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浙江省宁海县卫生防疫站于1983年8月在进行肺吸虫病调查时,发现一种小螺,经鉴定为拟钉螺属一新种,现描述如下: 宁海拟钉螺,新种Tricula ninghaiensis,sp.nov.(图1—3) 贝壳小型,外形呈尖圆锥形。有6个螺层,各螺层缓慢均匀增长;壳顶钝圆,壳顶及其  相似文献   

中国弯螺属一新种(肺螺亚纲,柄眼目,扭轴蜗牛科)   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
系统整理和研究了中国弯螺属的种类,共10种,其中1新种即茂兰弯螺Sinoennea maolanensis sp.nov.,弯螺属的种类主要分布于东亚和南亚地区;作者对其已发表的种类进行了整理、甄制,对新种的形态特征进行了详觋细描述,亦与近似种进行了比较、讨论.  相似文献   

早寒武世马哈螺类的骨骼化特征、分类和演化意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
马哈螺类(maikhanellids)是已知最古老的单板类,以往缺乏系统研究,并在分类上争议较大,文中以滇东早寒武世梅树村阶微小骨骼化石的丰富材料为依据,详细阐述该类群的形态特征和超微结构,探讨其亲缘关系和演化趋势,研究表明,马哈螺类由6个属组成,包括Maikhanella,Ramenta,Ramentoides gen.nov.,Mediata gen.nov.,Yunnanopleure和Purella。各属之间壳形变化较大,但裸露的壳顶和普遍发育的鳞片状或条状突起表明它们在明显的亲缘关系,并显示两个演化方向,即Maikhanella Ramentoides gen.nov.Ramenta和Maikhanella Mediata gen.nov.Yunanopleura-Purella。马哈螺类分布于梅树村期早,中期,Maikhanella是最原始的马哈螺,最先出现在梅树村阶小歪头山段,也是中谊村段下磷矿层唯一的马哈螺,而在该段上磷矿层马哈螺类发生了明显的属种分异,在大少段所有的马哈螺类突然消失,马哈螺类的壳体曾被描述为:骨针状的外骨骼”,“骨片状外骼”和“包裹在中间基质中的骨针”,但当前研究表明,以Maikhanella pristinis和Ramenta cambrina为代表的马哈螺类的内壳层具有早期单板类中较常见的水平交错纤状结构,指示了马哈螺类具有致密成层的壳壁,文中新建2亚科,2属和5种,即Maikhanellinae subfamily nov.,Purellinae subfamily nov.,Maikhanella Perelegans sp.nov.,Ramenta superata sp.nov.,Ramentoides latispinus gen.et sp.nov.,Mediata kunyangensis gen.et sp.nov.,Yunnanopleura longidens sp.nov。  相似文献   

当前描述的腹足类化石采自陕西耀县桃启坡组,标本产于两层石灰岩间的钙质砂岩中,仅一块标本,保存了两个比较完好的个体。标本存放在西北大学地质系。描述新腹足目Caenogastropoda Cox,1959曲线螺超科Loxonematacea Koken,1889假横肋螺科Pseudozygopleuridae,Knight,1930耀县螺(新属)Yaoxianospira(gen.nov.)模式种Yaoxianospira yaoxianensis(gen.et.sp.nov.)特征螺壳中等大小,右旋壳,高锥形,至少由九个螺环组成;侧边直,缝合线深,螺环低,高约为宽的二分之一;壳口亚卵圆形,外唇上呈“V”字形凹曲;壳底凸,光滑,无脐,与侧面以一粗的旋向脊分界;螺环具粗的横脊,其宽约为其间隙宽度的二分之一,从上部缝合线至下部缝合线都很发育,无凹曲显示;旋向线极细,但十分清楚,其数目甚多,在横脊及其间隙均有分布。比较新属与半轭螺属的织轭螺亚属Hemizyga(Plocezyga)很相似,主要区别在于新属螺环低而宽,壳底无旋向线,壳底与螺壳侧面以一粗的旋向脊分界,螺环侧面的旋向线数目多。  相似文献   

