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Glutamine synthetase activity in Huntington's disease   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
C J Carter 《Life sciences》1982,31(11):1151-1159
Glutamine synthetase activity was measured in seven brain areas post-mortem from control patients, and those with Huntington's disease. The activity of the enzyme was reduced in the frontal and temporal cortex, putamen and cerebellum, but not in the hippocampus, thalamus or olivary nucleus. The results do not suggest a generalised deficiency of glutamine synthetase in Huntington's disease. However, as this enzyme is localised to astrocytic cells, the reduction in activity in areas of neuronal devastation, where the ration of astrocytes to neurones is increased, may reflect a greater functional deficit. The enzyme plays a crucial role in cerebral ammonia assimilation and its inhibition in laboratory animals is known to produce neuronal toxicity. A reduction in its activity in Huntington's disease may well contribute to the neuronal pathology in certain areas.  相似文献   

Hepatic glycogen patterns in fasted and fed rats   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

To determine running performance and hormonal and metabolic responses during insulin-induced hypoglycemia, fed and fasted male rats (315 +/- 3 g) were infused with insulin (100 mU/ml, 1.5 ml/h) or saline (1.5 ml/h) for 60 min and then killed at rest or after running on the treadmill (21 m/min, 15% grade). Insulin-infused fed rats ran poorly during the second 10 min of a 20-min exercise test. They were capable of running a total of 43 +/- 5 min, compared with 138 +/- 6 min for saline-infused fed rats. Fasted insulin-infused rats were able to run only 12.8 +/- 0.8 min, compared with 122 +/- 15 min for fasted saline-infused rats. In fasted rats, blood glucose was 1.6 +/- 0.1 mM after 60 min of insulin infusion and 1.2 +/- 0.1 mM after running to exhaustion. Artificial increase of plasma free fatty acids had no effect on performance. Intravenous infusion of glucose at the time of fatigue produced an immediate recovery, allowing the formerly fatigued rats to run 20 min without development of fatigue. These results provide evidence that severe hypoglycemia can be a significant cause of fatigue, even if it occurs early in the course of an exercise bout.  相似文献   

Phosphoinositide turnover was investigated in adipocytes from fed and 48 hour fasted rats. Insulin stimulated phosphoinositide synthesis both in adipocytes from fed and fasted rats. Fasting enhanced this effect of insulin 2-fold. Hydrolysis of phosphoinositides to inositol phosphates was not activated by insulin, neither transient after 2 minutes nor after 60 minutes stimulation. Under similar conditions, alpha 1-adrenergic receptor stimulation induced a pronounced inositol phosphate production. Thus, it is suggested that phosphoinositide hydrolysis is not involved in insulin action. The alpha 1-adrenergic effect was similar in adipocytes from fed and fasting rats.  相似文献   

In the presence of complete growth media (Eagle's MEM), human diploid WI-38 cells have a low level of glutamine synthetase activity. The activity could be increased by depriving the cells of exogenous glutamine; addition of hydrocortisone to either glutamine-deficient or complete medium had no effect on the activity of the enzyme. Cell growth ceased under conditions that enhanced glutamine synthetase activity, and hydrocortisone could not reverse this inhibition.  相似文献   

Turnover of liver ribosomes in fed and in fasted rats   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  

Glutamine synthetase activity of muscle in acidosis.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Metabolic acidosis stimulates the rate of glutamine release from muscle, and this in turn is used by the kidney in acid-base balance. NH4Cl, HCl or diabetic ketoacidosis increases the maximum activity of glutamine synthetase in skeletal muscle. Starvation and administration of adrenal steroids also increase the activity of the enzyme in muscle.  相似文献   

Succinivibrio dextrinosolvens C18 was found to possess glutamine synthetase (GS), urease, glutamate dehydrogenase, and several other nitrogen assimilation enzymes. When grown in continuous culture under ammonia limitation, both GS and urease activities were high and glutamate dehydrogenase activity was low, but the opposite activity pattern was observed for growth in the presence of ample ammonia. The addition of high-level (15 mM) ammonium chloride to ammonia-limited cultures resulted in a rapid loss of GS activity as measured by either the gamma-glutamyl transferase or forward assay method with cells or extracts. No similar activity losses occurred for urease, glutamate dehydrogenase, or pyruvate kinase. The GS activity loss was not prevented by the addition of chloramphenicol and rifampin. The GS activity could be recovered by washing or incubating cells in buffer or by the addition of snake venom phosphodiesterase to cell extracts. Manganese inhibited the GS activity (forward assay) of untreated cells but stimulated the GS activity in ammonia-treated cells. Alanine, glycine, and possibly serine were inhibitory to GS activity. Optimal pH values for GS activity were 7.3 and 7.4 for the forward and gamma-glutamyl transferase assays, respectively. The glutamate dehydrogenase activity was NADPH linked and optimal in the presence of KCl. The data are consistent with an adenylylation-deadenylylation control mechanism for GS activity in S. dextrinosolvens, and the GS pathway is a major route for ammonia assimilation under low environmental ammonia levels. The rapid regulation of the ATP-requiring GS activity may be of ecological importance to this strictly anaerobic ruminal bacterium.  相似文献   

