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The synthesis of a series of dipyridyl ligands based on 1,2-bis(2′-pyridylethynyl)benzene and their complexation of silver cation is described. NMR binding studies confirm that the incorporation of thioether appendages results in an increased binding constant while ether appendages result in similar or lower binding constants as compared to the unsubstituted ligand. X-ray crystallographic analysis confirms that steric hinderance is critical.  相似文献   

Syntheses and room-temperature single crystal X-ray structural characterizations are recorded for a variety of silver(I) oxyanion (perchlorate, nitrate and trifluoroacetate (‘tfa’) (increasing basicity)) adducts, AgX, with a number of pyridine (‘py’) bases, L, functionalized in the 2-position with N- or O-donor groups, namely 2-amino-, 2-amino-6-methyl-, 2-aminomethyl-, 2-hydroxy-, 2-methoxy- and 2-acetyl- pyridines, ‘2np’, ‘nmp’, ‘amp’, ‘ohp’, ‘mop’, and ‘acp’. A variety of stoichiometries and associated structural types are defined: [Ag(chelate)2]X, L/X = amp,acp/ClO4, [XAg(chelate)2], L/X = acp/tfa, of 1:2 AgX:L stoichiometry; for 1:1 stoichiometry, although a discrete mononuclear complex [(chelate)Ag(O2NO)] is defined for AgNO3: acp (1:1), all others are polymers, successive silver atoms being linked by N,N′-bridging ligands singly (L/X = 2np/ClO4 (?HAgHTAgTHAgH?), amp/ClO4, NO3 (?HTAgHTAg?) (‘H’ ≡ head, ‘T’ = tail)) or pairwise, ?L2AgX2AgL2Ag? (L/X = 2np/tfa, nmp/NO3). More complex polymeric arrays are found with L/X = ohp/NO3, tfa, where interaction with the metal takes place via the O-donor only, the py functionality being protonated, and in adducts of more complex stoichiometry AgNO3:mop (2:3) and AgNO3:2np (3:4).  相似文献   

Three new coordination compounds, [Ni(Pht)(Py)2(H2O)3] (1), [Ni(Pht)(β- Pic)2(H2O)3] · H2O (2) and [Ni(Pht)(1-MeIm)2(H2O)3] (3) (where Pht2− = dianion of o-phthalic acid; Py = pyridine, β-Pic = 3-methylpyridine, 1-MeIm = 1-methylimidazole), have been synthesized and characterized by IR spectroscopy and thermogravimetric analysis. Crystallographic studies 1-3 reveal that each Ni(II) center has a distorted octahedral geometry being coordinated by two nitrogen atoms of aromatic amines, one oxygen atom from a carboxylate group of a phthalate ligand and three water molecules. Pht2− anions act as monodentate ligands, while the remaining uncoordinated carboxylate oxygen atoms participate in the formation of hydrogen bonding. The uncoordinated oxygen atoms form hydrogen bonds with the coordinated water molecules from adjacent complexes creating a centrosymmetric dimer unit. Further, these dimer units are connected by O-H?O hydrogen bonds in double-chains. Depending on the nature of aromatic amines, the arrangement of these double-chains differs. The double-chains are held together only by van der Waals interactions in 1. In contrast, in 2 these chains form layers by π-π interactions between antiparallel molecules of β-Pic as well as by π-π interactions between β-Pic and Pht aromatic rings. In complex 3, the double-chains are knitted together via C-H?O hydrogen bonds between the methyl group of 1-MeIm and the coordinated carboxylate oxygen atom of Pht, as well as π-π contacts involving antiparallel 1-MeIm cycles. The thermal dependence of the magnetic susceptibilities for compounds 1 and 2 shows a weak antiferromagnetic interaction between the two Ni2+ ions of the hydrogen bonded dimers. For compound 3, a ferromagnetic interaction could be observed. Modeling the experimental data with MAGPACK resulted in: g = 2.22, |D| = 4.11 cm−1 and J = −0.29 cm−1 for compound 1, g = 2.215, |D| = 3.85 cm−1 and J = −0.1 cm−1 for compound 2 and g = 2.23, |D| = 4.6 cm−1 and J = 0.22 cm−1 for compound 3.  相似文献   