软舌螺动物是华北板块寒武系小壳化石基本组成之一,也是寒武纪生命大爆发在华北地区的重要见证者。本文系统描述了华北板块南缘-西南缘(河南-陕西地区)寒武系第二统辛集组软舌螺化石9属14种及1未定种。包括直管螺类6属9种:Conotheca australiensis、Cupitheca holocyclata、Cupitheca costellata、Cupitheca? decollata、Tegminites hymenodes、Triplicatella disdoma、Triplicatella xinjia、Protomicrocornus triplicensis和Longxiantheca mira;软舌螺类3属5种及1未定种:Microcornus eximius、Microcornus petilus、Parkula cf. esmeraldina、Parkula bounites、Parakorilithes mammillatus和Parakorilithes sp.。基于大量保存的精美聚合标本,本文准确重建了锥壳和口盖在软舌螺不同属种中的配置。此外,新材料显示华北辛...  相似文献   

冬菇属Flammulina真菌是重要的食用菌,在东亚广为栽培。基于形态特征及内转录间隔区(ITS)序列分析,报道了该属真菌的两个新变种——冬菇丝盖变种F.velutipes var.filiformis和冬菇喜玛拉雅变种F.velutipes var.himalayana,以及中国的一个新记录种——杨树冬菇F.populicola。提供了中国冬菇属已知物种和变种的形态描述、生境照片及检索表。  相似文献   

黔西南中三叠统 koninckinids 化石   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
冯儒林 《古生物学报》1993,32(2):232-249
首次描述了贵州西南部中三叠统koninckinids(康尼克贝类)3属6种,根据腕螺的支持构造类型将背内腕螺初带横伸,由腕锁,腕棒支持,与主基连接的类群归Koninckinidae;将腕螺初带横伸,缺失腕锁,螺带主层直接与铰板连接,螺带主层与副层分离,形成双重腕螺的贝体,且与Koninc-kinidae的腕螺支持类型明显不同的,建立新亚科Amphiclininae subfamily nov..腕螺初带向主突起基斜伸,与主突起基部延长部分连接,支持腕螺的类群,暂归扭月贝目根据贝体特征,认为背内具粗大圆锥状腕螺的Koninckina 其腕螺除诱导捕食功能外,可能还有制导贝体着底方向的作用.并对koninckinids产出层位和时代进行了对比和讨论.  相似文献   

贵州凯里生物群中软舌螺的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文描述了采自贵州台江县革东镇八郎中寒武世凯里生物群中的软舌螺化石,计有1种,3相似种和1个未定种。即:Ambrolinevitus cf.ventricosus,Glossolites?sp..Haplophrentis?cf.carinatus,Linevitus opimus,Hyolithes?cf.cariniferus.凯里生物群中软舌螺特点是:1)壳体通常较大,呈宽锥形;2)背、腹壳区分明显,常具中槽或中脊;3)特别是以软舌螺目中的软舌螺科和线带螺科的软舌螺保存数量最多。完全与欧洲、北美相当层位中出现的软舌螺组合面貌相似;并与澄江动物群中的软舌螺在演化特征上是可衔接的。凯里生物群中的软舌螺除具有世界性属种外。还具地区特有的属种。这对研究软舌螺的地理分布、演化进程以及与凯里生物群组合关系有重要意义。  相似文献   

扬子地台早古生代软舌螺化石记述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
该文的标本采自云南昆明、晋宁下寒武统筇竹寺组,龙陵上寒武统核桃坪组、柳水组和江苏江宁上奥陶统顶部“新开岭层”。文中描述了软舌螺化石4属5种,1未定种。其中3新属3新种,再次丰富了早古生代碎屑岩地层中的软舌螺化石,对探讨软舌螺类演化进程,确定时代,进行地层对比均有重要价值。  相似文献   

