Na+-stimulated K+- and Mg2+-dependent ATP hydrolyzing activity - Tris-maleate tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane hydrogen maleate - Hepes N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethanesulfonic acid - Mes 2-(N-morpholino) ethane sulfonic acid and Egta, ethylene glycol bis (p-amino ethylether)-N,N,N,N tetraacetic acid  相似文献   

A high affinity Ca2+/Mg2+ ATPase has been identified and localized in synaptic membrane subfractions. This enzyme is stimulated by low concentrations of Ca2+ (1 M) believed to approximate the range of Ca2+ in the synaptosomal cytosol (0.1 to 5.0 M). The opiate agonist levorphanol, in a concentration-dependent fashion, inhibited Ca2+-stimulated ATP hydrolysis in lysed synaptic membranes. This inhibition was reversed by naloxone, while dextrorphan, the inactive opiate isomer, was without effect. Inhibition by levorphanol was most pronounced in a subfraction of synaptic membranes (SPM-1). The inhibition of Ca2+-stimulated ATP hydrolysis was characterized by a reduction inV max for Ca2+. Levorphanol pretreatment reduced the Hill coefficient (HN) of 1.5 to 0.7, suggesting cooperative interaction between the opiate receptor and the enzyme protein. Levorphanol, but not dextrorphan, also inhibited (28%) ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake by synaptic membranes. Opiate ligand stereoisomers were tested for their effects on calmodulin stimulating of high affinity Ca2+/Mg2+ ATPase in synaptic membranes. Levorphanol (10 M), but not the inactive stereoisomer (+)dextrorphan, significantly inhibited (35%) the calmodulin-activated Ca2+-dependent ATP hydrolysis activity in a preparation of lysed synaptic membranes. Both Ca2+-dependent and calmodulin-dependent stimulation of the enzyme in the presence of optimal concentrations of the other co-substrate were inhibited by levorphanol (35–40%) but not dextrorphan. Inhibition of ATP hydrolysis was characterized by a reduction inV max for both Ca2+ and calmodulin stimulation of the enzyme. Calmodulin stimulation of enzyme activity was most pronounced in SPM-1, the membrane fraction which also exhibits the maximal opiate inhibition (40%) of the Ca2+-ATPase. The results demonstrate that opiate receptor activation inhibits a high affinity Ca2+/Mg2+ ATPase in synaptic plasma membranes in a stereospecific fashion. The inhibition of the enzyme may occur by a mechanism involving both Ca2+ and calmodulin. Inhibition of calmodulin activation may contribute to the mechanism by which opiate ligands disrupt synaptosomal Ca2+ buffering mechanisms. Changes in the cytosolic distribution of synaptosomal Ca2+ following inhibition of Ca2+/Mg2+ ATPase may underlie some of the pharmacological effects of opiate drugs.  相似文献   

Heart failure is common among the elderly and an alteration in myocardial Ca2+ transport is believed to be involved in its depressed contractile performance. Although ATP-dependent sarcoplasmic reticular (SR) Ca2+ transport has been reported to decrease in old hearts, virtually nothing appears to be known about the Ca2+ pump activity of SR in aging myocardium in the presence of calmodulin, one of its endogenous activators. In this study, the activity of the Ca2+ pump of aging cardiac SR was assessed in the presence of this endogenous stimulator. This assessment was therefore designed to give additional information about the status of this enzyme in old hearts. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were used and were divided into 3 groups: young (4–6 months old); middle-aged (15–17 months old) and old age (24–25 months old). Purified SR membranes were isolated from ventricular tissues. ATP-dependent Ca2+ accumulation by membrane vesicles of middle-aged and old hearts was significantly depressed in comparison to young hearts at all Ca2+ concentrations employed in the absence and presence of calmodulin. The activity of this Ca2+ transporter was similar in middle-aged and old hearts even in the presence of calmodulin. These results suggest that the activity of the Ca2+ pump in SR of aging hearts is depressed even in the presence of calmodulin.C. E. Heyliger is a Scholar of the British Columbia Heart Foundation.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle phosphorylase kinase (PhK) is a 1.3-MDa hexadecameric complex that catalyzes the phosphorylation and activation of glycogen phosphorylase b. PhK has an absolute requirement for Ca(2+) ions, which couples the cascade activation of glycogenolysis with muscle contraction. Ca(2+) activates PhK by binding to its nondissociable calmodulin subunits; however, specific changes in the structure of the PhK complex associated with its activation by Ca(2+) have been poorly understood. We present herein the first comparative investigation of the physical characteristics of highly purified hexadecameric PhK in the absence and presence of Ca(2+) ions using a battery of biophysical probes as a function of temperature. Ca(2+)-induced differences in the tertiary and secondary structure of PhK measured by fluorescence, UV absorption, FTIR, and CD spectroscopies as low resolution probes of PhK's structure were subtle. In contrast, the surface electrostatic properties of solvent accessible charged and polar groups were altered upon the binding of Ca(2+) ions to PhK, which substantially affected both its diffusion rate and electrophoretic mobility, as measured by dynamic light scattering and zeta potential analyses, respectively. Overall, the observed physicochemical effects of Ca(2+) binding to PhK were numerous, including a decrease in its electrostatic surface charge that reduced particle mobility without inducing a large alteration in secondary structure content or hydrophobic tertiary interactions. Without exception, for all analyses in which the temperature was varied, the presence of Ca(2+) rendered the enzyme increasingly labile to thermal perturbation.  相似文献   