The action of thyroid hormones on hepatic glucose-6-phosphatase was studied in rats. Fed and 24-h fasted rats received T3 (10 micrograms/day) or T4 (25 micrograms/day) 1 h, 1 or 3 days before sacrificing. In addition a group of fed rats was treated with T4 for 7 and 14 days. The glucose-6-phosphatase activity was measured in the isolated microsomes prepared from the liver. The intactness of the microsomal preparation was checked using 2 mM mannose-6-phosphate as a substrate. In fed rats a single injection of T3 or T4 augmented the activities of the translocase and hydrolase components of glucose-6-phosphatase provided that the rats were killed 24 h after the administration of hormone. This effect was more pronounced in animals treated for 3-14 days. As expected, fasting per se increased the activities of both components of the enzyme. Moreover, in fasted rats treatment with T3 and T4 for 3 days further augmented the activities of the translocase and the hydrolase components of glucose-6-phosphatase. In fed animals T3 and T4 increased the latency of the enzyme whereas in fasted animals thyroid hormones increased the activities of the translocase and hydrolase components in parallel, maintaining the level of latency of the enzyme system. Administration of T3 and T4 increased blood glucose level in fasted rats after one day, while in fed rats a significant hyperglycaemia appeared after 7-14 days of treatment. In conclusion, T3 and T4 increase the activities of the translocase and hydrolase components of hepatic glucose-6-phosphatase in fed and fasted rats.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Since few previous studies have examined the effects of urocortin on physiological fed and fasted gastrointestinal motility, we administered urocortin intracerebroventricularly (icv) or intravenously (iv) in freely moving conscious rats and examined the changes in antral and duodenal motility. Icv and iv injection of urocortin disrupted fasted motor patterns of gastroduodenal motility, which were replaced by fed-like motor patterns. When urocortin was given icv and iv in the fed state, the motor activity remained like the fed patterns but % motor index (%MI) was decreased in the antrum and increased in the duodenum. Increase in the %MI in the duodenum induced by urocortin was shown as a nonpropagated event, since the transit of nonnutrient contents in the duodenum was decreased by icv and iv injection of urocortin. Changes in the gastroduodenal motility induced by icv injection of urocortin were abolished in animals with truncal vagotomy but not altered in animals with mechanical sympathectomy, suggesting that the vagal pathway may mediate the central action of urocortin. Neither urocortin antiserum nor alpha-helical CRF-(9-41) affected fed and fasted gastroduodenal motility, suggesting that endogenous urocortin is not involved in regulation of basal gastroduodenal motility.  相似文献   

Fiber type specificity for expression of all three rat skeletal muscle pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase (PDK) isoforms (PDK1, 2, and 4) was determined in fed and 24-h fasted rats. PDK activity and isoform protein and mRNA contents were determined in white gastrocnemius (WG; fast-twitch glycolytic), red gastrocnemius (RG; fast-twitch oxidative), and soleus (Sol; slow-twitch oxidative) muscles. PDK activity was lower in WG compared with oxidative muscles (RG, Sol) in both fed and fasted rats. PDK activities from fed muscles were 0.12 +/- 0.04, 0.30 +/- 0.01, and 0.36 +/- 0.08 min(-1) in WG, Sol, and RG, respectively, and increased in fasted muscles (0.36 +/- 0.09, 0.68 +/- 0.18, and 0.80 +/- 0.14 min(-1)). This correlated with increased PDK4 protein and to a lesser extent with PDK4 mRNA. PDK2 protein was not different between fiber types in fed or fasted rats, but PDK2 mRNA content was twofold greater in RG from fasted rats compared with fed rats. PDK1 was unaltered by fasting in all muscle types at both the protein and mRNA level, but in both fed and fasted rats had much greater protein and mRNA content in the oxidative vs. glycolytic muscles. In conclusion, PDK activity and PDK1 and 4 protein and mRNA were lower in glycolytic vs. oxidative muscles from fed and fasted rats. Fasting for 24 h induced a two- to threefold increase in PDK activity that was mainly due to increases in PDK4 protein and mRNA. PDK1 and 2 protein and mRNA were generally unaltered by fasting in all fiber types, except for increased PDK2 mRNA in the fast oxidative fibers. Because the PDK isoforms vary greatly in their kinetic properties, their relative proportions in the three fiber types at any given time during fasting could significantly alter the acute regulation of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex.  相似文献   