本文描述了田螺科Viviparidae一新种——滇池圆田螺Cipangopaludina dianchiensis。模式标本采自滇池西南部的白鱼口湖区。本种贝壳大,最大个体壳高25.4mm、宽50.2mm。壳顶尖,有7个螺层,除顶部螺层外,各螺层中部均外凸呈角状,上部具宽阔的阶区。体螺层具7—12条螺棱。相似种长螺旋圆田螺Cipangopaludina longispira(Heude)各螺层中部均不外凸呈角状,上部亦不具阶区,且体螺层只有5条不大清楚的螺棱,两者有明显的区别。齿舌公式:3—4(1)3—4·4(1)4·4(1)4·11—13。幼体4个螺层,壳顶尖,第3和第4螺层上具2—4条螺棱,其上列生角质毛。本种分布仅局限于滇池西南隅。根据湖泊演变状况和湖内田螺科其他属种现行的分布格局推测,它可能是属于分布范围缩减和种群趋衰的种。  相似文献   

New species in the genus Fabriciola Friedrich are described. Fabriciola is defined by a single synapomorphy, the presence of non-vascularized, ventral filamentous appendages. Otherwise the genus is variable, with differences among species in chaetae, eyes, and peristomial organization. The new species, Fabriciola flammula, F. liguronis and F. parvus , reflect this heterogeneity. Fabriciola liguronis has spermathecae in the radiolar crown of females, the first record of these structures in Fabriciola , but F. flammula and F. parvus lack spermathecae. Sperm ultrastructure in all three species share apomorphies with other fabriciins, but vary in other respects. Fabriciola may be paraphyletic, but material of the type species F. spongicola (Southern, 1921) has been unobtainable so far, and detailed study of this species is required to define the genus Fabriciola adequately.  相似文献   

记述中国脊翅叶蝉管茎叶蝉属1新种Fistulatus rectilineus Shang&Zhang,sp.nov.并给出本属所有种的检索表,新种模式标本分别保存在中国农业大学和南开大学.新种与Fistulatusluteolus Cen&Cai,2002的区别为:1)尾节侧瓣具1个突起而不是2个;2)阳茎干不背向弯曲;3)阳茎干背缘两侧各具一凸缘,近端部有一窄三角形凸缘.  相似文献   

记述采自贵州雷山地区蝗虫1新种,即蓝胫平顶蝗Flatovertex cyaneitibialis sp.nov.,新种近似于红胫平顶蝗F.rufotibialis Zheng,1981,区别特征为:前胸背板中隆线两侧不具X形纹;后足胫节蓝色;爪间中垫大,超过爪之中部。并附有平顶蝗属种的检索表。模式标本保存于河北大学博物馆。  相似文献   

The homologous sites on the salivary gland chromosomes of 13 species from three genera: Chironomus, Glyptotendipes, Kiefferulus have been mapped by means of fluorescent in situ hybridization using the evolutionary conserved gene Cpy/Cty (clone Cla1.1). In all species of genus Chironomus and genus Kiefferulus , the Cty/Cpy gene is located on arm F of chromosome EF. The relocation of the gene among the species of genus Chironomus can be done by simple or complex homozygous inversions which occurred during the divergent evolution of the chromosome of the species. In the genus Glyptotendipes , the Cty/Cpy gene was localized in arm E of chromosome EF. Since the banding patterns of salivary gland chromosomes between genus Chironomus and genus Glyptotendipes cannot be compared directly, in situ hybridization with clone of conservative gene was performed to be established some homologous chromosomes. The results obtained indicate that the chromosome arm F of Chironomus and chromosome arm E of Glyptotendipes may be homologous.  相似文献   

本文了剑角蝗科窝蝗属1新种:郑氏窝蝗Foveolatacris zhengi,sp.nov。,采自甘肃省南县宝瓶河牧场;并据此对属征作了必要的修订,给出了分种检索表。模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所。  相似文献   