The meagre (structurally defined) array of 1:2 silver(I) (pseudo-)halide:unidentate nitrogen base adducts is augmented by the single-crystal X-ray structural characterization of the 1:2 silver(I) thiocyanate:piperidine (‘pip’) adduct. It is of the one-dimensional ‘castellated polymer’ type previously recorded for the chloride: ?Ag(pip)2(μ-SCN)Ag(pip)2? a single bridging atom (S) linking successive silver atoms. By contrast, in its copper(I) counterpart, also a one-dimensional polymer, the thiocyanate bridges as end-bound SN-ambidentate: ?CuSCNCuSCN? A study of the 1:1 silver(I) bromide:quinoline (‘quin’) adduct is recorded, as the 0.25 quin solvate, isomorphous with its previous reported ‘saddle polymer’ chloride counterpart.Recrystallization of 1:1 silver(I) iodide:tris(2,4,6-trimethoxyphenyl)phosphine (‘tmpp’) mixtures from py and quinoline (‘quin’)/acetonitrile solutions has yielded crystalline materials which have also been characterized by X-ray studies. In both cases the products are salts, the cation in each being the linearly coordinated silver(I) species [Ag(tmpp)2]+, while the anions are, respectively, the discrete [Ag5I7(py)2]2− species, based on the already known but unsolvated [Cu5I7]2− discrete, and the polymeric, arrays, and polymeric . The detailed stereochemistry of the [Ag(tmpp)2]+ cation is a remarkably constant feature of all structures, as is its tendency to close-pack in sheets normal to their P-Ag-P axes.The far-IR spectra of the above species and of several related complexes have been recorded and assigned. The vibrational modes of the single stranded polymeric AgX chains in [XAg(pip)2](∞|∞) (X = Cl, SCN) are discussed, and the assignments ν(AgX) = 155, 190 cm−1 (X = Cl) and 208 cm−1 (X = SCN) are made. The ν(AgX) and ν(AgN) modes in the cubane tetramers [XAg(pip)]4 (X = Br, I) are assigned and discussed in relation to the assignments for the polymeric AgX:pip (1:2) complexes, and those for the polymeric [XAg(quin)](∞|∞) (X = Cl, Br) compounds. The far-IR spectra of [Ag(tmpp)2]2[Ag5I7(py)2] and its corresponding 2-methylpyridine complex show a single strong band at about 420 cm−1 which is assigned to the coordinated tmpp ligand in [Ag(tmpp)2]+, and a partially resolved triplet at about 90, 110 and 140 cm−1 which is assigned to the ν(AgI) modes of the [Ag5I7L2]2− anion. An analysis of this pattern is given using a model which has been used previously to account for unexpectedly simple ν(CuI) spectra for oligomeric iodocuprate(I) species.  相似文献   

Synthetic, single crystal X-ray structural characterizations and vibrational spectroscopic studies are recorded for a number of adducts of 1:2 stoichiometry of silver(I) oxyanion salts for oxyanions of differing basicity (perchlorate, nitrate, carboxylate (as trifluoroacetate (≡‘tfa’))), with a variety of pyridine (≡‘py’) or piperidine (≡‘pip’) bases hindered in the 2- (and, sometimes, 6-) position(s) by methyl or non-coordinating functionalities of other types, the ligands employed being 2-methylpyridine (‘2mp’), 2,6-dimethylpyridine (‘lut’), 2,4,6-trimethylpyridine (‘coll’), quinoline (‘quin’), 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine (‘tmp’), 2-amino-,6-methylpyridine (‘nmp’), 2-methoxypyridine (‘mop’) and 2-cyanomethylpyridine (‘pcn’); studies are also recorded of adducts with the parent, ‘py’, base and with 4-cyanopyridine (‘cnp’). In the majority of the complexes, the NAgN motif predominates, as might be expected, variously distorted from linearity in response to changes in (competing) basicities of the nitrogen base and any nearby anion or solvent molecule; an unusual variation is found in the highly hindered tmp/tfa adduct which is a monohydrate with interacting water displacing the rather basic anion, the converse being the case in the corresponding nitrate, also a monohydrate. With the less-hindered base mpy, both nitrate and trifluoroacetate are binuclear, with O and OCO bridges corresponding to centrosymmetric four- and eight-membered rings, respectively; the quin/nitrate adduct is more complex, also binuclear but with bis(chelating) nitrate. AgNO3:py (1:3) is found to be binuclear, while with Agtfa/py, a 3:2 adduct [Ag(py)2][Ag2(tfa)3](∞|∞) is found with a novel, polymeric, strongly interacting anion. A further pair of 1:3 adducts, AgNO3:2np (2np = 2-aminopyridine) and Agtfa:nmp, both mononuclear [AgL3]+X are described, differing in the modes of interaction of silver with the three N-bases. In all simple NAgN systems with aromatic ligands, the pair of ligand ‘planes’ is disposed quasi-parallel.The far-IR spectra of [AgL2]Y (L = lut, coll; Y = ClO4, NO3, tfa) and of [Ag(py)n](ClO4) (n = 2,4) have been recorded and the ν(AgN) bands assigned in the range 80-240 cm−1. For the L = lut, coll complexes, there is a clear trend of decreasing ν(AgN) following increasing r(AgN) as the interaction with the counterion increases along the series Y = ClO4, NO3, tfa.  相似文献   