Succinivibrio dextrinosolvens C18 was found to possess glutamine synthetase (GS), urease, glutamate dehydrogenase, and several other nitrogen assimilation enzymes. When grown in continuous culture under ammonia limitation, both GS and urease activities were high and glutamate dehydrogenase activity was low, but the opposite activity pattern was observed for growth in the presence of ample ammonia. The addition of high-level (15 mM) ammonium chloride to ammonia-limited cultures resulted in a rapid loss of GS activity as measured by either the gamma-glutamyl transferase or forward assay method with cells or extracts. No similar activity losses occurred for urease, glutamate dehydrogenase, or pyruvate kinase. The GS activity loss was not prevented by the addition of chloramphenicol and rifampin. The GS activity could be recovered by washing or incubating cells in buffer or by the addition of snake venom phosphodiesterase to cell extracts. Manganese inhibited the GS activity (forward assay) of untreated cells but stimulated the GS activity in ammonia-treated cells. Alanine, glycine, and possibly serine were inhibitory to GS activity. Optimal pH values for GS activity were 7.3 and 7.4 for the forward and gamma-glutamyl transferase assays, respectively. The glutamate dehydrogenase activity was NADPH linked and optimal in the presence of KCl. The data are consistent with an adenylylation-deadenylylation control mechanism for GS activity in S. dextrinosolvens, and the GS pathway is a major route for ammonia assimilation under low environmental ammonia levels. The rapid regulation of the ATP-requiring GS activity may be of ecological importance to this strictly anaerobic ruminal bacterium.  相似文献   

The combined stress of acute immobilization (IM) at high and low ambient temperature has been used to determine its influence on adrenal catecholamine (CA) content assassed histofluorimetrically in fed and 24 hour fasted rats. The general course of changes obtained after the arrangement of adrenal strips deriving from the adrenals of rats exposed to cold and IM stress (CIMS) at +10 degrees C to -25 degrees C during the different time fragments presented the adrenal CA depletion events followed sometimes by the adrenal CA content increase after the longer stress exposure or/and stronger CIMS and WIMS conditions. It was found that this depletion-stimulated increase of adrenal Ca synthesis rate had been accelerated in 24 h fasted rats compared to satiated ones exposed to the same stress conditions, especially after the CIMS exposure. Moreover the survival time duration at first lethal temperature (-5 degrees C and +45 degrees C) was significantly higher in fasted rats. The possible hypothalamic regulation of adrenal CA synthesis rate accordingly to the actual metabolism needs and beta-adrenoceptor sensitivity changes depending on satiety state have been discussed and the necessity of further investigations concerning the specificity of stress-induced metabolism changes in 24 h starved rats has been suggested.  相似文献   

The fine structure of hepatocytes from rats maintained on a controlled feeding schedule are described. Liver samples were processed for electron microscopy, histochemistry and chemical determinations of glycogen at precise time-intervals following a 30-hour fast and a 2-hour meal. Hepatocytes from 30-hour-fasted rats with extremely low hepatic glycogen levels were devoid of glycogen particles. Centrilobular cells showed areas of the cytoplasm rich in vesicles of smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) while periportal hepatocytes contained less extensive regions of SER. Soon after feeding the fasted rats, glycogen particles appeared in regions of the cell rich in SER. Centrilobular hepatocytes contained numerous glycogen areas which were infiltrated with tubules of SER, while periportal cells showed dense glycogen deposits with SER restricted to the periphery of the masses of glycogen. Throughout glycogen deposition each glycogen particle was closely associated with membranes of SER until maximum glycogen deposition was achieved 12 hours after initiation of feeding. At this point SER was reduced to the lowest amounts of the time-periods studied. During stages of glycogen depletion SER proliferated and reached the highest concentration measured in this study. Tubules of SER were present throughout the glycogen masses of centrilobular hepatocytes, whereas in periportal cells the organelle was restricted to the periphery of the glycogen masses. It is concluded that SER is associated with glycogen particles in rat hepatocytes during both deposition and depletion of glycogen.  相似文献   

The oscillations of the free fatty acid concentration in the serum and white (epididymal) adipose tissue, of triglycerides in the serum and liver, of total serum, liver and adrenal cholesterol and of serum phospholipids were studied at 3-hour intervals for a period of 24 hours in fed male Wistar rats and in animals fasted for 24 hours (both adapted to an illumination regimen of 12 hours' light and 12 hours' darkness. The rhythm--studied by means of the cosinor analysis--was present in most of the given parameters; it was not recorded in the liver triglycerides and serum phospholipids of fasted rats and in the adrenal cholesterol of fed animals. Apart from the circadian rhythm, many parameters distinctly displayed an ultradian rhythm, mainly an approximately 12-hour period. In general, one day's starvation did not significantly affect the course of the circadian oscillations of the given indicators of rat lipid metabolism.  相似文献   

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