The effects of some phenothiazines (promethazine, PMZ; chlorpromazine, CPZ; levomepromazine, LVPZ; thioridazine, TRDZ; trifluoperazine, TFPZ) on the activation and viability of rat peritoneal macrophages were investigated. The macrophage activation was estimated by measuring of luminol-dependent chemiluminescence, induced by phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) (a protein kinase C activator) or calcium ionophore A23187. The viability of macrophages was determined using ATP bioluminescence as a criterion of cell viability. It was observed that all drugs, in concentrations higher than 1 mol/L, markedly decreased the chemiluminescent index of PMA-activated or A23187-activated macrophages. The inhibitory effect was dose-dependent. It was better expressed in the case of CPZ, followed by TFPZ and TRDZ, and less expressed in the case of PMZ and LVPZ. The suppression of chemiluminescence of PMA-/A23187-activated macrophages by phenothiazines was not a result of their cytotoxic effect. Moreover, it was found that all drugs dose-dependently enhanced the viability of macrophages, estimated by ATP production. The inhibitory effects of phenothiazines on the chemiluminescence of PMA-/A23187-activated macrophages were greater than their ability to decrease KO2-induced chemiluminescence as a result of interaction with superoxide radicals. It may be supposed that the inhibitory effect of phenothiazines on PMA-/A23187-induced chemiluminescence of macrophages is a result not only of interaction between drugs and superoxide radicals, generated during the "oxidative burst" of activated cells. Presumably the drugs have an immunomodulating effect on rat peritoneal macrophages.  相似文献   

The Ca2+-binding helix-loop-helix structural motif called “EF-hand” is a common building block of a large family of proteins that function as intracellular Ca2+-receptors. These proteins respond specifically to micromolar concentrations of Ca2+ in the presence of ~1000-fold excess of the chemically similar divalent cation Mg2+. The intracellular free Mg2+ concentration is tightly controlled in a narrow range of 0.5-1.0 mM, which at the resting Ca2+ levels is sufficient to fully or partially saturate the Ca2+-binding sites of many EF-hand proteins. Thus, to convey Ca2+ signals, EF-hand proteins must respond differently to Ca2+ than to Mg2+. In this review the structural aspects of Mg2+ binding to EF-hand proteins are considered and interpreted in light of the recently proposed two-step Ca2+-binding mechanism (Grabarek, Z., J. Mol. Biol., 2005, 346, 1351). It is proposed that, due to stereochemical constraints imposed by the two-EF-hand domain structure, the smaller Mg2+ ion cannot engage the ligands of an EF-hand in the same way as Ca2+ and defaults to stabilizing the apo-like conformation of the EF-hand. It is proposed that Mg2+ plays an active role in the Ca2+-dependent regulation of cellular processes by stabilizing the “off state” of some EF-hand proteins, thereby facilitating switching off their respective target enzymes at the resting Ca2+ levels. Therefore, some pathological conditions attributed to Mg2+ deficiency might be related to excessive activation of underlying Ca2+-regulated cellular processes. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: 11th European Symposium on Calcium.  相似文献   