The X-ray crystal structures of four complexes, obtained by reaction of silver nitrate with four different heteroaryl thioethers, are described. In these compounds the ligands act as dinuclear bridges between silver atoms, with coordination exclusively through the nitrogen donor atoms. All ligands form dinuclear complexes, either as discrete species or as higher aggregates involving additional nitrate bridges. π–π Stacking interactions provide extra stabilisation in some of the structures.  相似文献   

Four coordination polymers based on AgI/3-sulfobenzoate/N-donor ligands, [Ag2Na2(3-sb)2(H2O)7]n (1), {[Ag2(3-sb)(apy)]·(H2O)}n (2), {[Ag2(4,4′-bipy)2(H2O)3]·[Ag2(4,4′-bipy)2(H2O)2]·2(3-sb)·4(H2O)}n (3) and {[Ag(3-sb)(bpe)(H2O)][Ag(bpe)(H2O)]·3(H2O)}n (4) where 3-sb is 3-sulfobenzoate, apy is 2-aminopyridine, bipy is 4,4′-bipyridine and bpe is 1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)ethylene, were prepared and characterized, and their fluorescence and electric conductivity properties were studied. Complex 1 is a 3D architecture in which 3-sb ligands exhibit μ41(O1,O2-Ag): κ1(O3,O5-Na) trans-trans coordination mode. The molecular structure of 2 is a 2D layer. Complexes 3 and 4 are cation-anion species and 1D polymers. In these complexes hydrogen bonds provide additional assembly forces, giving 3D hydrogen bonding networks for 1 and 3, and 2D layers for 2 and 4. Abundant weak interactions, such as Ag-Ag interactions in 1-3, Ag-π interactions in 1-4, π-π interactions in 1, 3-4, and C-H···π interactions in 3-4, also can be found. The weak interactions are strongly related to the fluorescence and electric conductivity properties, providing the way for understanding the relationship between structures and properties.  相似文献   

Two unusual lithium coordinated binuclear platinum- and rhodium-hydride complexes [M(dippe)(H)]2·LiHBEt3 were synthesized and characterized by NMR spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography. Not only does the lithium ion interact with the metal hydrides, but also with the B-H bond of the borohydride.  相似文献   

The coordination chemistry and reactivity of zinc(II) complexes supported by monoanionic hydrotris(pyrazolyl)borate ligands substituted by 3,3,3-mesityl groups (TpMs) and 3,3,5-mesityl groups (TpMs∗) have been investigated. Salt metathesis of ZnCl2, ZnEt2, and Zn(OAc)2 with Tl[TpMs] or Tl[TpMs∗] cleanly afforded the corresponding compounds TpMsZnCl (1), TpMsZnEt (2), TpMs∗ZnEt (3), and TpMsZnOAc (5). Compound 3 slowly disproportionates in benzene solution to afford the bis(ligand) complex (κ2-TpMs∗)2Zn (4). Acetate complex 5 as well as TpMsZnOCOPh (6) and [TpMs∗ZnOAc]2 (7) were alternatively prepared by acidolysis of the parent ethyl complexes (2, 3) with the corresponding carboxylic acid. No reaction was observed between 2 and 3 and alcohols (ROH; R = Et, iPr, Bn), while salt metathesis reactions of ZnEt(OR) with Tl[TpMs] led to 2 instead of the desired zinc-alkoxide complex. Compounds 1-7 were characterized by elemental analysis, 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy, as well as by X-ray diffraction studies for 1, 2, 4, 5 and 7. The former compounds adopt a monomeric structure in the solid state while [TpMs∗ZnOAc]2 (7) exists as an anti-syn bridged acetate dimer. Complex 4 is four-coordinated, featuring a rare bidentate coordination mode of the TpMs∗ ligands. The results are rationalized in terms of the variable steric constraint around the zinc atom provided by the TpMs and TpMs∗ ligands.  相似文献   