记录中国分布的片尺蛾属6种,并记述中国3新纪录种:黑片尺蛾Fascellina porphyreofusa Hampson, 1895; F. inornata Warren, 1893; F. rectimarginata Warren, 1894。文中提供了属种描述和鉴别特征,给出了种检索表及成虫和外生殖器图。  相似文献   

一个产木质素酶的嗜碱细菌新种   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从内蒙古盐碱湖分离到一株产木质素酶的嗜盐碱菌F10。其形态为杆状或短杆状 ,革兰氏染色阳性 ,最适生长pH为 9 5 ,最适生长温度为 37℃。通过生理生化特征、胞壁氨基酸成分、基于 16SrDNA序列的系统发育学分析和DNA DNA杂交同源性比较发现菌株F10是双芽孢杆菌 (Amphibacillus)属中一个与其它成员不同的新种 ,命名为好纪双芽孢杆菌Amphibacillushaojiensissp .nov .  相似文献   

The subgeneric subdivision of the genus Formica is still open. In this article, we make a phylogenetic study on several species of the genus Formica and of its closely related genera, Polyergus and Proformica, using sequences of nuclear satellite DNA (stDNA) and the mitochondrial rrnL as molecular markers. Our goal was to shed light on their phylogenetic relationships and particularly on the systematic position of F. subrufa. This species was first included in the subgenus Serviformica, but afterwards a new subgenus (Iberoformica) was established to include only this species. The results show that a stDNA family previously reported in Formica species, with a repetitive unit 129 bp long, is also found in Polyergus rufescens and P. samurai but not in Proformica longiseta. This is the first case of presence of a stDNA family in two different ant genera. In F. subrufa, this stDNA is very divergent relative to those isolated in the remaining Formica species and in the genus Polyergus. The Bayesian analysis of mitochondrial rrnL sequences shows three highly supported groups: F. subrufa, the remaining Formica species studied, and the genus Polyergus, suggesting that parasites (Polyergus species) and hosts (Formica species) are closely related but not sibling species. The combined analysis of nuclear stDNA sequences and mitochondrial rrnL showed their phylogenetic congruence despite their distinct evolutionary dynamics. This analysis did not discriminate between the remaining Formica species that were not grouped according to the subgeneric classification. According to these results, it can no longer be assumed that F. subrufa belongs to the subgenus Serviformica or of the fusca species group. This differentiation was also supported by previous studies based on the morphological characters, molecular and cytogenetic data. Therefore, taking into consideration these arguments and others explained in detail in this article, we propose that the taxon Iberoformica, formerly synonymized subgenus, be raised to a genus status. This genus would be monotypic and only composed, up to the moment, by Iberoformica subrufa (= F. subrufa Roger, 1859 ).  相似文献   

The Sabellidae polychaete genus Fabriciola Friedrich is revised as a result of examination of as much of the type material as possible. The type species for the genus has been confused. The earliest designation appears to be Fabricia (Manayunkia) spongicola Southern, 1921, by Ushakov [ Akad. Nauk. SSSR, Opredeliteli po Faune SSSR 56: 1–445 (1955)], whereas subsequent works have incorrectly referred to Manayunkia pacifica Annenkova, 1934, as the type species. The following species are redescribed: Fabriciola baltica Friedrich, 1939, F. berkeleyi Banse, 1956, F. ghardaqa Banse, 1959 a . A new species, F. mediaseta, is described. A neotype is designated for F . baltica. Existence of the type material of F. spongicola (Southern), F. pacifica (Annenkova), and F. tonerella Banse, 1959 b is unknown, but these species are discussed in relation to species examined.  相似文献   

记述短鼻蝗属1新种,定西短鼻蝗Filchnerella dingxiensis sp.nov.,编制了该属18种的检索表。模式标本保存于河北大学博物馆。  相似文献   

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