Bovine brain contains two calmodulin-dependent phosphodiesterase kinases which are separated on Sephacryl S-300 column. One of these kinases has been purified to homogeneity and shown to belong to the calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II family. Phosphorylation of the 63 kDa phosphodiesterase by this purified protein kinase results in the incorporation of 1.0 mol phosphate per mol subunit and an accompanying increase in Ca2+ concentrations required for the phosphodiesterase activation by calmodulin. The protein kinase undergoes autophosphorylation to incorporate 1.0 mol phosphate per mol of subunit of the enzyme and the autophosphorylated enzyme is active, independent of the presence of Ca2+. The autophosphorylation reaction as well as the protein kinase reaction are rendered Ca2+ independent in less than 15 seconds when approximately one mol phosphate per mol protein kinase is incorporated. The result suggests that activation of phosphodiesterase phosphorylation reaction may occur prior to the activation of phosphodiesterase and phosphatase during a cell Ca2+ flux via the protein kinase autophosphorylation mechanism.Abbreviations SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - EGTA ethylene glycol bis (-aminoethyl ether) - N,N,N,N tetra acetic acid - EDTA ethylenediamine-tetraacetic acid - cAMP cyclic adenosine 35 monophosphate This work is supported by grants from the Medical Research Council of Canada (JHW), the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Alberta (JHW and RKS) and the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Saskatchewan (RKS)  相似文献   

Polymyxin B, a cyclic peptide antibiotic, inhibits Ca2+-ATPase, p-nitrophenyl phosphatase and phosphorylase kinase activities associated with rabbit skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes; 50% inhibition is induced by 100 M, 130M and 550 M of polymyxin respectively. The fluorescence intensity of fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled Ca2+-ATPase, decreases in the presence of polymyxin (50% of the total decrease at 70 M polymyxin). On the other hand, the polypeptide inhibits calmodulin-dependent endogenous phosphorylation of 60 kDa, 20 kDa and 14 kDa membrane proteins, while an increase of calmodulin-dependent phosphorylation is observed in 132 kDa and 86 kDa proteins.  相似文献   

We isolated cDNA clones for novel protein kinases by expression screening of a cDNA library from the basidiomycetous mushroom Coprinus cinereus. One of the isolated clones was found to encode a calmodulin (CaM)-binding protein consisting of 488 amino acid residues with a predicted molecular weight of 53,906, which we designated CoPK12. The amino acid sequence of the catalytic domain of CoPK12 showed 46% identity with those of rat Ca2+/CaM-dependent protein kinase (CaMK) I and CaMKIV. However, a striking difference between these kinases is that the critical Thr residue in the activating phosphorylation site of CaMKI/IV is replaced by a Glu residue at the identical position in CoPK12. As predicted from its primary sequence, CoPK12 was found to behave like an activated form of CaMKI phosphorylated by an upstream CaMK kinase, indicating that CoPK12 is a unique CaMK with different properties from those of the well-characterized CaMKI, II, and IV. CoPK12 was abundantly expressed in actively growing mycelia and phosphorylated various proteins, including endogenous substrates, in the presence of Ca2+/CaM. Treatment of mycelia of C. cinereus with KN-93, which was found to inhibit CoPK12, resulted in a significant reduction in growth rate of mycelia. These results suggest that CoPK12 is a new type of multifunctional CaMK expressed in C. cinereus, and that it may play an important role in the mycelial growth.  相似文献   

The effect of an intracellular cryoprotectant glycerol on human erythrocyte Ca2+-ATPase activity and possible involvement of calmodulin in the regulation of Ca2+-pump under these conditions were investigated. The experiments were carried out using saponin-permeabilized cells and isolated erythrocyte membrane fractions (white ghosts). Addition of rather low concentrations of glycerol to the medium increased Ca2+-ATPase activity in the saponin-permeabilized cells; the maximal effect was observed at 10% glycerol. Subsequent increase in glycerol concentrations above 20% was accompanied by inhibition of Ca2+-ATPase activity. Lack of stimulating effect of glycerol on white ghost Ca2+-ATPase may be attributed to removal of endogenous compounds regulating activity of this ion transport system. Inhibitory analysis using R24571 revealed that activation of Ca2+-ATPase by 10% glycerol was observed only in the case of inhibitor administration after modification of cells with glycerol; in the case of inhibitor addition before erythrocyte contact with glycerol, this phenomenon disappeared. These data suggest the possibility of regulation of human erythrocyte Ca2+-ATPase by glycerol; this regulatory effect may be attributed to both glycerol-induced structural changes in the membrane and also involvement of calmodulin in modulation of catalytic activity of the Ca2+-pump.  相似文献   