Five new silver(I)-saccharinate complexes [Ag2(sac)2(tmen)2] (1), [Ag2(sac)2(deten)2] (2), [Ag2(sac)2(dmen)2] (3), [Ag(sac)(N,N-eten)] (4), and [Ag(sac)(dmpen)]n (5); (sac = saccharinate, tmen = N,N,N′,N′-tetramethylethylenediamine, deten = N,N′-diethylethylenediamine, dmen = N,N′-dimethylethylenediamine, N,N-eten = N,N-diethylethylenediamine and dmpen = 1,3-diamino-2,2-dimethylpropan) have been synthesized and characterized by elemental analyses, IR, thermal analyses, single crystal X-ray diffraction and antimicrobial activities. The crystallographic analyses show that all the complexes crystallize in monoclinic space group P21/c. In 1, the sac ligand acts as a bridge to connect the silver centres through its imino N and carbonyl O atoms forming an eight-membered bimetallic ring in a chair conformation. Complex 2 has also a dimeric structure in which the monomeric [Ag(sac)(deten)] units are linked by Ag?Ag interactions. In 3, saccharinate ligand acts as a bridging bidentate ligand between two silver(I) centres through sulfonyl group and imino N atom, forming an alternating polymeric chain through the direction [0 1 0]. In 4, the inter-molecular N-H?O hydrogen bonds form one-dimensional polymeric chains through the a axis, and these linear chains are inter-connected to each other by N-H?O hydrogen bonds, which produce a chain of edge-fused and rings along [1 0 0]. Complex 5 is a coordination polymer in which the monomeric [Ag(dmpen)(sac)]n units are linked by Ag?Ag interactions, and the dmpen ligand acts as a bridge between the silver(I) ions, forming a two-dimensional network parallel to the (1 0 0) plane.  相似文献   

[{C7F15CO2}2AgAu(PPh3)]2 is obtained in good yield from the reaction of [C7F15CO2Ag] with [ClAuPPh3] in THF solution. The crystal structure shows a zig-zag Au-Ag-Ag-Au core with fluorocarboxylate ligands bridging the Au-Ag and Ag-Ag bonds and triphenylphosphine groups bound to Au. Electrodeposition from acetonitrile yields Au-Ag alloys. The deposited alloys are Ag rich and the composition varies with deposition potential.  相似文献   

The synthesis and characterization of three simple 1:2 silver(I) pyridine adducts of different counter-anions, [Ag(py)2]+ · X (X = ClO4, 1; BF4, 2; PF6, 3), are reported. The structural studies for 1-3 reveal the presence of strong ligand-unsupported argentophilic interactions between [Ag(py)2]+ ions, forming pairs of . The Ag?Ag contact distances are 2.96-3.00 Å. In 1 and 2, pairs of are further linked into 1-D infinite chains by a combined set of multiple Ag?Ag close contacts (3.34-3.37 Å), offset ‘head to head’ π-π stacking, and anion bridging interactions. Such combined set of interactions is anion-dependant with 1 and 2 containing anions of tetrahedral geometry and , affording essentially the same supramolecular architecture. Metal-anion interactions are crucial in organizing the 1-D chains into 3-D networks. The ES-MS studies of 1 and 2 provide positive evidence for the aggregation of silver(I) ions in solution. In contrast, for 3 with the counter-anion of octahedral , pairs of are organized into a 3-D network via a combined set of Ag?F contacts, C(H)?F hydrogen bonds, and ‘head to tail’ π-π stacking interactions. No extended 1-D polymeric chains of silver ions are present in 3.  相似文献   

The reaction of pyridine-2-thiol with AgBF4 and AgClO4 in MeCN gave rise to polymeric compounds [{Ag(HPyS)2}2(BF4)2]n (1) and [{Ag(HPyS)2}2(ClO4)2]n (2) (HPyS=pyridine-2-thione), respectively, while the similar reaction of pyridine-2-thiol with AgNO3 resulted in a polymeric compound [{Ag4(HPyS)6}(NO3)4]n (3). X-ray single-crystal diffraction analyses showed that the cations of both 1 and 2 possess a single-metal-atom chain structure but that of 3 is a double-metal-atom chain structure. The difference between 1 (or 2) and 3 showed counterion effect in polymerization of silver-thione compounds. In the presence of water, the treatment of pyridine-2-thiol with AgBF4 in DMF at 0 °C generated a polymeric compound [Ag(SPy)]n (4) (Spy=pyridine-2-thiolate) with graphite-like layered array of silver ions. Compound 4 can convert into its isomer [Ag6(SPy)6]n (5) through soaking in DMF for 1 month. However, the similar reaction of pyridine-2-thiol with AgBF4 in MeCN-H2O (v:v=40:1) at room temperature gave another layered polymeric compound [{Ag5(Spy)4(HPyS)}BF4]n (6). The preparation of 4, 5, and 6 showed that temperature and solvent exert influence on formation of silver-thiolate polymers. The reaction of AgNO3 with K2i-mnt (i-mnt=2,2-dicyanoethene-1,1,-dithiolate) and pyridine-2-thiol gave a polymer [Ag44-i-mnt)2(μ-HPyS)2(μ-HPyS)4/2]n (7) with one-dimensional (1-D) chain structure consisting of Ag4 square planar cluster units linked by 1H-pyridine-2-thione ligand. The treatment of AgNO3 with NaS2CNEt2 and pyridine-2-thiol in DMF resulted in another polymeric compound [Ag43-S2CNEt2)22-SPy)4/2]n (8). The preparation and characterization of these polymeric compounds demonstrated that polymerization of silver(I)-thione and silver(I)-thiolate complexes is tunable through controlling reaction conditions. Semiconducting property studies of 1-8 demonstrated that the electrical conductivity of 4 is 2.04×10−5 S cm−1 at 25 °C and increases as temperature rises, and those of 1-3 and 5-8 are in the range of 1×10−12-1×10−15 S cm−1 at room temperature and independent on the temperature, indicating that 1 is a semiconductor and the others are insulators.  相似文献   

Mono- and di-manganese inclusion compounds 1 and 2 are reported. Two mono-manganese molecules Mn(bpy)2(NO3)2 (bpy=2,2′-bipyridine) and [Mn(bpy)2(NO3)(H2O)]·NO3 coexist in the mole ratio of 1:1 in the structure of 1, while two di-manganese molecules [Mn2O(bpy)2(phtha)2(H2O)2]·(NO3)2 (phtha=phthalate) and [Mn2O(bpy)2(phtha)2(NO3)(H2O)]·NO3 in the structure of 2. Refluxing Mn(NO3)2/bpy/phthalic acid reaction mixtures in CH3CN leads to the isolation of 1, further concentration of the reaction solution in raising temperature results in 2. The Mn1 and Mn2 units in the inclusion compounds 1 and 2 are similar to other reported Mn1 and Mn2 analogs, respectively. The Jahn–Teller distortion was observed to give rise to the elongation along the Oterminal---Mn---Ocarboxyl axes for all the four Mn(III) sites in 2, leading to unexpected longer Mn(III)---Oaqua than Mn(II)---Oaqua in 1. Extensive hydrogen bonding interactions among H2O, NO3 − and COOH were observed in the two inclusion compounds. Cyclic voltammetry of 2 in DMF displays two quasi-reversible redox couples at +0.10/+0.22 and −0.43/−0.36 V assigned to the Mn(III)Mn(IV)/2Mn(III) and 2Mn(III)/Mn(III)Mn(II), respectively. Variable temperature magnetic susceptibilities of 1 and 2 were measured. The data were fit to a model including axial zero-field splitting term and a good fit was found with D=1.77 cm−1, g=1.98 and F=1.48×10−5 for 1. For 2, the least-squares fitting of the experimental data led to J=2.37 cm−1, g=2.02 and D=0.75 cm−1 with R=1.45×10−3.  相似文献   