Summary The making and sealing of a tight junction (TJ) requires cell-cell contacts and Ca2–, and can be gauged through the development of transepithelial electrical resistance (TER) and the accumulation of ZO-1 peptide at the cell borders. We observe that pertussis toxin increases TER, while AIF3 and carbamil choline (carbachol) inhibit it, and 5-guanylylimidodiphosphate (GTPs) blocks the development of a cell border pattern of ZO-1, suggesting that G-proteins are involved. Phospholipase C (PLC) and protein kinase C (PKC) probably participate in these processes since (i) activation of PLC by thyrotropin-1 releasing hormone increases TER, and its inhibition by neomycin blocks the development of this resistance; (ii) 1,2-dioctanoylglycerol, an activator of PKC, stimulates TER development, while polymyxin B and 1-(5-isoquinoline sulfonyl)-2-methyl-piperazine dihydrochloride (H7), which inhibit this enzyme, abolish TER. Addition of 3-isobutyl-1-methyl-xanthine, dB-cAMP or forskolin do not enhance the value of TER, but have just the opposite effect. Trifluoperazine and calmidazoline inhibit TER development, suggesting that calmodulin (CaM) also plays a role in junction formation. These results indicate that junction formation may be controlled by a network of reactions where G-proteins, phospholipase C, adenylate cyclase, protein kinase C and CaM are involved.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiologic agent of Chagas disease, is transmitted through triatomine vectors during their blood-meal on vertebrate hosts. These hematophagous insects usually ingest approximately 10 mM of heme bound to hemoglobin in a single meal. Blood forms of the parasite are transformed into epimastigotes in the crop which initiates a few hours after parasite ingestion. In a previous work, we investigated the role of heme in parasite cell proliferation and showed that the addition of heme significantly increased parasite proliferation in a dose-dependent manner [1]. To investigate whether the heme effect is mediated by protein kinase signalling pathways, parasite proliferation was evaluated in the presence of several protein kinase (PK) inhibitors. We found that only KN-93, a classical inhibitor of calcium-calmodulin-dependent kinases (CaMKs), blocked heme-induced cell proliferation. KN-92, an inactive analogue of KN-93, was not able to block this effect. A T. cruzi CaMKII homologue is most likely the main enzyme involved in this process since parasite proliferation was also blocked when Myr-AIP, an inhibitory peptide for mammalian CaMKII, was included in the cell proliferation assay. Moreover, CaMK activity increased in parasite cells with the addition of heme as shown by immunological and biochemical assays. In conclusion, the present results are the first strong indications that CaMKII is involved in the heme-induced cell signalling pathway that mediates parasite proliferation.  相似文献   

Sequence comparison of the -subunit of phosphorylase kinase with -tropomyosin revealed 32% identity, and 49% similarity, between the region of -tropomyosin coded by exon 5 and a 39 amino acid segment of the kinase subunit. A subsequence of the -subunit segment and a sequence overlapping the same -subunit region are homologous with: (a) a region of the cytoplasmic domain of EGF receptor (50% identity) and (b) a Ca2+-binding domain of the chain of S-100 protei (50% identity) respectively. Statistical analysis shows that these homologies are significant. The biological implication of the above similarities is discussed.  相似文献   

Identification of estrogenresponsive genes is important to understand the molecular mechanisms of estrogen action. Suppression subtractive hybridization was employed to screen estrogenresponsive genes in chick liver. A single injection of estrogen into 6weekold chick induced upregulation of several known genes encoded for yolk proteins, such as Vitellogenin I and II and very low density lipoprotein II (apo-VLDL II). One novel sequence displayed a dramatic change (3fold increase) in response to estrogen treatment. This cDNA fragment was extended and the resultant sequence was analyzed. Translated amino acid sequence was 90, 88, 83 and 87% identical to the Larginine:glycine amidinotransferase of pig, rat, frog and human, respectively. The sequence has a conservative catalytic site of Larginine:glycine amidinotransferase. The expression pattern of this gene in organs is consistent with previous reports of Larginine:glycine amidinotransferase in chick. Thus, this clone represented the chicken Larginine:glycine amidinotransferase. It appeared that estrogeninduced alteration of arginine:glycine amidinotransferase was not dependent on protein synthesis, because concurrent administration of cycloheximide did not affect the estrogenmediated expression pattern. This is the first study demonstrating that Larginine:glycine amidinotransferase is a target of the estrogen receptor.  相似文献   

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