Deprotonation of the p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene disubstituted at alternate phenolic positions with picolyl groups 2 was achieved with alkali metal hydrides LiH, NaH, and KH. The dianionic calixarene derivatives were subjected to complete substitution at the phenolic rim with allyl bromide, providing the tetraalkylated derivatives in cone 3a and partial-cone conformations 3b; both compounds were crystallographically characterized. Compound 2, as well as 3a and 3b were tested as ligands towards CuCl2, affording Cu2+ complexes in the first two cases. Polymeric [2·CuCl2] was obtained from 2 and CuCl2 in MeOH/CH2Cl2 solutions, and consists of chains of the ditopic calixarene acting as an N-donor towards Cu2+ ions outside the macrocyclic cavity. Employment of EtOH/CH2Cl2 mixtures results in the tricopper complex [(2)2Cu3Cl6(EtOH)2]. In contrast, reactions of ligand 3a with CuCl2 afforded monomeric [3a·CuCl2], while no Cu2+ complexes could be obtained when 3b was employed. The presence of intramolecular hydrogen bonds in 2 appears to control the formation of oligomeric or polymeric copper complexes, while the lack of such hydrogen bonds allows the proper alignment of N-donors to coordinate Cu2+ directly above the macrocyclic cavity.  相似文献   

Reaction of 2 equiv. amount of copper(II) chloride dihydrate with 2 equiv. of methyl-5-methyl-1-(4,6-dimethyl-2-pyrimidyl)pyrazole-3-carboxylate (DpymPzC) in presence of 1 equiv. of 2-mercapto-4,6-dimethylpyrimidine (DpymtH) at pH ∼ 6 afforded the tricoordinated copper(I) complex [Cu(DpymPzC)Cl] (1). The same reaction with copper(II) perchlorate hexahydrate, as the metal salt under the same equivalent ratio at pH ∼ 6 formed the tetracoordinated copper(I) complex [Cu(DpymPzC)2]ClO4 (2). In both the cases, the role of DpymtH is nothing but only to reduce the copper(II) salt in situ finally forming the copper(I) complex. On the other hand, the direct reaction between the copper(I) thiocyanate and DpymPzC in 2:2 equiv. ratio produced a tricoordinated copper(I) complex [Cu(DpymPzC)SCN] (3). In a similar reaction of 2 equiv. amount of copper(II) chloride dihydrate with 2 equiv. amount of ethyl-5-methyl-1-(2-pyridyl)pyrazole-3-carboxylate (PyPzC) in presence of 1 equiv. of DpymtH at pH ∼ 6, an intense red coloured microcrystalline compound (4) was obtained. In contrast, 1 equiv. of PyPzC and 2 equiv. of DpymtH on reaction with 1 equiv. of copper(II) chloride dihydrate at pH ∼ 6 produced a novel tetranuclear mixed coordinated [Cu4(DpymtH)4Cl4] complex (5). Here DpymtH plays dual role - a reducing agent for the copper(II) salt followed by a chelating ligand towards copper(I) so formed in situ. Among the above species, 1, 2 and 5 are crystallographically characterized. In 1, the central copper atom is in distorted triangular planar geometry with N2Cl chromophore whereas in 2, the same is in distorted tetrahedral geometry with N4 chromophore. Notably, the extent of distortion from the ideal geometry is more in 2. In 5, which is in chair conformation, out of four copper atoms, two being in S2Cl chromophore are tricoordinated and the remaining two are tetracoordinated with NS2Cl chromophore. The metal centers are bridged through DpymtH in its ‘thione’ form. Interestingly, the chelation (in part) results in formation of the highly stable four-membered two chelate rings around the two tetracoordinated copper atoms in 5. The two copper centers along the long arm of the chair are separated through a distance of 5.190 Å while those in the short arm are at a length of 3.629 Å. The electronic, IR spectra and electrochemistry of the complexes 1, 2 and 5 have also been investigated.  相似文献   

Three new coordination polymers [M(Pht)(1-MeIm)2]n (where M=Cu (1), Zn (2), Co (3); Pht2−=dianion of o-phthalic acid; 1-MeIm=1-methylimidazole) and two compounds [M(1-MeIm)6](HPht)2 · 2H2O (M=Co (4), Ni (5)) have been synthesized and characterized by X-ray crystallography. The structures of 1-3 (2 is isostructural to 3) consist of [M(1-MeIm)2] building units connected by 1,6-bridging phthalate ions to form infinite chains. In complex 1, each copper(II) center adopts a square coordination mode of N2O2 type by two O atoms from different phthalate ions and two N atoms of 1-MeIm, whereas in 3 two independent metal atoms are tetrahedrally (N2O2) coordinated to a pair of Pht ligands and a pair of 1-MeIm molecules. There are only van der Waals interactions between the chains in 1, while the three-dimensional network in 3 is assembled by C-H?O contacts. In contrast to polymers 1-3 the structures of 4 and 5 (complexes are also isostructural) are made up of the [M(1-MeIm)6]2+ cation, two hydrogen phthalate anions (HPht) and two H2O solvate molecules. The coordination around each metal(II) atom is octahedral with six nitrogen atoms of 1-MeIm. Extended hydrogen bonding networks embracing the solvate water molecules and a phthalate residue as well as the weak C-H?O interactions stabilize the three-dimensional structures. Magnetic studies clearly show that the magnetic ions do not interact with each other. Furthermore, in compound 4 we have another example of a highly anisotropic Co2+ ion with a rhombic g-tensor and large zero-field-splitting. The complexes were also characterized by IR and 1H NMR spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, and all data are discussed in the terms of known structures.  相似文献   

The reaction of [Ag4(hfac)4(THF)2] (hfac = 1,1,1,5,5,5-hexafluoroacetylacetonate, THF = tetrahydrofurrane) with 2,2′-bipyrimidine (bpm) leads to single crystals. They crystallise in the triclinic system, space group . Their structure consists of [Ag4(hfac)42-bpm)3] tetranuclear complexes. In this complex, Ag(I) ions adopt distorted square planar and trigonal prismatic geometries. When [Ag4(hfac)4(THF)2] is replaced by monohydrated silver(I) perchlorate, a one-dimensional (1D) compound with a formula of [[Ag(μ2-bpm)]+]n, is obtained as single crystals. They crystallise in the monoclinic system, space group P21/c. Their structure consists of [[Ag(μ2-bpm)]+]n chains separated by non-coordinated perchlorate ions. In the chains, the Ag(I) centres adopt a square planar geometry. Finally, starting from [[Ag(μ2-bpm)]+]n, and sodium oxalate , another 1D compound with a formula of [Ag(μ2-bpm)(μ2-ox)]n, 4nH2O is obtained as single crystals. They crystallise in the triclinic system, space group . In these chains, bipyrimidine and oxalate are alternate. They generate a square planar geometry around the Ag(I) cations.  相似文献   

The crystal structures of two 1:1 ligand-silver(I) cyanide complexes, [Ag(CN)(en)] (en = ethane-1,2-diamine) (1) and [Ag(CN)(pn)] (pn = propane-1,2-diamine) (2), and of two 2:1 ligand-silver(I) cyanide compounds, [(AgCN)2 · tn] (tn = propane-1,3-diamine) (3) and [(AgCN)2 · bn] (bn = butane-1,4-diamine) (4), were determined from single-crystal X-ray diffraction data, collected at 173 K. In 1 and 2, mononuclear AgCN complexes are formed, in which silver(I) is coordinated by one cyanide and one chelating alkanediamine donor ligand. However, in the dinuclear adducts of 3 and 4, two AgCN units are connected by one alkane-1,n-diamine bridging ligand (n = 3, 4). The resulting molecules of 1-4 are cross-linked via N-H?N hydrogen bonds. Apart from these intermolecular contacts, comparatively short Ag(I)-Ag(I) distances of 3.182(1) Å (in 1), 3.267(1) Å (in 2), 3.023(2) Å (in 3) and 3.050(2) Å (in 4) occur.  相似文献   

Crystalline complexes of d-ribose, d-ribono-1,4-lactone and methyl β-d-ribopyranoside with sodium halides were synthesized and some of their crystal structures determined. Crystal structures of two lactone complexes and a methyl β-d-ribopyranoside reveal the mode of the salt binding and the intricate interplay of cation coordination and hydrogen bonding in these complexes. When complexed with NaBr, the ribopyranoside is in the 1C4 shape whereas ribose with no salt present has the 4C1 shape. It is also demonstrated that such complexes can be easily prepared in solid state reaction using a ball mill.  相似文献   

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